Sad Boyz - AI POVs Are Destorying TikTok

Episode Date: March 7, 2025

Jarvis and Jordan discuss the terrible rise of A.I. POVs and balancing nostalgia, optimism, and realism. Sad Boyz Nightz #103: "Tom MacDonald's Merch Is So Dumb" Weekly bonus episodes for only $5/mo Join our Discord ▸ P.O. Box ▸ 3108 Glendale Blvd Suite 540, Los Angeles CA 90039 Play Sad Boyz BINGO ▸ Write To Us ▸ Use the subject line "Pen Palz" and we could read it on the next episode! Our Links ▸ 00:00:00 Welcome To Sad Boyz! 00:01:09 A.I. POVs 00:05:02 POV: 1994 Hooligan 00:16:17 How To Make An A.I. POV 00:19:11 POV: England In The 1990s 00:25:08 Wholistic Memories & Nostalgia 00:32:40 Knowing What You Can Control VS What You Can't 00:39:02 No Experience Is Completely Unique 00:44:38 Finding Emotional Balance 00:51:05 The Dangers Of A.I. Historical Videos 00:53:35 POV: Wall Street Crash 1929 00:55:30 POV: You're Mark Zuckerberg's Son 00:58:03 The Dancing Plague 01:01:00 POV: London Beer Flood 01:02:22 Battle Of New Orleans Song 01:03:24 POV: Kentucky Meat Shower 01:05:25 Historical Tall Tales 01:08:56 POV: Civil War 01:10:34 A.I.Braham LincoTron 01:11:46 POV: Caveman 01:12:17 POV: Shrek & Spongebob 01:15:44 POV: Hell 01:16:44 POV: The Rapture 01:17:25 POV: Teenager In 2010s USA 01:19:48 Sad Boyz Nightz #103 🎬 CREW 🎬 Hosted by Jarvis Johnson and Jordan Adika Produced & Edited by Jacob Skoda Produced by Anastasia Vigo Thumbnail design by @yungmcskrt Outro music by @prod.typhoon & @ysoblank

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to sad boys a podcast about feelings and other things also. I'm Jarvis. I'm Jordan. How long we've been doing this to To gosh darn long. Let me tell you when did We first episode ever just begin with exactly that phrasing not that like prep episode, but let's roll it Welcome to sad boys a podcast about feelings and other things also All right, let's go, dude. What? Feelings and other things also. Also that.
Starting point is 00:00:31 Because I was going to do probably the most embarrassing, like, I'm in my name Jordan. Um, wait a second. So that was October 15th, 2017, which means that this is year eight that we're going into, which is fucking crazy. That's not current. I mean, obviously we took lots of breaks, but still pretty crazy. Which means that this is year eight that we're going into which is fucking crazy I mean obviously we took lots of breaks, but still pretty crazy Was that off the top of your dome or were you was it written it was it was off the top of the dome with A popular poem the team, I can stop you alone. Those are like Eminem freestyle. That was the original.
Starting point is 00:01:08 Eight bar miles. Today, we're gonna try a new thing where we just jump directly into the topic. So... Okay, we talked about POVs a number of times on the show. And we've talked about AI a number of times on the show. I just love getting in the mindset of someone like, because I'm so like twisted and like jacked up in the way I see the world.
Starting point is 00:01:32 Right, right, right. You hate me because I'm different. I don't get you because you're sort of like normal to me. Yeah, you're so normie and I'm so, I'm so sick of it. But I watch like POV something crazy and I look at it and I go POV that's normal to me. Right. That's normal. Cause I'm like POV you, um, you can hear the internal monologue of your like soulmate or whatever. I'm like, I was doing that. Um, I was just doing that yesterday.
Starting point is 00:01:56 So I think that one thing that is, is, uh, concerning is that we are reaching, we're starting to reach a critical mass of it being possible to just print a lot of money making AI, just completely AI generated content. And you see it on YouTube, there's a few like places on YouTube that I've seen this that I kind of want to investigate.
Starting point is 00:02:23 But AI has also taken over TikTok. And we've talked about this before, but this is like, um, now they're, they're producing and viewed and commented on by everything is AI. So it's, it's dead internet theory at maximum, you know, efficiency at this point, which almost feels like, uh, that's actually the best case scenario where I, there's no burden on anyone to engage with anything. Yeah. And said, you'd be like, well, there's no burden on anyone to engage with anything. Yeah. And instead you'd be like, well, it's functioning.
Starting point is 00:02:48 That's it. Let's just replace Facebook with a bunch of computers yelling at each other about something I don't understand. The way that this came across our desk, um, was, uh, one of our, one of our friends, one of our most controversial outlaw internet pals, frogan. Oh, did getting paid by... Yeah, just doing it all wrong. I just gotta say this.
Starting point is 00:03:16 If you see me in Frogan's chat, jump in saying, hey, what's up? But you don't like Frogan, me neither. If you fucking hate frogan me too. Thanks for sending us these. What a scumbag for doing nothing wrong. That you look good. You look like you're doing well. And I hate that so much. It looks like you're doing well and we hate that, but we also appreciate you as a friend.
Starting point is 00:03:42 You really, you know, if you don't like Frogan instinctually, there's probably different reasons to consider. But yeah, Frogan's a normal person and should be treated as such but it's fine. But she fucking gets my goat, let me tell you dude. As a fearful xenophobe, it really gets my goat. So Frogan was like, hey AI POs. And then I was like, bet. And then, and then she was like, yeah. And then I sent that to Anastasia and Jacob and I said, gang, I said, gang, let's do some research.
Starting point is 00:04:17 Anastasia responded, she's she crashing out. Yeah. You crazy. Yeah. And I said, my ass, my ass crazy. Ah, let's go. Let's go deep and look into things today. We're on past life. POVs. Oh, this is quite literally POV. Yeah. The okay. You know what? No one follows the rules of a POV. I'm looking at it took the AIs normally it's like POV and then it's your it's a third person view and it's not actually the point of view.
Starting point is 00:04:47 That's a lie. You know, honestly, this is a great POV representation because I'm, especially when we record this show, I am looking at my feet a lot. So here's the thing, because I'm always looking down, dude, because the world's got me down. And so the first thing I do when I wake up is I check out the POV of a you wake up as a hooligan in 1994. Can we get to the front? I wake up in the morning with my fucking beer in hand. Dude, my dad, I just got born this year.
Starting point is 00:05:18 Hello? Yeah. Dude, I'm a... Also, is this a slow version of City Can't Hold Us by Macklemore? Wait, wait, wait, play it. It is the same progression. Return to the mech. Know what it is, what it does, what it is, what it is. Looking for a better way to get a better, better, better.
Starting point is 00:05:44 Why is he holding his cigarette like that? this actually this is like um this is a video game uh yeah he's um wielding his beer yeah it literally he's they they train this on half-life too it should have like an ammo count for how much beer is left at the bottom all right so hooligan in 1994 you start you start off as you start up with a beer. Wake up in a beer. Absolute lad. Mental night in Sheffield. Go to a football game. Beer in hand again. This time it's in a glass. By the way, you go to the, you go to the sports bar, the pub, you got another beer in hand. Three different uniforms. Three different uniforms. You got to do lots of, you got to do lots of costume changing. If there's one thing that football hooligans love, it's hanging out with the other team.
Starting point is 00:06:32 And one thing I want to point out is, one of the commenters is asking a question that's on all of our minds. Is this AI? Dude, that's scary a little bit. Oh yeah, concerning. Also with the hashtag AI and hashtag history AI and they're like, But also hashtag football and hashtag 1990s. You know what? Hey, only 90s kids remember waking up beardhead.
Starting point is 00:06:55 I want to watch Nickelodeon. Now you fucking 2000s kids wake up smartphone in hand. Oh, these days, baby spend a little more time in the world, you know, in the moment. Oh, me and iPad kid. Me and iPad kid. Yeah, I was a beer kid. I just fucking drank my life away. I wake up, I have my milk, I have my nuggies and I have my Jaeger my stay.
Starting point is 00:07:17 And I had my pub. I yell for Liverpool. They call me the Jaeger master because of how much I shovel that shit down my gullet. I'm drunk. I'm learning the alphabet. And it's and it's harder that way. It's harder to learn when you're drunk. And that's why I'm better than you. That's why I'm sharp and I know almost all the letters.
Starting point is 00:07:33 And I can hold a cigarette normally. Normal style. When does he go to the game? This is not holding a cigarette. This is wielding a cigarette. It's like, shoo! How does he take a puff? He does have and I love rooting for the team.
Starting point is 00:07:49 Completely indiscernible tech. Do we have a name yet for the AI look where everything is like weirdly smooth and also like lit like professionally? Yeah, there's it's the fidelity is too much. Yeah, it's hyper real. Every it's hyper real because every model is like has studio lighting. It's what it's doing the most to be almost like indistinguishable. The way he's moving while holding out a cigarette.
Starting point is 00:08:16 It looks like he's on a float, a parade float. P.O.V. You're playing Dunstance and Dragons. I'll take a role. Also, someone pointed out, Jesus, how tall are we? Because you're like nine feet. You're Victor Wimbenyama. And the way he moves through this crowd, he's hovering above it. He's stepping on the heads.
Starting point is 00:08:38 Oh, yeah, dude. He's crowd surfing. What? Oh, no, we're still a football hooligan. Wait, why is he on the ground? Well, we got shit faced at the game. And so then we had to do a little smoke, but we kept our ticket for the game just so that they knew that we did it.
Starting point is 00:08:53 Sure. By the way, wake up the next day and do it all over again. Time for middle school. I love college. Asher Rupp. I go to the NSH, I can tell you another 90s kid, because the answer is absolutely mental. Not at Sheffield. That body last night was awfully crazy. I wish we taped it.
Starting point is 00:09:11 In Sheffield. In Sheffield. I love Sheffield. We're all drunk. That's my understanding of football culture. Yeah, it is nice that we absorbed all of the best parts of being a pirate. We got the chance and the violence, but we don't get any money. Football culture. Yeah, it is nice that we absorbed all of the best parts of being a pirate We got the chance and the violence, but we don't get any money
Starting point is 00:09:37 This is genuinely a very good representation of my Roommates room. This is like peak the same Exactly that Chesa draws and it is always two of them. A cuck chair. There's always a cuck chair. It's always very smooth. Always a cuck chair. Ashtray but he didn't smoke so I don't know where he had it. Well he woke up next to his ashtray.
Starting point is 00:09:53 That's how you know you have a problem, dude. Also, are you sleeping completely still? Oh well. You wake up, your ashtray is unbothered right next to you waiting for you. Daddy! I was like, I just clearly not had a mental night out in Sheffield.
Starting point is 00:10:04 Could your roommate also blink and teleport to the next place? Oh yes he was 19 feet tall he would step on my head in order to get to the front. I don't know why I was at the game. This is like a AI vlogger they're like trying to vlog inside the AI world and eventually it's going to start being like help me escape. This is I mean also like football hooligan, it's as a basic term, it's just, you know, like extreme, like a super fan, right? But at this point in time, it doesn't really mean that anymore. It like football hooligan, it's kind of like thug, crazy, but it's like you're like a, you're a football fan or like a, you sport a team when you just
Starting point is 00:10:45 go to a game and you hang out and go for drinks. You're a football hooligan when you set a car on fire because your team lost. That's like the, I didn't realize, like I thought hooligan was just like a turn of phrase for like a ne'er do well, like a little rough, a ruffian. Give you that cap, you little devil. That's what I thought. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:01 I didn't realize it was like a term for someone who's like, is a crazy football fan. I mean, we would use it for that, but like kind of in the same way that you do use the word like this guy's out of control. You know, it's like they're not out of control. They're just being a little bit much today. But you know, traditionally, POV, you're a little bit much today. I went to Liverpool one time. Hello, my name is Stasia.
Starting point is 00:11:26 And we went to a pub and they had a poster up like a public service announcement from the city, a poster in the pub that said, don't bottle your mate. Oh, wow. And it had a outline of a person's head and a bottle breaking. That's crazy. And we were laughing at the poster and taking photos of it. We were like, oh my God, that's the, why do they have to have this poster up?
Starting point is 00:11:54 And the bartender was like, well, this is a hooligan pub. It's funny to think that the only, they think the only reason that's happening. Don't bottle your mate. Where's the poster? Thank you for reminding me. Sorry. Honestly, I'm glad you said something. Were people using ignorance as a defense?
Starting point is 00:12:08 I don't fucking know! I was trying to serve him the drink in his skull. I clicked use on my friend. It says your mate rather than the guy you're mad at. Because it's friends. It's all about friends.
Starting point is 00:12:24 You know you love him. How does day two start for the hooligan? I'm going to say it's probably waking up mental night, Sheffield. I think you might be onto something. Nope. He's depressed. Okay, he's doing it again. So this is like I Love College by Asherah. It's repeating.
Starting point is 00:12:41 Dude. It's repeating, guys. Because they made it at least a minute long so they can monetize it. They looped it. You guys couldn't keep it going for a minute. They're like, our AI bills are going to be too high. We only had three locations he could go to. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:00 You're like, Hey Chad GBT, can you generate a mental night in Sheffield? Two mental nights in Sheffield coming right up the same. It is a very makes a lot. I will say best representation of fellas on you like this is not changing. Having the same clothes on for a couple of days at the same time. Look, do you guilty myself on occasion? Oh yeah. But going out to the going out on the lash, they don't show the lash portion. What's the last? He goes going out on Paul, going out on the lash they don't show the lash portion. What's the last he goes?
Starting point is 00:13:27 Going out on pull going out on the last going out on Elijah field Anastasia thought it was p. I thought that's how you know that's how sex That's that what it is. No, it's when you're going out and you're picking up the ladies Slash that's what I think You look at the side, man. Don't bother me. Oh, fuck, sorry. I keep forgetting.
Starting point is 00:13:49 This is so embarrassing. It's making me think we're not mates. Thank you for reminding me. It would be funny if you hit him in the head and then just be like, boy. That's why I have to be reminded to, well, that's what you think. This is actually a glass.
Starting point is 00:13:57 Oh, shit. So thanks for reminding me. It's such a funny premise. You know more about, I guess, the process of generating something like this, like just time investment wise, it was generating two more scenes be such a heavy lift as to not get it to a minute.
Starting point is 00:14:16 I don't think so. I think it's just like, it's possible that they're using something that gives them, they're like a 32nd trial on like fucking, what's it called? Mid journey or something. They have a big watermark right in the middle. That's how you know it's a mental night. It's weird because I do want, I need to keep up with the advancements in this arena, but
Starting point is 00:14:35 I've just been avoiding everything generative AI because of the, you know. It's tiring. Yeah. And so I need to, I know more about the like technology than actually practically generate using the tools. Yes. Yeah. Cause I mean, until I get a more valuable example of it, or that one-to-one remake of the Princess Mononoke trailer. There was a, somebody just generated a one-to-one remake of the original Princess Mononoke trailer and it's just like, okay.
Starting point is 00:15:07 Using AI? Yeah, to make it look live action. And it looks like shit. Yeah. But in the obvious ways, like, well, like, okay, the fidelity is here to make you go like, okay, I see how that's kind of real, but it's AI real. Yeah. And it has the smoothness and the warp transitioning of everything. I do think that this is like,
Starting point is 00:15:26 this is like low level in terms of we do have the technology to make things look way more real. And I think that as soon as that is readily available for consumers and it's like packaged in a very easy way that someone who can generate their like Tik Tok slop channel, like it's going to start being problematic. You know what I mean? Yes. I think maybe part of the issue is like you're asking for a lot of, it's not a high level process. Like it doesn't require a ton of education to use to like this, but it is
Starting point is 00:15:57 presented in a way that implies that it does. And so using it recreationally, like if I was in school and I was just like, we're the friend, we're like, let's make a funny video. And we do it with prompts. Looking at the branding of all the AI tools, I would think like, Oh, I gotta go to university. I'm not gonna know how to use this. And then you open it and it's just like, it's all like Sonic, but he's smoking weed. Yeah. Oh, is this the tool that they're using? Yeah. This guy explains how to make them. Let's watch this. Explain yourself. So I just tricked AI to create all of this different perspective style.
Starting point is 00:16:27 So I just tricked AI. To hooligan. He just tricked AI? It looks like he asked it nicely. I just had a mental night in Sheffield. Alright, well how did you trick it? I'll show you how you can create this first person POV style with all of the best AI tools that are currently available on the market. So you can create this for your brand or company.
Starting point is 00:16:44 Can I pause? Okay, this is like so mean of me. So I'm going to be, allow me to be a little caddy for a moment. Deep breath. Everyone take a deep breath. You know, normally people like move one hand while they're talking. It's he moves both and it's very funny to me. So he does this. So you can create, he's like doing cheerleading. First person perspective of then write your subject. I chose Quidditch in this example, He's like, doing cheerleading. Oh, okay. So it's just like, using a bunch of different layered tools and like a tool chain, basically. But it's compositing, but it's destructive. Right? Because as soon as you move to a tool and you're that it's like, it's destructive, but
Starting point is 00:17:31 like it's generative AI. So there's like almost no such thing as destructive because it's destructive of like, yeah, because it doesn't matter what the original image is because the original image was AI to begin with. So you're gonna lose, because you don't care about any of the actual elements, you just care about the vibes. By the way, go to fucking hell, POV,
Starting point is 00:17:53 you wake up as Anne Frank in 1944. Like what the fuck are you doing? That is deranged. That's deranged, and it has 6.7 million views, and like fucking what are you doing? One thing that's concerning about this is that it kind of sells itself as history. Yeah. It's hashtag history. Because you wake up in the zombie
Starting point is 00:18:11 apocalypse. Hey, great fun, weird, whatever. You wake up in this event you're aware of that was a tragedy. You wake up as Anne Boleyn, you're about to get beheaded. What do you mean? Wait a second, Jacob, is this the same guy who makes this channel? No. Can you click on the, wanna create videos like me? Click below, I wanna click that. I wanna click below. Also, you wake up as Helen Keller and it's just a black screen. No, exactly. Come on.
Starting point is 00:18:34 That one takes a person. That one takes a person to just be annoying as hell. So shop my products. Mastering viral TikTok AI, eight modules, 49 lessons. Ooh, it's in pounds. No, no, that's not pounds. That's euros. That's euros.
Starting point is 00:18:49 That's euros. And 7,900 euros per month. That's like $7,900 right now. Scale multiple accounts. 49 lessons? No thanks. That's too much. I'm so, this like, I feel like I could do a video on taking that, that I'm so curious
Starting point is 00:19:08 like what they're doing. Sorry, can we, I gotta see, it was, it's the one bottom left there. You wake up in the 1990s because I want to see whether or not they just do football again. And then after that, I want to, I want to look at you wake up in COVID-19. There was one. It's me on, it's just me on my phone. It's me playing Slay the Spy for 19 hours. Whoa.
Starting point is 00:19:29 It's me calling Jordan. It's me checking, doing time zone conversion. Yeah, it's Jordan being frustrated by the Dropbox client not uploading this footage. Oh, gee, fuck. I literally, every time I do a speed test, we've had some issues with a router recently, and I, even when I do a speed test, I look at the numbers, and no matter what it is,
Starting point is 00:19:54 it is infinitely faster than what I had in the UK. Oh, yeah. When I was in the UK, I think my peak was about six megabytes. And peak. It was maddening. Why is that? Is it all bad in UK or just you had? I was just back in the country. Yeah, you were in the country. I know what you're going to ask.
Starting point is 00:20:13 Yes, we sleep diagonally on the bed in front of a haunted telephone. That's how you get the most length out of your bed. Oh, God, you're not wrong. I'm upset by the fact that the top comment is, okay, slay, I can stay here. What? Don't. Oh, wait, I do look cringy.
Starting point is 00:20:31 Yeah, you guys don't have that here? Horloks. Oh, look, it's a preparation. Yeah, we had PlayStation included. You'd be jealous. Well, I liked it. I had my PS2 controller on my PlayStation 1. It was the 9.
Starting point is 00:20:43 It was a crazy decade. Winston, go know. Yeah. We gotta go back. Okay, so first of all, there's Kellogg's Max, whatever the hell that is, Kellogg's Milk. Yeah, that's Kellogg's Max. And then you've got like a, you've got a cereal that's got like some kicks in there.
Starting point is 00:20:58 There's like a honey, there's like a honeycomb. The milk ratio is insane. And by the way, could you serve me toast and butter You want it on the newspaper? on a newspaper. Yeah, of course. Instead of a plate, could you serve it to me on the newspaper?
Starting point is 00:21:12 Yeah, absolutely. You want the ink to leak into it or? Yeah, yeah, yeah, I would love that. Oh, don't spread the butter. Please don't spread the butter. Make sure the butter's frozen solid. So it's not to melt on the... This actually, this is obviously the most accurate thing here is the like the bake a light style toaster the back right there
Starting point is 00:21:30 like the retro toaster My house was we had so much like old The one that looks like a stormtrooper like We had so many of like those I think is a they were cheap but like be my mom was so form over function with that kind of stuff. And it's crazy how old old is in England. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:52 Like three generationally old toaster. The first phone. Yeah, that's one thing that's really cool about places outside of the US, because the US's history is so relatively young. Yeah, you couldn't like see the oldest building and it like, it was made. It's like the oldest church in San Francisco.
Starting point is 00:22:11 What is it? That church that's from like 1880 or something like that. It's like. Whoa, dude. POV, you wake up in 1880 and you have like a phone. Toes. Dude, that would suck cause there wouldn't be cell towers. Oh yeah, what is it?
Starting point is 00:22:23 This sucks. I can't please play this by. Well, maybe you can play it offline. Okay, so we've got a PlayStation. Of course, not enough cables are plugged into it. And the battery, or excuse me, the voltage, what is it fucking called? The brick that's for like voltage regulation or whatever is like in front of the... It's to make sure the controller doesn't zap you, I guess.
Starting point is 00:22:49 And then you've got like a DVD player that's morphed into like something else. Luckily there's no input to the TV. But you are playing Mario Kart on PlayStation. But that's why I think the guy is like running when it plays. No, that's Mario, that's Mario car. Oh, oh right. It's Diddy Kong running.
Starting point is 00:23:08 Yeah. It's bloke bloke running. Oh, that's good. That's not about the skateboarding. It's funny. One thing that's funny to me. Oh, remember when you used to hold your Walkman? Yeah. It was just a fucking tape. Liners coming out of a tape. Do you remember when you had your tape equipped? By the way, I said that and I didn't realize that the tape does kind of say Walkman.
Starting point is 00:23:31 Are you recognizing this as the UK in the 1990s? There is a very specific kind of street. This is so like, every house is the same. It's, every house is the same, but like a really, really long housing block. And then at the end, no houses left or right for like a couple of miles. And the street is one way and every car is parked the same way on both sides of the street. It is, a lot of the time it's like they will park parallel as well. Double park?
Starting point is 00:24:03 But park next to another car, which is a hundred percent illegal. Like you don't Parking it means that you're driving through one of the divided lanes on this road And then so like every third car is just missing It's like brake light because every time I drive down my own street There's like a moving truck or an Amazon truck and I feel like I have to thread the needle. You always have them right here. Yeah, I'm like, what's going on? They're hanging out.
Starting point is 00:24:31 Oh, and then it repeats, so only 27 seconds. I'm so depressed, I just went back to bed. Well, now that we know how laborious the process is, you have to create three or four looks and then you need to like send them through nine AI tools to make them animate. How funny would it be if it plays all that and then I'm at the pub and I you need to like send them through nine AI tools to make them animate. How funny would it be if it plays all that and then I'm at the pub and I'm going to the game and I'm sat in the cops. Honestly it would probably be smart to do that. I, that one's a bit of a push
Starting point is 00:24:56 because it's kind of a, why am I waking up with my feet to the TV? One thing I noticed about the, you know all the comments are like, oh, I can stay here. Like, oh, I like this. Like they're very, they're getting very immersed, the people that are watching these. And I noticed on the last one that all of the comments were like, oh, we, why are we so tall? Why are we doing this?
Starting point is 00:25:16 Yeah, we're all in this together. And the top comment was like, oh, I was just in the dancing plague or something. And then the creator was like, and now we're enjoying the game. And it's like this weird- Oh, and now we're celebrating goals. Life is good.
Starting point is 00:25:32 Yeah, life is good. All right, relax. Just keep scrolling. Just keep going. Joze, I'm curious what your feelings are about this, because I know we both have, we still have, I mean, card collecting is part of it, so and so.
Starting point is 00:25:43 Nostalgia is a thing that we do indulge in and do enjoy to an extent. But I, when I see people talk about nostalgic things with that kind of like reverence and that, which I could go back and stuff, it feels kind of poisonous to me. Like it makes me feel that feels like death where it is just the life has done now. I maybe one day. You're only appreciating the past. You're just finished life. You're feeding this loop of. Yeah, you're in the post credits now.
Starting point is 00:26:13 And I was like, well, wish I could be happy again. I think I, okay, what I think about that is that we live in this crushing reality of capitalism, where everyone's doing bad, eggs are like cost a arm and a leg, and now everyone has the weight of the world on their shoulders, and they just want to think about a time when none of that existed. And when ignorance was bliss. Ignorance was bliss because you were a child. My mom was worried about money, but I thought that because I didn't know what money was,
Starting point is 00:26:46 that I wasn't worried about it. Because the good old days are when no responsibilities and it's hard to have, like, I understand how it can be very hard in the present to feel like it's the good old days because of the pressures of life. But then it's also very natural to, in retrospect, like I've always had this saying where it's like, the good old days are right now, because like, it is so hard to appreciate the present
Starting point is 00:27:17 for what it is, and it is so easy to look back on it with rose-tinted glasses and kind of not be grounded at the moment. And so, it's so funny to think about, like, you know, when we started the show, you know, I was tired after a long day at work or whatever, and then, like, I came over to your place at, like, eight or nine p.m., and we, like, recorded,
Starting point is 00:27:38 and I probably got home at midnight and crashed, and I was probably, like, tired, but I was like, hey, okay, we did the thing. And, but now it's like, Oh, we were so young. Oh, the good old days of not knowing how to use Adobe Audition. No, no, I will say that I think the, the nostalgia maybe is the overused term. I just can't summon anything else, but like, I guess fond look, look you back, whatever that period of time in particular particular I am fond of as an observer
Starting point is 00:28:05 because it's like cute. I look at that and I acknowledge the naivety of it but also I'm glad that I lived a life worth pondering, a life worth reflecting on. Now it's always very tempting to kind of filter out the, you know, if I could travel back in time I'd be like, hey man, so mental health medication, you gotta try this. Pretty crazy. I would have told myself to play a sport. I would have said, don't worry, slay the spy. It comes out in about two years. It'll be just fine. I think about like how my younger self would look, even though my day to day,
Starting point is 00:28:41 I experienced so many ups and downs from like mental health standpoint, but my younger self, despite the nostalgia that I feel for that time, it's almost like wanting what you can't have. Cause I feel like my younger self would really love what I'm up to these days. All I ever wanted to be was grown up. And then my older self like sort of looks back
Starting point is 00:29:04 and nostalgically at those times. And so I think the answer to that is just to like Appreciate the moment and not take anything for granted but there that's a privilege by the way like because if you were caught in the sort of Crushing realities of like working To live and like struggling to make ends meet It's very hard to tell someone to like stop and smell the roses because there's no fucking time or space for that. Your circumstances can literally, maybe they are just way worse.
Starting point is 00:29:32 It's not like progress isn't guaranteed. Exactly. Yeah. Progress is guaranteed, but safety and grunts, you know. And that's why I preface it. Like I've been very fortunate. But if other people do feel, if that does resonate with other people, it's like an option to appreciate where you are now,
Starting point is 00:29:54 because you may look back on it with fondness in the future, and you don't wanna feel like you didn't appreciate it when it was happening. Easier said than done though. Yeah. And appreciate it with, without dismissing the problematic elements of it. If not just because like you should view yourself holistically in 360 degree right now for your own wellbeing, but also so that when you look back on it in the
Starting point is 00:30:22 future, whatever the circumstances, you're not kind of naively observing it as a idealized back then look, I think that, cause the danger of that is not that there's something sinister about like being wistful, right? That's going to be fun. Yeah. Looking at like family photos or something. What can be dangerous is giving yourself this false feeling of failure, where you look back and you go like, wow, I was so happy then with no problems.
Starting point is 00:30:49 What I must have made so many mistakes to now be sad, whereas in reality, you just had like you had your own sentences and your own issues at that time. But you memory hold those because it's much easier to do that. Yeah, especially when you're younger. And then hopefully, and I don't know, I'm always very, very reluctant to say, you know, hey, the things always get better so and so because that specifically is not true. But things will always be remembered, if that makes sense. It's like things, things can It's like things can get better and also that time has a profound effect on the wounds that
Starting point is 00:31:29 it's like time heals all wounds. I don't know if I agree with that. I would say that time calluses all wounds, time scabs all wounds. Whether or not those heal, you need the sort of equivalent of like a neosporin or something to make sure that that heals well. And potentially some physiotherapy for the rest of life. Like, it's not like we, I think all of us, we all have injuries that we sustain from various things that, you know, you do give it time, but I'll be honest with you, I didn't
Starting point is 00:32:02 do a great job of healing like my right shoulder blade after I fucked that up. And as a result, I adjusted a bit. I wake up, it's a bit wonky. That's not going to change. But the only agency I have over it is trying to be proactive about stretching and trying to be proactive about like what kind of activities I get up to, whether or not I do physiotherapy, blah, blah, blah, blah, but I don't have, I think it's dangerous sometimes
Starting point is 00:32:30 when people say like, no, with enough grit and grindset, you can heal that. You can actually remove the scar by, I don't know, like waking up at 6 a.m. or something. You know what I like to tell myself is, this feeling won't last. Yes. Because I might feel bad in the future.
Starting point is 00:32:52 But that won't last either. That won't last either. I might feel great in the future, but then, you know, it's just like the sometimes when you're in the thick of physical or emotional pain, it feels like it will last forever. Oh, because we as humans are really bad at, like when we imagine the future, we imagine things as they are now. And like that is sometimes why these like,
Starting point is 00:33:22 when you're in a negative head space or your situation's really bad, it's like hard, like if you're going through a breakup, it's like hard to imagine a future where you're not heartbroken. You know, like that type of thing. Oh, I mean, how do you imagine a different, a new color? Exactly.
Starting point is 00:33:36 Based on what? I will say that a strategy that's helped me with anxiety is like, pausing a feeling, like saying I'll give myself permission to be anxious about this in 10 minutes. Or in an hour if I'm still feeling this way, I have all the permission in the world to just like sulk and whatever about it.
Starting point is 00:34:01 And like that helps because it gives you, like you can't imagine a new color it's hard to imagine in the in the future the brain chemical balance even an hour from now might be such that oh it actually doesn't feel as indulgent to like feel those negative feelings so it's a little bit kind of a way to help weather the storm it I will I will not I will, not a descending take, but a, just an extra, I guess, element of it. Cause you're absolutely right. But like, as far as will this pain last kind of stuff? I think actually it can forever. And it's less so cause like, you know, it's, and my
Starting point is 00:34:41 arm got chopped off. It's like, well, it's not going to be gone forever. Yes, it will. The arm is going to be gone forever. The components that you have control over are always pretty kind of static. Like the, you very rarely in life, especially under the current, like, socio-political circumstances you're in, the material circumstances you're in, you very rarely have direct control over the things that are getting in the way of your wellbeing with a click of your fingers. If you have some health issue, especially in the US,
Starting point is 00:35:13 you cannot get it fixed without money. That's just the, that's in your way. You can be as active about social, like local politics as you want. It's not going to fix that. Whether or not you have the money or if it's coming out of it, or if it's putting you in crippling medical debt.
Starting point is 00:35:27 Exactly. That is inescapable. But, well, not even, but just as a separate element, I think whenever people offer the advice of, well, things will get better, or it's all about mindset, it's less so like, I want to emphasize, it's not that the mindset will solve that problem. It's not going your optimism isn't going to change the nuances of the medical system. The only thing you have control over, which is, and that's just where I want to be like, things sometimes just don't get better.
Starting point is 00:35:56 Sometimes things just can't get better. Sometimes things are permanent. But the things you have control over are pretty much universally things you have control over. Case in point, how you treat others and how you express that pain to other people, whether it's expressing it to get support or making sure not to express it toxically and make it other people's problem. That's something that you always 100% have control over that is not going to solve the medical system But it is going to have a knock on effect to your moment to moment your advice of give yourself permission in 10 minutes You always do have the ability to do that
Starting point is 00:36:37 Imposter syndrome is the one my brain always comes back to you You do always have the option of not doing that these are things you do always have the option of not doing that. These are things you do always have the option of not doing. I go to bed early. A lot of the times I just can't sleep, but I do have the option of going to bed early. And that's like things like that are kind of static. The impact not really up to you a lot of the time, but the I guess when we talk about not just big four people, but I feel like when we talk about like things will change or develop, I guess the way I would say it is things always can change and develop.
Starting point is 00:37:13 There is nothing is static by itself. Nothing is locked in by design. Right. One of the things that I believe that you do have agency with is, this comes up in things like cognitive behavioral therapy, but the practice that you gain with navigating these situations emotionally can be such that,
Starting point is 00:37:40 let's say you're holding a flag in the wind and the wind blows the flag and it blows you over, but over time you become stronger at dealing with those gusts and the specific muscles you need, develop those specific muscles. And then the same gust may not knock you over in a few years time. And I think that like, I don't know if that metaphor makes sense. I just like came up with it, but the, um, literally building the neurons. Exactly. And that's like one of the critical things about CBT is that you're like retraining neural pathways
Starting point is 00:38:14 because like that's one thing that's been really helpful to me is like when I would receive certain stimuli, uh, I would immediately go to this like dark depths, right? And so like over the years, some of that same stimuli doesn't have the same effect. And that's like, because you like put the work in. So even if, you know, the material conditions stay static, it doesn't mean that you have to, even if you're taking, even if you're making a modicum of progress, you are still like making progress. Even if you're taking, even if you're making a modicum of progress, you are still like making progress.
Starting point is 00:38:47 Even if you're taking a small step. And this progress isn't linear, right? Like you can feel like you're making progress and then get knocked on your ass by the gust. And it feels like you failed, but you can't lose sight of like the larger picture. And I know it's tempting. I'm extremely guilty of this still often to this day, but it is very tempting to put yourself in like to make yourself like exceptional in some vague way to just buy the phone. I'm the only one who experiences this pain. And like that in one way is true because you are the only you.
Starting point is 00:39:23 Yeah, true. You are the only and you have inherent value by being the only you, but you are also the only that this has ever happened to at this time in this way. Yeah, that is unique. But the more you explore, uh, whether it's like an official diagnoses or even just self-reflection or reaching out to those in similar circumstances, finding those in similar circumstances, the more you start to realize that like, yes, it is unique,
Starting point is 00:39:49 but it's not uncommon, if that makes sense. And it's not complicated. One thing that was the most like, almost like felt like it was calling me out was, and I maybe have talked about this before, it's like a pretty important point in my life was when I was like going through a breakup like maybe 10 years ago now,
Starting point is 00:40:11 and I hadn't started going to therapy yet, and I wanted, because I was afraid, and I was like, well I can, I was just getting, it's just like very, I was like, well, that's a big step and it's not a big step. And it's like, you have to, there's work, you know, like finding a therapist. And if you've never been to therapy, I think that like even a decade ago, the discourse around therapy is very different than it is now.
Starting point is 00:40:38 And, um, oh, it felt like a compromise. Yeah. It was like, I'm not strong enough to do it. I was like, exactly. It's like, I'll get to it. But I did read this book called Feeling Good, The New Mood Therapy. And it's by, I think the guy who invented
Starting point is 00:40:52 cognitive behavioral therapy, it's from the 80s. And actually, can you Google this? Okay, yeah, so this is from, can you scroll down and to the bottom right, it'll say the year that it came out. 1980, yeah. So I was reading this book by this guy, David D. Burns, MD in fucking 1980, right? And it was the book, it was a book that popularized CBT.
Starting point is 00:41:15 I don't know how I came to reading this myself, because that's a little bit insane. Especially with the anxiety around doing therapy at the first place. Well, I was like, well, I'll do it myself. Because if I do it myself, it's not embarrassing. I won. No one knows.
Starting point is 00:41:28 Like, because if I, because this is a thing, like there's this like concept of like bibliotherapy where it's like, you can practice the strategies in this book and it's, you know, analogous to getting the strategy from a therapist and practicing them, but you don't have the, you don't have to go with your tail between your legs to a therapist and admit that you have the flaws that you have, you know?
Starting point is 00:41:48 Or be vulnerable. Or be vulnerable with someone. So it was like, this was my first step. I would drop the money if, you know, but it's not a cheap thing. Yeah, and so I don't know where this book lies in the, you know, zeitgeist of psychology these days, but one thing that was really crazy for me was that in reading it, it would outline those,
Starting point is 00:42:11 when I'm feeling the unique pain that only I experience, going like this was written down in fucking 1980, and it's describing how I feel right now in 2015, 2016, and including the fact that I feel like it's so unique to me. And I'm like, it's very clearly not. It is very clearly not to the point where it has a label and a chapter marker. And it's like describing everything that I'm feeling. And every time you think it, what every time you go like, yeah, but not me. And then it says Jarvis. Yeah, no, literally. Yeah. It was like, it like, it was like where I talked
Starting point is 00:42:44 about like catastrophizing and like, there's like a 45 years ago, a term that still applies to me. Right. That's the thing. It's like, and I was like, damn, and I kind of go back to that, um, a lot because of how unique it can feel and how that's almost like your devil on your shoulder is, is wanting you to succumb to these negative feelings and that there's no help and there's no way out. And actually there's no anti-venom for this.
Starting point is 00:43:15 Because this is like the unique brew that's never been brewed before. When it's just like, in a lot of cases isn't true. You're so right that it is like everyone's unique and well, excuse me, big stretch. Oh, big stretch, look at that. Everyone's unique. But we also have a lot of commonalities and similarities.
Starting point is 00:43:36 Our DNA is like 99.99% the same. The neurotransmitters in our brain are the same. So, and also there have been millions and billions of us in the past to the point where there's enough commonalities to extract general generalizations that can apply to you. And just like, you know, you take the same, you take a flu shot, right? Like, oh, I'm unique, but like, okay, the flu shot helps me
Starting point is 00:44:04 just like it helps everyone else. Like, so- Did you, can I get my doctor to customize this one? Yeah, exactly. And you know, in the future with some of the scientific advancements or whatever, there will be custom treatments. But- And I do want to say, like, when I, I guess the reason,
Starting point is 00:44:21 I love sad boys, too. I love that we jump like this. That's like, very organic. I do want to say, I guess the reason, I love sad boys too. I love that we jump like this. That's like very organic. I do want to get back. Because I want to say that this person is bad and should feel bad for doing some of these videos. Well, I will say that the representation of England so far, you know what, documentarian.
Starting point is 00:44:38 I do have one more note on that. I feel like there's something to be said about also letting yourself feel those feelings sometimes. Absolutely. Like when I, before I started Lexapro, and this is not me saying go get Lexapro, talk to your doctor. That's like a printer, right? Like it's a Lexar.
Starting point is 00:44:53 I do HP. Lenovo, my medication. Oh dude, does sound like one. I was a completely different person before I started Lexapro. I did not know the difference between fighting a bear and losing a necklace. Sorry, the first half of that, I'm like, where could this possibly be? No, I know what you're saying. My body felt the same amount of anxiety using a ring as I did finding a bear in the woods.
Starting point is 00:45:22 And everyone feels that way because it is the same it's the same brain chemicals but then now that I'm on lexapro like it has genuinely helped me so much as a person but at some points there there are times when I'm like oh it might be helping me too much um because I just like something horrible could happen and I'll be like yeah it, it's fine. And like, my friend and I almost got into a head-on crash the other day. Oh my gosh. And luckily we were fine, but I was way too calm about the situation. I'm glad you're okay.
Starting point is 00:45:53 Oh yeah, I'm fine. No, I've had a similar thing crossing an intersection and someone ran the red light. I hesitated to put my foot on the gas and like someone ran the red light. And if I hadn't hesitated and had hit the gas like the millisecond that it turned green, I could have gotten like T-boned. And I think about that.
Starting point is 00:46:12 Oh, we were almost murdered on our way back from that wedding like four months ago. Oh yeah, yeah. Literally just like, you twerped out of their way in a way that would be extremely easy to miss. Oh yeah, yeah. Protagonist syndrome, we're like, I can't, I'm the main guy.
Starting point is 00:46:27 But it was, yeah, what, we're going like 70 on the freeway and this guy was going like 100. They just like merged into us. I was like, okay, if you knocked the car on the back, we would jackknife and spin through the air. I would fly through the windscreen and your head would come off. It was not like, yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:42 I do feel like there's something about me that like feels calm in those situations, but it mostly just cause I feel I'm locked in. Oh yeah, my adrenaline becomes quiet. Right, right. But anyway, you were saying. I was just gonna say, and I know where I hate to extend it, you know, we can move whenever,
Starting point is 00:46:56 but it is, I think the behavior of wanting, like you're saying like, is my medication being too effective because I, medication or whatever it is, is it being too effective because I'm numb to this scenario and maybe I should be more concerned because the bear is attacking me, I need to run. I think, I don't know whether or not that's true,
Starting point is 00:47:17 circumstances matter, but I've been locked on that a lot lately because I've been so inactive, right, for a couple of years now, because for the three years before that was a couple years now. Because for the three years before those couple years ago, I was too active. I was like, just life was too much. And now I'm like, oh, I have the breathing room. It's almost like I'm, it's like a hangover. I'm still recovering from that. But that's because I can't. Like, now I'm in a privileged position,
Starting point is 00:47:42 unlike then, just circumstantially, to take the the day, I can't come into work today, I'm hungover kind of thing. Because I never have work. I'm just relaxing and like, who knows, maybe the recovery I'm going through right now would take 20 years if I didn't have the time I do now. The instinct to want like to use panic almost to like use the same limbic system that makes you want to like, oh, fuck a saber tooth that to use that part of your brain is kind of like wanting to comfort yourself. Maybe this is a really weird comparison. It's kind of like wanting to comfort yourself with like gender performance a little bit where I'm like, well, I don't want to be upset. So boys don't cry. Oh, and that's like the wrong route to the right answer,
Starting point is 00:48:28 which is to the answer being to calm yourself and feel okay. No, but I do think that that connects to what, uh, peeps was saying, sorry, I had to remember what your name is on the, on the show. You're not name is. Yeah, you're not name is, um, because a lot of people push their emotions down and don't address them. In the short term, it feels like it's working. It's practical. But it does turn into a blow up.
Starting point is 00:48:56 So I think that you are so valid in trying to catch yourself and acknowledge certain feelings. You know, in that particular example, I'm like, you don't have to get mad, you know? But you can be like, how does that make me feel? And kind of- Yeah, and it's also a difference between me, myself, actively pushing these feelings down
Starting point is 00:49:23 versus my medication just making me numb to this situation. Medication is like a mirage, right? You're not sure what part of it is real. Am I seeing the ocean in the desert or I'm just seeing the air move, whatever? Like, is your medication or therapy or whatever the impact is, is that reducing the amount of panic so that you have the ability to do a reasonable pushdown? Is it nullifying your emotions to the point where you can't help but push it down? Or is this positive growth and you don't need to push it down because you're in a healthy place?
Starting point is 00:49:59 You know how to regulate your emotions. Yeah, it's like how. It's like when the meds remove noise, remove the tinnitus you've been used to your whole life, it's like, I'm not paying attention remove the tinnitus. You've been used to your whole life It's like I'm not paying attention to the sounds around me. It's like yeah, but you can hear clearer than ever, right? You know them. It's just you're used to going like Yeah, or like It's kind of like the the Zen of like oh something that used to frustrate you is like, that's more of a reflection on them.
Starting point is 00:50:25 It's like if somebody like lets the door slam in front of you or something instead of like holding the door open. It's like, ah, they might have been, they might be like being able to have the, it's almost like seeing the matrix where you're like, well, maybe they were having a bad day. And it doesn't change. And not like, hey, fuck face. Why did you do, you know? Learning the ability to be irked instead of pissed off.
Starting point is 00:50:46 That's like a big important moment. Just being swallowed by your emotions never feels good because you don't feel like you're in control. And they don't know. They just close the door. Has anybody ever called one of those How's My Driving numbers to be like, great job. How's my driving? Yes. Honestly loved it. Impeccable.
Starting point is 00:51:01 Can we jump back to the TikTok? I was going to say, I've seen one of these before. That's like POV, you wake up in Pompeii. I do want to watch a different channels, but I just want to point out a couple of things. You wake up on Malaysia flight 370, fuck off. So I just wanted to say fuck off about that. You wake up as a firefighter on night 11, fuck off about that.
Starting point is 00:51:23 Cause it's just like not going to be handled with the appropriate care. And just does nothing like to go, nowhere to go. This is not documentary accuracy also. Exactly. This is rewriting history in the minds of some people. They're going to see this and be like, yeah, that's probably what being a firefighter on 9-11 was like. And it's not motivated by any intellectual curiosity.
Starting point is 00:51:45 It's literally just like vibe paints. Like it's like, okay, paint four frames of a vibe, animate those four frames, and then boom, 10 million views. And I think it's, I'm sure it's written off by a lot of people as like, you know, it's just rage bait to get attention. Like, okay, you can say that, but death of the artist, right?
Starting point is 00:52:05 As soon as this is out there, it's being consumed by people that are just like the Helen Keller one, pretty straightforward. Okay, it's bait. But like when you put out, like you wake up in COVID-19 lockdown, people are watching that genuinely, you know, because that's something you might have insight about. That's like a thing people did go through in the level reference point. But when you write like you're a soldier in World War Two, because that's something you might have insight about. That's like a thing people did go through in the level of reference point.
Starting point is 00:52:25 But when you're like, you're a soldier in World War II, you wake up as Anne Frank or like, these are things where most people, we really underestimate how stupid most like, oh, I am naive. There is a bell curve, right? Like, and just like the function, the fact that there is a curve of like the people who,
Starting point is 00:52:43 let's say have the media literacy or have the kind of contextual awareness of things like this, no matter what, given enough people, given enough impressions, there's gonna be people on the lower end of the curve who take these things at face value or don't. 6.7 million viewers of the Anne Frank one. More than, I would say, 5 billion of those
Starting point is 00:53:02 didn't get it as a joke. A lot of them are fucking a joke as an edgy joke The serious conversation has already started so I was like holding this in but on the view that you wake up as a hooligan Someone commented no phones with a heart and I was like you are watching this on your phone and this was made This is all technology. There's no part of this that is real Celebrating no phones heart is so like Like I see is and say what it is very Like I just don't know what to say everyone there appreciating the moment the ale the last one
Starting point is 00:53:35 I wanted to watch was a POV you wake up in the Wall Street crash of 1929 because I'm just curious how they're gonna cover that That's the American version of the The newspaper saying markets's still strong. That grabs me. Things fine. That's such a bad headline. Things have, don't worry about it. Whoa, it's written like a serial killer.
Starting point is 00:53:57 Well, the AI had to write it, so. Market's still strong. That's what you send to like the post office. This is the FBI. Oh, okay. Wait, wait wait he looked away, but he was looking at the burr Oh, oh do you see the second comment? Not a cell phone in sight just people living in the moment I can never tell if it's a bit or not with that. Oh my god, dude the market crash of 1929
Starting point is 00:54:25 It was just like so aesthetic. It was a better time It was a better time cuz they weren't on phones, but like many families starved to death Honestly having racially separated water fountains was mood. Can you that was a movie? Can you do Cuba crisis 1962? Please is someone like in high school like going like I'm learning about these things for the first time? Like I need to write a report on this and the only way I learn is through AI POVs. A series of five slightly animated AI generated images. Oh, fuck, wait. I just realized we could have like in our film school experiences, a hundred percent. We were just talking about some of our professors before and they were some of like, they were extremely naive.
Starting point is 00:55:02 They were like, so they went from being in film school to teaching film school to 30 years of teaching film school. They don't have like experience, right? They weren't filmmakers necessarily. You could totally just generate a fucking animated AI thing and say, yeah, I made this. I key framed this myself actually in Blender. And then they'd be like, well, I can't disprove that.
Starting point is 00:55:25 I don't know. I see like a minion on a crucifix on Facebook and I like it. And I say, why do images like this never trend? So speaking of like real actual footage, can we watch the Mark Zuckerberg one? Zox up? Is this a different channel now? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:40 Okay, great. I want to see a different channel. Yeah. Do they wiggle their little toe piggies? No fee. It's not it's a non-fee. They don't we either piggy. I want to market Oh my lord POV you're being born as Zuckerberg this one doesn't even feel like AI it feels like a photograph That is photoshopped in this is like the the photos of Brad Pitt that tricked that What he's in surgery? Yeah. He's getting closer.
Starting point is 00:56:06 In the system, your data stream begins. Wait, is that Gary V? Yeah, he's helping out. Doctors connecting an internet chip to your brain. That's a big ass chip. Well, it's a big ass baby, dude. That's true. Whoa, what's...
Starting point is 00:56:21 Oh, do you see how that... It's melded the fingers with the glove? Oh wait go back He has regular skin, but with the texture of a glove you you Oh, I thought that was just like a flashback. He's got some crazy like seven Wait a second Why does he look like half Zuck, half Elon Musk? Oh my god.
Starting point is 00:56:50 Why is he like a cat watching you from another room? This is a Blumhouse trailer. Don't engage with this video please. This is not how things really are. I would never do this to my own son. As for the rest of you though, my goal has always been to help people connect. The kids called Baby Raze. The voice is so on point. The kids go baby race.
Starting point is 00:57:05 The voice is so on point, which is kind of scary. That end bit is so weird because it's like, hey, this is the real Mark Zuckerberg. That's fake. What you just watched. And it's like, no, this is not for you. Also, that's that that videos from the grilling meats video. The top baby. I'm mad.
Starting point is 00:57:23 Sweet baby. Just with someone's life heart break emoji. I'm getting mad about it. I don't even know how to interpret that. What the heck is this? I hope they're doing it. Wait I love it. You don't need to show the birth scene bro. Yes I do. Does POV lab have any other real bangers? Is that their style?
Starting point is 00:57:44 How is this birth canal so perfectly oval? Pretty easy birth, dude. Pretty smooth. Just slide right? Like a slip and slide. It's like you're a superhero, but this is your power. You have a perfectly cylindrical birth canal. Kentucky meat shower?
Starting point is 00:58:04 I know Dancing Plague was from the other one. What is there's several dancing in the really what is dancing plague? Is that something I don't know about? It was like a reported phenomena in like pre pre folds not a phone. It was actually actually a great time because there were no phones living in the moment having a disease that makes you dance. Dancing Queen. It's maybe apocryphal. It's maybe a myth. Cause it's, it's from the time where it's like anything is fucking anything to be real. Like, Hey, we had a dancing playing. It's like, cool. I think they chopped it up to like masses. 15 18. You know, there's a part in Plato's Republic where a guy, I can't remember who the guy is, his neighbor or something,
Starting point is 00:58:48 is like, oh, did you see the dinosaur skeleton they found? And Plato's like, oh no, I haven't seen it. He's like, yeah, we should go, or not dinosaur, a dragon. They found a dragon skull. And Plato's like, oh shoot, okay, I should go, I should go look at that. And you're like talking about dragons and what dragons and that's what, how Plato wrote it. Cause that's, they didn't understand that it was probably a dinosaur.
Starting point is 00:59:15 Cause an idiot. Well, like now we're like, oh yeah, there were these creatures called dinosaurs. Dragons didn't exist. Which is to be fair, kind of arbitrary. Like that point, cause it's like, no, it didn't. This one didn't exist. Which is, to be fair, kind of arbitrary. Like, at that point, because it's like, no, it didn't, this one didn't fly. Like, what's the difference to them? No, but they thought there were dragons at that time.
Starting point is 00:59:31 What a moron. Sorry. What a fucking idiot. And let me guess, it breeds fire. Get back in the cave. Yeah, start playing with Play-Doh or whatever you do. Yeah. He invented Play-Doh.
Starting point is 00:59:42 Yeah, exactly. That's what I'm saying. Well, I believe that was Shakespeare is like, is this a movie? No, it's a play dough. But the thing is, I think it's the best show I've ever done. No, but it's a, it's a play dough. Turn off the show. It's a play. It's a play though. I fully agree. None of you like Shakespeare. None of you understand him. Shakespeare. No, it's a play dough. I'm actually high on pot news. Everyone laugh. Go ahead. No, laugh.
Starting point is 01:00:06 Uh, no. You could just write something back then and people would be like, oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. That's so I think that maybe someone was like, okay, there was this dancing plague and I had to dance, but everyone had to dance. Everyone had to dance. It was a dance. You get it. Everyone had to dance. Everyone had to dance. We can explain it or try to explain it based on what we know now. Yeah, but there is always that variable of a liar.
Starting point is 01:00:33 Yeah. That's it. Oh, liar always possible. It's like I saw some shit, it was so crazy. Plato's like, there was no dragon. So this story was made from the Jordan of their time? Is that what I'm hearing? What? It was from the Jordan of their time what I'm here what yeah It was like Jordan of 1518. Oh, yeah, that reminds me. I just sort of skull dude. It is so sick
Starting point is 01:00:51 So crazy was it like a dragon no one fucking idiot dude. It was a kaiju oh It was gojira London beer flood yes, please I'll open up open wide I wake up to the best day ever um how is this any different no a what in the world is going on sorry I like this as voices wait how do you pick up the barrel stop this is not my dad so that's what everyone's got a fucking cat or got a got a Stein where in the bloody world you from? It's like it's video.
Starting point is 01:01:47 So now I'm like, even I'm like, did this really happen? Was there a beer? A beer? This doesn't like a scene from the new. I love that the water is it's water until it has to be beer. They're just drinking beer while swimming in a normal flood. Yes, that's what it is until he scoops it up or whatever. It was the barrel flood. Whoa, the London beer flood happened.
Starting point is 01:02:15 You wake up in the flood. Mental night out in Jeffield. Yeah, big stretch. Where did this happen? On 1814. Where's the spot? In 1814, we took a little trip trip along with Colonel Jackson down to mighty Mississippi. We took a little bacon and we took a little beans and we fought the bloody British in
Starting point is 01:02:31 a town in New Orleans. Hey, wait, was the Battle of New Orleans in 1814? Because I didn't know it happened on the same year as the... London Beer Fort. That's how it happened. We fired our guns and the British kept it coming. There wasn't as many as there was a while ago. We fired once more and they began to run it. Down to Mississippi to the Gulf of America.
Starting point is 01:02:50 We looked down the river and we see the British coming. There must have been a hundred of them batting down the drum. They stepped so high they made their bugles ring. We stood behind our cotton bales and didn't say a thing. We fired our guns and the British kept it coming. There wasn't as many as there was a while ago. What is a song by John, my main man, Johnny Horton. I don't know if he like, I don't know. He's old guy. I don't know if he has any controversies.
Starting point is 01:03:13 He's probably dead, mate. But yeah, so that's interesting. No one can ask why I know that. It's just, we all just move on. We remember. Well, you probably heard it one time. Really? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:24 That's crazy. I'm so curious about the Kentucky meat shower, but I don't want to see whatever AI made of that. Oh, I would love to see it. Oh, oh. Oh my God, look out. Wait a minute. It looks like he's on a treadmill. Yeah, he was riding down this on his horse.
Starting point is 01:03:43 Meat starts to rain. This is Red Dead Redemption. Oh, are they done? Everyone thinks it's a gift from God. What was it? Examining the meat. OK. This is meat. This is in Wikipedia.
Starting point is 01:03:53 Careful! Take your hand out of the fire. This is how you cook meat. Oh, and it's perfect steaks. Eating the meat. Can you back up to that? You ate what you. That almost felt like a gotcha.
Starting point is 01:04:03 You ate the meat without knowing what it was You ate the meat without knowing what it was was it something crazy between 11 a.m. And 12 p.m. On March 3rd 1876 where what appeared to be chunks of red meat fell from the sky in a 100 by 50 yard 90 by 45 meter area near Olympia Springs in Kentucky. There exists several explanations. From blood rain, don't know what that is, to vulture ejecta. So vultures maybe threw up. Jacob, can you search blood rain one word, but it's a blood R-A-Y-N-E.
Starting point is 01:04:47 Although the exact type of meat was never identified, various reports suggested it was beef, lamb, deer, bear, horse, or possibly human. They just named a bunch of types of meat. It could be whatever, I don't know. Yeah. So this is a mysterious situation where a bunch of meat. We cut back up. Cause, inconclusive, possibly re-incongestating vultures.
Starting point is 01:05:08 I actually do, I know why this happened. I mean, it didn't. This just didn't happen, right? I bet it did happen. I just don't think it happened. Like in a small localized area. But I bet it was much. I think it was a single steak fell from the, from 10 feet. Yeah, they have one preserved piece of meat from the showers. And they couldn't fucking figure out what it was a single steak fell from 10 feet.
Starting point is 01:05:25 Yeah, they have one preserved piece of meat from the shower. And they couldn't fucking figure out what it was. We have all the science now. I think literally someone just like threw three, because they said for a minute. It's just not true. It's just it was for, because you know how people like something will happen, it happened for five seconds, but in the story like, yeah, it happened for like five minutes. Flore explained that the flattened dry appearance of the meat chunks as a
Starting point is 01:05:46 result of the pressure and noted that nine days later on March 12 1876 read I can't read that from here corp corpuscles corpuscles with a vegetable appearance fell over London Kentucky what's happening in all the London London beer flood London Kentucky yeah that's silly name I not to mention that. I hate London. Yeah, I hate London a lot, actually. You're cool though, peeps. Okay, thank you. So it seems like they're taking Wikipedia entries that are weird stuff. Yeah, like that sound crazy, and then they're like not,
Starting point is 01:06:16 they're just like, well, what if it rained me? Yeah. Just doodling. And here it's raining lots and lots of steaks. I think it was much less than that. Yeah, it was three. Yeah, it also, everyone didn't have a dinner where they ate this.
Starting point is 01:06:29 They didn't go, what is it? Let's eat it. Let's cook it with my hand. And then there was one person who shamed everyone for not, for eating the meat that they didn't know what it was. Oh, and they're the one that wasn't punished by God. I wonder if there's one on like the cat nuns.
Starting point is 01:06:43 Do you guys know about the cat nuns? I'm sorry. You're gonna have to what about the molasses flood? What is he talking about right now? How did you hear cat nuns and say what about the fucking ocean of Kool-Aid? there was like a thing where like they were like there's a group of nuns that was like We're like acting like cats in like me Yelling for like days on end and everyone was like is this hysteria or are they early furries? It was just a bunch of e-girls. That's a bunch of discord kittens. The nyar disease. The murky truth about the meowing French nuns. About the very first packs. Yeah, that was actually packs. Proto packs. Packs of packs out what old way? Nia cat me out. The funny thing is this article about the cat nuns references the dancing plague
Starting point is 01:07:37 of 15. I'm going to fuck. I'm going to lose my mind. Are you looking at a list of lies? List of famous lies. There's also like... Wikipedia guide to bullshit. I do think there's things where like people would write stuff and it'd be like... They just didn't have phones.
Starting point is 01:07:56 And it was like... Not a phone in sight. Not a phone in sight, dude. So they were living in the moment. So they had to fucking make them, they didn't have TV. So they had to like imagine shit. But like, why wouldn't I just make up the craziest shit? There's this, there's this painter that I love named William Blake,
Starting point is 01:08:12 and he was also a poet and a writer. And he was gonna say, I've heard the name, but he's like a very famous poet. He did the Tiger, Tiger Burning Bright. The line that you're in the night or whatever. Yeah, I don't remember how it goes. The lion speaks the night. His paintings are crazy, they're like so metal, there's like a big demon that's like,
Starting point is 01:08:32 ah, anyways. Hell yeah, brother. He writes that when he was like 16 or something, he was like, oh yeah, I saw an angel in a tree. And the angel was like, hey, God wants you to spread the word of his teachings. This is just because they didn't have toast yet to pep Jesus' face. They didn't have a Cheeto to be shaped like Charizard.
Starting point is 01:08:54 Oh my God. Yeah. Okay, so before we wrap up, we should try to think about an old historic event and try to find an AI POV for that. Yes, but something or any trashy AI AI POV. The first thing I thought of is your company's going public on the stocking AI POV Paul Revere is coming to tell you the British are civil war.
Starting point is 01:09:23 Oh, that's definitely exists, right? You wake up during the civil. Oh, it's a different one, but it's still waking up. You wake up during the no, did you see feet? No, let's watch that one. You want to quit and direct data? Yeah, no feet though. Was my hook. You look at your play.
Starting point is 01:09:43 While we found one with with 88 likes, I feel like. That's not very much. You kids are so emotional. It's it's kind of cool. That is. Wait, this is historically. How many followers to this time? This is like how we know that it's become like, oh, that actually looks kind of. That was real good.
Starting point is 01:10:01 Oh, is he giving your board at? Maybe you're bored at church. Why are you at church during the civil war? Hangin' out. You know what's weird? I don't know what tech they're using, but this looks realer than the other ones. This looks way better. Maybe it's also like- Can we go to their page?
Starting point is 01:10:16 Partly the lighting is much better. It's like less artificial. So that's crazy that they have 33, and they're going for 100 followers. 33 out of 100. I think this is becoming a new sort of like drop shipping. No, that's what I'm saying. Like there's going to be join my course.
Starting point is 01:10:32 This is how you're going to, this is the people who join that guy's course. POV, you started the great fire of London. Why did you do that? It's him holding that cigarette weird. We have to address the profile pic. Yeah. Is that real? Is that Abraham? pic. Is that real? Is that Abraham? No. Is that Abortron?
Starting point is 01:10:48 It's A.I. Abraham Lincoln. A.I. Abraham! A.I. Abraham Linkotron. Beep beep, I don't like slavery. But he's also got like a Roman... He's got like every era of clothing. Well, because he's a history robot. He looks cool, man. He's also been every era of clothing and Well, cause he's a history He looks cool, man He's also been shot in the head Yeah, that's true
Starting point is 01:11:08 Because he loves Lincoln You think he's a time traveler? The machine god, it's the machine god Posting and sharing AI art to me Feels, it's got that same energy I know people make this reference a lot But that same energy is your cousin going like Look at this, look at this
Starting point is 01:11:23 And then doing a spin. They're like, yeah, of course that was easy. That or when everyone had like bored apes and like other things where it was like, but look mine is like, um, slightly, it has a slightly different pixel here. Oh cool man. That's great. Eat breakfast. Tov eat breakfast.
Starting point is 01:11:38 Tov breakfast. Walk through Colosseum. Choose armor. I don't think you get to choose it. Video game. No, I think you just have one. Wait, you wake up as a caveman in 40 BC. Oh, oh, only 40 years till the big bang. Yeah. Don't you mean 400,000 BC? Yeah. 40 new friends. No, dude. This is what people were like 40 years later. Jesus is born. Yeah Yeah 40 years after this this mammoth birthed him
Starting point is 01:12:06 Yeah, people didn't it's just only animals exist 8 a.m. Avoid being eaten. That's really funny day It's also been 8 a.m. For like what the last 30 seconds is a lot of tigers though All right, wait one more anybody else got a fun got a fun So you've got sponge ball, what is he a wheel? Okay. Yeah, you wake up a Shrek. So you've got SpongeBob. What does he have a wheel? Okay. Yeah. Wait, we gotta watch these. Which one? Oh, by the way, whoever, someone did POV,
Starting point is 01:12:31 you wake up as Diddy also go to hell. Yeah, too. Come on. Well, the one with Zuckerberg has a lot of go to hell ones. Oh yeah. Well, we don't need to watch anymore. But I do want to watch you wake up a SpongeBob SquarePants and I don't need to see his little feets. I also want to see you're alive when Jesus returns. Oh, stop. I'm ready. I'm ready.
Starting point is 01:12:50 Why is he? Why is he on the way? Well, why are his hands like that? Why were his pillows opposite him? He's a sponge, dude. Why is he so furry? Did you mind saying from the very beginning? Was he sleeping upside down on the bed? Well, yeah. Well, maybe it's a double bed. It's a double bed.
Starting point is 01:13:06 Like in Willy Wonka. It's extra sleep in the same bed as your three grandparents. You wake up as Homer Simpson. Dude, that bit when the grandpa gets up from the bed, I'm like, oh. You're a faker. You're a friggin' faker. Best comment I've seen all day,
Starting point is 01:13:18 hey, so I didn't like that. No. Oh god, I'm glad I just read the comments because there's a tryptophobia warning at the end. Oh god. Peeps glad I just read the comments cause there's a- Oh, tryptophobia warning at the end. Oh god. Peeps, you wanna, you can hide. He starts to give us trouble. Whoa, his doll's hands.
Starting point is 01:13:34 Yeah, why- Now he has different hands. His hands really changed. Looks like a unity asset. Yeah. Looks like he's like, ugh. Oh, Squidward's there. Fuck off, Squidward.
Starting point is 01:13:41 Yes, you tense, that's not serious. Ew. I guess that is what he would look like. Sponge arm, sponge hands. Interesting. Can we just cover the, his hands for that in the edit? Oh! Just cover it,
Starting point is 01:13:54 because there's so many people that hate that and I don't. Oh, I don't like that. We, we maybe need to blur the end of that. Blur the bottom half. Black bar, literally just a big black bar. POV, you wake up a Shrek. Oh, hell yeah. All right, so you're the Hulk.
Starting point is 01:14:08 Yeah, I was gonna say these look like Hulk feet. And you drink green hot bio wine. I don't think that's what he does. Oh, he does have his mud back. He does love mud. Where's Donkey? He's got a fart though. Eat worms.
Starting point is 01:14:21 My favorite. Oh, he's right, it's him. He wrote this. Oh. Ooh. Ooh. I hate to see you leave. Go, he's writing. It's him. He wrote this. Oh. Hey, I hate to see you leave. Go away, I don't want to see you leave. Let's go. That's so funny.
Starting point is 01:14:32 My man. POV, you're the luckiest man alive. That's absurd that we went for that specific joke. That was a beautiful ass, I have to say. Oh, Jesus. It was a donkey ass. I'm saying donkey. Donkey. Zass. It was a beautiful ass I have to say. Oh Jesus. It was a donkey ass. I'm saying donkey. Donkey.
Starting point is 01:14:47 Zass. It was a donkey ass. Oh no. I thought he didn't do that. I thought he just pretended to. By the way, my favorite comment here is, damn I was just the queen. Shrek is better.
Starting point is 01:14:59 Take that fucking queen. Shrek's alive first of all. Well which queen? Something interesting that people have been doing is making real videos as in the same format as the AI ones. Oh, that's like work. You know, like this one.
Starting point is 01:15:20 Ooh, go to hell. Sure. He sure does. You see that video? Ooh, go to hell. Sure, he sure does. You see that video? This is really funny, actually. This is funny, yeah. Oh, an MTR, geez.
Starting point is 01:15:33 Just laid out on the bed. Equipping. I love the feetsies. The nastiest flu in 2025? I think the nastiest flu is probably coronavirus. More so. POV, you wake up in hell. Peeps, keep an eye out. You'll be feeling this. I think the nastiest flu is probably coronavirus. More so. POV, you wake up in hell.
Starting point is 01:15:46 Peeps, keep an eye out. You'll be feeling this. Ooh, you get toast? You get burnt toast because you're in hell. Oh, okay. Normally, I just wasn't paying attention to the toast. And they put it on newspaper. It sucks.
Starting point is 01:15:59 Someone said hi, and then the POV creator said, hi, Natasha. Welcome to hell. This seems all alright. You know what I mean? Yeah, if this were hell I'd be like I'm not getting like the account was called POV AI history like that's history. Hey, I got 13 I'm traveling with AI. What part do you not get Jacob? Now hell has CCTV. Oh my god POV you wake up as Trump. Thanks Wait, can we wow this is like a this is everywhere. Can I really I really really really at the top TV. Oh my God. P of you wake up as Trump. Thanks. Wait, can we? Wow. This is like a this is
Starting point is 01:16:28 everywhere. Can I really I really, really, really at the top. I do want to see you here when Jesus comes back to the very top. That and then and then maybe top it off as you wake up as a teenager in the 2010s, because I feel like that's got to be the one where everybody in the comments is like, no, it wasn't like this. Or it was a better time.
Starting point is 01:16:43 No phones. Suddenly you like this. Or it was a better time. Oh, no phones. Suddenly you see this. The sky starts to open. What the hell? Oh, a bunch of my homies. What the hell? People are desperate. Like afraid of Jesus. Some people up. Oh, the rapture. Yeah. Is that what Jesus comes through?
Starting point is 01:17:03 Oh, there's something else. You see Jesus. What the fuck is that dog? People are being taken Jesus comes through? I thought that was something else. You see Jesus? What the fuck is that, dog? People are being taken to different places. OK, that much is obvious. They should be going to heaven over there. Welcome to your new home. This is like you've turned on God mode at Skyrim.
Starting point is 01:17:14 He's no clipping. He's in creative mode. Does he have two phones? Oh, not a phone in inside, aside from these. You wake up as McDonald's employees crazy. Where's the 2010s one? It's down here. Okay.
Starting point is 01:17:31 A little bit more down. Not a phone inside. That one. POV, you wake up as a teenager in 2010s USA. Why do you click so weird? Oh, that's a real video. That's creepy. No.
Starting point is 01:17:44 Oh, no's just a real video. That's creepy. No. Oh, no. Wait. I think this is AI. Oh, this is weird. That was just very good. Oh, look at that locker. That locker was just sticking out of the wall. Wait, look.
Starting point is 01:17:59 It's an Apple store. Apple court. Wait, I'm so confused. Oh, wait. Is this just European? Yeah, I think it's just European. Because it store. Apple court. Wait, I'm so confused. Oh, oh wait, is this just European? Yeah, I think it's just European. Because it was called like Apple court. Wait, we can't play the song by the way. I may.
Starting point is 01:18:14 Now can I show you all the moves like Jagger. I got the moves like Jagger. Oh, oh. I got the moves. Well, Netflix. Netflix. Is this AI? Because it's like getting I don't
Starting point is 01:18:28 It's looking good Well, this is oh, yeah, the body's walk. Here's the thing it kind of looks drivers you ever use Warp stabilization unlike footage it kind of looks like that like the slightly abnormal like things shifting Oh, yeah, look at someone's arm goes into their body and back out again. Yeah like the keyboards off, the the poster like doesn't make sense. They like clip- I'll just type it. They like clip through the- that's so bizarre though. It does look like way more realistic. And then the the physics don't make sense for this. Yeah the milk is very straight. Yeah it's like the cereal goes through there. It keeps disappearing. But it's like so close.
Starting point is 01:19:04 You know what? It's so crazy. Honestly, this, I guess, could be just someone being more diligent and using more, spending more time and resources. Because to be fair, what we're used to, the reason it's slop is because slop's easy to make. We're looking at the quickest, worst version usually. Well, and with a lot of content farm stuff,
Starting point is 01:19:27 they don't have to make it good. The lighting, the lighting like looked more realistic. This one's funny, to the beginning. Hee hee. Give me my shoes. Hee hee. Whoa. Ah.
Starting point is 01:19:38 Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah. You predicted the hee-hee. You wake up as Borat, my wife. All right, I think that's a great place to end it.
Starting point is 01:19:50 That's the really. We're gonna head over now, we're gonna end the show, we're gonna head out over to Sad Boys Nights where we're gonna have a grand old time, talk about some, maybe Tom MacDonald's new country song. Oh my God, the Michael Jackson one, he's got the gloves. Doesn't he just wear one of the gloves? Anyway, it's fine. Yeah, I don't think this is real.
Starting point is 01:20:08 Oh my God, the monkey that he's friends with. This is upsetting. Okay, if you want to catch the Patreon episode of Sad Boys Nights, that'll be over on slash Sad Boys. You can grab every single episode of which there's like, are there 100 yet, Jacob? We're at 103.
Starting point is 01:20:24 Wow, 103 full length episodes of the show. but every single episode of which there's like, are there a hundred yet, Jacob? We're at 103. Wow. 103 full length episodes of a podcast that is basically sad boys. Plus what? Some lives. Oh, live episodes. Plus some live episodes,
Starting point is 01:20:38 all for the low, low price of $5 a month. And you can watch it all and cancel if you really want to, but we appreciate your continued patronage because it's important for us it's important thank you but anyway we end every episode of sad boys with a particular phrase we love you and we're sorry but boom mental night in Sheffield wait is this specific he has specific merch for his new song fear no evil for hog and God are with me. That's crazy We should do that we got orders they say Pokemon on the back dude fucking cease and desist Gucci girl, how you doing? How you moving girl? Moving girl, how you day looking? That future girl, future girl, yeah we on now
Starting point is 01:21:29 Take my money, go away, are you wanting? Girl too rich for me

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