Sawbones: A Marital Tour of Misguided Medicine - Sawbones: Farts

Episode Date: December 6, 2022

This week, Justin takes the wheel and finally gets to talk about farts, only tangentially in a medical way. Get ready for some fart etymology, some notable farts in medieval history, fun fart facts, a...nd a little bit about preventing and treating excessive gas and flatulence.Music: "Medicines" by The Taxpayers  

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Sawbones is a show about medical history, and nothing the hosts say should be taken as medical advice or opinion. It's for fun. Can't you just have fun for an hour and not try to diagnose your mystery boil? We think you've earned it. Just sit back, relax, and enjoy a moment of distraction from that weird growth. You're worth it. that weird growth. You're worth it. Alright, talk is about books. One, two, one, of Miss Guyed Medicine. I'm your co-host Justin McElroy.
Starting point is 00:01:13 And I'm Sydney. You really kind of like me. I thought it was kind of like, first ever musical episode. No, I thought it was kind of like, you know how sometimes set like in like a catchy theme song or jingle or something like you sing and then the final word, the final part is like a and they're best. Yeah, this is. That's what I was going for. This is a special this a special time in the Macquarie family household. We have had this like wild non-stop month where it's like we did that we were running for office until November and then we did tour
Starting point is 00:01:52 and then you were like on service pretty quickly after that at the hospital and we've been trying to get coats for people. This has been a wild time. It yes, we've been extremely busy. And then candle nights, we got our candle nights spectacular on the 17th. Absolutely. When we've been working hard preparing for that, bringing you something we think you'll love.
Starting point is 00:02:14 Yeah. And you can actually, if you, I will mention this at the end of the show too, but if you go to 2022. You can buy tickets to that. It's five bucks is the minimum. And then you can kick in a bit more. It's a digital show. And you can watch it for like a month afterwards, but it's gonna premiere at, I believe nine pm on the 17th Eastern Standard Time.
Starting point is 00:02:39 It's gonna have lots of skits, videos, and it's all ghost rage in for our mucs. And songs. And songs. And songs? Parity songs, maybe. Anyway, definitely. We've been swamped. Sizzle the hospital this week, but we didn't want to leave you
Starting point is 00:02:51 with had a new episode of solbones. So Justin said he would research one this week. And he promised me that it would be something I'd be really excited to talk about and that I would really enjoy. And say that. And it would be really just something that I would find a very like soothing, relaxing, you that, and it would be really, just something that I would find a very like soothing, relaxing, you know, since I'm working really hard
Starting point is 00:03:08 this week at the hospital. Yeah, it's been a hard week. It's been a hard week. You know, caffeine. No, it's, Ack! It's been such a hard week!
Starting point is 00:03:19 It has, Ack! Listen, all the viruses are out now. All the, it's, they're all trending, all the viruses are out now. All the, it's, they're all trending, all the viruses. I'm, I'm just saying like wash your hands, say home when you're sick. From Connirac. Where I'm asking even if you, if you feel so inclined, if you're sick, stay home.
Starting point is 00:03:38 It's just, it's just that season. Can you not kill the mood when I'm trying to ramp up here, Squid? Sorry, it's been, it's been a bit of a week. Okay, so, but I'm here to sue you because today we're gonna talk about thoughts. No. Medically.
Starting point is 00:03:58 No. Sydney doesn't like pure aisle topics very much. So I've been asked her to do for arts for years and she won't do it. So now I'm gonna do it. And it's just it's gonna talk about it's only gonna be barely medical. That's why I'm warning to you. I just want to talk about far. It may it may surprise you to hear this or maybe it won't. I don't know. I'll be honest.
Starting point is 00:04:23 Farding comes up sometimes in patient visits, like sometimes patients will be like, and also, what can I do to stop farting so much? But that is extremely rare. Most people even medically don't really want to talk to their doctors much about farting. Well, they're in good company here. Let's talk about farts. And by that, I mean, let's start with the word Fart. It's a very good word and a funny word that's funny to say every time you say it, it's hilarious. Don't you prefer past gas? I don't, but let's talk about the incredible history.
Starting point is 00:04:55 According to a book I bought on the Amazon Kindle store with my own money, which is called Who Cut the Cheese, a Cultural History of the Fart by Jim Dawson. I don't ever want to see that book. Fart is in the cloud, a cultural history of the fart by Jim Dawson. I don't ever wanna see that book. Fart is in the cloud, so you can get it whenever you want. It's like Farts. Fart comes from the old English, Verton, which means too far. The V became an F about 600 years ago.
Starting point is 00:05:21 So it was Farton. Farton was Verton. And then the V became F, so then it was Fertin. Fertin was Vertin. And then the V became F so then it was Fertin and then Fert. So eventually, Vert became Fert and then Fert kind of got mixed up into Fret. So if Fret could mean a disagreeable person, but it could also mean to like to worry about something that is very important. So that word fret to fret comes from the same root as fought. But fret was already, it was already in use for other things. Like we already knew what it meant to fret and it did not mean to fart. No, the word fret is derived from fart, fart.
Starting point is 00:06:05 That would have been... Fret, they got mixed up. Yeah, okay. Because like, meaning wise, I don't know how you could like, are you fretting about something? Excuse me. Yeah, it means two different.
Starting point is 00:06:15 It had two different meanings, but the word came from the root of fart. Gotcha. Fart has had a bad rap, the word that is. See, even though it's a very old word, around 1750, writers started changing it to F hyphen T, omitting the offending AR, to censoring it, basically self censoring it.
Starting point is 00:06:37 And in the late 1800s, fart was labeled by the Oxford English dictionary as quote, not now in decent use. That Webster actually left it out of its first edition and its second edition, which in 1909 and 1934 respectively. Webster was so uptight. I know, man.
Starting point is 00:06:58 Just let it go. It was in the 1961 version, if you can believe it, the first time that thought was in there. This is the first one or the fart in it. That feels like a trivial pursuit question that only, no, I was going to say only you, but like my dad would know the answer. But now we've infected everyone. Now you all know. Now you all know.
Starting point is 00:07:18 What year was fart first in Webster's Dictionary 1961? So Romans came up with floutus, which is the root of flatulence, as you know. But okay, you're reading ahead, stop reading ahead. Do I do that to you? I'm sorry, look at me, because I got all the surprises for you. I don't know what you're ruining by reading ahead. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:07:36 It's flatus. Here she goes. Flatus was invented by the Romans. They called it flatus to try to sound fancy. They invented it. But look, did everyone just hear that? What happened to my butt? My butt coughed.
Starting point is 00:07:54 No, they didn't invent farts, they invented it. Latest. I mean, somebody did. But the common people in Rome called it a bum bum, which is is is is survived now with when you hear a little kids say mommy I made a boom boom that goes all the way back to the Roman root of of bum bum. Do you ever hear children say mommy I made a boom boom?
Starting point is 00:08:16 No, but people say it when they're they're making fun pretending to make it up kids. This one will really throw you for a loop, okay? In the 1700s, in the 1700s, poop meant fart. That is such a funny sentence I've got to say it again. In the 1700s, poop meant fart.
Starting point is 00:08:39 Now, poop, are you saying poop? Okay, not not not poop. Poop. It's fart. That would be very confusing today. Like if you time traveled somebody from the 1700s to today, I've pooped in my parents like, Oh no, you should leave.
Starting point is 00:08:57 No, it's fine. We all do. You can't just hang around with that in there. It goes away on its own. I want to tell you briefly about hang around with that in there. It goes away on its own. I want to tell you briefly about the most powerful fart in history, if I can, as long as we're talking about Farts. I guess I guess you're gonna seriously don't react. This is good. I'm looking at you. Okay. There was a fart that caused a rebellion in Egypt in 569 BCE. This is a tale that has been off-repeated. I found a version at
Starting point is 00:09:27 Middle-Floss, but this is a wonderful nugget of history that may be a tiny bit of powerful, but nobody knows. According to Herodidus, who's a Greek historian, there's this rebellion in Egypt and it made a priest who was the king of Egypt at the time. He was worried about this rebellion. So he looks right, he sends his top guy there to sort of put a lid on this to tamp down the rebellion, right? And a priest sends one of his commanders, a masses to suppress the rebellion. But a masses shows up and the rebels are like,
Starting point is 00:10:01 hey, you know what? We love your style, we love the tone, the way you carry yourself. We love your look. We would like you to be king now of us. You're now our king. Welcome. We're gonna make you seem to have it all together. So they make a masses the king.
Starting point is 00:10:20 So a priest, a priest like, understandably, is put out is like where is the masses? I see him like a long time ago. So he sends another advisor named Pat or be miss and they make him other king. He makes the second king. No, they make him the supreme registrant. No, he he sends him to handle the situation. He says talk to a masses. So So he sends him to handle the situation. He says, talk to himasses. So, pattern being this shows up and a masses,
Starting point is 00:10:50 here's the amount and he says, here is the message that I want you to carry back to a priest. And he lifts down his pants and he farts. Wait, he pulls down his pants and he farts. Was this the time in history where people were pants or was it sort of fun? Maybe he lifts his toga. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:11:07 Maybe he didn't even do anything, but like, if you're gonna make a big show of it, I think you gotta hang, hang, hang a ham out there. I just really let it fly. So he farts better beets. Was there underwear, were there underwear yet? This is a part of history we've never covered on the show. Were there underwear now?
Starting point is 00:11:23 Were there underwear, nobody knows. Oh, so he parks on better memes. And he says carry that back to a place. So presumably, better memes recounted this tale to the king. It farted off? Well, we hope that he just said, like, and then he says this and then he farted on me. And then he said, we hope that he didn't directly just like.
Starting point is 00:11:45 Comment. Yeah, reenact. That would be a shoot the messenger case where I think you would be pretty well justified. So according to Herodotus, there is no evidence about how this message was communicated back. But a priest reacted by punishing the messenger and cutting off his nose and ears. This reaction
Starting point is 00:12:07 to the fart message was so unhinged that everyone was mad and more people started joining their rebellion. Eventually, what this led to was a masses beginning his reign over Egypt from 569 to 512 BCE. That was a coup. Well, it was a coup. Well, and it was apparently things went really good while he was in charge. So that's great. That's a great fart, I guess. Here is another fart fact, fun fart fact for you.
Starting point is 00:12:46 There was a guy named Joseph Poohole, I kid you not, that's his name. And he discovered that he could fart on command. He could breathe in air through his butt and then fart whenever he wanted to. Now there's a lot of tutorials on Reddit now how to do this, but he had sort of like, if you will, backed into it. And I guess discovered it on his own without any Reddit at all. But then maybe he was on who first put it on Reddit. Maybe he put it on Reddit before 1945 when he sadly passed away. But he performed. He took this talent to the full lights,
Starting point is 00:13:24 to the stage. And he took this stage name, Le Petemain, which means, pharomaniac. You know, the next time somebody says something to the effective leg, I guess that's what passes for entertainment these days, this is the story to bring up. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Let me tell you about the farted maniac. Let me tell you about the classic days of theater. He was on tour from that point on constantly. He would use his butt to blow out candles. He would play the flute with his farts. And he would even smoke cigarettes with his butt.
Starting point is 00:14:05 Were these shows considered like blue, you know what I mean? Like that feels like, I mean, I don't think it's family. I don't think it's family. And maybe it is family, you know, kids back then, French kids, they're probably doing wine, smoke and cigarettes. I mean, kids love farts, don't get me wrong, kids love farts. Le Petemain outgrossed even popular actress Sarah Bernhardt with bringing in the crowds.
Starting point is 00:14:30 Everybody loved the pharomaniac. That's, man, that's just rough. That's a comment on humanity that I just wish we didn't have to know now. According to the Guinness Book World Records, Bernard Clemens of London has the longest official fart at two minutes and 42 seconds. Congratulations, Bernard.
Starting point is 00:14:52 All the sending you a trophy. There was also a very famous essay about farting that was written by Benjamin Franklin. It is colloquially known as fart proudly, but its actual title is a letter to Royal Academy about farting. He was sort of a defender of farting and saying that people should create a drug to make farting not such a problem. Create a like to make it not, like to make people fart less or to make it not offensive.
Starting point is 00:15:31 It that, like to make it less smelly as well as going here to the research and practical reasoning be undertaken into methods of improving the odor of farts. The odor, okay. Here's a quote, I've proved your late mathematical prize question
Starting point is 00:15:43 proposed in lieu of one in natural philosophy for the ensuing year, who met me then humbly to propose that sort for your consideration, and through you, if you approve it, for the serious inquiry of learned physicians, chemists of this enlightened age. It is universally well known that in digesting our common food, there is created or produced in the boughs of human creatures a great quantity of wind. That the permitting this air to escape and mix with the atmosphere is usually offensive to the company from the fettin smell that accompanies it. That's all well-breded people therefore to avoid giving such a fence forcibly restrained the efforts of nature to discharge that wind. Basically what he's saying is, if you hold it in, it's not great for you. So there should be a medicine to make fart smell better.
Starting point is 00:16:27 I mean, he's not completely wrong, you know. I mean, it is uncomfortable, it's painful. I mean, many people attest to that. We're going to talk. It's not good for you. We're going to talk even more. Somehow, I haven't quite gotten in the medical part of it, but I promise it's common. Well, you had to torture me with fart stories first. And we've got just a couple more right after the break.
Starting point is 00:16:52 So let's head on to the building department. Let's go. The medicines, the medicines that I skilled at my cards before the mouth. You probably already have a favorite animal. Maybe it's a powerful apex predator like the tiger or a cute and cuddly panda. And those are great, but have you considered something a little more unconventional? Could I perhaps interest you in the Greenland shark, which can live for nearly 400 years, or maybe the jewel wasp who performs brain surgery on cockroaches to control their minds.
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Starting point is 00:17:45 [♪ INTRO MUSIC PLAYING [♪ Hello, I'm a stuffy Dowager Countess. Travis? I'm judging everybody's manners. Oh, no. Schwanners isn't, Judgy. It's about teaching you to be your best self and be a little more confident
Starting point is 00:18:02 when you enter social situations that you don't understand. And maybe also teach you a little bit about history didn't know or give you interesting things to talk about at parties. Yeah, like the secret life of Emily Post. Or like why wristwatches are the way that they are. We can talk about table manners from the Victorian era.
Starting point is 00:18:20 Sure, or what it's like to attend a Regency Ball. Yeah. You can find all that and more. If you live into shmanners on Maximum Fun, or wherever your podcasts come from, I guess. Manor shmanners. Get it? There is obviously people who have thought about farting for a long time.
Starting point is 00:18:41 There is not, though though a huge body of work on farting itself in the medical research community in terms of like excess farting in comparison to other things. Well, it's not, I mean, I have to imagine, I don't have the numbers to back this, but I can't imagine it's a huge problem. No, no. to back this, but I can't imagine it's a huge problem. No, no. I mean, I'm not saying no one experiences this, or the people who might experience excessive farting
Starting point is 00:19:12 aren't experiencing significant distress from it. Certainly they could be. But I have never once had a patient present to me with a chief complaint of excessive farting. I found this great article on the verge called a brief medical history of farting by Elizabeth Lupato. Elizabeth highlighted one specific character, a doctor, levitt that's done a lot of an MD levitt who has done a lot of work in this field. MD love it, MD. MD love it, MD.
Starting point is 00:19:46 That, yes, that is correct. At, here's one quote from one of his pieces about excessive flatulence. As yet, there are no data available that prove excessive flatulence is actually caused by the presence of excessive intestinal gas. So this is an interesting thing that Levitt highlighted in his work is that the feeling of feeling bloated or feeling gassy is not really connected to farting a lot, like or passing excessive gas.
Starting point is 00:20:19 He had another people in New England Journal of Medicine in 1975, check this study out. He found these people who had a lot of GI symptoms, right? They had gas, bloating, farting. And these 18 people, they had normal amounts of gas in their stomach, like a normal amount, but he thought maybe it's the excess gas that was causing the problems. So he pumped argon gas into their butts,
Starting point is 00:20:46 a quantitatively collected a series in a hundred milliliters syringes and analyzed by gas chromatography, the farts that ensured, right? Uh-huh. And they basically found that they would pass gas at the same rate as they were being filled up with gas. And they would fart the same as anybody else.
Starting point is 00:21:07 So it wasn't this sense of like bloating that it was actually causing the excessive farting. There's not really a connection there. Now this study was hampered a little bit because fully a third of patients had to stop because the pain was so bad of having the argon gas splice it up here. I would imagine, we'll do to extend your bowels and that, yeah, that would definitely be painful. I mean, that can happen after like a colonoscopy or something where they have to put air in to take a look at things.
Starting point is 00:21:40 The same guy I love it had another study in on PubMed in 1998. They don't actually put Aaron. I should clarify. They're putting Aaron by virtue of the fact they're sticking something in there. Yeah. So he popped back up in 1998, was studying this extremely flatulent patient who was farting a lot. And what he discovered was that by studying the gas that was put out, he could
Starting point is 00:22:07 determine, in part, the cause of like why the farting was happening, right? So it says here on the verge, turns out the gas composition will tell you the gas is source. Too much nitrogen means you're swallowing air, why carbon dioxide, methane, and hydrogen, tend to be found with gut-produced gas. So there are lots of causes for farting. And there's a lot of ways that you can fart less according to the internet. Well, I know that your diet affects it because different foods are going to create different amounts of gas as they're being broken down and as bacteria are eating them and generating gas and that kind of thing.
Starting point is 00:22:48 Yeah, don't get ahead of me now. I see you've been reading medical news today, one of my top resources for finding out how to not fart so much. No, I just know that. I want to approach it as a layman. So I'm going to run down very list. I tried to find everything I could that people suggested for not farting as much. Okay, I just wanna go down bullet points, you give me your fast reactions, okay? Number one, eat more slowly.
Starting point is 00:23:15 I guess it's possible because you swallow less air, but I would say it's not a huge effect. Number two, don't chew gum. Because the chewing gum, I guess you can inhale more air. It's for more air. Three, it says, look for food intolerance, which maybe you're having some of this causing you gas. Number four, avoid tight-fitting clothes, because if you feel that way, then it will feel
Starting point is 00:23:37 better. That's the only thing that changes the gas. I think it's just like how you feel about it. Similar to the gum, don't smoke, share, exercise more, stay hydrated. Hydration makes everything work a little bit better. They say avoid soda, or treat your constipation. Now, medical news today has several that,
Starting point is 00:24:03 this is like a recurring theme in the treating of farting. Avoid foods that create gas, but a lot of those are really good for you. So maybe don't. Take probiotics, but sometimes probiotics can cause more. Sometimes they can cause more gas. Yeah, no, that's true. And you don't want to avoid, I mean,
Starting point is 00:24:23 when we're talking about foods that can cause gas, like there are a lot of like our vegetables that we need and beans and there's lots of things that cause gas that are, I mean, really essential. And you don't want to cut out of a diet. They also mention, they also mention enzyme supplements may make it better or, of course. mentioned enzyme supplements may make it better, or, of course. Which is like the, I love that, it's like those ads that you see on TV for like, if you'd like to improve the lightness of your hair, take this pill, one quick thing is that it might freeze you
Starting point is 00:24:56 in place for three full hours. Like, the only thing is the night terrors, but other than that, it's a really good medicine. Yeah, no, well, I think that you're bumping up against, I would imagine, is that there's not a huge amount of evidence for a lot of these things, because as you said, people aren't doing a ton of research. There's not like a big foundation to like address farting that would generate a lot of dollars to put into research. You'd have a hard time arguing that you'd have a gigantic morbidity, mortality impact with some of that.
Starting point is 00:25:31 I wanted to get something a little more, or maybe a little less alipathic, maybe step outside the confines of Western medicine a little bit. Oh, you know, I love when we do that. So I went to the health site, which is the health site for me. And they had some more wellness-focused suggestions like swallow a spoonful of carom seeds, make a tea from ginger, make lemon water. This seems like things to distract you from your farting. I don't know. I mean, ginger, I know, and I will say this has been used anecdotally for a variety of
Starting point is 00:26:11 stomach ailments for a long time. And I will say that I will drink a ginger ale if my stomach is upset. Myself, because I feel like it makes me feel better. Now, is it me? I don't know, but it might be placebo. It might just be because ginger ale tastes good. But like, so some of this stuff there, I don't know. There might be something to, I don't know what lemon water would do for you.
Starting point is 00:26:34 They, they also, it hydrate you. You're hydrated. That's great. They also suggest a drink of squeezing one lime into half glass of water and then adding baking soda to that and then drinking it. Apparently sodium bicarbose would be good for the farting. So you just neutralize.
Starting point is 00:26:52 Yeah. You've got an acid in a base and you just put them in there together and neutralize them. And then drink some water. You feel better or different. Maybe you feel different. I don't know. I would say not, but... I'd like to talk with you briefly about Gasex.
Starting point is 00:27:06 Gasex is, this is weird. I don't know if you've ever encountered this, but there's not a lot of pop side pieces about Gasex. It's just sort of like, it's made, what's the how you pronounce it, semethicone? Semethicone. Semethicone.
Starting point is 00:27:22 And that's the main active ingredient, all the Gasex products, which are basically like, I mainly have the, I've seen the like tablets, the tubeless tablets, but I'm sure it comes in other forms. Yeah. Probably liquid or something. Can you tell me about Simethicone? So I can tell you that Simethicone definitely is not, I know that it is not incredibly effective.
Starting point is 00:27:47 I know, I was actually, I know, I have looked into this before. There have been no benefits with some ethical and shown for common flatulence at this point. None? No. It has been studied with... It's helped with the feeling. Um, none. No, um, it has been studied with, so with emotium in combination with emotium, it's been found to be effective in relieving abdominal bloating and gas associated with acute diarrhea.
Starting point is 00:28:20 But if you're just talking about you're not having diarrhea, nothing like that, you're just, about you're not having diarrhea, nothing like that, you're just, you know, farting. Simevicon at this point has not really been shown to be effective. Do you know how it works? No. It changes the surface tension of gas bubbles to allow you to absorb them easier. That's a wild thing.
Starting point is 00:28:51 I think part of it is predicated on where it works. If there is a gas bubble or pocket right there where it lands in the stomach, but I don't think it can do as much as it moves along is the big problem. So. Probably the most well-known, well, I don't know if it's more well-known, but it's certainly culturally more relevant is Bino. Yes. Bino is, do you know what Bino?
Starting point is 00:29:15 Okay, well Bino is, I wanted to talk, before we talk about what Bino does, I'd like to talk, you know what, actually, let's talk about what Bino does because the guy who invented bino is a riot. So let's tell me about bino. Okay, bino is an enzyme basically, and the idea is that there are some things
Starting point is 00:29:32 that are harder for us to digest. And so that can lead to some of these symptoms, like gas and bloating and, you know, pain and things like that. So it will help break down these more complex like polysaccharides, sugars into like simple sugars, making them more digestible. And so then you won't have as much gas and bloating and pain and whatnot. It was invented by a guy named Alan Kilgerman. This is his brief, his brief bio, okay. He was studying at Cornell.
Starting point is 00:30:05 He dropped out of Cornell, joined his family dairy business. And when he was making the rounds, doing his deliveries, he would find customers that couldn't enjoy the products that he was selling for whatever reason. They had problems with it. So he created the first thing he made was called sugar low. It was an ice cream for people that had trouble with lactose. The first thing he made was called sugar low. It was an ice cream for people that had trouble with
Starting point is 00:30:36 lactose. And then the government banned the sweetener, cyclamate sweeteners that it used in 1969. So he started looking for other foods that give people trouble. And he found, he stumbled on his creation lactate. So he is the inventor of lactate. He is also the inventor of Bino. This cat is like the guy who is willing to do the work to the work that nobody else wants to think about. And this makes sense too, because we're talking about enzymes
Starting point is 00:31:03 that you need in your body and you might not have enough of basically He's just synthesizing those to make and put in your body because like that's what Bino is It's oral alpha galactocides So just like lactate is lactase so you're you're talking about things that break things down Hilariously Alan killerman Doesn't like the word fart Unless as much as you dislike it people bring up the the blazing saddles scene where we raise eating beans and farting them all the time
Starting point is 00:31:32 And he says believe me. I am no prude, but I find I have a problem with that word I guess this is like his personal mission then like I want people to talk about far less the only way to do it is to give Mom pills make do you know if Bino works you want to know yeah, please tell me I found by the way I just I just checked there is a huge American Academy of Family Practice This is why if you're if you're a med student and you're debating what should I go into this is why you go into family practice We tackle the issues that nobody else is willing to take care if if it is in a problem for humans, we can take care of it. That's family medicine. There is better evidence for BNO. It's been shown to reduce volume of flatus associated with fermentable carbohydrates and high fiber diets. It is found to have a better evidence recommendation
Starting point is 00:32:23 certainly than Cymthicone. I should mention, by the way, when I was looking at efficacy and then I couldn't really understand, I said mention that activated charcoal is something that gets tossed around a lot for this and doesn't do. It doesn't. It doesn't. Yeah. There's a couple more just to check in with Alan. It has made him incredibly rich, but he doesn't like to talk about it. He says, it's tasteless to put the dollar number out there. I love this kind of thing. It sounds like chest thumping. This is an interview with CNN Money. So they were pushed again to like, so how much of a man's like, I don't want to really talk about that. He says, I've
Starting point is 00:32:58 sat in a restaurant and overheard people talking enthusiastically about a product I did confess his killgerman, whose company, aka Farma, operates out of Egg Harbor Township in New Jersey. But I don't need to say anything and throw who I am in their faces. I feel good enough about it. I'm secure with it. I love that. Do you know how far that is from me as a human being? We are on opposite sides of the globe. If I heard someone in an adjacent building, like maybe mentioned the fart destroyer I made, I would be like sprinting across the street to tell them.
Starting point is 00:33:32 That's me. I didn't know. I knew it. I'm the guy. I'm the guy. You're welcome. I haven't farted for 20 years. You're welcome.
Starting point is 00:33:40 So, Kilgerman's still in Vendingstaff, even though he sold off those products quite some time ago He also invented a product that is bino for dogs and it's called curtail Wait does it work on cats too does he have a cat one? Can you make a cat one we need a cat one for our cat? We really need a cat one for our cat. Yeah, but Sydney Could farce be medicine? No. You know, and we have talked about in the 17th century,
Starting point is 00:34:08 when there was a, I believe we've spoken on this, Sydney, there was a thought that we understand the, what's the theory of disease that is like? You mean, what's the germ theory of disease? Yes, the germ theory of disease. No, no, no, the vapor theory. Yes, ma. Me about germ theory of disease? Yes, the germ theory of disease. No, no, no, the vapor theory. Measement. Measement theory of disease.
Starting point is 00:34:28 Basically, the diseases would be like all around you, right? Yeah, like bad air. So there was a great plague of London in the, like, mid to late 1600s, and they thought it was the measement, the deadly air sweeping throughout. So doctors advised people at the time that they could get rid of that with different smells. It's the same reason that plague doctors would have a statute of share, um, popery in their in the sound of their masks. Um, but this is kind of DIY version where the doctors would tell people to store their hearts in a jar. And then smell them.
Starting point is 00:35:16 And then smell them? Yeah. Yeah. And then when they think they would be exposed to bad stuff, they're like, I smell the disease. I better get my jar. Man, we've come a long way. Sometimes I wear it when I wear. Have we?
Starting point is 00:35:35 I mean, we're not. But it wasn't there somebody who was selling jars of farts on the internet, wasn't there a person. It sounds like something. But that was a thing. One thing, a gastroenterologist with Mayo Clinic, Dr. Pernod Kashab, says that, makes a point in this other article
Starting point is 00:35:53 that eating foods that cause gas is the only way for microbes in the gut to get nutrients. If we don't feed them carbohydrates, it would be better, sorry, it would be harder for them to live in our gut. So basically, farting could be a good sign that you're giving your buys, stuff, and knees. There's the happy, you know, the happy belches of microbes that are getting what they need. It is something, and this may be something you've wondered. If you've ever been in the hospital,
Starting point is 00:36:20 especially if you've had some sort of procedure, some sort of surgical procedure done, and especially if you were put under anesthesia or like general anesthesia even more so. In these situations, us doctors may walk in your room in the morning and probably very early in the morning and we may look at you and the first thing we say to you is have you passed gas and that is not accusatory. We are not smelling something and accusing you. It is that we are looking for that critical sign that your bows are working or waking back up after we knocked you out and did a surgery on you.
Starting point is 00:36:55 Probably you're going to do that before you actually have a bowel movement. And so if we after the day after surgery come in and say, hey, have you passed gas And you say, no, we are watching you a little more closely to make sure you haven't developed something called an Ilius, which we usually describe as like when your bowel sort of go to sleep for a bit and nothing moves. But passing gas is a good sign. When you tell us that, we know that the bows are working. They're, that a poop is on its way. And a poop is on its way. And all as well.
Starting point is 00:37:23 So if you ever wondered why there is a doctor, probably a surgeon in your room at 5 a.m. asking you, have you farted? That's why. We need to know this. It is critical medical information, and it is good that you farted. Don't get all hung up on it.
Starting point is 00:37:36 You need to fart. It's just part of the body's natural systems. Just, you know, it just parts out. I'm not a fart shamer. I don't have a problem with farting. I'm not like grossed out or weirded out of people fart. I just don't want to talk about it. Well, you've reached, luckily, you've reached
Starting point is 00:37:54 the end of this tour of farting in medicine, as at least as good as I can do with it. I want to remind everybody real quick, December 17th, 9pm, bit.ly4d slash candle nights, 2022. We've got guests, we've got skits, we've got songs, we've got stories, we probably have puppets, we have puppets last year, they'll probably be puppets again. It's all, it's all happening at 9pm Eastern, but you can, you can watch it for like a month
Starting point is 00:38:24 afterwards. There may be a movie trailer There may be a movie trailer from our our hit a medical romance comedy franchise Comedy Christmas medical franchise one of the top ones What I mean comedy medical Christmas franchise. I've tried a border one of the top one of those But the tickets are five bucks. All proceeds go to Harmony House. You can give more than five bucks. There's also a poster on the same website that you could buy that where the proceeds go to Benefit Harmony House, which is a shelter for people experiencing homelessness in our area that sitting volunteer to services at. Speaking of Benefit Harmony House, if you to in the month of
Starting point is 00:39:06 December, uh, 10% of all merch proceeds this month will go towards harming house. Uh, we're, we're trying to support them in every way we can. It is cold here and people need, uh, the help. Yeah. We, we, we, we, we clients all need to support, uh, now more than ever. So we really appreciate anything, anything you can give any help you can give us. We have a lot of people that we're taking care of. And I think most people who work in services like this can attest.
Starting point is 00:39:34 We are always trying to do a whole lot with very little, so every little bit helps. Thank you. First you crab t-shirt, a vaccines t-shirt. Some, a Salvin's pin, ProVax pin, Carol's currentrab T-shirt, a vaccines T-shirt. We got some, a Salman's pin, ProVax pin, Carol's current nothing T-shirt, Vaccines Bumper Sticker. I mean, you got, you got, come get some of this stuff.
Starting point is 00:39:53 buys a bunch of stuff in December, makes a great gift. Thanks to TaxPater for using the other some medicines as the intro and outro program. And thanks to you for listening. It's gonna do it first for this week. So until next time, my name is Justin McRoy. I'm Sydney McRoy.
Starting point is 00:40:07 And as always, don't drill a hole in your head. Alright!

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