rSlash - r/Prorevenge I Got My Boss Arrested by the FBI

Episode Date: February 3, 2024

0:00 Intro 0:08 Arrested 10:04 Shampoo revenge 12:39 Comment story 13:07 Comment story 2 13:59 Xmas gift Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:24 Yeah, he says it's a pill but- That's right! Did you know it's also covered by most private insurance plans? Well, I'll definitely be asking my doctor if Rebelsys is right for me. Rebelsys, ask your doctor or visit Order up for Rebelsys! Welcome to r slash pro revenge, where OP gets his boss arrested by the FBI. Our next Reddit post is from FalconerXV. Almost two decades ago, I worked in the magazine publishing industry as an advertising and marketing manager.
Starting point is 00:01:11 What this meant is that I sold advertising spaces in our line of various publications. You know those fancy clothing ads or product ads between articles? Yeah, those. And when you're good at it, you can make embarrassingly large stacks of cash. I was about 20 years old, making a very healthy $150,000 a year, so I thought that I nailed a dream job. My director, on the surface, seemed like the most awesome boss.
Starting point is 00:01:38 He was charismatic and he knew how to lead. He was a retired Marine, and he was incredibly good at motivating his subordinates. He was friends with the actual Wolf of Wall Street, Jordan Belfort, and he had come to our company to teach us how to close sales. And yes, I do know how to sell you this pin. My director, Daniel, was in actuality one of the shadiest people I've ever met. And his overconfidence and his skills led to not only his downfall, but also led to a huge scandal in the company,
Starting point is 00:02:11 resulting in multiple investigations, including his arrest and the CEO's arrest on different charges. I won't get into the backstory of how I started there or how I rose up in the ranks under Daniel. All you need to know is that Daniel took me under his wing to train me as his protege. Daniel rose up in the ranks under Daniel. All you need to know is that Daniel took me under his wing to train me as his protege.
Starting point is 00:02:27 Daniel was known in the company for creating advertising initiatives that would be insanely profitable. He would then move one of his subordinates into a managerial role on that project so that he could move on to the next initiative. What most people didn't realize was that Daniel's initiatives were only sustainable
Starting point is 00:02:43 for maybe two to three years before they would start losing money. But since Daniel was such a prominent figure in the company, the manager who took over the project would take the blame for it, citing lack of proper management skills. So Daniel was largely unnoticeable and never took the blame.
Starting point is 00:03:02 Daniel put me in charge of one of those initiatives, but instead of losing money, I was able to sustain it for more than seven years. This gave me a staff of 200 additional sales reps to oversee. I was also the supervisor, the graphic designer, IT, HR, and I had my own accounts to manage as well, so I was working from six a.m. from 6am to 11pm 6 days a week, not including my commute of one hour each direction in LA traffic.
Starting point is 00:03:30 I knew that I was working myself into an early grave. One thing I always thought was weird about how Daniel managed his subordinates was that he required everyone to provide him with their PC login and password. Keep in mind, this was early 2000s and RIT department was barely able to build a corporate network so this was our best way to monitor what people did on their PCs. Or so I was told. It turns out, after hours Daniel would login to people's PCs and would not just go through their company emails, he would also look through their browsing history.
Starting point is 00:04:03 He would set everyone's browsers to automatically save any passwords entered. So he'd read their personal emails. His justification was that he was looking for any evidence of corporate espionage or violations of proprietary information. One of the most irritating things he did was that he required everyone to save their company Outlook PST files onto his network drive. This allowed him to monitor other people's company emails from his own computer.
Starting point is 00:04:29 Eventually, our team got so big that we had to hire our own accounting team. Since they fell under Daniel's jurisdiction, he had access to their files as well, but our accounting team didn't know this. This allowed him to monitor a lot of financial communication between our parent company and also predict where budgetary changes were being made. Daniel would use his information to maximize how he strategized his next project initiatives. He clandestinely knew
Starting point is 00:04:56 where money was going to be before anyone else, so he had time to come up with plans on how to get a bigger chunk of that cash. On the outside, his ability to do this seemed almost preter-natural. But all he was really doing was just reading confidential emails without anyone knowing. All accounting information was kept confidential just within the finance team, so they didn't know that Daniel was readily accessing this information. Like I said, RIT team was barely conscious. Daniel decided that he wanted to take a two week vacation and left me in charge of his monitoring duties.
Starting point is 00:05:31 He showed me where the email files were. Internally, I was utterly aghast at how much he was looking at our personal communications. But I was young, naive, and making a salary that most 20-somethings could only dream of, so I thought this was normal corporate operations. During Daniel's vacation, one of our employees dropped a cigarette down a plastic drain pipe outside of the office. Turns out he'd been doing that for weeks, and the backup of cigarette butts eventually caught fire and it set off the smoke alarm in the building.
Starting point is 00:06:03 We were forced to evacuate and close up shop for the day. Because I could work remotely, I copied all the email files onto my laptop and headed home. That's when I discovered something that will haunt me for the rest of my life. In my haste to copy the email files, I inadvertently copied Daniel's files to my computer as well. Out of morbid curiosity, I figured, what the hell? Why not? So, I started looking through his emails.
Starting point is 00:06:29 At first, I found emails to another director where he was disclosing how he was able to go where the money is. Turns out, another director in another branch was also doing the same thing, and they were joking about how they were able to make so much money and set up the manager they left behind to fail. They talked about how they would share this financial information with advertisers, other publishing firms, et cetera, to put themselves in strategically advantageous positions
Starting point is 00:06:55 for prime accounts. In a nutshell, what they were doing was sharing private corporate information without approval from the legal team. I've seen junior associates get taken to court over this. I also saw emails from several female colleagues who were mysteriously removed from the company. Turns out, Daniel had nine sexual harassment claims against him from these female colleagues. But because he was so profitable to the company, the CEO turned a blind eye,
Starting point is 00:07:23 settled them out of court, and then moved Daniel to a different team to avoid any negative perceptions. One of the emails between Daniel and this female colleague was very explicit, and it was very clear that his advances were unwanted. Lots of pictures of Daniel and his wife engaged in adult activities, hoping the female colleague would want to join them, et cetera. Daniel also had a folder called New Accounts. By this point, my image of Daniel was shattered. The guy I thought was a great mentor
Starting point is 00:07:53 was actually just a sleazebag. So I looked into that folder and I found a massive collection of some of the most explicit, whoa, I can't say that word, adult content of people who are not adults. Let's put it that way. My mind will forever be haunted by the filth that I found there.
Starting point is 00:08:12 Even just thinking about it now makes me want to cry for the lost innocence of those poor children. So, I wanted to sink this guy. My thought process was this. If I straight up reported those images, it would be obvious where the reporting came from since I was the only one who had access to his computer. I didn't want to have a vindictive, angry marine breathing down my neck. So, instead, I reported the accounting irregularities through our anonymous company hotline. This would trigger
Starting point is 00:08:40 an immediate investigation which includes a thorough audit of that person's computer. Even though Daniel had his laptop with him on vacation, his desktop computer was still very much online at the office. The accounting and legal departments took the investigation insanely seriously. Things move so fast that the next day I got a call from Daniel with a request. I need you to write up two notes. One note says, this is my two weeks notice, and the second note says,
Starting point is 00:09:08 I tender my resignation effective immediately. If the CEO asks about me, hand him whichever note you think is best. He wanted to resign and collect his severance before the investigation concluded, knowing that the company would have to call the police when they found his stash. If he resigned before the investigation finished, chances are the company would just sweep it under the rug since the problem was now gone. I never handed either note to the CEO, and the cops were called. Daniel was arrested. His wife was also arrested. Oh no! His daughter, which turns out was one of the kids in the stash, was taken by another
Starting point is 00:09:48 family member who completely cut themselves off from Daniel. An added bonus to this was that the accounting investigation led to a discovery. Turns out, the CEO filed bankruptcy for one of the magazines to secure an additional $15 million in funding. But instead of applying that money to the failing magazine, he pocketed 12 million of it and spent it on lavish homes and other countries. This led to the CEO also being arrested. I left the company shortly after, realizing that the entire place was a toxic hellhole of backstabbing, and that this kind of behavior was actually the norm at this company. Last I heard, Daniel was still in jail,
Starting point is 00:10:28 the CEO was penniless, and the entire company was sold off to another parent company because it had gotten so toxic to be associated with it. OP, this is a really great story, and I'm glad you took this douchebag down, but the second I uncovered the thing that you uncovered, I would have gone straight
Starting point is 00:10:46 to the cops. Report it to the accounting team? There's no way in hell I would give this guy a chance to squeak by just because the company didn't want to have a scandal. Nah man, I want the feds kicking down this douchebag's door. Our next Reddit post is from that Aussie and Golan guy. I worked on an offshore oil platform as a roust about. Basically, that was the starting position where you did all the jobs that no one else wanted to do. We worked 12 hours shifts and had 4 men rooms, but the shower and toilet was also shared
Starting point is 00:11:16 with the next door making it an 8 man use cubicle. Every day when I got off work, I was exhausted, sweaty, and dirty as hell from cleaning out drains, mixing chemicals, or something along those lines. After a few months, I realized that my shampoo was being used by someone else. I would keep my shampoo in the storage section behind the bathroom mirror. These were allocated by bunk numbers, and there were eight of them, and they couldn't be locked. When I did the shift change, I confronted the off-going crew
Starting point is 00:11:45 and this one guy started laughing and bragging about how he hadn't needed to buy shampoo all year. I told him to stop using my stuff or there'd be consequences. He shrugged me off and walked off laughing. My workmates and I gave each other WTF looks. Shampoo isn't expensive. It really got my goat that he was stealing my shampoo. What a tight ass! As the day went by, I got more and more annoyed by his behavior. When I got off my shift, he made it blatantly obvious that he had used my shampoo again. So back in the room, my workmates and I hatched revenge of the highest order. I pissed in the remaining shampoo, gave it a good old shake, and put it back.
Starting point is 00:12:27 We all had a good old giggle. Every day, the guy would start his handover by bragging about washing his hair, singing this old shampoo ad from the television. So every day, I added a little more piss to the shampoo, hoping he would figure it out himself. Honestly, the smell was brutal after a week and I realized I needed to drink more water. I should mention at this point that nearly everyone on the rig knew what was going on. After a week and a half, D-Day arrived when he was quiet during our shift handover. I told him his hair looked silky and smooth that my shampoo was doing wonders for his hair.
Starting point is 00:13:10 He just stared at us all. There was no privacy in the room, so he knew the whole crew was in on it. From that moment forth, he was affectionately known as Piss Head. The remaining shampoo was disposed of of and I kept all my toiletries locked away in my kit bag under the bed. So OP sounds like you got pissed off and then he got pissed on. Also down in the comments we have this story from Deleted. I had a roommate who kept using my laundry detergent. I asked him to get his own but he continued to use mine.
Starting point is 00:13:43 So one day I went to the store and bought a box of RIT laundry dye. I dumped it into the box of laundry detergent and gave it a stir. Sure enough, my roommates did a load of white laundry with it and all of his shirts and underwear came out blue. He moaned and complained about it, but he never used my detergent again. Also, we have this swear from Spina Boa. My colleague wouldn't stop using my cream that I bought from my coffee. I told them to stop, which mostly they did, except for one of my colleagues.
Starting point is 00:14:12 As soon as this guy ran out of milk, they used my cream. Or at least the one guy did. So I went to the drugstore and bought mild laxatives. You know where this is going. The box says two pieces for one adult, so I grinded up eight and put them into very little leftover cream. So whoever were to use it would get all eight pills. Now obviously I didn't tell them what I did, but that colleague took a sick day the
Starting point is 00:14:37 day after because of stomach cramps, lol. I can't do this permanently though, so I had a friendlier idea. Now I put green food coloring in the cream. I had a hard time holding back laughter when one of my colleagues said, Dude, you should throw away the cream. It's green! Our next Reddit post is from Hypittens. I know a guy who's done this every year for more than a decade.
Starting point is 00:15:00 It started when some dick broke into the cab of his truck and stole Christmas gifts that he had bought at the mall. If I remember correctly, he had to make two trips, and some jerk saw him go back into the store and busted his window. It was a long time ago, and I'm not positive of the details of the original event. He started this tradition 10 years ago, the day after his truck was broken into, right around December 23rd. He does this at the same mall every year. He gets a big box, big enough to just barely fit in the backseat of most cars. This takes a while to find.
Starting point is 00:15:35 He fills it with the most vile garbage, dirty diapers, cat poop, rotten food, used sanitary products, packing peanuts, etc. The past couple of years, and after advice from Reddit, he elevated his game by cutting all the corners of the boxes, so once it's open, it falls apart like a beautiful blooming flower and the garbage content spill out. He waits until a day or two before Christmas. He wraps the big box in festive, yet very thin holiday paper with zero structural integrity that barely holds the box together. Then he puts a big bow on it and a giant tag that says, to Joshua, Merry Christmas, Love
Starting point is 00:16:15 Grandpa. Then he loads it into the bed of his truck and drives to the mall. Every year, it's stolen within minutes. Man, OP, if only your friend were also a NASA rocket engineer, so he could engineer some kind of spinning plate that distributes the garbage once it's opened, and, you know, some cameras so he could upload it and start a YouTube channel out of it. That was our slash pro revenge, and if you like this content, be sure to follow my podcast because I put out new Reddit podcast episodes every single day.

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