rSlash - r/Niceguys vs Nicegirls "I Will Convert Lesbians with My D***"

Episode Date: June 28, 2023

0:00 Intro 0:07 Lesbian vs nice guy 2:28 Telescope 7:13 Break up please 8:28 Tinder liar 10:19 Nice girls 10:22 Hates happiness 11:31 Orphans only 12:08 Stalker vibes 15:41 Break up for me 16:25 for customers 17:20 Wild memes Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Your business has grown fast, from opening your first location to planning an expansion in no time. And with your business platinum card from American Express, you can access spending power and payment flexibility to fuel your growth. Sarah, the contractor is here with the plans. American Express, don't do business without it. Terms and conditions apply visit slash business platinum. Welcome to our slash nice guys versus our slash nice girls, where a nice guy tries to convert a lesbian with his dog. Hi, you're very beautiful.
Starting point is 00:00:40 Oh, hi, thank you. Who are you? I'm a friend of Blink. I found your stuff off of her. It took me a while to find you, but you're just so pretty I had to find you, Lull. Oh, that's not creepy at all. Lull, sorry, I didn't mean for it to come off that way. I just wanted to appreciate your beauty. So, are you taken? Um, yeah. Why do you ask? I don't know. I wanted to see if you wanted to go out sometime, but I guess since you're taking, you won't take me up on that offer.
Starting point is 00:01:12 I mean, it depends on what you mean by going out. If it's a friend thing, then maybe we could go with our mutual friend. No, no. I meant just one on one. You know, hang out, get to know each other. Our mutual friend was gonna invite me the next time all of you guys hung out together. So why don't we just get to know each other then? That would be a lot easier since she's probably gonna schedule something soon. Because I wanted to get to know you more personally. Who knows, I might even take you from your boyfriend, Loll. You mean my girlfriend?
Starting point is 00:01:45 Oh, what are you? One of them buy girls? I mean, I don't judge. I'd love to have a threesome with someone like you, Lull. Just means more poop for the both of us. Ah, excuse me. Number one, I'm not by. Number two, I'm lesbian, so I'd never date or passionately hug with a man much less someone like you.
Starting point is 00:02:08 3. That's so disrespectful and disgusting to say. Gosh, I was just being funny. It was a joke. Calm down. I see why no guy wanted to date you. You sound like a stuck up beward. That's probably why you claimed that you're lesbian.
Starting point is 00:02:23 When in reality, you were just too ugly to get dick. Maybe if you had some you wouldn't be so toxic to everyone you meet. I was being nice. You were not being nice and that's not how lesbians work. Consider yourself blocked. No, no, wait, I'm sorry. I was kidding, don't block me. Okay, for this next one, this guy wrote a really, really long message to some girl.
Starting point is 00:02:50 And I'm hoping it's gonna be worth it, but I want you to understand that this guy wrote this girl a frickin' essay. Alright, let's dive in and see where it goes. I know that we just met, and I know that we're both still learning from each other, and we both have a lot of common interest in what we like and love to do. And we're both science majors and love science so much. But I wanted us to hang out together, learn more about each other. I wanted to take you out to so many lovely places like parks, libraries, virtual reality concerts, gyms, work out together, eat together, play music, games, doing a lot of scientific activities together.
Starting point is 00:03:26 And then I was thinking about giving my Hubble G-Skyer Space Telescope to you. Until you said to me straight up out of nowhere that you were already taken by some dude, and you have a boyfriend so yeah. I hear too many freaking girls always bring that up, and they're always with some other guy. So I'm very pissed off, upset, angry, hurt, and disappointed. I was happy to meet you until you said that you've got to do that you're with. So forget it and never mind. I hate hearing when you girls always saying that you're taken by some guy, especially when we have something in common and I also have something to give you and show you, but I'm disappointed.
Starting point is 00:04:06 Have fun with your boyfriend and do whatever you do together. This is BULLSHIT! But it's whatever, frowny face. Nobody understands me nor spends time with me. It's always something. But I see how it is. Enjoy your life with that dude. Go passionately hug. suck his t**t, get married, have kids, and I already know that he's expecting that and you're expecting all that junk too, but it's whatever. Too many girls always bragging and bringing up some stupid boyfriend
Starting point is 00:04:36 relationship taken thing. I was so excited to give you something and show you something and bring you my telescope and help you more with science and teach you something that you didn't know about and show you real space stuff that I've captured on my own and we had something in common and I bet that he has nothing in common with you like I do but never mind you got some stupid boyfriend so enjoy your life with him this is bullshit I was being all nice until you said, I have a boyfriend, every freaking bad girl always says that, and that's effed up and not cool. Enjoy your life with him. It's whatever.
Starting point is 00:05:15 I see how it is. I said that I have a boyfriend because I could tell that you were interested and I didn't want to lead you on, and he reacted with a middle finger emoji. But copy that, bullet dodged. I have no words. And he reacted to that with a middle finger emoji. Just because you brag about some sucky relationship about you and your stupid boyfriend, I have a boyfriend, nobody effing cares or asked. Plus, I did care about you, and I wanted to get you a space telescope and a lot of scientific stuff I have here. All kinds of experiments, tools, artifacts, and more, but held to the know.
Starting point is 00:05:54 F that, you blew it. And this ghosting BS that you pulled when I said good morning to you pissed me off. And it makes you unworthy and untrustworthy to people. I was also going to give you my $800 radioactive sound wave and HDD universal Hubble G-Skyer Space Telescope. But no, ask your boyfriend to buy it for you. Wasting my damn time with sucky stupid people and terrible bad girls bringing up that garbage. I was being nice and saying these nice things at school all for nothing. So enjoy your stupid life with your damn guy with you. You ain't no real science person and ain't no real good person nor not a good friend at all. What a disappointment. I had a nice walk in everything and tell you F did all up. Waste of my damn time and everyone's lifetime.
Starting point is 00:06:47 Respectfully, you need therapy. I need you to stay the hell away from me on Tuesdays and stop messaging me which you won't be able to anyway since I'm blocking you. I don't need you nor do I give an aff about your existence and besides, I do have a car. A Mercedes Benz. And I don't care about you anyway and nobody does. Like why do we even have you here? Yeah okay thanks for the free entertainment the past couple of days though. I feel like OPEN this story should have said, that's okay nice guy I don't need you to give me your telescope because my boyfriend is giving me
Starting point is 00:07:23 his extendable telescope every single night. Also, this guy keeps going on and on about how they have so much in common, but he keeps talking about science stuff. So my theory with this post is literally, they just sit next to each other in like astronomy class or something in college.
Starting point is 00:07:40 And in his eyes, that means that they share interests. Hey, man, can I talk to you about a girl? I guess so, what about her? I've been talking with her a lot and we've grown pretty close. I know that you're her boyfriend and all, but I was gonna politely ask if you could break up with her. I just really feel a connection to her and she would be happy with me. That's funny because she told me you were creepy and constantly text her when she doesn't reply. You need to stop talking to my girlfriend and get the F out of
Starting point is 00:08:09 my DMs. LOOOOL You know she's just using that as an excuse because she'd rather tell you that than the truth, which is that she met a nice, charming alpha male. You betas are all the same. What the F did you make her block me? To be honest, I should thank you. I didn't even want that ugly whore anyways. Have fun with her though, beta. You're insane.
Starting point is 00:08:32 Alright, this nice guy is pulling the classic alpha move. Um, excuse me, Mr. Beta, but could you please break up with your girlfriend so that I could date her? Pretty, pretty please, if it's not too much trouble Ooh-woo like aren't Alpha supposed to be Mr. Steel your girl not Mr. Will you please break up with your girlfriend so that I can have her? I mean if it's not too much trouble our next post starts off with a tender profile about me all American when I try to pet my cat and she goes, please no, I back off because I believe in mutual
Starting point is 00:09:06 consent. I don't care about looks or passionate hugging, I just want to find someone who doesn't fall asleep or text during movies. I'm looking for someone cool to just drive around the city at night listening to loud music with. I'm liberal and 6 foot O. Then OP matches with this guy and the guy texture. I love what you did with your tits.
Starting point is 00:09:27 What do you mean? It means they look great and they really tie the room together. Okay. Oh my god, cut the garbage. Are you actually offended or do you just feel like you should be because of the F-Dup repressed empowerment culture? You clearly show off your tits in the photos. You're not being sly. So just be yourself with me. I can't stand fake people. What do you
Starting point is 00:09:50 want Tinder for? Wow, so that was a lot of red flags. I will cut the garbage and get real with you. I don't give an F that you noticed my tits. I think they're nice and I don't mind showing them off. I was more cringing at your opening line because it's just kind of pointless. Apparently, like matching with you was. Especially when your bio says that you don't care about looks, and the first two things you say to me are in regards to my appearance. Then, you turn around and pop off with an attitude about empowerment and stuff, and I was like, okay, and you call me Sly and insinuate that I'm fake because of that?
Starting point is 00:10:26 You are wild as F. As for what I'm on Tinder for, thank you for making it so incredibly clear that it's not you. Have the day that you deserve. Yo, how is this guy complaining that women are fake when he has the fakes profile on Planet Earth? I respect women and I treat them with dignity. Hey, nice tits, lady! Metrolinx and cross-links are reminding everyone to be careful, as Eglinton Cross-Town LRT train testing is in progress. Please be alert, as trains can pass at any time on the tracks. Remember to follow all traffic signals. Be careful along our tracks, and only make left turns where it's safe to do so. Be alert, be aware, and stay safe.
Starting point is 00:11:14 These side marios all you can eat is all you can munch a soup, sell it, and gollic homo. Mom, me, I'm gonna move out of here! That was our slash nice guys and this is our Slash Nights, girls. Posted a Reddit. Do you hate seeing happy couples in public? I do with a passion. I can't accept the fact that I'll end up alone. It feels horrible when all you want is to give and receive love.
Starting point is 00:11:41 I'm not ugly by any means. I work out, eat healthy, take care of my appearance, etc. But I can't get a guy that I can keep and have a meaningful relationship with. I'm not toxic or difficult by any means. I think I'm too nice and I need to change that. I hate, hate, hate, hate seeing couples in public, especially when they're having a good time and holding hands. Why not me? I tried everything, dating apps,
Starting point is 00:12:10 meeting people in public, et cetera. Nothing works out for me. I'm too old to date too. I'm 36. Jesus, the self-awareness of these people, how can you say that you're a nice person and you're not difficult, and then literally
Starting point is 00:12:25 the next sentence say, hate one, two, three, four times. Hate, hate, hate, hate. Maybe you're not a nice person, maybe you're a hateful person or a hate four person because you said it four times. This next post comes from a Tinder profile. Age 18. I'm beautiful so I'm looking for minimal beauty, not a feminine, 190 pounds or over. A guy who likes to visit museums. A beautiful dress style, but not in fashion. Smart please, you need to have ambitions and a job. You need to be a virgin who has never known a woman. You need to not have a mother, a sister, or best friend.
Starting point is 00:13:03 Yo, this girl wants to date an orphan with no family who has a good job, is well dressed, and is in shape. She wants to date Batman. And honestly, I can't really blame her because I'm pretty straight, but I date Batman too. Hey, thanks for everything last night, and I'm really happy that you said that we could still be friends. It's something I'd really like to continue to be friends.
Starting point is 00:13:26 Like those dates that we had, I thought we had such good chemistry. Do you want to have lunch tomorrow? Hey nice girl, hope all is well. I can't have lunch tomorrow. I mentioned last night that I'm flying to the East Coast for two weeks to see my family and friends. And yeah, we can be friends like I said, but we just saw each other last night, so that's a pretty quick turnaround, no?
Starting point is 00:13:49 Oh right, sorry, I forgot. Well, it's okay. Be safe, kissy face. Like, have a safe flight, I mean, lol. Text me when you land safely. Flying can be stressful. Sorry, I pocket-diled you. What airline are you flying? I'll be able to track the flight to make sure you're okay. I hope you landed safely. I landed and it took me a while to get my rental car. Look, I know you came from a good place with your messages, but you really don't have to constantly message me as if we were in a relationship. I need a little bit of space, you know what I mean? I'm just being a nice caring friend. I appreciate the thoughtfulness, but just the rate of messages you send so frequently
Starting point is 00:14:31 is honestly overwhelming me. I really don't want to be me saying this. I hope you understand. You're like every guy ever on Bumble, gaslighting me, making me feel like I'm crazy. You take advantage of me, I suck your **** on our second date, and we passionately hugged, and then one month later, you throw me away like a piece of trash because you got your fix. You never gave me a chance for a real relationship, typical. What?
Starting point is 00:14:58 We went on like eight dates, and we really tried to give everything between us a fair chance to see if it would lead anywhere. I never want to take advantage of anybody. I don't know why you're saying this stuff right now. You're full of garbage. You're probably already swiping right on new girls. I feel bad for them. What's so funny is that you're going to regret breaking up with me.
Starting point is 00:15:19 You know how many guys are lining up for me? I can't wait to passionately hug a real man for once. A man who's a real gentleman. Who's that flat-chested B-word in your Instagram story? Is she your girlfriend? Have you been cheating on her? I wonder what she's going to think if I told you that I sucked your boyfriend's dick. You pig! No girl is ever gonna make you feel as good as I made you feel. You're gonna come crawling back to me you moron! Have fun with your East Coast trash! I honestly dodge to bullet with you.
Starting point is 00:15:54 A misogynist who only cares about inner courses which you are. F you! You gaslighting freak! This is harassment at this point. Stop messaging me. Stop lurking on my social media accounts and following my friends. I'm not gaslighting you. I'm not taking advantage of you.
Starting point is 00:16:12 I wasn't cheating on you. You're the only person I went on dates with in a while, and honestly, my experience with you has made me take a break from dating altogether. I hope you find some peace in life and some help. Opie, you went on 8 dates with this woman. You got more patience than me, my friend. Where does this woman get off calling you a gas lighter? Everything that you're saying is just straight up honest, clear, good communication. It's the opposite of gas lighting. On this next post, OP's ex continue to text him for a year after they broke up, and then
Starting point is 00:16:47 they have this conversation. Hey, can we talk? What would you like to talk about? How you should break up with your girlfriend for me? What do you mean? I mean what I said. I mean, why would I do that? Because I'm better than her, and you once told me that you'd never felt the same way about me than anyone else.
Starting point is 00:17:06 I could treat you good, we have so much in common and I miss you. Nice girl, if you have respect for me and respect for yourself, then stop contacting me. I'm in a healthy committed relationship. We have an apartment and pets together. It's quite toxic and disrespectful of you to attempt to put me in the situation. I didn't even consider this idea and I won't in the future either. I wish you well. I'm an escort and I sell my content. Oh. Yeah. I'm sort of not interested in paying for passionate hugging and content. Sorry. Okay, low, you're ugly anyways. Okay. Okay?
Starting point is 00:17:48 I don't know why you're throwing an insult, but whatever. I hope you find what you're looking for. I will, but you won't. Why are you being so rude all of a sudden? Because... Because why? Because you're an ugly motherfucker. Then why even match with me in the first place?
Starting point is 00:18:05 To get you as a customer, but it's okay, I get that you're broke. Oh, you can't handle rejection, and yeah, I'm broke because I spend money on my necessities first. Haha, ugly. Okay, discount Dora, good luck with your train wreck. Thanks. Our next reddit post is a cross post from R-Slashe Am I the Butthole? Am I the Butthole for winning my Bestie's partner to explain why I'm making him uncomfortable to my face? I went a preface this by saying that my sense of humor is quite... Boyish, I guess.
Starting point is 00:18:38 I have an older brother, I used to take Taekwondo lessons, so I have a lot of male friends, and their sense of humor kinda just rubbed off on me. I do like a good, dirty joke and sexual innuendos here and there. This is important for explaining my side of the story. Anyways, my bestie found herself a boyfriend. She introduced us to each other. He's a nice guy and we hit it off immediately. I want to have a good relationship with my besties partners, and I make sure to do so by joking
Starting point is 00:19:05 around with them in a way that I know best. Memes. I noticed that my besties' boyfriend isn't reciprocating, but I haven't thought much about it until it was brought up by my bestie. She sat me down and asked me to tone it down with the sexual jokes and memes, because it's making her and her boyfriend uncomfortable. You see, I know men, I'm hanging out around them my whole life and I know they appreciate a good dirty joke
Starting point is 00:19:30 as much as I do. I also know my bestie. This is her first boyfriend for a long time. She has some insecurities, so it was kind of obvious for me that my jokes and memes were making her uncomfortable. So I told her that I prefer to hear this from her boyfriend. If I really make him so uncomfortable by sending him a meme about hand jobs from time to time, then he's more than welcome to meet me and tell this to my face. She told me that I'm unreasonable because he's not my friend and he's not required to say anything to my face if he's uncomfortable with doing so, and that I'm a butthole for even suggesting it and not accepting their boundaries. As I've said before, I don't think these are their boundaries. That's why I suggested talking
Starting point is 00:20:16 with her boyfriend, but I'm wondering if I really might be the butthole for asking for an explanation from him. Is it really so uncalled for and unheard of? You know, in my entire life, I don't think I've sent or received a single meme about hand jobs from my guy friends. Whatever she thinks guys joke about, she's wrong, at least when it comes to my guy group anyways. That was R-Slash-Nice guys versus R-Slash-Nice girls, and if you like this content, be sure to follow my podcast because I put out new Reddit podcast episodes every single
Starting point is 00:20:44 That was our slash nice guys versus our slash nice girls. And if you like this content, be sure to follow my podcast because I put out new Reddit podcast episodes every single day.

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