rSlash - r/Trueoffmychest I Befriended My Wife's Kidnapper

Episode Date: October 13, 2022 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to our slash true off my chest, where O.P.'s wife gets kidnapped. Our next red-opposis from deleted. I'm leaving my husband because he's living another life online where my sister and her children are his family. I stayed up until the wee hours going through his computer and phone. My husband's a gamer and we have a gaming room. He hasn't changed his passwords and login information since we were dating, and while he was sleeping, I snoped. Anyway, I was shocked with what I saw. Yes, my husband is in love with, or at least has a crush on my sister. I'm not the only one that he's
Starting point is 00:00:36 complaining to about her weight gain. His best friend knows everything. He actually sins him pictures of my sister and openly admits that he uses these pictures to pleasure himself some nights. He complains that she's getting fatter. He's annoyed that she might be pregnant or that she's just going to ruin her beauty. One of the pictures that he sent to his best friend, where he admits that he pleasures himself to, is from her Facebook. And in that picture, my toddler nephew is kissing her cheek. He's also taken
Starting point is 00:01:06 pictures of her on family vacations, in her bikini, maybe hundreds. On some of those pictures, he's cropped me out of them. On his PC, he has group chats with his gaming friends. These are people who don't know him in real life. To them, he pretends that my sister and her kids are his family. He proudly brags about having her. His profile picture is of her, her kids, and him from a Christmas party. I'm shocked and disturbed and very confused. I never pressure him to do anything nice to me, but he tells me that he loves me every
Starting point is 00:01:41 day. He kisses and hugs me all the time. He never complains about me or my appearance, and although he never compliments my looks, he never complains about them either. My sister is very beautiful, and she's always been beautiful. I've learned that I could be good at other things, and I'm fine with that. I have many great qualities, and I always get compliments for them. That's why I never react to the lack of compliments from my husband. This is just how things have always been for me. I don't know if he loves me. Not two weeks ago, we had our 10th anniversary, and he surprised me with a weekend in Paris and a beautiful
Starting point is 00:02:15 new engraved wedding band. What is going on, and what about posing her children as his? My husband and I are child-free, which was more his choice. He never wanted kids ever. My sister is not involved with him. She's an amazing sister and she would never do that to me. After sweeping all of his devices, there's nothing from her to him that could remotely be interpreted as suspicious. They don't talk in private, and the last text that he has from her is when I turn 30, and they were planning a surprise party.
Starting point is 00:02:45 Other than that, they communicate through group chats. And then OP posted an update. In this update, OP told her sister who was understandably disgusted. Then, my soon-to-be ex-husband called when he saw that I'd been on his phone in PC. He asked me where I was and when I'll be coming home. I told him, come on, you know that I'm not coming back. He sounded so defeated. He told me he was disgusted with himself, and that he was sorry and that he loved me. He just wasn't in love with me,
Starting point is 00:03:15 and hasn't been for two years. I told him that I never wanted to see him again, and most importantly, I never want him to contact my sister. He said that he would never do that, and that he never would have acted on his fantasies. It's just his escape from reality. He said that he hasn't been feeling well, and that was his go-to comfort. He's posing as a richer man, more successful with the beautiful wife and beautiful kids, and his friends admire him for it. He says that it gives him the rush he needs to cope with
Starting point is 00:03:45 reality. Anyway, he begged me not to tell my sister and especially not her husband and promised to never bother me again. I don't know what to feel. I'm numb. Maybe the hurt and sadness will come later. I'm more repulsed and disappointed right now. Only last weekend we were planning new renovations and a new car. Our next Reddit post is from a little bit of wacko. I'm happy that I walked in on my husband passionately hugging with his partner. So about a year ago my husband Matthew, who's 39, stated that he wanted us to open our marriage. His reasoning was that he was no longer sexually attracted to me, and he couldn't finish because I was too loose.
Starting point is 00:04:26 He didn't want to get a divorce because he still loved me. He insisted that we continue being a happy couple that didn't passionately hug with one another, that we would have our needs met by someone else who could be our other partner. I was initially hurt by this because when he explained his reasoning, he didn't miss a beat when insulting me. I was no longer attractive to him because I was 34. I agreed to have an open marriage because I love him, and I didn't want to lose him. Here's a set of rules that we agreed on once we find a partner.
Starting point is 00:04:58 We have to introduce our partners to each other. My husband introduces his partner to me and vice versa. We can passionately hug other people, but for it to be considered okay, we'll have to tell each other about it. If we're in a relationship with someone else, we have to get tested regularly. We won't passionately hug with our partner in our home. We can build emotional relationships with someone, but it can't be taken as far as love. We show our partners the rules and explain our boundaries. We don't call our partner's pet love. We show our partners the rules and explain our boundaries.
Starting point is 00:05:25 We don't call our partners pet names. Finally, my husband and I must come home to each other every night, sleep in the same bed, wake up together, etc. Basically a typical marriage, just without the passionate hugging. A couple of weeks after Matthew insisted that we open our marriage, he brought home his partner, Jamie, who's 24. Jamie is so pretty, he looks like an angel, a fresh-faced beautiful boy,
Starting point is 00:05:50 with the utter most perfect smile, the literal definition of youth. I had never been more intimidated in my life. The introduction was so embarrassing. I had no idea what to say, and I just wanted to cry. I literally witnessed my husband's type change in front of my eyes. Jamie and I are complete opposites, physically and personality wise. Now onto the story.
Starting point is 00:06:15 Yesterday I came home in my lunch break to take a quick nap before returning to work, and I came home to find my husband and Jamie passionately hugging in our bid. I was shocked and I didn't really know what to do, so I just left and went back to work. Honestly, I wasn't even tired anymore. As I was walking into work, I saw that I was being bombarded with texts and calls from both of them, so I just turned my phone off. I got off work around 9pm, but I didn't want to go home. I went to a movie and just drove around after. I fell asleep on the side of the road and I returned home at 8 a.m. this morning to
Starting point is 00:06:51 get ready for work. When I walked in, I saw Matthew and Jamie at the table. Jamie looked sad, while Matthew looked pissed. I told them good morning and when and got ready for work. Matthew followed me yelling, saying that what I did was wrong and my reaction was completely uncalled for. He told me that I was being over dramatic and I had him up all night worried because I wanted to act like a child. I don't know what came over me, but I stopped him mid-sinnant and asked for a divorce. I said, you don't love me anymore and I don't want to love you.
Starting point is 00:07:24 I'm so lonely and never had anyone nitpick my appearance more than you have. If you aren't sexually attracted to me, then marry someone that you are sexually attracted to. I want a divorce. He looked shocked and told me that I didn't know what I was saying and that I was just tired. When he tried walking me to the bed, I got really mad. I smacked his hand away and left again.
Starting point is 00:07:48 This was the breaking point for me. I usually let people walk all over me, but today I didn't let him do it. I never wanted an open marriage, and I don't want someone who puts me second. Man OP, your partner basically forcing you into an open marriage is bad enough. But then after he violated one of your rules, which is to not have intercourse in your home, he gets upset at you for being upset at him over it. I'm relieved that you're getting a divorce because your husband is toxic. I'm also going to assume that since Jamie was waiting for you at 8 a.m., he probably slept
Starting point is 00:08:21 over that night, which is another rule he violated. Alright guys, I gotta give you a heads up on this next story. This next story is really, really dark. And it touches on some really adult themes, including words that I can't even say on YouTube. Ugh, I've been trying to figure out if I even want to post this story because it's pretty out there. But, that's kind of the thing about Reddit. Is Reddit touches on some really like adult issues that YouTube kind of like tries to avoid. So there's a pretty good chance
Starting point is 00:08:54 that this video will get demonetized, probably fairly to be honest. But I think that I'm gonna publish it anyways because stories like these serve as a warning. I'm just saying this and I'm sharing this story because you guys gotta be careful out there, man. Our next Reddit post is from Lost for Words. I think that I've destroyed my marriage.
Starting point is 00:09:12 My wife refuses to see me or speak to me. I'm not even allowed to know where she is. I made a friend, David, at the gym. We got on well and the friendship started to translate outside of just being Jim buddies. We regularly hung out after work or after the gym, and it was nice having a friend that I could spend time with. Almost three weeks ago, I invited him over to my house to have dinner with me and my wife.
Starting point is 00:09:35 My wife and I cook dinner, and at some point, her sister-in-law called asking if her three year old son left his alligator socks at our house, as he refuses to breathe until he gets it back, and he did leave the socks at our place. So my wife decided to drop off the socks. While my wife was away, David arrived. All was going well until my wife got back home and saw David. She just suddenly started screaming, and I mean she was letting out some blood-curdling screams. She was shouting for David to get out and waving a
Starting point is 00:10:06 knife around. David left, and I tried to ask her what happened, but she honestly couldn't talk, as it seemed like she was having a stroke or a heart attack. So I called for an ambulance, and she was admitted at the hospital for having a severe panic attack. She was hospitalized for three days and she didn't speak the entire time to literally anyone. On her release date, she just left and no one would tell me where she was. I've called everyone we know and no one will speak to me or tell me where she is. Then, finally, her sister texted me along text that was full of expletives, but it did explain what I did wrong.
Starting point is 00:10:46 David was the man who took her hostage for 9 days when she was 12, and then stalked her for 7 years until he went to prison for another crime. He was never punished for committing the R word against her or for holding her hostage. I mean my jaw fell to the ground. I knew all about this and she had told me about it from the beginning. I just don't know how I didn't recognize him. I don't know how to fix this. She just refuses to see me, speak to me, and I don't know where she is now. And then OP posted an update. Yes, I called the police, but according to them, he hasn't committed a crime.
Starting point is 00:11:26 I invited him into our home, and it's not illegal to give someone a fake name or to befriend me. Yes, I've seen pictures of him. I just forgot. I don't know how I forgot what he looked like, but I forgot nonetheless. I saw pictures of him in his late 20s, and I saw like three prison pictures of him taken in 2017 and 18. Yes, he does look different now from those pictures, but not enough for me to not recognize him. I really don't have a reasonable excuse for not recognizing him. It's clear that David had planned this.
Starting point is 00:11:58 He clearly befriended me to get to my wife. He also gave me a different name than his real name. I don't know where my wife is because I'm not trusted. I'm not allowed to know. Her friends and family have completely frozen me out. People have literally changed numbers and privateed their social media. I mean, this isn't their first rodeo with this man. My wife was keeping track of him, but he was released earlier from prison, but the records weren't updated, so we both were under the impression that he was still in prison, but he was released early December last year, and he went straight back to stalking her. And I let him into our lives,
Starting point is 00:12:36 her private space. Of course I regret my actions. I wish I recognized him earlier, but I didn't. I don't know why I didn't. At the time of the incident, he was 22 and she was 12. She knew him through a step brother, a fellow student. David had his own place and it was kind of like a party house where all the kids went to, so he was the cool guy who hung around pre-teens and teens, who he also sold drugs to, ranging from alcohol to heavier stuff. Her family did try to get it to go to court, but it was dropped by the prosecutors. He also claimed that she was his girlfriend and that she had run away from home.
Starting point is 00:13:16 It was also known that she had a crush on him at the time, and his lawyers twisted it up to fit his claim of her being his secret girlfriend. It was a combination of slut-shaming due to her having a crush on him and having visited his home of her own accord. Lack of physical evidence, her inability to speak on the stand because she was too traumatized, her vulnerable home life because her father was going through chemo at the time, and the unwillingness of the prosecutors to go after him. The stalking was taken slightly seriously at the
Starting point is 00:13:45 time, and he was ordered to stay away from her, but he repeatedly broke the order. The one time that he was punished by the judge, he was only given a few days in jail. So he just continued to stalk her for years until he was arrested for another crime. Alright, OP, I hate to say this because you seem like a well-intentioned person, but I don't blame your wife for completely cutting you out of her life. You saw pictures of David, so presumably the reason why you saw those pictures is because your wife was like, this is the guy who kidnapped me, if you ever see him, run, call the cops, whatever. So the fact that you didn't and that you just let him into her living room is unfortunately
Starting point is 00:14:26 unforgivable in my opinion. Her home is supposed to be her safe place and you're supposed to be her safe person. But because of what happened neither you nor her home are safe anymore. So yeah, if I were in her shoes, I probably would have gone off the grid as well. Oh man, I don't want to pile on you OP because you're the victim of David's scheming as well. It's just I've got to take your wife's side here. What she did was super reasonable. And do I want to say this? You know what, screw it. This video is probably going to be demonetized anyways. I think this story is one of those situations where I would be like seriously considering do I want to commit
Starting point is 00:15:05 murder over this do I want to do I want to kill this guy not like in the sense of oh I'm so angry at him I want to kill him I mean like literally you know our next reddit post is from crazy tired my daughter doesn't want to go on our date and I'm trying not to be sad I'm a 35 year old guy I have a daughter who recently turned 13. Her mom passed away when she was only 3. Throughout the years, I've always made sure to empower my daughter just to make sure that she's an independent, young, smart woman. But even though my daughter is smart, I as a dad worry about her ending up in a bad and toxic relationship. So, over the years, I made it a thing for twice a year to take her out on a date somewhere
Starting point is 00:15:45 fancy for dinner. I always get her flowers, and I always let her order whatever she wants from the menu. We've done this since she was five, so it's been going on for twice a year for about eight years. Last night, I asked her where she wanted to go for our date so I can make reservations. She asked me if we had to do that. I told her, of course we didn't have to, but I also asked why she didn't want to. She said that she thinks
Starting point is 00:16:10 that it's becoming baby-ish and she thinks that she's too old to be going on daddy-daughter dates. I told her that I get it, and we don't have to anymore. I tried to play it off an act like I didn't mind, but man does this hurt. Soon she probably won't wanna hang out with me at all, and I get that she's growing up, but man, she's still a little girl in my eyes. Okay, OPs, so my personal experience, which I think is true for most people who are in healthy relationships with their parents,
Starting point is 00:16:37 is that once your kid turns like 13 years old, it's kinda like your parent throws him as a boomerang. Every year from 13, they get more and more distant from you, peaking at like probably 16 or 17, and then like 18 is the age where the boomerang starts to turn around, and then like 19, 20, 21, 22 is when the boomerang starts to come back to you. One reason for that is that the age of like 13 to 17 is very much a teen age mentality, so it's hard for teenagers to understand adults and vice versa. But then like 18 to 22 is when you really start to shift your brain into like adult mode
Starting point is 00:17:10 and then you start to kind of like look back and reflect on your parents and your grandparents and realize, I guess they weren't so bad after all. Also, the other reason is that once someone turns 18, typically that's when they start paying for their own meals. So I don't know what the future holds for your daughter, O.P. But when I was like 18, 19, 20, I so looked forward to having dinner with my parents. Because when I had dinner with my parents, they paid. And I was a cheap, broke-ass college student who ate sandwiches every day.
Starting point is 00:17:38 So, being able to go out to Applebee's, order an appetizer and dessert with my parents, oh my god. Hey, mom, what are you doing? You wanna hang out this weekend? So yeah, it stings now OP, but just think, you're throwing a boomerang. Eventually, that boomerang will come back to you. That was our slash true off my chest, and if you like this content,
Starting point is 00:17:58 be sure to follow my podcast because I put out your Reddit podcast episodes every single day. as I put out new Reddit podcast episodes every single day.

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