rSlash - r/TIFU by Finding Out My Parents are Swingers

Episode Date: May 25, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to R-slashTodayIFD, where OP shows up to a family dinner, but naked. Today I FD by arriving to my mother's family dinner, naked. It's not often that my family has get-togethers, has many of us live fairly far distances away, but it turns out that everyone's schedule is just kind of synced up for once. So, my mother, being the kind soul that she is, invited us all over for family dinner. Now we live around 4 hours away by car, and it usually takes about 5 hours to get there, including toilet breaks, walking the dog, etc. So after this long drive, we arrive about 20-30 minutes before dinner is to be served. So I decide I'm going to grab a quick shower to freshen up.
Starting point is 00:00:43 This was my first mistake. My mother's house is a reasonably small one bathroom tube bedroom, but it's very homely and very cozy. However, it's not the most structurally sound building in the world. I finish my lovely warm shower and stand in front of the sink as I dry my body and start styling my hair and spring deodorant. Here's my second mistake. I usually have music blasting while I shower and get ready. It's just always something I've enjoyed, and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't getting in the dancing mood. As I start dancing around, I feel the floor start to creak. Bear in mind that I'm
Starting point is 00:01:21 quite a large guy, and before I could even react, I fell straight through the floor. Down into the kitchen, where my mom, grandparents, and brother and his partner were all sitting at the table waiting for food. I was damp, in pain, smelling like a god, but also stark naked. And the worst part? I broke my left ankle and I couldn't stand up. I had to be helped to my feet by my brother and my partner while my mother got me a towel to cover myself. I'm currently on the couch after a rather embarrassing trip to the hospital trying to rest both my ego and my ankle. I'm sure this will be a great story a year from now, but in that moment I wanted to keep
Starting point is 00:02:02 falling down to the Earth's core. Today I f'd up by helping a drunk co-worker and trusting HR. I'm a 29 year old guy who works in digital marketing. My company held a party to celebrate the completion of a big project. As I was walking into my car, I noticed a drunk female co-worker in her mid-30s. We worked together for three years, but it's a big department and I don't know much about her. She was having difficulty walking. I offered to help and she held out her hand. I asked if she drove here and she took an Uber. I helped her call another one as she vomited.
Starting point is 00:02:36 The Uber driver arrived, saw the condition she was in, and took off without saying a word. Understandable. So, I decided to drive her home. I have a dual front and rear dash cam setup. I moved the rear camera, placed it in front, and adjusted the angle to make sure the inside of the vehicle was covered. Fast forward one month later, to last week, and I was called into HR. My manager was sitting there with a serious expression. They asked me what I did after the party. I immediately became defensive and asked what the meeting was about. The HR person said they received a complaint from an employee accusing me of inappropriate behavior. I responded, I have no idea what
Starting point is 00:03:15 you're talking about. I did nothing inappropriate during or after the party. Whoever complained has the wrong guy. They stepped out into the hallway for a couple of minutes. I'm starting to sweat, even though I did nothing wrong. After thinking, I remember that I gave a coworker a ride home, so that must be what they're talking about. They step back into the office, and the manager says they have a witness who saw me put a drunk coworker into my car. I said, yeah, I drove her home.
Starting point is 00:03:43 Nothing happened, and I didn't put her in my car. She accepted the help. Silence. They stare at me like I'm guilty. Nothing but suspicion and judgment. HR says they'll continue investigating and will speak to me the following week. I received an email today telling me to make a statement for the police and then I'm suspended until the case is dismissed. I'm pissed, really pissed. I hired an attorney and submitted a statement to the cops. After asking around, I learned that coworker that I gave a ride to is apparently the ex-wife of my manager's golfing buddy, so yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:22 Little does the company know, I protected myself with dashcam footage as well as a short cell phone video of me walking here to the house. I'm innocent and I'm going to fight this. Man, I can't believe they have someone see a guy put a drunk girl into the car and their automatic thought is just the worst possible outcome. They could be friends, they could be dating, he could simply be giving her a ride, but why automatically jump to a felony, right? There's like no actual evidence of the felony. It's just a guy helping a girl get home.
Starting point is 00:04:51 I smell a lawsuit. And then OP Posts in an update. It's been a stressful week. My attorney has been incredibly helpful. The first thing we did is sit down and lay out all the known information. It took six hours. Surprisingly longer than I expected, letting me and lay out all the known information. It took 6 hours. Surprisingly longer than I expected, letting me know the situation is the real deal no matter how easy a slam dunk case it appears to be.
Starting point is 00:05:13 A common question I get was, who made the complaint? It wasn't the coworker that I drove home. I asked her and she said, thanks for the help, I'm so sorry about this. HR and the manager asked if anything happened. I said I don't remember much other than parts of the drive and you walking me to the house. They didn't seem happy with that and kept pushing and leading me to like answer in a way that made you look bad. But I would know if anything had happened or at least have a feeling that something did and I don't. She went on to apologize again
Starting point is 00:05:45 and requested that I not involve her more than is absolutely necessary because it's very embarrassing for her, which is why I recorded the call. I live in a legal one-party consent state. My attorney acquired the outside security camera footage from my workplace. I'm not sure how he did it, but that was awesome.
Starting point is 00:06:04 The video showed me helping my drunk co-worker to my car. But there was something strange about the security footage. The bottom right corner had been edited. I thought this was the original copy, but they gave us a censored copy. The attorney did his thing and obtained the unedited version, and we learned who it was they were protecting. The manager himself. He was outside smoking a cigarette and looking in my direction. He immediately called someone on his phone after I drove off, with a confidence of knowing
Starting point is 00:06:36 that she didn't make the complaint. The security video showing me helping her enter my vehicle and not forcing anything, and the manager making a call seconds later. Along with having Dashcam and cell phone footage of the drive, I suggested we go directly to the owner of the company. The attorney didn't like it at first, but he agreed after some discussion. So we spoke with the owner. It wasn't easy making contact with them.
Starting point is 00:07:01 The man is very busy. He mentioned how he rarely ever gets involved with these types of things. Yet, he wisely had two company lawyers on the phone call. Without revealing too much, we gave him a good idea how the case would likely play out if it went to court. He understood and said that he would conduct his own investigation, and further communication would be through his company lawyers. Not even 12 hours later, my attorney and I receive a long email from the company lawyers explaining everything. The manager confessed. The owner caught him in a web of lies. This is why I kept the dashcam footage a secret. Remember that phone call
Starting point is 00:07:36 that he made? It was to his golf buddy, the ex-husband of the co-worker that I helped. Yeah, so apparently the bitter ex-husband just assumed things happened, so he wouldn't stop pressuring the manager to destroy my career. But the manager wasn't the one who made the complaint. It was a random employee who happened to be smoking next to the manager at the time. The manager somehow convinced this employee to file the report so that the manager wouldn't be restricted by conflict of interest issues. He wanted to be involved at all times and steer the investigation however he wished.
Starting point is 00:08:11 But even then, the employee who made the complaint never really saw much. Security video showed him at the time this happened, walking back into the building with his head down staring at his phone. Man, imagine trying to ruin someone's life and get them accused of a felony. Allegedly, just because, what, you wanna be a bro to your buddy? Today I effed up by thinking my son
Starting point is 00:08:35 was having gay intercourse when really, he was just eating hummus. So I'm a 39 year old woman and I have a 15 year old son and he brought his friend around today They immediately went to their room and I assume they would just play some video games or whatever So I was totally fine leaving them It was about 30 minutes in when I was walking past and I heard sounds such as oh my god
Starting point is 00:08:59 That's so good and it's so good with that in it and various, mm, sounds. It really sounded like they were having gay intercourse. I was super weirded out by it so I quickly went downstairs and waited for his friend to leave. When his friend left an hour or so later I asked my son what they were doing in his room because although I don't mind him being gay and I know it's normal for teenagers to passionately hug, a condom should really be used. So I plan to confront him about that. However, his answer shocked me to my very core. They weren't passionately hugging, they were eating hummus. I was shocked and initially didn't believe it. We had never had hummus before and I asked him to show me the hummus if that was true. So he did and I ate hummus for the first time and oh my god, it was good.
Starting point is 00:09:53 We experimented with different things in it like bread and carrots and it was great. Apparently his friend had heard that he had never had hummus before and he thought this was absurd so he had planned to date for a hummus party. So yeah, it ended up being quite a good ending. I discovered how nice hummus was. Down in the comments, we have this post from KEL21. Oh, I see you got hit by the emergency hummus. I always kept open hummus inside my closet for when I was having intercourse with my friends. You never know when you might get caught. Today I effed up by telling my parents about my inheritance. My 36-year-old sister died six months ago
Starting point is 00:10:30 from a heart condition. She practically raised me, so it's been pretty difficult to deal with. I'm in my final year of university, and I failed every single class this semester. She'd be disappointed, but it is what it is. My sister never married and never had children. I lived with her near campus.
Starting point is 00:10:50 She ran a successful side business, and I got to help her occasionally as a paid intern. She worked a lot, but not to support us. She wanted to retire by the time that she was 40. She would have been done in four years, but her heart had to fail her first. When she died, her attorney had to fail her first. When she died, her attorney read her will to me. She'd left everything to me. She had an extremely large amount of money put away for her retirement. I was unaware of this, but she had made several real estate investments so she could continue living a comfy lifestyle once she retired.
Starting point is 00:11:21 She left her 2006 super root to me and willed our current house to me as well. She had explained that she wanted to use this house for college housing eventually. This was all extremely overwhelming to hear. She left nothing to my parents, but since they didn't know that she had assets, they willingly paid for the funeral and any other associated costs. My sister was no contact with our parents, and I'm very low contact. Where are there only two children? At the funeral, my parents asked me how I was going to continue going to college without her money.
Starting point is 00:11:54 Lowell, they thought that she paid for me to go. Psych, I have student debt. I told them that I would continue to take out loans. They asked about my living arrangements, and I shrugged. At the time, I didn't know all the details anyway. Well, two weeks ago, I found out that my parents tried to sell my sister's house while I was still living there. They brought a realtor and toured our home and everything. It was all on the camera set up in the home. When I called them and told them I'd be calling the cops,
Starting point is 00:12:22 they explained the situation. I told them it's my home and it was willed to me so they can't sell it. They were heavily confused. I told them to meet at my attorney's place and set a time. Q. Today, my attorney explained the will to my parents. My mother went white as a sheet and my father was grumbling about suing me for his rightful money plus the cost of the funeral. My mother began ugly sobbing telling the attorney that he was wrong. Her daughter wouldn't leave the house to someone like me. The attorney cut the meeting short and now we're preparing for the inevitable lawsuit coming my way. I just want to sleep and avoid all of this.
Starting point is 00:13:00 And for some info, my mom is a stay-at-home mom, but like the kind who spends her life at the country club, not the involved kind. My dad is a businessman and is typically on business trips for weeks at a time. They live, as they call it, lower upper class. Down in the comments, I'm going to read this post from Hepatitis T. Imagine losing your child and being mad about not getting money from it. Yeah, OP, I think I'm starting to get a sense for why you and your sister were so low contact with your parents. They sound like awful toxic people.
Starting point is 00:13:33 And if you hear this video OP, then I would strongly recommend you to retain an attorney. You said that you have an attorney, but my guess, and I'm just guessing here, is that the attorney you're talking about is actually the Estates attorney because the Estates attorney will definitely help you and Transferring the assets to you, but make no mistake that attorney's responsibility is to the estate not to you and I mean Luckily the laws on your side anyways because your parents have no league to stand on whatsoever She left all of her property to you and your parents chose of their own free will to pay for the funeral so like, how was that year fault? Spoiler, it's not. Today I f'd up by checking the hidden photos on my mother's phone.
Starting point is 00:14:14 So for context, my mother gave me her old phone shortly after she got a new one because mine had been sold on a few days prior. So I began transferring my iCloud data and I decided to check the photos to make sure everything's transferred correctly. I opened the library and see a hidden album with a small 4 above it. So naturally I opened it, expecting maybe some inappropriate text to my father or at worst, an embarrassing video of me and my brother. But what I saw was so much worse. Upon opening the album, I was greeted by three fully naked photos of my mother. This itself wasn't that bad considering that she's an adult and it was probably intended for my father. It was
Starting point is 00:14:58 the fourth item in the album that was the worst, however. And before I say this, I want to prepare you. It's very shocking, and I still don't know what to think about it. I clicked on the video, hit play, and was instantly subjected to a nearly 10-minute-long adult video of my mother and my uncle, that is, my father's brother. However, that's not even the worst part. My uncle is married with two kids. I still haven't confronted my mother about this, but I plan too soon. And then OP posted an update. So after my mother came home from her shift, I questioned her about the video, and she said the tape was actually of my uncle, mother, and father. She said they were just... She said they were just having a threesome and there was no cheating
Starting point is 00:15:49 going on. Of course, I didn't know this at first because like I said, I didn't watch past like 5 seconds. I know this ending is going to bum some of you out, but I'm just happy that my mom is in a cheater. And to all you pervs out there who keep asking for videos and pictures, F-AW. That's my mom for Christ's sake. Who on Earth is gonna see a folder of their parents' nudes and immediately think,
Starting point is 00:16:10 Oh, cool, a video. I wonder what's in the video. Oh my god, it's an adult video. How could I have not seen this coming? That was our slash today I have tof, and if you like this content, be sure to follow my podcast because I put out new Reddit podcast episodes every single day. That was our slash today I FDOP and if you like this content be sure to follow my podcast because I put out new reddit podcast episodes every single day

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