rSlash - r/Pettyrevenge Entitled Karen Expects Me to Feed Her Kid

Episode Date: August 19, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Holt Renfrew is sharing joy for the holidays with gifts for everyone on your list, and maybe even a special treat for yourself, too. Discover the new collection for Burberry by Daniel Lee. Add some ambiance with Louis V. Home. Give Gorpkora try and Solomon Sneakers, and so much more. Whatever presence you pick, we know they're going to love them. Visit a store today or shop at Welcome to R-Slash Petty Revenge,
Starting point is 00:00:30 where a Karen threatens to call the cop on OP for not giving her kid free food. Our next reddit post is from VeggieVengeance. I'm a 26-year-old woman. I live in a rented house with a single mother who's 30 and her 6-year-old son. I had another person living with me but they moved out and the mother moved in. I don't mind living with her in her kid.
Starting point is 00:00:50 It's fine, and we kind of do our own thing. I spend a lot of time at my boyfriend's place or working. I want to start by saying that the mom clearly struggles financially, but I do not think that that's an excuse. I don't make lots of money either. However, I've noticed that my food would go missing or portions would be taken from it. I assumed that it was her kids, so I asked her if she could stop him from eating my food. I was calm about it and she said that she would.
Starting point is 00:01:17 It didn't really upset me at first. It started getting annoying when I'd get home from work and expect to have a meal's worth of leftovers in my fridge, only to see it picked through or just gone. I kept bringing it up and she started getting annoyed with me for bringing it up. Just from observing them, I realized that neither of them ever ate vegetables. Anything with green in it was avoided. For example, they'd eat orange chicken, but the broccoli would be untouched. So, I started putting vegetables in everything. I find vegetables to be delicious. So, I could mix some bell peppers into my food, and they wouldn't touch it. I make a big portion of vegetables pretty frequently anyways,
Starting point is 00:01:57 so I just started putting it in everything that I eat. If I had leftover mashed potatoes, which they would eat, I'd pour green beans in and mix it up. If I had leftover cheesy bacon fries, I'd pour broccoli all over it and mix it in. I made a pot of mac and cheese, which was the kid's favorite thing, and poured in roasted Brussels sprouts. Which is actually delicious to me, and I'm eating more vegetables, so it's a win-win. The mom was home when I was making the mac and cheese. She saw me get out the Brussels Sprout and was like, what are you going to do with that?
Starting point is 00:02:30 And I poured them in. She said that I was being greedy and annoying. I just said, I like Brussels sprouts and that was it. She said, but we need food. And I told her, okay, then go buy some. I also suggested maybe to stop buying pre-packaged things because your money would go further. I think she sees this as some big act of revenge, but I simply want to be able to eat my food. Then OP posts in an update. So I've been consistently
Starting point is 00:02:59 putting vegetables in everything. I've put vegetables in things that I've never even thought of. This is carried on and the mom calls me a jerk, but she still won't admit that she's eating my food. She'll just see me making lasagna and adding celery and bell peppers in between the layers and she'll fume off to the side. Recently, the kid knocked on my door and asked me if you could have a bag of microwave popcorn. I said yes and gave him one. A few days ago, I was making taco meat out of ground beef and like usual the mom was hovering around spying on me. She was off to my side watching my every move but trying to look normal. When the meat was almost ready I opened the fridge and she
Starting point is 00:03:38 freaked out when she saw me holding mushrooms. She said, but my son hates mushrooms, and I just poured them in the pan and mixed up the cut bell peppers. This caused her to react in a way that I'd never seen before. She was yelling and stomping around the kitchen while the kid just watched. I felt bad for the kid to have to see his mom like that. She was opening and slamming cabinets. It was all very silly. Then she started going off about how she's going to get the authorities involved. I just told her, sure, and that she needs to relax. She seemed genuinely upset and stressed, and I told her that I understand being a single mom is hard, but she needs to use her government assistance more responsibly.
Starting point is 00:04:23 For example, she'll come home with pre-packaged mac and cheese, sushi, and rotisserie chicken. I suggested food pantries and buying ingredients that last a while, like potatoes. She said that I was being condescending and that I always have food to eat. Yeah, this woman is stealing O.P.'s food. What are you gonna do when you call the cops? Police, police! I rest that lady for not letting me steal her food anymore. The Audacity!
Starting point is 00:04:50 Also down in the comments we have this story from SkyBroom. If people are hungry enough, they'll eat way more than they think. Back in college, I had one roommate move out and somebody else moved in. The new guy was a total slob. He almost never bathed, ate our food without contributing, left his dishes in the sink, and just generally mooched off the other three roommates. When we found evidence that he had tried to break into our bedrooms for stuffed upon, we hatched a plan. We just stopped buying any food and exclusively ate out. Meanwhile,
Starting point is 00:05:22 one of my other roommates went to the local Asian supermarket and put two cans of pickled crickets in the cabinet. And then we waited. As time went on, he asked again and again, hey, when are you guys gonna get some groceries? To which we just wouldn't respond. This went on for about two weeks. Finally, one day we came home
Starting point is 00:05:44 and the slob roommate was being violently ill in the bathroom, and one of the cans of crickets was gone. After that, he started contributing, as in conning his girlfriend into buying him food. He got evicted a short time later, but that story is always stuck with me. Our next reddit posted from This is My Circus. In 2008, I had just left my husband. I caught him cheating multiple times, and I was just over it. A new girl, Amy, started at my job, and we made a fast friendship. I was in the middle of packing up and moving out of my house.
Starting point is 00:06:17 I needed a roommate for a new apartment that I was looking at because my wages weren't going to pay the bills. So, me and Amy moved in together and lived peacefully together for a while. I was moving on with my life. I had gotten a better paying job, I was spending time with my friends, and I felt okay with my life at the time. I was 25, single, and not looking for anything serious, so I had a friend with Benefits who would stop over a few times a week. Amy was cool with that, on the surface.
Starting point is 00:06:45 To be clear, my friends with Benefits didn't affect her in any way. My friend didn't hang out at our place, he didn't eat at our place, he didn't use our household supplies. My relationship with this guy affected Amy exactly 0%. But, I guess she was a little jealous about the fact that I was getting some attention and she wasn't. She would flirt with him, go visit him where he worked, etc. But he was absolutely not interested in her.
Starting point is 00:07:13 This is where things started to go downhill. For context, Amy had been married a few times. She was 13 years older than me. And each of her baby daddies had full custody of the respective kids. She was dating another guy, but that guy was already in a relationship, so he wasn't about to commit to anything other than a 30 minute visit late at night. I tried to point out all the red flags to her, but Amy was convinced that it was true love.
Starting point is 00:07:41 This dude used to hit on me constantly in front of her. He was very open about being in a committed relationship with his girlfriend, so I have no idea why Amy thought their relationship was going anywhere. After a few months, I met someone I wanted to be serious with, so we started dating. We'll call the guy Tom. Tom and I got serious pretty fast. Tom was living in a horrible situation situation so he moved in with Amy and I pretty quickly. I think he moved in only after about a month of dating. So, me and Tom
Starting point is 00:08:10 have R-Room and Amy has her own room. The bills went from a 50-50 split to 33-33-33 to make sure that everything was even. After Tom moved in, Amy started openly hitting on Tom in front of me. Every guy that I had over at my house, even just friends, Amy had to hit on. None of them ever took her up on it. Every single one turned her down, and I think this greatly added to her oncoming behavior. Over the next couple of weeks, Amy did a complete 180. She stopped paying rent, refused to buy any food, would eat whatever Tom and I bought, and wouldn't wash her dishes. We had two cats, one hers and one mine, and she would never clean
Starting point is 00:08:52 the litter in her room, so her cat would just piss in the hallway every single day. Every single day when I got home from work, there was a big steaming pile of cat poop right inside my front door, sitting in the middle of a giant puddle of urine. My cat was locked in my room at night with her own supplies, so there was zero chance that it was her. It was the same thing every morning by the front door. Whenever she was done eating the food that she stole from me, she would set her plate with the leftover on the kitchen floor and let her cat just pick at it.
Starting point is 00:09:23 She would leave the plate there for days. To the point that if I didn't pick it up, there would be multiple plates on the floor with food in various stages of decay. All of my clean dishes started going missing, except for the cat's plates, of course. And what dishes she used, she refused to wash ever. She used my toilet paper, my laundry soap, even my tampons. This went on for about two months and it just kept getting progressively worse. She would use panty liners every day and would change them multiple times a day and stuff them in the garbage can in the bathroom. She would leave the trash there completely overflowing and spilling onto the floor for days until I finally caved, put on gloves and
Starting point is 00:10:05 threw them out. The trash can would be full again in just one week, so this happened a few times. That's not even the worst of it. My expensive camera also went missing. That was the last straw. I needed this B word out. I went from nice girl to effing Psycho in about 30 seconds. I am not the violent type and I hate confrontation. I'm not waiting for an effing eviction to go through and I really didn't have the money for that anyways. So here's where I started my petty revenge. If Amy wants to live here rent-free, stealing my stuff, hitting on my boyfriend and neglecting her cat, so be it. But it's going to be on my effing terms. There's one vital piece of information.
Starting point is 00:10:46 After my divorce, my ex-husband moved back with his mommy, and I took everything from the house to my new apartment, so I owned everything and the lease was in my name. I started by changing the Wi-Fi password and the shared computer password. The following week, I had my cable company come by and removed the cable lines to a room. I bought a small fridge for my room and put all my personal supplies in my bedroom and put a secure lock on my door. I hid all my pots and pans in my room. I locked up my soap and toilet paper. The cabinets were completely empty. I paid for it all, so I'd be the only one using it. When her cat pooped on the floor, I would pick
Starting point is 00:11:25 it up and smear it on her bedroom door knob. Overflowing bathroom trash cans filled to the room with her pantyliners were dumped on her bed. I removed the knobs to the washer and dryer. I did everything possible to make her life uncomfortable. Anything that came to mind. A few months prior, Amy and I had been working at the same store, and she borrowed a co-workers laptop. Amy ended up getting fired, but she never gave the laptop back and the co-worker was really trying to get it back from her. Amy goes to the co-worker, of course, so while Amy was out one day, I went to her room, took the laptop and gave it back to its rightful owner. Amy called the cops on me and said that
Starting point is 00:12:05 I stole her computer, but I explained what happened. She admitted to the cops that the computer wasn't hers, and the cops said that it wasn't their problem anymore. That one really made her hate me. She wasn't working at the time, so it's not like she had money to do anything or buy anything. She was literally just existing in a room in my apartment. She would disappear during the day, but I have no idea where she was going. She moved out after about six weeks. When she moved out, I didn't even know that she had left. I just noticed that a week had passed and she hadn't come or gone. So Tom and I just cleaned out her room. She left clothes, broken furniture, a cardboard dresses, and five separate trash bags of
Starting point is 00:12:48 pantyliners rotting food and ordinary trash. It was a miracle that we didn't have roaches. I found all of my missing dishes, silverware, and cups covered in food and grossness. I just threw everything away. Oddly enough, about six months later, I opened my back door to take out the trash, and my expensive camera was in a bag hanging from my door knob. I know Amy definitely didn't return it. For about two years, every time Amy started living with someone new, I would message this new person and warn them about what kind
Starting point is 00:13:20 of person Amy was. One time, it caused the people that she was living with to throw her stuff out on the porch. She had just moved in and they had small kids so they didn't want to risk anything with her. I stopped harassing her after that. She had to know that it was me telling them, so I figured that I had sufficiently made my point. So the fact that you returned the stolen laptop as an act of revenge against Amy makes me think
Starting point is 00:13:44 that her future roommate must have returned the camera that she stole from you to you as an act of revenge against Amy as well. So I have to wonder if while OP is doing this act of revenge against Amy, this future roommate is also getting revenge against Amy. This is multi-layered, karmic justice. Whole Threnfrew is sharing joy for the holidays with gifts for everyone on your list, and multi-layered, karmic justice. much more. Whatever presence you pick, we know they're going to love them. Visit a store today or shop at
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Starting point is 00:15:00 Our next Reddit post is from DittoJ. I was getting divorced in the early 90s. My ex was pissed that I was divorcing him. I owned the house prior to the marriage so he moved out, but then he broke back in and tore up all my stuff. For example, he tore up my jewelry and cut holes in my clothing. I couldn't prove that it was him, but of course it was him. When we went to divorce court, he gave the judge a two-page list of things that he's supposedly brought to the house with him prior to the marriage, but that I refused to return.
Starting point is 00:15:31 My attorney showed me the list, and it was all stuff that he never owned in the first place. He actually wanted me thrown in jail for contempt of courts. My only alternative was to pay my ex-husband $2,000 and I was not about to do that. I opted for jail, but my friends kept telling me to just pay it. I refused. Two days before I was supposed to appear in court, a girlfriend of mine asked me if she could see the list.
Starting point is 00:15:56 I said sure. She pointed out that all the items on the list didn't really give a description. For example, if he listed a gun, he didn't say what kind of gun. He said there was a computer, but didn't say what kind of computer, and so on. Her point was that if I went around and bought cheap things of everything on the list, then it would probably cost me about 200 bucks, and that was worth staying out of jail. I agreed, knowing that it would make him live it that his plan didn't work. So, I made a game of it.
Starting point is 00:16:25 I went around to pawn shops and resale stores, and I told whoever was in charge there that I was on a scavenger hunt, and I briefly explained what was going on. They all love the idea and helped me get through my list rather quickly. Here are some lovely examples of what was boxed up for him. When he listed a gun, I gave him an old rusty cap gun. He listed a screwdriver set and I gave him an old rusty screwdriver set. He listed clothing. I gave him horrible goodwill stuff. He listed a bust statue, but I made one myself out of clay. He listed knives. I gave him old rusty knives. He listed camping gear and I gave him an old pan, matches, and a tiny tarp.
Starting point is 00:17:07 One of my favorites was that he listed a monopoly game, so I went to Goodwill and found just the board no pieces. I wish I could remember everything that we got. It was so much fun, and when we got home, we had to videotape boxing them all up and going through the items one by one. My attorney told the judge that I had found the items in the attic and I just hadn't seen it before. So sorry. The judge told my attorney to simply drop the box off at the attorney's office and that the divorce was final. My only regret was not being able to see his face
Starting point is 00:17:40 when he opened up that box of garbage. And there was nothing he could say because he made that stuff up in the first place. It's been 30 years and I still get joy thinking about it. The top comment is, looks like you kept the get out of jail free card for yourself. Well played. That was our Sash Petty Revenge and if you liked this content be sure to follow my podcast because I put out new Reddit podcast episodes every single day. be sure to follow my podcast because I put out new Reddit podcast episodes every single day.

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