rSlash - r/Niceguys vs r/Nicegirls Be My Girlfriend... OR ELSE!

Episode Date: March 18, 2020

r/Niceguys vs r/Nicegirls Love is in the air in today's episode, as creepy niceguys and obsessive nice girls dial their crazy up to 100% as they try to lie, manipulate, and threaten their way into a r...elationship. Who do you think is crazier in today's video, the guys or the girls? Let me know down in the comments! And be sure to subscribe to my channel for more daily Reddit videos! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Your business has grown fast, from opening your first location to planning an expansion in no time. And with your business platinum card from American Express, you can access spending power and payment flexibility to fuel your growth. Sarah, the contractor is here with the plans. American Express, don't do business without it. Terms and conditions apply visit slash business platinum. Welcome to our slash nice guys versus our slash nice girls where you get to decide which group is crazier. First, we have our slash nice guys.
Starting point is 00:00:38 My daughter started her period on the bus ride home today and a boy a year older than her that she doesn't really know, pulled her aside and whispered in her ear that she had a stain on the back of her pants, and gave her his sweater to tie around her way so she could walk home off the bus. She said she was kind of embarrassed and originally said it's okay, but the boy insisted and told her, I have sisters, it's all good. If you're this boy's mom, I want to say thank you and that you're raising him right. We hear so many bad things about today's youth and I wanted to share something positive.
Starting point is 00:01:11 Then this guy replies, and little did the boy know he'll be constantly friend zones, left on red and put on the back burner until he says, screw this. It sounds nice, but I've been there and know how stuff like this will play out. Right, because that's how every 13 year old romance starts. Hey, I gave you my sweater to cover your period, so show how grateful you are and suck my dick. Hey, hey, how are you? Good, thanks, what about you?
Starting point is 00:01:43 Happy now I'm talking to you. Gonna get right to it. You're very attractive and I would very much like to date you. I'm much better than all the other guys out there and would actually treat you good instead of messing you about like the other guys. I treat you so, so right, and we'd have fun. Meet me tomorrow when I'll show you. Say yes, baby.
Starting point is 00:02:05 Dude, I'm literally a lesbian. I post about it all the time. Ha ha, but you're not a little. I'll fix what you think in five minutes. Come on, baby. No girls really a lesbian. They just haven't found the right guy like me. I… So we can meet in town tomorrow, yeah? At Blank. No. You know what? F you! You're just using silly excuses to not take what's right in front of you.
Starting point is 00:02:34 I'm better than any other guy and all you can come up with is your lesbian. We would have a great time together. But I'll give you a chance to get my forgiveness. If you send a pick. Then we can still meet at Plank near where I live. Yes, kissy face. Okay, fine, be like that, but you know you missed out on the best guy you could have gotten. You'll never have anything better, you'll just stay with silly guys who will treat you
Starting point is 00:03:03 bad and keep getting sad over them and be and alone, and just tell all the nice guys silly lies like you're a lesbian. I'm so nice to all girls and respect them, but you've missed your chance, so don't come crawling back to me with the next F-Boy leaves you brokenhearted after two days. Keep your deluded thinking of Lesbian and stay under the rock you live. Not even going to reply. Coward. Reply. Sorry, lost control a bit.
Starting point is 00:03:33 Sorry. Reply. Don't tell Blank about this. I promise. I mean, we'll just get angry. I can't help it. I'm in a very bad place. I'm always sad and lonely, rejected
Starting point is 00:03:46 by all girls. Need a girlfriend to make me happy again. But that's never going to happen. For F's sake, I opened up to you and you won't even reply, probably hiding in the corner. Scared. This guy doesn't need a girlfriend. he needs a therapist, or maybe even a jail cell. Or I'll be at your house. I was at school, leave me alone. Yeah, right. We're not together in any way, we're no longer a part of each other's lives. So tell me who you f***ing.
Starting point is 00:04:20 No one. Why are you such a d***? I'm trying to make it clear, we are nothing anymore. Do not speak to me anymore. You f-ing any of my friends, I'm gonna be at your house. I'm assuming you're passionately hugging someone else already. Just meet me today. This is BS. Stop doing this now. Hey, call me back. Please, you mean so much to me. Okay, I'm coming over then. You home? I'm sorry. Who are you with?
Starting point is 00:04:50 Please stop being so mean to me. Don't go for anyone I know. So, you know what? You want to start it on a clean slate with me and do it, then let's do it. Otherwise, eff it, I was never with you. So stop saying I cheated on you, Effer, because I didn't. I actually started to like slash love you and it hurts because you're leaving. So, Effet, I'll tell you what's up. I never cheated on you. So look at it however you want, girl, but we were never anything. F***. And now I want to be, and you're an idiot for leaving. I promise you, if you come back to me, I'll show you a relationship you've never had before.
Starting point is 00:05:30 Please, blink, I promise. I'm over the way I've been. I wish I could speak with you. I'm serious. Let's take it to another level. I promise. Come on. I'll buy two tickets to Japan for us after you're done with clinical if you
Starting point is 00:05:46 just give me a shot. You're evil. I hate you. WTF is your problem. Answer your f-ing phone. Answer now. F. F you.
Starting point is 00:05:59 Stupid woman. I wanted to make it up to you and you ruined it. F-ing dumb whore. Stupid buttole I can't believe you effing pissed me off like this. I'm coming back to do something ever. I'll make you so mad. And then OP post a screenshot of what looks like maybe 20 to 25 consecutive missed calls from this guy.
Starting point is 00:06:23 OP also explains down in the comments that almost 3 years later he still makes fake phone numbers to text and call her from. He also made a fake Instagram profile to follow her private account. And this is after she moved, bought a new car, and blocked all mutual friends, so this guy is a legit insane stalker. Blank, please leave me alone. I already explained myself to you. No, this isn't over.
Starting point is 00:06:49 I didn't agree to break up. Let's meet up for coffee. I just wanna talk. Hey, are you ignoring me? O.P., I bet you're cheating on me now, aren't you? BEEP. Answer me. Please, I just wanna talk to my beautiful girlfriend. Whatever, I'm better off without you. P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P- You can't just ignore me. What happened to communication is key. You're such a whore.
Starting point is 00:07:25 You deserve whatever happens to you. Huh? Are you threatening me? Oh, now you respond. Should I be worried for my safety? Not necessarily. I don't make threats. But now that I have your attention, can we please talk? You shouldn't ignore your boyfriend, sluts. Did you tell my cousin I got in a car accident? WTF is wrong with you. My mom is crying. I just did what I had to do. Let's meet somewhere and talk. OMG, no, this is so wrong, I'm blocking you.
Starting point is 00:08:00 Haha, okay, I guess you want me to pull a Romeo and come throw pebbles at your window. Okay, I get it. You just want me to work harder for you. I'm on my way. I filed a police report. If you come to my house, there will be consequences. Please just leave me and my family alone. The police won't do anything. I'm so nice. They'll meet me and realize I'm right. Then a couple of days later, this nice guy posts this on Instagram. I don't even know why I even try to care about people anymore. Every time I ever even start to let myself care about somebody, I just get screwed over. I always tell myself it will be different this time.
Starting point is 00:08:43 There's no way you're going to get screwed over again. Yet, every time I get screwed over again. At some point, I guess I just have to deal with the fact that that's just the reason I'm here. To be used by everybody and never have anybody to care about me, I'm just used until they have nothing left to take from me, then they just disappear. Not caring what happens to me or that each time it happens, I'd die a little more until there's nothing left but a shell of a person.
Starting point is 00:09:13 Hmm, well maybe the reason why you're alone isn't that people just use you and throw you away. Maybe it's because you tell their family members that they died in a horrific car accident. Bet on the NFL with Bandual, official sports put partner of the NFL. Download the app today to see why we're in North America's number one sports book. Nineteen plus and physically located in Ontario. Gamling Problem Call 1865-312-2600 to visit For your holiday season, Real Canadian Superstore has more legendary ways to save than any other major grocer.
Starting point is 00:09:46 Until December 6th, get a free Jumble Point Seta when you spend $300 or more. Plus, PC Optimum members can get select PC or no name cheese at $3.99. Conditions apply to Fly for details. Now onto our Slash Nice Girls. So for context on this next post, OP is a Buy Girl and the Nice Girl in this is the rare case of a lesbian nice girl. Look here, I know we talked about this, but I just wanted to give you time to think it over again before I approach you.
Starting point is 00:10:13 I really feel like we had a connection that night. What do you say to a date this weekend? I know you wanted to visit Blank, we can go try it out, my treat. I appreciate your feelings, but I told you before that I'm not in the right place to handle a relationship right now. I'm sorry. So easy to say. It's like you to use me how you want it, and then it's, hey, I'm not in the right place
Starting point is 00:10:36 to handle a relationship with someone who cares for me and loves me and wants to devote time to me. But I am in the right to go out with buttholes. Lowls, it'll be mad if you catch me sucking blanks dick sometime later today. Excuse me, are you for real right now? I didn't force you to passionately hug me. I told you beforehand when you first texted that I'd just be a hook up, and what's it
Starting point is 00:10:57 to you if I do suck blank or whoever else's dick? It's not of your effing business. I made it very clear what I was looking for, so don't try to guilt-trip me into something I told you I wasn't going to give you. Because nothing is as important to a slut as her body count. Opie, I know I wasn't fair to you, and sorry things turned out the way they did. I used your kindness as a crutch to feel like I had something to fall back on, and you shouldn't have been that. You treated me so well, and I to fall back on, and you shouldn't have been that.
Starting point is 00:11:25 You treated me so well and I took advantage of you and now every time I want to sleep, I think about how you felt next to me, even when I'm with him. I understand if you've moved on, but I want to know if we could meet up and talk more about things and where we can go from here. Nice girl, I really hope you don't think saying sorry, it's just going to patch things over. You effed me over before and to be honest, I shouldn't have let you in a second time and we ended up going pretty far with it.
Starting point is 00:11:53 I know we never defined what we were, but still, with the way we acted, I honestly thought whatever we were going for was real. So when I asked if you wanted us to be real and you hit me with, I'm not a good person to be with right now. I thought giving you time and just keeping up the routine we were in was going to lead to it. Then you turn around and start dating someone. I mean, I kind of knew, but it still hurt. I don't want to be childish and hurtful and say things to you. You probably don't want to hear, but just the thought of you makes me tired at this point. I wish you luck, to be honest, I genuinely care for your mom and I hope she gets better.
Starting point is 00:12:29 And no, I don't know if I've moved on, I don't think anyone ever moves on, but I'm trying and I think I'm doing alright. I don't want to meet up with you anytime soon though, thank you for giving me my stuff back, good night and best of luck chief. Can you at least just tell me if you're already dating someone? Lowell, where do you get off? Please. I'm not dating anyone and even if I was, what does it matter to you?
Starting point is 00:12:54 Can she do what I did? LMAO, what do you mean? I just said I'm not dating anyone. Stop reaching. Go back to your boyfriend. I'm going to delete these messages and if I wake up in the morning I'm not going to hold this against you. What if I leave him?
Starting point is 00:13:11 Then you'd be single. Also you'd hurt another person for your selfish reasons. We're not kids anymore, nice girl. Crow the F up. I'm not going to be there to make you feel okay anymore. Figure that out for yourself. If you want to leave him, then do it. But don't do it thinking we're going to be in a relationship. David, please, please what? Don't leave. Yikes. Don't make this more complicated than it already is. I told you at the
Starting point is 00:13:38 end of it all I'll still be here, but I also told you it's only for your mom. My friend said she saw you at Walmart with someone. Who is she? Wow, honestly, truly, holy sh- she was a coworker helping me out, stop reaching, helping out with what? Shouldn't matter, is it her? Stop trying to make something up at a thin air. Go to sleep, drink water. Delete this whole conversation.
Starting point is 00:14:08 I'm not dealing with any more of this. Does she say she loves you? Then my man hits her with a sponge bomb meme. Does she say she loves you? You didn't say it either, so what does it matter? I love you. You're a dollar short and a day late on that. That doesn't change the fact that I love you. You're a dollar short and a day late on that. That doesn't change the fact that I love you now. I think I always have. It's just been hard to see it. Nice girl.
Starting point is 00:14:31 You don't love me and don't lie to someone like that ever again. Pick up. Oh, please, pick up. No. When people in a relationship say that they'll leave their partner to be with someone else, is that supposed to be flattering? Because if a girl said that to me, all I'd be thinking of is, okay, so why would I want to start dating a proven cheater? Go to bed. I am in bed. Then go to sleep. We'll talk in the morning. I gotta brush my teeth first. Night. Good night. Why are you being this way, Blank? Do you even effing care anymore? I'm literally laying in bed, effing, crying over you. Do you understand this stuff?
Starting point is 00:15:11 Do you even give a ding? You told me to go to bed. You said good night. I'm so confused right now. You're not supposed to actually go. It's obvious that I'm mad and I'm obsessed with you're not supposed to go. Why do I have a feeling the next messages are? Okay then we can talk, what's wrong?
Starting point is 00:15:30 I don't want to talk about it. Hey Boo. Uh, hi? Got something for ya, huh? Then she sends a not safe for work picture. Enjoy and don't even try to block me because I'll make more accounts. K, love you, bye. For Fsake, go away.
Starting point is 00:15:50 Didn't work, here's another pick. Stop, for Fsake! I don't know why you won't accept me, I'm hot! We'll send you newt's anytime you want. We can passionately hug 24-7, like, dude, what the hell is wrong with you? Nothing's wrong with me, I'm in a relationship with a girl that I planned to marry someday. Look, I'm really horny and lonely, I need a boyfriend, then find someone else, I'm taken.
Starting point is 00:16:19 By the same girl, the one who wouldn't even passionately hug you. Hello? Hello? Hello? O.P. respond, please. You're gonna make me cry. I can send more news. Dude, look. Then she sends another pick. It can be yours. Heart, heart. On this next post, O.P. match with this girl on hinge, and this is the first two minutes of their conversation. You better come through with this suit. It's important that you look just as amazing as me. Instagram and Facebook, think about the social media backlash low.
Starting point is 00:16:56 Maybe I'm calling you right now. OMG. Okay, die, that's fine. But I have generalized anxiety disorder and you can answer a phone call. Call me now. Right now. Call me. Yeah, you're too weak for me. Don't hit me up. Matched on hinge, more like unhinged.
Starting point is 00:17:17 I sent this guy a friend request two nights ago who I know personally. I checked his profile and my friend request wasn't there, which means he denied me. I sat there for a good 30 minutes wondering why? Why wouldn't he accept my friend request? What possible reason does this entitled little jerk have not to accept my request? I found out where he works. I'm going there for dinner tomorrow. I'm going to request he take my order and I'm going to ask him why? Hmm, maybe the reason why he didn't accept your friend request is because you're an insane stalker. Show me your body. To no. Okay. Why are men sleazy AF? You started this conversation asking if I eat
Starting point is 00:18:06 girl tacos and then suggesting you wanted to come over. Yeah and that's all you ever want. All of you, I don't get it. Just F in man. Okay. I'm sorry, Loll. I was texting two people at a time and I thought you're a text with someone else's. Yeah maybe we can passionately hug sometimes. I don't know. Um, probably not at this point. Shrekamoji, your piece of garbage, anyway. That was our Slash Nights Guys versus our Slash Nights Girls, and if you like this video,
Starting point is 00:18:38 then hit that subscribe button because I put out new Reddit content every single day. I put out new Reddit content every single day.

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