Sawbones: A Marital Tour of Misguided Medicine - Sawbones: Marvel Anatomy

Episode Date: March 21, 2023

Dr. Sydnee and Justin go through the marvelous Marvel Anatomy book, which explains how many comic book heroes' superpowers work. Where does the Hulk's strength come from? How does Spider-Man climb How does Captain Marvel shoot energy out of her hands? And is any of it anatomically or medically plausible at all?Music: "Medicines" by The Taxpayers

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Saw bones is a show about medical history, and nothing the hosts say should be taken as medical advice or opinion. It's for fun. Can't you just have fun for an hour and not try to diagnose your mystery boil? We think you've earned it. Just sit back, relax, and enjoy a moment of distraction from that weird growth. You're worth it. that weird growth. You're worth it. Alright, talk to you about some books. One, two, one, two, three, four. We came across a pharmacy with a toy and that's busted out. We pushed on through the broken glass and had ourselves a look around.
Starting point is 00:00:56 Some medicines, some medicines, the escalant macaque for the mouth. Wow, it's been pretty well upon this. Hello, everybody, and welcome to Saw Bones, a marital tour of Miscite and Medicine, I'm your co-host Justin McElroy. And I'm Sydney McElroy. And I am so excited to be here with you today, Sydney, because we have a very special episode. That's right, we do.
Starting point is 00:01:21 First off, it's Max Fun Drive. What does that mean, Sydney? Well, as you probably already know, Max Fund is a listener supported network. We count on you, our faithful trustee listeners. Trustee listeners. Trustee listeners. To help us keep making the stuff that you enjoy,
Starting point is 00:01:44 that we love making, and we love making more of and making better for you, and your support helps us do that. So once a year, we try to do some more special, little different, while we also come to you and humbly ask to help us out, whatever you can donate, we really appreciate. If you're already a member, thank you so much. If you're in a position to upgrade your membership, this is a great time. And if you have thought about it
Starting point is 00:02:12 and are ready to take the plunge, this is the best time to join. Because we give you presents, we give you gifts. Mm. And what's better than presents, Justin? Nothing. Nothing. Nothing, I didn't expect that answer, actually.
Starting point is 00:02:26 Nothing's better than presence. Sid, I have such an exciting time today, because this is going to be kind of an education mainly for you, but also for me. Your dad and my dad gifted you for the holidays, the Marvel Anatomy. I guess textbook would be the way I'd put it. It's written by...
Starting point is 00:02:48 That's a word you could use. Mark Sumerak and Daniel Wallace with beautiful illustrations by Jonah Loeb. This is a book about how the anatomy of the Marvel Universe works. So what I have done here is, you've seen pretty smart about one kind of person. And what I have a book here is like lots of different kinds
Starting point is 00:03:08 of people that maybe you could learn a bit more about. So you're ready in the field. And by different kinds of people, you mean fictional, huh, people. Yes, that's, yes, okay. Yes. So what do you think are the chances that increasing my knowledge in this specific area
Starting point is 00:03:29 of medicine, I say, with a question mark? Medicine. What is the likelihood this will help me in my career or help a patient that I may care for in the future? No, so what I've done is I've put a random number generator for page 18. That's where it stops me about the scrolls because who knows. And then it goes up to page 225. Speaking about the what? The scrolls. They're confusing. But the first one that has come up for us today is Captain Marvel. Yeah. Captain Marvel has...
Starting point is 00:04:07 I saw a little bit of that movie. Yes, okay. Not all of it, though. Now, Captain Marvel was a US Air Force pilot and her name was Carol Danvers, and now she has a hybrid DNA, which makes her and Cree, which are like anti-scrollls, kind of, okay?
Starting point is 00:04:26 Are these aliens? Yes. Okay. Okay, so you know that- So she's half human and then half fictional alien creature that we have no, like, that does not exist on this plane as far as we know, as far as we know. Right.
Starting point is 00:04:43 Allowing for the possibility that there's life we are not aware of, of which we are not aware. Okay. So, Carol, Captain Marvel's mother was a pre-soldier named Mary L. So, this is all I'm going to tell you here, when you tell me how she shoot energy at her hands? What I need you to tell me here is, how should you energy out of hands? Are you looking for me to hypothesize scientifically? All just, and I don't know that there's a,
Starting point is 00:05:14 I mean, I guess the closest approximation would be, you know, when you like are wearing fuzzy socks and rub them on a carpet. And build up of static electricity. Like extra, well you got extra electrons floating around there. Okay, interesting, is that your best, that's your guess? Well, I mean, I suppose if you had,
Starting point is 00:05:36 I don't know how you would generate such an enormous buildup and then I also don't know how any, like you could direct that energy. Certainly not in something that you could project a distance from your body more than, I would think, like, a couple of millimeters. Let me give it to you, briefly. Like, when you accidentally shock somebody,
Starting point is 00:05:52 when you go down the slide on the playground or you're jumping on the trampoline, and you accidentally shock someone or intentionally. Carol Danvers has human DNA that is mixed with her mom's crey soldier DNA. There remained dormant, but there was exposure to psychomegneutronic waves that stimulated the polynucleotide bonds in her hybrid DNA to activate her latent cosmic abilities.
Starting point is 00:06:18 Now what are psychopolynucleotide bonds? They're just talking about all the places where her DNA is stuck together. And that, I mean, and like that activating those, that doesn't mean anything. That allows Captain Marvel to absorb ambient photons in the atmosphere and rechannel them, which allows her to fly around and shoot beams our hands. So this is not static, these are photons. These are particles of light. Yeah, she did, she used particles of light.
Starting point is 00:06:48 So that one on the other side. So I was wrong. You are making a pretty big F on that. Now, to be fair, I was trying to build off of something that was real. So is I, yeah, it's a real book. It's right in front of me. Now, I was about to give you a question about the vision
Starting point is 00:07:06 and that doesn't seem fair because he's all a machine, baby. Unless you believe he has a soul. So let's talk about Angel. What do you know about Angel, Sid? Angel Dumont Shunard from rent? No, and before you say it, not the Broody Vampire Angel, not that either. Not that one either. No, we're talking about it, not the Broody Vampire Angel, not that either.
Starting point is 00:07:25 Not that one either. No, we're talking about Angel, the X-Man, Angel. I didn't know there was an X-Man called Angel. I've seen some X-Man films. Okay, and you didn't see, I think he's Archangel later. Here's the spoiler, like, I'm not really super deep into this stuff either. Like, my dad knows a lot more about this stuff than I do.
Starting point is 00:07:49 I'm more of a sport, though. The last X-Man film I believe I saw is the one where they sort of, like, Jean Grey dies and they kind of allude to the idea that the Phoenix or whatever is coming, but then I never saw any movies after that. So I don't know what happens after that. Okay, so Wolverine is around. This is actually a great one,
Starting point is 00:08:14 cause Angel, as near as I could tell, Angel's big thing is he does fly with these big beautiful wings, okay. So he has wings. Big beautiful wings and he uses to fly around. I mean, is that his whole thing? Like, I mean, that's good. I'm not like minimizing the idea of like having wings.
Starting point is 00:08:31 Like you like that wings? Yeah, I would love to have wings. I think that'd be great. Sweet, sweet. But is that, I mean, does he have any other? A good hearing. No. No. No. Healing. I'm his friend. Okay.
Starting point is 00:08:44 I got that. What an awkward combo that would be. He's so much above this guy far away so he can't hear anything, but if he wasn't the ground, he would be hearing like wild. No, he can heal himself or others. No, himself. Oh, himself. I find that a very disappointing power.
Starting point is 00:09:01 Now, if you could use it to heal others, that's intriguing. Oh, here she goes. Okay, Sydney. All right, we get it. I'm just saying if he's called angel. You already have the power to heal. Well, yes, but I was not born with it. So, here's what I want to talk to you about.
Starting point is 00:09:17 Angel can fly, okay? Okay. But that angel is a mutant, which you, is, I understand the concept of X-man is that X-men, X people, why are they men? X-factor, that's the almost Simon cow, go on. The concept is that these are just natural consequences of evolution, right? Yes, they are the... they are humus are homo superior. The next state in human. So this is just what would happen.
Starting point is 00:09:46 We just keep evolving and like in theory, a guy with great hearing in wings, or maybe healing in wings. Except for there's the thing where Wolverine's claws were put into him or something, right? Like there's other stuff though, right? So here's what I want. Angel has, has bought, because of this is a biological adaptation.
Starting point is 00:10:08 Right. Angel has biological adaptations that he's had to have to make this incredible flight possible. Okay. I'm looking at four different adaptations. Sure. So talk to me about what you think some of the mutated genetic. Well, talk to me about what you think, the mutated genetic.
Starting point is 00:10:26 Well, many grew wings. Wings surprisingly ain't part of it. I mean, wings is part of it, right? Yeah, like wings must be part of it. I'm assuming it has something to do with like... Four different things. It's not it. Okay.
Starting point is 00:10:41 Well, one would have to do with oxygen and your ability to breathe in different environments, depending on how high he can fly. Stop right there. The alveoli. Mm-hmm. Little, little grape-like clusters of air sacks and lungs. In angels' lungs, optimized oxygen intake, allowing him to soar at high speeds and elevations. Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 00:11:04 So you were right about that. Yeah, I figured there'd be something there. Okay, what else? and take allowing him to soar at high speeds and elevations. So you were right about that. Yeah, I figured there'd be something there. Okay, what else? The oxygen you got, that's so cold. Is temperature part of it? Well, possibly cold up there.
Starting point is 00:11:17 It gets really cold up there. Is considerably more dense than other humans of his size. And any presence of fatty tissue is negligible. So no, I mean, I guess that's not, no, that would be bad. No, you need the chub. Trust you folks. I mean, to support flying,
Starting point is 00:11:32 you would have to have a different musculature, right? Cause like, he has to not, I mean, the wings aren't enough to lift, like the whole body has to, otherwise he would just sort of hang in the air by his wings. So, you know, like you had to have a different muscular shirt so that you could like, I'm assuming he flies flat out, he doesn't just like hang there.
Starting point is 00:11:52 No, I mean, I bet he could have been really focused on it, but I bet it's not easy, you know, wings. Yeah. What about vision? Is his eyesight improved since he has to like, if he flies fast? The pectin ocular, a comb-like configuration of blood vessels rinsed within the vitrious body of the avian eye is known to enhance sight in some specimens, so he's got one of them, I guess. One?
Starting point is 00:12:19 Is it a brain thing? What's over two? What's over two? What's over two? What's over two? What's over two? What's over two? What's over two? What's over two? What's over two? Okay.
Starting point is 00:12:27 Okay, Sidney, one more. This one's right out there. Um, he doesn't poop. He doesn't poop. That's on the sheet in big letters. I wrote that in marker. He doesn't poop. Now, um, think, think Emily Mortimer on 30 Rock.
Starting point is 00:12:48 Jack's girlfriend for a time. She had the avian bone thing. He has avian bones. So his bones are really brittle? Well, probably not brittle. But that wouldn't be a weird. The made up thing on 30 Rock is that she had like brittle bones. So he had a cross section of one of angels bones and I can change this picture now because
Starting point is 00:13:10 you guessed all these. The cross section shows his hollow inner structure which reduces his weight for greater flight performance. So it's hollow inside. I guess he don't got no marrow. I was gonna say, yeah, how does he generate new blood cells? don't got no marrow. I was going to say, yeah, how does he generate new blood cells? Probably from the not pooping. Maybe he turns the poop into blood cells. I don't think that him not pooping is part of it. I think you made that up. Sydney, I want you, I'm going to get a new character up for you. Can you tell us about some of the gifts that people can expect to get if they join Maximum Fund during this special time of year.
Starting point is 00:13:46 I will tell everybody, there's a lot, we could just, if you pick any more X-Mans, X-Mens, X-Poples, whatever, there's a lot you could say about their concept of the way evolution works, but just, that's a side note. Okay. Okay. Great. So first of all, Justin, as you mentioned, there are gifts right now if you upgrade your membership to Maxime Fun, if you join Maxime Fun,
Starting point is 00:14:09 this is the time because at each level we give you something different. At five dollars a month, you get over 500 hours of bonus content. 500 hours, you kidding me? No, every show on the network, every year, different bonus episode, and it's all there. Not just this year, not just last year's, not next year's yet, because we haven't made it yet,
Starting point is 00:14:32 but it will get there. That's just at $5. At $10, you get the bonus content. So you get the level before that. Plus, you get 37 reusable stickers and a letterpress max fund membership card. Our artists, Olivia Fields, illustrated 37 gorgeous, restickable stickers that represent every show on the network. So you can choose your favorite. These high quality, low commitment stickers. You can stick them in on sale, which is great. I know, especially in our family, our kids love stickers and they want to put them on everything. And I love stickers and they want to put them on everything and I love stickers
Starting point is 00:15:05 And I want to put them on everything and you know You take all this time to cover your laptop or whatever with stickers and then maybe you got to get a new one eventually and what do you do? So there's scratch proof their waterproof their UV protected for outdoor use and of course you get your unletter press max fun membership card at $20 a month you get everything I've already mentioned, plus the Max Fun culinary kit, which is a kit that includes the Max Fun Family cookbook, designed by Tom Deja, and features recipes from all your favorite Max Fun shows, including Justin. You have a recipe in there, don't you? Yeah, I got a couple. I got our chili recipe that we did. There's a French onion soup recipe in there. It's fantastic.
Starting point is 00:15:45 Anna Jarve bespoke, Max and Fun, it's flavor, spice, blend. And then of course, if you're not, if cooking in your thing, if you don't want a culinary kit, you can opt for the eco-friendly cap with an adjustable back with the Max Fun drive rocket logo embroidered right there on it. And there are other levels,, 50 and above that have other prizes associated with them, but that's just a taste of what you can get if you join or upgrade now. Well, that is fantastic. And what's that website where you can do that again,
Starting point is 00:16:16 just that's, forward slash join. That's right. Get on it, don't wait. This is your moment. Let's get it done. Specifically, I gotta eat a quickie for you, Sid. I saw you giggling.
Starting point is 00:16:28 Yeah, cause the random number generator did give me Spider-Ham. So I just really wanted it very quickly. I don't know. Now we're getting into veterinary medicine and fictional creatures. How did, now this is like more of a trivia thing, but I did.
Starting point is 00:16:43 We all know how Spider-Man became Spider-Man. Yeah, he got bitten by a spider. Yeah. How did Spider-Hamm become Spider-Hamm? This is a biological question. I mean, I feel like a pig got bitten by a spider is the obvious answer here. Is that your final answer?
Starting point is 00:17:00 I think. It's Spider-Hamm. He's really zany. He's so zany. He's John Malaney. He's spider ham. But it's not a pig that got bitten by a spider. It's not a pig that got bitten by a spider. Is it a... Say it. Don't think about it. Just say it. A spider that got bitten by a pig? Yes. Yes, it's not. A spider ham was a spider that got bitten by a pig. You had to pick.
Starting point is 00:17:29 I don't even think, like pigs don't, they probably don't bite spiders. They probably just like eat them. Okay, I did want to get into Spider-Man, friend of the show. But no, no, no, wait, wait, wait, wait. Yeah. Spider-Hamm is not a spider that got bitten by a pig. Spider-Hamm is a spider that got bitten by a radio active pig. No, it's not.
Starting point is 00:17:52 Yeah. No, you're for real? For real? For real? For real. That's Spider-Hamm's deal. Peter Porker. Okay, moving on. I will not entertain this.
Starting point is 00:18:03 It's, yeah, no. I understand, I understand. His, no, I understand that I understand. His Christian life. Why are we assuming any religious affiliation for this? Yeah, that's right. He's a outspoken atheist. Okay, let's talk about our friend Spider-Man. You love him, I love him, Freddie Shoe.
Starting point is 00:18:20 Who doesn't? Who doesn't love this great spider? You know Spider-Man's abilities, but what I'd love to hear from you is, how's he do it? You know? How do you think, what are some of the adaptations that Spider-Man
Starting point is 00:18:34 has had to make in his body to get some of his incredible abilities? Let's start with some of his more basic ones, the swinging and punching. Well, the, my, okay. So the way that it looks in the like movie representations, and I don't, I have not read, I don't know if I've read any comic books. Ever?
Starting point is 00:18:57 Well, no, I've read every archie ever written, but I don't know if I've read Spider-Man comics, like I never, I mean, I'm sure I have perused one or something, but in terms of my understanding of what happens when Peter Parker gets... I used to be this, since he's run on amazing Spider-Man, but that's all I've ever read. I think maybe I read some of that too,
Starting point is 00:19:14 but I don't remember. Anyway, my point is, so the spider bites him, and it's like a special spider, because they're doing experiments. It's a chosen one. It's a chosen one. Well, it's not just that. They're doing stuff to it in the lab.
Starting point is 00:19:27 So they have done things to the spider to make it a special spider. All right, is the word radioactive going to come up at some point? That is. Is that, but is that all they did? They just exposed it to radiation. Uh-huh.
Starting point is 00:19:39 It's a radioactive spider. Okay. Now, in some tellings of the story, the spiders themselves have been sort of whatever to make it possible for that. Like they've already been like tweaking with it and then they got hit by the radio act. That's what I mean.
Starting point is 00:19:54 It looks like in the movie, that's what it looks like, is that the spiders intentionally are being exposed in the movie. Like when you say the movie, can you possibly drill that like the movie? I'm remembering from the first Toby McGuire one that I saw. Sure. Okay. When he gets bitten. Sider house rules. So it looked, I feel like they try to give you the impression that somehow the spider is doing like gene therapy. Like there were actually introducing DNA into Peter Parker's cells. Okay.
Starting point is 00:20:29 And like his DNA is combining with spider DNA. Yeah. Right? Yeah. Like that is the impression they're giving us. Yes, for sure. Which is, I would say the idea that the spider does this is problematic at best, but we'll allow for that.
Starting point is 00:20:44 It is problematic. What happened to consent? Like just ask if you're gonna bite somebody. Well, like, I mean, I wish, like, if we could just give somebody, if we could change somebody's entire DNA just by having them like bitten by a spider. You didn't have this problem with Carol Danvers and her crem other, hmm, interesting. Well, I mean, I feel like that with that, we're dealing with
Starting point is 00:21:04 an alien species that I do, I feel like that with that, we're dealing with an alien species that I do, I do not have any proof exists currently. I'm not saying they don't. I'm just saying as far as we know, they don't. And with like the idea of gene therapy, the idea of like trying to change someone's DNA medicinally is not, I mean, we, we, we are trying to figure that out, right? Like we're working on that. Just like you're stalling to tell from, keep from telling me how Spider-Man be so strong.
Starting point is 00:21:30 Okay, so because he, his DNA is now combined with a spider's DNA, he adapts properties of a spider. So you're just saying you're rephrasing the sentence. I want to know how he's so strong. Like what biologically has changed in Spider-Man to make him so strong and able to spin the swing around? His muscles are stronger? His muscles are tightly layered,
Starting point is 00:21:54 increasing his strength without adding additional bulk to his frame. Right. It's the lean, it's the lean. Yes, that's the strength. That's the strength. What about the, you know? He can move quickly. Quickly, but also's the strong, that's the strength. Yeah, what about the, you know, he can move quickly, quickly, but also like the flexibility, I mean, he's bending,
Starting point is 00:22:09 right. He's bending around. Right. So does he get more joints? Ew, gross. No. The elevated level of highly elasticized sinew is present in Spider-Man's musculature. Is that anything? Well, I mean, you would still need another joint or something in there, or something has to happen to the joints to give them more laxity in a way that is also like laxity so that they move more
Starting point is 00:22:32 but then can spring back into place without causing damage, which is more than just like the muscle fibers. Do you know about how his spider sense works? I mean, they make it look like it's magical. Hmm, some debate about that, actually here. It is undetermined if the neural activity generated by his spider sense is pre-cognitive in nature or merely a heightened response
Starting point is 00:23:00 to subtle environmental changes. So he can sense like temperature and pressure and smell and things like that that we can't necessarily sense. Yes, but how? Low-grade, multi-directional pulses of neuro-electrical current in his brain give him a tingling sensation, which is the spidey sense that we can know. Now this is just brain-backed.
Starting point is 00:23:25 Now, this is the worst thing. How he climb on walls? They make it look like he gets little hair-like projections that come out of his fingers, and I'm assuming his feet and then make him sticky. So we don't exactly know this. There are several hypotheses. It's not like surface tension, like with like geckos and stuff. One is that there are, can you pronounce this word for me?
Starting point is 00:23:54 S-E-T-A-E, satay, satay, I don't know. Satay? Little hair like things. On his hands of feet that let him cling to surfaces. That is one, but they could get through the fabric of his costume. Right. Okay.
Starting point is 00:24:13 An alternate hypothesis, it could be that Spiderman is able to consciously control the interatomic attraction between molecular boundary layers. In other words, it's possible he creates a bond between his body's biological aura and a targeted surface on a subatomic level, grading him the ability to walk on the wall. That's me snapping. This is nothing. This is nothing.
Starting point is 00:24:32 Two contrasting theories here. I guess Sydney thinks it's the hair like thing. Thank you, Dr. McAroy for your part of that. I do wish you had more thoroughly considered the oppositions. Just because it's outside of your field doesn't mean it's nothing. If it's the hair like thing, I think that costume is the most impressive part of that, that it can withstand all the tiny little holes being poked in it, and then immediately it's a sort of adaptable fabric. It's a good costume, no? The argument there. You didn't talk about whether or not he shoots silk out of his wrists.
Starting point is 00:25:08 I mean, according to this book, this book takes a hard line that the web shooters are mechanical. So I didn't wanna talk to you about those because that's a mechanical invention. I said silk, which is like a silkworm. I didn't really mean that. I'm at webs.
Starting point is 00:25:23 You know, they're silk like. Yeah. There's some, there's some, I think, I think that the idea that he actually would shoot them out of his body would be a lot harder to think about. In many ways. To deal with, to exist with in the world. Yeah. I agree. I think that, although the web shooter stress me out.
Starting point is 00:25:41 The web, why do the web shooters stress you out? Because they could run out at any time. Sidney, talk to me about the max fund drive. If I go to for its ice join and I pledge 5, 10, 20 dollars a month, where does my money going to? Your money is going in part directly to the shows you love. That's one wonderful thing about maximum fun. Yes, the majority of the money you are donating goes directly to the creators that make the
Starting point is 00:26:13 shows that you listen to. You get to choose the shows you listen to, the shows that you want to support and want to keep existing and making more and making better shows for you to enjoy. Part of the money goes to Maximum Fun, our network to support all of our artistic endeavors and to keep us running. But the majority of money that you can donate when you become a member and join Maximum Fun
Starting point is 00:26:38 goes directly to the creators that, I was gonna say love, but maybe that's too much, that you enjoy. That you appreciate. If you've been listening to our shows and you haven't been able to be involved, maybe your financial situation has changed, maybe start listening to some new shows, whatever, you can start a new membership
Starting point is 00:26:55 for just five bucks a month and you're gonna get access to lots of bonus content. I mean, we've got tons of episodes of the solbons on there that you've never heard before. There's videos, all the shows in the network, putting up stuff on there. And if you can do $10 a month, we've got those reusable stickers designed by Olivia Fields, which are beautiful. And the culinary kit, a $20 a month that has a spice blend and the max fun family cookbook.
Starting point is 00:27:21 But the real thing you're doing is supporting great stuff. And we really, we are only able to make these shows and Spend as much time and energy on as we do Because you are so kind to support us We really appreciate it. We've been able to do more and upgrade the sound and the quality of what we can put out to you To spend more time on researching and creating better shows we hope. So it really, it goes directly to help us
Starting point is 00:27:50 make the stuff that we think you like. Now speaking of stuff, I think you'll like Sydney. Fortslash.join is that address, by the way, please take a moment. Oh, we got a whole podcast on there. Justin and Fast and Furious and Justin and Sydney. Oh, that's right. On the bonus content.
Starting point is 00:28:07 On the bonus content, we've got our Fast and Furious exploration, meditation on Fast and Furious. Okay. It's about family. It's about family, really. Okay, our last selection for today, Sydney, on this series. And please let us know if you enjoy this wonderful series because I'd love to keep
Starting point is 00:28:28 quizzing my wife about fantasy biology. I don't even think this is the only book like this that your dad has gotten me. I think I have other like fictional universe anatomy. Yeah, if you got one, PO Box 54, 100, what's Virginia in 25706? Sit it our way. We're gonna talk about the Hulk. The Hulk. The Hulk, you know him? Yeah, the green guy. Green guy, yes.
Starting point is 00:28:54 We know the Hulk smash, right? But how he smash? He starts out like a nerd like you, but then he becomes the Hulk, right? Like you. And so, just of the options in here, he's all smart and stuff, and then he gets all like beefy. Yeah, but you wouldn't like him when he's angry.
Starting point is 00:29:13 You wouldn't like him when he's angry. Let's speak on that. I want you to walk me through the transfer. I have a transformational path here. Okay. How he goes from being a sort of a nerdy wimp, like some people, and then a big beef cake like others. Right.
Starting point is 00:29:30 I, okay, I don't know that I could come up with a plausible, like actual, I mean, because this is a physical... So you're getting way ahead of yourself. You already know how it is like his body increases in size. You're getting way ahead of yourself. You already know how it starts because you just told me. Right, he gets angry. Okay, so what is that text? Speak on that.
Starting point is 00:29:53 So he gets angry. And I mean, I guess what we're talking about is like a sympathetic nervous system reaction, like a fight or flight sort of reaction that starts happening with... Anger and fear are interpreted by the amygdala, I don't know if you knew that. Yes.
Starting point is 00:30:14 Which then stimulates the hypothalamus, it says here, to actuate hormone release from the pituitary and adrenal glands. Right? Yeah, no, I understand all this. So what happensary and adrenal glands. Right, so you're trying to... I understand all this. So what happens in those adrenal glands? So you're gonna get some adrenaline, some epinephrine,
Starting point is 00:30:32 it's gonna be released, which is gonna stimulate blood flow, and pupillary size, it has digestive tract effects. Yeah, he immediately poops his pants. No opposite, opposite. He immediately gets constipated. Exactly. So, you need the parasympathetic nervous system
Starting point is 00:30:52 to do all that stuff. No, like all the stuff that happens when you're about ready to fight somebody, you know, your heart rate goes up, your breathing quickens, you get more blood flow to your muscles. So, if you need to like run or punch or jump or whatever. So the adrenal glands to create elevated levels
Starting point is 00:31:08 of gamma infused adrenaline into banners heart. Okay, see this gamma infused is where things start to go. Well, there had to be something Sydney. Right, because he creates, he creates matter. Right, he doesn't actually... Matter is created. When you, when you watch the Hulk transform, he gets bigger. Where does that mask, where is that matter coming from?
Starting point is 00:31:31 Well, gamma proteins activate in the bloodstream and are dispersed to cells throughout Banner's body with initiating chasitation. Seems, I mean. But that's not something that can happen and unhappened and it doesn't happen that good. So, okay, in order for this to make any sort of scientific sense, he is not creating matter. All structures are just being enlarged.
Starting point is 00:31:58 And so like each skin cell has to get bigger as opposed to more to stretch over the increased muscle mass and increased bone density. His head gets bigger. You're getting this. Gamma proteins bond with cells and change their hue. Muscle fibers rapidly expand. That just means they make them green, huh?
Starting point is 00:32:19 Muscle fibers rapidly expand, drawing additional mass from an extra dimensional source. I mean, it's right there. Oh, okay. You just got to draw them an extra dimensional source. That's not fair. So, no, see, if they wanted it to make biological sense, you just have to say each individual structure, still if it gets bigger, if it increases inside, it has to be filled with something, air, fluid,
Starting point is 00:32:48 or actual matter, or like particles of matter. What if you're just a big waterbed of a man just squishing around? That's what I imagine that the hawk is, like with these stuff, squish, squish, squish. Squish, squish. I like the hawk best when he's smart and strong. Oh yeah. Yeah, absolutely.
Starting point is 00:33:00 That's like, oh hey. Hey, that's my, my little bit like, Mark Ruffalo, yeah. Yeah. I like all that. Hey, thanks much for listening one last plug. for its last join. We only do this once a year and it really it makes the whole thing possible. If you like our shows, if you like the work we do, if you think the stuff we do on sawbuns is important, like putting like not not this episode obviously, but a lot of the episodes are our worthwhile and important. Please show that with your support. Really appreciate it. We have the gifts for the main thing is just helping us keep making stuff. That is going to do it for us for
Starting point is 00:33:33 this week. Thanks the taxpayers for you. So there's song medicines is the intro and outro of our program. And thanks to you for listening. That's going to do it for us this week. Until next time, my name is Justin McRoy. I'm Sydney McRoy. And as always, don't drill a hole in your head. Alright! Comedy and Culture Artist Oat? Audience supported.

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