rSlash - r/Nuclearrevenge I Filled Her House with Poo

Episode Date: October 4, 2024

0:00 Intro 0:07 Fired revenge 5:21 Deported 8:31 Cleaning 12:17 Smashed Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 After decades of shaky hands caused by debilitating tremors, Sunnybrook was the only hospital in Canada who could provide Andy with something special. Three neurosurgeons, two scientists, one movement disorders coordinator, 58 answered questions, two focused ultrasound procedures, one specially developed helmet, thousands of high-intensity focused ultrasound waves, zero incisions, and that very same day, two steady hands. From innovation to action, Welcome to r slash nuclear revenge, where the cat poop hits the fan. Our next reddit post is from Darling Darcy.
Starting point is 00:00:38 So a while back, I'd been hired to be a marketing person for a family business. The business was a fitness equipment liquidator that'd been founded by a gold medalist Olympian. The founder had fallen into some mental health issues and had delegated his wife to take over the business. She did not have the experience, but she took the reins anyway and she and her kids ran the place, albeit with some success. So this is where I come in. The first red flag I should have seen was that she was trying to screw over the recruiter by wanting us to do a side deal
Starting point is 00:01:11 to pay me technically less, but still more than I would have gotten without the recruiter as the middle person. However, I didn't think too much about it. The next red flag was how embedded the family stuff was in the business. That there was basically no distinction between the employees and family and family affairs being wrapped up in their work environment too. But I was just happy to finally be in a space where I felt welcome and almost love bombed by the CEO who treated me like one of her own children. Always lots of hugs and even kisses during good morning meetings
Starting point is 00:01:45 as if we were coming downstairs for breakfast. Meetings ended up turning into brainstorming sessions because the CEO's kids and the workers were so scatterbrained and they didn't want to commit to any specific plan of action. And I was basically on my own when it came to marketing anything because nobody would actually participate if it came down to it. About a month or so into this, I get ambushed by the CEO and her daughter who was like the operations person technically or something. Both of them were wondering why we hadn't achieved as much as I had originally wanted to and when I explained that I didn't really receive much help or participation from anyone,
Starting point is 00:02:23 suddenly it became all about blaming me for everything wrong, and why sales were down, and why nothing was exponentially growing as she had hoped they would. I explained what actions I'd taken and that I was doing exactly what I said I was going to do. That it wasn't my fault that nobody wanted to help me when they said they would. Still, it didn't matter. They wanted me gone because they expected the moon in three weeks time with zero budget and zero help from anyone else.
Starting point is 00:02:52 So I just left. I want to add that I did a lot while there. The changes I made were all smooth and seamless, and I made tons of things very efficient for them and improved productivity while there. But none of that mattered, of course. They wanted to double their sales just from basically making posts on social media and nothing else. While I was there, I documented tons of OSHA violations.
Starting point is 00:03:17 Exposed wires where customers would walk. Americans with disability violations. Customer safety violations, forklifts operated with zero certification and no personal protection equipment, and having employees standing on top of the forklifts just to reach the warehouse ceiling, with no safety anything. Also, structural violations. Whatever the problem was, they just did the landlord special and left things in worse states than they were before.
Starting point is 00:03:47 So I called OSHA and sent photos of what I'd documented, which I'd only documented in the event that I needed to use it. I never actually expected it to come to that, but it did. After talking with OSHA, they explained to me that this was a months long process to get actions to be taken, even with evidence. The penalties for the violations that I had evidence for were financially crippling fines that I knew they wouldn't be able to handle. And after checking back every few months, I got confirmation that action was being taken. Then a couple of months later,
Starting point is 00:04:21 I drove past their warehouse slash showroom and saw that it was abandoned. Broken stuff, overgrown grass in the parking lot, boarded up windows and doors, a four lease sign, everything just gone and dilapidated. Back when I called Osha, I also reached out to my realtor friend who's super good at what she does. She said that we should time it so that right after these fines and penalties come, she can drop literature off at their door until they're convinced to sell. She didn't do
Starting point is 00:04:50 this in time, but she did catch wind that their building had been sold, and sold fast. Their website was 404'd, and they basically packed their bags and left. I still can't believe that it worked, but sometimes in life we have to accept that we are the karma that someone has coming to them. Goodbye Amy, my terrible boss. We're even. Also down in the comments, OP makes a post that gives some additional insight as to what this lady was like. She was like a female Andrew Tate, selling these girl boss alpha courses online on her website for her other business.
Starting point is 00:05:26 As if the warehouse business wasn't the thing that was actually keeping everyone's lights on. She literally thought of herself as this amazing businessperson when really she was just appointed by a husband who I don't doubt suffered somewhat from her. If this is how I was treated, I can only imagine how she treated a husband who stopped being a breadwinner behind closed doors. Our next reddit post is from TheyCallMeNoob. So this happened a couple of years ago during COVID when everything was online. A mutual friend, Dan, reached out to me, absolutely desperate. He was on the verge of getting
Starting point is 00:06:02 deported because he had already failed his coding exam twice. One more failure and he wouldn't be able to stay in the country. He knew that I was good at coding and he begged me to take the exam for him. He told me how his entire future depended on it, how he had no options left, etc. Feeling a bit sorry for him, I agreed, on the condition that he would pay me 500 bucks for doing it. He agreed immediately, so I spent a couple of weeks preparing. The exam was proctored over Zoom, and we set it up so that I could control his computer remotely while he pretended to take the exam himself. We pulled it off without a hitch
Starting point is 00:06:41 and he passed the exam. Afterwards, we went out for drinks to celebrate. Each of us paid our own share because I didn't want him deducting anything from what he owed me. Here's where things went downhill. He gave me a hundred bucks upfront and promised to pay me the remaining four hundred in a couple of weeks after he sorted out his graduation stuff. Weeks turned into months and he kept dodging me with excuses. After six months of
Starting point is 00:07:06 this, it became clear that he was not going to pay me back. I gave him multiple warnings to pay me back or I'd report him, but he kept taking it lightly and blocked me. I was pissed. I helped him out and he completely ghosted me after getting what he wanted. So I decided to take matters into my own hands. First, I reported him to his university for academic misconduct. I explained in detail how I was the one who took the exam for him and I provided evidence to back it up. The university investigated him and failed him retroactively, which meant that he couldn't graduate. Since his visa was tied to his student status, this basically screwed him over completely. For context, I sent an anonymous tip off to the college with a fake email with all the
Starting point is 00:07:54 proof. They called Dan and gave him a chance to retake the exam on the spot, but the guy never studied and he failed at the most basic stuff. But it didn't end there. Dan was still living in the country illegally hoping to somehow fix things. I knew he had no way out, so I anonymously tipped off the authorities, saying there was an illegal immigrant involved in suspicious activity living in my area. They came, found out that he was here illegally, and he got deported.
Starting point is 00:08:25 Now some mutual friends are saying that I went too far, that it was a petty move to ruin his entire life over 400 bucks. On the other hand, I feel like he deserved it for trying to scam me. I wouldn't have minded it if he came clean saying that he doesn't have money or the financial capacity to pay pay and he was sorry and I would have let the matter go without a hitch. Well OP, you didn't ruin his life over 400 bucks. He did.
Starting point is 00:08:52 If he wanted to stay he should have paid you. Or you know, studied and actually taken the test and passed it like a normal human being, you know, that could work too. Our next reddit post is from a bunch of numbers. In 2001, I had just moved to a quiet neighborhood where my kids, ages 1 and 3, could play outside safely and grow up with the neighborhood children. It was also nice for my three cats to finally be able to run around outside. After the first week, it was our first garbage day.
Starting point is 00:09:18 Everything was neatly in closed bags and in our personal garbage container. In the morning, we had to place the container on the side of the road with the rest of the containers on our street. So my container was there at 7am after which time I started cleaning my house. I had a white floor because I liked it and that way I knew for sure that it was clean. I mopped daily. I was still extremely clean at that time because I had kids who crawled on the floor. Then I did the shopping and when I
Starting point is 00:09:45 got home, I was in shock after opening my front door. My entire hall was full of unknown waste. Pieces of glass, sharp metal lids, pieces of food, cartons, plastics, etc. Clearly it was stuffed through the mail slots. I already saw a number of neighbors looking at me expectantly behind their windows and in front of their house. It was clear that they knew more. After asking around, I was told who had thrown the garbage in my house. Apparently it was one of my neighbors. Something snapped inside of me.
Starting point is 00:10:19 A bomb in my frontal lobe and all decency disappeared from my mind. Steam was coming from my ears. I cleaned up the trash and put the kids in the living room. Then I cleaned the cat litter box. Normally I throw the entire contents in a bag, but now I was a bit more precise. I only scooped up the cat poop and urine clumps out of the box and divided them evenly into two small bags. Into thin bags that tear quickly. I took the bags and went to the house of the neighbor who apparently stuffed garbage in my house. I rang the doorbell and kept the bags behind me.
Starting point is 00:10:56 The lady opened the door with a smug grin on her face. The door opened wide and I could quickly see her hall behind her. Her house was super clean. I calmly asked her if she had put that waste through my mail slot. Her answer was, yes, because you're new here, that loose waste that was lying around the place containers must have been yours. Because before you lived here, that never happened. That was the moment that all the blood vessels in my eyes burst. The calm was gone. In a tirade of abuse, I made it clear to her that I had not been the polluter and that if she had any decency, she could have spoken to me instead of jumping to conclusions and dirtying up my house, which endangered my crawling children and animals by dumping that waste in my house like that.
Starting point is 00:11:45 I said, since you like to clean up so much, here. Then I threw the two bags of cat poop and cat pee in her hallway, one against the corner of the stairs and the other on the door post of the living room. Everything, really everything was covered in poop and splattered clumps of cat urine. With a warning and promise that if she ever thought of doing something like that again that I would smash her windows, I turned around and went home. All the neighbors had seen and heard everything.
Starting point is 00:12:14 I never heard anything from that neighbor again. No one ever thought of doing something like that to me again. I can still enjoy the face she pulled when she saw those bags flying. It was shock, fear, indignation, nausea and despair all at once. Yeah, made worse by the fact that cat urine is the second most disgusting smell I've ever smelled in my life. The number one slot goes to fox urine, you guys. I'm not kidding. Fox urine is like an industrial strength chemical warfare level of stinky.
Starting point is 00:12:46 Our next reddit post is from DoxyDoc. This is a story from my childhood. I lived in a small suburban neighborhood in the 90s. We had two dachshunds that we kept in a backyard fence and three cats that just roamed our small corner lot in my subdivision. Of the three cats, magic was the matriarch. She was a big fat black cat that didn't really run from any neighborhood cats or dogs. Our neighbors across the street had a pit bull that they would let roam the neighborhood. It was never aggressive towards me or my friends, but it was also not a friendly dog. We just stayed away from it when playing in the woods. One day, that pit bull charged my cat while I was
Starting point is 00:13:25 playing in the yard. The dog began to whip its head back and forth, shaking magic, and I ran in to get my dad. We didn't have a gun for home defense. My dad did keep a 4-foot long galvanized steel rod that was about an inch thick next to the door though. I've never seen him move that fast. He was on that dog in about 5 seconds flat. I remember seeing him strike the dog probably three times before it let go of magic. My dad said, come here OP, we're going to the neighbor's house. He was pissed, shaking. When I got closer, I could see that the dog's skull was completely smashed. He picked up the dead dog and walked with me to the owner's house.
Starting point is 00:14:07 The man answered the door and said, What did you do to my dog? And my dad said, The same goddamn thing I'm gonna do to you if this happens to one of my kids. The neighbors never got another dog. We never saw them again and they moved out about a year later. That was r slash nuclear revenge and if you like this content be sure to follow my podcast because I put out new reddit podcast episodes every single day.

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