rSlash - r/Relationships My Boyfriend has Been Secretly Feeding Me Slugs!

Episode Date: February 8, 2022

r/Relationships_Advice In today's episode, OP tells one of the most bizarre stories that I've ever encountered on Reddit. Her boyfriend has been cooking a lot of meals for her lately, and she's been g...etting really sick. One of their mutual friends approached OP at work and warned her that her boyfriend has been secretly blending up slugs and putting them in her food. He even killed her pet snail and fed it to her, and he kept a bucket of dead slugs under the sink. Disgusting! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to our slash relationship advice where OP discovers that her boyfriend is feeding her slugs. Okay, so I don't do a lot of trigger warnings in my stories, but in this story, I feel I need to warn you guys. This story is disgusting. It shows some horrific abuse. So if you're really young, you may want to skip this story. If you're eating, you may want to skip this story. But if you think you've got the stomach for it, then buckle up because this story is a wild ride. This next post is, uh, man, it's something else. Hold on to your butts.
Starting point is 00:00:37 I found out my partner has been putting slugs in my food, and I don't know how to forgive them. I'm a 22-year-old woman, and I've been with my partner a 24-year-old guy for four years now. I've never known him to do anything like this, but I noticed that he started acting a little strange around a month, maybe a month and a half ago. He started putting fruit on the floor in the garden, and I thought that it was a bit weird, but he said that he was feeding the mice family that had nested in our shed, so I thought that it was sweet and I helped him do so.
Starting point is 00:01:09 Anyways, he started being really nice to me around two weeks ago, was making me food, baking me cakes and stuff. And normally, he never cooked, so I was happy that he found a new hobby. I did notice sometimes that I felt sick and dizzy after eating, and I just put it down to lack of sleep and hormones. Anyways, a friend of my partners came into work today and said that he needed to speak to me when I was free. He told me that my partner has been collecting slugs from the fruit that he's been putting
Starting point is 00:01:38 out there and putting them in my food. He's been blending up the slugs. He even sent this friend pictures of a bag of slugs that he had collected and pictures of the blended slugs. I felt really sick to my stomach. I don't understand why he would do this. This is so out of character for him. I asked him why he was doing this and he accused me of snooping through his messages, which I didn't do, and then he got angry at me for not being able to take a joke.
Starting point is 00:02:07 I feel disgusted. I love him to pieces, but I just don't understand his way of thinking. Am I overreacting? I don't know what to do. I feel lost. Didn't wait. Didn't some guy die from a slug? Kid eats slug and dies?
Starting point is 00:02:23 Am I making this up? He ate a slug on a dare, became paralyzed and died. An Australian teen rugby player who ate a slug on a dare and became paralyzed eight years ago from rat lungworm disease has died. Rat lungworm disease, that sounds awful. It's a parasite that lives in snails, and a human eats them they get into your central nervous system where they can cause brain damage, nerve damage or death Holy sh** And then after he gets found out this guy has the absolute audacity to get angry at you for snooping through messages and
Starting point is 00:03:06 not being able to take a joke. Is this guy like a literal sociopath? Is he actually a sociopath? And I've got to say, the friend of your partner who ratted him out is an absolute bro. This dude, honest to God, might have actually saved your life. He may have saved you from brain damage, paralysis, nerve damage, death. I got to say real quick, huge kudos to him because the fact that he immediately took this information to OP is awesome. Big round of applause for that guy.
Starting point is 00:03:38 And then OP posted an update. I went to urgent care last night and was finally seen around 6am. I had some tests done and I have high levels of metal to hide in my blood. I was kept in for monitoring and I have some ulcers in my stomach. I was aware of this anyways because I was hospitalized about two months ago for a burst ulcer. I originally thought that it was stress, but they now said that it could be because of poisoning. I could have an infection of some kind because my temperature is high, but they now said that it could be because of poisoning. I could have an infection of some kind, because my temperature is high, but they haven't found anything that could
Starting point is 00:04:10 be causing that yet. They've checked my heart, and it's fine, and I'm due to have heart surgery this year. But they're delaying it due to ulcers and infections, and the fact that I keep getting sick, which is okay. I have an appointment to see my cardiologist on the 20th of April. This guy, this, oh my God. This guy was feeding slugs to someone who was due to have heart surgery. This, like, okay, I'm not a doctor. I don't know anything about eating slugs or heart disease,
Starting point is 00:04:39 but to me, just as a layman, this kind of sounds like a tempted murder, like straight up. Feeding slugs to someone with a heart condition, and ulcers, and ulcers. Ulcers, I think it's a hole in your stomach, right? So if you drink blended slugs, that's gotta make it easier for slugs used to get to the rest of your body, right? Oh my god. I contacted the police and wrote a statement and they asked me some questions.
Starting point is 00:05:06 My ex refused to say anything to the cops or me. However, he did say that he would speak to his friend and only him. My boyfriend then spoke to me. He confessed to doing random experiments on me and tests starting a few months after we moved in. It started with spitting on my toast, and then the week later, he replaced my proper nilol, which are my beta blockers with salt in the empty capsules. Okay, I'm looking at beta blockers. These are drugs that prevent the stimulation of the adrenergic receptors responsible for increased cardiac action. Beta blockers control heart rhythm, treat and genet, and reduce high blood pressure. So this is heart medicine. Hope he was taking heart medicine for her heart that she needed
Starting point is 00:05:51 heart surgery for and he was replacing her heart medicine with salt. Okay, yeah, this literally feels like attempted murder to me. Let me know in the comments if I'm completely misreading this because this literally feels like attempted murder. I want to add that he was the person who held my medication because I have a history of suicide attempts. So he handled my meds and gave them to me and that's when he thought that it would be
Starting point is 00:06:17 funny. He also admitted to the following. He also replaced my vegetarian nuggets with real ones. One of my pet giant African land snails went missing in the summer and I assumed it escaped as I left the lid open on their box, but he said that it had died so he scraped it out and put it in my curry. I vaguely remember the day that he did this because he laughed whenever I went to eat the curry and I got really paranoid. So I put the food in the kitchen and stormed off.
Starting point is 00:06:47 Then he brought the dish upstairs and told me to taste it, and I did. And I realized that he had added loads of chili to it, and he was laughing because he put chili powder in and too much came out. Now I think that he must have put the chili in there to cover the fact that he put my snail in there. He also said that he wrote my toothbrush on the toilet, but then washed it because he thought that was too far. It feels like this is all a dream.
Starting point is 00:07:12 It just seems too dramatic to feel real. I'm unsure of what's happening on the legal front. He says he doesn't know why he did this, and that he does love me truly, and that he felt compelled to do it. Which I do understand because I suffer from OCD so I get compulsions. He says that he really loves taking care of me and he feels it's his purpose and he didn't mean to call a serious harm. He promises that he's never done this to any of our animals.
Starting point is 00:07:38 I think he could just be stressed because I have mental health issues that could have caused something in him to break from too much stress. O.P. Um, no? No. Nope. Nope. Just no?
Starting point is 00:07:51 Like this isn't an argument. There's no argument to make here. No. This isn't him snapping from too much stress. This is just him being an insane psychopath. Then O.P. posts another update. I just found a jar with four slugs under my sink that my partner must have forgot about. They're dead as so they must be old.
Starting point is 00:08:11 And then sure enough, she posts a picture of some dead slugs in a jar, which I'm not going to post on my YouTube video because just looking at this picture is making me physically ill. OP further adds, he was diagnosed with ASPD yesterday. Anti-social personality disorder is a mental health condition. People with ASPD may not understand how to behave towards others. Their behaviors often disrespectful, manipulative, or reckless. It is characterized by disregard for other people. Yeah, no kidding. So, I just typed into Google, are anti-social people psychopaths? And psychopaths are considered
Starting point is 00:08:52 to have a severe form of anti-social personality disorder. So, okay, okay. So, this guy's like a diet psychopath? Okay, anyways, back to the update. He admitted everything to me and how I was his way of looking normal to the outside world. He manipulated me by giving me everything that I wanted. Love, affection, and compliments. He began testing me emotionally at first by cheating to see how I would react, but I forgave him.
Starting point is 00:09:21 Then he began with the food stuff to see how long until I got sick. I just feel baffled. The person I thought I knew, I never really knew at all. He's a psychopath and he gives ASPD sufferers a bad name. He knew that I was vulnerable due to my mental and physical illnesses. He became my caregiver, but he was torturing me at the same time, and I was unaware of any of this. He rescued me from an abusive situation, and then put me into a new one.
Starting point is 00:09:50 That's how he works. Then we have another update. Opie says, I'm struggling to eat, I have a fear of food, and I have no appetite. I recently left a weird relationship where my partner was contaminating my food. Anyways, ever since I've struggled to eat, I moved into a ground floor apartment, and sometimes I'll find slugs around the house. I'm terrified of them, and I keep throwing food away because I don't know what the slugs have gone on top of.
Starting point is 00:10:18 I'm scared of getting sick. I can't cope or breathe right now. I've tried everything to stop slugs getting into my house. Copper tape, salt, non-toxic pellets, but they somehow find their way into my flat. I feel like nature's tormenting me. Any advice please? And then OP post a final update. I'm alive everyone.
Starting point is 00:10:40 Hello everyone. Sorry for those who I didn't get to message back. My messages have been so full. I'm alive, but I've been sick with coronavirus. Thank you for those who reached out to me. You all made me feel less alone. I hope everyone's well. OP, I am deeply, deeply relieved that you were able to escape that situation. This is one of the weirdest things that I've ever read on Reddit. I've read some really awful posts. Some really disgusting, stomach churning stories. But this one, this one is one of the top 10, bottom 10, one of the bottom 10 worst, awful stories I've ever
Starting point is 00:11:15 read. I'm very relieved that you were able to see that this guy is nuts, man, an absolute manipulative, he belongs in some sort of institution. Jail, certainly, a mental ward possibly. Isn't tampering with food a felony? I feel like feeding someone slugs against their knowledge when they have a stomach condition and a heart condition and when slugs have some sort of awful parasite that can paralyze and kill people. I, this sounds like, this sounds like a tempting murder, man.
Starting point is 00:11:44 This guy needs to be charged, he needs to go to jail because I have a suspicion that this I'm sorry that I put you through this story. Actually, now that I'm at the end of it, I paused it. I walked away from the computer for a while. I was like, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:12:00 I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I'm sorry that I put you through this story. Actually, now that I'm at the end of it, I paused it. I walked away from the computer for a little bit. Actually, seriously, consider, do I want to publish this story because it's disgusting. But, um, I decided to go ahead with it because I feel like people who are abused often don't know that they're being abused. So stories like these can help people understand, hey, wait a second, this, like, what's happening this story feels kind of similar to what's happening with my partner.
Starting point is 00:12:33 Maybe I'm being abused as well. Anyways, I'm so, so sorry for reading this story. What a terrible day to have ears. I'm a 23 year old guy, and my wife, who's 26, can't separate kink from everyday life, and it's getting embarrassing. I love my wife. This is not a divorce worthy issue. It's just very embarrassing. Without going into specific terminology or detail, I dress as her doding wife, and she acts as a degrading husband to me. If you're gonna comment to make fun of me for this, please don't. It gets a bit weird.
Starting point is 00:13:09 We used to just do this sometimes, but the quarantine has let us do this 24-7. Anyway, the issue. Sometimes she will passively call me an offensive or feminine term outside of play, or she'll insult my masculinity in some way. I tell her that she can't do this during a normal day, and she apologizes, but she inevitably ends up doing it again. She says it just slips out, and I can forgive that. But when she calls me princess in front of my mom, I just want to die. It would have been worse if it was a serious insult or something, but that very well could have happened too.
Starting point is 00:13:45 This has honestly stopped me from enjoying it. I am Miss Vanilla passionate hugging. I told her that I don't want to do this anymore, and she's disappointed, but also respectful, and she still messes up. Is there any way I can drill this into her head that this is only okay in the bedroom, and I'm very much a guy who doesn't want to be called these things in a regular setting. Just telling her doesn't work. There's a part of me that's worried that she's permanently lost respect for me and may not even see me as a man anymore.
Starting point is 00:14:14 Is there some psychological reason why she's doing it? Can it just slip out? Down in the comments we have this comment from Rope Wonderful. My wife and I engage in a similar kink and that she likes to be called nasty, degrading and humiliating names, some of which if I were to call her in front of other people would probably cost friendships. We even have a favorite pet name of sorts that I call her during our intimate sessions. Never have I come close to accidentally using any of those names in public or outside of play. A lot of those words aren't in my normal vocabulary. Sure, accidents happen, but not often.
Starting point is 00:14:50 Along those lines, I, like a lot of other people, grew up using the F word as an insult, or even just jokingly calling my friends that. When I realized that it was wrong to use that word, I stopped saying it. Sure, I still thought about using that word at first, and I'll admit that I said it once or twice after I made the decision that I wanted to stop saying that, but it wasn't that hard to cut out. Please make sure that things stay consensual and express to your partner that this isn't
Starting point is 00:15:16 okay. You have boundaries, and that's good and healthy, and you deserve to be respected. This isn't something to just brush off. If she called you in X's name, would that be okay? No, of course it wouldn't. Yeah, I completely 100% agree with this second poster here because when I was like a kid in high school and middle school, the premier insult that everyone used was to call something gay. Like you'd say, oh, you got assigned extra homework, that's gay. And yeah, after a while, you realize, you know, hold on a second, maybe that is not the
Starting point is 00:15:51 best insult to use, because it's very, very insensitive to gay people. And every since I left high school, I've never heard that insult again. Why? Because it's easy to not call people insulting things by accident. Once or twice, ever I can understand, but repeatedly, no. That was our Slash Relationship Advice, and if you like this content, be sure to follow my podcast because I put on new Reddit podcast episodes every single day.

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