rSlash - r/Relationships My 37-yo Boyfriend LOVES Tween Girls

Episode Date: October 13, 2023

0:00 Intro 0:08 Creepy behavior  1:49 Top comment 2:10 Pregnant 5:01 Cheater 6:54 No gold 9:55 Lost the kid 12:09 Dog 15:06 Double life Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You're flying to meet with a new supplier to keep your business growing. And with the business platinum card from American Express, you can earn $820 in new value and more, which includes a $200 travel credit toward your flight. Now boarding business class. American Express, don't do business without it. Terms and conditions apply visit slash business platinum.
Starting point is 00:00:30 Metro links and cross links are reminding everyone to be careful as Eglinton Cross-town LRT train testing is in progress. Please be alert, this trains can pass at any time on the tracks. Remember to follow all traffic signals. Be careful along our tracks and only make left turns where it's safe to do so. Be alert, be aware, and stay safe. Welcome to our Slosh Relationships, where OP's 37-year-old boyfriend is trying to flirt with 13-year-old girls. I'm a 30-year-old boyfriend, and my 37-year-old boyfriend of 7 years has been shaving diligently the night before going grocery shopping ever since the camp kids came into town.
Starting point is 00:01:16 The story's usually empty, but when it's summertime, the camp kids swarm it. The kids look to be about 13 to 7 years old, definitely still in high school. The counselors aren't that old either. They look the same age as the kids. They all get dressed up in very revealing outfits and put on a ton of makeup as I would have done if I was going out as a young teen. I'm not shaming these girls at all. I went through my teen phase of always wearing a full face of makeup and revealing outfits too. He always used to stare at them in an inappropriate way and it made me uncomfortable. Like his mouth would hang open and he would give triple take sometimes. I called him out on end a few times and he got incredibly pissed and said, I'm not checking anyone out,
Starting point is 00:02:02 even though he obviously was. He doesn't do it discreetly. He's been shaving diligently before he goes shopping. I had a feeling that it was for the campkids, but this week school started back up, and he didn't shave this week. It really gives me the ick when I think about it too hard. But he rarely shaves on a weekly basis, so it's so doubt to me it's something out of the ordinary and sure enough, now that these kids are back in school, he isn't shaving before going to the store anymore. Overall, our relationship is declining pretty fast these days, so I'm not sure if I'm
Starting point is 00:02:36 being unreasonable with this feeling or not. The entire reason why I'm reading this post is so that I can read the top comment from Hovex too. Is it possible that he heard that young girls fall for groomers and he totally misunderstood the meaning? Opie, I don't know why you're posting on Reddit. Your boyfriend of seven years is trying to get pretty for 13 year old girls. So if that's not enough justification to end a relationship, I don't know what is. Our next Reddit post is from Blastic Caterpillar. I'm a 28 year old woman, and my fiance passed away in my arms two and a half weeks ago. He had a pulmonary embolism.
Starting point is 00:03:15 We had no idea he had any clots in his legs, and it was very sudden. I called 911 immediately and did everything I could, but he passed away in my arms and I felt completely helpless. Two days after he passed away, his family completely cut me off. They took everything of my partners from me and even took some of my personal belongings too. They took all of his clothes, our shared electronics, shoes, underwears, bathroom stuff, photos, and furniture.
Starting point is 00:03:44 Even our shared dog of years. They haven't picked up any of my calls, and I have no idea if they've even laid his body to rest yet. His brother texted me to say that he won't pick up any call or tell me what's going on. I found out that my fiance passed away from one of his co-workers telling me. I went almost two weeks not knowing what caused it because of the lack of communication from his family. Three days after he passed away, I took a pregnancy test.
Starting point is 00:04:12 I took six tests and they all came back positive. Since we're not married yet, I have no legal rights to anything and have been left with nothing. I feel very scared and alone. I'm not only mourning the death of the love of my life and losing everything we built together for years, but I'm carrying our child. This is the first time I've been pregnant, and I'm not sure what to do. I have a doctor's appointment scheduled for next week. Do I tell his family I'm pregnant? I initially wanted to,
Starting point is 00:04:41 because I want this child to know where their father came from, but with how I've been getting treated, I'm now feeling very hesitant to tell the family. What if they fight for the rights to my baby? I don't even want to tell them anymore because of how they've been treating me since he passed away. So first off, OP, I would not worry about the family fighting you to get rights to the baby. Assuming you're in America, there's pretty much no way they're going to get rights to that baby unless you specifically granted to them. Also, since you said that you're not married, you don't have any rights
Starting point is 00:05:11 to the physical property, but I don't think that's really accurate. If you can prove that this stuff is yours, for example, the dog that you bought it together, then I feel like you have a pretty good case that this is just plain old theft. So I understand that you're in mourning and you're sad and you're wounded, but girl, you got way more rights here in legal standing than you think you do. And as we're telling the family about the kid, I just say skip it entirely. This family is clearly mechotoxic. I guess they just all secretly hated OP, and this was their like golden opportunity to cut her out of their lives forever, or they saw this as an opportunity to effectively rob OP and make a quick dirty payday, I guess? In either case, that's enough reason to cut them out of your life forever.
Starting point is 00:05:56 Our next reddit post is from girl. This is so messy. I'm a 42 year old woman and my husband, who's 45, kissed my brother's wife two nights ago while both were incredibly toxicated. My brother is my husband's best friend. My husband also works for my brother. We've been married for years, but together for nine years. My 11 year old niece caught them mid-kiss.
Starting point is 00:06:20 I don't know if things would have gone further if they hadn't been caught. I haven't talked with my sister-in-law, but I talked with my brother. He's inclined to believe that this was a one-time screw-up. I don't know what to believe. My husband cheated early on in our relationship about a year in. We worked through it, but now I feel so stupid, and I wonder if he's just a cheater, and this is his pattern. He did tell me the truth as soon as he was up. He hasn't exactly apologized other than saying, I messed up. He dumped out all of his alcohol when I said that if we're going to stay together that's one of my conditions.
Starting point is 00:06:56 He has a history of alcohol abuse. He scheduled an STD screening again at my request and he blocked my sister-in-law on everything. I am absolutely sick about this. I am devastated that my niece's world is forever changed. My husband is very close with all of my nieces and nephews, and now that's ruined. His friendship with my brother is ruined. His employment is compromised. My brother didn't fire my husband, but things will be awkward and different. My friendship with my sister-in-law is over.
Starting point is 00:07:29 I've still been working through feelings the past eight years after the first betrayal. I don't know if I have it in me to do the incredibly hard work all over again. I love him, and I deserve so much better. In a short update, OP says that she sat her husband down and said that she wants out of their marriage. So, I guess that much better. In a short update, OP says that she's sadder husband down and said that she wants out of their marriage. So, I guess that's that.
Starting point is 00:07:49 Our next reddit post is from Throwaway. I'm a 24 year old woman, and my 32 year old boyfriend accused me of being a gold digger, but he has no gold. I love this first line. I live with my boyfriend boyfriend and we're poor. We live in a box flat with a bathroom so small that I can take a dump, wash my hands, and have a shower all at the same time. I work two jobs to keep us afloat.
Starting point is 00:08:15 I'm a bartender at a strip club at night and a hairdresser by the day. He's an Uber delivery driver that works flexible hours, but I would say that he only works three hours and spends the rest of his time investing in crypto. I don't mind being the breadwinner, but to be clear, that's what I am. I am the breadwinner hands down. Every time I ask him to pick up more shifts, he says that he will, but then he never does, which has caused arguments recently. Our landlord recently increased our rent,
Starting point is 00:08:45 and I've asked my boyfriend for more financial help for our flat. But he says that he's put his money into investments that the government can't touch, and by that, he means his crypto scheme. I eventually put my foot down and told him that we don't have money for investments. We need housing, gas, electricity, water, food. He told me that all I talk about is taking his assets and that I'm a gold digger. I was so taken aback that I had to ask our roommates, master splinter, and the teenage ninja cockroaches if I heard that right. I told them I work in a strip club and if I wanted to be a gold digger, I wouldn't be standing in a shoe box with him,
Starting point is 00:09:26 huddling around a Yankee candle for warmth. That I wouldn't be spending my evenings trying to figure out how to make dinner with a pack of Cool Aid, a tumbleweed, and a singular kidney bean that I found in our cupboards. I told him that the other men I see in the club make it rain every day, while he can't even scrape together enough since to make it hail. He asked me if I could go somewhere else because he needed space, but we live in a one-room apartment. Where am I supposed to go? The kitchen sink? The more I think about it, the more angry it makes me. Even the local meth addict who sleeps on my apartment complex patio agrees that my boyfriend is delusional. It's a dark day when you have a more reasonable conversation with a meth addict than you
Starting point is 00:10:11 do your own partner. It sounds like you're already reaching the correct conclusion. I don't understand why you're with this guy. He's stupid, he's lazy, he's selfish, obviously you can do better. Since you work at a strip club, that probably means you're attractive. And honestly, based on the writing of this post, you sound intelligent and funny, so it sounds like you're a catch. Also, you're loyal enough to stick by your man when he's at his absolute worst and still trying to make it work, so come on girl,
Starting point is 00:10:39 I know you can do better than this. You've invested yourself in this relationship. And much like your boyfriend's crypto investments, it's not paying off, so it's time to move on OP. Our next reddit post is from Tal Time. My 60 year old mother lost my 2 year old son at the local fair, the sheriff returned him, and she didn't tell us about it. I live in a small town. My wife and I asked my mother to watch my 2-year-old overnight while we had a night to ourselves.
Starting point is 00:11:06 She loved spending time with her grandson and had a friend in town who also loves kids. Everything seemingly went well. They went to the local fair that happens annually. We didn't hear about any problems. However, today at work, a local person commented on seeing my son at the fair and made some comment about the share of finding my son and returning him. As in, my son was apparently lost enough that the sheriff had to return my son to my mother at the local fair. This obviously happened while my mother was responsible for watching him.
Starting point is 00:11:39 She did not tell us about it. This happened four to five days ago, so she apparently planned to continue to not tell us. Either she thinks that it's not a big deal or the person was exaggerating. This event would not surprise me coming from my mother based on previous observations of her taking care of him. I have no reason to doubt this person. This will cause a minstrom for her because my parents have already gotten testy regarding the My House My Rules concept in relation to how a guardian should behave. Where do I even go from her? Confront her?
Starting point is 00:12:10 Never let him stay alone with her again? I want her to have the opportunity to be a grandparent, but that can't happen at the expense of my child's safety. I'm a little blown away by all of this. Opie, step number one is to call up the sheriff and confirm the story. That one's easy. Step number two is to tell your wife, because if Europe said that your mom didn't tell you, imagine how upset your wife is gonna be
Starting point is 00:12:32 that you didn't tell her. It's just, I think it's fine to get the facts from the sheriff first before causing drama and the family and bringing it to your wife. Who knows, maybe the guy that you met did lie to you. Third, unfortunately, if all this checks out to be true, then you absolutely can't let your mother watch your kid alone anymore.
Starting point is 00:12:51 She can visit, she can come over for the holidays or whatever, but I would personally never let her watch the kid again. Your mother is literally negligent, so if you allow her to watch your kid, then you're also being negligent. Our next reddit post is from Marcelly. My girlfriend doesn't want me to keep our current dog because my dog is old and my girlfriend
Starting point is 00:13:11 thinks that she'll cost more money than we need to spend. How can I respectfully tell her that I am NOT getting rid of the dog? Me and my girlfriend have been dating for six years. I brought a dog into the relationship who was 5 years old at the time. The dog is currently 11. I had a conversation with my girlfriend about this and the possibility of getting another dog. The first thing she said was, no, dogs in general are expensive.
Starting point is 00:13:36 Which reminds me, you should get rid of the brat that we have right now because old dogs like her are so much more expensive. After she said this, I told her the dog is my best friend and something I would never get rid of because she means so much to me. I told her that the dog matters more than money. She got pissed! She said the dog should matter less than what she wants because we've been dating for six years. I simply got up and left the room to calm down. The dog has never been a problem. My girlfriend hasn't had to do anything with her other than feet or at night when I'm at work. The dog hasn't ever been a problem in the time that we're dating. My dog is lazy and all she ever wants is a daily walk that my girlfriend never has to do. I've owned this dog for longer than we've been dating and this dog
Starting point is 00:14:23 gave me the love that I wasn't able to get from anyone. How can I tell my girlfriend that I'm not going to get rid of the dog? I don't want to cause more problems than needed, but I do care about my girlfriend, and I don't want to lose her because of something as stupid as this. Opie, okay, people on Reddit are really, really quick to say, divorce, break up, that person is toxic, cut them out of your life entirely, and it's just very easy and really quick to say, divorce, break up, that person is toxic, cut them out of your life entirely, and it's just very easy and glib to say, cut this person out of your life when you've got six years of relationships and love to factor in, but honestly, based
Starting point is 00:14:55 on this post, I do genuinely, truly in the bottom of my heart believe that you should break up with this girl. There's a lot of red flags here. One, she has no care for another living being. Two, after living with that dog for five years, she hasn't developed any love or connection or sympathy with this dog at all. She's just, she just views your dog as a pure annoyance.
Starting point is 00:15:19 Do you really wanna live with someone who's that incapable of empathy? Third, she literally just doesn't care what you want OP. She wants you to throw away an 11 year old relationship with your dog just because what I want is the most important thing. I mean for real OP, does she even love you? Because if she loved you, she would want to find a way to make this work and help you like have this thing in your life that you love.
Starting point is 00:15:46 She clearly doesn't love your dog, so why would you want to be with this loveless, uncaring, cold, callous person? Please dump this girl OP. It looks like after six years, she's finally showing you her true colors. Our next Reddit post is from Throwaway Facebook. My husband and I have been married for 10 years and have two kids together. He travels often. I also want to say that about 8 months ago, I discovered that I was infected with an incurable STD. He blamed me for this, saying that I was the unfaithful one. Well, I was browsing Facebook in a mother's
Starting point is 00:16:20 group. The group is for helping with kids, asking for donations, sharing experiences, and memes. One mother shared that she would give her a husband a laxative tea so that he wouldn't go to a soccer game the next day. It was all mockery and laughter in the comments of the post and telling the woman to update the result. I'm a person who likes to read the comments, and unfortunately, I saw a profile that had a photo of a woman with my husband. I started stalking the profile and apparently my husband and this woman got married civilly. My husband created another profile but has a different name and surname. I think the woman's child has my husband's false last name because she uploaded a post
Starting point is 00:17:04 when she went to register the child's birth certificate and placed the full name there as if she were proud of it. I made a different anonymous post, several people gave me advice, and we deduced that possibly the other lady didn't know the truth about my husband because of what she shared on her profile. I wrote to her and I was surprised that she does know that he's married. They've been married for two years, and their baby is approximately 14 months old. Although, technically, they're not married because my husband is married to me, so their marriage isn't valid. I hired a lawyer, took all the evidence, and I'm in the process
Starting point is 00:17:40 of divorce. Since then, my husband has left the house to live with her. Also, he refuses to give Alamoney claim that he is another child to support, and that if he has to give Alamoney to kids, he'll seek the minimum payment even if he quit his job. How do I proceed with my life? I feel very limited in rebuilding my life because of my STD and my kids. Oh man, this story is a gut punch. Ugh, rebuilding your life OP, it's gonna be tough to be honest with you. A single mom of two kids with an STD and a deadbeat baby daddy. I guess your best chance is to get your lawyers to absolutely take your husband to the cleaners.
Starting point is 00:18:20 But even then, it sounds like things are gonna be an uphill battle, so good luck OP. That was our Slash Relationships, and if you like this content, be sure to follow my podcast, because I put out new Reddit podcast episodes every single day.

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