rSlash - r/Pettyrevenge I Ruined a Dumb Karen's Day

Episode Date: October 14, 2023

0:00 Intro 0:08 Illegal park 2:37 Racist neighbors 6:33 Assuming 8:42 Comment story 9:47 No more tech 11:13 Comment story 12:03 Step mom 14:16 My turn Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 It's fall and you can get anything you need with Uber Eats. Well, almost, almost anything. So no, you can't get a maple tree on Uber Eats, but maple syrup and maple lattes? Yes, we can deliver that. Uber Eats. Get almost, almost anything. Order now.
Starting point is 00:00:12 Product availability may vary by region. See you after details. East Side Mario's all you can eat. Is all you can munch a soup? Salad. And garlic home. Mama Lee. Get out of the mood, gotta be. Welcome to our slash Petty Revenge, where a stupid Karen gets exactly what she deserves.
Starting point is 00:00:31 Our next witness is from Madjo Salazar. I have a disabled parking black card, and a few weeks ago I went to target to buy things I didn't need, and forget to buy the things I did need. Not only were all the spaces taken, someone parked their gigantic escalate on the line between two disabled spaces taking up both. Holy irritated because this happened so much, I walked around the car and saw no placard or disabled plates. Cue the fury of someone who acid you with this stuff all the time, and cue petty revenge. I took a picture and went inside to find a manager. When I found one,
Starting point is 00:01:05 I showed her the photo and she rolled her eyes inside. Apparently, this happens a lot at their location because it's near an affluent town with a lot of very wealthy, very entitled people. And most often, it's the owner of huge SUVs and F-150s that park like jerks. She said that she'd call the cops, so I decided to go back outside and hang out by the doors to watch the show. The manager joined me and we chatted while we waited for the cops. The cops arrived and walked around the car, peering through the windows and running the plate.
Starting point is 00:01:37 One cop took out a little book and started writing in it. They took some photos and one cop came over and asked if they would make an announcement in the store to get the driver to come outside. The manager radioed someone inside and asked them to announce the make, model, and license plate of the car over the PA system. A few minutes later, she came charging out of the store. A middle-aged, well-dressed woman, the common parent of North America, and she was already yelling at the cops. As soon as she got to her car, one of the cops held up his hand to shut her up and started lecturing her. I was too far away to hear, but she stopped yelling, at least.
Starting point is 00:02:13 The cops spoke to her for a few minutes, then the other cop with the little book handed her two papers. She looked absolutely apoplectic. The cops came back over and spoke to the manager, telling her they ordered her to move her car, and if she didn't or cause problems in the store to call them back, and they would tow her car. They told us they gave her two tickets, one for each parking space, at 500 bucks each, out! The manager thanked the police, thanked me, and went back inside. The woman stomped around a bit before getting in her car and peeling out.
Starting point is 00:02:47 The cops looked at each other, then got in their cars, and followed her. I'm pretty sure she continued to have the day that she deserved. Meanwhile, I happily treated myself to some Legos for performing a public service. Our next red-apposis from without Dennis Nedry. We once had neighbors that from the day we moved in absolutely hated us. We never even met them, but they made our lives hell in every way they could. We had moved to that area, putting my grad school and our big life plans on hold to look after my mother-in-law who had stage 4 cancer. So it was already a sucky reason to move and we hated the area. It was rural
Starting point is 00:03:26 California which was very yee-ha in a bad way if you know what I mean. Our neighbors were garbage people and just awful to us. They never did anything illegal per se, but every petty thing you can think of to make our lives awful, they did. For example, our water hose was on their lawn after I watered my roses by about 2 inches. It was coiled up mostly on our side, but I wasn't done watering and just stepped into the house for a few minutes for a lunch break. While I was outside, they cut the 2 inches of the hose that was on their property and threw it in our yard, but they left the rest of the hose that was on our property. Absurdly petty. They had never even met us or spoken to us. Finally, after about two years of this,
Starting point is 00:04:12 I was talking with my across-the-street neighbor about it and she told me they were treating us that way because they thought that we were illegals. I'm Native American and my spouse is Hispanic, but they thought that we were both Mexican. I asked him why he thought that we were from Mexico, and she said that before we moved in, some of our forwarded male accidentally ended up in their box, and it had your Mexican address on it. New Mexico, from New Mexico! These idiot races thought that we bought a home in an upscale neighborhood in coastal California with cash, and that we came straight from Mexico to do it, so we must be part of a cartel and hear illegally. They had concocted this whole narco scenario because my husband's last name is Lovato,
Starting point is 00:04:57 because we're darker than they deemed appropriate, and we bought our house with cash. To be clear, we sold our starter house that we put years of backbreaking work into renovating and made a killing on it. Also, they don't know that New Mexico is an effing United States state. It was all so absurd. Don't worry, this story has a happy ending. When we moved out after my mother-in-law passed, I wrote them a long letter telling them how embarrassingly stupid they are, and how they were giant buttholes for making what was already a hard time on my husband, who was dealing with the slow death of his mother on even worse time, so I hope they're proud of
Starting point is 00:05:35 themselves. Then we stole their cats! As for the cat, they neglected him and left him outside, covered in fleas and fending for himself day and night, in the terrible heat of summer without water and in the freezing cold of winter without shelter. The cat had already moved in with us because we had actually cared for it and we took care of its medical needs. In my book, you treat your cat like garbage and you didn't microchip him, then he's mine. So one good thing came from our time there and he's napping in the window so right now. We named him Flavio, after Flavio Minda Santiago, the famous Mexican cartel drug lord.
Starting point is 00:06:12 Okay, so yes, obviously it's very crazy that these races didn't know that New Mexico is in the United States, especially since it's only one state away. But what's even crazier to me is that these people thought that you were a member of the Mexican drug cartel and their response was, let's piss these Mexicans off! YEEHA! Yo, if OP literally was part of the Mexican cartel, then after they cut OP's hose, they would have cut their necks? Why on earth would you
Starting point is 00:06:42 provoke one of the most dangerous organizations on planet earth? What the morons? I once read that members of the Mexican drug cartel, Skinned a man's face off and stitched it into a soccer ball. Our next reddit post is from Florida man 69ing your mom. This was back in 2008 or 2009. I was in Quito Ecuador. I was staying at a hostel and was there for just over three weeks.
Starting point is 00:07:06 Less than a block away, there was an Irish pub. This pub had really good bar food that wasn't on the menu of a lot of other restaurants in the area, so because of that, it was a mixed crowd. It was popular with locals and also with backpackers because of the proximity to the hostel. I'm at the bar with some other guests from the hostel and we're expecting a few more to join us. Next to me is a bar stool and on the other side of the bar stool are two women talking who are obviously friends. In Spanish, I asked the woman closer to me
Starting point is 00:07:35 if she's using the empty chair and if it's okay if I grab it. Spanish is not my first language, but I can still speak it clearly and confidently and I grew up speaking it since I was a kid. She says to me in Spanish with a smirk on her face that she doesn't understand me, and she doesn't speak English. I ask for the chair again in Spanish while motioning to it, and she says that she doesn't
Starting point is 00:07:57 speak English. I ended up getting the chair from a high-top table that was behind us that no one was using. At this point, she turns to her friend and I hear them mumble. I don't know why he's talking to me. I hear them chuckling to themselves, assuming I was hitting on her, I guess, and that she rejected me? Hugh Petty Revenge. Throughout the evening, I know she heard me conversing in Spanish with the bartender,
Starting point is 00:08:21 so by this time, she knew I definitely spoke Spanish. The napkin dispenser is directly in front of me and she asks me in Spanish if I can hand it to her. I look a little confused and I point to the napkin dispenser. Then I look back at her and lean in a little as if I didn't hear what she said. She again says in Spanish that she needs napkins and asks me if I can hand her the napkin disp Spencer. I look at the dispenser, then look at her, and then I very clearly say, low-ciento, no oblo-engles. I'm sorry, I don't speak English.
Starting point is 00:08:54 She gives me a shocked Pikachu phase and she turned bright red and then I give her the cold shoulder. Don't flatter yourself, lady. I was not hitting on you. I just wanted the dam bar stool. Down in the comments, we have this story from a mechanical mind. I studied German in high school and I worked for a German company. While visiting the main headquarters, I had to spend some time with guys in the workshop who barely spoke any English. One day they were trying to explain something
Starting point is 00:09:19 to me, and after some time trying to do it in English they said, in German. War Room Spritz-Discher-Vadamte, Italian-Shea-Affé-Nicht-Douche, which roughly translates into, why doesn't this Affing Italian monkey speak German? To which I replied, also in German, it contradicts a frog and War Room-Discher-Verdamte-Douche-Arch -Khein-English-Spritz. arm, Dicer, very dumb to Dwayche Archkine English-brick. Which translates too, I could also ask you, why doesn't this German donkey speak in English? The guy who said it became as red as a traffic light and the others burst out laughing. I also explained to him that my German wasn't good enough for me to understand technical explanations, but if he didn't remember English terms, he could use the German ones.
Starting point is 00:10:05 After that, we got quite close, and we would hang out for beer, barbecue, and go watch his rad ball matches. Our next reddit post is from patient currency. I'm 28 years old, and I live in a small town where there's a lack of jobs. I moved back in with my parents since we have a good relationship. I buy all the groceries and pay some of the bills. My 16 year old little sister, however, was not happy. She was saying that I should be a man and move
Starting point is 00:10:30 out again. A few weeks ago, she started continuously calling me a freeloader and a parasitic leech. My parents don't like technology. They're not part of a religious cult. They just avoid technology and live a simplistic lifestyle. The only modern tech they use is a laundry machine, a car, a flip phone, and a TV. However, they don't take away our gadgets if we pay for themselves. When I was 18 and was looking for my first job, I had to hand write a resume since we didn't have a computer or a printer. It's impossible to get a job while still in high school because of the small job market in our town. My sister, on the other hand, was lucky. I bought her a PC, a smartphone, and a data mobile plan which she's had since she was a young child.
Starting point is 00:11:15 But now she's calling me a parasitic leech. Eventually, my little sister's constant name calling got on my nerves and I came up with a plan. I simply cancelled the data plan and repossessed all of my belongings. Now she's having the same childhood I had. Oh, and she stopped with the name calling. Enjoy the Amish lifestyle, little sis. Down in the comments, we have this way from Ramrodron. This is a gentler version of what a friend of mine experienced with his entitled 16-year-old daughter.
Starting point is 00:11:45 Some of her entitlement comes from playing two divorced parents against each other, sometimes successfully. She was demanding some expensive item and when told no, she screeched, F you, you never spent any money on me. He said, okay, for the next month I won't spend any money on you. And except for food, shelter, and hygiene necessities, he didn't. His ex was also on board because she had also been on the receiving end of this entitled behavior too. His daughter had to pack her own school lunch and had no spending money.
Starting point is 00:12:16 About two weeks in, his daughter apologized, but the demonstration lasted a month. As a result, the entitlement knob was turned down several notches. Our next reddit post is from TinyCow's. My stepmother married my dad 10 years ago when I was 35. From the start, she was awful. She would listen in on every phone call, which we didn't find out about for years. She made sure that my dad never saw his grandkids on my side of the family, only her side of the family. He wasn't allowed to see us either.
Starting point is 00:12:48 Whenever he made plans, she would cancel them. The worst part is when he was very sick with cancer, she refused point blank to keep us updated on his health. She told us in a group text that we were mean to her so we didn't deserve the information. And how were we mean? Because we didn't deserve the information. And how were we mean? Because we didn't send her cards and flowers on Mother's Day. Sometimes he would call me because his wife forgot to take his phone away from him after he was so ill that he couldn't get out of bed to retrieve it. She didn't even tell us that he passed away for three days after.
Starting point is 00:13:21 She wanted to make sure that we couldn't attend the funeral so that she could talk badly about us. She wrote his obituary and spelled all of his biological family names wrong and listed all of her kids as grandkids and bonus children and left out information like his parents and siblings names. She was a horrible person. I knew that there was an insurance policy for me and my siblings to split. It wasn't even that big, but she was so mad that we got anything at all that she refused to give us the policy paperwork or give us his social security number so that we could look it up ourselves. She claimed that we would just use it to open credit cards even though the government and credit agencies
Starting point is 00:14:00 had his death certificates. She told us that we didn't deserve anything at all, and she was mad that he didn't leave the policy to her kids instead. So, having her phone number address in email, I signed her up for everything. MLMs, religious calls, window and roof replacements, things like Ali Express offer emails, vacation entries that just sell your name to everyone, etc. My daughter even helped me find new things to sign her up to so that we could ramp up the spam. I heard that she was forced to change her phone number because it was so bad. Serves her right. I regret nothing.
Starting point is 00:14:35 I also made sure to send my stepmother a screenshot of the policy payout. Our next Reddit post is from OKComputer. Alright, so my 22 year old boyfriend has started following a lot of Instagram women. Not regular girls, I don't mind those, but particularly the ones in lingerie with their butts out. He was even watching their only fans. I, a 21 year old woman, told him that it made me uncomfortable and to stop, but his response was, it's just Instagram, you're doing too much, it's not that serious
Starting point is 00:15:06 and he kept doing it. Well, I posted some pictures of me in a G-string bikini with my butt hanging out. He saw the picture and he started freaking out, slamming doors and yelling. He was like, you don't respect yourself, girls who do that are hose. That's embarrassing, I don't want my girlfriend doing that bro bro. That's weird. And he's mad, like really mad. He told me to take it down and I said, no, isn't this what you like to see? And his response again was, you're in a relationship. Why would you do that? I said, I'm only posting what you like to see. After that, he started ignoring me. It's been hours, and honestly, I don't care. I don't feel bad at all.
Starting point is 00:15:47 For months, I was uncomfortable and asked him to stop, and he wouldn't, so yeah, now he's a victim of the crime that he participates in. That was our slash Petty Revenge, and if you liked this content, be sure to follow my podcast, because I put out new Reddit podcast episodes every single day. follow my podcast because I put out new Reddit podcast episodes every single day.

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