Sawbones: A Marital Tour of Misguided Medicine - Sawbones: Enemas and Cleanses

Episode Date: December 10, 2014

This week on Sawbones, Dr. Sydnee and Justin blow it ALL out. Music: "Medicines" by The Taxpayers ( ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Saubones is a show about medical history, and nothing the hosts say should be taken as medical advice or opinion. It's for fun. Can't you just have fun for an hour and not try to diagnose your mystery boil? We think you've earned it. Just sit back, relax, and enjoy a moment of distraction from that weird growth. You're worth it. that weird growth. You're worth it. Alright, time is about to books! One, two, one, two, three, four! We came across a pharmacy with a toy and that's lost it out. We were shot through the broken glass and had ourselves hot like our own.
Starting point is 00:00:56 Some medicines, some medicines that escalate my cop for the mouth. Wow! Hey everybody welcome to Saw Bones, a metal tour of misguided medicine. I'm your coach Justin McAroy and I'm Sydney McAroy Oh, Sydney Bad news are getting two pounds in this week. Oh, I'm sorry, honey. It's alright. What's that time of year? There's just so much good stuff to eat and it's so cold. You don't want to go outside you watch though next year to his next year rolls around, I'm gonna get out there, I'm gonna get this ship righted.
Starting point is 00:01:30 I'm gonna ride the boat. We got a kid to take care of. We got to get in shape. And now I'm gonna ride the bike. Okay, what else are you gonna do? Eat a little healthier. Okay, I like those things. Those are both good ideas.
Starting point is 00:01:39 And of course, gonna kick it off right with a gigantic cleanse. With a cleanse. With a cleanse? Lemon juice, honey, mint, water, Tabasco, cleanse it. Where did you blow it out? Oh, ooh, where did you hear about that? Put a TV probably. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:01:59 I don't keep track of that kind of stuff. Just erotic. What are you trying to accomplish? Cleanse it. Like, I know, but wait, okay, so it's a cleanse. Blow it out. Right. I mean, that's graphic.
Starting point is 00:02:10 You ever go in your attic and just clean all the cobwebs out and just blow it all out? No, I've never cleaned the cobwebs out of the attic. I'm terrified of our attic. Yeah, but like, what if you weren't? You'd probably get up there and just blow it out, you know? I don't, I don't, um, so you think that there are cobwebs inside your colon that you're trying to...
Starting point is 00:02:31 No, metaphorical meat-based cobwebs from just like all the terrible food I'm eating. Right, this is already, I can see it gonna be the grossest episode we've ever done. What's the problem with cleanses? If teeth really bothered you. What's the problem with cleanses? If teeth really bothered you. What's the problem with cleanses? It's not going to blow it out.
Starting point is 00:02:48 Okay, how about we talk about cleanses? Let's talk about all things, a colonic. All right, hit me. Let's talk about cleanses. Let's talk about constipation. Let's talk about some minimons. What do you think? Cleanses are hot right now.
Starting point is 00:03:00 I can't imagine they're an old person thing. They're so now. I feel like they probably came and rented like five years ago. No, but first before I tell you how old they are, let me go ahead and thank two people. Okay. Beth and Aaron, the reason I think both of you is that one of you suggested constipation, one of you suggested cleanses and we're going to talk about both. So thank you so much.
Starting point is 00:03:25 Blown both out. Yeah. So Justin, as you mistakenly guessed, the idea of a cleanses is not new. It is very old. The idea is actually ancient. The Egyptians believed that food could collect in your gut and start to rot. And if it was in there too long, it would begin to release toxins into your body and then into your bloodstream as well. This was the concept of auto intoxication, meaning that you're intoxicating yourself from the inside out, basically, from the stuff you're eating. And this idea, which the ancient Egyptians came up with, permeates the idea of a cleanse all the way up to current concepts of colonic lavages, so like,
Starting point is 00:04:27 do you know what an animal is? Do you understand the concept of a mama? They put it in your bottom, and then they just blow it out. They blow it out. They shoot water in there. Right, and when we're talking about enemas as opposed to people who get colonic irrigation and colonic hydrotherapy and that kind of thing
Starting point is 00:04:46 It's really just how far up you're going and inema does not go very far Yeah, you can you can give yourself an inema home Certainly we give them to patients in the hospital It just cleans out the last bit of the colon whereas a high colonic so to speak would clean out like a lot more of the colon But yeah, we just squirt water or the Egyptians used various herbal, you know, concoctions and just squirt it up there and let it run back out and take all of the toxins with it. The basic idea. The Greeks also thought that this was true. And this makes sense if you think about the idea of the four humors, you know, they spend a lot of time
Starting point is 00:05:27 trying to get stuff out of their body through various orifices. Get it all balanced. Right. Get it out whatever hole necessary. Exactly. So, you know, sometimes that involved making yourself throw up, self throw up,
Starting point is 00:05:39 but then other times you had to, you know, get it out the back door. Right, whatever, whatever it took. So take the prisoners. but then other times you had to get it out the back door. Right, whatever it took. Take the prisoners. You could do an animal for just about anything. Hypocrites would recommend them for fevers. Anything that ailed you could go ahead and try an animal, why not?
Starting point is 00:06:01 They mainly use pure water animals. Better than dirty, I think. Better use pure water animals and they prescribed better than dirty I think better than dirty water animals. If there was someone throughout history who prescribed dirty water animals. No, don't just say that guy. I'm not I'm not aware of them, but they didn't add anything to it for the most part. They were just saying no, no, no, no, just court that water up your butt. And they like I said, they prescribed it for fevers, but also for headaches, asthma, colds, for childbirth, which was something that continued throughout history, the idea that a woman needed an enema before childbirth.
Starting point is 00:06:37 And that's fairly recent. That's something that I think we've mentioned that before, that your moms or your grandma is might mention, oh yeah, before you break you have to have an endema. We don't do that anymore. But we did for a long time. And along with the medical benefits of enema's throughout these cultures, in particular, that we've already talked about, enema's had a religious significance.
Starting point is 00:07:03 A cleanse of any kind had a religious significance. So the easiest way could cleanse yourself, and I think a lot of this are familiar with the significance of this is fasting. So yeah, that's similar, right? Right. You're not blowing anything up there, but you're just keeping anything new from going in.
Starting point is 00:07:19 Right, so just like fasting was a way to kind of purify yourself and clean yourself out, so to speak spiritually in preparation for some kind of religious feast or something. You could instead, you know, instead of having to not eat for so long to clean your body out, just clean it all out at once. Speedy, so speedy, speedy cleanse. And in that way, you were not just purging yourself of physical toxins, but the idea was that you were purging yourself of spiritual toxins, because sometimes after a prolonged fast or
Starting point is 00:07:52 a particularly righteous cleanse. Super great cleanse. You may feel that you have ascended to a higher level of consciousness. Or our hungryness. Yes. You're probably just delirious from hunger, dehydration, and electrolyte imbalance. Might as well shoot some water up there. That's not a situation right as rain. And it was used in religious ceremonies. Not formal ones I'm assuming. Yes, formal religious ceremonies. Oh, man.
Starting point is 00:08:20 Yes, it was incorporated. And that's varied parts of the world. An Egypt and India, China, an and that's varied parts of the world in Egypt and India, China, in ancient Babylon and in various parts of Africa. In their religious ceremonies, you would stop and just, just, you know, blow it all out as you said. Presumably after the offering, that is the time you want to do that. You don't want them to think like, oh, this church, we have to change church as well, right? This place is terrible. Can you imagine that people who were like, they just moved to town and they were like, well,
Starting point is 00:08:54 we need to find a church. Why don't we just, let's just try some different ones and see which one suits us, you know? Maybe our lady of, what are you doing back there? I can't, being a race Catholic? I can't be in race Catholic. I can't really imagine how that would fit into the religious ceremony. It's snug. Let me put it that way. I, you know, it's just, it's all very quiet and peaceful and I imagine, I mean,
Starting point is 00:09:18 I don't know if you're what kind of noise is a company like mass enemas. I don't want to think about the noises that I cut like mass enemas. I don't wanna think about the noises that accompany mass enemas thank you. That wasn't part of your work. We're working in audio only format. We need to have a little more respect for Foley on this program. Do you not need that particular sound effect to be replicated?
Starting point is 00:09:41 Do you think this is worse or better than snake handling? Would you be more likely to go to a church that might force you to participate in snake handling than... It depends on if I am recipient or the deliver of the animal. If I were to be on the receiving end, I'd take a snake. If I had to deliver it, I'd probably just go for it. Is this the thing like you want to... I mean, there's something...
Starting point is 00:10:04 No, I'm just you gave me the either or just there to strangers. Now you gave me either or just picking a binary choice, give me my j others, I'd rather stay at home and watch football on Sundays because I love sports. Don't laugh. In so as far as how they administered these animals, that was one thing they interested me. Most of the time, especially in some parts of Africa, they found these. They would use like a hollowed out animal bone or like a cow horn to administer the animal, which is a very undignified end for an animal I have to say.
Starting point is 00:10:40 You know, although the person's end is pretty undignified at that point too. You've got a cow horn sticking out of your butt. Yeah, you probably didn't think it'll shake out that way I keep picturing one of those cornucopies that you get to like decorate your table scape at Thanksgiving. Yeah I mean, I guess you don't put all the fruits and no, I think you probably want to I think you probably want to fruits and no, I think you probably want to I think you probably want to probably that pranese good recycling. You're probably done with that after a single use. Well, we're with plenty. Oh, come on Sydney. Sorry. So you're lucky. So the first anima syringe, the first formal anima administering device, shows up in a thousand AD. Wow. It's a pretty long time ago. I
Starting point is 00:11:26 tried to figure out who invented it and it's actually a subject of debate who exactly was responsible. And a lot of people clamoring to take credit for that. Well, that was kind of my thought. It's not that there were so many people who wanted the credit for it. Everybody was kind of like, I don't know. I may have, I'm sure somebody did it first. It was not, kind of like, I don't know, I may have, I'm sure somebody did it first. It was not, you know, it's not important. That you don't need to put my name on it.
Starting point is 00:11:49 Oh man, look at your name. It was a real team effort. What if you caught it like the Justin device? I can't do that. I'm gonna need a Justin device. I deserve it. Quick, NERSTAT Justin device. You're the Justin.
Starting point is 00:11:59 I'm gonna be Justin. So there was another popular apparatus. In addition to the An animal syringe, which basically was a syringe that squirted water up your butt. I mean, with a little tube on it, it's not much more complicated than that. And when I say syringe, you know I don't mean needle. Okay, just making sure. I'm with you.
Starting point is 00:12:17 Just clarifying, there's no needle involved, it's tubing. Thank God. There was another apparatus that had a tube that was, again, usually made of bone, like a hollowed out leg bone of an animal. And then you would get like a bag that typically was an animal bladder. So then you would attach the animal bladder to the tube and squeeze the bladder that is filled with liquid, you know. Through the tube and into the tube. And if you picture that in your head,
Starting point is 00:12:48 you may imagine that it looks a little like a bagpipe. Yeah, that would be like, yeah, that's my one of visualizing. So in Spain, this was called playing the bagpipes. So you could say that, I need to go, I'm sorry, I'm gonna have to go to the restroom and play the bagpipes. So you could say that, I need to go, I'm sorry, I'm going to have to go to the restroom and play the bagpipes. They also began to refer to this. The bag is a clister purse. Clister became kind of the word for animals. So there were clisters or ranges. And this persists for many hundreds of years. And there are, in most of the time you would use, you know, just kind of gravity
Starting point is 00:13:28 to make everything happen. So you'd probably want to be laying down and like lift the bag up and, you know, you wouldn't want to apply a lot of pressure, you know, you can damage things. So you just kind of let the water run in and then stand up and let it run back out. It's kind of a gravity thing, right? Well, in some religious ceremonies, I guess you want a little more, I don't know, pomp. So you would designate some people as blowers and you can go ahead and guess what? No, thank you.
Starting point is 00:13:57 And their job was. I'm gonna guess blowing. Yes. Squeezing the bladder to make the air come out. Exactly. And you gotta work your way up that position. No, it's a squeeze it to make the water come out. Liquid up about faster.
Starting point is 00:14:12 You don't have to water it that's okay. Which is dangerous, you don't wanna do that. The colon could perforate, you get a hole in it if you blasted water up there too hard. Get a very ginger, take a light time, it's blowers. Careful what you do. And most of the time, again, different cultures water up there too hard. It can be very ginger. Take a light time. It's blowers. Careful what you do. Most of the time, again, different cultures are using just mainly water.
Starting point is 00:14:29 Like I said, sometimes they have an herbal substance in it, but largely just water. In some Mayan celebrations, though, they would throw in something that would be kind of fun, like alcohol or something that would be hallucinogenic, which you would then absorb in your system. So you'd get the anima, which I don't know, did you enjoy that? Maybe you did. And then you'd get really high afterwards. From the...
Starting point is 00:14:56 The stuff you just shot up your butt. I don't want to make you say it. And I think, it wasn't that a fad in the recent years like not that but kids but I Think there was women who were putting things soaked Yes, yes wasn't that a thing I feel like that's a snopes thing I don't know if that actually was good. I would love to know if that was fake because I heard that a lot It was something that was talked about in like medical circles like you got to be careful now the kids are using vodka. Those are tampons and you don't want to if they'll come and drunk and you won't know why.
Starting point is 00:15:33 Then you'll figure it out. You're like whoa very innovative. This was not a move by the way we were not this was not no one suggested that we start checking out girls for vodka. So tampons this is not a thing. Yeah. No. Young med students who may be listening, please don't do that. Yeah. You'll get kicked out of medical school. It won't go well. No.
Starting point is 00:15:51 The Native Americans also added substances to their animals. Tobacco was the most popular. And they use this for a variety of illnesses. I think I mentioned this in our, when we talked about tuberculosis, it was used for tuberculosis. It doesn't work. No.
Starting point is 00:16:08 But they also just used that for fun to absorb a whole lot of tobacco really quickly. That was also, it just felt good, I guess. They felt better afterwards. Smells great. It's like, you can like smoking with your butt. It's like smoking with your butt. It's like smoking with your butt. Tobacco animals.
Starting point is 00:16:28 Is that something as a former smoker? Is that something that all smokers dream of doing someday? Finally, the smooth or fresh and tasty tobacco injected in my butt. Is that what you'd always dream of? No, dear. No. I don't know. No.
Starting point is 00:16:43 That's not really how it works. The animal, so we're moving through history. I don't know. No. That's not really how it works. The animal, so it was we're moving through history. The animal is popular. It's mainly something that you use in religious ceremonies, but everybody kind of uses it every now and then if their doctor tells them to. But in the 1300s and moving into the 1400s, it just blew up, so to speak, especially after King Louis X 11th was saved from death Supposedly by an anima he had some sort of an attack. I don't know of what and Because it's old-timey and so they you know through our words around that don't really mean anything right
Starting point is 00:17:18 But his doctor prescribed an anima. He had it and he got better It's a miracle care. So he began having regular animas administered and he even would have his dogs receive animas periodically. It's a noble job. A guy who had to do that big up to you. You had the poor guy in his court who was like you you're the dog anima guy. I dubbed the sir dog anima. A guy who gets more tube. I dub the sir dog in a month. I gotta go get a smaller tube. Be back later. And from here, animals really took off.
Starting point is 00:17:51 By the 17th century, that was known as the Age of the Anima, or the Age of the Cluster, as it was time. Take that renaissance. Take that iron age. Age of the Anima. There were lots of different animalsus syringes at that point that you could purchase. If you were less wealthy, you may get just a plain copper
Starting point is 00:18:12 or porcelain syringe. Rich people had large collections of animus, mother of pearl, and silver animus syringes, I should say. King Louis the 13th had more than 200 enemas a year. And some people would have a multiple times a day. It was really though, King Louis the 14th, the sun king, who I don't know, maybe we should call him the Enema King, because he was the biggest fan of enemas.
Starting point is 00:18:42 They were so commonplace at that point that he would actually hold court and meet with advisors while receiving animals. You know, it's intimidating enough when you meet royalty. Who understands their manners, their etiquette. There's a lot you have to keep in your head, but man, there is no better power play than than having people come to the throne room and you are just getting water blasted in your butt. Power play. At that point, I wonder like executive move. Do you think you're supposed to also? Should I join you, your worship? Or is that a huge football room on that tube for two King Lou?
Starting point is 00:19:30 Don't mind if I do. That would be much trickier, you know, uh, Prince William and Kate just came to the US. Did you hear about this? I got an anima. No, they didn't get no. I'm not spreading that word in the end of the end of the end of the end. No, they met all a basketball player and he put his arm around her.
Starting point is 00:19:46 Did you not read about this? No, no, I don't keep up from the latest. He put his arm around her to pose for a picture and apparently that's a big no no. I did not know this. That's a, but I was reading about this. So that's a violation of royal etiquette, but it doesn't apply to us Americans
Starting point is 00:20:01 because we don't know any better. That's right, we don't serve them. We fought from our right to put our arm around, Cape Billa. So we're't know any better. That's right. We don't serve them. We fought from our right to put our arm around Cape Bello. So we're not in trouble for it, I guess. The basketball player is going to get off OK. But if he had walked in and they were both getting the animals, how would he have reacted?
Starting point is 00:20:15 I don't know. Wouldn't have put his arm right. That's for danger. Probably not. He probably would have stayed away from that. But anyway, the sun king had over 2,000 animals in his career as king He claimed that it made him live longer and he did reign for a very long time. So
Starting point is 00:20:30 Proof positive gosh who knows and and it was very popular among the upper crust at this point a lot of fine ladies would do this mainly for their complexions And they could either do them to themselves. They made these little enemies r ringes that had bent tips so that you could, you know, kind of reach around and administer your own anima, or you could have your ladies in waiting administer your anima. Or if you were really modest, they came with these buttocks covers. Oh, that's nice, a little dainty anima. So that you can, you can kind of, I can't even imagine what that must
Starting point is 00:21:02 have looked like, but you cover your butt and then administer the anima through it. I guess there's like a hole in it or something. So nobody looks at your butt while you do it. Perfect. Now, I imagine we're getting closer to the modern era, about the 1800s. What are those hold for animas? Well, let's take a quick pause before we visit the 1800s and make a side journey with me
Starting point is 00:21:22 to the billing department. Let's go. 1800 said, hit me. I'm ready. I'm ready for the future past of animals. So up until this point, you know, doctors were prescribing animals certainly, but nobody was really sure. I mean, they were also kind of a fad, so nobody was really sure if they worked or not. And that kind of changed with the endorsement by Nobel Prize winner, Ilya Mechnikov,
Starting point is 00:21:56 who is a really smart guy who discovered macrophages, which there are a lot of sciencey people and biologists and stuff who are going, wow, right now and you're just looking at me blankly But it's really important. Okay. I'll buy it. I'll take your word for it And so the point is he's a really smart guy who also, you know And I think this is like a recurring theme on our show a really smart person who want to know about prize for something awesome But then also kind of dabbled in something that's a little... Sketch year.
Starting point is 00:22:26 A little weird. They're looking for their next hit. They don't want to get into a sophomore slump. But how are they going to follow up that thing? This is his vitamin C. He... Right. So he also believed in the idea of auto intoxication.
Starting point is 00:22:39 He believed that the animal was very important or colonic hydrotherapy, some way to remove toxins from the gut and started writing about and talking about the importance of getting all of these toxic substances out of your colon to maintain good health. And this gave it a lot of legitimacy that it didn't have up until then. And this probably helped keep it alive despite the fact that as we move into the 1900s, it really has begun to follow a favor with the medical community at large because laxatives have been invented. So if you're constipated, if they think that you need to be cleaned out, they just prescribe you a laxative.
Starting point is 00:23:16 They're not going to tell you to blow it out. Exactly. Which you think would make sense. You think most patients would prefer that. Like here, just drink this mirror lax as opposed to let me squirt this stuff up. Then you got to be on the toilet forever. It's just such a hassle, though. Well, and this because of the endorsement by Meshnikov, as well as the fact that for whatever reason, though wealthy and the famous, we're still huge fans of enemas.
Starting point is 00:23:44 And so I think that, you know, and we've talked about this with other things. If the upper crust is doing it, everybody else figures, it's a good idea to. This is probably the purest example of that particular grift. And we've talked about before we did a whole episode on Dr. Kellogg and his yogurt animals. Remember that? He prescribed yogurt animals. We did a whole episode on Dr. Kellogg and his yogurt animus, remember that? He prescribed yogurt animus. And that was exactly the kind of person who would endorse the animai.
Starting point is 00:24:10 It was the uppercrust who would go visit somewhere like the Kellogg Institute. And this was also around the same time when colonic hydrotherapy really came into vogue and we've already kind of mentioned that but it's basically the difference between an animal which is just a small amount of liquid that you use like a little, like the little bulb syringe that we use to clean out Charlie's nose. Oh yeah, yeah. Kind of a larger version of that with some tubing and you squirt it up there. Colonic hydrotherapy involved machinery and lots of tubing and lots of liquid. Like a reverse milky machine.
Starting point is 00:24:50 Basically, paint that picture for you. Well, I mean, it stops at some point. It doesn't just pump you completely full of water. Unless it goes crazy and we reach the singularity and the machine outsorts humans and then it does and it does that to everybody. Checkmate Terminator Judgment Day. That's what it's really the story of. It's the story of the day.
Starting point is 00:25:15 It's story of the day. The high colonic machine became sentient and took over the world. Fudgement Day, they call it. Ew, really? Sorry, I did my best. Really? I did my best. Really?
Starting point is 00:25:25 I did my best. You know, puns are outlawed in China now. You can't say that. I did not know that. Yeah. So, this was so popular, and you may have heard of this that in Hollywood, colonics were a big deal. And there's a...
Starting point is 00:25:40 I have learned this from doing this podcast. I guess there's a particularly famous road Beverly Boulevard in California. So are we gonna see him done? Yes, well, in the 50s, that's where you would go to get him done. So it was known as Kalonic Row because there were so many places
Starting point is 00:25:53 that offered Kalonics to the stars. Awesome. So like I said, the high Kalonic is still done today. Most of the time they're just flushing you out with water, but they may or may not add some sort of herbal thing to it. Now, the equipment that they use is regulated by the FDA because it is a procedure that has risk involved. But whatever they're doing to you is not regulated by the FDA. So it's not like we prescribe high colonics to people. That's just not something that we would do. It's not a, you know, certainly
Starting point is 00:26:25 I would prescribe an anemone to somebody, maybe because they need a, because they're completely constipated and sick from it, or sometimes we do that. Well, we don't use anemones too much, but we clean people out before colonoscopies, so we can clear view that kind of thing. But we do not prescribe high colonics. And you gotta be careful if you're gonna have somebody do one because as I mentioned, the speed with which they, you know, squirt the water up there, if it's too much, could perforate or, you know,
Starting point is 00:26:56 tear a hole in the side of your colon. Let a professional do it, folks. Yes, let it. Don't get cheap. Or don't do it. Or don't do it or don't do it. That's another alternative. That's another alternative. But if you are going to do it, I would make sure that it is somebody who doesn't regularly who has equipment that has been approved by the FDA. Not just a supersoaker. Okay, don't be fooled. Get real equipment. I don't think you can get supersoakers anymore. They're real equipment. I don't know if you can get super sugars anymore.
Starting point is 00:27:25 Well, then, I mean, if they've been saving theirs, if they kept on a shelf for steam for this exact occasion. Just for this. But see, your bigger problem there is that you're probably going to introduce weird bacteria under your coal when if you use a super-soaker. That's true. A lot of hose water in there. So that's the other thing.
Starting point is 00:27:40 It seems like the butts kind of a dirty place, and so it wouldn't really matter if more bacteria got up there But it absolutely does You don't want to introduce weird bacteria into your colon right so no new special unique bacteria No, so you want to make sure that the so the equipment is approved and that everything they're using is sterile and clean Because it could kill you if it's done wrong And I've discovered this too some people people do it for like sexy reasons. Oh, like kink, it turns them on. Yeah, it's like a thing.
Starting point is 00:28:12 Quick, I guess that's some prostitutes will provide that service for you. Very cool, just like be super safe. Again, just be safe. Yeah, that's the main thing. Make sure everything's clean. Yep In addition to this in modern times it's we prescribe a variety of cleanses well We don't prescribe them the internet prescribes you a variety of cleanses for weight loss as well as constipation and detoxification
Starting point is 00:28:40 The cleanse I think you were referencing, at least in part, was the master cleanse, Justin. Yes, the master cleanse, which I think is like, well, I think I'm not making it that completely. I do think there's like lemon juice and water and like Tabasco sauce or hot sauce. It's right there in my notes. Oh, I'm not gonna scope your notes. That would be great.
Starting point is 00:29:00 Well, no, you're close. Lemon juice, cayenne pepper, yeah, that's what you're up in salt water. That's what I was thinking of. So that's the master cleanse. There are also cleanses that involve just juice, and then a lot of like herbal things, like cleanses with like warm wood and cinnamon. I've seen a lot of juice fast before I tried it
Starting point is 00:29:16 once until I got hungry that day, but I know people my friend Dave was on one for like 60 days, it was crazy. And I will tell you this, it's not anything from a medical standpoint. We're never going to tell you like, you know, you need to do, you need to do a cleanse, or at least, I will say that is not an accepted medical treatment. I'm certain there are doctors who recommended. It's not part of our standard care. I have no reason to think that your body can't detoxify itself.
Starting point is 00:29:43 You have organs specifically for that. So don't worry about the detoxification. That's not really a thing that happens as far as the idea that foods rotting in your system and and creating toxins and you need to clean them out. Obviously constipation makes you feel lousy and can make you sick and there are lots of medicines for it. The solution is never a high colonic, or a cleanse for that matter. Yeah. Cleanses can cause electrolyte imbalances,
Starting point is 00:30:11 they can cause you to become dehydrated, they can be very dangerous, and there's no nutrients. So if you're doing it for a long time, you're missing things. There are things your body's not getting them it needs. There are also today, in addition to the clonic hydrotherapy or just water, they're versions that use clay,
Starting point is 00:30:28 that use salt water, that use glycerin. I don't trust any of this. I wouldn't, yeah. And it does continue to be used as part of alternative medicine therapy. One last thing that is still popular, even though it was first recommended in 1917, so this is really persisted is the coffee anima.
Starting point is 00:30:45 What's the rationale there? The idea initially was that yes, it cleaned out the colon, but the more important thing was that it would so-called stimulate your liver. I don't know how the caffeine would stimulate your liver, but that was the perceived benefit. Nowadays people use it mainly just to clean them out, detoxify, that's the idea.
Starting point is 00:31:06 But there have been some claims that it can cure cancer. Perfect. Now, Justin, Sydney. Do you think a coffee animal can cure cancer? No, dear, I don't. You see, you didn't even need a medical degree to know that. No, but just eyeball it and just kind of took a shot in the dark. Coffee animals have killed people.
Starting point is 00:31:25 Okay, well, that's a knock against them. Yes, yes, so you risk dehydration, you risk electrolyte imbalance, you risk infection. You also, I've read reports where people will do it when the coffee's still too hot. Oh, come on. You can imagine the problems that were real cold in the ass. If you're gonna do it, at least don't use instant,
Starting point is 00:31:43 you're better than that, get some fresh ground. When we use enemas, we generally don't, you know, in the hospital, we're generally using either soap suds or just water enemas. We're not putting like a bunch of stuff up your way. We don't need a lot of foreign material up there. Yeah, so it's not a good idea to do that. In general, just don't, just don't do that. Just don't do that. Don't do that. No. Folks, thank you so much for listening to our program today. We hope you had fun listening to it.
Starting point is 00:32:11 Thanks for people tweeting about our show at saw bones, is our Twitter handle, folks like Claw PhD, Heather, Danielle Galant, Dylan Kane, Nick Taylor, Wormish Crow, Melissa Ranks, Kevin Rushing, and Alisa Jason Parkes, Sarah Rizinski, December Doggy, Olivia Hutton, so many others. Thank you, thank you, thank you, we should appreciate it. Make sure to follow us on Twitter there too, at Sobuns, is our handle on the internet. There's also at Justin McRoy, if you check him out.
Starting point is 00:32:47 And she's at Sydney McRoy, S-Widey, N-E-E-M-C-E-L-R-O-Y. And what else do we have? Thanks to the taxpayers for letting us use their song medicines for our intro and outro of our program. If you have any suggestions for topics or things you'd like us to talk about, please email us. It's Speak your maximum of please email us. It's a Saw Buns Maxime
Starting point is 00:33:05 Speaking of Maxime Fun Sydney, there's a ton of great programs over there for you to listen to. That's right. We got a new one this week to talk about. Two new Maxime Fun Podcasts. One by me and my brothers and one by my brother Travis. I want to talk about his show instead of our new in the adventure zone. Travis and Andy Bunker buddies is a show by Travis and his buddy Andy out there in LA as I talk about different disaster scenarios
Starting point is 00:33:31 and how you can survive them. Just go to Maximum Fund of Research for Bunker buddies. You can find that one there. So check that out. The McRoy family is basically trying to dominate podcasting. That's right, Sydney. We're one step at a time. That's hard. We're going to conquer. We're one step at a time. That's hard. We're gonna conquer the world, one podcast at a time. If you get a chance to go rate your views, saw bones on iTunes, that would be super nice of you to do.
Starting point is 00:33:52 And that's gonna do it for us here on, on, on, on someones, oh, oh, oh, we're doing a live show with my brother, my brother and me, December 21st tonight, to my wife, Virginia, our hometown. If you want tickets to that, you can get them at I forward slash candle nights live. They're 15 bucks there going fast. So if you want them, it'll be joining a ton of people from all over the country and candidates
Starting point is 00:34:15 with someone who are coming out to the shows that you should definitely do that. This is your chance. If you've been waiting thinking, God, to get to Huntington West Virginia, I've never been there, I've heard so much about it. Finally, have an excuse. It's like on my list of places you gotta see before you die. This is your chance.
Starting point is 00:34:32 This is your chance, so come and do it. That's gonna do for us until next Tuesday. I'm Justin McElroy. I'm Sydney McElroy. So it's don't drill a hole in your head. Comedy and Culture. Artists Don't.
Starting point is 00:35:04 Listen or support it.

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