rSlash - r/Pettyrevenge I Got an Entitled Karen Kicked Out of Disneyworld!

Episode Date: May 24, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to R-slash Petty Revenge, where a thief gets justice. Our next reddit post is from Fund Department. My girlfriend and I had been dating for almost a year now. I'm a 25-year-old guy and she's 22. She's in university living full-time in the dorms. I work full-time and have my own place. Her residence has some very strict rules, such as no male guests aside from parents and a strict curfew.
Starting point is 00:00:24 This will be important later. And by the way, we're not in the US. Before the Easter holidays, a few friends and I planned a road trip, and I invited her a bud she declined. The day before my road trip, I decided to get some new earbuds for the trip. My girlfriend came with me to the shop. Once there, my girlfriend decided that she would also like a pair of AirPods. I relented and bought her a pair and got myself some Bose earbuds since I preferred those, and I don't have an iPhone. On our way back to the university, she mentioned that she liked my earbuds since they looked better than her AirPods. She took them, paired them with
Starting point is 00:01:00 her phone, and started playing around with them. I didn't think much of it until she said that she wanted them and wanted to trade her airpods with my earbuds. I told her no because I don't have an iPhone so AirPods would be useless to me. I found out later that they actually worked pretty well on Android and that we could exchange hers when I get back since going back now would make her late for curfew. She kept insisting saying that it would make her happy. I told her that I needed them for my trip in the morning, which seemed to be the end of it.
Starting point is 00:01:29 We got to her residence, and as I was parking, she threw her AirPods at me and said, thanks for the trade! Then jumped out of the moving car while still wearing my earbuds. I was shocked, and it took me a second to realize that she just ran away with my earbuds. I was shocked and it took me a second to realize that she just ran away with my earbuds. I parked and ran after her, but I wasn't fast enough. She had already entered the building. I stood at the entrance with two very burly guards giving me the stink eye while I shouted for her to come back, but she just blew me a kiss and went upstairs. I shouted a bit more until the guards very politely asked me to leave. I was livid. She had just robbed me and there was nothing I could do.
Starting point is 00:02:10 I stalked back out to my car, fuming and cursing. However, I started laughing when I got to my car because there on the ground near the passenger's side door was a lovely white box. It seems that in her mad dashed her runaway, she had accidentally dropped the charging case. I picked it up, my day suddenly brighter, and drove back to the shop. I exchanged the AirPods and got new Airbus, then blocked her, and the next morning went for my road trip. I unblocked her when I got back yesterday, ready to deal with the shit storm and called her. At first she was sweet and asked about my trip. Then she asked if she had left the charging
Starting point is 00:02:49 case for her earbuds in my car. I told her that I had returned the AirPods and exchanged them for new earbuds and since my new earbuds didn't work with my old charging case, I had thrown it away because I didn't need it. That triggered her and she started shouting at me, calling me a butthole and demanding that I get her a new pair of earbuds or we're done. I said, okay, I guess we're done, and then hung up. I've been laughing ever since. Our next Reddit post is from Wild Card Moose. A few years back, I was at Disney World with some friends. Disney had just opened up Pandora, the world of Avatar. Needless to say, the line for the flight of passage was insanely long and looped throughout the park. We got in line and had to wait about two and a half hours. While we're standing there and chatting, this Karen sneaks in with her husband and two kids immediately in front of us. Her kids point out to her that this is not the beginning of the line, and she immediately shushes them and tells them it's okay to cut the line because they have
Starting point is 00:03:49 a flight to catch. The husband doesn't say a word. My friends were about to say something, but I immediately stopped them. My friends looked at me confused to which I whisper, just watch and learn. We stand in line for about 45 more minutes until we're right at the entrance. That's when I decide to walk up to a security guard and tell him that this lady cut us in line and refused to go back to the end. I told him that I didn't want to cause a ruckus, so I waited until I saw him so he could talk to her. Sure enough, the guard walks up to her and says that she cut the line. She freaks out on him and says that she didn't and that she's been standing in line for a while. He asked her how long she'd been waiting
Starting point is 00:04:29 and she said over an hour to which he replied that the wait for this ride was at least three hours so she must have cut in. She was puzzled and frustrated but she realized that she got caught so she finally stopped yelling and agreed to leave. As they escort Karen and her family out of the line, I look at her and say with a smile on my face, have a safe flight. Then, I look at my friends and tell them, and that's how it's done. We still laugh about it every once in a while. Our next red-apposis from Drunken Black Sheep. I'm a 26-year-old girl who looks like I wouldn't know a single thing about cars.
Starting point is 00:05:06 I'm 5'3 with long blonde hair, a soft girly appearance, and an internal baby face that makes me look about 15 to 16 years old. I drive a rather beat up looking 2004 Avalon. My dad and brother are both mechanics. It's not my profession, but I've learned a thing or two from them and I'm very comfortable working on cars. I'm only mentioning my appearance because it's pretty common for mechanics to assume that I'm an idiot about cars.
Starting point is 00:05:32 A while back, I was pretty overwhelmed with life, and I didn't have a good space to do it, so I took my car and to get the oil changed. The place offered a free of charge-headed toe inspection for any repairs that might need to be made. I knew that my car was fine. I had pretty recently changed the air filter and brake pads. The rotors had maybe 40,000 miles on them and they were in great condition. I had a new serpentine belt too.
Starting point is 00:05:56 I literally just didn't feel like changing my oil that day. And I should point out that before I went to the shop, I actually checked my air filter and it was, in fact, pristine. After they changed my oil, the guy came back with the inspection results on a clipboard and was holding my air filter. He had this grave look on his face like something was wrong. Mind you, this is a very busy place and there were lots of customers in the waiting room. He told me that we needed to go over the results because my car was about to be completely broken down. And also, it wasn't safe to drive if I didn't get several repairs done ASAP because these were all completely shot. The repairs, new brake pads,
Starting point is 00:06:36 new rotors, new calipers, replaced serpentine and drive belt, new air filter, new compressors, or my AC wasn't working, and a couple more generic things. He showed me an air filter, which was filled with dead grass, a dead wasp, some dirt, and hair. Dude, he really scooped some BS off the shop floor and put it in my brand new air filter to try to freak me out. The total, about $1,500 worth of work.
Starting point is 00:07:04 He said it would have been more expensive anywhere else, but he was willing to give me a deal. So I immediately started buying time by asking some basic questions that I knew he would have to explain so I could nod at him all wide eyed while I came up with a good way to respond to what he was doing. What does the serpentine belt do? Is it important? Etc.
Starting point is 00:07:23 I texted my dad. I'm calling you in a second. Just play along. I told the guy, oh my god, that's so scary. I can't believe that I was driving around like that. Thank you so much for caring. I don't have the money, so let me call my daddy real quick to see if you can help me out. I can't afford this.
Starting point is 00:07:41 I then proceeded to enhance my dramatic performance by even working up a tier while I called my dad. This guy is standing there with me in front of all of his customers. I put my phone on speaker and gave my dad a whole sob story about how I need money again and I'm really sorry. Can he help me? He asked what the repairs were and how much. I said, I don't know, but it sounds really bad. Oh wow. Mm-hmm. Oh my goodness. I'm glad you caught this so she's not in danger anymore. Little did this gamer know. He was the one in danger.
Starting point is 00:08:13 He hands the phone back. And he's in danger. I'm not sure if he's in danger. I'm not sure if he's in danger. I'm not sure if he's in danger. I'm not sure if he's in danger. I'm not sure if he's in danger. I'm not you caught this so she's not in danger anymore. Little did this gamer know, he was the one in danger. He hands the phone back and I drop the facade and start laughing really hard. As soon as dad hears me, he starts cackling into the phone.
Starting point is 00:08:37 I said, Dad, do you hear this BS? Get this, he brought me my new air filter that I just put in to show me how dirty it was. He pulled a bunch of dirt off the floor or something and rubbed it in my filter. My dad and I continued to crack up. The audience in the waiting room was also listening closely. Scammy McCanney was beat red and completely at a loss for words. He just hung his head down and was stuttering out some response. I handed him my air filter and told him to go vacuuming out and to make sure to let me
Starting point is 00:09:08 see it before he put it back in. I sat and watched him put it back once it was clean and I also watched him pull my car out to make sure he didn't do anything horrible while I wasn't looking. I might have taken it a little far, but I really hate when mechanics take advantage of people who don't know anything about cars. So this felt like a massive win. Big props to my dad for his performance and for teaching me about cars. And down in the comments, we have this post from Pistol Mama.
Starting point is 00:09:34 One time I went in to get my oil change at a chain place while very obviously pregnant. The tech came back very concerned, telling me that I needed my coolant change in my transmission serviced ASAP. And he showed me some dirty green water and my burnt transmission fluid. I played along and got a quote with a bunch of added extras. You could see this dude just adding all the dollar signs up in his head. So I played along, right up to the part where you sign off on the work to be done. Then I pulled out the receipt from the dealer from a month before where I had my new transmission and radiator installed.
Starting point is 00:10:07 This dude cursed me out for making him waste 45 minutes of his time. Our next reddit post is from Frosty Toes. I was hired at an organization with a job title that was basically helper. Well, for someone who's supposed to just be helping, I had a ridiculous amount of work. Almost all of my coworkers were huge, technologically illiterate boomers, so I actually sort of
Starting point is 00:10:30 thrived there as a very useful person. For example, one guy would spend half of his day copying items and inputting them into another program we use. But he didn't even use Control-C, Control-V. He would right-click, then copy, then go into the files menu or something, and insert copied item from clipboard. He was so proud of himself when he showed me because don't worry, you won't have to retype everything. I wrote a program to do this automatically, but I didn't tell him. So I would just run the program occasionally as part of my responsibilities. Anyways, I did a lot of stuff like this. I had
Starting point is 00:11:12 estimate that I saved about 15 hours of work every day on top of the 8.5 hours that I did normally. But then in-sert Sergeant Duschback, we were having a team meeting when he shows up. White combed hair, a scrunched face, glasses. He just sort of showed up one day and he took notes during our morning meeting. At one point, someone brought up a name of one of our customers. I said, oh, is that that 300 pound guy with the big beard? Sort of as a joke because I mostly do back-end stuff. But I was wrong and my boss said, no, it's blah, blah, some other person. Okay, then we talked about that person a bit. Fast forward about a week and this guy is a complete douchebag to me.
Starting point is 00:11:53 I don't know why, but he'll ignore me during group conversations and sometimes just literally scoff at me. Who actually scoffs at people? I was having a really rough week looking for some extremely important files. People were yelling all day. I was exasperated. I had too much to do, and I was having anxiety attacks at home in the middle of the night, but it was
Starting point is 00:12:17 Friday, so I was powering through. As I was looking for this file, I ended up searching deep into our file structure, and the search returned a personal folder structure within one of the drives. I clicked it out of curiosity, and there it was. Duschbag's Notes. I opened it up, and there was a whole section about me. So this Duschbag basically goes from location to location, getting people fired to save the CEO's money. And now he was working on me.
Starting point is 00:12:48 I scrolled through his notes, and at the very top I saw. OP thought that a 4-foot-10, 24-year-old female patient was a 300-pound bearded man. Clearly atrocious attention to detail. That's just one example of how completely messed up his comments were. So, in combination with my job, knowing that I wasn't getting paid enough for my effort, the horrible week I had, and those douchebags comments, I said screw this. I set up three email configurations. One to my boss, letting him know that I'll be taking two weeks of vacation time to be sent to 10pm tonight. One to the company, letting them know that
Starting point is 00:13:24 I won't be present for two weeks, so whatever work they currently need me to do, they'll have to do themselves. That was to be sent Monday morning at 4am. And third, for any emails that came in, I said an auto response that said, I'll be out for an unknown amount of time. For any routine emergency or even occasional issue,
Starting point is 00:13:43 it's imperative that you reach out to douchebag for assistance. Then I turned off every automated task that I had ever set up. Then I swung by the douchebag's temporary office and said, I think I found a way to make your job easier. He didn't even really turn his head to look at me, but just raised one eyebrow. Then I left. I actually got multiple calls on Monday morning that I didn't answer.
Starting point is 00:14:09 They didn't last long, apparently. But I stayed strong and I didn't respond to anything. On Wednesday, I had a little anxiety about it, but I stayed strong. There was just no way that some of my coworkers were keeping up with their normal duties. I could guarantee that at least two people were no longer doing their normal jobs just to keep up with my automated tasks. I got a long email to my personal account for my boss on Thursday night of the first week.
Starting point is 00:14:36 It went something like this. OP, I know you're a smart person and probably figured out what the company had us doing. I would say that it's very important that you call me, but that probably isn't going to work, I realize. I talked with douchebags boss, and he's gonna be leaving our location. I explained that our progress meeting seemed to be going in the wrong direction,
Starting point is 00:14:55 and that you're one of the most valuable employees here. I'm sure you're probably looking at other jobs at this point, or maybe even started one. I hope not. If you could, please reach even started one. I hope not. If you could, please reach back to me. I'd like to offer you a raise. It's become very apparent how useful you are around here. I hear about it every day, believe me.
Starting point is 00:15:15 So I came back on Monday with a $10,000 raise and douchebag out of my face. My boss apologized again in person and said that he didn't get a say in it. I think it's a little weird that he could have a say after I left, but not before, but still, I sort of get it. So my wife's old job, she used to work with a bunch of boomers in the office, and she would tell me stories where like, one of the boomers would come to her and be like, excuse me, do you know how to do X? And this isn't her job description, so she doesn't know how to do X, but she would say, okay, well, let me see if I can figure this out for you.
Starting point is 00:15:54 And she would get in front of her computer with the boomer watching. She would go to Google and type in how to do X. And then she would click the first link that came up. And she'd be like, yeah, so this link here shows you how to do X. So why don't you just try that? And inevitably it would work because that's how you solve problems in 2022, right? So OP, this story is 100% believable to me. That was our slash Petty Revenge. And if you like this content, be sure to follow my podcast because I put out new Reddit podcast episodes every single day.
Starting point is 00:16:22 That was our slash Petty Revenge, and if you like this content, be sure to follow my podcast because I put on your Reddit podcast episodes every single day.

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