rSlash - r/Prorevenge My Brother Harassed Me, So I Took His $150,000 Inheritance 763

Episode Date: February 2, 2021

r/Prorevenge In today's story, OP inherits $300,000 from her grandparents with the directive that she splits it with her full siblings. The will wasn't written very clearly, which means that OP was un...der no obligation to give any money to her half-siblings. When her half-brothers start harassing her and become incredibly greedy, OP just laughs at them and keeps all the remaining inheritance for herself. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to R-slash, a podcast where I read the best post from a cross-read it. Today's sub-read it is R-slash Pro Revenge, where two entitled brothers managed to screw themselves out of $150,000. Our next read it post is from deleted. When I was three, my grandparents passed away. They set up a savings account in my name. The account was meant to be accessed by me when I was 21. At that point, it contained just over $300,000.
Starting point is 00:00:27 My grandparents left me a letter saying they would like me to share the money fairly with any other Smith Jones kids, meaning my full siblings. My dad's a Smith and my mom is a Jones. By fairly, they meant they wanted me to assess the situation and judge for myself what was fair. I never did have full siblings, but I have two half brothers, Mack and Joe Smith, who are my dad and stepmom's kids. Due to the specific wording that my grandparents used, I legally never had to give Mac or Joe
Starting point is 00:00:51 any money. However, I see Mac and Joe as my brothers, and since some money came from our grandparents, I felt the fairest thing would be to assign each of us $100,000. That way, we all got an equal size lump sum, and I figured that when Mac, the youngest turned 21 and took his $100,000, we could split any remaining money. When I turned 21, that suggested that I buy a house with my 100K. I found a place that I loved, but it was 130K and I couldn't get a mortgage, so that's that I should borrow a 30K from the account.
Starting point is 00:01:19 I did, figuring I could pay it back before my brothers turned 21, and I have been repaying it. The account should be a 208K right now, but due to me withdrawing and then repaying the money, it's at 195K, so I still owe 13K. Joe turned 21 recently, and when I was giving him his $100,000, Joe noticed that there was less than the account than there should be. I explained myself and said that I was going to put it all back before Mac, who's now 19, turns 21.
Starting point is 00:01:45 Joe told Mac and both boys said I stole from them and owed them the full 13k back, plus $3,000 of interest that they felt they would have gotten. And they wanted it all paid by this summer, which gave me less than 6 months to bring the account up to 211k. I said that I'd do it, but over two years as planned. The boys then wrote up a contract of that effect. I went to sign it until I saw that it said that I had six months to pay it all back. I wouldn't sign since we agreed on two years. They said they should figure it out as they weren't entitled to that money and would be seeking legal advice. Later that day I got an email, clearly written by them, saying that they intend to sue me
Starting point is 00:02:24 for the $16,000. Plus whatever is currently in the account, an additional damages and emotional distress on top of that. At this point in time, I'd given Joe about half of his $100,000 because he wanted it in installments. I responded that, legally, they were never entitled to any of this money, and given their attitudes, I say they've already received an amount that I deemed fair. So that $50,000 was all that they were getting.
Starting point is 00:02:47 I then got a barrage of texts, calls, and emails yelling at me for going back on our deal. I blocked them. They then took to social media, saying that I was trying to screw them out of their inheritance, and rallying our extended family into rassing me over this. And it mostly worked because a lot of people messaged me. However, I got a message from this guy called Chris Smith. Chris said he was 27 and claimed to be my half-brother. I had never met him before, but he sent me photos of him as a kid with
Starting point is 00:03:14 our dad, grandparents, and me. He showed me that he also had an account with $150,000 in an an scan of a letter from our grandparents saying this money was meant to be shared fairly among dad's illegitimate children. Chris also told me we have another half sibling who's 18. He'd been looking for me for a while, but he only found me when dad shared Joe's post which had me tagged. We checked with a lawyer to make sure, and since Joe and Mack are legitimate, they aren't entitled to anything in Chris's illegitimate kid fund. And since they're my half siblings, they aren't entitled to anything in my Smith,itimate kid fund, and since they're my half siblings, they are entitled to anything in my Smith Jones kid fund either. I sent Joe and Mac a letter, formally telling them to back off, stop posting about me online
Starting point is 00:03:52 and enjoy the 50k because that's all they're getting. The day they received the letter, Chris got a PM from my dad asking if the boys can have some of Chris' fund. Chris also said no, and told dad that we'd met. With Chris' permission, I told Mac and Joe about Chris and our other half-brother. So it looks like my grandparents knowing about Chris before they passed set up two separate funds. One fund for the kids that my dad had with my mother who was still his wife when they passed.
Starting point is 00:04:18 And one for kids born out of my dad's affairs, presumably to make sure that no one tried to screw anyone else out of her feelings. I'm getting a lot of heat from this, but I'm holding firm on my decision. Mack and Joa have realized that I won't back down on this, and it sounds like I've caused a schism at their house. Because Jo has his 50k and has no intention of sharing, so Mack is not feeling twice as crude. Plus, my stepmom apparently didn't know about the other half siblings, or that my half sister was born after she and my dad got married. And she's made my dad move into a hotel. It sounds like dad is looking for a long-term living arrangement outside of the family
Starting point is 00:04:53 house, because it looks like she's not letting him move back in. Dad is begging me to reconsider, but honestly, I'm done with all of them except for Chris and my sister. Man, OP, your brothers are frickin morons. You told them you were gonna pay them a total of $200,000 and they decide to argue with you over 3k and interest. Talk about biting the hand that feeds you, all they had to do was do nothing and they would have been 150k rich or for it.
Starting point is 00:05:20 I agree with you OP, I think you made the right call in the situation, your brothers are acting really entitled and toxic. As stated in the will, that money is 100% years to do with as you please, so I see no problem with your actions here. Our next reddit post is from Raptor Blues. Chad was an engineer with a planning and support department with a part of his company that impacted virtually every other part of his company. Unfortunately, Chad was a real butthole. In less than a year with the company, he had thoroughly trashed everyone in his department to anyone who would listen.
Starting point is 00:05:51 He talked about their incompetence, their minor scruubs, and most importantly, their failure to properly support the very mission-critical infrastructure they were responsible for. Every hiccup that occurred, however minor was used as ammunition. All these terrible things Chad was saying eventually made their way up to the managers and directors throughout the company. That wasn't enough though. Chad made the mistake of trashing his own director, who was also his manager. Over the next few months, there was no one even remotely involved with his department who
Starting point is 00:06:20 didn't know what Chad was doing, including that manager. Chad's manager and director was Tim, a pretty sucky manager by most measures. He paid his employees 40% less in the industry average and had a sucky team because of it. But he nevertheless expected absolute dedication from that staff. If he could have had his employees wash his car and pick up his dry cleaning, he would have definitely added that to their job descriptions. Tim was also pretty bad when it came to understanding what his own staff did and routinely made things up about their work while talking to other people.
Starting point is 00:06:51 Everyone involved knew he was full of garbage because what he said made no sense at all. Most rolled their eyes, but people also knew that Tim was a force to be reckoned with. Despite his shortcomings as a manager, the one place Tim excelled was corporate politics. He was consistently able to emerge unharmed from situations that would have gotten anyone else fired. Tim would definitely play opponents off of one another, then stand back and watch the fireworks. He'd been doing this for years and seemed to have a Teflon coding. Mud that sucked to others would slide right off of him. Tim, of course,
Starting point is 00:07:25 knew exactly what Chad had been saying. Eventually, Chad's trashing of his own department became so severe and the reputation so torn or said a large director meeting was called to discuss the situation. The other department directors were out for blood. Inter Tim's Pro-Rovange Tim asked Chad, the very person who sprayed all this negative gossip with giving a presentation that defended the company against his own gossip. Chad had to spend the next couple of weeks creating a formal presentation
Starting point is 00:07:54 and repeatedly submitting it to Tim for approval. The meeting rolled around, and Chad was forced to stand up in front of a large group of company directors and managers and formally defend his own manager and department. Everyone at the meeting knew they were only there because of what Chad had been saying, and so they sat back and watched himself tear himself apart and prove himself wrong. Of course, Tim and his department came through completely unscathed, but Chad was thoroughly discredited throughout the company and he knew it. Chad quit within six months of that
Starting point is 00:08:24 meeting, and last I heard, he was bad-mouthing everyone involved at his new company too. Our next Reddit post is from Dr. George B. Last year I lived with my then girlfriend. This turned out to be a huge mistake. Soon after moving in, it became clear that she expected me to cover her rent from time to time. Since she was between jobs at the time, I let this slide expect you to be paid back in due course. It was a similar story with household bills. While she did pay her share to begin with, she eventually refused to contribute. I asked her if she could just open an overdraft for their bang until she got more work, which would have been
Starting point is 00:08:59 free of charge, but she refused. Within the first few months of living together, she got quite behind on Rent and Bills. When she finally got a job, she began to repay her debts but she was always reluctant to pay. I thought she might be reluctant because she didn't have a lot of money, which would make sense. But things continued this way even after she got a better job. When she refused to pay rent one month, I explained that this wasn't fair and I insisted that she pay up. After a considerable outburst she paid, but not without making it clear that this was not what she wanted to do.
Starting point is 00:09:32 During this argument, I was working in a different town over and a few days later she let me know that she had moved out and broken up with me. I was upset with a breakup and further upset that she insisted that she didn't owe me money for Rinter bills, which left me in a dire financial position. To cut a long story short, she realized her mistake and came back a few weeks later, but with a renewed conviction that she didn't owe me anything because her returning was payment enough. The next few months consisted of her threatening to leave at multiple points for not supporting
Starting point is 00:10:00 her enough, despite me buying most of our food, letting her pay late, and bringing her lunch every day. She even repeatedly threatened to kill me one night after coming home drunk. I thought this was especially rude, considering that I'd stayed up late to make sure she got home safe. Other notable events were her and her mother having a deep conversation on how to leave me high and dry on rent. Her mom is a classy lady, and her getting verbally abusive that I wouldn't
Starting point is 00:10:25 drop her name from the tenancy agreement. Needless to say, the relationship wasn't meant to be and it didn't last into the new year. She was the one who ended it. She eventually moved home, but she agreed to meet her obligations and pay her remaining half of the rent. Sometime after this had boiled over, I met a fantastic girl and we eventually got together. Happy days, I thought. Not quite. My ex-girlfriend discovered I'd met someone else and absolutely lost her mind. Calling me every name under the sun, calling me out for betrayal, etc.
Starting point is 00:10:57 She didn't consider the breaking up with someone might make them not want to be with you anymore. In since, my ex-girlfriend stopped paying me. At that time, I hadn't been keeping track and I thought she owed me about 300 pounds. After she calmed down, she agreed to pay. A few days passed with no payment from her, and then I got a message from her mother claiming that everything was paid off, and I should stop asking her daughter for money. She went on to say that any further request for money would be treated as harassment.
Starting point is 00:11:24 At this point, I was irritated by the entitlement and rudeness of this pair, and so I went back through my bank statements to check exactly how behind on payment she was. It turns out the amount that she owed me was more than double than I initially thought. So I prepared a formal letter of demand for payment and sent it to my ex-girlfriend's address. Several days later, I got a call from the cops saying that a harassment report was made against me. I explained the situation with the cops and confirmed that no harassment was made.
Starting point is 00:11:52 I was surprised that my ex-girlfriend would waste police time to try to get out of paying her debt, so I decided to take Pro Revenge and get justice. I discovered that for the entire period of us living together, my ex-girlfriend hadn't been paying council tax. Essentially, she hadn't told the council that she lived there. I took it upon myself to inform the council that there was a second person living at that property avoiding tax. They were very happy to get this information, and were even happier when I gave them an up-to-date home address for my tax-stodger ex-girlfriend. Meanwhile, I took my ex-girlfriend a quarter over the unpaid rent and bills using the tenancy agreement we signed and I got the majority of my money back.
Starting point is 00:12:32 Too long didn't read. My ex-girlfriend turned a 300-pound liability into a liability of about 2,000 pounds. All because she was too petty and entitled to pay her way in the first place. OP, it really seems like you dodged a bullet with this story because this lady is super toxic. I mean, you stayed up late to make sure she got home okay, and her response is to threaten to murder you multiple times. This girl was majorly financially abusive to you, and it sounds like she was also pretty emotionally abusive too.
Starting point is 00:13:03 My guess is that the main reason why she came crawling back after she broke up with you is because she realized she'd have to pay her own rent. Whatever, now she can go live with her mom, I guess. It sounds like those two were made for each other. That was our slash pro revenge, and if you like this content, check out my Patreon where I publish extra episodes. Also, be sure to follow my podcast because I put out new Reddit podcast episodes every single day.
Starting point is 00:13:20 Also, be sure to follow my podcast because I put on your Reddit podcast episodes every single day.

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