rSlash - r/Relationships I Caught My Son In Bed With My Sister!

Episode Date: August 6, 2020

r/Relationships_Advice In today's episode, OP lives on a farm with her husband, son, and her brother-in-law's family. She notices that her son is growing extremely close with her sister-in-law, and th...e two go jogging for long periods of time every morning. One day she comes home unexpectedly and notices strange noises coming from one of the rooms. She takes a peak and sees her son in bed with her adult sister-in-law! If you like this episode and want to see more, follow my podcast for more daily Reddit content! 🔔 Subscribe: 💬 Discord: 🎧 Podcast: ⚓ Send me a voice message: 📸 Instagram: ♪ TikTok: 🛒 Merch: 🎁 Patreon: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You're flying to meet with a new supplier to keep your business growing. And with the business platinum card from American Express, you can earn $820 in new value and more, which includes a $200 travel credit toward your flight. Now, boarding business class. American Express, don't do business without it. Terms and conditions apply visit slash business platinum.
Starting point is 00:00:27 Welcome to R slash a podcast where I read the best post from across Reddit. Today's subreddit is R slash relationship advice. I walked in on my son having intercourse with my brother's wife. I'm a 44-year-old woman, and I walked in on my 18-year-old son having intercourse with my 34-year-old sister-in-law in a cabbine, and I think they've been doing it for a while. My 37-year-old brother moved in with us February with his wife and two children. My husband and I have a big house on a farm. My husband is a farmer, and with everyone working from home, we thought it would be a good chance to stay together as a family and for my nieces to spend time on the farm.
Starting point is 00:01:05 I have three children and all of them live with us. The oldest is an 18 year old male and the other two are 16 and 13 year old girls. On the day my brother arrived, I went to buy groceries with my son and he went to the pharmacist to get his gym supplements and I bought the food. I saw condoms in my son's plastic bag when we arrived at the house, two packs with 36 condoms each, so 72 in total. I didn't think anything of it because he had gotten a girlfriend and wanted to be safe. Everything was fine, everyone got along with my sister-in-law and my son would go in and
Starting point is 00:01:33 early run around the farm. Everything seemed normal, until last month when they left on the run, but I was up baking and I never saw them making irons around the farm, which was weird. I asked them about it, and they said they decided to hit the road. My sister-in-law and son seemed to have a very good bond. Yesterday, I was coming back from a friend's house early in the morning. The sun was enough yet, and it was a little dark, but I saw that the cabin we have on the farm was open and the light was on. I thought maybe one of the employees had forgotten to lock up. So I went to close the door and switch out the light, and as I got closer, I heard people
Starting point is 00:02:08 having intercourse and I took a peek and it was my son and sister-in-law. I didn't confront them, I was so in shock. I haven't told anyone what I saw, and I don't know what to do. Should I confront them, should I tell my brother, should I tell my husband, I'm so confused. I've been doing a lot of thinking, and I'm sure they've been doing it for a while through the condoms and the morning runs around the farms. And then OP posted an update. As was suggested by many of the comments, I decided to tell my husband first and proceed from there. My husband lost it.
Starting point is 00:02:42 He first thought it was a joke. We talked about the issue, and we decided we should first talk to our son before telling my brother. We confronted our son with what I saw, and he already knew what was going on as he saw my reddit post and put two and two together. He didn't deny anything, he confessed. He told us that him and his sister-in-law had been having intercourse since February of last year when he was 17. My son said that it started on my sister-in-law's birthday party that he attended.
Starting point is 00:03:11 They got drunk and had intercourse in a bathroom, and they've been meeting at hotels ever since and sneaking off at family gatherings. After my son's confession, my husband just lost it, and told my son to leave the house and go to our condo in town and he didn't want to see him in front of him at this moment. When my son was gone, my husband stormed into my brother's room and told my brother everything. My sister-in-law was not in the house at that moment. My brother lost it and packed his stuff, took the kids and left. He asked where my son had gone
Starting point is 00:03:42 and said he wanted to teach him a lesson. We didn't tell him and he eventually left. He asked where my son had gone and said he wanted to teach him a lesson. We didn't tell him and he eventually left. My sister-in-law didn't return. I think my brother might have called her or my son warned her and she's afraid to come back. Her things are still in the house. In all the screaming and shouting, my daughters heard of everything and are devastated that their family might be ruined. They missed their brother and are afraid that my husband won't ever let him in the house again. My husband hates all forms of infidelity to the core and has always drilled this into our
Starting point is 00:04:12 two eldest children that they must never cheat on anyone or be in a relationship with someone in a relationship. I know I did nothing wrong in this, but how will I ever look my brother in the eye again? He won't answer my calls or texts and my husband said I should give him time to heal. My son left the condo because he's afraid of what my brother would do to him, and is now hiding in a friend and he won't tell us which friend. No word on sister-in-law. Also more information.
Starting point is 00:04:38 My sister-in-law was the one who initiated and of course the first time my son and her slept together. She was the one booking hotel rooms, buying my son dinners and lunches, and my son was even receiving unallowance from her. So first things first, this is textbook grooming behavior. The sister and law started doing this when he was a minor, she literally pays him off and gets some gifts. Yeah, this woman is not to be trusted and you should cut all ties with her completely. Secondly, OP, I agree with pretty much everything you said in this post, I think you handled this pretty well.
Starting point is 00:05:11 I mean, I've had as well as you could have given this situation. Also, kind of a dark thought. The fact that you don't know where the sister-in-law is and your son isn't saying where he is makes me think that they might be shacked up together. Should I tell my 20 year old sister that her boyfriend has been bullying me? My sister has been home since COVID started and her university shut down. Our mom works as a nurse so she hasn't been home since the pandemic. Our dad lives in a different state since the divorce.
Starting point is 00:05:38 My sister brought her boyfriend, Kyle though, which my mom was cool with. For a bit of information about me, I'm a very short guy, 5'2", and skinny, and I'm what most of you would consider unnerd. I'm very close with my sister though, because when we were growing up, it was pretty much just a two of us because mom always worked and dad wasn't in the picture. Kyle was nice to me at first, but after a few weeks of living with him, he started being meaner and meaner to me. Here's a short list of some of the things he does to me on a regular basis. He takes my snacks and meals from the fridge without asking. I have food allergies, so I sometimes go hungry because of this.
Starting point is 00:06:18 This is food that I get delivered to me on a weekly basis, so when I run out, I have to wait for another week to get more. He deleted my save files on my Switch and PS4. He calls me a whossy when we're alone. When I'm watching anime in the living room, he makes fun of me, takes the remote, and watches whatever. He would hit me on the side of the head when he walks by me. Yesterday, when he took my laptop and I wanted to get it back, he punched me in the gut.
Starting point is 00:06:45 The bruise is still there. He told me that if I told my sister, he would do something worse. He's nice to me when she's around though, but she's always in the home office. She still has online classes and works from home, so she swamped almost every day. The few hours she spends with me a day are the only times when I really feel safe. The thing is, my sister is super happy right now. She gushes about how much of a nice guy he is and how well he treats her. She says that she's happy that we get along, which is not true, and is hoping that he would be a good influence on me. I don't want to tell her because I
Starting point is 00:07:20 feel like growing up, I robbed her of her youth because she had to spend some weekends with me when mom had to work. The bruise is still there, so there's evidence that he really is abusive. I'm having second thoughts about telling her though, because I know she'll be very sad about it, or worse, she might take his side. What do you guys think I should do? I want him gone, but I don't want to cause my sister any pain. I don't know how much more of this I can take though. COVID has been hell.
Starting point is 00:07:48 OP. Please tell your sister. You are not doing your sister any favors by keeping this from her. I mean, at the moment he's abusive to one person, but who should say that he won't be abusive to her in the future? Or their kids together. And outside of that, this guy is abusing a child he should absolutely be kicked to the curb yesterday. And then OP posted an update. I told my sister and showed her my bruise along with my switch. It was a Christmas gift from her. And showed her he deleted all of my save files. I also told her all the mean things he said and does. My sister took my side, which was a relief, and went ballistic at Kyle and kicked him out. He tried to reason
Starting point is 00:08:32 with her, but she didn't buy it. We told her mom, and she said she'll see if she can come home in two weeks. Some of you guys are wondering why she isn't home. I'm high risk because I have asthma, so she needs to stay away. My sister took time off work in school for now and has been apologizing to me non-stop. I feel bad because she thinks I don't know but I know she cries every now and then. She's also been going the extra mile taking care of me and spending time with me, even if I told her I didn't really need her to but I did tell her that I appreciate it. Oh and if you're wondering why I told my sister first, I feel a lot safer with her than with my parents.
Starting point is 00:09:07 My mom worked so growing up, it was often just a two of us, and she always took good care of me. I trust and love my sister more than our mom and dad. We talk to our dad too, and he wants us to tell the police. He also said that I should get therapy. We'll see what happens. I'm happy that Kyle is gone, but I'm sad that my sister is sad. I wonder what I can do to help her.
Starting point is 00:09:28 Oh, and thank you to all the people who encouraged me to tell her about it. When you said that he might hurt her, that was the final push I needed to come forward. Thank you very much. So since I have a pretty big platform and since I have a lot of listeners on the younger side, whenever I read a story like this, I feel obligated to say something. If you're being abused by someone in your life, then you really should talk to a trusted adult. This guy's behavior is very typical, abusing a child and then threatening to do even worse
Starting point is 00:09:57 if they tell anyone. But no, once you tell someone who really cares about you or once you get the authorities involved, they can't do anything to you anymore. Enjoy the classic taste of the holidays at Tim's with the new non-alcoholic Bailey's flavored holiday menu. Whether you're hanging holiday lights or driving up to your folks, you can enjoy your For your holiday season, Real Canadian Superstore has more legendary ways to save than any other major grocer. Until December 6th, get a free Jumbo Point Seta when you spend $300 or more.
Starting point is 00:10:31 Plus, PC Oplum & Members can get select PC or no-name cheese at $3.99. Conditions apply to fly for details. My sister and brother-in-law won't let me kiss my boyfriend. I'm a 30-year-old woman, and I've agreed to carry my 42-year-old sister's baby for her as she's enabled herself and lacks the financial resources to pay a surrogate. I'm a 30 year old woman and I've agreed to carry my 42 year old sister's baby for her as she's enabled herself and lacks the financial resources to pay a surrogate. I'm happy to do this, or at least I was. I'm 6 months along at the moment and I met a lovely man recently and were in the early
Starting point is 00:10:57 stages of a relationship. He knows about my situation and is very accepting and considerate. Before green to carry their baby, we had some firm rules placed. They asked me to stay away from any sexual contact with men. I agreed, and I really didn't mind, nor do I mind it right now. The agreement was no passionate hugging of any kind, and I haven't done anything with anyone as was agreed. A few days ago, I introduced my new boyfriend to my sister in brother-in-law and at first everything was great. They invited us to dinner last Saturday.
Starting point is 00:11:29 We had a great meal and a great time together. They all seemed to get along, that is, until he had to leave. When my boyfriend said his goodbyes to my sister in brother-in-law, he then came over to me and hugged and kissed me. Quite passionately, but not in a vulgar way, nor was it for a long period, just literally seconds. As soon as he left, my sister and brother-in-law jumped down my throat, talking about how I broke the rules, how disgusting and wicked I am. I genuinely was shocked.
Starting point is 00:11:58 I hadn't expected such a blowout or their irrational behaviors or feelings towards me literally just by getting a kiss. I decided not to argue or even enter a conversation with them and just walked home. I live about a 30 minutes walk away and by the time I got home I had an email waiting for me. The email contained our original agreement but now it included a section with no kissing of any kind and they want me to sign the new agreement. I don't want to, as I've been more than accommodating and considerate of all their original
Starting point is 00:12:29 requests. I feel like they're now crossing boundaries, and acting as if I'm some sort of farm animal they own and control. I don't want to create any further animosity between us. They've been calling and texting me since then, and I have yet to answer. I would like to reply back by email so that there can be no confusion and to create some separation. Any advice on what to write would be great.
Starting point is 00:12:52 So how do I reply back to their email without being rude, or how do I deal with them in general? Down in the comments, I think Fight Max Master hit the nail in the head. No is a complete sentence. Alternatively, say, I signed your agreement in the first place. You don't get to change it. End of story, not up for negotiation. If you want to tear up the original agreement, let me know.
Starting point is 00:13:13 I am not signing an updated one. I will live my life by the terms we agreed. You aren't creating animosity. They are being insane. Bear in mind they didn't say, we're not comfortable with that, or could you please not, however unreasonable that is. They went straight from zero to a hundred. They've also admitted you haven't broken the rules by trying to update the rules. Say no and keep your distance if they get sucky about it. They clearly
Starting point is 00:13:40 don't care about being rude to you, so don't worry yourself too much about them interpreting what you write as being rude either. They sound like the sort of people who even when faced with the kindest and gentless know the world has ever seen, they'd still flip out and think it's rude. So don't exhaust yourself looking for the perfect language. Don't negotiate with emotional terrorists. I'm a 24 year old woman and my 28 year old boyfriend of 10 years has become incredibly secretive of his phone, laptop, social media, and car. Me and my boyfriend haven't really had any secrets until very recently. Since we began trusting each other, we had the passwords to each other's phones and social media accounts and were very transparent about things that most people keep secret.
Starting point is 00:14:22 About two months ago, he started not wanting me to go to his car without notice beforehand. I brushed his office him not wanting me to see his dirty car. A few weeks later, I tried to borrow his laptop, which he's normally okay with, and he was livid. He told me I was invading his privacy, which I felt terrible about and apologized. A little while later, he was driving us to the store and he got a text. I picked up his phone so I could read it out to him. He snapped on me the second I grabbed his phone. I, again, felt really bad and apologized. This week, I was thinking about this stuff,
Starting point is 00:14:57 and my irrational side got the best of me, and I consider that he could be cheating on me. So, I logged on to his Instagram on my phone. I looked through it and saw nothing really out of the ordinary except that he was following a lot of adult video stars and fitness models, but I couldn't give an F if he gets off to their Instagrams. I instantly felt awful about this so I told him what I did, and he told me he was going to change all of his passwords. I asked him why he isn't okay with sharing his secrets with me anymore and he told me he just didn't want to anymore. He very obviously was getting upset by the question so I decided not to probe it any further. Is this normal behavior for a long term relationship? And then OP posted an update. So I found out he
Starting point is 00:15:39 was cheating on me with an underage girl. Yesterday morning I confronted him and asked him flat out if he was cheating on me. He admitted that he had received oral from another woman. He said he blocked her on everything, but she kept creating Instagram accounts to contact him. I asked him why he did this, and he said he was ashamed and was looking for the right time to say something. Something in my gut told me he was lying, so I snuck into his room and stole his phone while he's showered. He forgot to take my thumbprint out of his phone. I looked at his most recent text and a few hours before he had texted an unnamed number. I told my girlfriend
Starting point is 00:16:16 I was cheating on her, we might not be able to see each other for a while. If you need me, message me on Instagram. I've never been so hurt by anything in my life. I felt my heart drop as I read the text. I looked at past texts and saw pictures of his member and her body and him saying that she looked better than me. I moved on to his Instagram and, like a lot of people said, he had a second one he used to DM women. I found a conversation with a girl he'd been talking to that started in
Starting point is 00:16:45 August of 2019, and which suggested he had been screwing her since October 2019. For at least one year of our relationship, he was unfaithful. I checked the girl's profile to see if she was better looking than me and saw on her bio the name of a high school near us and class of 2023. My stomach turned and I had to stop myself from throwing up. He was screwing a 15 year old girl. At that point I'd seen enough and decided to leave the apartment. I screen-shoted everything and sent it to myself. I went to my friend's place where I showed her everything. I felt so disgusted and guilty. And quick side note here, doing the math, OP was 14 years old and her boyfriend was 18 when they initially got together. A bunch of people that commented on my first post spoke about how he groomed me and I just now
Starting point is 00:17:37 am realizing how right they were. If I hadn't let our relationship continue and told the other younger girls what he did, it might have stopped him from doing it to other girls. I refuse to look back at his Instagram because I don't want to know how many young girls I helped him abuse in some way. I feel so gross for defending him. That evening, we began the process of reporting him and hopefully he'll be thrown under the jail very soon. I'm going to try to do what I can to write the wrongs I did with this, and I'm planning to get an STI test and some therapy to get
Starting point is 00:18:08 past this and raise myself a steam again. Thanks for those of you who tried to help me. OP, I'm glad you're going through the steps to report this guy, because if you weren't, that was gonna be my first suggestion. That statutory abuse, and the type of images he had on his phone, are so awful that I can't even say the name of them on YouTube. You need to dump this guy, call the cops, and not blame yourself for falling victim to this guy. That was our slash relationship advice, and if you like this podcast, then check out my
Starting point is 00:18:37 Patreon where I publish extra podcasts. Also, be sure to follow my podcast because I put out new Reddit episodes every single day. be sure to follow my podcast because I put out new Reddit episodes every single day.

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