rSlash - r/Prorevenge I Made My Bad Boss Pay $200,000

Episode Date: October 19, 2024

0:00 Intro 0:06 Suspended 2:52 Criminal kids 7:59 Previous owner 12:36 Thin walls Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to r slash pro revenge, where a douchebag gets arrested. Our next reddit post is from Deleted. In the mid 2000s, my friends and I would frequent a small billiards place in a neighboring town where you could rent a table by the hour or play per game. We'd play a few games, watch whatever sports were on the TV, and have casual conversations. There were no problems and no drama until about three months of us visiting this place. A guy shows up and takes our spot at the billiards table, but no big deal. We were all just chatting anyways.
Starting point is 00:00:31 Twenty minutes later, my friend lets this guy know that we want to play the next game, and this jerk is super dismissive. Needless to say, we did not get in during the next game. So I politely let him know that we wanted to play next. Another lady chimed in that she wanted the game after us. The guy blatantly ignored me and the other woman. Some more time goes by and the guy leaves the table. We see our chance to get in.
Starting point is 00:00:58 We put our quarters in and the balls are dispensed. Except for the green number 6 ball. The guy took the 6th ball to the bathroom with him. At this point, it was getting ridiculous and we notified the manager. The manager noted that it was 1230 at night and they were going to be calling last call and closing so he didn't want to make a scene by kicking him out. He got us another ball so that we could play. The guy comes out of the bathroom and he realizes what we
Starting point is 00:01:25 did. He smirks and proceeds to the patio to have a cigarette, bringing along his beer and the green billiard ball. The guy comes back in and tosses the ball that he was holding onto the table, hitting a few balls on the table and messing up our game. He goes up to the bar just in time for last call. One of the friends I was with suggested that we follow this guy home and each one of us call the highway patrol to report a suspected drunk driver. Three of the four of us agree. So when he leaves, we used our trusty Nextel push-to-talk phones and coordinated several calls to the cops. We provided details like license plate, vehicle make, and model and color. And we mentioned that this guy's car nearly hit another vehicle, that it was swerving
Starting point is 00:02:12 between lines and driving erratically. We did all this within 15 minutes. We had no idea where the guy lived, but we suspected it was close as he was visiting a neighborhood place so our time was limited. The one guy in our friend group who didn't call the cops tailed this jerk. He called us all giddy when a police officer pulled between him and the guy and turned his lights on to pull him over. The police blotter that week included an arrest of a guy who was pulled over after multiple calls of erratic driving.
Starting point is 00:02:42 He was not arrested for driving while intoxicated, but he was arrested for driving with a suspended license. Our next reddit post is from Pretentious Banana. I am an art student. I lived with my parents while I was at college to cut living expenses. A couple of years ago, my dad had a security system installed that came with two cameras to set up. One pointed at the side door of our house in the driveway and one pointed at the street
Starting point is 00:03:07 by the front door. That way you could see the cars. It has an app that we all installed on our phones that gives us alerts. I also have this shed that I asked my parents if I could use for most of my art because it gets messy. I would always clean up after myself, but paint still stains the carpet and if I had to smell that tangerine floor cleaner one more time, I was gonna barf. I fixed up the shed a bit and it still looked sucky, but it's mine. It took about two weeks to set up. We also had a problem of people
Starting point is 00:03:37 going through cars. A lot. Like ridiculously often. I had a terrible Ford tempo that I never kept anything important in, so I didn't care. So I'm a terrible Ford tempo that I never kept anything important in, so I didn't care. So I'm a student of the visual communication program in my local college. My professor had given us our term assignment, which was basic, but fun. Pick a piece that was in the textbook and either write a 10 page essay on it or do a recreation with a 2 page blurb of how you copied the techniques and yada yada. I was stoked because Van Gogh was in there and I wanted to do a piece called Cafe Terrace, which is a gorgeous piece. I put a lot of time and effort into this thing and smoked a lot of weed while doing it. Haha.
Starting point is 00:04:18 But one night, my phone gives me an alert from our security system while I'm at a small party and I see a blurry image of three teenagers running past my side door. I think it's odd, but I wasn't home to check it out immediately. When I get back, I see the door to my car ajar and I roll my eyes because it's annoying but not new. But then I remember the alert on my phone and went to check around the house. I checked the shed last because there's a lock on it, so it should be fine, right?
Starting point is 00:04:48 I live in Canada, who's gonna break into a shed? Ha ha ha. But when I get to my shed, it's trashed. The lock is on the ground. The material that I hung up to cover the ceiling was ripped and burned. All the works of art that I put on the walls were ripped down. My paint was everywhere and my pastels were stomped on. They even broke my cheap stool that I nicknamed Hermit. But the worst thing was that my term project was destroyed, cut apart
Starting point is 00:05:17 and then repeatedly smashed with my own bong. My 9mm glass beaker bong that I got as a present. This happened 2 weeks before I had to turn the effing project in. I was livid. The revenge. I was able to get a week's extension as I emailed my professor and sent him photos including the security alert and I contacted the cops about destruction of property. Clean up took a couple of days and I did manage to turn my project in on time without the extension by just not going to sleep. The first piece I did was better but hey, I was still pissed though. I kept thinking of ways of how to catch these kids
Starting point is 00:05:57 or lure them in and scare them. So I left loose change and $5 bills on my car console. I left my doors unlocked and at the front of the house. I kept an eye on that camera and I kept a bat in the shed on the side door. There was no guarantee that I would catch the same idiots, but I kept hoping. A few people stole from my car, but it wasn't those three turds, so I waved it off. A month later after my final exams, I'm in the shed at 2am smoking and sketching something when the alert goes off. It's the front camera and I see three familiar looking blurs ransacking my car. I grab the bat and before I set out I hear them coming towards my shed. I flick off the lights in the shed and I let them get closer before I jump out with
Starting point is 00:06:45 a baseball bat in my hand. One of them screams so loud before they book it and I run after them to scare them away. I'm bad at running and I fully expect them to outpace me. But one of them cuts across my front lawn and slips on wet grass. He biffs it and I catch up to him and grab him by the back of his hoodie and threaten him with the bats. Were you the ones who trashed my shed? I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I won't do it again. What the hell is your name? Matthew. His name was not Matthew.
Starting point is 00:07:17 Give me your effing wallet. The dude throws his wallet at me and I let go of him to retrieve it and he runs off. Whatever. I pocketed my 5 bucks, plus what I'm assuming was another 40 bucks of stolen money. I look at his wallet and his high school ID and real name was there. I facebooked his mommy and told him what happened and I emailed the school as well. I mentioned that I was a previous student there and I was devastated about how the school teaches children. The mom turned up at my door with another mom and an older dude along with the three
Starting point is 00:07:51 turds. They had to apologize to me in person. Isn't that nice? Our next reddit post is from CompileCommit. Mobile phones became common in my country around 2004, just as I finished high school. My parents bought me my first phone, a second-hand Nokia. It was bulky and basic, but I promised myself that someday I'd buy a new phone with my own money.
Starting point is 00:08:14 When college started, I had a 2-hour daily commute. In high school, I had excelled academically and won several district-level awards. These awards were being distributed during my first year of college. One nationalized bank award finally gave me enough money for a new phone. I bought a Sony, not realizing it had been abandoned by its previous owner. By the third day, I started receiving calls for some guy named Bitsa from various financial institutions. It turns out, this phone number previously belonged to this
Starting point is 00:08:45 Bitsa. And even now, 20 years later, I'm still getting these calls. Determined to keep my phone, I began a routine of blocking wrong numbers. I got my first job after graduating in 2009. Around 2010, I was assigned to a new project with a notorious reputation for burning people out due to a nefarious project manager named Bits. I didn't know his full name for quite a while. He took pride in making our lives a living hell. Bits ruled with an iron fist.
Starting point is 00:09:17 From the moment that his team stepped into the office, they were met with a barrage of emails and messages, each more urgent than the last. Bits thrived on creating chaos, often changing project deadlines on a whim and demanding his teamwork late into the night and through weekends. Bits' presence loomed over every task. He insisted on micromanaging every detail, yet was quick to take credit for any success, no matter how small. Failures, however, were met with his notorious tirades, publicly berating his team and assigning blame without
Starting point is 00:09:52 hesitation. His unpredictable temper kept everyone on edge, afraid to make the slightest mistake. Meetings were another tool in his arsenal of torment. He scheduled them during lunch breaks and after hours, ensuring no one could escape his grasp. These meetings were often pointless, serving only to reinforce his dominance and disrupt any semblance of work-life balance his team might have had. His relentless stream of emails continued around the clock, each carrying a thinly veiled threat. Perfection or dismissal. Under his reign, morale plummeted and burnout soared. Yet, Bits remained oblivious, satisfied only by his complete and total control. I was quite ashamed when I learned that he was from the same area that I was and he had gone to the same school as me, though years earlier. Eventually, I learned his full name, Bitsa.
Starting point is 00:10:47 Now that name is common enough in my country, but at the time, mobile numbers had an area-specific pattern, so I already knew that the previous owner of my phone had the same area as me. Still, the previous owner of my phone could be a different Bitsa, so I wanted to dig deeper. I talked to an old mentor who lived in the same area and had coached several high school students for the last two decades. He confirmed my suspicions. It was evident that Bitsa and Bits were the same person. This is where the revenge lies. First, I unblocked all the numbers in my phone. I was getting 5-6 calls daily on average, but after unblocking about 150 numbers, it increased to 15-18 calls a day.
Starting point is 00:11:33 My answering strategy changed drastically. Instead of saying wrong number, I politely explained that the owner had changed their number and I provided his current number to update their database. The fallout was epic. These people had been trying to find Bitsa for almost a decade. Banks had sold his debts to companies that harass people for a living to get their money back. It turns out he had been taking out loans in other people's names. His wife, his parents, his uncles, his aunts. And he gave all the loan officers the same phone number, mine. He was evading credit card debt and loans upwards of $200,000 US dollars. Apparently, he had almost 20 cases filed against him, but no one could find
Starting point is 00:12:20 him. That's probably why he thought that he could walk on water. There are multiple versions of what happened at the office when his manager started to get calls about him. He was let go about two months later and I haven't heard from him since. Our next reddit post is from 2016Christmas. My wife and I decided to go to Southern California for the holidays. We found ourselves a nice resort and checked in. All was well, until we noticed that the walls in our room were very thin. As we entered our room, we could hear our next door neighbor talking and having an argument
Starting point is 00:12:52 with his girlfriend. We shared one common wall with them. They were shouting pretty loud and we could hear everything through the wall. We'll refer to this guy as Noisy Neighbor. Noisy Neighbor kept fighting with his girlfriend about something she said earlier. We didn't follow what was going on and we weren't interested, so we decided to go eat and explore the town that we were in. We came back around 10pm and all was quiet.
Starting point is 00:13:16 We figured that Noisy Neighbor and his girlfriend already went to bed, so we went to bed as well. Turns out, he was out. Noisy Neighbor and his girlfriend came back at midnight laughing really loudly. Loud to the point that we could hear them and hear their entire conversation. Looks like they made up after fighting that morning. We hear the girlfriend say that she's hungry and Noisy Neighbor calls for pizza delivery. It was then that we heard Noisy Neighbor's name, phone number, and credit card info.
Starting point is 00:13:45 Not that we would do anything with it. They kept chatting and laughing, and we could hear every bit of conversation through the thin walls. My wife and I tried earplugs, radio, and everything we could think of to drown out the noise. We were hoping that they would eventually turn in for the night and that there would be some peace and quiet. Yet Noisy neighbor was full of energy and boyish laughter. Finally, at 2am, we decided to call the concierge and let the resort
Starting point is 00:14:11 security deal with it. The resort that we stayed at was meant for mindfulness and meditation, so it did enforce some quiet hours. Security called them up and told them they were too loud and to keep their voices down. This did the trick for some time and we fell asleep. Only to be woken up again around 5am to some really loud passionate hugging. Like moaning and screaming from the girlfriend. After they were done with their business, they washed up and just kept talking. Laying there in bed, I heard all about Noisy Neighbor's job, where he was from, where he grew up, his political views, and so on. Finally, at 6am or so, we called up the front desk again. This time, security actually came and knocked on their door to tell them to keep their
Starting point is 00:14:56 voices down as it was still officially quiet hours. Noisy Neighbor and his girlfriend were furious that they could be disturbed when they were just having fun and having a good time. They claimed that they weren't loud at all and why can't they just have some fun? They threatened to leave poor reviews for the resort and made sure that all their friends would hear about this as well. Security took all that in, gave them their warning and left. After security left, Noisy neighbor and his girlfriend started talking trash about my wife and me through the wall, knowing that we could hear it. Stuff like,
Starting point is 00:15:29 our neighbors are such a-holes, probably a racial slur. What's wrong with making love with my girlfriend, huh? Too loud for you pussies! And just deliberately talked to his girlfriend in a really loud voice, talking about how great the intercourse was and how she was going to scream and moan louder next time. I was frustrated at this time, with very little sleep. I took out my cell phone and recorded everything that we were hearing, hoping to show the front desk just how little soundproof the room had and hopefully ask for a room change. But then something happened. At 7am or so, we heard
Starting point is 00:16:06 Noisy Neighbor's phone ring and suddenly the two lovebirds were really silent. Then I hear Noisy Neighbor say, Hi, Naeem. How are you, sweetie? I just woke up here at the conference. Long day ahead. I miss you so much. Turns out, Noisy Neighbor was cheating on his wife with his mistress over Christmas. At this point, my wife and I hatched a plan. With all this information that we had on Noisy Neighbor, his wife's name and where they lived, we started combing Facebook and for more information. Lo and behold, we found what Noisy Neighbor looked like, an old man in his 50s, and his wife. All the information matched up with what he had been talking about all night,
Starting point is 00:16:49 plus his zip code when he ordered pizza. A bit more digging, and we found where Noisy Neighbor's wife worked and her email address. A simple email address later, I compressed the recording I had and sent it to Noisy Neighbor's wife. The best part is that the recording contained Noisy Neighbor's wife's phone call to Noisy Neighbor. So she had no doubt that it was definitely her husband. Exhausted with little sleep, my wife and I decided to just get up and go get some breakfast around town.
Starting point is 00:17:22 We come back a few hours later and stop by the concierge's desk. We wanted to thank them and their security for trying to help us get some sleep and ask for another room. Turns out we didn't need a room switch. The concierge told us that they checked out this morning a few days earlier than scheduled. The concierge mentioned something about an urgent family concern that Noisy Neighbor had to attend to. Looks like our plan worked much better than we had hoped for.
Starting point is 00:17:50 The rest of our stay at the resort was quiet and uneventful. No one else checked into that room. I did show the front desk parts of my recording just so they knew that they needed to work on soundproofing their rooms in the future. That was r slash pro revenge, and if you liked this content, be sure to follow my podcast, because I put out new reddit podcast episodes every single day.

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