rSlash - r/Pettyrevenge I Blew My White Cream All Over 2 College Girls

Episode Date: August 15, 2021

r/Pettyrevenge In today's episode, OP is a college girl who gets sick of two other girls constantly harassing her friend. They steal her friend's stuff and are just plain rude! OP heard about a prank ...where you slip a manila folder containing shaving cream under the door, and then stomp on it to blow the white cream all over the inside of the room. Enjoy cleaning up this white, creamy mess, ladies! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to R-slash, a podcast where I read the best posts from across Reddit. Today's subreddit is R-slash Petty Revenge, where OP blows her creamy load all over two college girls. Our next reddit posts from Square Dance Off. Freshman Year of College, I became friends with one of the girls on my floor named Jenna. We became decent friends after we and some other people in our floor would hang out every weekend or so. Jenna and her roommate lived in a double that shared a bathroom with another double. It was set up in a way that you could walk freely between the two rooms via the bathroom. Well, Jenna's sweet mates were these two attractive party-type girls who didn't care about anything and never cleaned, as in overfilling the communal trash can with used
Starting point is 00:00:41 tampons and the like. I'll refer to them as the two losers. Jenna would occasionally complain and passing about them, about how they were inconsiderate and dirty. One day during spring semester, I overheard from our mutual friend that while Jenna and her roommate weren't in their room, the two losers came in and stole her full length mirror. Jenna was so upset and she cried at one point. I was livid. I remember reading someone's comment on a message board about a prank where you fill up a manila folder with shaving cream, slide the open end under a door, and then stop on
Starting point is 00:01:16 the folder. The force of the stomp would spray the shaving cream everywhere on the other side of the door. So I walked over to the pharmacy store to pick these supplies up, returned, and waited until it was laid on a weeknight. I specifically walked by the two losers' rooms to make sure that I didn't hear any sound, so they were likely asleep. And I've just got to stop this story and point out that this next sentence is one of the most unintentionally dirty sentences I've ever read in the story.
Starting point is 00:01:47 When it was time, I loaded it up as much as possible, slid my thing in and shot my load. Oh my god, it was loud. I guess that makes sense when you're stomping on a tiled floor. I quickly grabbed the envelope, ran to my room, and went to bed. I told Jenna what I did the next time I saw her, and we had a good laugh. She told me several days later that the two losers asked her if she knew who did it, and that it was annoying to clean. Jenna basically just shrugged her shoulders. I proceeded to do it several more times before the semester ended. Don't steal stuff kids. So in addition to writing that one sentence that was very misleading, the title of this
Starting point is 00:02:27 post is, you have the privilege of cleaning up my white, creamy mess ladies. So as I was reading this story, I really thought that OP was going to end this story in a very different way. Our next read of post is from KBT. A while ago, I was working for a popular restaurant chain. I was a bartender there, but I frequently picked up serving shifts too. I was often responsible for training our new employees, and honestly, I liked training them because then I knew that they knew how to do the job properly.
Starting point is 00:02:59 And because I spent their first few weeks at their side, I also felt responsible for them. Anyway, I had one particular server that was a sweet boy who was great with customers and would literally bend over backwards to please someone. I don't know if I've met anyone who cared about others like this since. As such, I felt particularly protective over this boy. On one particular shift, I was bartending and he was serving a larger party that was sitting near my bar. I could overhear everything that was happening while he served them. The lady who I assumed was the head of the party wouldn't give this kid a break and was constantly
Starting point is 00:03:34 talking over him. Asking for things that we never had in the menu, claiming that she'd had it last time and giving him attitude for these non-existent items. It was basic and titled customer nonsense. I could see the server becoming visibly flustered with the table, but unfortunately in food service, that's what you have to learn to deal with. The turning point for me was when she snapped at the server over a birthday song.
Starting point is 00:03:58 Our establishment doesn't say happy birthday to tables. However, we do offer a free Sunday. The server explained this, but she was not having it. He even very politely offered to sing, but warned her that it would only be him singing because the other servers likely wouldn't join in. She was incredibly rude to him about this, and I was behind the bar fuming. As he finally goes to ring in their entree order, she rudely asks him for another mojitos, saying that I hadn't made it properly. Another thing to note is that our location is next
Starting point is 00:04:30 to a hockey stadium, so based on whether or not we have a game, we'll prepare drinks in different glasses. I made a mistake and made the drink in the wrong glass, so of course I was fine remaking it in the proper glass. She might have been acting like a B word, but I still did use the wrong glass for a non-game day. Apparently she thought that she deserved more alcohol because I made a mistake. She sent the drink back, and she ordered the server to tell me to give her more liquor. One thing you never tell a bartender is to make my drink stronger. So of course, I remade her mojito with zero alcohol, except for two drops of rum down her sips straw. She certainly enjoyed her stronger drink.
Starting point is 00:05:09 And she even ordered two more. I hope you enjoy paying almost $30 for three drinks that had maybe a quarter of an ounce of liquor altogether. Don't mess with my servers, and don't insult my drinks. Our next reddit post is from Original Essex Girl. I just witnessed the best petty revenge. My family and I decided to go to a shopping center today. We get there and park on the ground floor, which was right on the end of the row of spaces. We go into all of our shopping and on our way out,
Starting point is 00:05:36 a car comes up behind us and asks us if we're leaving soon. He pulls up into the lane next to us and puts on his hazard lights to indicate that he's waiting. As we're waiting, a woman in a big BMW decides to block this guy's turn, half blocking the accident, half blocking the row of parking. After being beeped by several cars trying to exit, she makes a half-ass attempt at parking in the space directly opposite on the end of the row. We load everything in our car and leave, and I witness the woman pulling into our space seconds later, completely ignoring the waiting car. I hear the guy who was waiting exit his car and politely tell her that he was waiting.
Starting point is 00:06:11 But she doesn't even roll down the window to listen to him, and instead just sits in her car and ignores him. So instead of causing a fuss or a drama, he simply parks his car horizontally in front of her car so she can't leave. Then he got out, locked his car, and went shopping. I've never seen such petty revenge. Down in the comments, we have this story from Victoria Euphoria. I was at the mall with my dad during the holidays. He started loading up the car, and another car pulled up behind us and put on a signal. Since some of the stuff that we bought was fragile, my dad was being slow and careful. The guy who was waiting for our space starts
Starting point is 00:06:49 honking at us and yells at us to hurry up. My dad finishes up. Then, once everyone is in the car, he asks if we want ice cream and we all go back in the mall. He blew a kiss to the waiting car. Our next reddit post is from NoDatGirl. In 2018, my husband and I bought my parents' houses our first home. Our very large yard came with two mature apple trees and one crab apple tree. Since my parents moved in 2006, an older gentleman has come by and picked the apples out of their tree to use his deer feed during hunting season. He told me a such, and he usually stopped by late summer to re-gate permission for the year and check the harvest.
Starting point is 00:07:26 In 2018 and 2019, this was great. He picked the apples on the tree and on the ground in a few hours and a way they'd go. 2020 rolls around. Our trees produced one apple on one, and no more than two dozen on the other. My next door neighbors, who are good friends, asked to have what was up there to make some pies. So, obviously I let them have them. The old dude rolls up in July on his John Deere lawn tractor and asks what happened to all of his apples. When I told him they just didn't produce this year, he went off. He went on about how that's how he makes his
Starting point is 00:07:58 fun money in the mall by selling jam, pies, etc. at local farmers markets and it's my fault that he lost his income. When I mentioned that he told me that he used the apples for hunting, he sputtered some more, shook his fist and drove off. So this spring I cut down those f-ing apple trees, sucked a suck butthole. O.P. When he came back, you should have brought him to your backyard, pointed at the stumps and said, how do you like them apples?
Starting point is 00:08:26 Our next reddit post is from Holiest Marshmallow. First off, let me say that I don't have a problem with religion or Jehovah's Witnesses in general. However, the particular witnesses that have been assigned to come knocking on my door are especially tenacious. Every time they came, I politely told them that I'm not interested. Thank you anyway, and I sent them on their way. Anyways, back in November of last year, we received a letter addressed to my youngest son, who was 14 at the time.
Starting point is 00:08:52 Let's call the Cinder Mr. Smith. When my son opened the letter, it was Bible verses. I thought it was strange, but my kid's got a Catholic school, so maybe one of his friends was doing a church project or something, so I let it go. It happened again two months later, so again I let it go. Another two months later it happens again. Brian, who the hell is Mr. Smith and why are you sending you these things? He says, Mom, I don't know this person. Now I'm irritated.
Starting point is 00:09:21 First, because I don't want anyone contacting my children who they don't know. And second, I don't want people to force their religion on us when we don't want it. It feels like a violation. I check the return address and put it in Google Maps, and it comes out as Kingdom Hall Jehovah's Witness. I am furious. I call and get the answering machine, and I tell them to never send mail to my home that
Starting point is 00:09:44 I didn't ask for again. I said that I don't know Mr. Smith, my son doesn't know Mr. Smith, and we don't want mail from Mr. Smith, and then I hung up. I was so angry that this person sat down and wrote out Bible verses to send me against my will, then took the time to address them specifically to my 14-year-old son. If I was getting unwanted mail, then so was Mr. Smith. I decided to send adult toy and lingerie catalogs to Kingdom Hall Church, address to Mr. Smith. If they're gonna force me to get things that I don't want in the mail, then I'm going to force them to get things that they don't want in the mail. Our next reddit post is from Arsol. While working on a construction site, someone kept eating my lunch from the fridge.
Starting point is 00:10:28 I tried to catch them, but to no avail. The following Monday, I set up a 10-up cat food, mayonnaise, and sweet corn, and mixed it all together to what looked like a tuna mayo sandwich. I placed the cat food sandwich in the fridge, and I kept my real lunch in an icebox in the van. At lunch time, I go to check the fridge, and, low my real lunch in an ice box in the van. At lunch time I go to check the fridge, and lo and behold, the cat food lunch has disappeared. So I announced to everyone that I don't know who's been sealing my food, but I hope they enjoyed the cat food and mayo sandwich they've stolen.
Starting point is 00:10:58 A fat old guy goes green and runs to the toilet. Everyone else was laughing their butts off at him and saying this has been happening for months and nobody knew who it was. I sincerely hope that he learned his lesson that there's always someone more devious than you are. Down in the comments we have this story from KTV. I had something similar happen at my last job. The thing is, the lunch thief never stole from the same person, so they were hard to catch. It was the guy next to me who figured out the thief's MO. If you brought in a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, it would go missing. So the next couple of days, we both brought in peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.
Starting point is 00:11:36 It took a few days, but eventually one of them went missing. We only discovered who was taking our lunches when we heard someone crying out in pain. We had both been using the habanero pepper jelly on our sandwiches. It turns out the thief was the secretary of one of the VPs, and her boss was none too pleased. And then beneath that we had this story from Tire Teacher. At my previous job, there was a chronic lunch thief. One day, they decided to steal the lunch of a woman who was eight months pregnant. She literally hunted down the person by looking in everyone's trash
Starting point is 00:12:11 cans at their desks. She found the perpetrator and turned them into HR. It was intense. As a new father, I can confirm, do not come between a pregnant lady and her lunch. Our next reddit post is from annual mushrooms. I work with a big company that lets me take four shifts of 10 hours each and then have Fridays off. Occasionally, I would get a text on Friday from my boss or I would get a text if I'm on vacation. This annoyed the hell out of me.
Starting point is 00:12:39 Nothing about my job has that level of urgency. The biggest annoyance to me was when I had the day off so I could move out of my house and my boss texted me that morning. I just ignored it. Then my boss called me and I ignored that too. He called me again a few minutes later and I answered it. He wanted to talk to me about something that could definitely wait until Monday but he called me anyways. So I decided to start handling things with the little pettiness. Every time my boss texts or calls me on a day off, that's fine. But I won't respond until after 6 p.m. and I'll always ask a question with it, which makes him work when he isn't getting
Starting point is 00:13:17 paid for it. After a few tries of this, he figured out either subconsciously or consciously, and never text me when I'm off anymore. And down in the comments, we have this story from Colonel Belmont. Ha, that's perfect. I live in the eastern time zone, and all of my bosses work out of our west coast office. They don't start working till 9 or 10 am pacific time, which is like noon or 1 pm my time. So we have a several hours window of time when we're all working, but they love to forget that and constantly schedule meetings for 6, 7, 8, even 9 PM. I flat out
Starting point is 00:13:52 rejecting the meetings this late and they give me flak about it sometimes. So I started scheduling meetings at 8 AM and 9 AM, Eastern time, you know, when they're still fast asleep for several more hours. I just know that they see it as okay to schedule late meetings for my office because we're still awake or whatever, and they see it as totally different than trying to have a meeting when it's still the middle of the night, but after I scheduled a few 5am meetings with those bosses, they tone down the after hours meetings a bit. Not completely, and not all of them, but I guess the problem improved somewhat. I still just completely, and not all of them, but I guess the problem improved somewhat. I still just completely reject any meeting that scheduled to starter
Starting point is 00:14:29 and after 5pm Eastern time. Okay, so before I was a professional YouTuber, my job was a proposal writer. Basically, I worked for this giant corporation, this like multi-billion dollar company, and my job was to write documents that would get sent to other companies trying to convince those companies to hire my company to work for them. Anyway, so we had a team of, I don't know, like six or seven people and that team was intentionally overstaffed. The reason why we were overstaffed was if we happen to get a bunch of proposal requests all at once, then we had enough writers to cover all those proposals.
Starting point is 00:15:02 However, the opposite was also true. If we didn't have a lot of proposals, then there just wasn't that much work to do. So there'd be situations where there'd be, you know, seven writers and we'd only have four proposals and so four writers would get assigned proposals and the other three people just had nothing to do. And that was fine.
Starting point is 00:15:21 Everyone knew that was the case, the boss knew that was the case. It's just sometimes you had slumps. Anyway, there was this one period of time where I had no proposals to write, and so I literally had nothing to do. But still, I had to drive into the office and be ready just, I don't know, in case I'm needed or something. So on one of these days, when my entire team knows that I have no work to do, and when my boss knows that I have no work to do, I come in like five minutes late, like 10 minutes later, something like that, and my boss pulls me into his office,
Starting point is 00:15:50 and rides me about it. Make sure to come to work on time. It's critically important that you're in your office by 9 a.m. Okay boss, I'll be sure to show up on time so I can just sit on my butt and stare at my computer for the next eight hours until I drive home. Oh my God, I do not miss that job. Life is so much better as a YouTuber.
Starting point is 00:16:09 Though in all fairness, I guess I still get chewed out here. Every time I mispronounce a word in the comments, oh my god, you guys really let me know about it. That was our slash Petty Revenge, and if you liked this content, be sure to follow my podcast because I put out a new Reddit podcast episodes every single day. slash petty revenge and if you like this content be sure to follow my podcast because I put out new reddit podcast episodes every single day.

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