rSlash - r/Offmychest My Husband Gave a Pole Dancer $20,000

Episode Date: June 15, 2024

0:00 Intro 0:11 Topless maid 1:11 Comment 2:37 Lottery 3:17 Joint finances 6:29 Ghosting 10:01 Raising kids 12:00 The wife Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 When your celebration of life is prepaid in advance, it becomes a gift from you to your family later, because no one should have to plan for a loss while they're experiencing one. Paying in advance protects your loved ones and gives you the peace of mind you deserve. Let us help you plan every detail with professionalism and compassion. We are your local Dignity Memorial provider. Find us at Welcome to r slash off my chest, where OP wants to take the clothes off her chest and become a topless maid. Our next reddit post is from Salem Rose. I want to be a topless maid.
Starting point is 00:00:43 Hear me out. I saw this girl on TikTok do it and honestly it seems like the perfect job in theory. I am okay with nudity. I used to be a dancer. I love my body. Also, I love cleaning. Today's my day off and I'm about to spend the whole day cleaning and I'm so excited. I wish I could combine these passions and have guys pay me to come over and clean
Starting point is 00:01:05 almost naked. It's perfect because I don't have to do the greatest job cleaning and in theory, they don't touch me. I can do something I enjoy while being cute and sexy and then make a lot of money and leave. Of course, I don't think that I can ever actually do it because it's so dangerous. Maybe if I could hire a bodyguard, but I don't think that would be cost-effective because I'd want to pay them well. Maybe one day. I don't know. I would love it though. Okay, down in the comments we have a really interesting story from Chicken Sammich, which I think sheds some interesting light on this. I used to have a job where I came to people's houses and fixed their computers. And that was with clothes on and it wasn't sexual at all. And I still had
Starting point is 00:01:50 some uncomfortable situations with customers. One of the scariest stories I had to deal with was where I spent about three hours fixing someone's computer issues, gave the guy the bill, and he's just very politely like, no thanks. I was confused, so he clarified that he was politely thanking me for doing the work, that he had no complaints, but he had zero intention to pay and he asked me to leave. Upon my further confusion and not being sure how to respond to that, the dude pulls out a gun on me and, again, very politely and calmly instructs me to collect my things and walks me to the door. Like he didn't rob me or actually harm me and he wasn't verbally abusive or anything.
Starting point is 00:02:35 He was just very matter-of-factly informing me that he never had any intention of paying me at that point and that I was leaving. Which I did. And thinking back on that, if this guy could just do that to me, like if he wanted to, he could have done a lot worse to me as well. And there's not a damn thing that I could have done about it. Props to anyone who has a job going into people's houses. And the comment beneath that says exactly what I was thinking. He did rob you. It's called theft of services.
Starting point is 00:03:06 Our next reddit post is from Trixie. I woke up this morning absolutely craving Chipotle, but I couldn't find my wallet anywhere. I'm digging all around my room and I found a $3 scratch ticket that hasn't been done. By the way, I don't gamble and I've never even bought a scratch ticket in my life. I'm like, what the hell is this? I scratch the ticket and I keep reading the back and I'm pretty sure that I won $10,000. I just went to the convenience store and the lady there told me that I won and she almost passed out.
Starting point is 00:03:39 I just won a Chipotle! Awesome OP! That means you can afford extra guacamole! Our next reddit post is from Most Opportunity. I'm a 29 year old woman and I've been married to my husband who's 31 for 5 years. We have no kids. My husband has had a female friend since we started dating and it's never bothered me. Like, live your life. Who am I to say anything? This female friend however is a pole dancing instructor and the photos are a lot.
Starting point is 00:04:08 Anyway, her studio that she worked at went up for sale and she reached out to my husband for money to buy it from the current owner. My husband mentioned this to me and that it would be $7,000. I told him that it wasn't a good idea and he didn't say anything else. The following night it got brought up again and I held my position on it. Fast forward a month and this female asks me what a good name for her studio would be. I immediately ask my husband if he sent her $7,000 and he said, No, I sent her $20,000 from the joint bank account, the one that I never check.
Starting point is 00:04:44 He said, I wanted to do it right and it's a tax write off. What a tax write off? I don't think that's accurate. Obviously I'm angry and I ask her if he's on the business license which she tells me no and that she never intended to put him on the license. So it's not a tax write off. She noticed I was upset and she said that she's sending him back $15,000. I can't understand why my husband is sending $20,000 to another female
Starting point is 00:05:14 without ever mentioning it to me and I've been furious ever since. Now I have trust issues. I've never checked his phone, but I did tonight. The girl messaged my husband that I wish she had never found out and I filed for the LLC and I thought that I would have that extra $15,000 cushion but she's upset now. She said all of this with the undertone that I ruined her plan. He provided no defense on my part. But did I really need to include that if you've been reading this far? What am I supposed to do with this situation? Then OP posted an update.
Starting point is 00:05:50 I transferred $20,000 from his stock account to mine. I do have a personal account with enough to figure it out from here. He's agreed to split assets evenly. I can choose what I want. Allegedly, he ended the friendship and is done with it no matter how the situation turns out. Sure, I'm still missing $5,000, but whatever, he can figure that out. I'm gonna buy my mentally unstable self a treat for our anniversary that was this weekend and get on with life.
Starting point is 00:06:17 OP, uh, you're surprisingly chill about this. If my wife did this to me. I would be talking to a divorce attorney the same day No waiting. No. Oh, what should I do read it? I'm confused. No way man $20,000 to a stripper or a stripper dancer, whatever. It doesn't even matter 20k to another man Uh-uh not playing that man Even if you just removed the other woman from the equation and he just took $20,000 and I don't know, gambled it away, threw it off a bridge into the ocean, I'd still be looking at divorce.
Starting point is 00:06:52 Add on top of that the emotional cheating and it just makes it so much worse. OP, I feel for you, man. Our next reddit post is from Bad Boyfriend About to Ditch. This is stupid, it's dumb, it's a bad reason, but I can't f-ing take it anymore. My blood pressure has legit been spiking over this. And I just can't keep this up. I can't do it. My girlfriend and I have been together for close to a year, and this problem has only come up over the past two months. She never did this when we first got together, and I don't know why she f-ing started, but I'm so sick of it it's crazy.
Starting point is 00:07:26 Whenever we get food, she always eats off my plate, no matter what it is or where we are. The only thing that stops her is if I order the same exact thing as her and she started ordering things that I can't eat so I can't do that. If I tell her to stop in the moment she just laughs and when I talk to her about it privately she blows me off because it isn't a big deal but it is to me god damn it. I have a history of food insecurity which makes it a lot worse and I've tried to explain that but then she's snapping that I'm being condescending and I just can't. More recently,
Starting point is 00:08:03 she had a plate full of her pizza on the table and had eaten over half of my medium pepperoni. And I was pissed so I just grabbed two slices off her plate without asking. Which made her go into shock for a moment before screaming and acting like I'd effing slapped her in the face or something. Spitting and going red in the face. You don't even like Olive, you f**king a**hole. You always have to be right about everything, you dick. You can't just let me have this one f**king thing. As if I'd been the one consistently stealing from her for months.
Starting point is 00:08:34 I just went cold, tossed the pizza back on her plate. Not at her because she was in my face screaming and a ways away from the plate. And then I just f effing left the apartment. She claimed that there was no reason to get violent over text. And I knew then that I was effing done. I've never raised a hand or my voice to her and lightly tossing pizza onto a plate across the room while she's screaming into my face
Starting point is 00:09:06 is violent? Nah, I'm getting away from her. She's now tried to apologize, but I'm not going near her again or answering any messages or calls from her. God only knows if she'll decide to call the effing cops and have me arrested for my violent behavior, but I'm not chancing it. If I'm so effing awful and violent, then she can get away from me and be safe to steal constantly from other people. I know that ghosting is wrong,
Starting point is 00:09:30 and I've been through it before, but after that I don't know if I trust myself to speak to her cordially again. I want to scream and curse back, but that isn't who I am, and that's not how I was raised. I don't like the person she's turned into, and I hate the person that she's turning me into. Okay, some people are really passionate about sharing food, and my wife is like this. This is kind of a lesson I've had to learn over time that just some people view food very differently, and it's very important to them. So it's very important that they can share food with you and you share food with them.
Starting point is 00:10:01 And I was prepared to talk about that until she blew up on OP about stealing her pizza. So clearly this isn't about food and sharing food. This is some sort of weird power play where she's basically just bullying OP. I almost have to wonder if she's doing this specifically because OP said that he has food insecurity. And don't feel guilty OP. I don't even know if this qualifies as ghosting. It's more like a breakup fight and that was just the end of the relationship.
Starting point is 00:10:29 Our next Reddit post is from throwaway repulsive. I'm a single father of three children. A 25 year old woman, a 23 year old man and a 17 year old girl. I have always tried my hardest to raise them to be the best people they could be, hoping they'd grow up to be happy, successful adults. However, I can't shake the feeling that I failed with two of them. My oldest, who's 25, was frequently in trouble with the law as a minor. She eventually grew out of that, and I hoped that she would turn her life around. She worked multiple jobs, from a waiter to a stripper.
Starting point is 00:11:02 I can admit that I was a little disappointed in her job choices, but I never said anything because she was making money. At 21, she moved out but soon got pregnant and had to move back in with me because she couldn't afford both a baby and her apartment. Four years later, she's still living here. Then there's my son, who's 23. And to put it bluntly, he didn't graduate high school, doesn't have a job, and just sits in my basement smoking weed all day with his girlfriends.
Starting point is 00:11:31 It breaks my heart to see him wasting his potential like this. I understand they're both still young and have time to turn their lives around, but I can't help feeling like I failed them as a father. Finally, there's my youngest daughter, who's 17. She makes me feel like I finally raised a kid who will be successful in life. She's about to graduate high school and will be attending an Ivy League college. She works a part-time job, has her life planned out, and she's never given me any major problems.
Starting point is 00:11:59 While I'm incredibly proud of my youngest, I feel terrible for feeling this way. Her success highlights my failures with the other two. I love all my children, but I can't escape the guilt and sadness over how things have turned out. I even feel terrible for viewing them as failures in life and her as a success. Well Obi, maybe part of the reason why your youngest daughter has her life together is because she grew up watching her older siblings fail and she doesn't want to make that same mistake. Our next reddit post is from ShelterSensitive.
Starting point is 00:12:30 My wife and I are in our late 30s. We're parents to two beautiful boys. For the longest time, my wife has chronically been unable to keep a schedule. I work 50 hours a week, come home, and despite my back being in agony on most days, I cook dinner 4-5 times a week. I'll generally do at least half the dishes. I'll bathe both of our sons. My wife, a stay-at-home mom, does the other household tasks.
Starting point is 00:12:57 The only things that I generally avoid are tasks that involve leaning down to the floor. Picking up toys, for example, is hard for me. In addition, after work, I want to spend some time laying down flat when possible. It helps alleviate my back pain. The day before yesterday, I got home after working for 10 hours and cooked dinner for everybody. It was a nutritious meal using fresh vegetables. Our sons loved it and they both asked for more.
Starting point is 00:13:21 I then threw the first load of dishes into the dishwasher, ran it, and went to my room to lie down. 20 minutes later, I came out to check on things. My wife was still slowly eating, staring at her phone. I went back. Another 30 minutes later I came out. Same situation. I went back to lie down.
Starting point is 00:13:39 Another 30 minutes later I came out. Same situation. My wife is glued to her phone, slowly chewing every bite. I kinda lie down on the sofa because my back is still killing me watching my older boy play with his Legos and my younger boy chew on Legos. Another 20 minutes pass and it's 8.15. Way past bath time. You see, dinner was done early, the boys were fed early, dishes were mostly done early.
Starting point is 00:14:08 My wife was holding up the show, chewing slowly, doom scrolling through Instagram. She suddenly notices the time and like every single solitary day panics and says, it's 8.15! Yes, 8.15 comes at the same time every day. She proceeds to throw an enormous tantrum about me laying down and complains that I never do anything around the house. I gently suggest that she put her phone down and actually do something productive. She then drops a nuclear bomb on the conversation.
Starting point is 00:14:41 How about I go start divorce proceedings? When she doesn't get her way, she frequently does this. She starts bringing up perceived slights and arguments from months or years ago at the same time. Yesterday I got home and I cooked dinner as usual. This time, when my wife walked in, I told her to piss off. I told her she should just go to her room and screw around on her smartphone. I don't care. She did so. And something magical happened. Instead of me waiting for her to do her fair share, and instead of expecting her to pitch in properly, I did everything myself. With the goal of a 9
Starting point is 00:15:15 o'clock bedtime, I was done with literally everything including cooking, cleaning the kitchen, washing the dishes, bathing both boys, brushing their teeth, reading them a bedtime story, and getting them into their pajamas by 8. I just couldn't believe how easy everything was without her. Without her 2 hour dinner marathons holding everyone up, it was the easiest night I've probably ever had as a father. Honestly, I don't know what to do. My wife is completely close to any suggestions because in her mind, she's the perfect mother
Starting point is 00:15:48 and any suggestion is a personal slight. I'm so tired of having the finger pointed at me anytime something goes wrong. I'm not a single parent of two children. I'm a single parent of two boys and a constantly angry parasite. Well OP, sounds like the solution is to just give your wife what she's asking for, a divorce. And you should probably file the divorce papers yourself, because if you leave it to her, she'll probably drag her heels and take forever. I mean, realistically, what will you lose?
Starting point is 00:16:19 Instead of taking care of three people, you only have to take care of two, so seems like a win to me. That was r slash off my chest, and if you like this content, be sure to follow my podcast because I put out new Reddit podcast episodes every single day.

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