rSlash - r/Trueoffmychest I'm Happy My Wife is Dead

Episode Date: February 7, 2023 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This holiday season, let's swish Shalai to the cooking so you can enjoy spending time with those you love. Their iconic festive special includes the famous quarter chicken dinner. Now with cranberry sauce, stuffing, lindor chocolates, plus a scratch and wind card, where everyone's a winner. Grab your loved ones and hurry to swish Shalai today. Visit for contest details, while supplies last. Welcome to R-slash True Off My Chest, where O.P. is celebrating the fact that his pregnant wife passed away in a car accident. Our next reddit posted from Don't Marry Gamers.
Starting point is 00:00:36 My three-year-old son escaped and was found naked close to a major highway, and I was on my way back from work when this happened. Where was Dad? In the house playing League of Legends. That was the absolute last straw among the long line of offenses he did. I have two kids. My daughter is seven and my son is three. Both have autism. My husband seems to prioritize his video games more than our kids, and it makes me angry. Years ago it was just a one-off, sorry, I completely forgot situation which didn't happen
Starting point is 00:01:10 nearly as frequently as they do now. It started during the middle of lockdown where I had to work longer hours than usual. We're both gamers. Sometimes I'll play a few games when I'm off work. I'm a nurse who works 12 hour shifts. A little gaming from time to time won't hurt. But this man, if he's not working, he's gaming. It doesn't matter that he has two small kids to look after. He'll put on Netflix for them and lock himself in his
Starting point is 00:01:36 room. He missed our daughter's talent show because of his raid nights in World of Warcraft, and I didn't find out until after the school called saying that she's still at school. And I had to remind my husband to attend and be there for her. He wasn't. When my daughter was four, he racked up at least $480 of late pick-up fees because he forgot to pick up our daughter from daycare. And I had to pick her up in the middle of my shift, take her home, and give him an earful and make him pay for it.
Starting point is 00:02:05 I lost count of the number of times that I had to cut off Wi-Fi in the house, and at one point straight up canceled the internet because I was tired of his nonsense. The only time the kids have anything healthy to eat is when I'm making them dinner. My husband will order pizza or Chinese or anything that can be delivered by a uber eats. I've already told him to stop doing this since both kids are already gaining weight. The absolute last raw was when my three year old son escaped our house when I was at work. Naked and at 9 pm at night. This was the second time that he escaped, and since then, I installed multiple alarms on every door in the house. My son even wears a wristband with our phone number.
Starting point is 00:02:51 We live in rural Florida. We're very close to swamps and highways. I received a call from a cop saying they found him near the freeway. I gave the cop my address and rushed straight home. The cop was outside my home with my son in the back seat. The cop said that he knocked on the door and no one answered. Meanwhile, I can hear the alarms in the house going off. My husband's car is in the driveway, so I know that he's home. I get inside and what do I find? My husband behind closed doors playing League of Legends.
Starting point is 00:03:23 I cut off the internet and hid the router, and that's when he came out literally saying WTF to me. I told him to go outside that a cop wants to talk to him. After a brief conversation with the cop, I sent my son to his room, and then we both had separate conversations with the cop. My husband said that he had already put both kids to bid before getting on to play. I told him the same thing that I told him 30 times before. If he's watching the kids, the game is off, period. Since it's gotten to the point where our own son could have been kidnapped or killed, it's over. I told him to pack up his bags and leave. Anyone who would endanger their own kids over a video game has a serious problem.
Starting point is 00:04:07 I suggested that he sees a therapist. I love him, and I really want to make this marriage work at the very least for our kids. I'm seriously considering filing for separation while I consider the options. Look, OP, I'm on the husband side. Once you start a game of League of Legends, you have to finish it. It doesn't matter if your kid has wandered out of the home and is getting eaten alive by a Florida crocodile. You have to finish your League of Legends game.
Starting point is 00:04:33 That's just proper gamer etiquette. And hey, raid night on World of Warcraft, the Dragonflight expansion just came out. Clearly, your husband's guild needs him for the vault of the incarnate's raid where he needs to kill Razigath the Storm Eater. Come on, OP. What's more important? Kids or epic loot? Now, joking aside, OP, I think that your husband's situation has escalated past the point of like being a problem, and he's in like full blown addicted territory. This guy's addicted to gaming straight up.
Starting point is 00:05:04 This guy is trying to avoid getting up. This guy, this guy, this guy. This guy is trying to avoid getting ganked in bottom lane. Meanwhile, his kid is trying to avoid getting ganked by crocodiles. Our next reddit posted from OF Christmas Disaster. My cousins gift, ruin Christmas, and possibly my relationship. I come from a big family.
Starting point is 00:05:23 Our holidays involve extended family like second cousins, etc. My fiance and I are in our mid 20s and there are a lot of cousins in their 20s and 30s. Last night we had our big Christmas party. It was fun to see everyone until it was time to exchange presence. My cousin Anna, hands out pink envelopes to all the men in their 20s and 30s who have married into or dated into the family. My fiance received one and quickly put it in his pocket after opening it. I was distracted opening my gifts and didn't have to look at it. About 20 minutes later, my cousin Rachel pulls me aside and says that Anna is giving out cards with instructions on how to get a discount subscription to her. I can't say the name of this website on YouTube,
Starting point is 00:06:06 so I'll just say to her, Rachel's boyfriend got one of the pink cards and showed Rachel because he was weird at outs. I'm pissed at this point because I suspect that my fiance's card also has an OF discount. So I asked to talk with him
Starting point is 00:06:22 and he denies getting a card from Anna. I tell him, I saw her hand you one and I watched you put it in your pocket. I go to grab his pocket and he suddenly remembers getting a card but claims that he didn't open it. I take it from him and of course it's already opened and of course it's about her OF. I go back inside to confront Anna and find her already arguing with a different cousin who's upset because her husband has already tried looking at Anna's page. Anna claims that she's just trying to get her business off the ground and no one appreciates all the hard work and skills it takes to be successful in a digital career. She says that her gift isn't adult in nature, it's just marketing.
Starting point is 00:07:03 Some of the older relatives are starting to take sides too, but they're mostly really confused about what's going on. And as mom started crying because of something I said, and my mom tried to get me to apologize, which pissed me off more. At this point, I left with my brother and his husband, because I don't want to spend the night with my fiance at home. And I don't feel like staying with my parents when my mom is pressuring me to apologize. Oh, and surprise, surprise. Anna didn't give my brother's husband a card.
Starting point is 00:07:31 So make of that what you will about the intent behind her gift. I'm seriously considering calling off the engagement over this, and I'm pissed at my cousin for ruining both Christmas and my relationship. Yeah, OP, I think you're making the right call here. Your fiance was clearly trying to deceive you. Also, it seems kind of like weird to me that someone's first response to starting an only
Starting point is 00:07:53 fan is, I know who's my perfect audience for this, my family. Our next reddit post is from Thurway. Last night, I made dinner and served my husband his portion. Then I went into the other room to study for my upcoming exam. I reheated my portion later at around 11pm and sat down to eat. My husband was asleep at the time. Then he woke up, showed up in the kitchen, and stood by the door saying he was hungry. I told him to look in the fridge for some snacks, but he wanted some of my food.
Starting point is 00:08:21 I said I was sorry, but I was so hungry and I needed a hot meal. He insisted, but still I said no. He went ahead and grabbed a spoon and tried to eat for my plate, but I took my plate away just in time. Then immediately, and without any warning, he spits in my plate, then throws the spoon in the sink and casually walks out while calling me a petty B word. I was so shocked to the point of shaking, and because of being overwhelmed with studying and other issues, I just broke down crying.
Starting point is 00:08:52 Now the plate was filled with both his spit and my tears. I ended up throwing it out and started a screaming match with him. He accused me of being petty and selfish, then said that I pushed him to do this. We haven't been speaking since then. He acted like he was justified in what he did. Man, down in the comments, we have an even crazier story from No Puta. My ex did something similar to me on the petty scale. I was working and paying all the bills. He was not. I got up early, showered, washed my hair, blow dried it, straightened it and did my makeup.
Starting point is 00:09:26 I sat down to have a bowl of milk and cereal before I had to make my one and a half hour commute to work. My ex gets out of bed, goes straight for the bowl, and dumps it all over my hair and face. Why? Because me getting ready in the morning was keeping him awake. Effing loser. Yeah, OPM, I want to, I want to really draw attention to something that this other poster is saying in their story. My ex did something similar to me. My ex boyfriend hint, hint on the word ex ex boyfriend OP OP. What your husband did was so fundamentally disrespectful.
Starting point is 00:10:04 You're the one who cooked it! You gave him food and you couldn't eat because you were busy studying. Then he tries to take your food and when he can't, he spits in it, waw! I don't know why he'd want to be with someone who disrespects you like that. Our next Reddit post is from Training Noise. Wow, this title. My wife is dead. The best Christmas present I could have gotten.
Starting point is 00:10:26 At the beginning of 2022, I caught my wife having an affair with one of her exes. Our marriage wasn't perfect. I wasn't the perfect husband, I'll admit that. But I did my best. I put effort into the entire five years that we were together. I put my all into the relationship. Her I couldn't say the same. I was forced to confront the reality of who she truly was shortly after I caught her. She illegally evicted me from our shared home, lied to the police to try
Starting point is 00:10:55 to get me arrested, tried to get me fired from my job, and tried to turn all of my friends against me. Some of these succeeded, while others didn't. She has made my life a living hell since the day that I asked her for divorce, and she's planted her heels into the ground over our separation to try to drain all of my finances and emotional strength from me. The only upside is that we had no kids for her to use as weapons, but I soon found out that her policy of strict birth control with me didn't extend to her suitor because he got her pregnant five months ago. I thought that maybe this would help speed along the divorce, but it only rallied her in her efforts to destroy me.
Starting point is 00:11:37 On Christmas Eve, my wife and her suitor went to a party where both of them got drunk. I find this fact terrible because all of her friends knew that she was pregnant as well. Her suitor drove them home, a mistake that would cost them both their lives. In the state that I live in, our divorce is now considered to have never even started. I'll be able to claim her life insurance policy for myself and move back into my own home. Her parents called me up to straw yesterday, acting as if the last year had never happened and offering their full support to my funeral preparations for her. My confusion here was beyond belief, but the apple doesn't fall
Starting point is 00:12:16 far from the tree when it comes to my wife. I told them if they want a funeral, it's coming out of their pockets. Otherwise, I'll pay for her to be cremated and deliver her ashes to them in the cheapest earn offered if they want. They called me horrible and tried to guilt me about her life insurance, but after only four minutes on the phone with them, I hung up and blocked every one of her family members. I'm going to be taking a few extra days off work to move back into my house over the next week. I've already made arrangements to have her stuff hauled off, so my home will be an empty canvas to start my life anew. I don't know if there's a god or if this was just karma, but I truly believe now that I've come out on the other side of the storm.
Starting point is 00:13:00 O.P. First, she ruined your life life. Then she ruined her life. Our next reddit post is from I'm Shattered. My boyfriend asked for a paternity test for our child. As soon as the results come and show that he's the father, I'm leaving him. I'm a new mom to a baby boy who's my pride and joy. And though it's been a roller coaster adjusting to taking care of a baby, the past few months have been great, tiring, but great. I have a boyfriend of three years who's the first person relationship wise I've ever loved,
Starting point is 00:13:31 and I thought that we were doing great as new partners, but also as parents. On Friday, he came home and he asked me for a paternity test. Just like that, completely out of the blue. I was putting away the dishes and he just asked for one, like he was asking what was for dinner. I'm a different race from him, but our child, apart from the skin tone, is literally
Starting point is 00:13:52 his mirror image from pictures I'd seen of him when he was a baby. I was stunned when he asked, and his reasons were that he had to be sure that he was the father. He had to have that certainty. All I remember as he was the father. He had to have that certainty. All I remember as he was speaking is just immediately feeling pain. The man I love doesn't trust me. He would actually believe that I would passionately hug someone else, cheat on him, and then try to pass off another man's baby as his. I've never, ever given him reason to think
Starting point is 00:14:22 that I would cheat on him. I've tried to be transparent and communicated, and it wasn't enough. He told me that he would give me time to think about this, that he wouldn't go behind my back and do this test. But for our relationship to move forward, he needs to be 100% sure. He repeated this because, in his words, he needed me to realize how serious he was. After thinking for a couple of days, I'm going to allow him his paternity test because I have nothing to hide. I've never cheated and I would never cheat on him. Once it's proven that he's the father, I'm ending it, leaving the same day and I'm going to try my best to be a cooperative
Starting point is 00:15:01 co-parent with him. In the meantime, I'm coming up with my exit plan, a place to live, and a lawyer to work out a custody agreement and court. I can't even tell my friends are family right now because they would go nuclear and my first priority is our child. I hope the test was worth it to him. I'm not asking for advice or reassurance or to explain his side. I'm just realizing that this part of my life is now over. What a way to start the new year, huh?
Starting point is 00:15:29 Opie, I actually completely don't agree with you on this. This is your deal breaker than it's your deal breaker. I can't really argue this is apparently some line in the saying that your partner is never allowed to cross. Okay fine. But men are constantly, constantly hearing stories about unfaithful wives, cheating partners, babies that aren't theirs. And you know, sometimes that insecurity can get to you. So you're saying your husband can't have one moment of insecurity of like doubt that maybe
Starting point is 00:16:00 his friends or his mom or his siblings are saying, shouldn't you get a paternity test and that like nags at him for a while and he expresses it to you? And honestly, a really healthy and upfront way. Like, he didn't demand it. He didn't go behind your back. He just said, hey, this is really important to me and I would like to get one done and I want to be upfront with you. Is that okay? And your response is divorced? That feels kind of extreme. I mean, I do understand that you would be offended by the implication because it implies a lack of trust. But like, some people have been cheated on in the past, and that can stick with you and give you nagging doubt. And it's not your fault if he has that doubt necessarily, but can you really blame a guy for just wondering for wanting to know for sure?
Starting point is 00:16:42 I'm actually an advocate for everyone getting a paternity test. Not just fathers, but mothers as well. Because outside of cheating, there's also cases where nurses intentionally or accidentally swap out babies. Happens all the time. So even if he's 100% confident that you didn't cheat, it still makes sense to get the test because they're like 50 bucks. And if your baby was swapped out of the hospital, you'll catch it now when the baby's just a few months old, so you can find your real baby before things get out of control.
Starting point is 00:17:11 I mean, I know it's like a really, really edge case and it's not super likely, but 50 bucks for peace of mind for the rest of your life rather than the tragedy of finding out 20 years from now that you've been raising someone else's baby. I think that's a reasonable purchase in my opinion. I think you're being too harsh, Opie. Literally, the story right before this is Opie's world being shattered because he caught his wife cheating on him.
Starting point is 00:17:32 It happens every single day, every day. People catch their partner's cheating. And this guy has one, one moment of doubt, of concern. And you're throwing in the towel? Man, I think I'm starting to see why this guy is so concerned. If you're this willing to throw away your relationship, then maybe he's onto something. Look down in the comments, this guy, Omni Cotton says, I signed the birth certificate when I was 18. I found out at 25 that it was based on a lie. It's a legally binding contract though. Several years later I'm still paying child support
Starting point is 00:18:05 for a kid proven to be another man's offspring. I believed in her at the time. Yo this poor guy was raising another kid's child for seven years and then is still on the hook for paying for that kid for another 11 years. Like a come on OP this is a tale as old as time. Women are lucky they get to have 100% certainty that their baby is there is because it pops out of them. Men literally cannot have that luxury. Unless, of course, they get a paternity test. So I'm 100% on his side. I think he handled this pretty much as honestly as and openly and as clearly as he possibly could have. That was our slash true off my chest. And if you like this content, be sure to follow my podcast because I put out new Reddit podcast episodes
Starting point is 00:18:43 have. That was our slash true off my chest, and if you like this content, be sure to follow my podcast because I put out new Reddit podcast episodes every single day.

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