Sawbones: A Marital Tour of Misguided Medicine - Sawbones: Ozone

Episode Date: July 6, 2018

Ozone provides a helpful layer of sunscreen for Earth, but it's toxic to humans. It will come as no surprise to regular Sawbones listeners that we've spent the past couple hundred years trying to jam in every possible orifice. Music: "Medicines" by The Taxpayers

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Saabones is a show about medical history, and nothing the hosts say should be taken as medical advice or opinion. It's for fun. Can't you just have fun for an hour and not try to diagnose your mystery boil? We think you've earned it. Just sit back, relax, and enjoy a moment of distraction from that weird growth. You're worth it. that weird growth. You're worth it. Alright, time is about to books. One, two, one, two, three, four. We came across a pharmacy with a toy and that's lost it out. We pushed on through the broken glass and had ourselves a look around.
Starting point is 00:00:56 Some medicines, some medicines, the escalant macaque for the mouth. Wow! Hello everybody and welcome to Saul Bona's marital tour of misguide medicine. I'm Rickerhoes just macaroy And I'm Sydney Macaroy. Sydney. Welcome to the program. Thank you. Justum. I'm polite of you. I suppose I have an embarrassing admission to make to you. I realized this week that I myself have participated in an to make to you. I realized this week that I myself have participated in an alternative medicine that does not have, I think, a huge grounding in reality. This does not surprise me, but please continue. I went to an oxygen bar. These are an oxygen bar in the Huntington Arcade. And I was covering it for a story, but I went and checked it out. And they actually had one, if it already
Starting point is 00:01:43 serves in the mall, they have a bunch of different scented oxygens. Like pure oxygen, you could just like, and just check out. Inhale it. Yeah, sitting like you do with oxygen, what are you gonna do? Eat it. Well, we're not usually inhaling pure oxygen. Yeah, this is like the good stuff.
Starting point is 00:02:00 Right. The O2. You don't want too much. There's a limit. When you said you were gonna do ozone therapy this week, Right. You don't want too much. And so- And so- And so- And so- And so- And so- And so- And so- And so- And so-
Starting point is 00:02:08 And so- And so- And so- And so- And so- And so- And so- And so- And so-
Starting point is 00:02:14 And so- And so- And so- And so- And so- And so- And so- And so- And so- And so-
Starting point is 00:02:22 And so- And so- And so- And so- And so- And so- And so- And so- And so- And so- So, ozone is actually different than oxygen. There are two different things. Because oxygen, the form that we usually have delivered, like, let's say that you're someone who needs oxygen therapy for real, not at a bar at the mall, but for real. It's O2, two atoms of oxygen. Got it. Right.
Starting point is 00:02:42 Ozone is O3. Okay. So three oxygen atoms together you would think it wouldn't make a big difference But if you just more oxygen right if you know anything about chemistry then you know it really does so if you had two two of two units of Three yes, three units of O, that would be the same thing. That's six O's.
Starting point is 00:03:06 No, no, different things. They're very different substances. Six O's. No matter which way you slice it. No, no, that is not how chemistry of any of these... So we're kind of molecules. Yes. A molecule of 0, 3 has three O's.
Starting point is 00:03:23 It has three O's. Okay. An molecule of 0, 2 has three O's. It has three O's. Okay. An molecule of O2 has two O's. Yes, sure. So, three molecules of O2. No, okay. Two molecules of O3, that's six O's. No more, which one is it?
Starting point is 00:03:36 We're going to stop with the O's. And we're going to talk about why, why has, what is ozone? And why am I talking about it on a medical podcast? It's an incredible layer that protects our Earth like sunscreen. Yeah, it does that. But did you know, Justin, that it has been mistaken for medicine for a while? No, it is medicine in that it's sunscreen. It's it's a medical application and that there's a big layer of it that protects us from the rays of the sun.
Starting point is 00:04:02 Thank you to everybody who recommended this topic, Luke and Cairdwin and Jenny and Sophie and Christina and Seth. Cairdwin? Cairdwin? Yes, I believe that was the name. I don't know, Cairdwin. I may be pronouncing it wrong. I read it.
Starting point is 00:04:16 It's close. It's nice. It's a nice name. Yeah. So, I was not familiar with this as an alternative medical therapy. I know what the Ozone layer is. I'm familiar with the concept of Ozone because I took chemistry, but that was about it. So Ozone is, it's an unstable molecule.
Starting point is 00:04:39 It's usually in a gas form. It's very pungent. It's odor. You would know it. It's the odor of, you know, right after lightning strikes. Yeah. That's ozone. Oh, cool.
Starting point is 00:04:52 That's what that smell is. It's pale blue. You're curious. The name ozone actually comes from the Greek verb to smell. Mm-hmm. To smell because of its odor. Because of its, it's got that very strong kind of, I think we associate it with like clean, fresh,
Starting point is 00:05:09 you know what I mean? That smell, that's ozone. Ozone is an oxidant, it oxidizes things, that's supposed to an antioxidant, I suppose. And it has a lot of industrial applications, but that also makes it damaging to human tissue, especially mucus membranes or the respiratory tract and we'll kind of get into what it can cause.
Starting point is 00:05:32 So it is a, as far as the human body goes, you can consider it kind of a toxic gas. Okay. So of course. Gotta put it in there. We gotta find a way to use it for medicine. In 1839 was when it was first isolated, Christian Friedrich Sean Bean isolated the gas. He named it ozone because of the smell and he noticed that it was the same smell after lightning struck. He was
Starting point is 00:05:55 like running electric currents through water. That's how he found it. And then soon after they figured out the formula to our three oxygen atoms. And from the jump, people started associating it with health. I mean, from its discovery, this is 1839, by the late 1800s, people are already trying to find ways to use it as medicine. Why? Because it smells kind of clean, maybe? It has a clean smell, so they think that must be cleaning out my body. Something.
Starting point is 00:06:27 People used to believe that lightning somehow cleansed the air, and so the smell came after lightning, so there was maybe an association there. It had three oxygens instead of regular old two, so it's 50% better? I don't know, for whatever reason, from the beginning. I think also though, wasn't this sort of this era like electricity probably would have been associated with health, like where we're starting to understand that electricity has a part in the human body, right?
Starting point is 00:07:01 Cause this is right around galvanization and Mary Shelley and that kind of like Frankenstein. You can see how culturally we would think like, oh electricity, that's. And we were also, as electricity became a thing, we were also using it for various medical applications. So if we thought this had something to do with lightning,
Starting point is 00:07:22 I could see that being. Lightning healthy. Yeah. We think it was healthy. People started to believe that areas of higher elevation were healthier because of the, you were closer to the ozone. Those in the atmosphere. Mm hmm. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:36 It is healthier though, right? Why? Because the oxygen is thinner, so it means you use less oxygen. So if you come down low, you're like Superman. Not. It doesn't quite work that way. There's some issues when you go from lower to higher elevation, but you're not.
Starting point is 00:07:52 You're going to get good issues because it actually- You're talking about like athletic training at higher elevation. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. But I mean, if your plan is just to move on top of a mountain to be healthy, that's not a good plan. But when you come down from the mountain, your lungs are used to process thin air and you get that good thick air and you're just like, let me run. I say that as a as a hill dweller here in West Virginia.
Starting point is 00:08:12 A hill dweller? I don't live in the hollers. I live up on the hills. Nothing wrong with hollers. Nothing wrong with hollers. It's just different elevations. It's just different elevation. Um, it's like, for instance, Beaumont, California started calling itself
Starting point is 00:08:27 the zone of ozone to try and draw in a lot of crunchy type tourists, you know, crunchyer than me. I'm a little crunchy, not that crunchy. Hey, let me make crunchy style, because you better now. It's all that this week. Oh, really? I'm pretty excited about that. I only believe in real crunchy things.
Starting point is 00:08:43 I know, and this is weird. All of this is very weird to me because simultaneously with us discovering that ozone was a thing and deciding that it must be healthy, we also figured out pretty quickly that it was in fact not healthy and very dangerous to living creatures. They did early experiments with ozone on frogs
Starting point is 00:09:02 and birds and rabbits and that showed a lot of damage to their respiratory tract. The guy, Christian Friedrich Sean, being fine, whatever, Sean, who isolated it said, like, it actually, you know, it will make your chest hurt and it had difficult to breathe. And I think it might be dangerous. We figured out pretty quickly it would cause pulmonary edema, so fluid accumulating in the tissue of the lungs, if you inhaled too much,
Starting point is 00:09:31 and we knew it could kill small mammals if they inhaled it. Yeah. So, that's not, I mean, it's not great folks. So we knew, and this is all like from its beginning. We figured out what it was. We thought it was really healthy. We knew it wasn't healthy. You'd think that would be the end of the story. I wouldn't think that. But if you listen to our show, then you know it never is. Never give up.
Starting point is 00:09:56 One of the first to use it for medicinal purposes in the US was Dr. John Kellogg. You may remember Dr. Kellogg. Battle Creek Zone. Yes, from our previous episode on Dr. Kellogg, he was a fan of a lot of things that didn't work as medicine and a lot of really bad stuff. So this really hurt. And he started using ozone sonnas for diptheria patients. A battle creek. Yes, honey, a sauna.
Starting point is 00:10:25 A sauna. Yeah. Um, you guys have seen the apple. There's a, really, track down the apple. It's such a good, I'm, I'm now making the apple references just to entertain my life. Uh, and she wasn't even that entertained by it. So my audience of one, I'm doing it. I'm doing a business.
Starting point is 00:10:41 This is a important business. Sorry, Dr. Michael. Important business. So it was, it was very important business. Sorry Dr. McElroy. Important business. So it was very quickly adopted by a lot of different medical professionals. Not definitely naturopaths, but also physicians. In 1892, it was described as a possible treatment for tuberculosis in the lancer, in the journal of the lancer. So it was getting mainstream medical use.
Starting point is 00:11:04 Do things get listed in medical journals as possible a lot? Is that a common thing? So it was getting mainstream medical use. Do things probably get listed in medical journals as possible a lot? Is that a common thing? No, maybe. No. Not me not today. Yeah. Maybe back in 1892.
Starting point is 00:11:15 Well, we were always throwing some out of the wall back then. Well, let me say this. Yes, of course, there are articles that suggest that we found this really interesting correlation. This could be a big breakthrough, but we can't prove causation just yet or that it definitely works like this. Yes, but they have a lot more evidence than would have been needed for this back in the 1800s. Sure.
Starting point is 00:11:34 Does that make sense? Now, the thing that really I think made it explode, you could kind of blame Nikola Tesla for it. This is much good. And if you read about people who are proponents of ozone therapy today, they cite Nikola Tesla as like, this is why you know it's legit. Tesla was into it. As if like, we can blame poor Tesla for all of those.
Starting point is 00:11:58 Tesla was doing a lot of stuff, a lot of it, great, but come on. In the late 1800s, Tesla was trying to make wireless electric power for JP Morgan. He had been contracted to do so. He promised him he was giving a bunch of money, he was failing to provide this, this, this service for JP Morgan. So he went to JP Morgan and he was like, there's this very eloquent like request he made about, you know, how it's taking longer than he thought, but like you can't put a time limit on this stuff and like discovery and bubble-blonde. Basically, he was saying, please give me more money. I can make this happen and Morgan just responded, no, no more cash for you.
Starting point is 00:12:37 Tesla. So, Tesla said, I need to make something commercial so that I can start selling something and make money to fund this real thing that I'm working on. So he got into the ozone business. He had already made an ozone generator machine that would make ozone. And so he started selling them. He patented a corona discharge ozone generator in 1896 and then he formed the Tesla Ozone Generator in 1896 and then he formed the Tesla Ozone Company and he began selling these generators to doctors and naturopaths to use it their office to give ozone therapy to patients. He would also create like a product like a medicinal product by bubbling ozone gas through olive oil and
Starting point is 00:13:23 if you do that long, you can do that with all kinds of different oils, honestly. And if you do that, it will eventually create like a solid compound and then you can sell that. And it's like, I don't know, ozoneated olive oil. It was anated as not advertising word.
Starting point is 00:13:39 And he would sell that to doctors to then prescribe to their patients. He also sold that process through the Sears catalog. So you could go to your Sears catalog and order like Ozenated Eucalyptus or Pine or Spirman Oil or something like that to use for whatever. Yeah, whatever you wanted to guess that it was good for. A lot of early therapies had to do with like disinfecting wounds with like the thought was
Starting point is 00:14:11 ozone gas in a lab, killed bacteria and viruses sometimes and fungi and things like that. And so maybe we can do that in the human body. So much so that actually during World War One, they tried that to disinfect wounds. You would just direct ozone gas at a wound to try to kill all of the stuff that's in it in order to allow the wound to heal. Just like let me place this gas at you. Yes, the instructions were apply until the tissue is glazed. Glazed.
Starting point is 00:14:40 That's so great. It's the grudiest one they could have chosen. Like a doughnut. This way. No. This obviously would create a great deal of tissue damage as well. So like, yes, you might kill some germs, but you're also going to kill the human tissue that you're directing the gas at. So while this may have been an okay option in a time where we didn't have a
Starting point is 00:15:13 Lot of other great antiseptics. You can see how this was quickly outpaced by everything else that could be used to clean and Disinfect issue that you know didn't also destroy it So until the 30s a lot of doctors and naturopaths got really into trying ozone for everything because the human public was already the human public. I don't know why I said that, like I'm from outer space. The public was already way into this idea that ozone was medicine, and so doctors and naturopaths were happy to fulfill that need by saying, yeah, we can definitely administer ozone to you in a variety of ways.
Starting point is 00:15:45 Let's come up with some new ones. So a gas can be hard sometimes to apply onto a human, into a human, onto a human. So let's add it to other gases or liquids or something so that we can give you injections of it, maybe. Oh, good, yeah, yeah. Maybe in the muscle, maybe on your skin, maybe we could administer it vaginally.
Starting point is 00:16:03 Oh, sure. Or rectally. Oh sure, correctly. Oh yeah, we're giving you an IV infusion. Nice. They also came up with a process called auto-hemotherapy, where they would take blood out of you. Put it into a car. Expose it to ozone.
Starting point is 00:16:17 No, no, not that kind of auto. Got it. Auto-meaning like from your body to your body. Right. Auto-hemotherapy. So they would take it out of you, expose it to ozone, and then put it back in you to get all that ozone-y goodness right in you.
Starting point is 00:16:30 You could also buy products like liquid zone, which was like a patent medicine kind of thing that was supposed to be just liquid ozone. Now, I think it's worth noting that this is fraudulent on many levels, not only would ozone not work anyway, you could not be, it could not be liquid ozone. Ozone exists as a liquid form at a temperature of about negative 170 degrees Fahrenheit
Starting point is 00:16:56 for all you Celsius fans, that's negative 112 degrees Celsius. That's quite cold. You could not ingest this. No, this would not be, no, that would not be a liquid that you could ingest. No, you could not ingest this liquid. So that was a lie on several levels. But this was, this, this ozone craze, we're about to, we're about to, there's always a tipping point, right? Where things start to fall off, where people start to change their minds. Don't worry, we're almost there.
Starting point is 00:17:26 Oh, thank goodness. But before we do that, let's head to the Billion Department. Let's go. The medicines, the medicines that ask you make my God for the mouth. Now, we're at something of a tipping point for ozone Sydney. That's right.
Starting point is 00:17:42 So ozone at this point, when the early 1900s were just, we're, we're corigning towards the 1930s. Okay. And ozone is being tried by everybody for pretty much everything. I mentioned tuberculosis. We're talking, uh, Anemia, whooping cough, asthma, bronchitis, insomnia, diabetes, gout, syphilis, eating, any kind of cancer you got, trench foot, gangrene,
Starting point is 00:18:07 any kind of dentistry problems, dentists were trying it out. You could, as I said, you could put it in every orifice, you could inject it in every way. Tell me what it was like to put it in there. You could inhale my will, my determination. Inhale it through oil, sit and sauna, ozone was everywhere, and everybody was into it, but was it helping?
Starting point is 00:18:29 No. No, it wasn't. After a couple of things led to its downfall. I mean, other than the fact that I would love to say it was because it didn't work, that doesn't always stop us. No, no, no, no. It helped that it was fake. It helped.
Starting point is 00:18:46 The FDA started to crack down on it. That was part of it. The AMA also in the 30s started to say, you know what, like we've got real stuff that works. Maybe not with the fake so much. The poison gas. The smile light. The poison gas that you people feel determined doing jazz.
Starting point is 00:19:05 The rise of modern antiseptics was a big part of this because we found, I mean, when you clean a wound, if you can avoid destroying all of the human tissue, that would be preferable. Okay. Not turning it into a glaze. Not glazing it. So as we found ways of doing that, ozone became less favorable. Yeah, it must be so such a disappointment when you find things that do work,
Starting point is 00:19:36 you're like, oh, okay, this is actually what working looks like. We were kind of, it's not glaze, everybody pack it in. Okay, this is actually medicine. As it began to fall out of favor in the US it still persisted throughout the world There were so a lot of places that were that were working on it specifically There was a lot of work being done in in Germany using ozone treatments Some of that was was tried in Canada as well in the US it was mainly falling to like naturopathic and homeopathic practitioners, but actual medical people weren't really using it quite as much. And by the
Starting point is 00:20:15 50s, the FDA was straight up seizing ozone generators from doctors, offices, and places in saying this is not okay, this is not okay. This is not a thing. You can't do this. It's actually been a big problem, even currently for the Federal Trade Commission to crack down on all of the false claims made by people who sell these ozone generators because they're still being sold, by the way. This has been a persistent problem because there's so much misinformation out there about
Starting point is 00:20:47 ozone, which is like they can't, but it's not stopping anybody. Now as it became obvious that there were better ways to clean tissue and the things that it was kind of being used for, it was not the best treatment for, and I think you see this with a lot of these kind of being used for, it was not the best treatment for. And I think you see this with a lot of these kind of woo medicine things. People began proposing it for things that are harder to treat, or maybe can't be cured yet.
Starting point is 00:21:15 And I think that the reason that people try that is one desperation, but I think the other thing is that it's hard to disprove. Yeah. So at this point, you start to see, instead of like saying, hey, use it on, you know, that ulcer on your foot. Why don't you try it for your cancer? Why don't we try it as a therapy for HIV?
Starting point is 00:21:37 Maybe it's a good treatment for multiple sclerosis or arthritis or heart disease or Alzheimer's or dementia or Lyme disease and various forms of things that maybe weren't really Lyme disease. Things that are a little more complex and therefore it's easier. I think it's also a little easier to trick people. So the ozone generators that are being marketed as air purifiers. Are they like on the, I mean, is that on the level? What are you, what are you, what are you, what is it trying to do? It's not going to, no, I mean, ozone, you can release ozone into the air, I suppose, but they remove
Starting point is 00:22:15 odors by producing lot, this is from somebody who's selling one of these. Unlike air fresheners that only mask odors, ozone generators remove odors by producing large slash concentrated amounts of O3, which oxidize and break down residual odor compounds in the surrounding air. I was at O3 so highly concentrated, I was recommended that rooms be unoccupied during treatment. Once the air treatment is finished though, the O3 quickly converts back to O2 and the room is left with a fresh air smell. I mean, what you're really, you're just putting no zone in a room. And then it kills all the, the, the, the, not necessarily. No. I don't think I don't think there's good science to say it's going to do that.
Starting point is 00:22:54 I mean, it is going to decompose into O2. So that is true. Like so, and so, I mean, I guess that's okay if you want to fill a room with O zone and then it will go away and then the room will smell like O zone. Sydney, here's one of the side view. Sydney, I told you, it has a fleeing smell. I told you, I told you, it has a fleeing smell. I told you, I told you, it has a fleeing smell. I told you, it has a fleeing smell.
Starting point is 00:23:10 I told you, it has a fleeing smell. I told you, it has a fleeing smell. I told you, it has a fleeing smell. I told you, it has a fleeing smell. I told you, it has a fleeing smell. I told you, it has a fleeing smell. I told you, it has a fleeing smell. I told you, it has a fleeing smell.
Starting point is 00:23:18 I told you, it has a fleeing smell. I told you, it has a fleeing smell. I told you, it has a fleeing smell. I told you, it has a fleeing smell. I told you, it has a fleeing smell. I told you, it has a fleeing smell. I told you, it has a fleeing smell. I told you, it has a fleeing smell. I told you, it has a fleeing smell I'm sliced. As we go to more recent, more recent years, like the 80s and the 90s, which is fairly recent,
Starting point is 00:23:29 feels recent. And in the scope of solvents, it's very recent. You see it being used for, like I said, these kind of harder to treat conditions and things that we didn't necessarily have, especially with HIV at first, any way to treat it at first. And so all these things are being tried.
Starting point is 00:23:48 So, you see studies where they're like mixing it with water and swallowing it for stomach cancer, wash, like doing like an inema of it for colon cancer. That was popular throughout the 80s. The HIV research was really came to fruition in the 80s where they were trying to, like they were putting HIV in a lab under ozone and seeing that it like inactivated the virus and so then theoretically like, oh, then we'll, can we just put it in the human body
Starting point is 00:24:20 and it'll kill the virus. But like, there are a lot of things that we can dump on bacteria and viruses in a lab and kill them. Bleach. And you don't necessarily want to like ingest or inject in your veins or whatever. I mean, we can't do that. If curing disease was that simple,
Starting point is 00:24:39 there would be not. We just wouldn't put in bleach in there all the time. Well, right. I mean, there's a, we can't just willing, nearly go injecting every toxic substance into our body to kill things. Right. If we're going to use something toxic,
Starting point is 00:24:50 it has to be in a controlled, you know, size way. I mean, because chemotherapy can be toxic to the human body, but like, that's why we're very careful and we know which compounds to use. Right. Not everything can work that way.
Starting point is 00:25:03 So there was a lot of study done on that, but none of it really came to fruition in terms of in vivo, meaning in the body. So in vitro things looked like, well, maybe this will help, and vivo things showed that it didn't. They tried a lot of auto-hemotherapy specifically for HIV in the 80s, a lot of trials out of Germany
Starting point is 00:25:23 where they would take HIV patients and take their blood and expose it to ozone and put it back in and it didn't work. And this therapy, like I said, was still persisting even in the US. In 2010, there were 77 ozone generators seized in California. They were mainly used by alternative medicine practitioners. I mean, these are, this was like, I think, $80,000 worth of medical equipment. And I mean, these practitioners would charge patients hundreds of thousands of dollars to come get these ozone treatments.
Starting point is 00:25:56 I mean, and you can buy, like, these ozone generators probably do generate ozone. I mean, I'm not going to vouch for everyone out there. But like, they probably do that. The problem is that, that ozone they're generating, one can be toxic, and two isn't going to help you in 2015, um, to Las Vegas homeopathic doctors use an ozone generator to fill a syringe with ozone and something they injected it into a patient and the patient died. Great. So the doctors were charged with a second-degree murder.
Starting point is 00:26:28 M-A-N-M. So this is, a lot of these alternative medicine therapies, my concern with them, is usually that people will seek this out instead of traditional medicine that may be helpful. With ozone, you have the added threat that it could actually kill you. It could be directly toxic. And even as I was reading people who are proponents of this, and you will find a lot of them. Yeah. Out of the hundreds. However many. But even as I was reading proponents of this, talk about how effective it is, I read in one person noted,
Starting point is 00:27:07 and you'll see that the side effect rate is very low and they cited a number and they said, there have only been four fatalities. And what's problematic about that for me is that it doesn't work. So then you're just killing people. That doesn't mean that oops, sometimes medicine goes wrong and you kill someone.
Starting point is 00:27:24 It means this is something that doesn't work. There's no evidence for it. And also we killed four people with it. Oops. I'm like, I'm still looking at like, sorry, I'm like, the ozone that I'm looking at one, another one on Amazon, that it said literally said, remember you were just talking about like, that dumb garbage about how you could buy water and my advisor. The the aqua six comes with everything you need to start osinating now. It's about purifying your tap water and increasing the shelf life of fruits and vegetables I put in this next.
Starting point is 00:27:58 You can find you can find even though it's, in April of 2016, the FDA prohibited the medical use of ozone in any medical, this quote, in any medical condition for which there is no proof of safety and effectiveness. Ozone is a toxic gas with no known useful medical application in specific adjunctive or preventive therapy. In order for ozone to be effective as a germicide, it must be present in a concentration far greater than that which can be safely tolerated by man and animals. So it's pretty definitive.
Starting point is 00:28:29 Right. It's not medicine. It's not medicine and it's toxic. I love that it's a toxic gas. Please don't use it as medicine folks. It's a toxic gas. This is not stopped everyone though. And of course, this is from April 2016 with the FDA was still. Yeah,
Starting point is 00:28:45 when government organizations can still trust. You will find people who still will tell you you should use it. There's still naturopaths who prescribe it and homeopaths there. I found I found this was great. It was a list of 24 different ways to put ozone in your body. It was just this whole list. It was like you can do some of these at home. For instance, you can put it in your ear right at home or in your drinking water. But if you want to try auto-hemotherapy or IV injection, you would need to go to a doctor. Vaginal insufflation or rectal insufflation just blown it up there.
Starting point is 00:29:21 You can do that right at home if you want to. If you want injected into a tumor, you should probably go somewhere. You can do that right at home if you want to. If you want to inject it into a tumor, you should probably go somewhere where they can do that, or if you want to do external limb bagging, where they put a bag around your limb and then fill it with ozone, or maybe just, you know, bag your whole self. Like you can put your whole self in plastic bags
Starting point is 00:29:44 and fill it with ozone. You can breathe it through some olive oil. That's so fashion. We love that kind of thing. You can insufflate your bladder. That would be a little, how are you, your uterus? Steam cabinets. They've got ozoneated olive oil massage that you can try.
Starting point is 00:30:02 An ozoneated water animal. They'll sell you the specific bags you need for that. You can find all this online. And I've found if you want an Ozone Sonna, Justin, I have a link there that you can click on too. It's a Synergy Ozenated Steam Sonna. It's like portable. You can take it wherever. It has a nice little briefinated steam sauna. It's like portable. You can take it wherever.
Starting point is 00:30:27 It has a nice little briefcase you can put it in. You just hook that up and sit inside some ozone, I guess, for over $1,000. You can find that at the real truth behind cancer store. The real truth behind cancer store. And it's got a little detective one there and everything. I found that some stuff. Get your L guys, how'd you ever get dub dub dub dub
Starting point is 00:30:50 the truth behind cancer It also supposedly works better with magnet therapy. Ah, a notch. Of course. And it attracts all the best parts of it. And I also found some suggestions that we should all just be using it to prevent disease. So just drink water with ozone, which is called ozone.
Starting point is 00:31:12 Ozone. Ozone. Doesn't that sound so much better than just regular old water? I can't even. I can't even with regular old water anymore, then. So this is all still out there, and I find a lot of people proposing it. It gets linked in with chronic Lyme disease, which we've done a whole episode on Lyme disease.
Starting point is 00:31:33 It's a complex issue, and I've talked about it. I would say there is something called post Lyme disease treatment syndrome, not chronic Lyme as an entity in itself, but there's a whole episode on that. But you'll find it linked in with that. And I mean, you can see there are places where you can go and get like IV infusions of ozone or whatever they're, I don't know what they're putting in you, ozone and something. What is it good for really? Cleaning things in some hospitals and like dental offices is good for cleaning tools. Because that talks at gas, you wouldn't want to put it on human, but you could put it on
Starting point is 00:32:09 some surgical equipment. That would be fine. Or you could use it to clean water. Like if you're trying to, there are some systems that use this, like in different countries for cleaning water. It doesn't make your water osanated. It just can clean some, it can kill, you know, some pathogens that might be make your water osanated. It just can clean some it can kill You know some pathogens that might be in your water. Don't need to do with your tap water. Since it's just speaking
Starting point is 00:32:31 Most areas of the country obviously tap waters is very safe and yeah, and and and depending freaking run a Ozenator through it. No, and this won't work for the things like, I mean, if you want to talk about a place with water problem, like in Flint, an ozonator is not what people need. They need, you know, money for infrastructure for new pipes to get the lead out of the water, you know. So there are ways to fix that problem.
Starting point is 00:33:00 Our government is not doing anything about it, but that has nothing to do with an ozonator. An ozonator will not solve any of these problems. And a lot of the, you can find a nose and aator commercially, by the way, you can get by your own nose and generator. I'm telling you. You can buy them for, usually around a thousand bucks for the really nice ones. You can go on for 70 bucks right now.
Starting point is 00:33:20 And who knows? And this is, I guess, don't. No, don't. No, don't. I guess is this Tesla's greatest legacy? Oh boy, what a wonderful contribution. No. Tesla, we won't pin that on you.
Starting point is 00:33:33 I hate to. You still have to have many high profile boners before you would get anywhere near Edison. So you're fine. This is important to remember, if you're someone who is, if you're a genius inventor, be really careful. You throw out these commercial products just to make some quick cash. And now, forever, we have people saying, well, it must work, because Nicola Tesla invented an ozone generator.
Starting point is 00:34:01 I'm looking at this, the ozone generator that I'm looking on an amulet. As a label on it that says use in unoccupied space only because as we have discussed here, it's toxic, right? Yeah. And it's a purifier and deodorizer, right? How much do you want your air to smell great? Where you're like gonna run? It's poison gas machine. So you have a great hey hey everybody why don't you get some for breeze? What do you think? Maybe we don't even need to spray your house of poison gas
Starting point is 00:34:38 you maniacs. I don't I don't know. I got nothing. I got nothing. I don't know I understand When I do I have a nice essential oil diffuser get some Well, I'm not saying it's gonna cure my Please refer please let me refer you to our episode on essential oils Increase my fertility No, it's going to do is irritate my nasal passages. I'm not here right now. Yes, thank you.
Starting point is 00:35:10 You're welcome. All of these smelly things. Anyway, don't buy an ozone generator and don't use ozone for anything. It's a toxic gas. It damages human tissue. It can kill you. It's dangerous.
Starting point is 00:35:21 This one's easy. There's so many things where it's like, we really don't have evidence that no. No, it's poison gas. It's toxic gas. one's easy. There's so many things where it's like we really don't have evidence that no It's poison gas. It's toxic gas. Please don't please don't use it and if somebody's telling you you should They're please advise them otherwise and I don't refer them to any I mean any there's no medical evidence that this works in the human body There's really isn't so Also, it's in that layer that protects us from the sun. There's the other use for ozone. But you don't have to do anything about that. Just don't use chlorofluoracarbons
Starting point is 00:35:50 and everything's fine. All right folks, that's going to do it for us. Thank you so much for listening. Thanks the maximum fun network is having us as a part of their extended podcasting family. Thanks to the taxpayers for let's use their songines as the intro and outro of our program. And thanks to you for listening. We always appreciate getting a little bit of your time every week. And we hope you will join us again next week. But until then, my name is Justin McRoy. I'm Cindy McRoyce.
Starting point is 00:36:19 And as always, don't drill a holeuggle your head. Comedy and Culture, Artist Owned Listener Supported

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