rSlash - r/Maliciouscompliance OK... If You Say So

Episode Date: February 17, 2021

r/Maliciouscompliance In today's episode, OP works at a coffee shop with a terrible, sexist boss who constantly harasses his female employees. Eventually he pushes things too far when he implements a dress code requiring the lady employees to wear sexy outfits to work. The male employees maliciously comply by showing up to work the next day wearing the sexy outfits: short skirts and bare midriffs. The boss reverts the policy shortly thereafter. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:34 Today's subreddit is R-Slash malicious compliance, where a clever young boy complies with his care and mother. Our next Reddit post is from Kiki by the way. Years ago, I worked for an awesome company that understood that workplace culture and fun was a huge part in keeping employees happy and productive. In our office, people would often bicycle to work and therefore needed to shower and get ready at work. This meant that, sometimes, they didn't get to their desk until after 9 a.m. However, nearly everyone worked extra when we had to deliver on deadlines. Management didn't care because they knew the work was getting done and everyone always
Starting point is 00:01:07 gave 100%. Enter the new HR manager. We had never really had one before, but we were growing so we needed one. Within her first few weeks, she sent out an email saying that everyone needed to be seated and ready to go at 9am, and that we needed to stop having social chats and get ready at work, or if we needed to stop having social chats and get ready at work, or if we did to do it earlier. She never acknowledged the fact that everyone put in unpaid overtime. CUMELICIOUS COMPLIENCE
Starting point is 00:01:34 Everyone would start at 9 a.m. as per her email and then leave at 5 p.m. Project started running behind and clients started getting pissed off because their product wasn't being delivered on time. The new HR manager was confused off because their product wasn't being delivered on time. The new HR manager was confused as to why work wasn't being delivered on time anymore. People were starting on time, she made sure of it. Needless to say, upper management removed the rule and she quit shortly thereafter. We all went back to our normal ways and wouldn't you know what projects were back on track. Don't walk into a new company and try to change something that isn't broken, the people
Starting point is 00:02:08 will revolt. Down in the comments, we have this story from a lady. The best department manager I ever had came in, and when asked what he was going to change he replied, I'm going to spend a month seeing how things run, then we'll expand upon the good and fix the bad. And beneath that bon moistest ads, don't rock the boat until you know what's keeping it afloat. Our next Reddit post is from Shalowish Puddle.
Starting point is 00:02:31 I used to work at this one coffee shop. My first chain coffee shop after working only at local or family run ones. Simply put, it was hell! The owners would micromanage everything without knowing anything about how the business ran. They never listened to their staff and they only cared about the money. They were typical out of touch business owners. I was hired to replace a manager that had walked out of one of their locations, leaving it with only part time staff.
Starting point is 00:02:56 I was told I was being hired on as the acting manager until they either hired someone else or they felt that I would be a good fit for the position after my six months probation. I won't go into everything they went wrong because there's a lot to summarize, but it was literal hell. I was expected to cover all no-shows, which had me working 90 to 100 hours a week. I wasn't allowed to fire anyone no matter how many things they did wrong. Someone actually showed up to work drunk, and I still wasn't allowed to fire them. And any changes I wanted to implement were shot down, like replacing old parts in the espresso machine,
Starting point is 00:03:31 shortening our hours to save money on labor, bringing in items that customers would always ask for, etc. I was stressed, overworked, and irritated as hell when the owner comes in to talk to me about sales for our store. We weren't making enough to warrant the hours I'd scheduled, and he wasn't going to pay me any more over time. I would only work the hours I'm scheduled, and if someone no showed, I had to have someone else cover those shifts. I tried to explain to him that I only came in when no one else would cover, and it just so happened that the people he allowed to continue working there had terrible availability.
Starting point is 00:04:05 Covering the schedule was already hard enough, getting someone other than me to come in on their day off was next to impossible. On top of all that, I had to learn the ropes myself. There was no one to train me, so all the managerial knowledge, ordering, scheduling, I learned myself. I was the only person who knew how to order more coffee or had the number for the repair guys. The only thing the other employee knew how to do was just make coffee and use the till. The hunter wasn't hearing any of it. All I'm hearing is excuses. This is your store. If you can't handle running in, I'll start looking for someone who will. I said,
Starting point is 00:04:41 wasn't that the plan though? It's been three months since my probation period ended and you never gave me the manager position. So, I assumed you were looking for someone else to take over. I think it's in your best interest to take some time off. Start thinking about your position here and whether you actually want to start moving up. I can't, there's no one to cover me. You're taking this time off.
Starting point is 00:05:04 Is this a paid break? No, consider this a timeout for you getting yourself sorted. Take the two weeks to rest, and we'll see what your position will be like when you get back. Owner, I really can't afford to take that amount of time off. I can't even take two days off without having to come in and cover.
Starting point is 00:05:21 Don't worry about the business right now. It'll run without you. Now to put this in the perspective, I was basically the manager at that point. I made the schedules, I did the orders, I knew the codes to the safe in the alarm. I wasn't allowed to hire someone to assist me and no one worked enough time to be able to cover even half of my shifts. I knew this, the staff knew this, even customers knew this. I made sure to block all my work numbers and I spent those two weeks looking for another job. I managed to find one after a few days that paid significantly more.
Starting point is 00:05:53 I sent my resignation email to the payroll and the owner, deleted my account off the POS system, and I spent the rest of the leave catching up on well-deserved sleeve, having blocked all work numbers. I'm not getting paid, so I'm not working. According to my co-workers, things started going wrong the next day. One of the openers didn't show, and the next staff member didn't have keys. The owner wasn't answering his phone, so they left a message. The owner didn't show up until one of his regulars called asking if the place was closed down. The owner showed up for hours after they were supposed to open.
Starting point is 00:06:29 Orders weren't placed, inventory went missing, there were four no-shows, you name it, it went wrong. The owner tried every way that he possibly could to get a hold of me. He even used a customer's phone to call me. Too bad I don't answer any calls and I'm on my contact list already. After two weeks I turned my phone back on and I got a call this same day from the owner. We agreed to meet the next day. So this guy.
Starting point is 00:06:57 So you've had some time to think. I have. It's really given me perspective on my position here. We can start you back on your normal hours for now, and we're looking for a manager to take on more of your responsibilities. Oh, that's good. I'm actually quitting. He was silent for a few moments.
Starting point is 00:07:16 I think he was waiting to tell me that I was kidding. Sucks for you, buddy. I'm serious. I said, I've already emailed payroll and removed my login from the computer. Here are my keys. Good luck. And I left. The owner tried calling me a few times, but stopped once I told him to check his email. I was on OK terms with some of the staff that worked there, and apparently the majority of them had quit after I left. The owner did find a replacement pretty quickly, but without anyone to train them, they were screwed from
Starting point is 00:07:44 the get go and left pretty soon after they were hired. I'm super petty, so I'm always checking reviews from customers and employees, and they have consistently sucked for the past year, and they seem to be on a downward trend over the past year. Alright, I'm going to be honest with you, when OP came back after his two weeks vacation, I naively thought the manager was going to eat crow. I was not expecting the owner to be smug and condescending. Like dude, this is your money on the line.
Starting point is 00:08:12 You bought this business, which means if it's not making money, you're just bleeding money. If I were in that manager's position, I would have doubled OP salary and begged him to come back. You're flying to meet with a new supplier to keep your business growing. And with the business platinum card from American Express, you can earn $820 in new value and more, which includes a $200 travel credit toward your flight. Now, boarding business class. American Express, don't do business without it. Terms and conditions apply visit slash business platinum.
Starting point is 00:09:23 Our next reddit post is from Fyla Brother. Let me start off by saying that my wife, whom I love, is a bit of a Karen. She's not 100% a Karen, but years of modeling her own mother's behavior has created a mini-monster that sometimes comes out when she doesn't get her way. The other person in this story is my son. He's 10 and completely devious. How devious? This morning I woke up and walked out to the kitchen to find an empty bag of semi-sweet chocolate chips on the counter that I didn't even know we had. Apparently it was bought for cookies at some point,
Starting point is 00:09:56 and he hid them and has been eating them at night while he reads Minecraft fanfic on his Kindle. Okay, you have the characters. Now for the malicious compliance. On odd days, my son has chores to load the dishwasher after his little brother empties it. We have a household of six, so we generate a lot of dishes. And we rotate the duties so nobody gets stuck doing them every day. The other day, my wife noticed that my son hadn't started the dishwasher after he loaded it. She got kind of huffy about it. Son, what's the point of loading the dishwasher if you don't start it? Now we'll be behind in dishes today.
Starting point is 00:10:29 Being the sensible father I am, I suggested to my wife that perhaps we can provide our son with some sort of guidance on when exactly he should run the dishwasher. I was thinking she would give him a threshold of how many dishes or something. But my wife was only thinking about the inconvenience of the moment and without thinking it through, she said, Every time you do the dishes, you have to run the dishwasher. Q yesterday morning, I came out for breakfast and my wife was grumpy. I asked what was wrong, she pulled open the dishwasher, and while it was clear that it
Starting point is 00:11:00 was run, there was a single glass inside. You see, after dinner dishes were dried and put away, my son came down to get a glass of water. Knowing that he was making a dish and that it was technically still his day, he opted to load his dirty glass into the empty dishwasher, and remembering my wife's rule, he opted to follow it to the letter. I laughed. My wife was not amused, but even she had to admit that he only did what she told him to do.
Starting point is 00:11:32 This reminds me of a story from my childhood. When I was really young, sometime in the summer, I had the air conditioning running in my room and I had one of my windows open. My dad came in, he saw that I was running the AC with one of the windows open and he got really pissed off. I don't know why, I guess he must have had a bad day at work or something, but it really set him off and he went on this angry rant. He was just screaming and yelling and at the end of it he said, do you think I want to pay all this money to cool down the whole freaking universe? This whole time I have been quietly listening to my dad's rant with my head bowed in shame. But when he said that, I couldn't help but let out a little lap and my smart ass self came out and said, but dad, the universe is already cold. So I guess
Starting point is 00:12:17 the too long didn't read of that story is I had to go sit and time out. Our next Reddit post is from Kithurain. Many, many years ago, I worked in a small coffee shop on a university campus. Work was great. We had fun and we loved the owners. Unfortunately, after two years of working there, they retired. The new owner came in and he put up multiple cameras. He put up like eight cameras in a 3 meter by 10 meter coffee shop with all the cameras trained on the counter in the staff areas. He also used to proposition the girls. We were all university students,
Starting point is 00:12:51 so we were 17 to 21 years old. He said that they would get extra shifts if they went home with them. If you argued with them, then you would get your work hours cut to the bare minimum. A couple of months in, he decides that he's going to change the uniform. Our uniform was previously just to lose black polo shirt with a cafe logo, black pants and clothes shoes, standard coffee shop staff attire. He decides that the uniform would change, but only for the girls. Now the girls have to wear a mid-ripped top with a cafe logo and low-rise pants. The boys still get to wear the old uniform. We argue that this was unsafe because you can't put hot coffee in plates of food next to bear
Starting point is 00:13:31 a skin, but we got told too bad so sad. So the staff got together and hashed out a plan. The first day of the new uniform, the girl showed up in the old uniform. The boy showed up in the mid-riiff tops in the low-rise pants. The new uniform policy lasted one hour. The boss was not impressed. No one lost their job because our coffee shop was right next to the law faculty. One of the students had already had a conversation with her lecture about what was going on. I'm pretty sure that if we'd been fired for noncompliance with uniform, that the boss
Starting point is 00:14:06 would have found himself in far more trouble. This guy tried to bribe girls coming back to his house with extra shifts. Like it's bad enough that he's slimy, but he's also got to be cheap and slimy. Our next way to post this from liability landen. So after I graduated college, I went back to work at my high school job at a large auto-parch chain. I have a few stories of malicious compliance from there because it was a miserable place to work with miserable management, but I think this one takes the cake. I lived about 15 minutes from the store, and I would routinely work one to two hours past my shift to help the manager close up and tally cash sale receipts,
Starting point is 00:14:43 as well as take out the trash prep and stage the first deliveries for the next morning, as well as sweep the storefront. I didn't mind doing these things because I got a little bit of overtime out of it, I got new graces of my manager, or so I thought, and even though my drive home was short, staying a little late letting traffic die down was fine with me. One morning I walked in at about 907 when my shift was scheduled to start at 9. I didn't see what the big issue was since I'd been staying late every day for months helping my manager close the store, but my manager apparently took issue with it that day. It would have been fine if he had said something along the lines of, hey OP, you're late and I know you worked long yesterday, but let's still get here on time.
Starting point is 00:15:22 But that isn't what he said. He flew off the handle and went on about needing to work your schedule, and we have schedules for a reason. And you need to be at work for the schedule that I made for you. Well, needless to say, since I've been staying late for months to help him close the store, despite it not being on my schedule, this rubbed me the wrong way. And for clarity, it's against store policy to have only one person working in the store at a time. So I convinced myself that instead of causing a scene in yelling, I would just do exactly
Starting point is 00:15:53 what he said. So 530 rolls around, and I stood in front of the computer until it hit 530 exactly, clocked out, and started walking towards the door. Where are you going, home? What? Why? Who's going to help me close the store tonight? I don't know, but you made it very clear that I was supposed to work my schedule.
Starting point is 00:16:14 So I get off at 5.30, it's now 5.30 and I'm going home. And I walked out. The next morning I got there at 8.55 and I just stood in front of the computer until I hit 9 o'clock. Fones ringing, too bad my shift hasn't started. Delivery's need to go out. Sorry, I'm not on the clock yet. I clocked in at 9 o'clock and then clocked out at 5.30. I had the same conversation as a day before about who was going to help my manager close. The third morning I walk in and my manager waits for me to clock in and then pulls me
Starting point is 00:16:47 aside to talk to me. Ya know, I think we can overlook a few minutes in the morning if you stay and help me close. Oh, interesting. I thought I was supposed to just work my schedule. Ya well, I guess we can overlook that. I had very few problems with this manager after this little exchange. That was our slash malicious compliance and if you like this content, be sure to follow my podcast because I put out new Reddit podcast episodes every single day.

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