Sad Boyz - I Showed My Friend The Worst Dating Podcast Ever

Episode Date: February 7, 2025

Jarvis and Jordan discuss why people like true crime & documentaries, and the world's weirdest, most pick-me podcast. Sad Boyz Nightz #99 Weekly bonus episodes for only $5/mo at: Join our Discord â–¸ P.O. Box â–¸ 3108 Glendale Blvd Suite 540, Los Angeles CA 90039 Play Sad Boyz BINGO â–¸ Write To Us â–¸ Use the subject line "Pen Palz" and we could read it on the next episode! Our Links â–¸ 00:00:00 Routine & Regulation 00:09:14 Documentary Boyz 00:50:38 Not So PG Podcast 01:12:11 Sad Boyz Nightz #99 This episode was recorded February 5, 2025 Produced and edited by @jeggubb Thumbnail by @yungmcskrt

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to Sad Boys, a podcast about feelings and other things also. I'm Jarvis. I'm Jordan. Okay, let's get to it. Wait, how are you? How are you doing, buddy? I'm all right. I think we, I'm on my quest, I continue my quest to be a regular sleeping bastard. Okay, how is that going? Kind of well. It like honestly almost makes me well up how much better I feel with, this is not some grand health revelation, it's not one of the joe
Starting point is 00:00:25 rogan like you know if you eat a bunch of protein powder directly in your nose you'll actually gain there's not yeah you can't mix bananas and blueberries because they'll cancel out we literally just watched the outside we can't i can't we it's like some things are for us it's but it they that's so that someone said that out loud and then didn't have to go to jail. Yeah. But like, sleep does make you feel a lot better. But it was like... In a dream is a wish your heart makes. Yes, it's a promise you make to the skies.
Starting point is 00:00:54 Yeah. I just, I don't think I was anticipating, like, it's been, I've had horrific sleep my whole life. Super insomnia kid, got a little older.
Starting point is 00:01:04 Once passed like puberty and weird mental shifts then got like a teensy bit more stable plus working in an office had to more necessity right and now i fell off the wagon again for a while there especially over covid a lot of like missed nights and things like that and then recently medication was prescribed to me a long time ago that i hadn't been taking. I've started taking consistently. It just makes you so drowsy for like the first month. Yeah. It's tough.
Starting point is 00:01:28 Leveled out. Like it's explicitly for sleep. I take it now before I go to bed. It works like actually straight up. Hell yeah. And I am. Funnily enough, this was a question I was actually going to ask you on the show because I thought it was like an interesting check in because you'd been been doing some medical stuff in like recent history and part of it was medication related uh i was going to ask you like for people a lot of people listen to the show and then we'll comment or
Starting point is 00:01:54 reference like you encourage me to go to a psychiatrist and get medication or try medication and we never want to like advocate for medication without diagnoses right it's not just for medication in general because you know there's plenty It's not just pills. Or just out for medication in general, because, you know, there's plenty of methods. It just worked for us. Just like, I'd be like, if you want to get into shape, I'm not going to say, like, do swimming.
Starting point is 00:02:12 I like swimming, but that's not like, that's not the only thing. Or I'm not going to recommend a specific diet or something like that, yeah. Or, you know, like if it's only raw flour, I probably would recommend that, obviously, because it increases. It's so good for you. I'm on one of those conspiracy podcasts.
Starting point is 00:02:23 Hi, I'm Joe Rogan. Finally, getting somewhat consistent sleep, kind of like six It's so good for you. I'm on one of those conspiracy podcasts. Hi, I'm Joe Rogan. Finally, getting somewhat consistent sleep, kind of like six, maybe seven hours, usually has set a foundation in the same way that I feel like my mental health medication did. Ooh, yeah. Where it is less. It brings the floor up.
Starting point is 00:02:37 Yeah, it's not a high. It feels like a high initially. And you're like, God, am I too on right now? And you're just like on normal on but like i don't know getting here today i like had a little i had a breakfast which i normally don't look at that guy there's a little time to move around breakfast moment this is something so fucking crazy you're gonna think i'm insane i i'm not kidding i was i've been mildly inspired by the brian johnson documentary i know what you mean i know
Starting point is 00:03:07 what you mean here's the for people who don't know last episode we talked about the i vampire man that drinks his son's yeah because it's like because uh because the real thing is if you do one one thousandth of what he's doing uh it'll work it'll be healthy and if you do any of the other things then you've delved into non-science. Maybe this will kill you. Remove experimental medication that you can get on a remote island. Remove consuming your son's plasma
Starting point is 00:03:34 and remove checking his erection. Once those are gone, pick maybe some good things from his routine. I have a friend who works in, they're doing their PhD in like anti-aging stuff oh and i talked to them about and they were like yeah he's like a joke and like like sometimes he'll be like he's like kind of a funny joke in that community that's got to be so frustrating like being a big advocate for the academia of it really genuinely caring about it and then your biggest advocate like the most
Starting point is 00:04:03 forward-facing person be like if actors hated tom cruz well it's like when elon musk comes in and he's like i run the government now did you know that did you see he hired a bunch of like 19 year olds to like to run um the to run doge just normal bloke of the year regular guy and then the other thing he did which is very funny is that when all his uh doge teenagers arrived the government was like who the fuck are you and they had a standoff and then they had to like get special permission to get let in to do their jobs because they're like what the fuck is elon doing why are there two employees officially an employee of the government like what is happening no he's just hanging out it does feel like he's just hanging
Starting point is 00:04:37 out well the plug won't go home yeah dude literally my dealer is still sitting with me on the couch uh yeah he, let's watch a documentary. I said, let's you go home. No, let's play 2K, man. Dude, no, but I was, honestly, I was just thinking there's a new nature doc. I heard it's voiced over by Obama. That's true, by the way. It's not new, but there is one of those nature docs.
Starting point is 00:05:03 It's a famous one, but it's the squirrels and caterpillars. I would love to kiss them. He's just aiming every animal. He just goes down the list. The cow goes moo. The cow goes moo. The sheep goes... The sheep goes beep.
Starting point is 00:05:17 Mr. President, please stop recording. Sasha, Malia, Michelle, both. Sleep works a little bit, turns out. But genuinely, the Brian Johnson, just seeing the degree of regulation in his morning was very appealing dude you correct tell me if this is wrong i don't think it's i don't think it's anything about the brian johnson doc okay other than seeing someone work out yeah to me it's like kind of just like oh yeah working out i should yeah everyone's like and also that's like
Starting point is 00:05:45 the weird side part to all of the you know he like snorts elephant penis or whatever and then just works out and has a protein right it's like yeah there's too many he's like yeah i do everything normal that you're supposed to do for your health and then i i drink the rat poison and it's like what and it's like yeah it's like an experimental? And it's like, yeah, it's like an experimental rat poison. And I feel bad after that. They found out it made like rats telepathic or whatever, but in humans it might. One of the two. Oh, it was dead. Yeah. Now I think about it.
Starting point is 00:06:13 There are a few things. I learned that I don't know specifically what he takes, but when I was talking to my friend, apparently a lot of people take this diabetes medication that can extend your life for five years, and so they don't know if there's any like downsides about it it's crazy because also a diabetic medication it could be just oh god by the way not a i'm not a doctor or anything like that and nor am i recommending any of these things not after what i but like my understanding is that
Starting point is 00:06:39 like well all these things are also like the science is still out so you're like kind of guinea pigging yourself for, like, the long term. Because, like, Ozempic can apparently give you stomach paralysis, where, like, you, like, don't digest quickly, like, ever, and, like, even if you go off of it, there's potential that it, like, doesn't fix itself, which is apparently one of the big side effects with Ozempic.
Starting point is 00:06:58 But Ozempic could, like, it'll take probably, yeah, fucking multiple decades to know this but it's like possible that it's just like a miracle drug that just like increases your lifespan because of all the comorbidities with uh you know like like help the other health outcomes from people who like cannot in another way like lose that weight again it's like a tricky thing to talk about but it's like this is like in the case where your doctor that weight again. It's like a tricky thing to talk about,
Starting point is 00:07:25 but it's like, this is like in the case where your doctor is saying, we think it's in your best interest to pursue this, pursue this medication. If my special care, number one King, my psychiatrist came along and he was like, Hey,
Starting point is 00:07:40 it turns out the motor gene like could be creating jeopardy in your lifespan by like 10 years or so. I would probably keep taking it. No, it's an interesting thing. Unless there was an alternative that was solved. And bearing in mind the issues I have resolved by that are not even close to the struggle that people can have with chronic obesity or chronic weight issues.
Starting point is 00:08:01 Smoking is the same thing where it's like people choose to smoke knowing that it can reduce their life expectancy by like five to 10 years or something. And it's like, I don't think less of somebody for, well, it's like if someone does it responsibly and doesn't sort of secondhand smoke other people and like, you know,
Starting point is 00:08:18 there's all these kind of politeness things where there's also culture and I'm just not going to, like, I know what works for me and what I want and i'm just not gonna in like i i know what works for me and what i want and i'm not gonna kind of say what you need to do and you can do absolutely any i mean not to be a fucking libertarian about it but like uh you know the utilitarian idea of um what is the freedom principle or whatever where like as long as you're not infringing on somebody else's freedom then you can do whatever you want with yourself i think that's like a very narrow point of view
Starting point is 00:08:46 because you do not know what the consequences of what you're doing could have it's like it rely it would rely on you knowing omnisciently like what everything could do is like yeah butterfly effect don't litter well it's because the city will pick it up like okay maybe but like what if someone slips on it and it falls into traffic you know right what if someone slips on it they backflip they fall into a radioactive vat, become Spider-Man? What if? Wait, that's a good idea.
Starting point is 00:09:09 Yeah, that's what I'm saying. You never know. God, do you think anyone has been like, I should have radiated. Speaking of the butterfly effect, I watched a crazy documentary. So I've been on a documentary kick recently. You've never been on a bit of a doco.
Starting point is 00:09:21 What did we watch the other day? I've been hanging out with my dog. Brian Johnson. Oh, there he is. The documentary about the guy. What did we watch? Oh, we watched it about Not Mori, the other one. Oh, Jerry Springer.
Starting point is 00:09:35 Yeah, it was Jerry Springer. That was maybe one of my, that kind of got me on the kick a little bit. Because we were all watching it. Peeps was there. Yeah, we were. This was fire times. This was fire times. This was fire times. I have not stopped thinking about that documentary.
Starting point is 00:09:47 You've got to watch episode two. It's crazy. I've got to watch episode two. It's crazy. What's the new doc out? Oh, okay. So I've been watching documentaries all over the spectrum. A lot of them on dark topics.
Starting point is 00:09:58 Like there was an OJ Simpson documentary that just came out. And then there was one about the horrific like boston marathon bombings that i watched uh because i like remember being online during that and seeing things develop in real time and being glued to like reddit and reading the updates and i was so curious like what actually went down and what is the public consensus now exactly yeah the crime docs always i feel like they talk to too many cops and there's too much like people going like, you know, we're saving the world. Back to blue, baby. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:30 Yeah. But there was an OJ doc that's 10 years old that, or eight years old. It was on, it was like 30 for 30 series, ESPN's doc series and it went into more of the socioeconomic factors and the stuff that let the racial tensions rising with OJ's leading up to where things were at in 1994 when OJ was on trial.
Starting point is 00:10:57 The repercussions of the riots, etc. Yeah, because I knew about Rodney King, but there were some sort of inciting events that i didn't know about yeah there's such a like proliferation but as if like uh harassment by the police and like and i'll be honest it didn't feel that different today at all and that is like there's a part of that that's like because it's like, have we really made any progress? But I tend to be an optimist about these things macroscopically
Starting point is 00:11:32 while microscopically trying to stay cynical. It's at least encouraging that there is a cohort of people not a part of the community or diaspora, but that do still care. That feels significantly different as opposed to, I mean mean talk about a bad advocate for a community because sucks have oj right at the front and we're judging black people based on this guy oh he's your king it was a whole thing too because oj like famously during the olympics when oj was at like usc playing football and being like a big star there were the olympics in 1992 i want to say
Starting point is 00:12:06 where or not 1992 this was the 60s yeah yeah in like the late 60s where um what am i saying anyway uh in the 60s uh there were the there were these like runners i don't know how many olympians participated in this but there were these two runners that got like first and third and in like one of the races um 200 meter something like that and they did like kind of the black power like uh fist up like on their podium it's cool and it was in the and then the news covered it like they were thugs they took a knee they were they called them like radical and all that shit like that is literally like they took a knee and like oj would be asked about that back in those times and he's like i don't want to be a part of that basically yeah and so like he's kind of michael jordan again he basically was like i'm not black i'm oj and literally like left his black wife for
Starting point is 00:12:59 nicole brown and then was kind of only like palling around with like white people. And so he wasn't seen as like, he did this big Hertz ad, Hertz win a car. I just didn't get a sense of like how big of a star he was. He left the NFL to pursue acting, which is like naked gun,
Starting point is 00:13:18 baby. Right. But that's like so crazy if you think about it. Cause that type of transition, it's like the rock. Yeah. Like I think he was kind of like in his time kind of had a more meteoric right like the rock kind of like rose slowly it was manual it was a lot it was like he became the biggest thing but it kind of
Starting point is 00:13:34 felt like oj was like i'm being held back by being a star nfl player i need to go transcend that i guess he'd already class consciousnessed his way out of being perceived by the industry as black. And that was the whole thing. It's like, even when Hertz took him on, there's all these people in this documentary being like, yeah, like test audiences,
Starting point is 00:13:52 like didn't care that he was black because he transcended race, but at what cost? Right. Cause it's like being an advocate, he is so good that he was able to escape being black. Cause it's like, and then, but he's like any,
Starting point is 00:14:04 it looked like he pulled the ladder up kind of after him right yeah he's like if you want to yeah if you want to be like me just do what i did but you're you're all for yourself first of all pull up your pants okay but then when he was uh but then when he was arrested and tried his defense and johnny cochran being like so involved in like kind of civil rights and things like that and the most charismatic man in the world it's it's a kind of insane i literally uh sent ole like a ton of messages because i was like man i don't think i could be a defense attorney because like i believe and i don't think this is crazy that oj did the crime right he was i mean he was convicted in civil court he was convicted civil court but there's a lower burden of proof in in civil and but then there was also a i don't want to show it because it's a little dark and i
Starting point is 00:14:59 didn't even want to get into this much of the darkness but i will say after oj got off for the crimes uh he wrote a book called if i did it and then um ron goldman's family like got the rights and then they released it but they made the title like have the if really tiny but then there was a tv special that accompanied that and it's kind of been like it's on youtube now uh but there's this interview with oj where he's talking about the night hypothetically. Oh, he's being all coy about it. He's being coy and he hysterically laughs when he's like, this is all hypothetical, right? And then the crazy thing, and again, this is my conspiracy hat is on.
Starting point is 00:15:38 But then also I think a lot of people believe that based on his actions, he did do it. But there's a part where he talks about how Ron Goldman, when he approached him, he didn't know him, which is true. He did a karate stance. And people are like, how did he know? Like, Ron Goldman was a third degree black belt. OJ didn't know this man. So that detail kind of feels like maybe it's not hypothetical and he was you know but anyway all the stranger if he then found out separately and was like oh i'll now i didn't kill him but it'll be fun to pretend but anyway uh if i did it
Starting point is 00:16:17 this episode is sponsored by rocket money listen i'm hip i'm up to date with all the all the shows and part of the problem with that is that i people are talking about severance and then i go severance severance i've been signed up to apple tv for three years and i haven't been watching anything on it someone got me to sign up for rubo plus because i need to watch a series i'm signed to rubo vt it's like tubo TV meets Fubo Me V. It has 500 shows and none of them are good. And it's exclusive on Flimbo. The problem here is that I wasn't using today's sponsor, Rocket Money,
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Starting point is 00:18:05 white people's connection to OJ. They would like put up like basically all the photos in his house that had like had white people. They like got rid of them. Basically they made it seem like OJ was like more of a member of the black community at large than he was, even though he had explicitly not like he had explicitly like diminished that like once the utility was not political you know what i mean
Starting point is 00:18:31 like he was like that was why he was safe well somebody gets uh you know called out for like years of bad behavior or like abuse or something like that then all of a sudden they pivot all right yeah they're like, actually the whole time I liked the people that won't get mad at me. But yeah, basically they made it, and they also had eight black jurors. And now there's been documentaries where multiple of those black jurors
Starting point is 00:18:58 have gone on record and said, I felt like I was, oh, first of all, they deliberated for three hours. The trial took eight months. Three hours? Three hours, yeah. Everyone went on vacation. And then like,
Starting point is 00:19:12 because normally it's like a day for every, what is it? It's an hour for every day. That's the rule of thumb, an hour for every day the trial went on or something like that. You might not have that much life left. No, dude.
Starting point is 00:19:23 No, it was crazy. But then like there's, in one of the older documentaries, I think this juror, they didn't show up in the later documentaries. I don't know what happened to them, but they were like, yeah, I felt like I was voting as like a get back for like Rodney King. And it's like, okay, that makes sense.
Starting point is 00:19:38 Because it's like you're, it's a vote of protest against the system that has systemically wronged uh people and it's the biggest opportunity they'll ever have they in their life they'll never get a bigger chance to have that kind of impact ever it's just and then oj continued to be an insane person after that uh truly crazy lived in moved to vegas And then apparently was, would just ruin restaurants, just go to restaurants and like shake tables and be weird. He got involved with some guys who, uh,
Starting point is 00:20:12 then they were going to steal back his, basically he lost a civil case owed 33 million. Uh, but then just like spent the next few decades hiding all any money that he would make strategically so that collectors couldn't collect on it and give it to the family of uh victim the victim's family um alex jones strat yeah and so uh yeah it's just it's just crazy but then the like there's just so many flaws in our criminal justice system this is not news but oj did like an armed robbery slash kidnapping but like there's video of it and what it was was like him and some guys and one of the dudes had a gun
Starting point is 00:20:47 and they like went to go steal back some memorabilia of OJ's, which he thought was stuff that was taken from his house when they were like moving everything out of the house to hide it. But it was actually just like footballs and things that he had signed and signing a football and then keeping it. Yeah. But then this is all alleged uh i think and um but then he got caught up in that and then they pinned him for like kidnapping and armed robbery
Starting point is 00:21:16 um on like kind of technicalities but what's crazy is he got 33 years yeah the consensus is that he was he the consensus is it was like is they were trying to right the wrong of him not getting jail time. And that type of thing is a little bit, it feels wrong to me. That feels like abusing the system the other way. Well, yeah, I mean, if we're going to, it's, Not that he's not a horrible person.
Starting point is 00:21:38 If we're going to pretend that it's a real system, Yeah. Then abide by the rules like the rules don't make any sense and they are biased and they are broken and the fact that
Starting point is 00:21:50 your job as a defense attorney is to at that like scale is to defend them even if you know for a fact they did it that's weird team sports bullshit
Starting point is 00:21:58 but as soon as you sign up for the team sports you have to play by them that's what you said you have to yeah I know i mean that was the weirdest thing i've never understood why do the jurors need to be in the room why do they not read just a breakdown of events because corruption because it's all like presenting
Starting point is 00:22:19 an argument is my understanding so you're like showing evidence and presenting this argument and it's all raising yeah and the thing about the first oj trial is it was to the um cameras it was the first major like televised yeah i think so i think there was one right before that there was um it was the uh the, the brothers. Oh, the, uh, um, yeah, that's a whole other can of worms,
Starting point is 00:22:55 but just like opening up all this public scrutiny on this thing that like it, like when people are talking about, it was very new, but like now I know that if you put a camera on somebody, they're going to perform to the camera. Of course. And so not to mention, they know the consequences forever like that any of those jurors are going to be held to the risk like by everyone else in for the rest of their life whatever the result was yeah they're part of it
Starting point is 00:23:16 the reason the system felt so broken is because like oj could assemble this crack team of like the literally the avengers i think they called them the dream team yes of all of his all of his lawyers and and they did like systematically dismantle the prosecution but there were so many things that went their way like there happened to be this like racist old cop that found the glove but yeah and then they were able to like find all this shit on him and it was allowed to be admitted into evidence even though it became more about discrediting this guy who found the glove because they were making this argument they were trying to plant the seeds of doubt that uh that the lapd could have planted the evidence
Starting point is 00:23:55 to frame oj which absolutely they could have they were somehow able to find a series of racist behaviors from an la yeah exactly and so that's the thing it's like well these seeds of doubt are already planted because this is the lapd we're talking about yeah this dog pissed on the ground it's just like the stuff with just like now this is just my pure vibes thing but whenever he's asked about it like he's like in that one note he's like i'm sure i hope one day we can find you know nicole and ron's killer and then later on he's asked about it one of the fucking oh no this is crazy this is gonna bring it this is gonna bring it one of the fucking nelk boys has oj on before he died like search oj nelk boys the like the killer of ron and nicole was never
Starting point is 00:24:39 found uh right now i'm not gonna discuss any of that all right yeah yeah i think that's a pretty obvious question but uh i'm not getting in that i'm not going there like like why wouldn't you just say what's the episode then no but like but that's such a that was my college record i'm not getting into that like okay maybe it's just vibes but like it's a simple no it's like when you watch or are you are you upset does it hurt you you just say yeah yeah it hurts me like because it's it's just vibes, but like, it's a simple no. It's like when you watch, or are you upset? Does it hurt you? You just say, yeah, yeah, it hurts me. Like, cause it's like when you watch
Starting point is 00:25:10 the Senate confirmation hearings and then they're like, RFK Jr., do you think like, do you think vaccines are bad? And he's like, I can't answer that question. These are simple. You should. Yeah, like. In the affirmative or the negative.
Starting point is 00:25:26 That happens in the OJ trial because they ask the racist cop dude, Mark Furman, they ask him if he planted evidence. But it's in the cycle of him. He comes back after they start making the trial about him. And then under his attorney's advice or whatever, he pleads the fifth on everything. But then the optics are, they go, did you plant the evidence? And he goes, I plead the fifth. And so it's like, okay, well, then fucking now it looks like he planted the gun.
Starting point is 00:25:53 It super looks like he did do that. Yeah, yeah, yeah. This is the wrong thing to focus on or whatever, but like, oh, Jay, then what the fuck are we doing the episode about, right? If we're not going to talk about the trial, if we're not going to talk about the trial we're not going to talk about the case yeah i mean did leslie nielsen do anything funny on the set of uh fucking the movie it was naked gun fun to work on yeah did you do your own stunts like that for an hour and a half it's why he talks like the riddler when he talks about it. You shall not know if I killed who you say. This reminds me a lot of, have you guys heard of The Jinx?
Starting point is 00:26:29 Yes. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Jacob, on my computer right now is, I'm so on the documentary kick. I was like, I watched season one of The Jinx way back in the day. And then last year they came up with part two. So I loaded up part two last night before I went to sleep. And I'm going to watch it. I had no idea they came up with part two so i loaded up part two last night before i went to sleep and i'm gonna watch it i had no idea they came out with part two i feel like i watched i
Starting point is 00:26:47 watched the part one of the jinx on my first weekend in america ever because i was staying with uh i was staying with cole and uh my first boss of patreon jay cole hollywood cole jimmy he said uh it was uh he was like help me write this song uh drippy i was like well i've got a homophobic bar if that helps yeah uh it's grippy oh yeah it was trippy that's way worse it's way worse um yeah i uh was staying with them and they put it on and i had like no conception of crime documentaries really at least not the American style crime documentary. Like the British one is just like it's it's some guy in the middle distance on a stock lens. Slow pan to him.
Starting point is 00:27:33 The whole thing costs like fifteen dollars to produce. And he's just like, what you will notice about the killer is that he murdered them. BBC credits. Notice how he did it. Now, did he do it? Yes. you back to you it's another one they knock a bunch out like they're filming episodes of ridiculousness oh my god what else we got yeah what else we got okay this guy he also did it alexander hamilton shot yep yep keep. Oh, in Weehawken,
Starting point is 00:28:05 New Jersey. So the crazy, so this is all a preamble for the real thing I need to talk about, which is the craziest documentary I watched last night. It's called, it's called long shot. I don't know when it came out. It's about this guy caught a lawn.
Starting point is 00:28:23 2017. Yeah. Okay. It came on 2017. It's old doc's old doc old doc okay don't look though don't look because i want to tell you about it oh he said that so 2017 i recommend it's only 40 minutes long uh it's a story about a guy who gets caught up in his uh the prime suspect in a murder of a 16 year old girl that he is like i didn't do this i just look like the composite sketch because the composite sketch is like it's like the 3d render they do or whatever no it's like a true sketch oh my god and so and also this guy's brother did i think was on trial for murder or something And the victim was in the jury and then he was present. So they established the motive that this was a juror in his brother's like thing.
Starting point is 00:29:13 And he wanted to get his brother off, but he had nothing to do with any of it. He was just there as a family member in the audience. Right. And so he goes to a Dodgers game with his daughter. They watch the Dodgers game. They watch the Dodgers game. They leave the Dodgers game. As he's leaving, he buys some baseball cards. There's a baseball card stand.
Starting point is 00:29:31 I'm like, I love this guy. Like, it's like, he's like, I gotta buy some baseball cards. I'm like, you are the man. I like, I'm not a baseball guy, but like, I get it. You know what I mean? The way he has to prove that he didn't do it. We were talking about the butterfly effect earlier. He has like a perfect memory of the game.
Starting point is 00:29:51 Cause he's like been a baseball fan his whole life. So he's like talking about the game. He like knows where he was sitting. This is his alibi. He's talking through his alibi. He's like explaining his alibi to his defense. He's like, I was at the game.
Starting point is 00:30:03 He knows where he was sitting. They can't find the tickets. Like they can't find the tickets like they can't find the tickets so it's like and they can't find the receipts for like the thing but he's he's like i was there i was there i was there they were filming something it was weird i i don't know what they were filming i've been to 100 dodgers games and i've never seen them film anything like that so it was weird to me. And so then they go, his defense attorney goes to Dodgers. They get the calendar of like what events were happening. And on that day in 2003, they were filming an episode for season four of Curb Your Enthusiasm. That's insane.
Starting point is 00:30:42 It's insane. And in that episode, Larry David goes to the Dodgers game first he went to Dodger Stadium and they got the cameras from the stadium they can uh they can find him in a seat but it's too low resolution like you can tell that it's him but it's like that's not enough right it's as accurate as like a sketch or something like that yeah exactly and so and so then um he's able to get in contact with hbo and is able to go to the editing bay for curb your enthusiasm and they recorded on tapes back then so they went through the tapes of the footage and it just so happened that a pa uh he he went to the bathroom with his daughter or took his daughter to the bathroom or something they're walking back to their seats.
Starting point is 00:31:26 And normally they were like, the thing about the stadium is that they're not supposed to, like they're not supposed to, like these are paying patrons of the stadium. So they're filming the show, but they're not supposed to really get in their way. So they would just be like, wait when somebody was like trying to walk down the aisle.
Starting point is 00:31:44 And the PA didn't know they were rolling and let Juan and his daughter walk down the aisle. So there's this like 4K for 2003, like video of them, like walking to their seats. And you can just see them clearly on the thing in this like B roll, like unused shot from Curb Your Enthusiasm. And then they get Larry David in the documentary, and he's like, I thought it was crazy. It was crazy? It's pretty cool, wasn't it? I remember doing his, like, weird thing.
Starting point is 00:32:14 He's like, I always... We were filming the episode where I catch the baseball, and there's a little kid that wants it, and I won't give it to him. That's my guess of what the episode is. You're so close. It was, he had shitty seats, and then one of his friends had good seats and so he went down to like give him a shit about it but uh so then i gave him that deli meat but then the prosecutors were like that proves nothing
Starting point is 00:32:36 the murder happened at this time so it could have he could have left the game early they had his daughter i've got to just shoot out and kill someone. He's got his daughter with him. And his daughter's like on the stand going like, yeah, we bought baseball cards after the game. And then they're like, no, he left. He's a murderer. He left.
Starting point is 00:32:53 And then the dudes who were, they have the audio of his interrogation. And they're like, he's like, no, I didn't do anything. Like I didn't do anything at all. And then you're going to be so like, you're going to find out this is the wrong guy. And you're going to have to live with that. And then they're like, no, it's not the wrong guy because you're a murderer. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
Starting point is 00:33:12 This crayon drawing shows it. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And then, so just the video from Curb Your Enthusiasm isn't enough. They end up going through phone records. I'm just spoiling the whole documentary, by the way. But it's still a good watch. I mean, now I'm worried about him. They go through the phone records.
Starting point is 00:33:33 And then it comes back to OJ. His defense attorney remembers that the way they found where OJ was was what his cell phone was bouncing off of what cell tower oh uh and and you could localize it to kind of because the cell towers only have a certain range so they looked at the basically that he made a call at like a time that would have been he that he would have had to have been committing the murder but he was like on the phone with his girlfriend and they found out that the the cell phone tower that was hit for that call was like with like at dodger stadium like could could have only been at dodger stadium or within like that one mile radius which is far far enough away from
Starting point is 00:34:16 where the murder happened could have been on speakerphone so like the combination of those things like it never went to a jury trial it got thrown out where it was like decided uh whether or not i was going to go to jury there is a truly insane amount of evidence required versus just like well i don't know i own that shirt and i look like even the lower as i was there so there's something about the incredulity of people who are like like these prosecutors like there's one this old interview and it's like the hbo thing proves nothing he did this we know it and it's like okay but you're actually wrong and he didn't do it so so i really feel like it so and so it was 50 like 500 days ago and i do i'm pretty sure the documentary ends with this um this footage of the two guys who interrogated him admitted to asking him like leading questions and
Starting point is 00:35:10 basically doing the interrogation in a very unethical way and so they've been they were like moved off of murder cases forever or whatever but i'm like they should have gotten fired but that guy almost like fucking went to jail for the rest of his life. You shouldn't be allowed to like drop the scalpel inside the patient and be like, I'm sorry, mother. No, you can't do this anymore. That's crazy. Last year, I was on a kick of watching
Starting point is 00:35:33 medical malpractice documentaries. We'll talk about that later. There's one about a back doctor who's- You just really want nightmares? Evil. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I usually try to watch it right before I go to bed. Not discontent enough.
Starting point is 00:35:43 Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah um but anyway uh so that documentary ended up being like having a nice ending and i thought the the dude was really sweet the one note i'll make about it they shot the documentary in extreme close-up and it was really annoying like heavy bokeh can you yeah can you maybe jacob like pull up like images from it like maybe we can find it yeah like yes oh i'm like back up bro i love i can't say that enough every time i'm there i just like i soak it all in i'm gonna get you out of here what's that can i ask i watch some of these sometimes like like uh it's like highly recommended like the drinks right but what how do you feel if you watch one of those and it does like a making a murderer kind of where it like has resolved in a
Starting point is 00:36:37 wrongful conviction and they do get locked up are you like kind of rattling after that because there's a catharsis of somebody like get it being free, but like, it just makes you think about, okay. You'll just watch. I mean, you watch Ron Mangos as well sometimes,
Starting point is 00:36:50 but I've watched. Oh my God. The Ron Mango today that came out yesterday is insane. Oh my God. Really? It's about like, uh, it's about a evil babysitter that like was caught on the,
Starting point is 00:37:00 uh, Oh, the nanny cam. Yeah. Basically caught on a security cam, like tossing a newborn oh it's horrible yeah i don't the new one's okay okay cool i just i don't know the um i've heard it described as like um i don't know not cathartic but like
Starting point is 00:37:20 uh enlightening i don't know what for me it's morbid curiosity and i think it gives me some sort of like i think i am fearful of the system because i don't always feel wonder why don't always feel the system is like built for someone like me so i don't really watch i think that i've had periods of watching like um more murder documentaries like straight ahead stuff but that stuff doesn't i don't really watch that anymore it's usually like systemic things yeah because i have watched it and i think if there's an interesting story to tell sure but i think there's usually something about society to glean that i find interesting as i'm like kind of learning i still feel like i'm like learning
Starting point is 00:38:07 just pastiches of the world that we live in because i don't feel like i suffer from um you know like uh fear and i know this about myself like i don't watch these things like right before i go to bed i'll like switch to um somebody who's locked themselves to like one tile of runescape and they have to figure out how to play the game or whatever can i complete a second speed run with only my eyebrows just to free myself that's literally like that just fills up my brain ram and then i don't no longer think about the other thing i like to end my night by deleting bellatro and swearing never to download it again yeah every single night i i've heard people talk about how uh like women watch true crime because it makes them feel more prepared sure yeah for me
Starting point is 00:38:42 it's like that but maybe for like the system yeah like if that makes sense that's always what i just thought exclusively right i'm like okay well what is an experience that i'm lacking uh i can sympathize for like feeling vulnerable in the world for uh like for your physical safety in the world walking alone etc like i can i can sympathize but not empathize right at least 99% of the time i mentioned that i think talk to katie and some other people about that i'm like is that what it is and sometimes yes and i think the other appeal is like it's like a stretching your emotional compass here and there almost like getting up in the morning and like stretching
Starting point is 00:39:23 to keep your ligaments kind of like fresh and open where you go like, all right, I can't, sometimes I need to flex my fear muscle or I need to flex my, like play it a little bit. But I think the, the preparedness is. Yeah. I mean, but I also, when I'm watching like a sports documentary, that's more about the, I feel like I'm learning something about something I'm watching like a sports documentary that's more about the I feel like I'm learning something about something I'm interested in and it's filling in more of a picture I don't feel like I have more stamina for that stuff yeah I've watched Hasan watch a true crime here and there and they're a bit copagandary for me because Hasan loves cops no no but that's the other thing is I was going to say is like I also notice that and it almost feels voyeuristic to me to view how these cops view
Starting point is 00:40:09 themselves and how a lot of normies view cops yeah as legitimate like hey the issue is there's a lot of bad apples lately and that we need to doc is full of that because it's all these cops going like you know just because there's one bad guy, we're not all bad, like type thing. And I'm like, okay, sure. But like, there's more bad apples than you, than people want to believe. And when people criticize the system in that way, everyone jumps to defend the system rather than, because the system doesn't appear to police itself and regulate itself you know it's a little i what was your i don't know i feel like there's no escaping um social and cultural propaganda right it is it's a miasma it's around us like a fog and we can put
Starting point is 00:40:57 a mask on try and not inhale it but it's there our whole lives and things that we're raised to believe even ambiently do kind of sink in there whether it's adhering to gender roles social behaviors um trust in like economic systems is a big one like yeah that guy's poor because he didn't save and it's like that brings people that say stuff like that are just trying to bring them self-comfort like i'll never be homeless because i i know the rules and whereas reality you stub your toe the american system could put you right exactly there's i think a tiny bit of me that like maybe one of the reasons i don't like watching the gcs ones or whatever yeah is that a tiny little bit of me when you show me a cop like it's like like a guy that obviously did it or something and you show a cop kind of like tricking him into admitting it
Starting point is 00:41:45 with like kind of breaking the rules. Here he's using the weed technique. A teensy weensy bit of me that's like, this cop fucking rules. This guy is so cool. He's actually like a samurai. You'll see the cop here exercises the samurai wham bam technique where he deftly maneuvers and tricks the criminal into.
Starting point is 00:42:04 With this in mind, you can confirm that the cop's penis is enormous. The cock's penis. The cock's penis is a cop. The name's cock penis. So the other thing about with JCS stuff, I can't watch JCS stuff without a chaperone. I can watch JCS if Hassan's watching jcs but i can't watch a jcs video video on my own but it's helpful to have someone that poses it for me because i need little breaks i need little breaks and i need someone to be i think the criticism of the copaganda
Starting point is 00:42:35 has catharsis but then also there is something and this one is maybe gonna make me sound insane but uh i should transfer my blood with my son. As someone who's like highly critical of myself for things that are like very unfair to me. Like an example would be like, a relative is asking for money and I've given them lots of money and I don't want to feel like I'm enabling them or I've given all I can give,
Starting point is 00:43:01 but it still hurts to like, say no. Well, no matter the context, what is happening is saying no to someone that's asking for asking for something. And it's like, there's a lot of context, but it feels weird, even though, you know, in your heart of hearts that you've done so much already, and you've done more than the average person would. And so I would ask my therapist, like, I feel like I'm a bad person. Like, I feel like I'm a bad person for doing this
Starting point is 00:43:25 and so there's a part of the because there are bad people that do that yes and so part of the jcs stuff again i haven't watched this stuff in years at this point but i mean here and now if like asan watches it and it comes with my recommended i'll like watch it for a bit within reason sometimes i do have to like know about, but there's a part of me that goes, how do bad people think? Yeah. And I go, do I, are they free? And then I go, do I think like bad people? Well, that's kind of like how ethics works, right? Is it starts with unconditional education? Like you do not punch people and you're like a little kid and you're like, okay, I'm not allowed to. And then you get a little older and you go, oh, cause it'll like hurt them. Oh, I get it. Okay coming or like i was watching some
Starting point is 00:44:06 uh misogynist dude on youtube and he was doing he was on my channel he was hitting all the like greatest hits he was hitting misogynist bingo of like women should be in the kitchen they're emotional like guys they can't be driving guys are analytical guys need to work hard and provide and blah blah they can't be they'll carry the nuclear codes in their handbag if they become president there was a sound or a thing on TikTok that people were stitching where it was like I hope your trans friends see
Starting point is 00:44:34 this or something like that and then he stitches it with I don't have trans friends and there's a couple things like that where I eventually was like this guy is stupid and then I stop myself and I go I don't want to call him stupid and there's a couple things like that where I eventually was like, this guy is stupid. And then I stop myself and I go, I don't want to call him stupid.
Starting point is 00:44:51 And I'm like, what is that? When can I? No, I'm like, what is that? I don't know. I still don't know the answer on it. Because I think it's just like there's a level of decorum that I hold myself to that I try, but also I'm human. So it's when I, oh, I guess I haven't said that on the podcast. When I told someone who was a bad person that everyone would agree is a bad person that I
Starting point is 00:45:13 asked him if they had a rock in their brain. Oh yeah. Uh, and, uh, I still felt guilty about it. I felt guilty about it afterward. I remember it's a, it's on a sad boys nights episode where about Jarvis being confronted by someone he made a video about um so you can check that out on sad boys nights i don't want to give them the light of day here but um i mean it's you are kind of doing the a b like the initial same as the serial review and then the result of the review is what stays as opposed to like uh assess instant thought instant instinct review hmm wait a minute why do i feel that way and then if it's bad you're like oh it was bad there's a sea of like yeah oh no wait my instinct was fine but it was mean my brain goes well let's let's watch this video and make sure you're not
Starting point is 00:45:57 uh in the evil serial killer or whatever let me just break it down oh that's a bad person right i get it okay cool cool reset that's okay and they have no remorse like i have to watch uh j uh i have to watch fucking oj simpson like laugh while retelling the story about his wife's brutal murder for me to go oh no he's bad i think especially with family stuff to some extent where that's i feel like the first thing you ever kind of learn unconditionally as a kid is like how to conduct yourself with your family right no matter the family environment you grow up in the earliest thing i remember like the earliest bad doing thing is upsetting my mom that's like the first thing ever and so i feel like that gets buried so solidly that like uh i was chatting to my aunt the other day and i was mostly with my mom's like dementia and all of that i'm pretty resolved with it i feel pretty
Starting point is 00:46:49 well you know went on for a while so you grieve in real time but then it's been uh years at this point right i i something caught me when i was chatting to my aunt because it was it was the first time we were talking about it in a while because usually we just catch up on like how's your stuff what's up how you doing we were chatting and i and i mentioned like i've been feeling this guilt about a like specific incident where i just got like so angry and like like it's just like yelling like in the house freaking out and uh she checked it and like reminded me like why and why it was harmless. And the fact that like, I wasn't even there. It was like, was the result of some stuff with that.
Starting point is 00:47:34 But it was like the, the actual answer that it was not a super unethical thing that I did or something I should hold on to had decayed. That part the the scaffolding had kind of fallen away yeah and then it's like uh the feeling bad about it and the moment that stone that just like stays and then the resolving it is like the moss yeah like oh i guess the opposite it's like a something you have to water and maintain right it's like a stone that takes like hundreds of years of erosion from like rainfall or whatever to change and you're just like oh i think this building's always been eroded no no it's my version of that my mom who raised me passed when i was 12 but then um my great aunt uh
Starting point is 00:48:21 was also like a mother figure to me for uh basically the time from i didn't always live with her but she was like a mother figure for me for like basically the next six years until i went to college and then continually after that and because they moved and they they moved and um were kind of like moving around and And I was like focusing on school. And they moved to a place where I didn't know anybody. The first couple of years during college, I didn't want to visit. Because I was like, well, I only have this little break. And I'm taking all these stressful classes.
Starting point is 00:49:00 I want to see friends. And so I prioritized that. She passed away. and i didn't get the chance i talked to her on the phone a lot right but i didn't get a chance to visit before she passed away and that left me feeling like i was extremely selfish like for a lot even even now i still feel like i was selfish about it because well because what else is there to feel yeah and selfish is also like we're branding that as exclusively negative as opposed to like that's a normal way to feel and
Starting point is 00:49:31 sure yeah and i don't yeah and it's and it's not like anyone ever asked me to visit or anyone ever like it's like that didn't come up it's everyone expected me to just be doing my own thing if you visited once then it's like well i haven't visited this year and then if you did this year i haven't visited this month yeah and so it's just like it's like a thing where like you said it just like that set in stone that like oh i'm just a bad person because it's really easy to feel bad not good but it's or like it's the difference between easy and simple right like it's not easy it It burdens you. Yeah. But it's very simple. It is very simple. They're like,
Starting point is 00:50:07 it's like beginner level novice. Like, yeah, I guess I'm bad. Cause there's nowhere else to work on that. No, I think we cracked it. I think I'm bad and we can all agree.
Starting point is 00:50:17 I think I'm bad. Then you go to, you have like a therapy session. They go like, well, here's a bunch of conditional reasons why putting that in place. I'm like, what do you know,
Starting point is 00:50:23 dog? Yeah, that's great. I just, I'm bad. Don't you understand? B-d-d bad to the bone that's what it stands for bad to the bone add don't uh don't a gold video about this podcast and i know that you don't watch my videos because you hate everything i make and me i don't get they're too loud i turn the volume they're too loud you turn the volume down and you also turn the brightness down yeah
Starting point is 00:51:03 it's dark well i close my eyes and i think it's a brightness issue i forget right and then you go oh i love the new video and i was like what was your favorite part and then you say well i didn't hear anything or see anything but i liked the length i liked i was in it you know that was your channel that was your reflection because the screen was black it's kind of like a black mirror oh yeah like i don't understand that at all so these two guys they're two guys with a podcast and i feel like so far on so i think that we should learn from them can i say i'm just based on what i know so far and i will not retract this statement i like them and i like what they're gonna say you don't know anything yet don know anything, but I confident that whatever they say, and I will double down.
Starting point is 00:51:46 All right, Jacob, click the link closest to your cursor. The girl just because she's on her period. I'd be excited about the situation, actually. The blood coming from the cervix. Yeah. I truthfully believe that it has some divinity to it. I believe that it has healing.
Starting point is 00:52:03 I agree with that. It's just something that i love to entertain and be a part of i think that's how you create a soul tie if it doesn't create a soul tie it sure as hell creates a wonderful experience if i can't get my sword a little bloody i'm not a good what do you think I recognize that guy I think he was on a yeah he's called Socrates he the book talk apparently
Starting point is 00:52:34 I got a message from someone I don't have any strong feelings about that clip I'll admit that you don't have strong feelings it's at least harmless although the last line is like is it i think it's it's because what i was anticipating is like i literally won't even speak to a woman if they're on their period and then like it said it was just weird fetishization
Starting point is 00:52:55 yeah i think that last line is scary weird fetishization and then the beginning part where it was quiet so i don't know if you heard it but um he said would you have sex with a girl who was on her period and he and he said i'd be excited actually i'd be absolutely i'd be absolutely thrilled yeah i think i i had to kind of boomerang there because i went like oh i'm so surprised it's not just misogyny and then it caught me with something else really weird the reason you recognize this guy is because we did a sad boys on him. This is a... I'm a man. Right? Something like that.
Starting point is 00:53:29 I'm in love with you. Look at how young we were. Shoot, you were older. Okay. You've de-aged. Well, thank you so much. My hair was shorter. My hair is shorter.
Starting point is 00:53:40 Is that... What is that? What could that mean? What could that mean? No, this is meta oh this guy the i i love her i'm gonna eat her god i didn't know this was that long ago i just adopted the exact same posture that i said whoa that's good that was weird um a girl wouldn't fart in front of you. Would you feel disrespected?
Starting point is 00:54:06 I would feel left out. Yeah. This is why I started sniffing them. Okay. If I'm able to put my nose between two cheeks and take in a fart, that shows them that I'm very comfortable with you. Yeah. I don't believe you.
Starting point is 00:54:20 You don't believe me? I believe him. I think you'd like it. I might. Okay. I don't think I watched this one in my video. guy's a fucking freak so what if we cut this out if it's too but i was gonna say that doesn't make you comfortable that makes you a fucking freak no dude literally like what like uh it's but his thing is always like if a woman does it i i i think it's beautiful i think there's
Starting point is 00:54:42 something to like uh it's it's a little pick me certainly a little? there's certainly a title scooper pick me if you can spot it if my girl takes a shit without me I feel left out hello need help just stick my nose
Starting point is 00:55:00 between those cheeks I got wipes I don't really this is a bigger online issue or like um i think symptom of the time or whatever not to overanalyze it but i feel like some online people that are too online that are too consumed by this kind of stuff they cannot hold an interest a preference anything without applying some kind of like moral superiority to it or some kind of merit outside of just liking something.
Starting point is 00:55:31 It's like, no, I'm not just like, I don't just have like a weird kink. It's actually, I would sit down and listen. Right. I would actually,
Starting point is 00:55:37 a 60 by the way, I would actually listen to clinically pick me. It's like, it's like scientifically engineered to be picking content. What's the line? No, literally. literally wait can you close your eyes real quick uh click on the one that says there are no names jacob there are no names that start with a j and n in an n aren't very concerning very concerning is this bait you bait my maybe? Can I? Oh, comments. People taking it sincerely, for sure.
Starting point is 00:56:07 Yes. Can you name one, though? John. No. My name, I'm Shadow. Yeah, it can be you. John Wick. Your name starts with S and ends with Addo.
Starting point is 00:56:22 Yeah, John Wick begins with J but ends with K. John. John Wick. John Wick begins with S and ends with Addo. Yeah, John Wick begins with J but ends with K. John. John Wick. No, you're right. It starts with J and ends with K. There I am. Well, everyone going with... Wait, Jonathan.
Starting point is 00:56:35 They added the whole thing. They added extra Ns. My middle name's literally Gene. Middle name. Why are you noticing me? It's middle name. They're saying I don't exist can anyone hear me
Starting point is 00:56:47 there was a commenter Jacqueline and she wrote Jacqueline I kind of want to comment and say Chris you know what I mean it's Chris are you guys baiting it's fucking Chris there's no one it's just bait
Starting point is 00:57:02 no one is calling them out for me. No. So many of them, including myself. Taylor. Damn, so real. I was just thinking that. No, I need one that says, Jarvis and Jake, what?
Starting point is 00:57:20 Wait a minute. When did my video come out? Well, no, that was 2024 there's no time to explain i've come from the future what what are the odds uh let's look at some of the stuff they've recently been posting because that'll be stuff i haven't looked at sorry i'm really am like sort of unsettled by the fact that we didn't see a single, like, guys, why are you falling for this? I've had guys tell me they don't eat, they don't eat. That they don't do it.
Starting point is 00:57:52 And I've had girls tell me that they'll say, yeah, my ex would go down on me, but be no more than 15 seconds until he would just come up and then start. Yeah. 60, by the way. Inserting into me. It's like, okay, well. Well, so I watched the long form version of this podcast and they're just like that. They're just like that.
Starting point is 00:58:16 Wait, can we do some of these bait posts though for our TikTok? Oh yeah. No one out now. Should we record some? Yeah, let's record some. Well, we'll do it to our cameras well or i'll look at you but we'll we'll use this okay uh what do we say what do we say yeah do you ever think like what would you do if a woman cheated on you so i would like look inside of myself and figure out
Starting point is 00:58:37 what i did wrong yeah no please no please no applause we're having a moment here yeah so just uh i was just at meant that my mentor meeting that i then also it was um uh mentor meeting an ocean meeting 30 under 30 for most kids saved with charity um most six two guy that respects women the most and i was on my way home and i was thinking like prejudice fucking hate i was just thinking about that what do you think about like racism i think it's bad oh my god yeah and i was thinking about it the other day and it made me really sad and pissed off i dislike it yeah actually it was what um but like i'm six one by the way but women are beautiful is what also what i was thinking of all races it doesn't feel the same way as as when you try and describe a dream
Starting point is 00:59:25 and you're like, my dad's face was the dog. I want to do one straighter, though. Not comedy-wise. Comedy-wise, like where it's believable. What is one of their questions? Let's just steal one. He was on Too Hot to Handle, by the way, that one. Oh, the show?
Starting point is 00:59:41 The premise of Too Hot to Handle, it's so funny because the way that people react when they find out they can't fuck it later it sounds like they have had their rights taken away they're like what welcome to cutting off your feet island yeah it's like they witnessed 9-11 girls ending with a names i've had oh yeah i've had guys tell me they don't eat what's that about all right dude i've had guys tell me they don't eat what's that about dude when i hear stuff like that my first thought is wow i really love like women that's what yeah i was like if you can't appreciate the perfect beauty angelic body
Starting point is 01:00:27 of a woman their form their form their form their mind their brain the elegance of eating because it's the closest i can get to appreciating her mind to kind of like uh finding an angelic state of which all women occupy so the closest i've ever seen to god goes women on im63 that's a good one that's a good that's a good end i'm curious can we watch this one i want yes no no please follow your curiosity because i have it jacob's looking for damn advice i have sex omnia what's that you know like sleepwalking it's sleep i wake up in the middle of the night and i start that's dangerous you need to be locked in a cage I hope they put your penis in a straight jacket Before bed every night
Starting point is 01:01:07 Wait and we're just not gonna We're just not gonna ask a follow up question That is almost that's like in front of the judge Like no no it's sex omnia You just start fucking who do you start Fucking and do you have consent Also Jacob you have to go back because you have to Talk about the primary issue
Starting point is 01:01:24 And it's the audience It's about the primary issue and it's the audience it's not the the primary issue but the audience being like um i volunteers tribute uh me next king is this a real thing it's called a wet dream yeah no the question is do you need a roomie that's a weird way to ask what do you mean fucking that's like requires two people if you start like hopping the bed or something whatever i just are you a menace to society is that what we're learning you're so funny you know ultimately that must be the one about farting in the in the lighter like tier ones where it's just like i should be eating pussy i think it's bad when you don't that's like i guess like aette whatever but there's always this like vibe of like hey man i'm just just a nice guy you should let me stay over
Starting point is 01:02:10 actually like yeah we should go to a second location we should we should and you trust me because i'm because i'm nice and it's i have soft features it's just something really what's the one my shirt's actually pink so you don't need to be afraid i saw another one of him talking about sex i just trust those guys less. Shower sex is impossible. It doesn't work. It is harder to do. But there's a way that you shoot the water right on their back.
Starting point is 01:02:33 Right on their back. Scoops around the butt. All this is air. And you keep it lubricated and you don't let any water get in the hair. He's talking about farting. He said shower sex is impossible and then described shower sex. Yeah. I got a life hack actually that's like he took the like mr b school of like use a topic sentence and instead of i found 100 boys and 100 girls it's shower sex is impossible you'd think that i wouldn't be able to have sex in the shower like period yeah you just lay a towel down
Starting point is 01:03:03 okay okay okay okay is this like the content farm it's like you've just get new people on and you ask them if they like period sex yeah i wonder if these are even in the podcast episodes or if they do what we just did i did i had all these questions i i had all these questions and the long form version of the podcast is just them at like literally looking at a list of questions and just asking the questions back and forth. It does kind of speak volumes that you can say really, really, really basic shit and in comparison to a way a lot of people operate online, you look like a saint.
Starting point is 01:03:35 It's like, yeah, I don't think I would kill my wife if she was on a period. I don't think I would do that. And they're like, oh my God. Thank you for your service. I think the reason that he talks about sex so much is because he was on the sex addiction reality show. Yeah, that's true. Because he was on Too Hot to Handle.
Starting point is 01:03:51 I learned. I learned after I made the video that he was on Too Hot to Handle. Was it like a more recent season or do I just not remember? Yeah, no, it wasn't one of the first seasons. His name is Peter Vigilante. Yeah, I spent a lot of time on that. Cool. That's actually my name.
Starting point is 01:04:04 It's like I, okay. I don't, I spent a lot of time on that. Cool. That's actually my name. It's like I, okay. I don't, I don't. Describe women and say good or bad. I would consider myself, if I put a label, pansexual, but I, and I know not all men are like this, but it's people like this that make me stray further from wanting to ever date a guy. Does it feel, it feels predatory. It does. the way okay i didn't know that you might have when you see people doing the whole men and women be like stuff on tiktok how does that make you feel
Starting point is 01:04:40 well i feel like no matter what they say it's a generalization regardless and so it's like i i kind of like when i hear like the oh women be like because i'm afab i feel like it also applies to me but then it's wrong even if i did identify as a woman so i'm like okay i don't really it doesn't really i kind of just roll past it i'm, this is dumb. It feels like a more raunchy version of boys like cars and women like dolls. Yeah. Or girls, sorry. Girls like dolls, boys like draws.
Starting point is 01:05:15 I would actually... Let me sniff them cheeks. It would be really fun to make a version of this kind of show where it is just like... So I really like red, but I feel like girls like pink. And I like having a red fire truck
Starting point is 01:05:26 I play with that a lot I'm not going to lie to you that is kind of what their long form version of the podcast feels like like periods yeah you just
Starting point is 01:05:33 lay a towel down a lot of my friends won't do it dude I think men need a man to fuck up right what's a little blood you let my c**k worry about that
Starting point is 01:05:40 we go in the shower and wash my c**k or we don't let it marinate you let it dry up and you pull the little period crisps. Dude, you gotta... What am I doing?
Starting point is 01:05:51 I mean, it is like, I get it. They're just riffing around. They're just having fun. I just, um, I think maybe the cringe... I'm the opposite of you. Normally, I'm, normally you're the hater and I'm the one who's like, no, this sucks this fucking i do what will not defend it don't talk about period crisps name one thing i hate don't do none name not a
Starting point is 01:06:14 single one it's also just doesn't come up organically it's that's the thing i find cringe is like okay you they can be unfunny right that's fine whatever go nuts people maybe enjoy it oh my god what the fuck oh my god tim What the fuck? Oh my god. Timothee Chalamet? Yeah, literally. I was like, Timothee Chalamet looks like Contest 2. Wait, we gotta watch that one. He looks adorable. And she goes, that's it? Level 1000 incoming.
Starting point is 01:06:38 Obviously, you know, she wants me to choke her on her. Choke her on her. Collapses on the floor. Actually? I was having a seizure on the floor. Oh, my gosh. Are you just committing to a crime? I don't want to know the story. Oh, no.
Starting point is 01:06:48 He had a seizure. She's kicking the garbage. I was like, so I put her on her side. I was like, are you okay? You don't tap her. Are you all right? Oh, my gosh. And she wakes up.
Starting point is 01:06:57 She goes, what happened? All happy. I was like. So this kind of feels like this is what the show is, right? As Buddy the Elf. He would never do that well you're a buddy the elf it's fucking insane that they open with elf humping i also feel like we have to bleep most of the words in that thing i don't even fucking know if we can show that i guess i'm a hater in the sense that like uh i i i hate the content on how it feels to watch it but but what I find more eerie,
Starting point is 01:07:25 I don't want to say sinister, just like, this yuck is the, hey, I'm fucking safe. Don't worry about it. Yeah, yeah. I'm like, come on.
Starting point is 01:07:34 It is, there are ones in here somewhere of them talking about like crying and feeling their emotions. And it's very, very strange when juxtaposed with the, anyway, so I was banging this chick i was banging
Starting point is 01:07:47 anyway there is something i think to really help me in my time of need you notice how like sometimes you feel bad but then you're like you have a nice that i don't i'm not exaggerating that is what the podcast is like which is hey if you want to say that's what we are you they are creating a novice level this is this is the black belt tier okay and i challenge you that much i would say it's brown belt i would say it's for all the farts that i'm sniffing oh geez what do you mean all right wait we'll go just by most popular i'm just curious oh yeah that's the big one that's the big we've seen that we've seen that we did it twice actually Two different versions of it. Why are the hottest girls in the world
Starting point is 01:08:27 always girls that have a name that ends in an A and sounds like uh? Yeah. If you find a girl has a name that ends in A and sounds like uh, you're going to marry that girl.
Starting point is 01:08:35 I'll hold it down. But also, mind you, she's going to be a woman. Okay, this one rocks. That's the last when we did the podcast where you were Godzilla. True, true. Raw.
Starting point is 01:08:54 If you think your partner's sweat smell is good, it means your DNA are opposites. So it means that you guys would have a genetically very good child. So it means that you guys should procreate with each other. So it's a good thing. If your partner thinks that your sweat smells good it means that you're a good fit to have a very strong child that's what we're missing when we do our like role play version of this is at no point are we oh this is what people think dr fauci is they're like that made me think of i when i was in high school during world history uh
Starting point is 01:09:25 did my like final project on napoleon um that that tracks and i was so hyper fixated on history that year and especially just like french history why not her story please what about um what about their story hey hey you know what you know what put her there what about my story one of my least favorite facts that I learned about Napoleon was that he really loved the smell of body odor and that's what made me think of that and I'm like so you guys
Starting point is 01:09:57 also suck why do they call it a dictator when you put the Napoleon in and out the oven of the Napoleon when you put the Napoleon in and out the oven? When you put Napoleon in the cold food and out hot eat the food. I'll be pissed if I'm sleeping with a girl and I don't have a mirror in the room. They're looking at you.
Starting point is 01:10:19 You're looking at them. It's like, look at us. Yes. I was just with a chick recently that had a mirror on her wall. Damn. She was riding me. I'm just looking up. That's what I mean. To the ceiling. Yes. I was just with a chick recently that had a mirror on her wall. Damn. She was riding me, and I'm just like looking up. That's what I mean. Points to the ceiling. Yes.
Starting point is 01:10:30 There are four right options and only two wrong directions. I love it. This podcast is so awesome because it's just men confidently being dumb as hell. That rules, dude. It's just like, and then look at him looking up. Had a mirror on her wall. the friggin floor yes never seen it from this angle before i think i'm gonna make a room just full of mirrors mirror rooms and make a bed out of the mirror i think that you know what's funny is i had watched our so much of their content that i had formed my opinion and so you do need to kind of go on a journey. You have to go on a journey first.
Starting point is 01:11:05 That's just like, I don't know. There's also an element of like, okay, this was pick me. Now it's like a little scary. Oh yeah, wait, this one's like, this one, I think he talks about the bottom, right? The one right below that. Yeah. In some relationships, it's a thing where like the girl
Starting point is 01:11:20 doesn't all the time. Yeah, that's pretty sad. You're not going to figure out how to make your girl. It's pretty sad. I've probably known a lot of sad. It's my job. My favorite comment, by the way, on that one is the second comment where it says, I have three to four organisms every time.
Starting point is 01:11:34 I don't know. Again, it's like a baby's first considerateness. They know literally. I know if they're faking it, if they still look hot while they're finishing. When they start doing the fuck, I twitched likeed like oh that's when you know they finished it's not looking like an exorcist in there definitely onto something you don't have to publish it you just hang out it's like just have a conversation privately i promise you that
Starting point is 01:12:00 most of their podcasts to my knowledge wasn't about sex but they only clip the sex stuff i mean it's definitely the it's the most like uh i mean we're literally reacting to it right it is like the most noticeable or impact i mean hey man all right guys keep it up fellas we have a good time over here speaking of the embarrassing dating story from last week. From the previous nights. Yeah, so if you were... You're looking for spicy content. Yeah, we did some dating content, and I have a follow-up and then we also investigated a secret society for
Starting point is 01:12:48 the most established young gentlemen for uh uh dorky maybe venture capitalist kids that weigh like 110 where they all think they're the great gatsby every single one of them and they're driving a bugatti on an ice lake and bikini babes everywhere so we'll be doing that over on slash sadboys. But that about does it for this episode of the pod. Zip it up. Zip it up and zap it down. How do you feel about that, peeps?
Starting point is 01:13:13 What do you think of zip it up and zap it down? Yeah, it's all right. It's just that we love you. It's all right. We love you. They clearly don't like it. Much love. Thanks for coming, everyone.
Starting point is 01:13:22 We love you. And we're sorry. Boom, boom, boom, boom. much love thanks for coming everyone we love you and we're sorry go too rich for me

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