rSlash - r/Prorevenge How I Tricked a Bully into Failing His Classes!

Episode Date: March 22, 2020

r/Prorevenge In today's video, a school bully tries to intimidate and threaten another student into giving his money. Little does the bully know, OP is friends with the bully's victim, and OP is not s...omeone that you want to mess with. OP sets in motion a devious plan that results in the bully failing his classes! If you enjoyed this video, let me know by hitting that like button! Watch on YouTube: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 To support sustainable food production, BHP is building one of the world's most sustainable cottage mines in Canada. Essential resources responsibly produced. It's happening now at BHP, a future resources company. Welcome to our slash pro revenge where OP causes a douchebag to fail his classes. After university, late 2018, I fell on rough times and was forced to move back to my hometown. I tried to transfer my job to a branch in my area, but failed, thus I needed to get a new job. I settled for a 20-hour week job at a bookies, with a second bartending
Starting point is 00:00:35 job in the evenings. The bookies was the target for my revenge, which was entirely accidental. The characters in this story are Janelle, my manager's manager, Shay, my manager, George and Gordon, my co-workers, and Kara, a co-worker at another store, who's relevant later. I ended up working behind the counter as a customer service manager, basically a step up from cashier. It's fancy when seen on a CV, but there's really nothing to it. I took bets, chatted with customers, held people with machines, and for the vast majority of my shift, sat around waiting for something to do. I got on well with my coworkers,
Starting point is 00:01:11 or so I thought, and had no major issues. It was 20 hours a week, about one pound more than minimum wage, with a lot of overtime required of me and irregular shift patterns. Though I had no issues with the job, beyond how difficult it was to juggle the schedules of both of my jobs. In February of 2019, after working for the company for six months, I was invited to a probation hearing. It cannot be emphasized
Starting point is 00:01:34 enough that it was a probation hearing in which I would have my performance reviewed and, as informed in training, was entitled to a pay raise at the end of it. I arrived that morning to a disciplinary hearing where, without even a shred of evidence, I was accused of 11 different cash discrepancies dating back to early November of 2018, shortly after I'd started, which all amounted to 217 pounds, all but one of which I'd never heard of before. These had apparently been reported and logged by my manager, Shay, and my co-workers, despite no one saying a word to me at all.
Starting point is 00:02:11 Not a whisper in the five months this had apparently been occurring. I was told that it was unacceptable. A call was made to HR, and I was terminated on the spot and forced a hand over my keys and to never set foot in the store again. To my protest, I was told the decision couldn't be appealed and I would eventually receive written confirmation of my employment's termination in the post. I didn't let myself slump around and feel sorry for myself, so on the way home, I opened up indeed and applied for a bunch of jobs and before I arrived home, I had an interview
Starting point is 00:02:41 set up for the next week at what is my current place of work. Now I was furious. Fuming it having gone to what I thought should have been a normal probation hearing and having effectively been called a thief and been banned for life from a place I'd never go to anyway. But somehow, my parents were even angrier and ordered me to let them know when they got into contact with me again. Almost two weeks later, I received an email from the company's HR which reiterated the
Starting point is 00:03:08 accusations and stated again that I was terminated. My mom sat me down in her kitchen and walked me through a letter response that was two parts professional and three parts scathing. Ripping into them about their unprofessional conduct, their ludicrous claims, their lack of evidence, the holes in their story, because they were quite a few, and finally the cherry on the cake. The employment laws they've broken. Now, I didn't want much, just a nice reference. A promise that not a whisper of these accusations would turn up when my new job asked them for reference, because by then, I'd already been offered the job. I then attached the letter to an email to fire back at their HR department. And in this part of the story, OP forgot to mention what he included in
Starting point is 00:03:53 the letter, but basically he laid out all the evidence about how this was a false claim of theft and explained all the labor laws they broke and basically threatened to give us a good recommendation or else. Then I added Janelle's work email, then her boss's email and finally the holding company that owned the brand, because I wanted to make sure this was seen. A bit of background, the bookies I worked for is a brand that's owned by an international company. Their name, behind the scenes, is slapped on everything and they pretty much dictate
Starting point is 00:04:24 everything we did. Their name, behind the scenes, is slapped on everything and they pretty much dictate everything we did. I'm not sure if holding company is a correct term, but I'll stick with that for now. Anyway, I sent this email with a 48 hour window for a response. I received a reply the next day from the same email that my demands were being met. I smirked victoriously and moved on with my life, happy to wash my hands from the entire ordeal. However, I had set off a chain reaction that I wouldn't know about until three months
Starting point is 00:04:48 later. Three months on, I settled into my new job, a call center position with double the hours and well over, double the pay. I'd gone through training and was settling into my new position when I see a new set of trainees settling in near my team. Among them was Gordon, one of my coworkers from the bookies. I was Gordon. What are my co-workers from the bookies? I was stunned. Gordon had been at the bookies for six years when I joined. He was well-liked, good at his job, and a favorite of the managers. There was no way he'd been fired, though I didn't
Starting point is 00:05:17 really want to talk to him. As I was of the impression that he, George, and my manager had likely set me up. I did want to know what happened. Luckily, on seeing me in the break room one shift, he sought me out and told me everything. Apparently, my email had been read by the higher ups in the company and had caused a lot of scrutiny to fall onto the bookies in our town, of which there are three in our area that Janelle was responsible for, two in my town and a third in neighboring one. Someone in HR passed a message down to the area manager, Janelle's boss, claiming they wanted things investigated and they wanted results yesterday, causing him to drop everything
Starting point is 00:05:52 and descend on our little town with the panic and aggression of a man whose superiors were watching his every breath. He went to Janelle wanting to know why he hadn't been made aware previously that I was apparently stealing money. why I'd been given keys to the shop and shifts on my own when allegations of that nature were attributed to me, and why I hadn't been put under investigation. Turns out, Janelle had, in fact, put in my employee file that I was under investigation, but had never actually gone through with any of the official procedures for monitoring and investigating me.
Starting point is 00:06:25 Shock. Horror. Thus, she'd fired me for the accused crime without looking into it at all, falsely claiming otherwise. Thus, the area manager took the dates and amounts of the cash discrepancies confirmed that they had been reported on those days, without my knowledge. In Shade's own logbook of the shop's cash, and sent that information on to our security team to investigate.
Starting point is 00:06:45 Another little detail is that the CCTV for every shop in the brand is outsourced to a private security company who monitors each shop remotely and has access to all the cameras in video. As was procedure, they looked into the dates mentioned to see if I'd been doing anything on-doward. I know I wasn't, and nothing was ever said to me. But they did find something. Turns out, money was going missing from the shop, but surprise, surprise, it wasn't me,
Starting point is 00:07:12 but George and Shay. They not only set me up, for reasons I'll never know, but were also falsifying numbers and cash checks on the system to hide it. One thing Shay was caught doing was deliberately short-changing customers by taking portions of their winnings without them even knowing it. Bear in mind, a lot of our customers were elderly men and women. Gordon claims that he once opened the shop after I and Shay had closed the night before. And noticed a cash difference, but had been told not to say anything to me as I was under
Starting point is 00:07:43 investigation and it could compromise it. He did apologize and I let it go. Needless to say, George and Shay were fired, but it doesn't in there. Our team was small, including me, there were a total of four people working at the store. As they hadn't been able to hire anyone to replace me, George and Shay's termination meant Gordon was the only employee at the busiest shop in our area. Even if they'd been able to get other colleagues from the other two shops to help out, it wouldn't have been enough to keep the shop open and manage the amount of customers.
Starting point is 00:08:14 So they closed the location down until they could get the staff to run it. It was at that point that Gordon handed in his resignation and applied for his job at my work, meaning they had no one. On top of that, Gordon's girlfriend worked in the same shop as Janelle and she relayed that she was rarely at their store in the other town, for the next few weeks before the area manager reported that she was fired as well, no reason given to her.
Starting point is 00:08:38 I was later issued an apology for everything by the area manager and informed that Janelle was no longer with the company in an email sometime later. But somehow, it doesn't end there. With the store I worked at closed, this one being on the high street and where most people preferred to go, the only other location in town was the much smaller location in the suburbs. The one where Kara worked, alone.
Starting point is 00:09:04 She suddenly received an influx of customers into her tiny store space and absolutely no support from other staff for upper management. Thus, for her own mental health, having already been overworked and underpaid, running an entire store by herself, she quit, meaning that location had to be closed down too. All of this was at the worst time possible, March, when the Cheltenham Festival was occurring, which is a huge money maker for the gambling industry, even in small towns like Arras. An opportunity that three other bookies on the high street reap the benefits of instead of mild place, as the former customers went to them instead. As it currently stands, just over a year later, both shops remain closed and I'm currently
Starting point is 00:09:48 entering a job in cybersecurity. The training for which I paid for with my current job. Thanks for firing me, you morons, you did me a favor. As the world's population grows, so does the need for resources like Potash to support sustainable food production. This is why BHP, a future resources company. To discover how, visit slash BetterFuture. This NBA season make every three-pointer alley-oop and buzzer-beater even more exciting with
Starting point is 00:10:31 FANDUEL. Download the app today to see why we're North America's number one sports book. 19 plus and physically located in Ontario. Gamlin' Tom call 1866-5312-600 or visit Our next Reddit post is from Mountain Trekker. During my second year in college, I lived with three friends in a house that had another four other guys living
Starting point is 00:10:51 on the other side of the house. The two sides of the house had a lot of mutual friends as my roommates had known them from high school. So we had tons of parties together during the year and got along pretty good until a few months before final exams. Each side of the house had its own electric water and cable bills which we paid separately. I always handled our bills and paid them each month
Starting point is 00:11:11 but our water bill was actually in my roommate's name. I'll call them bird. So one day, the biggest turd on the other side of the house, LaDouche, who handled their bills, walked into our house when I wasn't there, and confronted little bird and yelled at him, saying we owed him over $500. Apparently, their water bill each month was about $125, and ours was 40-50 bucks. Ladouche thought there had been a mistake in the billing, so we should split the bills down the middle. After I was told about this confrontation, I contacted the water company and asked about the billing.
Starting point is 00:11:46 I was told over the phone the bills were specifically split up to each side of the house, but a person would come out to check out the water meters. The next day, a technician stopped by and looked at the meters to make sure they were operating correctly and that they were billing to the separate size of the house. He confirmed there wasn't an issue with the meters or billing, and basically said they're probably using more water. End of story. I told my roommates about this, but because of my schedule, I didn't see Ladouche for
Starting point is 00:12:11 about a week. During that time, he confronted Little Bird a couple more times who told him about the water company's position, but again, he was yelled at. Inside our own house, and was again told that we needed to split the bills with him. Then the weekend comes. My roommates and I head to a house party hosted by some mutual friends. At some point during the party, I was in the front yard when a friend runs up to me and says, Ladouche is trying to fight little bird.
Starting point is 00:12:37 We run to the backyard and through about 50 people I can see Ladouche with his roommates behind him in the middle of the circle pushing bird, yelling that he owes him money, and Ladouche throwing bird onto a beer pong table where he held him down saying he was going to beat Bird. I nearly lose my mind as I see this and immediately grab Ladouche, say a few choice things and shove him away. I wanted to do more, but it wasn't worth it. Yet. So Ladouushinai actually had a class together. We weren't friends, never sat together, and since the whole water bill incident,
Starting point is 00:13:12 we never even looked at each other in the 500 person lecture. He always sat with one of his roommates, and I sat with one of my best friends, Rose. As the water bill fights somewhat subsided, and the final exam got near, Ladushin as Rumi started to act more civil and would even make small talk to Rose and I in the hall about the final worth 75% of the grade. Topics to study blah blah blah. They knew Rose and I had A's in the class. It wasn't a very difficult class, but I enjoyed it and actually studied quite a bit. And knew I'd probably get an A and maybe I'd let Rose cheat off of me on the first test.
Starting point is 00:13:47 I told Rose I had a feeling that Lidush and his roommate were up to something since they were being so nice, and that I expected them to try and cheat off of us. So I came up with a plan if they tried. Now, the format of the test is important. It was a packet of questions with the answers A, B, C, D listed vertically. And then you transfer your questions to a bubble scan drawn, which is another sheet of paper that gets put through a machine. Not sure how familiar people are with it. With this format, I told Rose that I would circle an answer. She would look over and circle the same answer with a big circle, ensuring that anyone
Starting point is 00:14:23 looking could see. We would do this for the entire 100 question final before marking our answers on the Scantron. The key to the revenge plan was that the actual answer was always going to be the answer directly below the circled answer. So if we circle A, the answer we put on the Scantron is B. If the circled answer is D, the answer we put was A. For a few days, I kinda thought I was being weird and crazy to come up with this plan because there was no way this guy actually thought he would cheat, and I was blinded by anger. Either way,
Starting point is 00:14:57 when the day of the final exam came, we got to the room early and I sat on the far right seat of a row with Rose to my left. Guess who strolls in a decisive sit next to us for the first time all year after he threatened to beat up my best friend a month before? Oh yeah, LaDouche. Dude had no shame and snuggled right in the seat next to Rose with his roommate next to him. Rose and I could barely believe it
Starting point is 00:15:22 and had to use some serious composure before the test started. The two of us operated like a well-oiled machine. We circled our answers large and at the end, we went back through and marked the correct answers onto the scantron. During the test, we could both see Laduchin as roommate Leaning and copying our circled answers. Unreal! Fast forward to the summer break, and Ladouche's roommate came over to our side of the house when he saw Rose was there with me. He opened the beer and chatted for a bit before he finally got to what we were waiting for.
Starting point is 00:15:54 So how did you guys do on that test? I remember looking at Rose and saying something like, I don't remember exactly, but I know I ended up with an A in the class, and she chimes in saying, yeah that sounds about right because I got a 92 on the test. The look on his face told us everything we needed to know and he mumbled out. Really? The douche and I both failed and had to take the class again. That was our slash pro revenge and if you like this video then let me know by hitting that like button because it really helps my channel grow.
Starting point is 00:16:24 take the class again! That was our slash pro revenge and if you like this video then let me know by hitting that like button because it really helps my channel grow.

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