Sawbones: A Marital Tour of Misguided Medicine - Sawbones: Applied Kinesiology

Episode Date: July 22, 2018

This week on Sawbones, we explore a completely groundless testing method based on the same science as Ouija boards that's used by over a third of American chiropractors. Music: "Medicines" by The Tax...payers

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Saabones is a show about medical history, and nothing the hosts say should be taken as medical advice or opinion. It's for fun. Can't you just have fun for an hour and not try to diagnose your mystery boil? We think you've earned it. Just sit back, relax, and enjoy a moment of distraction from that weird growth. You're worth it. that weird growth. You're worth it. Alright, time is about to books. One, two, one, two, three, four. We came across a pharmacy with a toy and that's lost it out. We were shot through the broken glass and had ourselves a look around.
Starting point is 00:00:56 Some medicines, some medicines, the escalant macaque for the mouth. Wow! Hello everybody and welcome to Saul Bones, Emerald Tour of Misguided medicine. I'm your cousin's Justin McAroy and I'm Sydney McAroy I know I don't like this This is so strange This is the first episode is this first episode ever that we've done like this. Yes, right? This is the first one ever that we have not been Sitting either next to each other or directly across from each other while recording at least not like like we are virtually Directly across from each other through the web. Yeah, through that we're skyping. I'm at the
Starting point is 00:01:36 Macroi Studios Cincinnati location here at Travis's Office we're on our book tour for the adventure zone graphic novel. Get it today at First week sales are so important folks. Please get out by 14 to 16 copies for yourself. Um, I plugged it on my other podcast too. Thank you so much. Uh, Travis is a frame photo of himself. Just himself. I'm, I'm looking at right now. This is amazing. Of course Travis does. No other family just Travis. Of course Travis does. So we are trying something a little untraditional for solbones. I wanted to try my hand at researching one. And Sydney said, basically here, take my light work she basically said this is a a
Starting point is 00:02:28 grounder I think even you Justin McRoy will be able to field yes I was trusting that you would be able to like that you've learned enough about what's real and what's probably not in medicine that you would that you would be able to figure this one out on your own. Now she says that. She also told me about the things she has independently looked up about this topic because I think she did in 100% trust to boy, but that's fine. Well, I think it's always important. It's not enough just to say, hey, doesn't this sound like it's totally made up? Well, then it probably is. No, we got to prove that it's totally made up. And so that's kind of where I come in. You actually don't have to prove that it's totally made up. You only, because you can't prove a negative, right? It's the absence of proof. It's not proof that it is totally made up. Okay. Okay. That's fair. But I think that when I say, and also they
Starting point is 00:03:23 did a peer reviewed research like study on it And it showed that it was made up. That's a little more That's fine. There are a lot of Justin We have talked about this on the show before there are a lot of things that are true about the human body and the way that it works That sound made up, but they are a hundred percent true I reference the inner ear again. We are going to Talk today about applied kinesthesiology. Now, I want to differentiate, because this is very important. Applied kinesthesiology sounds super real, because kinesthesiology is a weird thing.
Starting point is 00:04:00 First off, that word is spelled K-I-N-E-S-I-O-L-O-G-Y. And it's not, it's not kinesiology. What? It's not kinesiology. Or maybe it is. I either way. Kinesiology, is that how you pronounce it? It's a wild word, is what I'm saying.
Starting point is 00:04:23 This is a wild word. I'm not going gonna get on to YouTube while we're talking and Google the word and hear the pronunciation of it. You just need to accept my, my, I'm talking about it. You're doing it, you're doing it. Okay, it's kinesiology, you were right.
Starting point is 00:04:44 I was mispronouncing it. This is a terrible doing it. Okay, it's kinesiology. You were right. I was mispronouncing it. This is a terrible start. But okay, it's kinesiology. It's kinesiology. But still, kinesiology is a real field. That's a study of how the human body moves, like motor performance or stuff. And they use that in biochemistry and biomechanics
Starting point is 00:05:02 and kinesiology. It's a study of how the body moves. Yes. Applied kinesiology is not that. No. Applied kinesiology is alternative medicine. Oh, there's so many great synonyms. No.
Starting point is 00:05:21 Euphemisms. I found for made up medicine while doing this alternative, is that one? Complimentary and alternative medicine is generally what we refer to it as. So anyway, apply Kisses' physiology was created by this chiropractor, named George Goodhart, which is a very good start. If that sounds legitimate, like your name's Goodheart, it's very good. He had a good heart.
Starting point is 00:05:50 He had a good heart, or at least the last name they indicated, they had a good heart. Now, he was kind of an unorthodox cat. Time did a profile of him in 2000 that described him as, and I'm quoting here, a meat eating Republican who wears a coat and tie everywhere, including the breakfast table. What is that? What does that have to do with his science? I don't know. You know, I think it was like to contrast him with other like new age
Starting point is 00:06:24 alternative healthcare practitioners, like he's not the kind of guy you'd contrast him with other like new age alternative healthcare practitioners. Like he's not the kind of guy you'd expect to make things up. So this is Ron Swanson. Exactly. Ron Swanson, if he was really into like shockers, but not shocker, I mean, we're talking about.
Starting point is 00:06:40 He was kind of an unconventional cat. He was a bomber pilot in World War II, won a bronze star for inventing this new kind of an unconventional cat. He was a bomber pilot in World War II. One a bronze star for inventing this new kind of bomb release mechanism that apparently was much more precise than the one before it. And then became a chiropractor. Again, unconventional. What an a fan of fluoride. So he made it up in 1964. And I do mean made it up pretty deliberately. He created applied
Starting point is 00:07:10 kinesiology in 1964 and he started roping in a bunch of other chiropractors and showing them how to do it and trying to like, you know, institutionalize it, build, build best practices for it, whatever. So what is this practice? Applied kinesiology. Yeah, what are you doing? Are you saying that right now? Kinesiology.
Starting point is 00:07:37 Kinesiology. Yeah, what do you do? So I want to specifically talk about a flavor of applied kinesiology, and we're going to get to that. But it's important that you understand first the big picture idea. The idea is that muscle weakness can indicate disease or disorder in other parts of the body that are not directly connected
Starting point is 00:08:09 to the thing that you are testing for. So let me give you an example. You test your, you know how said you can measure thyroid function by testing someone's Achilles tendon? I read that, you can tap someone's Achilles tendon to measure thyroid function to see how fast the tibial muscle jerks. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 00:08:37 This is not a quite kinesiology. This is an actual idea that is real. Yeah. Okay, but I'm saying that- I mean, that's not how we test people for hypothyroidism. Okay, but in 2000, when this time article was written that I was referencing this data from, that is something that you could do, right?
Starting point is 00:08:56 It's like a real thing you could do. I guess with, I mean, it is, it's, no one does that. Okay, but you could do it. There's nobody out there who's testing Achilles tendon to look for hypothyroidism. They're just testing your, your TSH or your free T4. But that was a real test. You can, okay, I'll, this is rough.
Starting point is 00:09:18 Okay, I don't, I don't reduce reflexes in the case of hypotherm. Let's just pause it that this is accurate. That there is, there might be a scientist out there who decides to check on these things. Go for it. That might be some of you could test, right? So what this, what applied kinesiology sort of posits is that that idea could expand beyond just that to basically everything in the body. The again, in this time piece that was written about him in 2000, it said he prods and palpates patients head to toe searching for tiny tears where muscles attached to bone.
Starting point is 00:10:02 These tears feel, he says, like a baby under a strip of raw bacon, which is deliciously a vocative language, George. When directional pressure is applied, the babies flatten and slack muscles snap back their strength restored. And that, and this is the important part. That says Goodheart may help strengthen a weakened organ. So he believed that muscles and organs are linked by, so the term that I'm about to use depends on
Starting point is 00:10:38 what sort of field of medicine you're talking about. It's a system of invisible pathways that your body is linked by. Now, in some... This already sounds really legitimate. A system of invisible pathways. In some cultures, they might call this Chi or Meridians. It's the same sort of basic idea that acupuncturists would use, that their parts of your body that are interconnected, right?
Starting point is 00:11:07 So that is the idea with a kinesiology applied kinesiology is that by detecting this weakness in the body, you can detect a problem with like a system of your body that is not working particularly well. Does that make sense? I mean, I understand what you're saying. The words make sense. I'm still, I'm sorry, I really don't think your Achilles tendon would be, I mean, unless you're in like a hypothyroidism-induced coma, like a mixidima coma, but I mean, still your reflexes work, I'm still having to settle with that concept. Okay, but I can tell you're very much hung up on that.
Starting point is 00:11:55 Let's talk about this invisible system that you're referencing. Okay. So, you're talking about some things like meridians, which we don't necessarily recognize as part of Western medicine. Did I put that nicely? It, so yes, but I read when I was Googling this that maybe we do because of the discovery of a premovascular system.
Starting point is 00:12:23 Right. Is that, does that say that right? Yes. So I saw an Auburn study it and an North Korean guy studied it. So that's two. That's pretty much a consensus. Okay, so I had not heard of the Primo vascular system, so I will, I'll lift the curtain. Just and ask me while he was researching this. Have you heard of this? No.
Starting point is 00:12:41 I'm going to have to look into this. Because like you said, there was a researcher at Auburn who was trying to prove these results from this North Korean researcher from the 60s. And so I started reading. First of all, you need to know that this theory that was created in the 1960s by Dr. Bon Bon Khan Kim in 1962. He basically just said he saw these little blood vessels that weren't... No one else had seen before. These tiny little... Like you said, they're almost invisible. They're not invisible because he claimed to have seen them. He talked about these vessels that existed that he called, like, Bong and Bong and Ducks,
Starting point is 00:13:38 and that there were nodes along them, and they're, like, he called them corpuscles, and that there was a liquid in them that contained a bunch of DNA that he called like Bong and Licker. So like he named all this stuff for himself. He'd said that he observed all of this. He said that this proved what this was what meridians were. This is how everything's connected. This is why acupuncture works, etc., etc. He published a series of what are called research reports. These are not peer-reviewed studies. These are, I saw this stuff here is me typing out all the stuff that I saw and here's some, maybe some pictures of what I saw and here it is. And then he stopped and kind of vanished and that was the end of it.
Starting point is 00:14:25 So and it's important to know that because that's my science folks. That's time for me. I'm out. I've science out. It's important to note that these were a series of research reports based on I saw this stuff so it must be real. And when you start to dig into like once people started to try to reproduce his results, first of all, people were having a great difficulty actually reproducing any of this.
Starting point is 00:14:48 I think this scientist at Auburn is the first person to kind of come close to sort of reproducing what he found. So that's a problem. That's why we peer review stuff because if it's not reproducible, is it right or did you make a mistake or did you make it up or what? Secondly, there's a lot of conflicting information in this vascular system that supposedly is so small that we can only see by by electron microscopy, but on the other hand can be dyed blue with certain dyes. And on the other hand, these vessels are so tiny that you can't do tests on them,
Starting point is 00:15:23 but then they refer to them as being like low-resistance vessels, which so you did testing on them if you know that. A lot of the information about them is very conflicting, and it's hard to follow. And I think that just throwing a die at a tissue and seeing little blue lines on it is not enough for me, as a scientist, to say, oh, there's a whole other vascular system that exists in the human body that no one in history has ever been able to find. I have a lot of problems with this. Okay, so that's what gets this bummer corner where she just can't just can't let go. Can't
Starting point is 00:16:03 people let people have their fun. Well, if you're gonna create a new vascular system in the human body, like if you're gonna claim that that exists, you better have some solid proof. And I have read a lot of these papers on it to try to figure out what the heck it is. And a lot of people who are doing studies on it are starting with the assumption that it's real
Starting point is 00:16:24 and it exists and then trying to theorize on it based on that. the assumption that it's real and it exists, and then trying to theorize on it based on that. And I don't think anyone has ever definitively proven that it's real or just something that, I mean, I don't know, there are lots of little structures. I have dissected a human body in my history. In my history. She brings us into every argument we've ever had.
Starting point is 00:16:43 And it's like, there's a lot of stuff in there that when you, when you start dissecting tissues, if you started just throwing random dies around, you can find a lot of stuff and go, what is that? I don't know. And I mean, it can be very confusing. I don't blame researchers for getting confused sometimes and thinking maybe they discovered something new when it's just like a different, you know, pathway that a certain vessel or nervous structure or something follows.
Starting point is 00:17:12 So that's the official word from Sydney, very exciting research, still little too early to make a lot of hard, fast decisions, but she's keeping an open mind and she's excited to see what the future holds. Anyway, now you, city, have to follow me just to Macaroi to the billing department. Let's go. Okay, so now we're going to talk about nutrition response therapy, which is actually what got me interested in applied Kinesiology. Is this like one facet of it? It's like a flavor of it. It's okay. I
Starting point is 00:17:53 don't know if someone who was doing nutrition response therapy would say, oh this is applied Kinesiology. It is. It's a it's a specific Varietal of okay Like an ezeology. All right. Okay. So it's created by a doctor Freddie Oolong in Ulan maybe perhaps Ulan is ULAM in 1991 Because he almost died. That's right. It was serious He was having all sorts of health problems. He said and I want to read this this quote from the website about I couldn't find a satisfactory answer and almost died as a result
Starting point is 00:18:35 Internal weaknesses Toxicity's oops, that's a bad such a bad start doc and imbalances traceable to a steady diet of adulterated food were literally killing me. No wonder my adjustments didn't hold. And my pains and multiple body dysfunctions became resistant to my colleagues' most excellent efforts. In the end, it was up to me with the help of my wife Dana to bring myself to life. I said about to complete my education in nutrition and diagnostic methods that were available in 1991, including applied kinesiology in its many variations, we found some many deficiencies that it seemed like I would choke to death on vitamins if I didn't bring my pill count under control. This drove me to develop our current methods of dosing. My adjustments started holding again
Starting point is 00:19:25 and with the reduced and corrected sub-luxations, my health started to return. That's an interesting bit of wiggle room that he talks about, the adjustments holding. And that's a really interesting thing that you see sometimes with chiropractors, especially I would say once they're like less reputable, the idea that an adjustment, your chiropractor adjustment
Starting point is 00:19:53 doesn't hold, quote unquote, is a nice bit of wiggle room for like, why something doesn't work? Like this chiropractor practice should be working that's so weird, There must be something else wrong that this chiropractic procedure is not holding. Right, and I think that that, I think that's a good, like,
Starting point is 00:20:13 whenever I hear that, I always think, well, that's something for the medicine that I believe in. Because I'm not so bold as to think we get everything right with Western modern medicine. But if somebody comes back in and the medication I give them, they say like, well, it hasn't improved my mood like you said it would. Or my blood pressure is still high.
Starting point is 00:20:34 I'm not telling you that, it's tested, it's still high. I don't say, there's something else going on. I'm willing to say, maybe this treatment method failed and maybe we need to take a step back and try another treatment method. I think you always have to be willing to say that and if you're not, my red flags go up. So what is nutrition response testing? Okay, so nutrition response testing is I'm going to walk you through a session real quick because otherwise I don't think it'll make sense to you and you can actually find plenty of videos of people doing this, this baffling procedure
Starting point is 00:21:10 on YouTube. They all do it with a straight face, which is pretty impressive to me. So okay, Cindy, I'm going to pretend that you're lying down on like a, you know, a doctor bed. I don't know what you call it. A test table. A test table. A examination table. There we go.
Starting point is 00:21:26 Okay, the first thing we've got to do is to eat. How creeped out would you be if you went to your doctor? And they're like, okay now, sir, please lay down on this doctor bed. Okay, fine. The first thing you're gonna figure out is, first thing I'm going to figure out
Starting point is 00:21:41 as your nutrition response tester is, can you be tested? Okay. So I want to have you press up with your arm and I'm going to press back down. And we're going to see if you can hold a lock. This idea of a lock is really important. It's your ability to press back against me and resist my pressure, match my pressure basically. That is a lock. If you can match a pressure, if I can push your arm down,
Starting point is 00:22:05 that means you don't have a lock, and that is sometimes bad and sometimes good. So the first thing I'm gonna do is just see if you can match my pressure. Okay. If you can lock, that means that you can be tested via this method. I would not be able to,
Starting point is 00:22:21 because I have very poor upper body strength. Okay, very tough. Next, I'm going to see if you can be treated. Oh, so I'm going to press on your umbilicus on your tummy and that's my belly button. My umbilicus belly button. It doesn't lock. Then you can be fixed. Okay.
Starting point is 00:22:43 What? So wait, hold on. If my tummy doesn't lock, no, if you're, I. Okay. So wait, hold on. If my tummy doesn't lock. No, if you're, I'm going to press the, anytime I talk about a lock, I'm talking about you pushing up with your arm, me pushing down to your arm. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:22:55 Yeah. I was going to say, because I had a baby not too long ago, my tummy's pretty squishy. What I'm saying is that I'm going to be interfacing with your umbilicus a lot, and then you're going to lock based on that or not lock. The next thing I'm gonna do, and this is where it just goes for it,
Starting point is 00:23:11 is I'm gonna test for switching. And that means I'm gonna have you touch your pinky and thumb. Uh huh. Okay, and then I'm going to have you press down, okay? And if you can maintain a lock, that means there's no switching. That means you don't have carpal tunnel syndrome. No, it, what is switching? Well, switching means that everything,
Starting point is 00:23:32 or a lot of things will work in reverse to you. So like, maybe you're somebody who drinks a lot of caffeine and it just makes you very tired. That's an actual example of one of these cat seasons. And so like, you have switching. So basically, what switching means, and this is very complex is that anything that I would do for you normally
Starting point is 00:23:50 after your nutrition response testing, I would do, refer to it. Uh huh. It is so calvable. Okay, so the next- Now when this is being explained from like a practitioner to people
Starting point is 00:24:03 who want to also practice it, like when you're training trainers, as soon as you hear something like that, how are you not like, oh, so are we, this is fake, right? Like we're just doing this to white people. But how does anybody in the system, okay, all right, I know, I know. I know, I know.
Starting point is 00:24:17 I was reading an article about it and somebody was like, I promise myself I'd keep an open mind about nutrition response testing. Why? Don't stop. Anyway. Yes. The next thing is find the problem.
Starting point is 00:24:29 So I'm gonna press on areas and keep testing for lock. I'm gonna test for a lock as I press on different areas of your body, they call it a body scan, right? So, and if you could resist, if you can lock, that means that there's not a problem, but if I touch a part of your body and you can't maintain a lock, then there's an issue there. Then this is the one that's like, that is so baffling to me. You're gonna, you put the person into using another one of the, like, little method, I think you touch your middle and your thumb together, that puts you into priority
Starting point is 00:25:05 mode. So they test the areas that there were weakness while they put your body in priority mode with your thumb and your middle finger touching. And that, and then if you can maintain a lock that, that helps them to figure out if what the problem is the actual priority. So then they're going to test this part of the body that they've discovered as the priority that is actually the issue, and they're going to test it by using test kits that contain, and I'm quoting here, homeopathic frequencies of different items.
Starting point is 00:25:38 They look like VHS cases with a bunch of vials taped to them. There's two different VHS cases, each of which have two different sides that they could test you with, and they contain the homeopathic frequencies of stuff like, there's one side of one of the VHS cases that is foods. There's another side that's immune challenges. One of the sides of the VHS cases is chemicals. And so they put that on you and they're like, okay, if you can, if you have weakness with one of those sides, it's against you, then they're like, okay, heavy metals. That's your problem. Let's like, let's narrow it down. Let's figure out the exact. And I know what you're thinking. We're on earth. Are people getting these test kits for a world? Good news is you can buy from Dr. Oolong for $565.
Starting point is 00:26:27 No problem. Sure. No problem. So they use so nice. So then you would put the, you get the file of the stuff that's supposed to fix it and you basically would put it on them on their embellicus again and test lock. And if you can get a good lock, then that is the medicine that you need. And then you
Starting point is 00:26:54 take out a certain amount of that medicine and put it in their hand to figure out the dosage. See, like put one pill in test for lock. So two pills in test for lock. Why? but one pill in, that's for a lock. So two pills in, test for a lock. Why, I'm, I'm okay. Why do, let's, let's suppose for a second that you actually have some sort of, that any of this makes sense.
Starting point is 00:27:16 Why, what is their rationale, people who believe in this? What is their honest to goodness rationale for why putting a substance on your body that you supposedly are deficient in? Will what why placing it on you would help fix that deficiency? Why why you for this to work for for for this to work You have to accept the idea that there is energy. So it's the energy of the substance that will fix you not the substance itself? No, the energy of the substance is being used in the diagnosis, right? But why would it, but like if you put the correct substance on their solar plexus or whatever,
Starting point is 00:28:06 Like if you put the correct substance on their solar plexus or whatever, it will make them lock. Right. And so you've kind of fixed it. Yeah, but they can't hold pills to their tummy all the time. And also what you're talking about is diagnostic method. So like the problem could be with your pancreas or something. And you know, you could tell that obviously because I don't know, their left ear
Starting point is 00:28:28 didn't produce a lot of this work that. So it's like, you're probably not there pancreas to take this medicine. I mean, yes, it still doesn't make sense, but I understand the sense they're trying to make it make. Hahaha. I just, if I find somebody is deficient in vitamin D, which I find by having them have a blood level of vitamin D drawn.
Starting point is 00:28:51 And then if it's too low, I give them a pill and say, this is vitamin D. You should swallow it. And it will go inside you. And then you have more vitamin D. Okay. Okay. Well, all right. Part of this is not necessarily,
Starting point is 00:29:05 treatment is sometimes, but a lot of times what you're looking for is allergies. Okay. And real and imagined, like allergies to, oh, you have, there's like toxicity in your water, do you, I saw one of these videos on the little means, you can friggin' screen.
Starting point is 00:29:24 The guys like, have you been drinking tap water? It's like, yeah, until a couple of years ago, I stopped like, well, there's your problem. Like, honestly, dude, fall down a well-like baby Jessica. I'm like, I have zero patients. Like, so you're gonna bring down tap water too? Like, seriously, seriously. Yeah, that's a very dangerous message
Starting point is 00:29:42 to send to people because all those plastic bottles from bottled water, we already know our problem. A lot of people can't afford to be constantly buying. We can't get back on water. Sorry. I know. I'd love to go all in on tap water right now. The majority of, let's just say, the majority of places your tap water is safe. When it's not, we usually know about it. Not that the government does anything about it, but we know about it. And a lot of it is even more, okay.
Starting point is 00:30:09 So if you search for nutrition response testing, the very first video in the results, at least for me, featured a practitioner helping her patient to get off of his hypertension and diabetes medication. So a lot of time that you're testing for, oh, you're having a reaction to your medication. Let me figure out a way to help get you off of it. So it's like, I don't like that.
Starting point is 00:30:33 Yeah, no kidding, Sid. It's very legitimate. And here's the thing that's going to mess y'all up. Not necessarily. Apply KC geology as bunk. There's nothing to support it. Um, right. And to back that up I looked up some studies on this just just I mean I had no reason to think it was real But it always helps when somebody's done the done the footwork and figured it out. They did a study where they um
Starting point is 00:31:00 And I mean it wasn't a huge study. This was only, you know, like, it was less than 20 people, but, like, practitioners. But they had them check the same patients. And what they were looking for was, if two different people who practice this, tested the same patient, would they get the same results? If they actually said they had some sort of deficiency, let's test them and see if they have it where they write.
Starting point is 00:31:27 If we replace the deficiency they say they have, either with the real substance or placebo, does it make a difference? And can they accurately judge muscle strength? So let's actually test the strength of these muscles versus what they say as weak and strong. And basically what they found was all of it was fake, all of it was made up. You have it random guessing is as effective as nutritional response therapy. Now, here's the thing that's going to mess you up about applied canesiology. It is used by in North America. It's used by 37% of cariropractors. Or utilized or at the very least sort of like supported, but in the studies that I found utilized by like a third of chiropractors.
Starting point is 00:32:14 That's very concerning. I didn't know chiropractors were doing this and we've never gotten into chiropractic medicine. In part, it's one of those things where like there are a lot of things that have bad roots. And so if you start to get into the roots of chiropractic medicine, it sounds really fishy, but then that doesn't necessarily mean that all chiropractors who are practicing today
Starting point is 00:32:36 are doing these fishy things, are doing these totally dangerous non-evidence-based things. But obviously this is, if your chiropractor's doing this, I wouldn't go to them. dangerous non-evidence-based things. But obviously this is, if your chiropractors doing this, I wouldn't go to them. I would leave them. That's why I wanted to like mention this. It's like, maybe you've had a chiropractor do this.
Starting point is 00:32:55 They are maybe not the best fit for somebody that actually wants things to be better. Yeah, because how can you trust anything else they're doing if they're doing this? So the question, the last thing I wanted to touch on is, why? Because like for some people, this, you watch the videos and stuff and it's like,
Starting point is 00:33:13 well, why are they able to do this sometimes and not able to do it other times? Like, it seems that way, right? One test that you'll see that's very interesting is, and this is more of the kind of test that you would see like an actual scam, like a huckster try to do, right? You can have someone put their arms out and press on the top of their arm and knock them off balance. And you put the, you know,
Starting point is 00:33:38 something at their umbilicus that's supposed to improve their strength. And in one, that's supposed to improve their strength. And in one of the things I read, they used files all the time, and this person's problem was work. They worked at Boeing, and they said they couldn't have a vial of Boeing, so they just had the person think about Boeing, think about their job,
Starting point is 00:33:59 and then they were able to knock them off balance. And a lot of it can be done by pressing people, pushing people in different ways, like trying to knock them off balance. And a lot of it can be done by pressing people, pushing people in different ways, like trying to knock them off balance versus a way you can push their arm down that is just going to make them more stable. It's like it's complete. And that's, that's so frustrating because if you, so you take away like the obviously it's dangerous to tell people to stop taking their anti hypertension medications or their diabetes medications, obviously that's dangerous. I mean, stop taking their anti-hypertension medications or their diabetes medications. Obviously, that's dangerous.
Starting point is 00:34:26 I mean, I think we all know why strokes, heart attacks, losing your eyesight, your feet, kidney function. Lots of reasons why this is dangerous. But if somebody is having, if you're problem, let's say you're problem-related as your job, let's say that you feel bad because your job is, so like it makes you so miserable, you are so stressed out. It's creating depression, it's creating anxiety because there is a thing in your life
Starting point is 00:34:53 that is harming you to a physical extent. Which can happen? Relationships can do that, situations, work environments, all kinds of things can do that to our bodies. And that's truly why you're feeling bad. Then there's a way to confront that and discuss that with a therapist, with a psychologist, with a counselor, with your family, with your friends, with the people at your work. There are ways to tackle that and confront that and decide if this is really a healthy
Starting point is 00:35:20 thing in your life or not, and you don't need fake science for that. The other, that's your exact right, Sid. But I do wanna mention, for some people that the true believers, this still works, even if they're not doing a fake way of pushing your arm to make you fall off balance, this still works. And the reason why is actually the same reason that wegeija boards work.
Starting point is 00:35:46 It's called the idiomotor phenomenon. And basically, the short version is that a part of your brain, I believe, the left parietal lobe, can cause your muscles to move without your conscious brain realizing that it's doing it. So you, you, the same way that you put your hands on Ouija board, it can realizing that it's doing it. So you, you, the same way that you put your hands on Ouija Board, you can see that it's moving. When an actuality, it's your subconscious mind proofed by if you put a blindfold on,
Starting point is 00:36:15 then the spirits or what have you lose the ability somehow to communicate through you through the Ouija Board. In the same way that the your response to whatever the test is, you may not think consciously that you're doing it, but you are the one that is deciding whether or not your arm will move or not. Hi, school Sydney. So disappointed that you're just debunked Ouija boards. Sorry. There's a well-known skeptic named Ray Heimann who wrote about how he and another skeptic, they did this test on applied key theology.
Starting point is 00:36:52 I don't wanna wrap this here. So this group of chiropractors claimed that they could tell when a patient had glucose, which they figured was a bad sugar and fructose, fructose was a bad sugar and fructose. Fructose, a good sugar. You're putting a drop of the dissolved sugar on a patient's tongue, and then they tested the muscle strength, right? So you had, this is still applied to these allergies.
Starting point is 00:37:18 The same idea, but they claim that they could tell by testing the muscle strength whether or not the patient had had good sugar or bad sugar, free-based sugar or glucose. And they could tell which is which, but by testing the muscle response, they could tell the difference between the good sugar and the bad sugar, as long as they knew, as long as they knew, which was the, as long as the chiropractors knew, which was the good sugar and which was the bad sugar. When they did not know that, when they were put under double-blind conditions, I deal research conditions. I deal research conditions. It didn't work. And this skeptic, writing the piece that I was reading, he said, the one of the chiropractors came to him to Ray Hyman and said,
Starting point is 00:38:09 and this quote, you see, this is why we never do double-blind testing anymore. It never works. And he says in there that he thought initially that he was joking, but what this guy is saying that he believed in this so hard that it had to be the testing that was wrong because he believed in applied kinesiology so hard. So that is all I have to say about that and nutrition response testing. Be just be careful out there. Be careful out there. Yeah, don't waste your money on this. This means nothing. And if your chiropractor
Starting point is 00:38:45 is doing this, I would consider going elsewhere. Yeah, your chiropractor is perhaps not the best fit. So that is going to do for us this. Good job, Justin. Thanks, Sid. I did my best. You researched. This was a completely fake thing, but you did well. You researched, well, you found that study, you didn't even mention it. The study I found in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:13 The one that I've cited. You already had it in your notes. You found the study. Uh, oh, oh, um, Dr. I forgot the most important part of city's job on sub-hands. Dr. Goodheart died in 2008. You always have to say that the person died, otherwise it's a question.
Starting point is 00:39:31 So I just want to mention that he did die in 2008. She's just. You know, also another trivia about Goodheart. He was the first official chiropractor of the US Olympic team. Folks, that is going to do it for us. Thanks to everybody. Thanks to everybody for listening and for being so kind to us and reviewing the show in iTunes.
Starting point is 00:39:54 And pre-ordering our book, Pre-order it now, please, it really helps. And that's going to do it for us, folks. So until next time, my name is Justin McRoy. I'm Sydney McRoy. And as always, don't drill a hole in your head. Alright! Comedy and Culture
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