Sawbones: A Marital Tour of Misguided Medicine - Sawbones: Hiccups

Episode Date: July 22, 2014

Welcome to Sawbones, where Dr. Sydnee McElroy and her husband Justin McElroy take you on a whimsical tour of the dumb ways in which we've tried to fix people. This week: We hide a horseshoe to cure yo...ur hiccups. Music: "Medicines" by The Taxpayers (

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Saabones is a show about medical history, and nothing the hosts say should be taken as medical advice or opinion. It's for fun. Can't you just have fun for an hour and not try to diagnose your mystery boil? We think you've earned it. Just sit back, relax, and enjoy a moment of distraction from that weird growth. You're worth it. that weird growth. You're worth it. Alright, time is about to books. One, two, one, two, three, four. We came across a pharmacy with a toy and that's lost it out. We were shot through the broken glass and had ourselves a look around.
Starting point is 00:00:56 Some medicines, some medicines that escalate my cop for the mouth Hello everybody and welcome to saw bones and marital tours miss guys medicine. I am your co-host Justin McRoy I'm Sydney McRoy. Sydney. I've been thinking a lot about this and I have to find a way to Improve my brand to increase the scope and power of the Justin McRoy brand. Aren't you like already internet famous enough? All 34,000 followers on Twitter, what's that Sydney, it's nothing. It's a job in the hat. Look at Gaga, look at Bieber. I gotta get into the right.
Starting point is 00:01:29 You just really love to throw that number around whenever you can, don't you? No, I don't, no, I don't know about that. Anyway, I gotta- Justin corrects me constantly. I'll be like, Justin has over like 20,000. He's like, that's 30,000. That's all I've got.
Starting point is 00:01:44 I'm sorry. The brand of Justin Macro, I feel like That's all I've got. I'm sorry. The brand of Justin Macro, I feel like it's been on the lane. I need it to wax. I need to improve my brand and need it to grow. I need your ideas for how I can do this. Have you considered getting like a case of hiccups that won't go away? That was not high on my list. Did that work for somebody?
Starting point is 00:02:04 There was, yeah, there was this girl in Florida and like Tampa, Jennifer, me, me, something, who got hiccups when she was 15 for like several weeks and you know, like news stations, like to do those, listen to this, zany piece of news. I think that comes after like the score long water skis kind of bit. Right, okay, so a really bad case of hiccups, that's it? Well, I think the comes after like the squirrel on water skis kind of bit. Right. Okay, so a really bad case of hiccups.
Starting point is 00:02:26 That's it. Well, I think the only problem is... Cucumber boy. Yeah. Just a macarie hiccup boy. But I don't think it's a very long lasting fame. Oh yeah. Like I think it's the kind of thing that everybody's like,
Starting point is 00:02:35 did you hear about hiccup girl and then like it fades over time? So you kind of have to do something else. Okay. To remind people later like, hey, I'm still out there. I'm still. Like what? I want to extend my brand as much possible last year hiccup girl was found guilty of murder Okay, well, that's not that's not great for the brand. It's kind of short-sighted. I mean she had
Starting point is 00:02:59 to do something else. I guess to keep herself in the spotlight. I guess like really? Yeah, she really did. The headlines I read, Hick Up Girl, murder somebody. Yeah, Hick Up Girl, guilty of first degree murder. Hatchimachi. Which is not, I mean, I understand not wanting to be known as Hick Up Girl. I mean, I don't- They are better.
Starting point is 00:03:19 How about helpful girl? Help a lady who helps the homeless girl. That would be effective. More effective. That means God be annoying having a kid who goes through so long. You're on edge. So annoying that years later, you murder someone.
Starting point is 00:03:31 Perhaps, okay. I need a better exit strategy than this. Let's say I become a hiccup boy, but I need to get out, I need to get out of the game. Tell me that there are some cures from history that can help me. Well, as you may imagine, there are many, many cures. Well, I shouldn't say there are many cures for hiccups. There are many theoretical, supposed, alleged cures for hiccups. We do air quotes a lot. Other than murder.
Starting point is 00:03:58 Not while we record this show that you can't say, there's a lot of air quotes. Yeah. So, so let's talk about hiccups. First, I want to say thank you to Tommy, who suggested this topic. I think many moons ago. Thanks, Tommy. And we finally got around to talking about it. So hiccups can also be called synchronous diaphragmatic flutter. Okay. What does that mean?
Starting point is 00:04:19 Well, I just thought that was a much better name, don't you think? Oh, yeah, far catch you. It's easier to remember. Yeah. Um, it's also singletus, by the way. Singletus. Singletus. Is that the medical name?
Starting point is 00:04:32 Or do you guys just use hiccups? That's Latin for what happens when you catch your breath while you're sobbing. I didn't know there was a, I think it's interesting there's a word for that in Latin. Yeah. Well, why don't they just say hiccups, you know, word of a lot either. Well, there's not a word for that in Latin. Yeah, well, why don't they just say hiccups, you know, word of a lot of either. Well, there's not a word for that in English, clearly, because we say catching your breath while sobbing to describe it. So there's not a word for that. Or you could also say, hiccoph. Have you seen that hiccoph? Is that a UK thing? No, I think that that's actually a combo. You hiccup in cough at the same time. No, that would be uncomfortable though.
Starting point is 00:05:07 It's an outdated term when they used to think hiccups had something to do with coughing, but they don't. So what are they? They are an involuntary reflex. Basically your diaphragm is contracting and then your vocal cords close for just a second. And that's what makes the hicc. Sorry, what, hicc. Hicc.
Starting point is 00:05:26 Sorry, what a hiccup sound like again. Hicc. Okay, got it. Is that how they sound? Perfect, perfect. It's actually, if you want to, just, if you're out there searching for hiccup information because you're so intrigued by this topic, you can find lots of recorded hiccup sounds online.
Starting point is 00:05:42 A lot of information. It's just a weird one, yeah. Just in case you want to know what a hiccup sounds online. A lot of information on Twitter. It's a weird one, yeah. Just in case you want to know what a hiccup sounds like. I guess if you're lucky enough to have never had them. And it involves the Vegas nerve that it invades the diaphragm. Got it. So.
Starting point is 00:05:57 I mean, I don't got it, but I heard the words. So yeah, well, the only reason I tell you that, that it involves the Vegas nerve is, because later when I talk about cures, I'm gonna talk about the Vegas nervous. I got it. So I'm gonna introduce the concept now. It's foreshadowing.
Starting point is 00:06:10 Call back. Right. So why do we hiccup? Well, God, are you asking me? Yeah, go ahead, tell me, Justin. Air, you swallow air, and it goes in the wrong sort of. It goes in the wrong way. Playing, goes in the wrong thing, goes in the wrong thing. Where, in the wrong way. It goes in the wrong thing
Starting point is 00:06:26 Because the wrong thing where when you swallow air where where should it go and do your lungs? When you swallow it there's so many problems. Swallowing air is breathing. This is what I mean. Oh, no, okay Okay, so that's how I breathe. Do you know that's the breathing noise? I mean It's my breathing really I'm terrible to live with I'm not Do you know that's the breathing noise I made? Oh, it's my breathing noise. Really? I'm terrible to live with. I don't know how you put up with me. You're just such a great dancer.
Starting point is 00:06:51 I'll put up with anything. That's really what it is. Wait till I get a good head on the dance floor then it really starts coming. Oh, okay, you have to stop. Yeah, it sounds like a heart murmur. I'm gonna have to keep living with you after this. So there have actually been a lot of researchers
Starting point is 00:07:10 who have tried to figure out why we hiccup. I don't know that that's exactly a great way to spend your research time. Yeah, but if you could radicate it forever. Is it such a scourge? Imagine a world without hiccups, peace on earth. There was one, I read about there was a meeting of an international respiratory research group.
Starting point is 00:07:31 And that sounds like a pretty hefty type of an international respiratory research group. They sound like some heavy people. And part of what they saw, I imagine them locking themselves in a hotel conference room with like, We are not coming out of here. This is the most basic thing.
Starting point is 00:07:47 How can we not fix this one thing? We've got so much coffee. We've got lots of, I don't know. Put your keys down, Diane. Put your keys down, Diane. You're not going anywhere. Got a little peanut butter crackers. We're just gonna sit in here and figure out
Starting point is 00:08:02 where hiccups come from. Little Skyler's gonna have to get his own lunch while the day Diane, we're fixing gonna sit in here and figure out where hiccups come from. A little skyler's gonna have to get his own lunch bowl of the day Diane, we're fixing hiccups. So they came up with the idea that it has something to do with our evolutionary roots as amphibians. So that there's a period of time, I guess where tadpoles can have water and air go through their gills.
Starting point is 00:08:24 Okay. And they have a kind of reflex that's Similar to the hiccup reflex to get the air out. Oh, and that is the evolution in us of that reflex Okay, so that was one thing. Yeah. Yeah, that would and that would insinuate that it's not really helpful There is some more reason because people are people are still spending time on this. Right. There's some more reason research that says, you know what, actually, they've observed that all mammals burp, burp, hiccup, sorry. All mammals hiccup. And that it is a, it's a reflex that allows babies to breathe and nurse and that it's important because babies have to periodically empty their stomachs of
Starting point is 00:09:11 air so that they can you know leave room for more food, more milk room, and so it's like a self-burping kind of thing. Okay, that's right. That's what a baby is impractical. And that in that actually is supported by the fact that, and this is something that we have observed firsthand very recently, that fetuses hiccup. Yes, yes, they do, and it's very weird because it's faster than you would think it would be, so it's very odd.
Starting point is 00:09:38 It feels very much like I'm hiccoping, which is weird. That is weird. But a lot of women who've had children can tell you that they know that their infant was hiccuping at some point in utero, and infants do a lot of hiccuping, especially preemies doing an excessive amount of hiccuping. So that would kind of lead to this idea that maybe it has something to do with drinking and breathing and that whole reflex. In adults, you can bring them on by eating too fast, drinking, pop, or beer, laughing, getting really emotional can bring on hiccups.
Starting point is 00:10:16 So breathing, catching your breath while it's halving? Yes, exactly. Or singletus. Singletus, as they say, medical, and maybe a dabble. It can also indicate, and it usually doesn't, but in very rare, very rare instances, hiccups may be the harbinger of something much more serious going on with you.
Starting point is 00:10:41 Oh, good. Oh, wonderful. Excellent. Excellent, hey. Oh, wonderful. Excellent. Excellent. Everyone enjoy your hiccups. Enjoy your benign hiccups that maybe probably not, but probably are. Something very serious. Hiccup away, folks.
Starting point is 00:10:58 So I'm not going to tell you all of the other things. I thank you. Could possibly present with hiccups because the vast majority of the time your hiccups are just hiccups. Let's just go with that pretend. The last few minutes didn't happen. I guess the disclaimer would be if your hiccups don't go away at some point you should probably see a doctor.
Starting point is 00:11:18 Oh yeah, let's go. Yes, absolutely. So if you want to get rid of them though. And I do at this point because apparently they're fatal. They're not fatal. You're not, let me clarify. I'm not saying that hiccups. Fatal hiccups.
Starting point is 00:11:30 No hiccups won't kill you. Hiccups are not dangerous. There are rare cases where hiccups are a symptom of something more serious. But we won't talk about that. Okay. Because then Justin will just worry about it. Constantly. So, the ancient Greeks wrote about that. Okay. Because then Justin will just worry about it. Constantly.
Starting point is 00:11:45 So, the ancient Greeks wrote about hiccups. What does Jesus have to say? They thought hiccups happened when an enemy was talking about you. Kind of like a ear's a burning type vibe. Exactly, exactly. You get the hiccups and it was to help release like a negative emotion from your body. That was the that was why they thought it was happening. And so the
Starting point is 00:12:12 way that they proposed getting rid of them was tied to that. You find that guy who was talking about you and be like, Hey, buddy, buddy, stop it. Well, similar. You have to be able to guess which enemy is talking about you and say their name out loud. And then your hiccups will go away. If I had to start listing off my enemies every time I had hiccups, that would take forever. It's a long list. I guess this is a good... What do you French do it? It's a good incentive to not have a lot of enemies because then your list is short.
Starting point is 00:12:41 Right, because it'll be much quicker for you to Fix your hiccups. Right. So just name the few people. So I'm gonna assume every time I get hiccups I just need to say Jenny McCarthy and And move on with my life hiccup free. Yep. Do you think she's talking about me? Right in this second. Have I created enough buzz yet? I hope so. I'm working on it. I need to extend your brand. This is also persisted into some European cultures where it's thought, and again, this is more like folklore. I'm not saying that there's anyone who actually believes this.
Starting point is 00:13:17 It's a sign of somebody talking bad about you even today. So somebody's, you know, going around behind your back and she was such a bee. A bee. She's always hiccuping. And Russian folklore, it could also mean that this idea has penetrated many different cultural backgrounds that somebody's talking about you or perhaps that you're owned by the devil. Perhaps you are owned by the devil. Perhaps you are owned by the devil. So one of the two. Either someone's talking about you or you're owned by the devil.
Starting point is 00:13:53 So try to think of people who don't like you because the alternative is you're owned by the devil. There's no proposed cure for that. I guess don't be owned by the devil. There's no proposed cure for that. I guess don't be owned by the devil. And don't have enemies and they'll never pick up again. In some Japanese folklore, it said that if you pick up a hundred times, you're going to die soon. Cool. Cool. So don't go from Japan to Russia with hiccups because you're about to die soon and you're owned by the devil Which are pretty intense considering that like for the most part hiccups are pretty Short-lived, you know self-limited process. Are you just trying to scare your kids? Like I don't understand I don't understand why why any of them say these things now. do you think this was a way of getting rid of hiccups? I didn't think about that.
Starting point is 00:14:47 Find the devil and kill him? Yes. Buy your soul back from the devil. Go on a quest to find the devil. I don't need these sweet fiddle playing skills devil. I was wrong this whole time. Take, please give my soul back. Take back my sweet, sweet shredding skills.
Starting point is 00:15:04 I'm afraid that maybe it would scare you Oh, okay, you're hiccuping like you gas that means you're owned by the devil gas pick up scared Soul soul returned now Sydney. I know that our boy planning the elder had a sorry plenty the elder probably had something to say about this What was Plenty's take on hiccups? Well, Justin, I'm gonna share with you all the information about Pliny and hiccups that your heart has ever desired, but before I do that, I'm gonna need you to walk down the hallway here to our Billing Department and check some things out. Okay, here we go. So, plenty, the elder hit me. So of course, plenty has something to say about hiccups.
Starting point is 00:15:55 He can't keep his peace. No, because hiccups are so vitally important, so he's got to talk about them. Right. He didn't have real diseases to occupy his time. Now what I like about this treatment for hiccups Is that it's not actually a treatment as much as a prophylactic hiccup Cure, okay, he's getting out in front of hiccups. I like that. Right. Which I guess hiccups must have been quite the scourge in plant in Plenty's life
Starting point is 00:16:20 So take a horseshoe Got it put it somewhere Okay, Got it. Put it somewhere. Okay. Just wherever. Just put it somewhere. And then when some point in the future, you do have hiccups. You can think about where you put that horseshoe and then your hiccups will go away. Plenty.
Starting point is 00:16:40 I love you. That's the dumbest crap I've ever. I think even you were pulling that out of your butt at this point, come on, come on, come on. I just really like the fourth thought that that requires, like, you know, I can get hiccups at some point. I leave stuff by the stairs that I'm gonna take upstairs. I'll like over and over and over again.
Starting point is 00:17:04 I think, well, next time I go up, I'm definitely gonna grab that sweater I'll like over and over and over again. I think well next time I go up, I'm definitely gonna grab that sweater I need to hang up. Definitely next time. I can't be bothered to do that. I'm already going upstairs. Out how bored are you that where you're like, well next time I'll listen to chores, I'm gonna hide a horseshoe for when I maybe get hiccups at some point. And that's tricky too because you don't want to hide it too well, because then you won't be able to remember where you put it. Right. And then it doesn't work, I guess.
Starting point is 00:17:30 You have to think about it constantly. You have to develop a severe obsession with your horseshoe and the hiccups it's protecting you from. And then, I don't know if you have to like, picture it, like go to a special place and visualize it. Visualize it, yeah, the horseshoe, I don't know. In the middle ages, it was thought that hiccups were caused by elves.
Starting point is 00:17:53 They didn't really suggest anything for that. I guess you could try to hunt down the elves and murder them. Sure. I don't know. That's my suggestion that there was no cure. Just, well, maybe it's just too bad. It's caused by elves. Sorry. But they if you don't if you didn't feel like looking for
Starting point is 00:18:10 elves and killing them you could try drinking the blood of a freshly killed pigeon perfect every time I see a pigeon you know what I think I don't know what's inside there but I really want to wrap my lips around it. You do not. You think, ah! Ah, pigeons stay away. You hate pigeons. There's rats of the skies. In the 16th century, it was suggested that maybe you want to hold your chin, so you got hiccups, hold your chin, and then somebody else needs to sing gospel songs. So the cure isn't acted by me holding my chin and trying to annunciate the words, please stop singing gospel songs. That's very annoying. From the grazee rose, what tomorrow?
Starting point is 00:18:57 Do you try to fool his own? Maybe that was a way to trick your kids into going to church when they didn't want to. Is that how gospel puppetry got started? Is that how Christian puppets can debate their, practicing their ventralochism and trying to carry the hiccups? Christian ventralochism.
Starting point is 00:19:14 Everybody always answers this. How did Christian ventralochism get started? Well, there you go. That is the most common request we get for a show topic. Christian ventralochism. the most common request we get for a show topic. Christian, then kill a lot of them. Christian, then kill a lot of them. Now more recently, as in like people will still tell you this, you've probably heard that you're supposed to drink from the opposite side of a glass.
Starting point is 00:19:36 Yeah, I've heard of that one. Man, I will tell you this. If you want to know how to do that, there is no shortage of YouTube videos. Of drinking from the other side of a glass. You know the one that I've actually, well, I'm sure we'll have a lot of these, but standing on your head, like if you're like leaning over the couch or something, you know, so you're upside down and drinking water like that. Right. There's lots of descriptions of how you can do this effectively if this is your bag. I'm not recommending that. Perfect. I don't think it'll hurt you, but I don't believe it's going to fix your hiccups. I also saw recommended in hailing black pepper.
Starting point is 00:20:17 Yeah. Basically so you'll sneeze. That's hugely unpleasant. And then like, I guess occupy your, you know, your body with sneezing, then you don't hiccup. Oh, are you have snuckups? I don't know. I think I think I'd rather just keep hiccuping until they go away. I Thought this was great. I found this article in the Milwaukee Journal from 1944 and All I can guess is that it was a really slow news day in Milwaukee Because there was an article about a local man who had had hiccups for 13 days straight and was hospitalized with them. And there were lots of people in the community who were sending him suggestions. Oh, well, I'll tell you what works for hiccups. And this was an article in the
Starting point is 00:21:01 newspaper. Why? My first question, Justin, as a journalist is, why aren't there more articles like that now? So with the people, are you kidding me? Have you not read Buzzfeed? This is literally all it is. These 25 weird curi, well, you get ready to head up. Are you kidding? That's literally the whole internet. But I love the idea that this was about an actual guy in town
Starting point is 00:21:20 and all the, like, local weirdos were like, hey, I mean, I could call this cat, but I think I'm going to write to the paper, care of him. Tell him some things to do to get rid of his hiccups. So some of the recommendations in this article were eating the heart of a salamander. This is in 1944. This is not like ancient. You could try running naked through the woods on a Saturday night perfect love it and maybe that was somebody who was just like
Starting point is 00:21:50 Hot for this guy You know hey, yeah, hey wanted to take a close off great spot out behind the Macriory place sincerely Byron Macriory One one reader suggested placing a live frog on your chest and then wait until it dies and that's when the hiccups have gone into it. Cool afternoon. Cool like two weeks squaring off in a battle to the death with the world's most resilient frog.
Starting point is 00:22:21 This is where Justin tries to guess the lifespan span of a frog. Like 100 years, 20 minutes, I have no idea. And I'm not gonna have more of an idea when I have hiccups. And I've got this thing on my chest. Whose job is it to keep grabbing it and putting it back? Cause I don't think the frog's gonna wanna stay there. No, I think it might get pretty bored of it. And then I bet you will lick you in every place Imagine it in a week. The frogs are gonna lick you. They have those long tongues, right? That's not, I know, but they're not for licking humans.
Starting point is 00:22:51 Uh, I think he'll probably try anything acid-ney. I think he's probably gonna try whatever machinations he has in his disposal to remove himself from his Fleshy prison. I don't think that I don't think that a frog's tongue is a defense mechanism. It's for like eating a bug. I'm saying it'll try anything.
Starting point is 00:23:09 You're holding it there till it dies. It's gonna see if this strange giant peach colored six foot tall frog would maybe enjoy the pleasure of having frog tongue caress his chest. Now things are getting weird. Now things are getting weird. Now things are super weird. What I what I liked best about the end of this article is that the doctor who was treating this poor man with his hiccups responded by saying that he he had an under control
Starting point is 00:23:37 He was treating him with great success by using electric shock therapy. Perfect. So I don't know that ECT works for hiccups. I, again, probably wouldn't recommend it. Okay, so real quick said, I know everybody's got to throw in a little private thing. What more treatments? Give them to me. Okay, so there are a lot of things you could ingest that are recommended.
Starting point is 00:24:01 Ginger is very popular. Lemon. I saw somebody recommend pouring a bunch of salt and some yogurt, mixing it up and eating that. You. Yeah, I know. Cardamom. Mint. In the form of mint tea was suggested a lot. I mean, at least that's pleasant. Peanut butter. That was recommended as a great cure for kids' hiccups. I don't think that that's like particular because kids have different kinds of hiccups. I think it's just because kids like peanut butter.
Starting point is 00:24:25 Sure. At least they'll shut up about the hiccups in five minutes. I saw one person say that hot pockets would cure hiccups. I'm on. You're just looking for any excuse, aren't you? Is anything to get that? I know I said I gave them up, but these hiccups are really doing the number. I'm gonna have to eat a hot pocket.
Starting point is 00:24:42 I got to eat a hot pocket. Let me find me up a tiny bowl. I saw slim gyms eat a hot pot. I gotta eat a hot pocket. Let me fire me up a time, people. I saw slim gyms and Dr. Pepper, like not mixed together. I think you just eat them and drink them at the same time. And then sweet and low was mentioned. Oh, not worth it. Which, I don't, if you told me I had to eat sweet and low,
Starting point is 00:24:58 I think I'd get so scared that my hiccups would stop. Yeah. Who eats sweet and low? Nobody. Yeager Meister. Okay. Who eats sweet and low? Nobody. Yeah, your master. OK. Was recommended. As was marijuana, I would put those in the well.
Starting point is 00:25:11 You're not going to care so much about the hiccups after you do this category. After you enjoy some marijuana. You know, the one that has always worked for me might go to. I guess there are many. A lot of you probably have theirs. Mine is a teaspoon of sugar, just eating a teaspoon of sugar straight up.
Starting point is 00:25:25 That works a lot of the time for me. That's actually your skipping ahead a little bit there. Oh, really? J-man. That's actually going to be in my list of real, real possible. Holy crap. I'm a doctor basically. You just hit on some real medicine.
Starting point is 00:25:39 Holy crap. Okay. Go on. What else? What else do we got? So there is a, what I would call like a patent medicine that you can find online called hiccups away. And I was trying to figure out what the heck was in this stuff. It's like this little silver packet with a smiley face on it that you can buy online.
Starting point is 00:25:58 And it is described as a liquid made from natural ingredients. Wink, which is as vague as anything could get. It's in liquid form. It's made from ingredients. That's natural. Nightmarish. You really have to hate hiccups at that point. There's so little, even the, like, check out,
Starting point is 00:26:17 check this out, check out this website, please. Because even the testimonials aren't finished. They're like, my son has a lot of, and then they just stop. Pick up, Ford. I mean, I'm guessing hiccups. I'm guessing your son has a lot of hiccups. What is my life come to? I'm writing to a website for a fake hiccup product.
Starting point is 00:26:37 I can't do this. I'm going to go outside, read a book. It's a really terrible website, but I would advise checking it out, but not taking the product. Then there is also the HIC-CUP. You get it? And it is a cup with this metal rod with a ball extending from one edge of the rim. So if you can imagine that when you pick it up and drink it, the rod kind of touches your cheek. Okay. And there's some sort of what they call galvanic action that occurs. Okay. And then your hiccups are cured. Perfect. I had to find this mentioned
Starting point is 00:27:19 peripherally on other websites because their website, the hiccup, I don't know, dot com or whatever it was, has been down, is down and has been down. It looks like for a while. Okay. They apologize for that. Sorry about that. The hiccup, if it's ever available again, will be $25. You should not purchase it. No. Do you want to know who the longest hiccup or in history was? Yes. Very quick. It's man named Charles Osborne of Iowa. He started Hiccuping after a hog fell on him that he was about to slaughter. I shouldn't laugh, but that's some sweet revenge.
Starting point is 00:27:55 That was in 1922 and his hiccups did not stop for 68 years when he was 97 years old. Did they, I mean, did they stop because he wrapped it up? No, he died the next year. Well, at least, I mean, that was a sweet year, though. That one year that he was 98 and didn't have hiccups. Is our hiccups the secret to longevity? Hey, hey, I don't know that we could do a study within an in-of-one, we have one person, but Sydney, how do I actually get rid of them? Okay, so one thing you mentioned, eating a spoonful of sugar or something really sweet actually can because one of the theories,
Starting point is 00:28:39 I mentioned the Vegas nerve was important, is that if you can distract or overwhelm the Vegas nerve with other business that it must deal with, then you could stop the hiccuping. And one way to do that is to eat something incredibly sweet. So they recommend taking a big spoonful of sugar and putting it back towards the back of your tongue and then swallowing it. Yep, that's what I do. Or just drink a whole bunch. I think everybody has heard that.
Starting point is 00:29:02 You don't have to drink from the opposite side of the glass. There's nothing in particular just drink a whole you know water is probably the best bet Drink a whole bunch of water really quickly. Okay um, and then the other kind of well there and there are a lot of other things that fall into that category the other category would be anything that interrupts your breathing So that your body kind of focuses on getting the breathing back in order and stops hiccuping. So holding your breath is one of the most common. You'll hear that and that actually can't work or breathing into a paper bag so that you
Starting point is 00:29:34 get more carbon dioxide in your blood. And then your body kind of goes, that's a little more important than hiccuping at the moment when I shift my focus elsewhere. It's our body. One thing I found some recent reports on just in the last couple of years that this is a doctor says does work is digital rectal massage. Oh. Again, this, no, it's not, this isn't a euphemism.
Starting point is 00:29:58 Oh, I, no, I just didn't understand what it meant until I thought about it. Right. Like bend over. Bend over. Pull your pants down. And let's carry that. And let me massage your rectum. It's another, it's vagal stimulation.
Starting point is 00:30:11 It's vagal nerve. Oh God, you know what? They went away, yeah, they're gone. Oh, it's a miracle. Oh, you did it. Yeah, well, I gotta go, just pay the gop front or whatever, okay, bye. I don't know if along the same lines,
Starting point is 00:30:23 it's like a scare tactic again. All right, well here's what it's come to. You snap your rubber glove and the patient's suddenly cured. And orgasm can also do something similar. It is proposed. I mean, it's better than the ultrasound. I think that that's a fine cure to explore. And then a good scare actually could work, although you'd be careful with that.
Starting point is 00:30:45 There are medicines that you can use that doctors prescribe at times, but really only for really resistant cases. For the most part, hiccups are gonna go away on their own. Hold your breath, they're drink some water, or just chill out, they're gonna go away, calm down. And if you're worried and your hiccups aren't going away, you're dying.
Starting point is 00:31:03 Don't eat the heart of a salamander. Just go ask your doctor. If by the time your appointment comes around, you're still having hiccups, you probably should ask your doctor about it. But I'm sure you're fine. Listen folks, thank you so much for listening to our program. Thank you to the taxpayers for letting us use their song,
Starting point is 00:31:18 Medicines, as our intro and outro. Thanks to the Maximum Fund Network for letting us be a part of the Maximum Fun Network. There's a ton of great programs you listen to like Lady to Lady. The Goose Down Stop Podcast yourself Sydney actually did a guest appearance on an upcoming episode of One Bad Mother. So listen for that on the Maximum Fun Network. She'll be coming up soon. And Justin on his his other show, I call it his other show. My brother, my brother and me just had a very special guest on the episode that aired
Starting point is 00:31:50 today. Elizabeth Gilbert. Yeah, author of ePray love and the successful things. It's a good download that if you haven't already. Go download that. Go listen to it. Listen to everything. Thank you to everyone who has listened to this program. If you get a chance this week Could you maybe go review our show on iTunes? It would really mean a lot to us and thank you to people tweeting about the show with the at Solblown's hashtag like Christina Joseph Callie Bishop Patrick M digital sextant Andrew Sutton
Starting point is 00:32:22 Kill and Suba Deanna Vigored Patrick M Kimberly Kip, so many others. We really appreciate all of you tweeting about the show. If you share with a friend this week, our link is That'll get people here. That's going to do for us until next Tuesday. I'm Justin McBroy. I'm Sydney McRoy. As always, don't drill a hole in your head. Alright! Comedy and Culture, Artistone Listener Supported

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