rSlash - r/Niceguys vs r/Nicegirls Why Won't Females Let Me Stalk Them?!

Episode Date: April 17, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to our slash nice guys versus our slash nice girls, where you get to decide which group is crazier. Even though this time, I can pretty much tell you that it's definitely the guys. Post a deretit. To be honest, dude, I wouldn't waste your time even bothering. I left this cute waitress at Starbucks my number, and she took it, but I never got a text. It's been two weeks now and nothing. So I went over today and she was there working and I left her my number again by telling her that she might have misplaced the one I gave her in a joking manner. And she said that she just didn't
Starting point is 00:00:35 feel comfortable, but it's a text. If you're not comfortable texting, then why take my number in the first place? Even though I think she's an idiot, I'm gonna go there tomorrow and give her a small bunch of flowers just to see if I can mend this somehow. Ha ha. At this university, I've been crushing on someone for months, never talked to them, waiting for the right moment. I watched them for ages. Today, I built up the courage to buy her flowers, and she doesn't even care. She says that she has a boyfriend, which I know is a lie, and then when I call her out, she calls me a creep. I'm effing sick of females at this university. Can't depreciate an active old-fashioned romance.
Starting point is 00:01:17 A bit of some chat went mad, Mike, on you. You would make up some lame excuse. You effing liar. Females are so cruel these days to the kindest of men. Man, I'm trying to imagine someone you've literally never talked to in your entire life. Maybe never even seen in your entire life. Comes up to you out of the blue with flowers. And is like, can I go on a date with you?
Starting point is 00:01:42 It's like, huh? What? Who are you? Why do you bring me flowers? Do we know each other? If anything, that seems more confusing than romantic. Posted to Reddit. I've come to accept the fact that all the women in the world came together and agreed to never date me specifically. This sounds crazy, but you're not me. You don't understand what I've been through. Looking back at my relationship history, I've only been in two relationships and they
Starting point is 00:02:10 were both pretty short and sucky like two months at most. And I've been rejected so many times, I just stopped trying, I don't bother anymore. I'm just stuck making friends. I also came to accept that my queen, whom I haven't met yet, is dead because seeing how many women are getting killed by serial killers and their abusive boyfriends or husbands, my soulmate is probably among the dead. So I'm screwed. I can't force a woman to see me as her future hubby and maybe after I die and get reincarnated,
Starting point is 00:02:43 I might get lucky. Then beneath that reddit post someone replies, Yeah, I know. I was at the all-female women meeting where we decided collectively to just avoid you. On this next post, OP has a boyfriend of three years, so she turned down this guy's request for dates and noods. Then she gets this, I just can't believe you.
Starting point is 00:03:05 I've complimented you for months by swiping up in your story. I've offered so many times to take you out to dinner and pay, but all I get is thank you or I have a boyfriend. You seriously disgust me. Even if you did have a boyfriend, I would be an upgrade, and it's sad that you can't see that. Pathetic, really. I go to the gym, I have a 6-figure-paying job, and I'm quite attractive. And that's still not enough to even take you on a date, or receive any pictures for my efforts?
Starting point is 00:03:38 I can't tell if you're blind or ungrateful. Maybe both. I don't even find you attractive anymore with how selfish and just rude you are to me after I've been so generous with my compliments and time. I hope your current boyfriend treats you like your last accent. You clearly need some karma and you like to teach you a lesson. Well, okay. Man, I do nice guys versus nice girls because, you know, I want to be able to see which one's worse, but man, the nice guys are really coming out swinging this time around, aren't
Starting point is 00:04:10 they? On this next post, OP has a guy friend and he sends her this advice. You have medium sized boobs, which are nice, and to be honest, boobs size doesn't really matter as long as you have boobs big enough to grab a handful of and they have a nice shape like a ripe mango or something. Which you more than have. Your thighs are the perfect ratio of muscles and fat, big enough for a guy who likes thick things to appreciate but also small enough to not make them seem overweight, which also a guy who likes skinny girls can appreciate.
Starting point is 00:04:43 Your belly may be a hit or miss with people depending on their tastes. You have enough chub on your body to make you seem full and whole when someone hugs you or is on top of you. But once again, although it's not enough chub to make you look fat, someone whose beauty standards are for a girl to be super slim may find that off-putting. Me, personally, as a guy, I find your level of chub attractive at an instinctive level. Probably because, evolutionarily speaking, chub means a female has enough resources to bear a child and successfully mate with me.
Starting point is 00:05:18 No joke, if a guy hasn't been brainwashed or is able to ignore modern beauty standards, mild levels of belly chub is a legit point of attraction for men at a biological level. Almost the same as big boobs are. Wait, hold up. What did I just read? What was that? I can't even tell what this is exactly.
Starting point is 00:05:38 Is he trying to build her up? Is he trying to compliment her? By telling her that she has mango-shaped shaped boobs or is he hitting on her because if he's hitting on her this is an awful blunder I genuinely can't tell. Hey happy new year. Uh it's March. I know that moron. I forgot to wish you so I'm doing it now.
Starting point is 00:06:01 Um alright same to you. I see you broke up with blank. Yeah. I'm sorry for now. Um, alright, same to you. I see you broke up with Blank. Yeah. I'm sorry for what he did. No, it's okay, I'm doing fine now. I can't believe I raised him to be such a grunt. Anyways, are you seeing anyone? No, I just need a break.
Starting point is 00:06:18 Oh, that's great. I actually wanted to confess something. Okay, but before you say or do something, I should remind you that you're his best friend, and he thinks of you like his brother. Why'd you have to say that, dude? I don't think me not saying it is gonna make a difference. Do you even want me to confess? No, I don't.
Starting point is 00:06:39 So, I was saying that I've had this major crush on you. I've been imagining things, and it makes me really happy. Not gonna lie, it's mostly sexual. Just being honest here. WTF dude, I said no. But I don't think you really understand what I'm trying to say here. I'm not like your ex, I'm a much nicer guy. And well my dick is longer too.
Starting point is 00:07:05 Oops, who said that? You're making me uncomfortable, just stop this. Wow, he was right, you really are a B word, aren't you? I'm just asking you to give me a chance here. I don't want a relationship or anything, so you can have your time and space if you want. But we can help each other here. Oh yeah? Yeah, you can get back at him and also have a great time.
Starting point is 00:07:30 Wow. Exactly. Can I send you a picture? WTF? Do you not get it? I'm not interested. And now I don't even want to talk to you ever. Maybe you'll change your mind after seeing the picture.
Starting point is 00:07:44 Okay, this guy's pickup line is really, hello, it's March, so happy new year and by the way, here's my penis. Our next post is a cross post from R-slash online dating. This just happened. I was talking to a girl on Sunday and Monday after matching on hinge. I asked if she would like to meet up since we found that we had a lot in common. She agreed enthusiastically. I gave her two options to pick from for a meetup. She said that she liked the idea of this, but never got back with an answer. Three days later, I double texted and said jokingly, tough decision, huh? And I let her know that we could do something other than what was suggested if she preferred. Then she unmatched without a response.
Starting point is 00:08:26 I'm not sure why she unmatched, but that's irrelevant. I just wanted to know what might have been wrong with my setup here. I felt that giving her options was better than choosing for her. My options were roller skating or drinks. Wait, what? Why is this posted here? Oh, okay. Okay, I see.
Starting point is 00:08:43 I'm willing to give up her full name, her age, school she went to, and what city she lives in. Let me know if you think that I should post this info. I personally believe that people should be shamed for their awful behavior. Um, she was an inward anyways. Nothing of value was lost. I was not expecting that plot twist at the end there. I got to admit, that one really came out of left field. Uh, well, dude, if I had to guess, she either Googled you and found out that you're racist douchebag, or you inadvertently revealed that you're racist douchebag, and then she unmatched you because why shouldn't she?
Starting point is 00:09:24 On this next post, OP has absolutely no idea who this girl is. Hey, is this still blank? Yes, it is. Who's this? It's blank from Tinder. I saw your profile was back up, so I wanted to say hi. We matched a couple of years ago, but you had a girlfriend, so we never met up. Then she tries to call
Starting point is 00:09:45 Opie and says, oops, that was a butt dial, sorry about that. Then two weeks later she replies, hey hey, I forgot to tell you Happy New Year. Hey Blink, Happy New Year. To be honest, with all due respect, I don't exactly remember you by name, and I've cycled through like two new phone cents then, lol. Sorry for my poor memory. That's okay, it's been, I think, four years, lol. I'm glad that I found you back on Tinder.
Starting point is 00:10:15 You were in a relationship for that long? I hope I didn't scare you away. Then, two weeks later, hey, it's blank. Hey, Blink. Hey, OP, it's me again. Just checking in. How are you? I don't know if my texts and calls are going through.
Starting point is 00:10:32 Are you getting my texts? Did you block me? Huh? Hello? Did I do something wrong? I was gonna ask you if you wanted to finally meet up and get dinner. We talked about that sushi place in Coral Gapels, we could do that. I apologize for spam texting. I just really want to see if we could be something special. We spoke for a while and got on so well. Remember my dog Lucy?
Starting point is 00:10:57 We talked about maybe going on a play date? And Misha, how is Misha? You said me the cutest picture of her. Hello! I'll take this silence as an answer. I'll leave you alone now. So wait, you're actually not going to respond. That's so rude. All I wanted was to see if this would work, but whatever. Huh? Hello? Jesus Christ, hello? Just effing answer at least. I'm trying to work this out. We could have had a beautiful life together and you're ignoring this, ignoring us.
Starting point is 00:11:35 Man, I guess we're supposed to assume that this girl was basically just stalking this guy's social media for the past four years waiting for her chance to strike. Yeesh. This next post is a cross post from R-slashamay the Butthole. Am I the Butthole for calling my best friend's girlfriend a gold digger? Okay, so I'm a 31 year old woman and my best friend, a 31 year old guy, has started dating this girl who's 27 some weeks ago. She's now moved into his house and lives there.
Starting point is 00:12:06 This girl is bad news. I've been trying to tell this to my BFF, but he's too pussy whipped to listen. She doesn't pay rent and she doesn't give him money for bills. When I express my concern, he just brush it off saying that he owns the house, so he doesn't need rent and he can afford bills on his own. When I went to meet him last night for dinner, I saw this shameless woman come in with a handful of shopping bags like she owns the place. My BFF wasn't in the room at that moment, but I went ballistic on the girl saying that
Starting point is 00:12:39 she's exploiting my friend and using him for money. She started crying. She's a bit of a typical girl like that, saying that she shops using my friend's credit card only for a household stuff, and that there were just bid sheets and linens in the shopping bags. Now, I don't care because I'd had enough looking at my friend wasting his life with this deadbeat girl. I let it slide for the first few days they seemed to be together because this girl came to the UK as a refugee a few years ago and I sympathize with her. But she doesn't seem to do any better. She's not on par with my BFF intellectually. Her favorite singer is Taylor Swift for crying out loud. And she seems more
Starting point is 00:13:18 interested in cooking than trying to find a higher paying job. My BFF's cousin storms in hearing the commotion and starts berating me for making her cry. This girl is kind of the conventionally attractive type, so I'm not surprised to see another man defending her. When my BFF came in, she started crying and manipulating him like those types of women do, and he turned on me! He said that I'm lucky I'm a girl, or else I wouldn't have walked out on my own to Lex. I cannot believe my ears. This girl has changed him. He hated fairy lights in the color pink, and now this girl has painted his living room
Starting point is 00:13:58 wall in an awful pepto-bizmol pink and strong fairy lights on the backyard. She's living there for free and brings nothing to the table. Except her body, I guess. I said this to my friend and I noted how disappointed I was in him that after all these years of identifying as a feminist, he decided to settle on a live-in prostitute instead of searching for a real partner. His girl ran in crying to her room, and my BFF looked me in the eye and asked me to f-off and that were done. Seven years of friendship, and I was gone. Most of our friend group, especially the guys, think that I'm right.
Starting point is 00:14:39 But my BFF's cousin, his girlfriend, etc, have all stopped talking to me. I don't believe in coddling my friends when they're doing things that could harm them. Does that make me the butthole? Alright, I'll just treat this like a R-slashamay the butthole post. Yes, you are the butthole, because you are very clearly infatuated with your friend. You want to be the girlfriend. You want him to pick you, so when he picked another girl instead, your response is to belittle that girl to try to drive a wedge between them. O.P., you get 3 out of 5 buttholes, everyone else gets 0 out of 5 buttholes.
Starting point is 00:15:13 Hey, you might not remember me, but I'm Blank's friend, we met at the pub on Saturday night. Oh, hey Blank, how are you? I'm great, it was really nice meeting you. It's a shame that you left so early. Likewise, yeah, I had to work on Sunday, so I decided to have an early night. I saw Blank snapchats, looked like I missed out on a good time. You did, haha. So I really enjoyed talking to you before you left, and I was wondering if you'd like to catch up over a drink through the week. Or maybe you could come over to my place and we could
Starting point is 00:15:48 Netflix and chill. Oh, I might be misreading the situation here, but you should probably know that I'm gay. Okay, well that's not the impression that I got from you at all. I'm pretty sure that you were flirting with me the other night, but whatever. I guess you're just an f-word who likes to lead nice girls on just for kicks. Whoa, look, I'm sorry if I gave you the wrong impression, but that's not on. Okay, I'm sorry that I said that. I guess I was just shocked. Friends, I suppose. I still think that we should hook up though. I could fix you. Fix me? Are you serious?
Starting point is 00:16:27 What is wrong with you? You know what? F you. All I'm trying to do is help you, but you're just being a dick to me. You don't know what you're missing out on. You will never find another girl like me who's nice and willing to go out of her f-ing way to make you a real man. Sorry, Hein, but you've missed your chance. the girl like me who's nice and willing to go out of her f-ing way to make you a real man.
Starting point is 00:16:45 Sorry, Hein, but you've missed your chance. Don't ever f-ing talk to me again. Okay. Heh. You'll never find another girl like me. The dude's gay, lady. He doesn't want any girl like you. Alright.
Starting point is 00:17:00 Alright, whatever. That was R-slash-nice guys versus R-slash our slash nice girls, and if you like this content, check out my second channel by clicking the link in the description. Also, be sure to follow my podcast because I put out new Reddit podcast episodes every single day.

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