Sawbones: A Marital Tour of Misguided Medicine - Sawbones: Poison Ivy

Episode Date: June 3, 2015

This week on Sawbones, you're gonna need an ocean of calamine lotion as Justin and Sydnee explore the weird history of poison ivy. Music: "Medicines" by The Taxpayers ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Saubones is a show about medical history, and nothing the hosts say should be taken as medical advice or opinion. It's for fun. Can't you just have fun for an hour and not try to diagnose your mystery boil? We think you've earned it. Just sit back, relax, and enjoy a moment of distraction from that weird growth. You're worth it. that weird growth. You're worth it. Alright, time is about to books! One, two, one, two, three, four! We came across a pharmacy with a twin that's lost it out. We were shot through the broken glass and had ourselves a look around.
Starting point is 00:00:56 Some medicines, some medicines, the escalant macaque for the mouth. I've only been walking to Saul Bone, tomato tomato to a misguided medicine. I am your co-host Justin McRoy and I'm Sydney McRoy Hey Justin Christy. We don't have a lot of rules on this show Well, no cursing right that is one of them no tickling. You've made that very clear during several episodes That's pretty much it. Yeah, that's it. Of course, you know tickling. No, no, no, no, no, no tickling. Which, I mean, that does sound like less fun,
Starting point is 00:01:31 and I'm sorry for that. Yeah. But I'd like to make a new rule. What's that? What's that darling? I don't want to research any more topics for this show that share names with Batman villains. Has that been a persistent problem for us up to this point?
Starting point is 00:01:49 I'm not a persistent one, but it is now that I have had this problem. It isn't especially irritating problem. And so I just want to like head that off in the future just in case. What's the topic? Poison Ivy. Poison Ivy, okay. Oh, and yes, I mentioned a lot of fun slash. Mr. Freeze.
Starting point is 00:02:08 A lot of last slash. The penguin. I think the Joker. Today's is the Joker. The Riddler. Did you want me to keep going? That's it. I'm done.
Starting point is 00:02:17 Harley Quinn. No, no. I'm. I was gonna. The scarecrow guy. The scarecrow guy. The scarecrow guy. I was gonna, um, I was gonna, uh.. The scare crow guy. I was gonna, I was gonna,
Starting point is 00:02:27 Arnold Schwarzenegger. I was gonna do a bit where I like listed other episodes that we couldn't do. You've taken a lot of the low hanging fruit. I'll, I'll, I'll say. Let me see. I have faith in you though. Let me dip in the art.
Starting point is 00:02:40 The connoisseur of comic book mythos that you are. That's a shame. I was hoping that we could do an episode on clock king itis. I'm really disappointed. And I guess this rules out plastic surgery because what if a picture of clay face pop up? And then what?
Starting point is 00:02:54 And then poison ivy. I'm imagining there's a lot of information about poison ivy out there. You're just picturing poison ivy now. Yeah. To an attractive. A mysterious. Attractive. I would say. Yeah, I I She's an attractive a Mysterious attractive. I would say I'm villain. You don't think she's mysterious. Yeah, you don't think she's attractive What's so what's up, but but with what's poison ivy about we can't do cat woman either I named another one
Starting point is 00:03:20 I mean don't do cat woman you're married You get it. Yeah, no drug addiction because we'd have a killer crocodile. This is great. I think so. Yeah. So we're going to talk about poison ivy because it's summer almost and everybody's out there hopefully getting out there in the rays, getting some sun, and enjoying the outdoors. With sunscreen.
Starting point is 00:03:46 With sunscreen. We're plenty of sunscreen. Coat yourself in sunscreen. And watch out for Poison Ivy. This has been suggested by a couple listeners, Hannah and Ryan, and Hannah was nice enough to send us pictures of her Poison Ivy induced. Thanks, Hannah. I appreciate it.
Starting point is 00:04:02 Thanks, Hannah. Thanks, Hannah. Thanks, Hannah. Appreciate it. Thank you. I hope that it is better now. I hope that you're feeling better. Now, I am already, this might be kind of a different episode for us, because I'm already something of an expert on the topic. Are you?
Starting point is 00:04:14 I first off should mention, I know how to find it. Leaves three, let it be. That's important. Leaves a four, eats a more. No, well, hold on. Simpson, no. Simpson, Simpson, Simpson, Simpson. And the other thing I will say about this is that I am not allergic to poison ivy. You know what is crazy?
Starting point is 00:04:35 What? Neither am I. What? High five. We are breeding. We are super race. Of anywhere she wants to go. She leaves of what? It doesn't matter no she's
Starting point is 00:04:47 she's plowing through she's got to be resistant right like she's got to be like us right I'm not the scientist you are I mean I figure so tell me about poison iby sin so poison iby's a plan It's a Sabon 101 taking it really boiling to down the brassacks. It's green. It's chlorophyll. It used to be called Rus radikans. Was the scientific name? I didn't want to get anywhere in Hollywood with a name like that. But now it's toxicodendron.
Starting point is 00:05:16 But it changed. It came over in Ellis Island. No, I read about that on mental floss. That's not true. People's names weren't changed at Ellis Island. Oh, it's somewhere. Oh, not the name. Yeah, but not like you think. Read the article mental floss. That's not true. People's names weren't changed at Ellis Island. Oh, it's somewhere. Oh, not the names. Yeah, but not like you think.
Starting point is 00:05:27 Read the article, mental, it's really good. Anyway. It's interesting. Anyway. John, my stavis, the plant, you were saying. It's part of the toxic and dendron genus and that includes poison, sumac and poison oak. So they're all really closely related. It's a shame that it has to be named after the fact that it's poisonous to humans.
Starting point is 00:05:44 It's like a human-centric way of like, I bet if you could talk to poison ivy it would say like, I have a lot more going on than that. That is not all there is to me. Well, we're gonna talk about, you know, humans for a while thought that may be true that poison ivy had a lot more going on. Tell me about it, Sid.
Starting point is 00:05:58 I'm sorry, I keep it in a row. First, just very much enjoying talking. Do you, okay, I'm assuming everybody knows what poison ivy is in terms of like why we're talking about it medically. Do you want to share? If you, if it touches your skin and you're weak, then you will have a reaction to it that hurts and you're going to need an ocean to calm my lotion as it says in the song
Starting point is 00:06:18 and to make it feel better. So it contains something called a ruchial, which is a toxin and it can elicit an allergic response. Yes, exactly. So you get a you get a rash. It's a greasy substance, this aroushiol, it sticks to your clothes and your skin and it repels water. And once it's there, once you get it, you can't stop the response. And it can get all over you and all over your sheets and all over your pets and everything. It is the most common allergic reaction in the US. It's so common I think that you almost don't think of it as like an allergy. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:06:51 It's weird. It's not like peanuts or something like that where it's outlier to be allergic to it. To not be allergic to it. Right, exactly. Yeah, up to 85% of people are allergic. So it's weird that we found each other in this crazy world of people who are allergic to poison ivy. Yeah, um John Smith an English explorer I'm assuming the John Smith. I don't know. They're a John Smith. Yeah, maybe other John Smith the doctor didn't didn't she know that she married like two different John's or she like dated I'm I'm basing this off Disney movies.
Starting point is 00:07:25 So this is probably all wrong. Anyway, John Smith was an English explorer who first wrote about Poison Ivy in 1624. And the reason he caught it Poison Ivy is he said it kind of looks like English Ivy, except I grabbed it and I regret that choice because I think it's poison. And so. Point that was not a lot of ways way it entertained it back in 1624. Hey, look at that. I'm gonna grab it, but I could just grab it.
Starting point is 00:07:50 You write home about poison ivy. That's what you do for fun. I'm gonna read letters. I'm gonna grab you a ribat you. A lot of explorers would, so a lot of people were coming to the new world and collecting plants. So it's not weird to think that people would be wandering around in the forest and grabbing things and then taking them home
Starting point is 00:08:07 And explore shone it very exotic. They weren't familiar with it So they would collect seeds and clippings and then take it home to different places in Europe and then grow it Because why not sure you want some poison ivy in your garden go it They grew in Q gardens it grew in the gardens of the faculty of medicine in Paris. They brought it back from a new world to grow out there. And there was a feeling that a lot of these new world plants had some sort of secret like medicinal property that you just had to unlock.
Starting point is 00:08:38 And if you had patients and you didn't mind getting your skin blistered and you took the time that you could figure out what great thing Poison Ivy could do for you. But no. Well, no, but that didn't stop him from trying. Now, in addition to trying to people brought it back to research in medicinal properties, some people would just bring it back to like, hey, do you want to grow this in your garden? Maybe. Like rich people could come and buy a clipping and then go and plant it. People. And their garden. It was actually there was one magazine of exotic plants that featured
Starting point is 00:09:11 Poison Ivy. Like you could flip through it and look at different drawings of plants and then pick which one you want it. But it did note that it should be kept away from ornamental gardens and relegated to those of the curious. Those curious as to what it feels like. To get an itchy rash. So because it had such strong effects in a negative sense, a lot of doctor thought, well, maybe it has some sort of, you know, helpful effect on the body, which we've talked about that idea before, something that was strong, like smelled strongly or something that did something that made you throw up or made you
Starting point is 00:09:47 had diarrhea. So it's decided to know what something did. Yes, we know that this causes a rash. How can we use this to our advantage? And a lot of doctors had a strong knowledge of botany because at the time most medicines came from plants, as do many now. So you would probably have grown this head we were you a doctor at the time, in your backyard or in your greenhouse, and then try experimented with it. One French physician, Andre Ignache Joseph Dufrenoi,
Starting point is 00:10:16 will come, doctor Dufrenoi. And this was during the time of the French Revolution, was lecturing on the plant, because he was particularly interested in its possible medicine. He was lecturing while I'm poisoning. No, he was like giving a lecture on poison ivy. Okay. Much like I am now. Okay, but you are not high on poison ivy. I'm not. No, I've never been high on poison iv. Does it make you high? Is this something we've been missing out on? Oh, man, poison ivy, we found your secret. When a florist in the audience was protesting,
Starting point is 00:10:50 they had no experience with poison ivy, but they said, look at it, it looks like ivy. There's no way that it can cause a rash. So not a dead florist on the swimming. Have a shoot from the hip rebel, right? That's beautiful. I want to put that in all my flower arrangements. So we get an amateur florist.
Starting point is 00:11:07 So he rubbed it all over his hands in order to show that he didn't believe it was a problem. And do you want to know what happened? Nothing. No, you got poison eyes. That poison eyes, yeah, right. 85% of people do. Right.
Starting point is 00:11:22 But when that has been, when he had ever been ag on his face, that fancy doctor. So he, you know, he got all these blisters on his hand. And, but what was funny is that he also had some other kind of older sore on his wrist. And at the same time that the Poison Ivy blisters started clearing up, so did that older place on his wrist.
Starting point is 00:11:45 So he went back to Dr. Dufreno, I was like, hey, look, I think that the poison ivy while it caused that awful rash, also cured this, what I think some of recorded was maybe like a herpes lesion, but I don't know. It was some sort of sore on his wrist. And so the doctor got really excited and said, you know what, I'm gonna try to make some medicine
Starting point is 00:12:03 out of poison ivy, because I think it might cure other skin conditions. Maybe it causes enough irritation. That was an idea like you could blister something or burn something and cure it that way. So he boiled the leaves and then he would drink the water which is a bad plan and can upset your stomach and I don't do that. He kept it to 12 leaves.
Starting point is 00:12:24 That's what he finally figured out was like the best dose. If you boil 12 leaves and then drink the water, you get minimal side effects. And he believed that it helped with a lot of skin issues, also in addition to like some skin problems, paraplegia. Par- oh. So like if you're paralyzed in your lower extremities, then that'll fix that too.
Starting point is 00:12:43 In addition to like your eczema. Huh. I bet no. It will be very unpleasant, I would assume. Yeah, I mean, I've never drank poison ivy, and I don't know if it would, I mean, don't. Don't, but if you do, let us know. I don't have that guy.
Starting point is 00:12:59 I think the don't. But don't, but we're not encouraging you too. Would it just, I mean, okay, so you have a larger reaction to it Wouldn't that happen internally as well? It would make you sick. Yeah, you get like abdominal pain and oh Gnology itching inside your tummy. I don't think you wouldn't have itching inside your tummy imagine if folks Oh, that's not that's not I'm but you would get sick itching It's funny it he was he would write to other people He would send them plants to other
Starting point is 00:13:27 doctors and scientists to like experiment with them and see if they could figure it out. And then he would write them letters to ask, have you figured anything out? Have you had any success? And at one point, this is like I said during the French Revolution, he wrote a letter to one of his friends saying, how are our dear Russ, meaning Russ Radikans, the Poison Ivy. It was intercepted by French troops, and they thought it was a reference to Russians. Oh, no.
Starting point is 00:13:50 So he almost visited the guillotine over his research. Oh, no. How good was the word? How good was the word? So he was able to convince him it was about plants and he survived. But later, homeopathy would adopt poison ivy as a treatment as well. But we've talked about homeopathy before.
Starting point is 00:14:08 Do you want to do you want to be the expert and share with everyone what it is? Yeah, it's a fake thing where you put like one millionth particle of something in the water and it's supposed to do something, but it doesn't. Right. And it was, you know, we've talked about this before, like the idea of like the law of similar, like if you have something that's inflamed or swollen or rashi, then if you take a tiny little drop of poison I've been and put it in a whole bunch of water and then drink it, it'll fix that thing
Starting point is 00:14:37 because it also causes inflammation and rashes and stuff. Gotcha. Which it's still advised by some websites, like it's a homeopathic treatment for rashes and inflammatory conditions and there's also some advice that like if you drink some of it it could be used as a sedative and you could use it for a pain in the right in a Tincture. These are not things that obviously caught on in popular medicine, but in homeopathy, but only because it's true. Right. Right. No, it doesn't work. Right. I mean because it's completely fake. No, no, it is completely fake. It doesn't work. Okay. That's not hard. It's a no it's a stretch. Why would you how could you I'm kidding I love you. I love you. I'm kidding. But my best friend. How are you my I know my best friend too?
Starting point is 00:15:29 Imagine I'm one of the common people I it's almost impossible. I can't I'm sad the more I know Sydney, but imagine it for a moment that I could be affected in any way by the leaves of poison ivy How would I treat it? Well, I have lots of advice for you, but before we get there, why don't you follow me down to the billing department? Let's go! Okay, I've got poison ivy.
Starting point is 00:15:59 I'm weak. I should mention before we get too much further, I'm like 80% sure that I'm not allergic to poison ivy. I also didn't spend a lot of time outside as a kid, and I've just never gotten it. But I'm pretty sure that I would have gotten it at this point. I think you would have. I can tell you that I am certain I'm not because I was actually, I took a class in college
Starting point is 00:16:21 called Plant Taxonomy. Can you believe I took a class called Plant Taxonomy? I'm sorry. Are you botanists? I admire you being able to memorize all that and learn all that. It's just not, I don't know. I'll stick to anatomy. But I had to collect poison ivy for that class.
Starting point is 00:16:38 We had to collect different plants. And I was the assigned person in class who collected poison ivy for everyone. That sucks. Yes, well, I mean, no, because I, like I told him I didn't mind, because I didn't think I would get it, and I didn't, so that paid off. Well, there you go.
Starting point is 00:16:53 How is everybody's buddy? I needed to test myself at some point, sir. So some treatments for Poison Ivy. Now, when I say treatments, I don't mean that these are actually, like, good, successful treatments. If you look online, you can find endless things to put on your poison ivy. I imagine it's like hiccups or what have you.
Starting point is 00:17:12 You know, because it's so one, one, because it's so common, everybody has a treatment for it. And two, because it eventually goes away, you get, there's a selection bias, that's not the right term, but you know what I mean. Yeah, like it's, you think just because you poured cold black coffee all over your rash that it cured it when really the rash was going to go anyway. How long is it normally last? The poison ivy rash? Well, I mean, it depends on how much you get and how extensive it is, and it's different for everybody. It can be just a week or so a few days. Some people, if they get a lot of it all over them,
Starting point is 00:17:50 and that's one thing that's real deceptive is that people think it's spreading because you'll get it and it'll start to go away and then it'll pop up somewhere else. And it's a delayed allergic response. So it takes. I've always heard the blisters if they pop or something like that, then the stuff can spread further
Starting point is 00:18:06 That's not right. No, that's not true If you still have the oil on you like if you got you get the oil all over you and you're rubbing it all over You know if it's on your clothes and so you're exposing different parts of skin to it you can spread it But the blisters themselves the rash is not gonna spread it Um and but that's the thing is that um it'll it'll crop up slowly over time. So it depends on how much you get. And then some people just have a more severe reaction to it than others. I should mention that during an impossible to notice edit, we have been joined by our youngest
Starting point is 00:18:39 occasional co-host, Charlie McAroy, Poison Ivy expert, and hero who is immune and the chosen one. I mean, certainly. Certainly immune. So if you hear any gurgles or these days, farts, then that is our baby, no matter what. Anyway, so what are some treatments that you've seen circulating? So some other treatments that I've seen, in addition to, I mentioned like cold black coffee is one that they recommend that it can take like the inflammation out or something. People talk about aloe, people talk about baking soda,
Starting point is 00:19:14 and I think there's probably like three categories here. There's stuff that might help, there's stuff that absolutely is a terrible idea, don't do it, and then there's like this neutral stuff that I don't know, maybe, and I'd kind of put like the coffee and the maybe baking soda, I don't know, in that, like I don't know, maybe it would make it feel
Starting point is 00:19:32 a little better, a little less itchy. Allo probably would help. And again, these things aren't gonna cure it. They're not gonna make it go away. It's just gonna run its course. It's going to go away on its own eventually, but it might help with the symptoms, I guess, while you're suffering from it. And make sense?
Starting point is 00:19:47 Like an oatmeal bath probably does. Vinegar is one that I've read a lot of places, and some people swear that it does help take the itch out. All I know is that I've had many patients who I know as soon as I walk in the room that they're there to talk to me about boys and I be because I'm a hard one. And it's like, oh, you've made them vinegar. I would just say, if any of these other things work for you and they're safe, use that and not vinegar, because you don't want to smell like vinegar. No.
Starting point is 00:20:16 No. I read somewhere where somebody recommended scratching it a whole lot, that that'll make it go away. It won't, don't do that. I'm just gonna tell, feed your dark impulses. I read somebody mentioned that you should take some of the dirt around the poison ivy plant like the dirt it grows in and rub that on the rash. That's, that's nonsense. I had another, under lists of poison ivy cures someone suggested asking an angel for help
Starting point is 00:20:47 Because they need to tell you if your body is acidic or alkaline and then you eat foods that are the opposite and it makes poison Ivy go away. It's worth a shot. You know, it's better than the vinegar, I guess. I don't I mean I won't hurt you I've seen both hot water and cold water and lukewarm water recommended so water I did see a lot of people recommending urine. That's a common one. People like that. People like to trick other people into bathing in urine. Yes, especially they're on like you have just pee on it. If you can just get some of your urine or pee on yourself in some way, if you can manage peen, it's on your leg. It wouldn't be that hard. But urine is recommended. Again, I wouldn't do that. Some things definitely don't do gasoline. I've seen this. Don't put
Starting point is 00:21:31 gasoline on yourself. Not just when you have poison IV, but anytime, anytime, same with like WD 40. And the worst though, bleach, this is a common one. I run into this a lot. Don't put bleach on your poison IV, please. Ever. Don't, or anything else. Don't put bleach on yourself. Please don't put bleach on yourself, please.
Starting point is 00:21:53 Mace, again, I would say this is under the bad idea category. Mace. Mace. Don't do that. Listen to old Mace CDs. A rubbing alcohol was recommended a lot. Um, and that is something that immediately afterwards to try to get the oil off of you. People talk about putting like rubbing alcohol in the spot that was exposed to try to get the oil off. But once you have the rash, don't put any alcohol on it.
Starting point is 00:22:18 Is there a way to cleanse the oil before it like breaks out worse or is that work at all? Chopin water. Wash your hands. Okay. Well, yeah. Yeah. We'll talk about that. That's? It's soap and water. Wash your hands. Okay, well, fine. Yeah, and we'll talk about that. That's boring though. I want to coat myself in gasoline.
Starting point is 00:22:28 If you want to put some, and let me say, that's what that's my point. If you want to use some rubbing alcohol immediately after you're exposed to try to get the oil off your hands, that's not going to hurt you. But once you have the rash, the rubbing alcohol doesn't do anything. Similarly, I saw somebody recommend
Starting point is 00:22:42 camp for in moonshine. I guess you don't have rubbing alcohol. Sure, it's really sharp. Somebody said just take a bunch of scotch bright scrubbing pads and scrub the heck out of yourself. Come on. Please don't do that. That would hurt. So that would hurt.
Starting point is 00:22:53 Hot candle wax, similarly bad plan. And then the last one, I thought this was kind of interesting. So the urishile is also in this, or urishiel, is also in this or a ratio is also in these Poison plants that are native to Japan and the oil is used for a lacquer like on different like wooden things It's like this really pretty lacquer shiny lacquer and so I saw some people recommend lacquer remover for your Ivy no, no, it's interesting. I like that. I like the thought process, but no No, no, no, no, it's interesting. I like the thought process, but no. Let me tell you a few. I thought these were interesting. Some random poison ivy facts
Starting point is 00:23:35 just so you know. One I've already talked about. You can't spread poison ivy by touching the rash to any part of you or someone else. You can spread the oil when it's on you, but it's not it's not the rash. Did you know that the coasters wrote a song called poison ivy? I did I sung some of it earlier. Oh, remember you're getting the notion of Kalman lotion. I said that. I didn't know that was from that song. You don't know the song. Well, I just I just I need an ocean of Kalman lotion. Do you know what it's about? Poison ivy? No. Oh, it's secret. It's a secret song. It's about. It's about a woman who seems really nice and pretty and you date her and then she gives you an STD. Oh no. I don't believe that. That sounds apocryphal. That is what it was about. I believe the first part. I think it was that I don't
Starting point is 00:24:19 actually translate this piece. You start to lose me. I also found a lot of entries about what poison ivy in a dream may represent. Have you ever wondered that? Like, have you ever dreamed about poison ivy? I mean, I'm wondering now what that would mean. So depending on which dream dictionary you use, which is with Google, you can find many dream dictionaries. And it means different things, depending on which one you I guess hit first. It could mean revenge or spite or that you feel angry or
Starting point is 00:24:50 stupid because you did something silly or that you have dangerous feelings about something you can't get close to or that you're itchy. You may be dreaming about poison ivy because you're itchy. Perhaps answering to the her genetics, uh, my daughter, Charlie, has decided to, uh, attempt to grab the microphone. So I'm making a deal with her, Charlie. If you get through the rest of the show, just behave yourself. I will let you take over at the end, but for right now, let mommy and daddy do their show.
Starting point is 00:25:18 Okay. All right. All right. Good deal. Good deal. You know, the, so, so poison ivy means that stuff in a dream, but poison oak has a whole other meaning. How would you know?
Starting point is 00:25:29 I guess that's dependent on dream you knowing the difference between poison ivy and poison oak. Right. You count the leaves in the dream, right? Does poison oak have three also? No. I don't think it has three leaves, but I do think it looks like oak leaves. You know what, oak leaves look like?
Starting point is 00:25:46 Yeah. I think it looks more like oak leaves. It's supposed to like the pointed leaves of poison ivy. But I don't remember either poison ochre, poison sumac. One of them doesn't have three leaves, and I don't remember which one.
Starting point is 00:25:57 I'm not as familiar with poison ochre and sumac, although it's all over our trees. Did you know that poison ochre is everywhere? Am I allergic to that? Is it the same allergy? I don't. Well, it would be the same. It's the same family, same substance. I should be the same. But I've been so, I've wasted so many days being afraid of poison oak. But poison oak means that you're feeling embarrassed, if you dream about that.
Starting point is 00:26:21 Okay. Now, some interesting stuff, do you know that researchers in California have made a molecule that interacts with irishai or or shiel? I do not know that. What is the purpose of that? Do you know that I had The internet pronounced that word for me several times before we did this show so that I would pronounce it right and I still can't get it for Irushio Yeah, Irushio They made a molecule that interacts with Irushio so that it will fluoresce so that you'll know if something's poison ivy. That's a good idea.
Starting point is 00:26:52 You just walk around spraying it. I guess you just spray it everywhere and everything that fluoresces this poison ivy. So what else is going on in the rich world of poison plants? There's also an annual poison oak show in Columbus, California, where they display like arrangements of poison oak. There's like jewelry made from it. You can take photos of like the best rash that somebody got from poison oak and they can't be. Also, poison ivy is used by people who do bonsai sometimes. I guess like very like risk loving bonsai.
Starting point is 00:27:30 Oh, I see. Bonsai is just, isn't giving me the thrill it is too. You know, I really gotta, I gotta spice it up. Extreme bonsai. Or just bonsai. I guess that's true. I don't know what we're... What do I do about Poison Ivy for real, Sid? Well, so what you should do mainly is avoid it.
Starting point is 00:27:56 That's my number one recommendation for you in Poison Ivy is try to not touch it. Okay. Because if you don't come in contact with it, you won't have to deal with it. But if you do, and you're one of the 85% who is in fact allergic to it, rinse your skin with lukewarm soapy water right away. You want to try to wash as much of the oil off as possible. You want to wash everything. Wash your clothes. If you got it on the seat of your car, I mean, you want to wash anything that it came that the oil could have come in contact with you on a wash.
Starting point is 00:28:26 No, no, no, no. For the most part, leave your rash alone, especially when I'm talking about your hands. Don't pick at things, don't scratch at things. Try not to mess with it. Because if you, you know, any break in the skin as a place where infection can happen, lukewarm baths can help, but cold compresses may also
Starting point is 00:28:44 kind of help with just the itching. And these are just, again, these aren't like cures. It's going to go away. These are just things to help with like the itching and the discomfort. So the real cures patients. Calamine lotion can help hydrochloridzone cream can help. You can take an anachistamine that'll help especially with the itching. And if it's really bad, if it's all over you, or if it's on your face, especially around your eyes,
Starting point is 00:29:06 then go see a doctor because you may need some steroids. We can give you steroids. You don't have to have steroids, certainly, for poison ivy, but if it's like on your face, around your eyes, or just if it's all over you, you know, good to talk to your doctor, get it checked out. Okay.
Starting point is 00:29:19 Watch out for your pets. If they run around poison ivy, they can carry the oil home. Are they like your town? Eee. I don't know. This isn't a show about animals people. I have no idea. They can't be experts on the reason. I just know that they can carry the oil home and give it to you. If I see it outside of my house I'm just going to burn it down. I don't I'm not susceptible
Starting point is 00:29:37 but I don't want other people to know. No, don't burn it. Oh really? No, don't burn it because if you inhale it you can get sick. Oh. I found some places that said that that was the inspiration for mustard gas prior to World was burning poison ivy. I don't know if that's true, but I found some places where they suggested that. But wear protective clothing, stay away from poison ivy. It's not a medicine. People.
Starting point is 00:30:00 Don't eat it. Don't ingest it. Don't take homeopathic cures at all. That's, that's gonna do it for us this week. Thanks to the Tax Parish for letting us use your song, Medicines is our intro and outro. Follow us on Twitter, if you don't mind. We're at Sobones, we also have a great Facebook group.
Starting point is 00:30:16 It's just search for Sobones on Twitter. You will find or on Facebook, rather. You will find it. Thank you Max Funnet, we're having us as part of their family. There's a lot of great shows for you to go listen to. Like, rendered, there's a stop podcasting yourself. There's a lot of good stuff on there. My brother, my brother, and me.
Starting point is 00:30:40 Thank you so much. They're all available for you, That's gonna do it for us Until next Tuesday. I'm just a macaroid. I'm Sydney Macri. I always don't drill a hole in your head Alright! Comedy and Culture, Artistone. Listen or supported. Okay, now go ahead, you can go.
Starting point is 00:31:19 You're just going to grab the microphone. That's all you wanted. Tell you you should say something. Okay, so you're just grabbing all you wanted to do was grab the microphone. That's all you wanted. Try, you should say something. Okay, so you're just grabbing, all you wanted to do was grab the mic. Say hi. You have podcasts in your jeans. Say hey.
Starting point is 00:31:33 This is all you got, you got nothing for me. God, this is class. Now you're touching the keyboard. God, I expect you to shine. Soon as you're talking though, I'm getting you your own show. Just grabbing the mic again. Okay, we're done here.
Starting point is 00:31:50 All right, well good try. New me next time. And that was Charlie McRoy.

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