rSlash - r/Prorevenge Veteran VS Entire School District

Episode Date: July 27, 2024

0:00 Intro 0:09 The rent 4:34 Comments 5:07 Thieves 10:04 Fighting gamecocks 13:27 ISP office 15:33 Comment Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Summer is like a cocktail. It has to be mixed just right. Start with a handful of great friends. Now add your favorite music. And then, finally, add Bacardi Rum. And there you have it, the perfect summer mix. Bacardi. Do what moves you. Live passionately. Drink responsibly. Copyright 2024. Bacardi. It's trade dress and the bat device are trademarks of Bacardi and Company Limited. Rum 40% alcohol by volume. Welcome to r slash pro revenge where a bunch of scummy
Starting point is 00:00:31 thieves get sweet sweet justice. Our next Reddit post is from Mr Tyrone the Cat. So this is a story about my parents seven or eight years ago when I was barely leaving elementary school. I was really young at the time and my parents kept my sister and I in the dark at the time, but they later told me the gist of what happened. First things first, my parents owned two houses. They decided to keep their old house when they bought a new one so they could rent out the old house. The old house was in a decent area, but on the edge of a not so good part of the city, so it attracted a lot of the wrong crowd when my parents put it up for rent. After attracted a lot of the wrong crowd when my parents put it up for rent.
Starting point is 00:01:06 After the horror story of the first tenant, my parents found a single woman with temporary foster kids who was interested. Let's call her Karen. She seemed really nice at first, housing kids who needed a home and selling homemade tacos from her taco cart. My parents do a background check and see that her income from the state for the kid should cover the rent, and they figure her side hustle would help her out. She signs the papers and moves in with her kids immediately.
Starting point is 00:01:30 Now at this point, Karen decides to take in a lot more kids since her house was larger than her previous house. I have nothing against these kids. They're victims. But they tore that house to shreds. I remember going with my dad to that house countless times, handing him tools while he fixed a variety of broken things, especially the toilets and general plumbing. Eventually, my dad had enough and told Karen that all the maintenance he was
Starting point is 00:01:57 doing was, one, not required since the house was in perfect condition when she moved in, and none of the damage was caused by my parents. Two, all this damage was caused by having way too many kids in her house. This pissed off Karen and she just stopped paying her rent. For context, my dad is a fairly reasonable guy and I've never seen him give attitude to anyone let alone yell. My mother, however, is your typical Hispanic mother who doesn't take flack from anyone. That being said, when my mom took me with her to pick up the rent, Karen said
Starting point is 00:02:30 some nasty things to my mom and my mom kinda lost it. The screaming match was awful, but there was no physical contact on either end. And it ended with Karen basically saying that she wasn't going to pay a cent until my dad came back and continued doing the maintenance that he was doing prior. Karen was dead serious about this and my parents had to take her to court. I later learned that she was basically just a squatter. My parents were pissed! This was the second time that a tenant had gotten away without paying rent. Now, my mom is the most dedicated person I know.
Starting point is 00:03:04 If she wants something, she'll find a way to get it. without paying rent. Now, my mom is the most dedicated person I know. If she wants something, she'll find a way to get it. She was born and raised in Central America, traveled all the way to the US, went to school, learned English on her own, supported her brothers and worked full time. So my mom was NOT going to let this woman take advantage of us. The first thing my mom did was head to child services with photos of the house condition, courtesy of my father who always took photos of the house when we went over for maintenance. CPS looked over the photos and profusely thanked my mom for the evidence and said they would
Starting point is 00:03:37 look into it. Next, my parents got a lawyer who collected all the photos that we took before she moved in to prove the house's condition before she moved in. Now I wasn't in the courtroom, but from what my dad told me, it was the most satisfying thing he's ever seen. Karen's lawyer was a joke and was obviously the cheapest and most inexperienced lawyer around. Karen and her lawyer basically tried lying on every single point they made, where my dad and his lawyer
Starting point is 00:04:05 simply pulled out photos or messages completely destroying their argument. Eventually, Karen was contradicting herself and the judge ruled in my parents' favor. Now my parents knew that they weren't going to see a dime from this lady given that she no longer had kids to profit off of. Whoops. It also turns out that Karen was using her mother's name in order to take on even more kids, which explains why they were given to her to start with. So she was going to answer for that too.
Starting point is 00:04:34 Double whoops. Lastly, just to put the cherry on the cake, my parents put a lien on her taco cart so that she couldn't make money that way either. Triple whoops. This might not be enough for this sub, but you need to understand that my parents are hard working people who made something of themselves when given nothing to work with. This piece of garbage woman shouldn't take advantage of hard working people. Down in the comments this exchange caught my eye, Dragon Gala says, love it, the taco cart part at the end was the best.
Starting point is 00:05:05 And then Read Read Read says, can you explain? I'm an Australian, so I'm very confused. And I have never felt more pity for Australians than I do right now. You guys don't know what a taco cart is? Oh you poor innocent souls. I realize that Australia is pretty far from Mexico, so there's probably not a lot of Mexican immigrants who come over. But oh, you're missing out!
Starting point is 00:05:30 Mexican food is the nectar of the gods! Our next reddit post is from artisan thankfully. My granddad had lived down the road from us since before I could remember. He would always play with me and my sister when my mom had to work, and I thought of him as my second father. He always wore a really expensive platinum necklace as a keepsake for my grandmother and always told me stories about her and the wars that he served.
Starting point is 00:05:53 Now as for my aunt's family, they're basically the type of people who refused to work and were actually proud of scamming the government to pay for their lifestyle. They would do this through benefits. They would falsely claim mental disability and being obese as justification for not working. At the time, they were getting as much money as my mom who had a full-time job. My cousin literally texted me once that he doesn't want to work, he just wants to play on his Xbox. By the way, this man was 26 years old. They never visited my granddad, and for good reason.
Starting point is 00:06:27 He was physically disgusted with a lot of them. Well, my granddad ended up in the hospital due to a heart attack. Me, my mom, and my sister showed up to care for him. Then after three days, the doctors explained that he didn't have much time left, so we had to say our goodbyes. At that point, my evil aunt rocks up with her family. They ask us how much time he has left. And since we just want to be civil, we told them and led them in to talk to him.
Starting point is 00:06:54 My granddad then passed away. The next day, we got together to discuss his funeral. Since my grandmother, my granddad's wife, was buried in Cornwall, we decided to hold the ceremony there so that he could be buried together with her. However, Cornwall was about 300 miles away. My entitled aunt and her family didn't want to go all the way to Cornwall, and they refused to chip in for anything. So they decided to stay behind and watch his house.
Starting point is 00:07:20 Yeah, I know, this is a red flag, but we were mourning so we didn't think it through. The funeral was beautiful. There were heartfelt eulogies that brought memory after beautiful memory. All was well until we got home and we found our granddad's house empty. Everything of value was gone and the only things left behind were some paintings that my grandma made. We were pissed. We went to the entitled aunt who denied everything.
Starting point is 00:07:49 We had no evidence on her, so we decided to file a police report and left it at that. Three weeks passed and my mom went to visit my evil aunt. She noticed some new expensive things. A new TV, a new Playstation, etc. And she began to suspect something. Also, me and my sister noticed that my evil cousin was wearing my grandad's platinum necklace. I asked him where he got it from, and he told me that he had bought it with some money that
Starting point is 00:08:17 he got from selling weed. Me, my mom and my sister got to the car, and at this point we were seething. They were no longer family to us. We needed revenge. Now I mentioned before that they'd been falsifying their medical records to receive benefits from the government. So every time we went to visit, we would sneakily take photos of everything they had just bought, as well as my evil cousin's stash of pot and my uncle's collection of stolen goods. I forgot to mention, my uncle would steal big items off of vans and then sell them online
Starting point is 00:08:50 for an extra profit. We collected every text message of them bragging about their many fancy holidays and them refusing to want to work. Then we compiled a case report and anonymously sent it to the claimant investigators and let them do their jobs. A month later I hear from one of our nicer cousins that our evil aunt and uncle got their benefits taken away and they had criminal charges and had to pay restitution to the businesses they stole from. And also my evil cousin got arrested for dealing pots.
Starting point is 00:09:21 They are now financially screwed. I think the last time I talked to them they were asking me for money. I just told them to F off. Then OP posted an edit, A lot of you are wondering if I got the necklace back. Unfortunately, my evil cousin decided to pawn it for money to cover his losses. I didn't find that out until half a year later. By then, the necklace had been sold. I did, however, get some of my granddad's belongings. Still, I never talk to them again. The other part of this story that I think OP forgot to mention is that presumably OP's
Starting point is 00:09:56 mother inherited the grandfather's house, right? If the grandfather hated the evil aunt but loves OP's mom, then more than likely OP's family via his mom and his granddad probably got hundreds of thousands of dollars from the sale of that house. So if the aunt hadn't been such a terrible person and had actually treated the granddad with respect, they could have gotten way more money and not be ratted out to the police. Our next reddit post is from deleted. For context on this next post, OP uses the term fighting game cocks, which if you don't know is chicken fighting.
Starting point is 00:10:28 It's when you put knives on chickens feet and they kill each other. My father told me this story at my grandad's wake. Some backstory about my grandad. He grew up in Depression era Virginia and slaved away in the coal mines in order to make ends meet. His only way out was to join the Marine Corps, so he did. He fought in Korea and left the Corps soon after the war ended. He then somehow managed to get a job as a high school football coach in a county in
Starting point is 00:10:54 southwest Virginia, despite having no prior experience. This was fortuitous since he happened to have a knack for it. He went on to coach for 35 years at the same school, racking up hundreds of games and a good win to loss ratio. And while he burned through wives and fighting game cocks on the side, he made a pretty penny at this as well. His career was going pretty well, until they merged the school that he was coaching at with one from a neighboring town. Due to the merger, there was only room for one head coach at this new super school, and the choice was between my granddad, who had 35 years experience and by now almost a thousand games to his name, versus a guy with a poor win-to-loss record and
Starting point is 00:11:38 only 150 games under his belt. Obviously, the school board chose the inexperienced guy. My granddad complained to the school district about this terrible, terrible decision and in response, they relieved him of all of his coaching duties and shoved him into teaching an 8th grade health science class. Now bear in mind, the school district did this to a man who had fought communists in Korea, had three teeth drilled out without anesthesia, fought game cocks and always managed to charm the cops into leaving him alone. And he survived working in the coal mines in the 1940s. By now, this man had no more F's left to give. At the time, my dad
Starting point is 00:12:18 was a starting quarterback for the school's football team, so he witnessed the ensuing battle first-hand. My granddad decided that he didn't want to teach 8th grade health science and decided to make the school board suffer. The man never got sick and never took a day off in his entire career, so he had quite a few leave days saved up. He decided to take them all at once. For the entire first semester, he only showed up to class on Mondays. The district brought a lawsuit against him, but when the case went up in front of a judge, the judge looked at what the school had done to provoke my granddad and promptly told him to F off.
Starting point is 00:12:56 So for the next year and a half, my granddad only taught his classes once a week and cost the school board tens of thousands of dollars in substitute teachers fees. All the while, he was fighting Gamecocks and talking his way out of trouble in his new-found free time in addition to getting full sick pay. He nearly single-handedly bankrupted the entire district just for pissing him off. Finally, halfway through the next school year, the district offered him his old job back. He politely declined, gave his resignation, and almost immediately got snatched up by a district in the next county over. Zero f***s given. I miss that man. Yeah, OP, this is like a decent
Starting point is 00:13:38 revenge story, I suppose, though I'm not really sure why you're so proud of the fact that your grandpa did cockfighting because you mentioned it three times, but dude, that's just animal abuse. That doesn't make your grandpa cool, it just makes him cruel. Our next Reddit post is from Minty Fresh Death. So I split time between California, where I'm from, and the Philippines, where my wife and son live while I go through immigration. The Philippines has one of the worst internet infrastructures in the world.
Starting point is 00:14:07 And if that wasn't bad enough, they have even worse customer service. Well, last week our internet line got hit by a tall bus since the lines overhang the street. It's been 10 days and no one's come to fix it. And it's knocked out everything for most of the people who live on the street. They have a telephone hotline, but to save money, it's now completely automated, and you can only file one repair claim per account. So we visited the office last week. No luck.
Starting point is 00:14:35 We had to go again today, but this time I was fed up. As we were waiting in the office for them to call us, I noticed a sticky note with all their wifi info on it, just out in the open. Now I'm not a mastermind when it comes to this stuff, but I do know a lot. I noticed they have three wifi routers in the building, so I decide to log in to my VPN on my phone and connect to their fiberline. Originally, I just wanted internet so it would be less boring while I wait.
Starting point is 00:15:03 But after our number got called and they basically told us to pound sand, I was done. I was so tired of them. So I logged into their router's console and changed their password to a randomly generated one. Then I changed the wifi name to Fix My Wifi and I Fix Yours. Now I only break their fastest wifi, the same Wi-Fi that we have at home, and they still have two slower connections to help others, but now they can't use their fiber. It was a small act of revenge, but I watched them all scratch their heads and switch to
Starting point is 00:15:36 a slower connection as I walked out. Anyway, we got a call and we have a repairman on the way. Once he fixes our line, I'll go to restore their settings. Also, in an edit OP clarifies, they had the default logins for their console, an internet company, an effing ISP had admin and 1234 as their login info. Also, down in the comments we have this story from Wish You A Merry. Years ago, I was a specialist in a public school. As the lowest monkey in the totem pole, I was assigned to have my office literally in the electrical closet, where the towers with all the billions of wires were just sitting
Starting point is 00:16:14 out. And yes, I was expected to serve as special needs students in there. Anyway, one day I lose my internet connection. I tell the tech guy who just ignores me. I email the principal, the tech guy, the district tech people, but nobody cares. After three days with no internet, which I need to do my job, I'd had it. I was going on a three-day conference. So I flipped the breakers on all the towers, locked the door, and left. Nobody else had a key, so they had to get a locksmith to come out and open the door.
Starting point is 00:16:47 And then it took another day and a half for them to figure out that all the breakers were flipped. After that, my internet got fixed the second it went out. Well, I guess this qualifies as don't mess with the IT guy.

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