rSlash - r/Offmychest My Dad Died Using an Adult Toy

Episode Date: September 28, 2024

0:00 Intro 0:09 Strange death 2:57 Comment 3:29 Coma 5:07 Comment 5:55 Brothers 8:59 John Oliver 11:22 Powerful wife Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's it like to trade crypto on Kraken? Let's say I'm in a state-of-the-art gym surrounded by powerful-looking machines. Do I head straight for the squat rack? I could, but this gym has options, like trainers, fitness pros, fodders to back me up. That's crypto on Kraken, powerful crypto tools backed by 24-7 support and multi-layered security. Go to and see what crypto can be. Welcome to r slash off my chest, where OP's dad gets killed by an adult toy. Our next reddit post is from CurrentRub. My dad passed away two weeks ago.
Starting point is 00:00:41 We assumed that it was drug related since he had a history of substance and mental health issues. We just received the death certificate and it lists the following as the cause of death. Acute renal failure, penile incarceration and SIG condition pulmonary embolism. Apparently, my uncle who identified the body was told by the detective that my dad's penis necrotized because it was trapped in an S-shaped PVC pipe. A do-it-yourself cock ring, more or less. It was likely that he had taken Viagra or he was on a stimulant and he just couldn't get soft.
Starting point is 00:01:20 So blood got trapped down there, which caused renal failure, which caused a pulmonary embolism, and likely led to him bleeding out after his thing necrotized. My uncle told me that he intended to take this information to his grave and never tell anyone, but the secret was revealed on the death certificates. Everyone who knew my dad was aware of his trouble and his issues, and they likely just assumed that it was a drug overdose. I'm sure there were drugs in his system, but we haven't received the toxicity reports. I had been operating under the assumption that my dad killed himself with drugs for
Starting point is 00:01:56 almost two weeks. I was so mad and frustrated and had recurring anxiety. I had never cried so hard in my life or experienced so many competing emotions. But finding this out just leaves me confused. It's like something that should have been written as a twisted joke in a comedy. Knowing that it was an accident has removed some of the complicated feelings and questions that come from a family member committing suicide. But this still feels like a drawn out and slow suicide to me. I can't make sense of it and I doubt that I ever will.
Starting point is 00:02:29 My siblings and I have tried to find the humor in it, that he died doing what he loved or something to that effect, but it's still a pointless and unnecessary death. Like, I don't get why he didn't just call an ambulance. We have to assume that drugs were involved and maybe he didn't know what was fully going on. If that's the case, I feel bad for him. I assume he was freaking the eff out, but maybe he just couldn't respond? I don't know. Again, I have no idea what I hope to get out of this post. I just can't share it with anyone and if anyone asks, I'll have to say some generic thing about heart issues.
Starting point is 00:03:07 This is such an embarrassing way for him to pass and I understand why my uncle didn't want to tell us. It was already hard enough to adjust and accept his passing. I am worried this will delay me accepting it because I can't take it seriously. It's so f***ing crazy. Also down in the comments we have a reply from a doctor, Loud B. That's tough. I can see why you're having trouble wrapping your head around this one.
Starting point is 00:03:32 I'm an emergency room doctor so I've seen it all, and this sort of thing is much more common than people realize. I suspect drugs were involved, because penile necrosis is usually quite painful. He may have taken something and fallen asleep thinking he would deal with his entrapment when he woke up. But then he just didn't wake up. Still, this would not have been a quick process. Our next reddit post is from Lace.
Starting point is 00:03:59 I am a 21 year old woman and I was in a coma for 3 days, which were awful since I kept having a recurring nightmare for those three days. I woke up and in less than 24 hours I was once again in a coma, but this time it felt different. Obviously, I didn't know that I was in a coma. It was the opposite actually. In this coma reality, I left the hospital that day. I went back to studying and I graduated. I met my husband and we had two daughters. I lived this whole reality day by day. I'm not sure how to explain it. It felt so real.
Starting point is 00:04:35 I was in such a dark place that led me to the coma, but in this coma reality, I overcame everything. It was very hard, but I did it. It's really strange. I don't really have the words to explain the feelings that I'm feeling right now. I'm grieving people that have never existed. I lost my career, my whole life. Anyways I was around 50 years old and at my oldest daughter's wedding. My daughter came to me and told me that I didn't belong with
Starting point is 00:05:05 them and that I should go back to where I came from. I was so confused. It happened all so fast. I got pushed from that coma reality by an external force to actual reality and it was so painful. I'm just really lost now because I don't know who I am anymore. I'm just confused and memories from the current lifetime seem so far away and I just want to go back there. I've had dreams that felt real before but never this deep. Down in the comments we have this reply from Cac8. This is ICU psychosis. My mom had it.
Starting point is 00:05:41 Up to 25% of comatose people get it. Some people are abducted by aliens. Others are experimented on. My mom experienced being kidnapped and held as a sex slave. She still has PTSD from an event that technically never happened. And you know, to add a creepy layer to this is the thought that once you wake up from this dream, there must be a nagging feeling that, hey, what if this is a dream too? What if this entire life that I'm building, what if this YouTube video that I'm
Starting point is 00:06:10 listening to right now is just in my imagination and then tomorrow I'm going to wake up in a hospital bed and all of my friends and family are just imaginary and actually have brain damage from a car wreck or something. Our next reddit post is from Nada Sithlord. I'm a 47 year old man and a widower. My wife passed away 4 years ago from a prolonged illness that I won't get into, except to say that it destroyed me. My two kids, a 22 year old male and 20 year old female took it hard and they see therapists at least twice a month.
Starting point is 00:06:42 I've never gone to therapy because of my parents' mindset that you have to stay strong and not show your pain. I realize this is unhealthy and I've taken up hobbies and activities that help me deal with the crushing loss of my wife. I have always tried to be a rock for my kids and most of the time it's worked, except when it doesn't. I have a younger brother, Sam, who's 39. He's a classic golden child,
Starting point is 00:07:06 because I was the mistake that resulted in my folk shotgun wedding while Sam was planned. I had to work for everything while everything was handed to him. I never resented Sam for this, because this dynamic was of my parents' making. I moved away at the age of 20, and a few years later I met my wife and we started our family. Then she died. I never found anyone to connect to. Sure, I've had the occasional hookup, but nothing romantic. Now to the story.
Starting point is 00:07:36 Sam came over last night interrupting my game night, which I didn't mind. What I DID mind was him getting into my liquor cabinet and starting in on a bottle of Jack Daniel's Sinatra Select Whiskey. Out of curiosity, I looked this up and I'm seeing a pretty significant range here, but it looks like these can go anywhere between $150 to $10,000. My wife had gotten that bottle for me because she knew that I loved good whiskey. Sam drank nearly a third of it before I found out and berated him for it, telling him to put it back. Sam said,
Starting point is 00:08:08 Your wife had good taste. You're lucky I never tasted her when I had the chance. Everyone went silent in shock. I felt myself go numb. Next thing I knew, he was on the floor and I was mercilessly pounding on him. My friends dragged me off. Sam looked like he had tried to French kiss a runaway train. Blood everywhere, broken nose, lost a front tooth. For the first time in my life, Sam looked scared of me. One of my friends took him to the emergency room. The night was over. The thing is, later on the kids came over, like they always do on weekends for dinner and a movie, and they found me in the basement bawling my eyes out.
Starting point is 00:08:50 I told them I was having a moment of grief over mom being gone, and I don't think they believed me. We held each other for a while, then watched Princess Bride. I accept what I did was wrong, but I don't care. I'll take what punishment comes if Sam presses charges. I just don't care. I know my parents will be twisted up about this and so will Sam's wife, but I don't care.
Starting point is 00:09:13 The only thing I care about is my kids and they're moving on with their lives. I get that I'm the butthole. I just wanted to vent. OP, I wouldn't even begin to feel bad. Some words are just fighting words. and yeah, them's fighting words. Our next reply is from Brennan Lewitt. In 2015, I was struggling big time with my mental health. I won't go into details, other than to say that one night, I decided that my life wasn't
Starting point is 00:09:38 important and I tried to end it. My amazing roommate took me to urgentgent Care where my life was saved. From there, I was sent involuntarily to a behavioral health center. I was super young and vulnerable. I had just turned 19 and I had no idea how to navigate the health care system. And I didn't want my parents to know so I was on my own. The doctors and police who sent me to the facility promised that it took my insurance. In hindsight, I should have checked at the facility, but I didn't know better.
Starting point is 00:10:08 Eventually, I did tell my parents. I was released, dropped out of college to heal with my family, and that was when my parents told me that the bill for both my ER visit and the facility had arrived. That's when I learned that the facility either didn't take my insurance or covered very little. Because I was so fragile at the time, my parents didn't tell me any details other than it was a lot, insurance wasn't covering it and that they'd handle it. I remember how stressed my mom got every time another bill came in. Every time this happened, I would think that it would have been better if I had just died
Starting point is 00:10:43 that day. And then one day, my mom comes to tell me that my debt was gone. Forgiven. I was blown away. When I asked, she said someone had bought the debt and forgiven it. That's it. No more details. I think there was a name of the company that bought it, but I don't remember the details. Y'all, this blew my mind. It felt like someone had taken this horrible burden that I had stuck my family with and wiped it away. It was like I was being given permission to keep living, like I'd been given a fresh
Starting point is 00:11:15 start. The timeline's a bit fuzzy, but a couple of months or so later, John Oliver aired the story about medical debt on Last Week Tonight. If you don't know, he essentially purchased and forgave $15 million of medical debt. I wanted to cry. Obviously, I have no idea if it was him or some random stranger. Part of me wants to know because whoever did that gave me a fresh start. I got my first job, went back to college, and now I'm married and just had my first kid. No matter who did it, I'm forever grateful. They literally changed my life.
Starting point is 00:11:50 Our next reddit post comes from Newsock. I'm a 29 year old man and I've been married to my wife who's 26 for 4 years. We've been together for 6. We have two kids together, a 3 year old and an 8 month old, both girls. I was getting our baby down for a nap when I heard the front door slam and some yelling outside. I put our baby in her crib and I ran downstairs and when I got outside I saw my wife was screaming and going feral on a man that I'd never seen before. She was on top of him and just scratching and punching him in the face while our toddler
Starting point is 00:12:24 was crying in the face while our toddler was crying in the yard. I pried her off the man, grabbed our daughter and brought them both inside, then called the cops. When the cops came, they asked my wife what happened. Apparently, my wife was doing dishes and watching our daughter play in the front yard. And then this man came and tried to get our daughter to walk towards the fence. Then he opened our gate and that's when my wife slammed the front door open and I heard
Starting point is 00:12:49 the yelling. The thing is, my wife isn't a big lady. She's about 5'3 and decently petite, probably 140 pounds. And she got that grown man on the ground and was beating the absolute stuffing out of him. I know that it was an adrenaline rush and maternal instincts, but now I'm scared that my wife can beat me up. To be clear, fear isn't the word that I should have used. I'm in awe of her strength, ferocity and love for our children and family.
Starting point is 00:13:18 I love my wife so much and I'm so lucky to have her and also it's pretty hot. It was just incredibly jarring having to pry my wife off a man and seeing her hands and nails bloody because she clawed his face like a feral cat. It was uncomfortable seeing a grown man laying there crying begging her to stop. OP, sounds like your wife was in a fight or flight situation and she chose to throw hands. Sounds like your wife was in a fight or flight situation and she chose to throw hands. That was r slash off my chest, and if you like this content, be sure to follow my podcast because I put out new Reddit podcast episodes every single day.

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