rSlash - r/Trueoffmychest My Parents are Mad I Saved a Kid's Life

Episode Date: August 3, 2023

0:00 Intro 0:09 Epipen 2:43 Comments story 3:04 Two weeks notice 6:14 Puzzle piece 9:08 Jello molds 12:14 Cheater 13:24 Complainer Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Gabby here is a meditation instructor who just created her business website. Just need to choose a domain. Hmm, That Canada goose looks grumpy. Also, why is he here? Well, Gabby, he's here to tell you that 85% of Canadians prefer supporting local business on over it is. Now repeat after me.
Starting point is 00:01:17 I just don't know what to feel now. I've already applied for and gotten a job as a waiter at a local restaurant this morning. I don't regret what I did, but I wish they'd understand me. Yo, this is so weird. How is their response? How dare you use the epipin and not, oh my god, my son's a hero, I'm so proud to be for saving that person's life. Let's go get ice cream, I'm so thrilled that you're so caring and quick acting and thoughtful. Wouldn't that be the normal response? Also, they're, okay, they're upset about the money, but what's worse, losing the money that you spent
Starting point is 00:01:50 on an EpiPin, or the psychological trauma of your 15 year old son watching his best friend die in front of him. If they're worried about EpiPin costs, just think about the therapy costs. Also, it's really weird to me that the parents of the other son aren't offering to replace the EpiPen because, yeah, EpiPens are expensive.
Starting point is 00:02:10 You know, like the kids saved your son's life. You can't at least buy him a replacement EpiPen. The parents of this story are weird. Really weird. Okay, Opie posted an update. Let's see what happens. Following the advice of several commenters, I asked my parents to consider it from a different perspective. I told them to imagine if it had been me who forgot my epi-pin at home and I got an allergic reaction. I asked them how
Starting point is 00:02:33 they would feel if another guy could have saved me but chose not to save money. That seemed to have done the trick as they said that they shouldn't have reacted that way. They then told me that they talked to my parents' friends and see if my friends' parents would replace the EpiPen I used. Then we have another update. My parents talked to my friends' parents. They told me that my friends' parents gave them the money to buy a new pack of EpiPens. Okay, so I guess all's well that ends well. It's just weird to me they didn't offer to pay off the bat, that seems really like logical and natural to me, and it's just weird to me they didn't offer to pay off the bat that seems really like logical and natural to me and it's weird the parents are so uptight about money. I don't know, these parents are just a bunch of weirdos.
Starting point is 00:03:10 Down in the comments, we have a similar story from Frosty Mall. I used my EpiPin on a total stranger at a restaurant in the Bahamas. The manager picked up my tab that night. Since this was at a resort, the person I helped tracked me down before flying home and offered to replace the EpiPin. You did the right thing OP, and they should be buying you a new one as a kind gesture. Our next reddit post is from YME. I'm a 31 year old man, and my job had just started six months before the pandemic. Once COVID hit, we were all working from home, which for me was a new but exciting experience. I used to get up at 5 a.m. and travel an hour and a half to get to work on time.
Starting point is 00:03:50 I wouldn't get home until 7 p.m. so working from home made a major difference to how much time I got to spend with my family. This went on for two years until my job demanded that we all come back into the office, which sucked. During this time, my old manager was very lenient and allowed us to keep working from home a couple of days a week. This all changed when she was demoted, and the new manager wouldn't allow anyone to work from home, unless of course we caught COVID, which sadly I did.
Starting point is 00:04:18 Two years of never catching COVID, and it was all ruined in just six weeks when they called us back into the office. Now onto the story. My new manager was a bossy, angry woman who demanded things that just didn't feel right. She sent multiple people home because of some of the things they wore. This was a call center job, and the dress code was essentially no football tops or revealing clothing, which was fine. The manager took this a step further and sent anyone wearing what she didn't like home. This included a pregnant colleague who had to wear leggings
Starting point is 00:04:50 for comfort and my old manager for also wearing leggings due to cramps. Then came my turn because she didn't like the way I dressed, even though I dressed the same way for three months. She demanded I go home, change, and then come back. I explained that, unlike most of the people working here, I live really far away from the office, and it would take me three hours to get there and back. She didn't care. I made the offer, couldn't I just stay until the end of the day and then change for the next day? Rejected.
Starting point is 00:05:20 Couldn't I just go home and work for the rest of the day from home? Rejected. Oh, and should I mention that she said I have to work back these hours I spent on the road as well? I was forced to leave work and spent the next three hours on the bus fuming. Luckily, I had time on the bus and began rage applying out of sheer spites. Surprisingly, I got a ping for a job where I can work from home permanently and I was able to set up an interview. On my way back to the office, I stopped by a local shop and bought an envelope and paper and wrote a quick two weeks notice. When I got back to the office, I calmly walked up to the manager's desk, advised her that what she made me do was very upsetting and handed in my two weeks notice.
Starting point is 00:06:02 Her look was priceless, but only lasted a second before she pulled me into a meeting with two other managers. They were suddenly all apologetic and trying to get me to stay. They even offered to let me work from home again. I politely declined because this was too little, too late. The reason why they wanted me to stay so badly is if enough of their colleagues quit before a certain date, the managers lose their bonuses. Needless to say, I turned down their offers and they got rid of me after just one week
Starting point is 00:06:32 because I didn't comply with every little thing. I've been at my new job for six months and I love working from home. They also gave me a new laptop that I can use to work from home. Our next Reddit post is from Purple for Socks. I've been lying to my family for 25 years. I guess it's time for me to come clean. Not because I feel too bad for what I've been doing, but because it's possible my oldest son is on to me. I have three kids and a wonderful life. For more than 25 years, our family has loved doing puzzles together. Since we started, I've done something that may
Starting point is 00:07:05 seem unsavory to people that don't understand the joy of putting in that final piece. To ensure that it's always me, whenever we start a new puzzle, I take one of the pieces and hide it in a green sock that's at the bottom of my dresser. Whenever we get to the very end, we all, once again, lost a piece, and we all search frantically until I'm the hero who finds it. Well, this past Sunday, we got to the final part of the puzzle once again, only this time there were two pieces missing. We began searching, and it may be my imagination, but my oldest son gave me a look.
Starting point is 00:07:41 It was a half-smirk. I think he's on to me. Derek, if you're reading this, I have more patience than you do. I'll hold my peace forever if I need to. Find yours first, and let's in this madness! Then OP posted an update. Well folks, I've been duped. I got up this morning, went to the kitchen to get some coffee, and as I walked past the
Starting point is 00:08:04 puzzle, I noticed that it had been completed. All pieces accounted for. I calmly and politely knocked on Derek's store and asked him about it. He denied knowing anything about it, like super convincing. I went down back to my bedroom, confused his ever, and just sat in bed with a blank stare. My wife asked what was wrong, and I told her that the puzzle was completed, and I have no idea how it got done. She literally started laughing like a hyena. I've always known about your dumb green sock. I'm in shock, I'm numb, like a gut punch.
Starting point is 00:08:38 So as it turns out, my wife is known what I've been doing for at least 10 years. She said that she loved watching me walk around thinking that I was some criminal mastermind tricking everyone, and that's why she never said anything. She wanted me to have my win while she secretly laughed and had her own fun and secrets. I don't even know what to say. I'm just processing everything. I can't believe that she's had this over me for so long and I had literally no idea. She noticed a decade ago that I had just one random green socks since I lost its
Starting point is 00:09:10 pair forever ago and she immediately knew something was up since I refused to throw it away. I guess that makes sense. I'm an idiot. I've come to the realization that she's actually the master here. It's her house and I should be thankful that she lets me live in it. At least she promised not to tell the kids. Man, I thought about saying something, but my first thought when I was reading the post honest to God was, it's not the sun, it's the life. These side marios all you can eat? Is all you can munch a soup?
Starting point is 00:09:40 Salad. And garlic home milk. Oh my, mom, me. And I'm gonna move on up in! This holiday season, let's swish Shale to the cooking so you can enjoy spending time with those you love. Their iconic festive special includes the famous quarter chicken dinner. Now with cranberry sauce, stuffing, lindor chocolates, plus a scratch and wind card, where
Starting point is 00:10:01 everyone's a winner. Grab your loved ones and hurry to swish chalet today. Visit for contest details while supplies last. Our next rid of posters from gamer artists. So a while back I was buying auction goods and selling them on the marketplace. One piece I found was three vintage jello molds that I had on sale for 40 bucks. I get approached by this man in his mid-30s, a decent appearance, good clothes and car. He accepts the price of forty bucks, so I talked him for a bit, just wondering what he's getting them for. This guy was planning on buying these three jello molds as a gift for his wife of ten years, and that was all he was doing.
Starting point is 00:10:41 Keep in mind, this guy did look like he was struggling for money at all. I spoke to him and said, don't you think that it'd be a bit odd if she found out that she only spent $40 on a 10 year anniversary? He said, I guess that would be kind of odd, but what else can I do? I told him, well, flowers, man, what's your favorite flowers? He says he doesn't really know, he never asked her. I got her name and looked at her Facebook profile and every photo has the daisy filter, including her cover photo. I say to the guy, tell you what, make it 80 bucks and when I meet you to sell you the
Starting point is 00:11:20 Jello mold, I'll also give you a batch of your wise favorite flowers. I said, also, if money isn't too tight, I know of a stake place outside of town that I can get you a reservation for at that night. He said, you do that for 80 bucks? I said, yep, I called Walmart and got them to put together a bunch of daisies and some spider lilies in it for flair that cost me like 15 bucks. I made the reservation to the stake place in his name. I sold him the jello and the flowers, and I even coached him not to assume that these were her
Starting point is 00:11:50 favorite flowers and let her say it first. Just in case. I also told him not to tell her under any circumstances that I did any of this. Later, I checked out his wife's Facebook page and she wrote this. I love this man so much for all the trouble that he went through for me. Sometimes you never know how lucky you are until it's really shown to you. He got me my favorite flowers. Look at these. The Jello molds are gorgeous too, just like the ones my grandmother had. I love this man so much. We had a really good time last night, even after 10 years. There were also photos of the restaurant, Jello molds, and flowers. I was so happy when I saw this post. In total, I made this woman's day, and hopefully,
Starting point is 00:12:37 I helped this guy be a bit more thoughtful in the process. I know that I didn't get paid near enough, but come on, like some Jellomold and no plans when you have money on a 10 year anniversary? No woman deserves that. Note, I'm a dude, and I would never let my girlfriend down like that. Keeping the romance is necessary, regardless of how long you've been together. Opie, you're a true bro, and the guy you helped out is an absolute dummy dumb dumb. Does this woman even like Jello molds? I guess she must have mentioned them or something because I don't even know what would make
Starting point is 00:13:12 a guy think I know what to get her. Jello molds. She loves making Jello. Our next reddit posted from individual Mongoose. Hi everyone. So my husband's been cheating or at least trying to. He's been downloading every single app you can think of trying to get strangers to meet up with him for passionate hugging,
Starting point is 00:13:30 and he's even paid for some. They were scams. He was asleep when I found all this out from going through his phone, and surprisingly, I'm not even bothered. I'm actually finding it hilarious that he couldn't even actually physically cheat because no one wanted him, LMAO. He was planning on meeting someone before work tomorrow morning, but that was obviously a scam too. I mean, they talk like robots. I don't know how he doesn't catch on, lol.
Starting point is 00:13:58 So I hid the truck keys, so when he wakes up, he'll just go crazy looking for them. Anyways, yeah, cheater suck, but if you're anything like my husband, it's a good laugh seeing them make a fool of themselves. Then OP posts a brief update to basically say that she's leaving him. Yo, this dude found the only woman on Earth who will take him and then tried to cheat his way out of the relationship. Genius, what a brilliant fellow you got there. He also falls for bots,
Starting point is 00:14:25 Opie, you buried an actual doofus. Our next reddit post is from Pleasant Egg. I'm a 22-year-old man, and I have a goal of visiting all 50 states. Last week, I drove through Arizona and New Mexico. My girlfriend, who's 23, has never been out of California and asked to tag along, and I said, sure, we've been together for almost a full year and I've been wondering what she's like on vacations and trips. Admittedly, I'm not someone who will go on luxurious vacations. I'll make sure that I'm in a safe place but I don't have any problem with sleeping in airports, bus stops, train stations and libraries. This trip was nothing like that though. I found two days in hotel with four stars and one of them had complimentary breakfast.
Starting point is 00:15:07 My girlfriend tagged along and complained for about 95% of the trip. She complained that my car was too small, the weather was too hot, the weather was too cold. We're staying at a day's end, are there better places around? These bed sheets feel weird and the air conditioning is too cold. This shower has a curtain? Ewww! This is around. These bids sheaths feel weird and the air conditioning is too cold. This shower has a curtain. Ewww! I don't want to go to this restaurant.
Starting point is 00:15:30 That restaurant looks weird. Let's not eat there. This is the Grand Canyon. I thought that it'd be prettier. Albuquerque is ugly. Why'd you want to go here? I don't want to go on a hike. I'll stay in the car.
Starting point is 00:15:42 Any suggestion I gave was turned down. When I asked her if she wanted to do something or go somewhere, I barely received a response. She freaked out at a waitress because they made her order wrong and she caused a scene. We went to the Grand Canyon and she didn't clean up her garbage when we had lunch and said, that's the park rangers job. By the time we got home, I was completely exhausted. I dropped her off and drove back to my house without music, just so I could enjoy a period of silence.
Starting point is 00:16:13 This trip opened my eyes into what she can be like when she isn't 15 minutes away from our city. This was her first time out of state, but she barely displayed any signs of common decency towards people, and I ended up apologizing for her behavior multiple times. I shouldn't have to apologize for my girlfriend because she received bacon instead of sausage. I'm exhausted.
Starting point is 00:16:36 I went into OP's profile looking for an update, unfortunately there isn't one, so we can only hope that OP dumps her. That was our slash true off my chest, and if you like this content, be sure to follow my podcast because I put out new Reddit podcast episodes every single day.

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