Sawbones: A Marital Tour of Misguided Medicine - Sawbones: Marvel Anatomy: Endgame

Episode Date: September 26, 2023

Justin returns to quiz Dr. Sydnee for the third and final analysis of the official Marvel Anatomy book. All will be revealed! Where does Colossus get his steel skin? How does Mystique turn into other ...people? And why are the Inhumans so disappointing?Music: "Medicines" by The Taxpayers

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Saw bones is a show about medical history, and nothing the hosts say should be taken as medical advice or opinion. It's for fun. Can't you just have fun for an hour and not try to diagnose your mystery boil? We think you've earned it. Just sit back, relax, and enjoy a moment of distraction from that weird growth. You're worth it. that weird growth. You're worth it. Alright, time is about to books! One, two, one, two, three, four! Hello everybody and welcome to Saul Bones, a marital tour of Miskite Medicine. for the mouth. Wow. Hello everybody and welcome to Saul Bones, a marital tour of Miss Guyed Medicine.
Starting point is 00:01:09 I'm your co-host Justin McHorror. And I'm Sydney McHorror. And it's been a rough week, Sid. Yeah. It's been a rough week. Sid's mom got COVID, which was rough. She is okay. She's fine.
Starting point is 00:01:23 I feel like when you say that, you need a practice right away. She is doing fine. She is through it. She is okay. She's fine. I feel like when you say that, you need to practice right away. She is doing fine. She is through it. She is better. She is a huge help to us with the kids during the week. And this week said the same exact week said was also on hospital service.
Starting point is 00:01:36 So it's been a tough week here at McAroy headquarters. Which is just what can I take that opportunity with those two pieces of information then to sort of springboard from that and remind everyone? Yes. We are in a surge of COVID, again, I think that that has been widely reported. And this would be a great time to consider masking in crowded public spaces. This would be a great time to if you haven't gotten a COVID vaccine, or if you haven't gotten the new COVID vaccine
Starting point is 00:02:08 that is now becoming available. It's available in some places. We, I don't know, it's available in some limited places in our area. You, you're area, you might have more, but it's out there. Go to the CDC website, follow the recommendations. If you haven't gotten it, you should get it.
Starting point is 00:02:23 And just be aware that if you have something that feels like a cold, it could be COVID. You should get tested and follow appropriate quarantining guidelines. Well, if Sydney is done on her soap box, I would like to move forward with my episode of Salbot's please. Is that okay? I'm sorry. We just decided that that was the perfect place for that without really consulting. It was it was high on my mind after an extremely busy busy. I cannot underline there. You all busy week of inpatient hospital service that I have just finished where our hospital was overflowing.
Starting point is 00:02:58 Even if you think this place not a big deal. You keep don't take the risk of getting yourself in the hospital right now. It's not good out there. Right. Right. Well, because I mean, it's not all, it's not all COVID, of course. Yeah. There's lots of different reasons. But then when you pile on a lot of respiratory illnesses, so anyway, take care of yourselves. So today, I'm dipping into our third and final chapter in the Marvel Anatomy series. Thank you. As always, to Mark Sumerak and Daniel Wallace and illustrator Jonah Loeb for their pioneering work on this poem. At this point, I have covered most of the anatomical concerns of this book. Anatomical concerns. Anatomical concerns. And now I am moving into a chapter that I think of as like
Starting point is 00:03:49 ephemera, which by which I mean, this is just stuff that I'm gonna talk to you about, about comic books and medicine, because you didn't have time to research a show. So it's my show and I'm just gonna kind of hold you prisoner and talk to you about stuff. Yeah, I love that. What's that about throg?
Starting point is 00:04:09 Who? Throg, briefly, about throg. Throg? Can you describe throg? Oh, it's a frog, but it looks like Thor. It's Thor Frog. I get it. It's Thor Frog.
Starting point is 00:04:20 Okay. And by looks like Thor, I mean dress like Thor. Like it looks like a frog. This is gonna sound like a quiz, but these aren't a quiz that said you could have any idea of the answers for it. So I'm more asking her to theorize, not really putting her on the spot,
Starting point is 00:04:31 aren't with any of this stuff, because who knows? And it's all made up. Said is Throg a frog or a bewitched human? Is he a bewitched frog or a bewitched human? I mean, he looks like a frog, like he looks, how big is he scale? Like, is he human sized?
Starting point is 00:04:50 He's more like frog sized. Oh, he's frog sized? Yeah. So he's a frog. Yeah, it's unknown. I mean, he looks like a frog and he's frog sized. I don't know what, I mean, I can dress a frog like a human and it doesn't make it a human.
Starting point is 00:05:04 I've never dressed, I don't know if I could dress a frog like a human and it doesn't make it a human. I've never dressed. I don't know if I could dress a frog like a human. Look at his anatomy. Can you see his organs in his body? It's amazing. All this human organs in his body. Oh, I didn't know where I was looking. But why do you think those are human organs?
Starting point is 00:05:21 I have no idea. I'm just just... Does that look like a human? I mean, I see... You see stuff, you wrecking it. I mean, that doesn't look exactly... I mean, I see what appears to be a heart and that I'm assuming is a lung over there.
Starting point is 00:05:32 I don't know, it's very... It's not met, it's not the parts are not labeled. It's solid. I mean, it might be... I see the curly intestines on the bottom. They are definitely intestines. There is no one knows. So why'd you quiz me on that?
Starting point is 00:05:43 It wasn't a quiz. I made it clear it wasn't a quiz. I made it clear. It wasn't a quiz before. So that wouldn't see why I could try. I don't. OK. Does you're going to have to tell me that it has special powers or abilities because right now what you just said is if I took our cat
Starting point is 00:05:56 and dressed her as a human, would she be a human now who is like parading as a cat or would she still be a cat who's just dressed like a human? And she would still be a cat. So does the frog do anything other than be dressed like Thor? So this is the current theory. My prevailing theory is that Thor was indeed turned into a frog by Loki as he claimed, unintentionally leaving behind a small sliver of his hammers enchanted Uru Metal once the curse was broken.
Starting point is 00:06:24 If an actual frog came across the hammers fragment and proved worthy enough to lift it, then he might have been imbued with a fraction of Thor's powers. So it's a possibility. So does that hold on? Where does the frog feet like does it do things? Like Thor stuff. Like it does Thor stuff. Yeah. Like it's super strong and it can throw its hammer around. He was still worthy. Even when Thor was a frog, he still proved worthy of lifting monear or at least a shard of monear.
Starting point is 00:06:53 So now the frog is always a little bit Thor. It's like a Dr. Donna situation. Yes, exactly. Okay. Okay. I wanted to ask also about how are the duck really quickly. But I don't, there is actually. Is that, I thought these were all like superheroes. Yeah, how are duck is a superhero in a sense, but there's actually nothing interesting
Starting point is 00:07:14 about how are the duck. Is he part of the Marvel? I didn't know that. Yeah, that's why he like pops into Guardians. I didn't know that. I've never seen him in Guardians. I was gonna ask you about. I've only seen the first of those movies.
Starting point is 00:07:26 There's more, right? Yeah, there's three. And the Christmas, you watched The Holiday Special. That was good, wasn't it? I did watch The Holiday Special and I will tell you, having not seen so many of those movies, like there's so many of that whole world
Starting point is 00:07:38 that I don't know anything about, I've found plot elements of it a little confusing. I didn't know what was. It is, there's a lot going on. Star Lord seemed sad. Yes. I didn't know what was. It is, there's a lot going on. Star Lord seems sad. Yes. I didn't know why. It's because not everyone follows his Lord
Starting point is 00:07:52 and save your Jesus Christ, and they'll be going to hell and that bums him out. And that is a big problem. I think you're maybe projecting a bit of the actors. Yes. The actors feelings onto Star Lord. I think the same. The character. It's true. I think the same thing about Mario and Mr. Jurassic Park Never his name like
Starting point is 00:08:10 Mr. Jurassic Park and Andy Dwyer sadly, so it is I know it's such a boy. Hey listen me out. Do you like Cyclops? He's he seems fine. I mean, I okay. He's kind of a gosh. I'm going to say this having not seen anything recent that has to do with these characters. I always preferred Wolverine. And Oh, you're a bad girl. I love it. I always thought like why doesn't Jean Grey stick with Wolverine? You, but this is the era of X-Men that I am speaking from. Honey, honey, just accept that. Honey, you married the least Wolverine guy that I know. Every man I know is more like Wolverine than myself.
Starting point is 00:08:54 I have a Cyclops. I hate to admit it. It doesn't make me feel good, but I feel like I'm a Cyclops. Honey, I'm enough Wolverine for both of us. Oh, that's beautiful. You know, Cyclops's power though, right? He's got the laser eye. So he's got it.
Starting point is 00:09:08 So he's got a, now are there two eyes under there or one? Just one big nose. That way you're rad. It's like, actually, here's my thing. One huge eye. No, that's kind of what the idea is that the be, the visor is like his one eye. Like that. Well, he has to wear it, right?
Starting point is 00:09:25 He does have to wear it. Now, this is, okay, good. Gosh, did he already hit it in the game here? This is fantastic. Right. Why? He can't control it. So, like, if he takes it off,
Starting point is 00:09:35 he's just shooting eye beams, right? Okay. Is that right? Yes, that's correct. That's absolutely correct. It was rough going until Professor X is like, try these Ruby Quartz glasses. It was tough at the, at the, uh, the cyclops household. Okay. Okay. Okay. Yeah. He was born this way. Yes, with his
Starting point is 00:09:53 munibilities. Like, did they, as soon as the first time he opened his eyes? No. This is what's great. I was going to say, because he would have wiped out everybody in the delivery room in the hospital. Well, probably not the delivery room. We tried to put it in size right away, but like early on in the hospital. While this varies, from my understanding, as a, not only passing common book fan, the mutinability is tend to emerge like during puberty. It's like a, as you age years,
Starting point is 00:10:20 that's when you're meeting the abilities manifest. Now, it's not supposed to be. It's a baby with laser eyes? Sweet. No, terrifying. Terrifying. But he can't control them. But why? I didn't know this until I started researching this. Think about like cyclops and imagine like a person who had incredible laser eyes. Do you know why he can't control it? No. He used to be able to. Oh, he stopped being able to? No. It says he's just. Wait, is this, is there some sort of medical?
Starting point is 00:10:50 Like, I mean, you can't control your eye, your visual acuity. Like it's not like I can, I am, my visual acuity is very poor, right? I'm 2400, in case you're curious about how well can Sydney see 2400. So I have to out in the world, or essentially all the time,
Starting point is 00:11:13 where glasses or contacts, I can't control that. Like that got worse as I got older. My visual acuity got less and less and less. And I can't like will it different? I couldn't have exercised in some way to control it better. Is that why? So the same idea?
Starting point is 00:11:29 Head injury. Oh, okay. Wow. So, you know, these are incredibly powerful blasts, right? One of Cyclops full-power blasts can puncture an inch thick steel plate at close range and travels far as two kilometers with proportionally diminished effects.
Starting point is 00:11:44 Now, Sydney. Can it go through lead? How can such, now this is my question to you. I'm just curious. How can such a force be generated inside Cyclops skull cavity without pulverizing his cranial matter? It's a lot of you think about it, right? There's conclusive laser made out of conclusive force energy. So it's not photons. It's not a it is it's not a light laser. It is only described as conclusive energy, conclusive force beams. Okay, so why can't we it's right in there, but he doesn't get it. Cushy doesn't say there's brain so their waves Not particles. They are why can we it's energy Okay, why can we see it?
Starting point is 00:12:33 Because it would be weird in the comics so well, okay the practical answer is that Maybe the glasses make it red if but it's always been red even when he's not wearing the glasses. Yeah, so yeah So why doesn't it turn his brains to mush? This is, I can't even, I mean, like I'm sitting here trying to like stretch my creative medical whatever that is. One theory. Yeah. Listen, I could stretch my absolute nonsense muscles as far as I can get them and it still wouldn't get here.
Starting point is 00:13:07 I thought it was a light laser. I thought, I mean, we're talking about different forms of energy now. The presence? Okay. One? I can't I just say, by the way, physics is not my area. I'm just, I'm apologizing to listeners. I like the Gushi stuff. I like the Uzi stuff. Is this what it's like to try to get through a show? I just want to let it right now. I like the Gushi Uzi I like the Uzi stuff. That's what it's like to try to get through a show. I don't want it right now.
Starting point is 00:13:26 I like the Gushi Uzi. I'm a biology person. Chemistry can get up in there too. Physics, I'm weak there. That's my weakness. This is it for you. Okay. Every other episode is for you.
Starting point is 00:13:38 Go ahead, go ahead. One theory I've considered is that Cyclops eyes act as a miniature dimensional portals, allowing instantaneous access to an alternate reality right? Consum energy. I would never have guessed that. Within his eyes, the presence of ocular returaflector, similar to those used by nocturnal mammals for light amplification, could potentially cycle the ever-present conclusive energy through amplifying tissue, perhaps optical crystalline of the type used for laser amplification, until cyclops release is the energy in a focused blast. Now, admittedly, continual reflection of conclusive force beams could result in internal trauma or perceptual disorientation, but perhaps there are biological safeguards in place,
Starting point is 00:14:20 I've yet to discern. When you say, I have yet to discern, who is that? The author of this book. plays, I've yet to discern. When you say I have yet to discern, who is that? The author, the author of this book is not, no, in fiction, the cafe is that it's a. Oh, okay. Okay. So he's like, he's, he's studying.
Starting point is 00:14:39 Because the use of first person there really threw me for a second. Yeah, don't be afraid. Okay. Well, I would never have guessed that. And also, um, again, like multi-dimensional theory isn't exactly my area of expertise. Listen, it really threw me for a loop too. But is there a, are we, are we pre-supposing there's a dimension that is just, this is what I like the most about it. A bunch of inclusive energy. And that's it. I'm assuming there's no living things. No, just a bunch of groovy,
Starting point is 00:15:08 concussive force blasts that he's always tapped into. That would be a wild, yes, that's, yes. Can you imagine what like butterfly effect, what choices would we have had to make differently to create the world of just concussive energy? This world where clay, it can lost American Idol and then it just spiraled out of control from there. I thought he did lose.
Starting point is 00:15:30 No, I thought he did lose. Well, then it's world where Clay Aiken won. He was always winner and I. I mean, I know he has gone on to have a very successful career, but I didn't think he won. Oh gosh, that was so long ago. My mom loved Clay Aiken. I loved Clay Aiken.
Starting point is 00:15:42 Okay. And also everybody's mom did love Clay Aiken. That's true. He was like, yeah. Okay. Do you know loved Clayagan. Uh, okay. And also everybody's mom did love Clayagan. That's true. He was like, yeah. Um, okay. Do you know about beast? You know, beast. Big blue cat.
Starting point is 00:15:50 Yeah. I know about beast. He's a big blue guy. No, he's a big blue guy. And he's smart. Right. Super smart. And then you can tell because he's played by Kelsey Grammar in the original films.
Starting point is 00:15:59 Well, um, maybe I hear the, yeah, we could debate Kelsey Grammar all day. Let's not, let's not do that. Get this. Hey, baby, I hear the blues yeah, we could debate Kelsey Graham all day. Let's not let's not do that. Hey, baby, I hear the blues a call in. Oh, maybe that was a reference. Maybe that was a reference. I'm just saying there's more to smart than like being able to play chess or whatever. Listening to classical music. There's some other things. Okay. Sid, beast, his hearing overlaps with infrasonic and ultrasonic wavelengths, far beyond the human range of 20 hertz to 20,000 hertz. Now from what you know of beast, which is that he's blue, how would you guess that that
Starting point is 00:16:39 happens? That his hearing is so good. Well, he's, I mean, there are other animals who use, like, who have better hearing. And so the fact that he's beast, I don't know what kind of animal beast is, like, in addition to human. He is a man. Sidney, he's a man. Like he but it but we call him beast which trick him the Connotation is that like he's something else too. Yeah, I mean if we start to theorize that like he also has elements of like the inner ear structure Of some sort of animal that has better hearing well
Starting point is 00:17:20 I mean you like bats have like sonar and stuff right so like Beast ears contain more than three times the number of muscles in a normal human ear, allowing him to reposition them for maximum auditory reception. Yeah, that makes sense. I mean, because there are animals that have better, right? Like, dogs hear sounds we don't hear. So we don't even have to go into like outside like, within the mammalian world, there are better ears than ours, although our ears are great. This is, so Beast also has a much better vision
Starting point is 00:17:52 than us, much sharper and can see in a greater light range. How do you think that's achieved? More rods and cones. An increased nerve density in his retinas account for his ability to collect sharp images. But his eyes are similar. If you look at his eyes right here, look, see the eyes right there with the pupil. Yeah. Yeah. You've got to think about it again. Gosh, we keep getting into physics. You just have to think about like the shape and size of the eye and its ability to like, focus, reflect light and focus on distance.
Starting point is 00:18:27 It's, so it's like a camera. His eyes are similar to that of a feline pupils. That are, this is just true, which I think is as wilder than Marvel fiction unless we're talking about how Cyclops's eyes work, which is the wildest thing I've ever read. B size are similar to those of domestic cat with vertical slits that can open and close
Starting point is 00:18:48 with a remarkable speed. Studies have shown that feline pupils are more than 20 times more responsive than human eyes when changing between constricted and dilated states, allowing for superior night vision. So, Beast's eyes work in a similar fashion as we're in. That makes sense, because's other animal than human. I mean, it makes a lot more sense than some of the things
Starting point is 00:19:10 in the car. Are you going to tell me more about beast or are we moving on? We're moving on. Okay. Well, before we move on, don't you dare. Yeah, it's time to go to the building. You're not allowed to do that. I'll do it.
Starting point is 00:19:19 Well, I'll say I'm going to tell you about the next, our next hero and boy, you're just going to love it. This one's a lady doctor and she loves gardening. Oh, it's me. Yeah, you're gonna be so excited to hear about it. Are you ready to hear about it? I'm ready. Tough nuggies because we're going to the billing department. Now let's go. for the mouse. Hi, this is Lori Kilmarton. I'm Jackie Cation and we have a podcast called the Jackie Lori Show on Max Funnett. It's very exciting because what do we talk about?
Starting point is 00:19:57 Comedy. Stand-up comedy. We both do stand-up comedy and have since the dawn of Christ. Well, Jackie, is that offensive? It is offensive to me because she's aged to me. We started in the late 80s, and we're still here. You can't kill us. So go to the Jackie Lauren Show on Max Fun and listen to that.
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Starting point is 00:20:52 You'll like our show because we're both former video producers, so we bring a lot of insight into the production and filmmaking aspects to these episodes. And we also have a very refined sense of humor, so we make lots of delightful fart jokes along the way. So, come see why Greatest Trek is one of the most popular television recap podcasts on all of the internet. Subscribe to Greatest Trek at, or in the podcast app you're using right now. Colossus, do you know Colossus? Oh, I feel like I should know. You would know him. He's a big Russian guy. I was gonna say, I bet he's big. He's a big Russian guy. Here's Colossus.
Starting point is 00:21:30 He's a big Russian guy and his thing is metal skin. I was gonna say, looks scary, looks like a robot. Yeah, he's not though. He's a man. As I have to keep reminding you about mutants, they're people just like us. Well, they're homo superior, but you get the idea. They're not actually- So his metal skin is not the result of like Android or like partial human, partial something
Starting point is 00:21:53 else, you know what I'm saying? No. Now, this is confusing because Wolverine's adamantium bones are the result of that, right? Right. The, the web and ex-testing. Right. And cyborg is a machine and man combined. Yeah. Cyborg. Yeah. That's in DC. What are you even talking about? Well, I'm just, you know,
Starting point is 00:22:15 colossus. But like, this is not that. I'm trying to like clarify, like, this isn't, this is like Terminator 2. Yeah. This exactly, no, Terminator 2 is all liquid metal. You're talking about the T2000, that was all liquid metal. Clause is just coats his body in metal. Well, because that was still made. This is some, that he was born this way. Yes. Gotcha.
Starting point is 00:22:39 Now, this is what's, it's a thin layer of organic metal. He does not breathe in this state, which is interesting, which makes a black Panther think that his skin might be permeable to oxygen, like oxygen may be able to get through. So when pitor transforms into colossus, how does that happen? How does that happen?
Starting point is 00:23:05 How does the skin become metal? I think yes. Because he's, I saw Sheldon as a mentor and he becomes, he doubles his weight. I don't know how that's possible. Interestingly, and I don't know why this wouldn't occur to you. He is likely unconsciously drawing from a store of mass located in an alternate dimension. Of course, it's an alternate dimension. I was gonna say, I mean,
Starting point is 00:23:29 because I could, again, like, is he able to mobilize? Because we have metals in our body, right? Like, we know that. We know that there are trace metals and then, you know, there's iron in there. Like, we know there's metal. And so like, is he drawing from all the various sources
Starting point is 00:23:44 of metal to his, to the surface of his skin? No. He's drawing from an alternate dimension. Can you look at this? There's a, there's a, I wouldn't guess that again. There's a really grody cross-section of, of colossus's, I think it's his leg. Can you look at that diagram? I mean, I guess it is. It's the prime, it's the fact that it's his leg. Can you look at that diagram? That's really, what does it look like? Well, it's the prime, it's the fact that it's like a slice of a steak. It does look like a steak. It looks like a clossus steak. It's like a vertical slice of clossus steak or horizontal slice of clossus steak. How's the diagram looking pretty good? How's the diagram? So what do we, we have like a, it looks like a steak.
Starting point is 00:24:19 Mm-hmm. And in the middle of the steak, we have the bone. So like the round part, roundish. It's a femur. So, you know, it's femur shape, but it's a cross section of the femur. And in the middle of the steak, we have the bone. So like the round part, round-ish. It's a femur, so you know, it's femur shape, but it's a cross-section of the femur. And in the middle of the femur is bone marrow, which is, that's bright. And we got bone marrow and the bones, so that's all right. And then around that is some like, it looks again like steak.
Starting point is 00:24:40 You're just like red, but with like the fat through it and everything. And it says muscles and ligaments is how that's, yeah. So like that's all that's how that's labeled. And then outside of it, where you would see like the skin or epidermis is a metal layer. And it says organic steel skin. This is not that's accurate. Yeah. Well, it doesn't, I mean, I don't know what it's that's what am I supposed to know? Like, I do enjoy the extent to which it looks like a colossus steak though. I would like to make that into a cake like we had to do with cells in
Starting point is 00:25:17 in school. Remember when you had to make a cell into a cake? We're actually what they told you to do was make a model of a cell and everybody made a cake. Yeah, I did that. Everybody I did it too. We all made cakes. Okay, now I'm going to talk about Deadpool and I'll just read directly. I don't have a question here. I'm just going to read about this. Super awesomeness factor. Sure. Deadpool's healing factor can patch him back together once he's been diced up in anybody pieces. Oh, he can heal really fast, but his most important power wasn't stolen from a hairy little Canadian. This one he was born with charm. The guy's just oozing with it.
Starting point is 00:25:53 And he can pretty much convince anybody to do anything with just a wink at a smile. That's harder with a full face mask, but he's still working on the details. Anyway, what I'm trying to say is that Deadpool is a lovable scamp who is welcome in Wakanda whenever he wants to at hey I don't think he wrote that this was written by Deadpool. I think Deadpool wrote that Deadpool got into this book somehow Wow, you can tell the font is all wild. Hey this guy this guy is a rassable Okay, but can I ask you a question? Yeah. Is Charm something that Deadpool has a lot of? I mean, yeah, he's the mark with the mouth.
Starting point is 00:26:31 Does he use it to manipulate others? Uh, yeah. And get what he wants? I guess, yeah. I mean, because I think what you could say is like, that's not necessarily a superpower or like a mutinability, like there are people who have who are good at social engineering who are really good at like reading others and then adapting to what they need in that moment in order to get a, I mean, like what we're edging into are some of the aspects
Starting point is 00:26:59 of like sociopathy. Yes, right. Now that has to be coupled with like, does Deadpool have a conscience? Like does he feel guilt, you know, or experience empathy? I don't know, I don't know those things. So Deadpool has, you know, he can heal himself,
Starting point is 00:27:18 much like Wolverine. But it says here that damaged neurons within Deadpool's brain are re-grown or replaced, but the new synaptic connections formed may result in obscured memories and ultra thought processes. I think that's interesting that the brain can regrow with a mutant healing factor, but it's even a mutant healing factor can't regrow it in exactly the same way. You know what I mean? I just think that that's interesting to think about because the brain is so complex. It's also kind of a, it's also kind of like, I think you could, okay, to get deep for a second.
Starting point is 00:27:50 I think it's kind of a lovely metaphor too for like Deadpool is someone who, because of his job, I'm assuming has experienced some trauma. Yes. Right? And I don't know his backstory, Is it a traumatic backstory? It's not great. It's not great. Well, then I mean, I think that that's like kind of a a a nice way of like making a comic book version of how after we've been through trauma, yes, we can continue to
Starting point is 00:28:20 you know, grow and change and function and have wonderful lives, but like our brains are permanently changed by that. Like the way we think and process information will always be different. Yeah. And that's not bad per se. No, just a couple. It shouldn't be stigmatizing, but it does, it does, it is something to recognize as you move on through your journey in life, that your brain is a little different because of that experience. I think that's kind of lovely. Um, I'm real quick. I just, I have to show you, there's a part of circle here. I didn't know Mystique.
Starting point is 00:28:50 Mystique is one of the... Yeah, no, I know that one from the movies. Okay, Rebecca remain, was Mystique. Somebody else, all these have two actors because they've done like multiple generations with first class and everything, but I know the all ones because they're the mobile person.
Starting point is 00:29:03 Mystique's power? Yeah, no, I remember she's blue and she turns into other people. Yes. Yes. I thought it was Jennifer Lawrence. That second, that's what I'm saying. Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 00:29:14 Well, that I remember. I remember. I remember. And then she was the young Mistake and then older Mistake was a recommend, which I'm sure recommend, which is wild about. Yeah. You just said older Mistake. Yeah, that's great.
Starting point is 00:29:23 So I just want to real quick Rather than tell you about this I just want to hand over this diagram and I've circled apart for you to specifically Okay, so we've got a picture of mystique and basically it all looks like Mystique except for we're looking inside her body at her heart is in her left upper thigh. Vessels are all kind of wonky too, but whatever. And is that are those her intestines over in her left upper arm and shoulder? And what is the sexist? Mystique's control over her anatomical structure allows her to shift the placement of her internal organs to avoid fatal injury. So she moved her intestines
Starting point is 00:30:14 into her arm, which I think it is kind of interesting. There are exit points, though, for the intestines. So if you're going to move the intestines into the arm, where is the new exit point? Right. Because they're a little, they're a little pink tubes that are sort of going up her throat there. So you can imagine the entrance point has remained the same. There's her mouth. But the exit point is not diagrammed and is unclear.
Starting point is 00:30:41 One would hope that before she has to make a Bm, she's so stupid. I do also. Why is her heart? I'm going to say like putting your heart in your thigh. I don't think that's her brain. I think that's her brain. That is not her brain.
Starting point is 00:30:55 Honey, I think that's her brain. Look, look what's connecting up to. She's moved her brain down into her arm. Why would it be a fatal injury? She's moved her heart and brain. Is it a fatal injury? Her brain got long and squishy. she's moved her heart and brain. This is where you get a finger. But her brain got long and squishy like long and smush. It's in her arm, honey. How is this a good thing? That's a brain. I think that's a brain. It looks all coiled up like a
Starting point is 00:31:15 small intestine. So yeah, but I think it's a brain. Um, I do. Those are worst, like you're going to get injured, like your leg and also she's not wearing clothes on the leg. Like her leg is unclosed, do you think? I think the idea, and this is what I'm trying to parse out, is a situation where my head is here, right? And there's some sort of damage coming towards my head. I'm trying to imagine a situation where it is faster for me to scoop my brain down, or just like, duck, just like not get hit. or throw your arm up in front of
Starting point is 00:31:46 your face. Okay, can I just say, say whatever you want? Now, I see this is weird to me because a lot of stuff has kind of played with like the way the human body really works and then we sort of expand on that. Here's what I'm going to say. Your heart sits inside something called your rib cage. We call it that because it kinda looks like cage made of bone, ribs, right? The reason that it's constructed that way, I mean, I'm part, it gives a shape, there's lots of reasons,
Starting point is 00:32:17 but part of it is that it protects the vital structures inside of it, your heart and lungs. So it's a good place for internal organs to be because they're very protected. What cage do you have in your upper thigh? None. So if you get like stabbed in your upper thigh, it's going right in there to everything important.
Starting point is 00:32:36 It's also- Whereas like you've got some like protection in your chest. Moreover, your brain sits inside your skull, which is an incredibly, like, it's a collection of heavy, thick bones when all of them are, but like, the ones around the brain are really thick and tough. It's why, like, when your kid bonks their head for the 50th time. It's fine.
Starting point is 00:32:56 Well, I mean, generally speaking, you don't freak out because, like, your brains are well protected. She has moved her organs to more vulnerable places in that picture. It's what I'm saying. I'd like to talk to you about the inhumans before we close. Okay. And the inhumans are crappy.
Starting point is 00:33:15 And they had a movie and I don't care because I think the inhumans are stupid. I don't know anything about them. The inhumans, well then just briefly. I will say that the inhumans is kind of like I don't know anything about them. The inhumans, they'll then just briefly use blackboard for the picture. I will say that the inhumans is kind of, like I don't love that name. Well, they are, it is, so they're the result of Cree career advanced space for any race.
Starting point is 00:33:35 They're the result of Cree experiments perform, they hit the scroll, it's like Cree is a cap marvel. Result of Cree experiments performed on prune of humans approximately 25,000 years ago. The Cree's test subjects became a new branch of the human species that was far more powerful and adaptable, provided they were exposed to a highly specific environmental trigger during adolescents, during adolescent physical development. The unique ritual will be known as terrogenesis. So they inhale the the terrogen, and it changed their baseline in human
Starting point is 00:34:08 DNA to new proteins begin to form on a strand of inhuman DNA after exposure to vapors produced by tarage and crystals. Okay. Even know how they read those. So that is what the inhumans are. The ribosommmers structure must be different. They're crappy. I just wanted to tell you briefly about some of the inhumans because they're all so crappy. The first is black bowl and he's the king of the inhumans. But if he talks, then But if he talks, then he releases incredible destructive force. The faintest whisper from black bolt generates enough force to rock a battleship with a high decibel scream can decimate an entire city. So aren't there a ton of black canary?
Starting point is 00:34:58 Yeah, but like better, like way more powerful. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh. He creates the powers, okay? By producing particles in a part of his brain, and those interact with ambient electrons to produce a wide variety of powers. What part of the brain do you think these particles are created in? I like to make sound. Particles produce. Me and in your auditor or in your, in your, your verbal processing, like in, Broca's area. Whoa, ladies and gentlemen, tell her what she's one. Particles produced in black bolts, Broca's area, the region of the cerebellum the control speech
Starting point is 00:35:46 Interactive variety of electron distributes wide variety powers honey. I know this isn't a quest quiz But you did get that one right. I'm so proud of you. Are you proud of me? I am so proud of you Are you impressed with how much brain knowledge I have so I just want you to I'm laying it I'm also creating a case against seeing humans and why they're so crappy so that guy you can agree that sucks against the humans and why they're so crappy. So that guy, you can agree, that sucks. Right. But that is the man of the, the man leader, the male leader, black bowl of the inhumans.
Starting point is 00:36:11 His power is that with a single word from his mouth, he can level a city, he can rewrite. Does he also tap into a different dimension? No, he creates particles in his broken area, try to keep them. I really like, though, like, at some point somebody said, we're playing real fast and loose with, like, Newtonian physics here. Like, can you create?
Starting point is 00:36:33 Matter cannot be, you know, created or destroyed. Like, how are we creating matter wholesale within these people? And so they found this loophole where they're like, well, they're tapping into another dimension where the matter is coming from. So we're not creating the matter. We're just pulling matter from somewhere else. But in this case, we're just making. I want, no, okay, so I want to make this point.
Starting point is 00:36:56 So that's black bolt, the leader of the inhumans, the king of the inhumans. But let's meet the queen of the inhumans, city. What do you think the queen of the inhumans. But let's meet the queen of the inhuman city. What do you think the queen of the inhumans power is? Um, I couldn't even begin to total hair control. The queen of the inhuman superpower is incredible hair. This is what what year was this? Maduce's hair shafts are approximately five times thicker than human hair with internal fibrous structures analogous to steel cable. Strands of individual hair can be bundled together reinforcing each
Starting point is 00:37:32 toe point where she is able to use them to lift loads exceeding 1.6 tons. I mean, the king of the inhumans levels a city with a shot. The queen of the inhumans. Fantastic hair. Well, but I'm assuming she can like knock things over with her hair and capture people, probably kill people with her hair if it's like steel cables. Yeah, but like, so I'd decapitate you with her hair. But you know, they're not real. And so they're made up by probably a man. And a man is like king, super voice, levels of city with a single word, so powerful. Queen, super hair moving on.
Starting point is 00:38:11 I know. I mean, it definitely feels sexist to me. The very next. It is a little fabulous, but it is sexist, but a little fabulous. The very next inhuman in this crappy collection of characters is Triton. That's black bolts cousin. This is Triton. He's a fish man. He looks like Mr. Shape of Water.
Starting point is 00:38:38 He's got. He does look like Mr. Shape of Water. He has in hand. Did they talk about his, you know? His is jumble. Like we talk about in the shape of water. No. That was a weird moment in that movie did not expect that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:52 Now, I just want to talk about, so he prefers it underwater, right? He has, he has to be in water. He has an external. He prefers it underwater. He has an external water circulation system that he uses when he's outside because he's gotta be in water. Thanks a lot, Terrogenesis.
Starting point is 00:39:09 Oh, so he wears a suit with water in it? Of course he. But where a lot of these... Aquasauks. A lot of these cats have increased night vision, but Triton has increased underwater vision. That you're gonna say, David. He has increased day vision. He can see say David. He has increased day vision.
Starting point is 00:39:26 He can see anything in the daytime. No problem. Well, he'll, others who are like too bright, he's like perfect. So he has increased underwater vision, which is, that's too bad, because we have goggles, so like we can keep up.
Starting point is 00:39:42 That's not, we can, we can master that one. He has much better than novels. Yeah, how? How? He has little windshield wipers on his eyes. You're being silly. This is anatomy, okay.
Starting point is 00:39:56 This is real. This is serious. Does he have like an extra film over his eyes that focuses light better. Cause I mean, that's part of it. Like you've got to find light sources while you're under water and the deeper you go, the less. So in order to see, there has to be light. So is he able to focus light sources better?
Starting point is 00:40:16 Somehow pick up on light more efficiently. He has increased quantities of L and M cones in his retina, which significantly boosts his perception of the green portion of the light spectrum, which enhances his underwater vision. Okay. And I don't have anything to say about Gorgon, the next inhuman, but look at this dork. I'm assuming that's just the diagram is why his leg looks that way. He just says, he doesn't always run around with his muscles,
Starting point is 00:40:49 I can't help you. He just has goat legs. And the next one's like, the next in human is a lock jaw, a big dog. I mean, he's just a big dog. He's just a big dog with magic fork in his head. Is he a human that turned into a dog or is he just a big dog?
Starting point is 00:41:03 It's him. It's him. No's it's it now He's a result of in human experiments on canines. Oh, yeah, I think this is all very sad I feel like this is sad this storyline. Yeah, all the all the inhumans are stupid. I feel bad for them I feel bad for them. I feel the way about The inhumans that you feel about most comic books that just there it doesn't I think the inhumans are crappy Sorry, well, I don't feel that way about most comic books. That just, it doesn't, I think the inhumans are crappy. Sorry. Well, I don't feel that way about most comic books.
Starting point is 00:41:28 That's true. It's not, I don't think they're crappy. I don't have. No, I think they're goofy. I think the inhumans are goofy. Oh, okay. Yeah, I can't take them seriously. I do think, I do think some comic books are good, but I mean, I read Archie, so like, I'm not gonna sit here and throw a shade on anybody.
Starting point is 00:41:41 Like, Sydney is always you proving yourself to be a wonderful sport. Thank you again to the Marvel Anatomy book because, oh, good or bad, it's just shut the door on anybody. Like, Sydney is always you proving yourself to be a wonderful sport. Thank you again to the Marvel Anatomy book because it, oh, good or bad, it's just shut the door on us. That's normal. Um, thanks for listening to our show. Thanks to the taxpayers for you, Sarah Song of Medicines is the intro now to our program.
Starting point is 00:41:57 Hey, this is a, this is a rarity, uh, but you want to come see us perform live. You absolutely can. Yeah, we never get to do that anymore. I'm excited. I know. If you had on over to bit.ly4dslashmackleroy2, or you can purchase tickets to our October 13th show
Starting point is 00:42:15 with saw bones opening, and that is going to be in conjunction with New York Common Con, but you do not need a badge. You can just get tickets and come on out to see it October 13th. So let's go. Please. Did I think the taxpayers? Not yet.
Starting point is 00:42:33 Thanks to taxpayers who use their song medicines as the intern algebra burger, but thanks to you for listening. It's going to do it for us. For this week until next time, my name is just Mac Roy. I'm Sydney Mac Roy. And as always, don't drill a hole in your head. You're right. Alright! Yeah! Maximum Fun! A Workroad Network of Artist Owned Shows supported directly by you.

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