rSlash - r/Trueoffmychest I Saved 2 Babies from a Burning Car

Episode Date: October 31, 2023

0:00 Intro 0:10 Healthcare  2:54 Sister ruined my life 4:22 Comment story 7:06 Solo trip 9:01 Car crash 11:35 You blew it Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hi, I'm Pete Davidson. People are always asking me, Pete, how do you always keep elevating? And to be honest, I have no idea. Is it my swive nature? My incredibly brilliant brain. Or maybe it's new smart water alkaline with antioxidant and a higher pH.
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Starting point is 00:00:36 Download the app today to see why we're North America's number one sportsbook. 19-plus and physically located in Ontario. Kamlin Tom called 1866-5212-600 or visit connects Ontario. See ya. Welcome to our slash true off my chest, where OP discovers that her incompetent doctor may have destroyed her life. Our next reddit post is from key photograph.
Starting point is 00:00:58 I'm a 24 year old woman. I went to a gynecologist in May who essentially belittled me, told me I needed to seek therapy for my physical pain, refused to complete the test she ordered, and told me that they wouldn't be helpful or useful when I asked why not. Mind you, I paid for these tests, so why weren't they done? Like my gynecologist point blank said, we don't need to test your progesterone on a hormone panel because it would provide no helpful information.
Starting point is 00:01:25 She also heavily implied that one exam hadn't been done because I don't have intercourse with men. I'm a lesbian, which was entirely irrelevant to why those tests weren't being performed. A few days ago, I saw a new gynecologist, which I did not want to do, but my pain has gotten so bad that it started to affect my ability to make a living. Within the hour, I got blood tests in an ultrasound. I walked out diagnosed with critically low progesterone, a massive cyst, PCOS, and severe endometrial hyperplasia, with a good chance that I could develop cancer, interminopause,
Starting point is 00:02:03 and or be completely infertile in just a few years. Had the original gynecologist done her effing job, I likely wouldn't be in such a medical crisis state. I'm gay, so having kids would more likely be a process in a choice, thus not something I really thought that much about. But knowing that my fertility and my life expectancy at stake is making my head spin, I can't shake the look of horror on my new gynecologist face as she was doing the ultrasound.
Starting point is 00:02:32 And I am so absolutely, completely effing live it at my old gynecologist for telling me to go to therapy when in reality I could have already had cancer. I don't know if those five months made a difference in how bad things are, but it's likely the endometrial hyperplasia got worse, and the cyst got larger. Which again, had the gynecologist done the test like she said, then I could have spent five fewer months in debilitating pain. I have never felt this kind of iron towards a medical professional in my life. I asked for the test to be done that were ordered and they weren't completed and I was met
Starting point is 00:03:09 with, you don't know anything, go to therapy. Like girl, you're the one who ordered the tests. I hope she loses her effing license and has a terrible rest of her day. I will never get this time back and maybe I have less time than I hoped, because she just didn't see me as worth her time and energy. OP adds an edit where she explains that based on everyone's advice, she's going to file an official report with some kind of like regulatory body. So hopefully the doctor does lose her license.
Starting point is 00:03:40 Our next reddit post is from Interstress. I'm a 32 year old woman. I've been best friends with Amy, also 32 since we sat beside each other on our first day of school. We spent our lives at each other's houses, but since I have two sisters, Kate, who's 34 and Jen, who's 25 and Amy has three older brothers, she used to love coming to our girly house and was like part of the family. My friend Amy has been with her boyfriend Tom for eight years and my family knows him well. Last week I was hosting a mutual friend's baby shower
Starting point is 00:04:10 when Amy got a bad headache and decided to go home early. I tried calling her that night to see how she was but I didn't get an answer and I just assumed she'd gone to bed early. The next day I found out that Amy found her boyfriend Tom and my sister Jin in bid together. I tried calling Amy, but she wouldn't answer. I called our mutual friend, and that friend basically said that Amy doesn't believe that I didn't know. I was gutted that she would think that, but I can understand her shock. My sister Jin also blocked me, so I went to my parents' house and found her crying playing the victim. I lost it, told her that she was disgusting scum and that I wanted nothing to do with her.
Starting point is 00:04:52 She is dead to me. My parents tried to mediate, saying that she made a mistake, and that she's my sister, but I told them that I couldn't understand how she could betray Amy like that when Amy's been a part of her lives and she was born. I don't know what to do. Down in the comments, we have this story from our comfort. My wife and I were good friends with our neighbors, a married couple that was roughly our age.
Starting point is 00:05:14 I went overseas for half a year for a job. A few months in, my wife called me sobbing, saying that the husband had sent her inappropriate messages on Instagram, attempting to seduce her into a sexual conversation. She sent me the screenshots. My wife was sad because she knew that she had to tell the wife, who had become her best friend. She was scared to lose her. My wife and I sat on the information for a day and came to the mutual conclusion that we had to tell the wife. She needed to know who she was married to.
Starting point is 00:05:46 My wife called her over with me on the speaker phone. We told her, and she lost it and stormed out to confront her scumbag husband. Her reaction made me think that this was not the first time something like this had happened. After that, just as my wife feared, she lost her friend. The friend just completely ghosted her. After the confrontation, they had had one conversation by phone that afternoon, in which the neighbor interrogated my wife, assuming that my wife
Starting point is 00:06:14 had been party to her husband's impropriety. We later came to find out the husband had also sent inappropriate pictures and messages to one of my wife's bridesmaids. The messages were verbatim, the same as the one that he had sent my wife. This scumbag had a pattern where he targeted vulnerable women. My wife, because I was gone and she was lonely, and the bridesmaid, because she had recently gone through a breakup with a boyfriend of over a decade.
Starting point is 00:06:40 We managed to convince the bridesmaid to tell the wife as well. Since then, the neighbors have pretended that we just don't exist, and vice versa. I never bothered confronting the Weasel husband. I found him too pathetic to even bother with. What's tragically ironic is that in the months before I'd left, the guy had offered me dirt cheap lawn care, which I accepted. He claimed that it was because we were good friends. A coworker of mine said that
Starting point is 00:07:06 actually he was trying to get close to my wife. My coworker turned out to be completely right, it seems. I'm sharing this story to say that it's very possible that you could lose Amy, and you need to be prepared for that. You need to cut off your sister. Anyone that could do something so heinous knowing full well the destruction it would cause will 100% betray you in epic fashion. Really, she already has. Also, the other thing I have to point out is statistically, the odds that the wife walked in on the husband cheating for the very first time is low. More than likely he's been cheating often and this was just the first time they got caught.
Starting point is 00:07:41 So I think the Reddit user who posted a story below pretty much has it right. The best thing you can do is just cut your sister out of your life and hope that your friend comes around but more than likely she won't. Our next red posted from Sorvius. To preface this, I'm recently single out of a 5 year relationship. I'm a 24 year old male software engineer who lives in Seattle. I took a solo trip to Mexico because it was cheap. I've been going through to Mexico because it was cheap. I've been going through a heavy depression phase and I needed something different,
Starting point is 00:08:09 so I arrived and went to a bunch of bars, partied, et cetera. I wasn't even thinking about hiring an escort until last night where I just started searching out of curiosity and it felt like I was watching myself do this. I was still feeling numb from the whole thing. And I couldn't really tell you why I got an escort in the first place because I wasn't even
Starting point is 00:08:30 necessarily horny at the time. I didn't intend to tell anyone. And the passionate hugging was mediocre at best because I really wasn't into the idea. But we had a great conversation about life in Mexico and how she has a kid and is going to school for nursing. We talked about our music interest and her dreams of living in Canada. I ended up paying her more than twice what she asked.
Starting point is 00:08:52 She could have been lying, but she gave me her real contact info and everything. I don't know, but either way, I'm wondering if it's common to do what I did. It all felt so surreal. OP clarified in an update that she originally charged 125 USD but he ended up paying her 300 USD. OP, honestly, it just sounds like you're really lonely. Clearly, you're single and it sounds like you don't have much of a support structure to deal with your depression, so you left the country by yourself and hired a prostitute. Not really for the intercourse, but just because you're so desperately lonely that you wanted someone to talk to. At least that's what it sounds like to me. And then you came on Reddit and shared it, and I'm not really sure why you
Starting point is 00:09:34 shared this. Not to be critical, I'm not criticizing you. It's just, there doesn't really seem to be a point to the story, so I think you're sharing just a sharing because you're starved of human contact. So OP, please go find some friends. Our next rid of posters from Schmeck Roach. About an hour ago, I pulled two babies and a mother out of a totaled car. On my way home from a party today driving alone, I heard a loud bang behind my car. As I look in my mirror, I saw two cars mid-air and upside down. I was shook, immediately I pulled over
Starting point is 00:10:07 a hopped out of my car and sprinted to the car closest to me. It was a dad and his adult daughter crawling out of the windows as I'd ran up to the upside down car. I asked if they were okay and I helped them and they both said they were fine and visibly they looked okay. After this, I ran to the second car. It was a Jeep Wrangler that had landed on its left side, all dented and messed up. All I heard as I ran up to the car was baby's crying. My immediate thought was, oh man, I really cannot take seeing mangled baby right now, but I had to help. I climbed on top of the car, the right side of the car, and I saw through the windows
Starting point is 00:10:47 that everybody was okay. A mom was in the driver's seat, and she had two babies in the back. The mother was either drunk or hit her head because she was incoherent, and it took about three minutes to unlock the door after me yelling at her to do so the entire time. Once the doors were unlocked, I hopped in and started helping the babies. Around this time, people who lived where the crash happened had started surrounding the car.
Starting point is 00:11:12 The first car seat was partially mangled due to the crash. I started yelling for a knife to cut the belt and thankfully, one of the neighbor residents that came outside had one. I cut the first baby out as well as a second and both were fine. I then helped first baby out as well as the second and both were fine. I then helped the mother out. The cops already arrived and were walking up to the scene as I was climbing out. The cops didn't question me at all and when I went up to one and said,
Starting point is 00:11:35 hey, I just witnessed this and I helped all those people. They didn't question me at all. They just said, if you're not involved with the collision, you can leave. And that was that. I left. Opie, this entire story is just completely devoid of emotion, except for the one part where you said that you hope you don't see mangled baby, and this is just such a traumatic, intense, high adrenaline situation, and the fact that you didn't say you felt relief or scared or angry or whatever kind of makes me think that you're probably in shock felt relief or scared or angry or whatever, kind of makes me think that you're probably in shock or you might be suffering from PTSD or something. I mean, I'm not an expert obviously.
Starting point is 00:12:11 I'm just saying, it sounds like you really went through it emotionally here, OP. So take some time for some self-care, maybe talk to a therapist because, dude, you deserve it. You're literally a hero. My wife told my affair partner, I'd rather be 80-year-old me than 20-year-old you, and it haunts me every day. My wife and I were high school sweethearts. We're both 40 and have been together for 25 years.
Starting point is 00:12:36 We have two kids together ages 5 and 6. For the past 5 years, I've thought that we're together because we basically grew up together. I met my now girlfriend, who's 28, and I know that I'm 12 years older, but I met her at work. She's beautiful and attractive, and I thought that she was this new change that I wanted. Instead of breaking it off with my ex and doing the right thing, I cheated and got caught. My wife was so gracious about it. She just didn't want us to be together anymore.
Starting point is 00:13:06 This was a year ago, and I left our house and rented an apartment. We have yet to get divorced, although I don't want to. Neither of us is talking about it. My girlfriend, however, is not so happy about this, mainly because I left our big house that was originally my house to my wife and my daughters. I inherited the house from my grandparents and it's worth a fortune right now. My girlfriend wants us to be our family home and for me, yeah, it is my family home. My family is living there. But my girlfriend meant that when I get divorced, my wife has no claim to the house anymore. Three weeks ago, my girlfriend and I were dropping off our daughters with their mother and my girlfriend went against my wishes and started talking to my wife about the house.
Starting point is 00:13:49 My wife was confused and said the house is hers and her daughters, and she looked at me all confused, but my girlfriend told her that it was mine, and that it was time to move out. My wife then said that my girlfriend shouldn't put her nose in other people's business. My girlfriend became angry and said that my wife is a hag who's bitter because she's old. My wife smiled and said, is age your only redeeming quality? Because that won't last.
Starting point is 00:14:16 Then my wife said that she'd rather be an 80 year old me than a 20 year old you. My wife was an angry or bitter. She's not old either. She's 40 like me. Am I so old according to my girlfriend? I don't know what my girlfriend was thinking, but I felt so ashamed and angry with myself. My girlfriend was immature and embarrassing. I've been unhappy for months now, so I broke it off because I don't want to hurt my family over nothing. My wife called me the next day and said that maybe we should start talking about divorce. I broke down crying the moment we ended the call.
Starting point is 00:14:52 Now every time I see my wife, I want to just fall into her arms and cry. I just keep thinking about 80 year old her with 80 year old me beside her. The way we envisioned ourselves every time we saw an elderly couple holding hands are kissing, and we thought that this would be us too. I realize that I'd rather have an 80-year-old her than a 20-year-old anyone, but I messed that up. Cool, OP! You betrayed your family for nothing. For nothing. For absolutely nothing. Now, not only does your wife not love you anymore, but also, once your two daughters get old enough to really understand why mommy and daddy aren't together anymore, then
Starting point is 00:15:34 they'll probably also hate you. I mean, hey, you know, there's a possibility they won't hate your guts. But from what I've seen, when a mom gets cheated on, the teenage daughters tend to take their mom's side. So I think you may have just bom cheated on, the teenage daughters tend to take their mom sides. So, I think you may have just bombed your relationship with your daughters too. Whoops! Whoops!
Starting point is 00:15:51 Maybe you shouldn't cheat it, Opie! Maybe you shouldn't cheat it! That was our slash true off my chest, and if you like this content, be sure to follow my podcast because I put out new Reddit podcast episodes every single day. episodes every single day.

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