Sawbones: A Marital Tour of Misguided Medicine - Sawbones: Raw Water

Episode Date: January 15, 2018

Do you need a doctor and her lovely sidekick to tell you that you shouldn't drink dirty water? No, probably not. But, infuriatingly, some people do. So we will. Let's talk about "raw water." Music: "M...edicines" by The Taxpayers

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Saubones is a show about medical history, and nothing the hosts say should be taken as medical advice or opinion. It's for fun. Can't you just have fun for an hour and not try to diagnose your mystery boil? We think you've earned it. Just sit back, relax, and enjoy a moment of distraction from that weird growth. You're worth it. that weird growth. You're worth it. Alright, time is about to books. One, two, one, two, three, four. I'm ready to welcome the solbona's Emerald Tour of Miss Guy to Medicine. I'm your co-host Justin McAroy. And I'm Sydney McAroy.
Starting point is 00:01:10 It feels like forever since we've been sitting in these seats staring at each other. Ready to learn or ready to teach. That's true, Justin. It has been a while. I had the candle lights up, and then you got sick. I did. I did get sick. I have the can of lights up and then you got sick. I did. I did get sick. I feel like I should address that openly. Yes.
Starting point is 00:01:29 Don't be ashamed. Well, I'm not ashamed that I got sick, of course. But I did get the flu as in influenza. But you got your flu shot. I did get my flu shot. And I am still a big advocate of flu shots because even though I as I've said before, you still can get the flu. If you get the flu shot, it's not 100% effective. The flu can be really bad for pregnant people. And while I was very sick this week, I think
Starting point is 00:01:59 you can attest. I was not hospitalized. I did not have any severe complications and I am on the men. So I still feel there's a benefit in getting the flu shot. Even if it doesn't prevent the flu, you will probably have an attenuated course, which I think I did. You're right. I can find that. Meaning not so bad. Thank you. So the flu shot is still worth it. It is not, this is not a, well, it didn't work, don't bother. And maybe it'll be more effective next year.
Starting point is 00:02:36 Either way, it didn't hurt. Shaboy didn't get it, which I think is notable. You didn't get it, and Charlie didn't get it. Yeah, we would've had our flu shots. Actually, no one else in the family. What's up now? Just me. Yeah, but you're also supposed to like, you're basically doing lines of flu at your job. I was, I was, I was, I actually was doing a week of of inpatient hospital service, meaning I was taking care of people in the hospital
Starting point is 00:03:00 right before I got the flu. And I would say at least 50% if not more of the people I was taking care of had it. So I tried, I wore a mask, I wore gloves, I did everything I could, but it says hazard of the job. You know one of the most important things when you got the flu or many, most illnesses I would say. You know what it is? What's that Justin?
Starting point is 00:03:23 Staying hydrated. Hey, that was a good transition there. Thank you very much. I didn't know how we were going to go there, so I'm glad you found it. Thanks. You're right. I think we could stop and sort of pontificate on it and just sort of think about what a great segue it is rather than just sort of segueing right in. I'm glad we could sort of note it.
Starting point is 00:03:41 I just like to recognize your achievements. My few contributions to me, but thank you. So water is very important, Justin. Come on, hard and heavy. Yeah, I know that's a controversial statement. Water, water, it matters, drink it, and obviously staying hydrated is very important. But not just any water, I'd say. It's very important, but not just any water, I'd say. Yeah, that's true. If you go to a different country, for example, there's especially in developing nations, you should, it's not good to drink the water there
Starting point is 00:04:15 if your guts aren't used to it. That's true. Well, water that has not necessarily been filtered or treated in the same way, you mean? Plum, yeah. So it's important to drink what we would call drinking water. Well, this is an informative one already. Or potable water.
Starting point is 00:04:33 Potable. Yeah. I mean, you can carry it around. Well, I like to call it drinking water because the opposite of that would be, I mean, non-drinking water, but you could also call that raw water. Yeah. Is the opposite of that would be, I mean, non-drinking water. But you could also call that raw water. Yeah. Is the opposite of drinking water. The opposite of drinking water, you'd say.
Starting point is 00:04:51 Raw water is everything but the water you're supposed to drink. Okay. Now Justin, that leads us to our episode, which is people are drinking raw water. Stop it. So before we get into this new fad, and whether or not it's a good idea, why don't we talk a little bit about the history of water purification and water filtration. So from as long as humans have been drinking water, we have been trying to find ways to filter it and purify it. Now
Starting point is 00:05:27 granted early attempts were largely based on the way water looked and tasted. We saw mud in the water. We knew we had to get it out. Exactly. A lot of it was to improve flavor or what we would now call turbidity. How clear. How much how much debris we can clearly see in the water. Turbid water looks dirty. It looks like there's stuff in it. Clear water is not turbid. So whether or not we knew what we were moving, we were just trying to make water look
Starting point is 00:05:56 and taste better. And you can find ancient Sanskrit writings which describe methods to basically remove sediment from drinking water. Again, we didn't know about germs. We were just trying to make it look nicer because that seemed better. And it would taste better and smell better. These early methods were also used in India, and Egypt, and Greece, and they were pretty much basic filtration.
Starting point is 00:06:22 A lot of the early filters were sand filters. Like it's filtered through sand? Yep, you just filter the water through sand and what comes out the other end looks and tastes better. And you see. Because a lot of stuff got stuck in the sand. Okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:38 So, I mean, it's pretty rudimentary, but I guess it's rather than of them. Yeah, I would make the case it's better than nothing, for sure. There were also gravel filters. And there were even attempts to boil water Attempts, I mean I mean I mean they succeeded in boiling water, but I don't understand No, they succeeded in boiling water, but again without knowledge as to why that would be Beneficial okay, because you're talking about something very different. You're not removing visible sediment from water by boiling it, right?
Starting point is 00:07:08 Right. You're doing something else to it. Yeah. But they didn't know what they were doing to it. They just knew it tasted and looked better if you boiled it. Huh. So you see these early attempts, and I think this is important
Starting point is 00:07:19 to note right now, there is no history of humans preferentially drinking untreated water. In fact, before we knew we were doing it, we were trying to clean our water. Before you even understood that water could be invisibly dirty. Yes. The Egyptians even figured out a process called coagulation, which is where you add alum to water, which is basically something that's going to bind other substances in the water to filter it out.
Starting point is 00:07:50 So they were adding stuff to the water to bind debris and, you know, solutes in there and everything so that they could then filter that out through their sand filters and get even cleaner, clearer water. Okay. So these are pretty advanced techniques that have been around a long time and that we still use in different ways, but we still use a lot of these things today. So these were really advanced.
Starting point is 00:08:14 Obviously this was prior to the knowledge of germs or any kind of chemicals in the water. So again, you knew if you succeeded in filtering your water if it tasted better, if it looked better, if it smelled better. If those criteria were met, you felt like you did a good job with the water. Hypocrity's actually invented his own device for this.
Starting point is 00:08:37 It was called the Hippocratic Sleeve. It was basically just a bag. It's so important to get that trademark on it now. It was just like a bag that you could filter water through. And it removed a whole lot of sediment from it. Do you think he called it the hypocritic sleeve, or do you think other people, historians, did later? I'm gonna assume that came later that he just called it like.
Starting point is 00:09:00 The sleeve? The sleeve. That would be hard to trademark. Yeah, that's true. Sharks, I wanna introduce you to the sleeve. The sleeve. That would be hard to trademark. Yeah, that's true. Sharks, I want to introduce you to the sleeve. The sleeve. It's not a sleeve. Like you know, like on your arm.
Starting point is 00:09:14 It's for water. It's for water. Wait, I'm confused. I'm caveman, Lord Grineer. I think this is a zero. You don't get my golden ticket. So advances in water filtration, because these were, this was kind of the way people did stuff
Starting point is 00:09:29 for a very long time. And we really didn't figure out that we should do other stuff to water until we knew there was other stuff in water that maybe we didn't want to drink, right? We thought we had it all figured out. We feel pretty good about this one. Well, exactly. There was no concept of water, born illness,
Starting point is 00:09:44 or chemicals in the water, because we couldn't see those. We didn't know what those were. Took us a long time to figure out the germs were a thing. So basically, if you made your water look and taste good, it's good. Great job. You're done. It wasn't until we got a microscope. When Leigh went hook and vented the microscope in the 1600s and then all the sudden we saw that there are things in our water. I bet that's like the last thing you test like I don't want to I'm fine. I don't want to know. I'm so first. And then sure enough you look in the water and you see all these little things swimming around in there, even if the water is clean, even if the water was clear and low turbidity and all that kind of stuff, you still saw stuff in there. And this led to more advanced filtration systems being developed in the 1700s.
Starting point is 00:10:39 That's where you see people start using things like sponge or wool or even charcoal. It's called Common filtration system. Still use that today. Exactly. You're a rhythm model. Yeah, there you go. So you start to see these more advanced filters because we're, again, we might not be and we likely aren't succeeding in some of these cases and removing everything, but we
Starting point is 00:10:59 know there's more to remove. Which is a good start. Yes, exactly. In 1804, the first municipal water treatment plant was created in Scotland by a Robert Tom, an engineer, and he used sand filtration, very slow sand filtration. But this was the first actual water treatment plant, the first time where we said, you know what, it should be more than just people going out collecting their own water and then trying to clean it themselves, we should try to clean water from the jump,
Starting point is 00:11:32 and then provide it to everybody. Let's create a water treatment plant. And then from there, let's create a whole delivery system where we can send water out to everybody. We got all this clean water, what we gonna do with it. And you see that you see the beginnings of this, actually, what followed shortly after by Simpson in the UK in Chelsea, I believe, who started with the first mass delivery water system.
Starting point is 00:11:58 It all stemmed from there. And you see people making systems of pipes to deliver water to houses. Or well, not to houses for the most part yet. We're getting there. Probably to wells and town pumps. Which is where the next big breakthrough happens with the cholera epidemic in the UK. And you may remember, we've talked about the story before, the Broad Street pump. John Snow. Exactly. So you would get your water from a pump somewhere in town.
Starting point is 00:12:28 I'm sorry, I didn't give you enough credit for that. Good job, Justin. Oh, thank you. I can see the disappointment on your face. Yeah, it's all right. It was the ones that are named after Game of Thrones characters tend to stick in your head a little bit better. So so water is being delivered largely through these pumps.
Starting point is 00:12:42 And yes, I said he was named after Game of Thrones character. Come at me. Prove them wrong. but other than the obvious way of time. Right. He wasn't. Well, history is still mystery. History is still mystery. I'm assuming the character on Game of Thrones is also named Jon Snow. Yeah, but he didn't have the H there.
Starting point is 00:13:05 Oh, well, this pronounced differently. Yeah. Jon, Jon, Jon Snow. So he was the one who traced an epidemic of cholera back to a pump. I said it didn't have the H there, but probably let on that I read it there, but I read it after I knew it. We've talked about this before. Yeah, I know. So we've learned about the Ember-Sheesh. Anyway. but probably let on that I read it there, but I read it after I knew it. We've talked about this before.
Starting point is 00:13:26 Yeah, I know. So we've learned about members. Yeah. Anyway, get off my case. Jon Snow figured out that Colorado was in the water and he figured out that it was this pump that had been, you know, I believe it was a woman was watching, watching some dirty diapers in it.
Starting point is 00:13:41 In the, in the, in the, or near the pump and then the water got sucked in. You know what? I was sorry. I got infected with color on. You do not need to understand how color works. I was for somebody to be like, hey, could you not, maybe, could you not? Flush out your dirty diapers near diarrhea diapers near the town pump.
Starting point is 00:14:00 Diarrhea diapers in the pump. I'm going to make some lemonade for my children. Could you not? So John Snow actually proposed after this that maybe these methods of filtration are great, but they're not enough So he was the one who started to propose adding chlorine to water The idea that we could put something in there to disinfect water This is where this comes from. And this is where we finally make the realization that there is more to water than just tasting and smelling good.
Starting point is 00:14:33 There are other factors that we need to address in water. Then make it clean or not. Great. And so throughout, in the 1890s, these systems start spreading throughout the US as well. And we get better and better methods of filtering the water, of disinfecting the water, things we can add to the water, processes like reverse osmosis and such, that anyway, just better ways to clean the water, get germs out of it, as well as things like ground chemicals. It was, you know, with the industrial age, all the sudden, all of these like natural
Starting point is 00:15:08 reservoirs of water, you have to wander, like just because they're out there and they look clean and they look pristine, are they really clean because our groundwater has been infiltrated by agricultural runoff and industrial runoff and everything. So also, there are germs, there are bacteria and parasites that live out in these natural sources as well that were there, they predate us. They're not there because we put them there, they're there because they're there. And so with all of this, we began to have to find other ways
Starting point is 00:15:41 to remove that from the water as well. How do you remove chemicals and runoff and heavy metals and lead and things like that from the water as well. How do you remove chemicals and run off and heavy metals and lead and things like that from the water? Also, don't use things like lead pipes that might put it back in the water. Exactly. And you see that it becomes a governmental priority. So it's more than just you as a person, as a human who needs to drink water, you should figure out a way to clean it. As we introduce, especially the Safe Drinking Water Act in the 70s, you see this as a priority. We need to find a way to deliver safe, clean, drinking water to all of our citizens, because
Starting point is 00:16:21 that's the right thing to do. So we worked on it very hard as a country and it got clean and that is a pretty short episode, it's it, but I'm very informative and can't believe we're at the end. Well, Justin, that's not the end of the story. But before I tell you the rest, why don't we head to the billing department? Let's go. The medicines, the medicines that ask you let my God before the mouth. So said you had promised me more to this story, even though it seems like we'd reached the, the, the, the Dan and Waw as a war. So I, I should have mentioned this at the top of the show. A lot of people have tweeted at us and sent us messages
Starting point is 00:17:06 through Facebook and emailed us many, many people to talk about this topic. There were too many to mention because I think it's very popular right now, and a lot of people are intrigued by it. So thank you to everybody who sent in, you know, who tweeted at us or mentioned that we should talk about this. So the concept that things that are unprocessed are better for you is not new, right? We get that message a lot that something that is closer to its original form is healthier.
Starting point is 00:17:39 An actualist-falsy. Right. So we've been using these kinds of terms for food for a long time. Raw food is not a strange thing to talk about on processed food. Organic has become synonymous with a lot of these things, even though organic means carbon-based. And that's that. That's all it means. And we've covered that before, right? That's what it means. Like we're organic. Yeah. Don't eat us, please. Please. But there you go. And so it makes sense that the same kind of theory would become applied to water.
Starting point is 00:18:19 That water is better if it's more like it was originally. But the problem is, as we've already covered, there is no evidence that ancient humans were drinking raw water, unfiltered, untouched, unprocessed water, voluntarily. And loving it. And loving it. They've been trying to make water,
Starting point is 00:18:42 taste better, look better and be better for them for a very long time. We all have. So, you know, this idea of like natural spring water isn't new. There are lots of bottled waters that try to convince you that it's the freshest cleanest water. The term raw water on the other hand is something very different. Like, I'm not talking about natural spring water. I'm talking about Water that has not been treated or filtered or
Starting point is 00:19:14 cleaned in any way Poop water. It's I mean dirty water could be another word for it. Yeah, I'm not potable water Mine was a little more evocative, but that's fine. Here it was. Yeah, well, I can't guarantee you there's poop in it. I'm just telling you there might be. There's poop in everything.
Starting point is 00:19:31 Everything's gonna be. There could be poop in it. So raw water is straight from a lake, a river, a stream, a spring. It could be rain water that you collect just straight from something. You can buy units actually to collect it from there. That's one of the new companies that have sprung up where you can put these panels all over your house that collect rainwater or collect moisture from the air.
Starting point is 00:19:56 It's going to have a rain barrel. Do you want your garden with it maybe? Yeah. Now you've just come up with a really good practical use for raw water. Because if you look up the term raw water, this predates all of the people who are trying to sell it to you now. Raw water is like toilet water. You don't need to drink your toilet water so it can be unprocessed, unfiltered, dirty. It's okay because while it is water,
Starting point is 00:20:27 we're using it for something that is not a drinking source. It's the same thing for watering crops. Like you said, if you have a big rain barrel and you use it to clean it to water your vegetables, that's fine. You just wash your car, that's fine. Heck, you can use this to bathe in some places, you know, just because water that comes out of your shower
Starting point is 00:20:46 or bath tub in some places, you can't necessarily drink. Right. That's okay. There's a difference. There's drinking water, and then there's raw water, which is not for drinking. It's also used for things like settling dust on highways. You spray some raw water on the highway
Starting point is 00:21:02 to settle the dust. These kinds of like industrial and agricultural uses that raw water on the highway to settle the dust. These kinds of industrial and agricultural uses that raw water has been applied to those for a very long time. It knows working fine. Right, exactly. Now, as I've said though, it is specifically not for human consumption. That is, that is.
Starting point is 00:21:20 Boy, we just keep coming back to that, but it's just seem worth noting that the one differentiating factor is that it is not for drinking. No, it has been, I feel like it's become like the heirloom tomato of water. It's like raw water. Yeah, it's straight from it's it's old. It's straight from the source. The way it always was old water.
Starting point is 00:21:38 The way it was and the way our ancestors drank it. The way it was in the beginning. The formula water. But it's it's just water that could be dirty. The way our ancestors drank it, the way it was in the beginning. It was a formula of water. But it's just water that could be dirty. There are maybe bacteria, parasites, any kind of industrial contaminants that can get into groundwater, heavy metals or lead, any kind of chemicals from wherever are in this water. Or could be. I mean, it's kind of like we're on the dice, kind of, as a are in this water. Or could be.
Starting point is 00:22:06 It's kind of like we're on the dice, kind of, as a little bit of fun, fun danger to your day. Who knows? That's true. That's true. The idea that this water is different than other waters. And let's get, and I mean, this is probably obvious, but let's just get down to the root of it. It's obviously obviously wrong water is H2O
Starting point is 00:22:29 Right right hydrogen dioxide So the thing is two hydrogens in an oxygen the thing is Whether there's other stuff in there or not water is water if you're drinking water or drinking water If the thing you're drinking is not you're drinking water. If the thing you're drinking is not H2O, it's not water anymore. So there is no source of, there is no kind of water that's more water than water. It's just the other junk that's in there. Now, the argument that proponents of raw water make is that there are trace minerals because it's straight from wherever and you haven't done anything to try to filter those out or to accidentally remove them in the filtering process, I should say.
Starting point is 00:23:13 But the thing is a lot of these things that your body needs are called trace minerals because you need them in trace amounts and they're present in your foods for the most part. So you don't need to get them from drinking water. It's okay. There are many, many healthy humans who are getting them from food, and they're not needing to drink dirty water to obtain these minerals. You certainly don't need to endanger your health and safety to get trace minerals in your diet.
Starting point is 00:23:46 Prior to this water filtration process that we have in the US, and I've kind of alluded to this, thousands of people in the US died of waterborne illness. Because the water was dirty. Exactly. Do you remember how on the Oregon Trail, everybody died of like dysentery? Yeah. And cholera? Yeah, they were drinking raw water if the memory serves in that game. A lot of raw water. Exactly. They were drinking raw water. It probably looked beautiful. Yeah, unmarried by the hands of man. Of course, it'd be lovely. Yes, beautiful, untouched natural spring water,
Starting point is 00:24:25 which naturally has bacteria and parasites in it that could make you very sick. Maybe it doesn't. I'm not saying that every time you drink out of a natural spring or a river or a lake or a stream, you're going to get sick. What I'm saying is you might. The vast majority of water in the United States
Starting point is 00:24:42 is clean and safe to drink straight from the tap. That's an amazing accomplishment. We've talked before, and I'm going to bring it up again, and then we're going to get angry emails. We've talked before about how fluoride, adding fluoride to our water supply for dental health is one of the major health achievements in the United States. It's considered one of our biggest health achievements as a country.
Starting point is 00:25:05 Our clean water supply is also considered by the CDC, one of our greatest health achievements because most people have access to clean, safe drinking water in their homes or in a nearby well. That's an amazing feat. There are lots of places throughout the world where that is not true. And a lot of people get sick because they don't have access to clean water. And a lot of people die because they don't have access to clean water. And the idea that we would take that for granted starts to seem a little ridiculous, I think. Yeah, yes, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:47 I think a good example of this, we were watching the show, The Prophet, with Mark as Lomonas, and he was touring Puerto Rico, surveying the damage. And do you remember they found a raw water source that people were getting drinking water from? Yes, it was coming from a spring at the top of a mountain and they had worked rigged up like a system to get it to pour down so they could Drink this spring water exactly because they had no other option because they had no water because the hurricane because the hurricane and Because this part of the United States has still not been properly because the hurricane and because this part of the United States has still not been properly given attention and money and resources to recover from a devastating hurricane.
Starting point is 00:26:31 So these people don't have water so they're getting water from a natural spring and it looks very clean. But what they discover is there's bacteria in it. Because just because water looks clean doesn't necessarily mean that it is. That's raw water. They coal, right? Yes, or there was the coal in it. But these are people who have no other option to find water.
Starting point is 00:26:51 So why would people living in the US who have clean water coming from their tap be opting for something that might be disease causing or even deadly? Well, because it sounds better. Raw water is currently being sold by a couple different companies. There's one called live water in Oregon. There's tourmaline spring in Maine. There's zero mass water, which is the company that will come and stall the things on your house so that you can collect moisture, collect your own water. It's selling for a lot. It's pretty expensive, exponentially more expensive
Starting point is 00:27:29 than what you're paying for like in taxes to supply you with clean water from your tap. I mean, much, much, much more expensive. It's much, much, much more expensive than bottled water. So like a two and a half gallon bottle of live water sells for $36.99. And the places where they're selling it, it's almost always sold out. People are buying this stuff, like gangbusters. Stop it. The founder of live water, Mukande Singh said, uh, when, when asked kind of why, why, why is this happening?
Starting point is 00:28:08 Why are you doing this? What, what is the, what is the beauty of this said of tap water? You're drinking toilet water with birth control drugs in them. Like, uh, and also said, uh, in regards to the fact that we put fluoride in our water Call me a conspiracy theorist, but it's a mind control drug That has no benefit to our dental health So we should drink brawndo in fed probably would be like from the toilet water from the toilet right So these usually it's so easy not to curse on this show, but come on. Oh, man. When Alex Jones would back you up in your assertion that fluoride is a mind control drug, you really need to
Starting point is 00:28:58 reevaluate your stance. The thing is, in a lot of these cases, and we've talked about this on the show before in reference to some of the things that like goop proposes, Winfpaltrow's health and lifestyle site, if it's just people who have decided that they have the means and they are going to read about it and make up their own minds and they're going to go buy raw water, which is potentially dirty and disease-causing, and they're going to pay that much for it and they're going to drink it because they think it's better. Well, I guess you have a right to do that. I don't know why you would, but I guess that's your choice.
Starting point is 00:29:36 The problem is that when you start making these reckless assertions about the water supply in our country, you start to scare a lot of people and you see that with things like the anti-vax movement, where it starts off with a handful of people who are very angrily anti-vaccination. They're wrong, they don't know anything, but they're very angry. And it starts to create this kind of vague fear and doubt
Starting point is 00:30:03 among a lot of other people who don't necessarily hold that position, but who have heard some things that have started to make them worry in question. So what you start to do is putting this fear in the minds of Americans who otherwise had no problem with the water supply and who certainly cannot afford to pay $36 for a two and a half gallon bottle of dirty water. You start to make everyone worry and question the water supply. And who's right and who's wrong and what lies are we being told.
Starting point is 00:30:32 I mean, the truth is this, the U.S. water filtration and delivery system does need help. It's not perfect. No, the EPA has estimated that it would take a $384 billion infrastructure investment to get it up to where it should be. So it's not perfect. I'm not saying it is. We banned lead pipes. Congress banned the use of lead pipes like three years ago, but there's still like 10
Starting point is 00:30:57 million lead pipes out there. And when you look at things like the crisis in Flint, Michigan, where there is contaminate, you know, dirty, lead-filled water being supplied to the populace and nobody's doing anything about it. Obviously, there are issues. But when you hear these kinds of things, your reaction should not be, so why don't we all just go drink really expensive, dirty water? The reaction should be, why don't we work harder to ensure that everyone has access to clean, safe drinking water, the way that the majority of Americans
Starting point is 00:31:30 already do. So the solution is not drink dirty water. I just certainly not pay an arm in a leg so that you can drink dirty water. I'm somebody who's not, I want everybody to get along. I want everybody to, like, I am someone who has preached for a long time, like, the value of not, like, correcting people when they're wrong and the value of trying to live in harmony. But like, I feel like if you hear somebody talking about this nonsense, you have a burden to, to shout them down.
Starting point is 00:32:05 Like they're sowing seeds of distrust. And one of the, I'm sorry, very few things that we actually did like crush. And like World War II Hoover Dam water. That's like a bat. I mean, there's probably a few others that I'm forgetting. Don't at me. But like, just take that money and deliver it. Why don't you spend that $35 you got to blow on like a donation to a developing nation that doesn't have clean water. And
Starting point is 00:32:40 like, is that what I mean, me, that's maybe a better way of spending that money? Like or anything or literally setting on fire and snorting the ashes like literally anything. Don't do that. That'd be dangerous. It drives me crazy. It makes me so angry. I can't take it. It's hard for me to understand the audacity of being lucky enough to have access to clean, safe drinking water all the time as many Americans do, most Americans do, and choosing to put yourself at risk. And not only that, that's fine. That's your choice.
Starting point is 00:33:15 You want to drink at least it's not like the anti-vaccination movement in the sense that if you want to personally drink dirty water just yourself, well, you're really putting yourself at risk. No. When you don't, well, you're really putting yourself at risk. No, when you don't get your, when you don't get your vaccines, you're putting everybody at risk. But when you just decide, I'm going to sit here and drink this dirty water and maybe get sick, I guess you're only putting yourself at risk. No, I disagree because if you buy this crap, then you're putting more money in the war chest of people who are spreading this garbage.
Starting point is 00:33:41 That's a fair point. And it's also, it tends to be people who start out with these movements that are very vocal about them. As I said, and they create this fear and misunderstanding. And I think it's horribly insulting to all the people who every day have to trek miles to the one clean water source within their community to carry it back for their families. People who have no other option but to drink questionable water because it is the only water and You can't go without water so they have to make that decision and risk their health and safety and their families health and safety
Starting point is 00:34:21 It's a huge slap in the face to all of those humans who that's their daily reality. And you pay $36 for two and a half gallons of dirty water and tell everyone else they should be doing the same thing. Listen, I feel like this and got a little appreciate the end. Just tap water. You don't even need to drink bottled water. Tap water is usually fine, except when it's not. I drink tap water. You don't even need to drink bottled water. Tap water is usually fine except when it's not. I drink tap water. I've always drank tap water. I mean, bottled water and the accumulation of plastics in our environment is a whole other issue, so we won't get into that. But I think, I mean,
Starting point is 00:34:57 tap water for the vast majority of Americans is fine and safe unless you have been told specifically that your water is that you have a boiled water advisory and there's a problem in your community. The water coming out of your tap is fine. But like even if it's not like even in cases like like flint like you're not they don't definitely drink dirty water like that's that's not a good that's not a good solution to like I don't know if my water is clean. I'm going to drink defo dirty water. Now raw water is not the solution. The solution is why don't we all demand that we put money and effort into fixing our infrastructure when it comes
Starting point is 00:35:37 to water. Um, folks, that's going to do it for us this week. Sorry to get so hyped up. I just you read about the, you know, we can laugh at these historical charlatans, but then when you see them in like the day to day and you look them straight in the eye, God, it's nauseating. Ugh. I thought it was a joke.
Starting point is 00:35:55 All these people kept saying Sydney talked about raw water and I was like, I didn't know what they were talking about. So then I started reading this and I went, what is happening? Why are people drinking dirty water? Yeah. So thanks for listening.
Starting point is 00:36:07 Thanks to the taxpayers. We let us use our song Medicines as the intro and outro of our program. Thank you to you so much for listening. We very much appreciate it. Thanks to Max Fun Network for having us as part of their extended family of podcasts. And that's going to do it for us for this week.
Starting point is 00:36:27 So until next week, my name is Justin McElroy. I'm Cindy McElroy. And as always, don't drill a hole in your head. Alright! Comedy and Culture, Artistone, Listener Supported you

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