Sawbones: A Marital Tour of Misguided Medicine - Tom Brady's Snake Oil

Episode Date: February 5, 2019

Besides being a king of football and all around touchdown master, did you know Tom Brady endorses a training and nutrition regimen co-created by a guy who got in trouble with the FTC for selling fake ...cancer pills? Let's talk about TB12. Music: "Medicines" by The Taxpayers

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Saubones is a show about medical history, and nothing the hosts say should be taken as medical advice or opinion. It's for fun. Can't you just have fun for an hour and not try to diagnose your mystery boil? We think you've earned it. Just sit back, relax, and enjoy a moment of distraction from that weird growth. You're worth it. that weird growth. You're worth it. Alright, time is about to books. One, two, one, two, three, four. We came across a pharmacy with a doing that's lost it out. We saw through the broken glass and had ourselves a look around.
Starting point is 00:00:56 The medicines, the medicines that escalate my cop for the mouth Hello everybody and welcome to saw bones a metal tour of misguided medicine. I'm your co-host Justin McAroy and I'm Sydney McAroy Well, sit another super bowl is in the books. That's right Justin. It was a I would say not an exciting Bad football game Uninjoyable. Do you feel like you're enough of an expert on football to declare at a bad football game? I'll say this. I've watched every single Super Bowl and it was the worst of those that I've seen in my game in the 38 years. I would not say bad or good. I would just say it was not exciting. I did not. I did not have. It's a sporting event. Like what other metric could there be? I mean, I'd say that the Patriots and their fans
Starting point is 00:01:44 are very pleased with it. For the, well, not probably not the game itself. The game itself was boring. It had a five minutes at the end where everybody decided to play football and do points. I think, I think that if you're the team that wins the Super Bowl, you don't really care about that part. That would be my guess. I don't know, though.
Starting point is 00:02:00 I am not a patriot nor am I a fan of the Patriots. So I, I don't even watch football that much. Neither of us are big football fans. Like we're pretending like we are. We're not really anything. I just thought they're super ball. Super ball. The super ball is a shared cultural event.
Starting point is 00:02:15 And we like to participate in those. You and I, I think that's a fair thing to say. The New England Patriots have won every super ball for the past 17 years. That's not true. And they must be stopped. It's getting boring, not just for us, but for all of the NFL family of owners. Except the Patriots who are fine with it.
Starting point is 00:02:39 The Patriots who are fine with it. I'm certain they're fine with it. But we're not, so we're putting stuff to it this week. That's right. A lot of our listeners had tweeted and emailed a message and said, you should, you missed an opportunity. You should have done an episode before the Super Bowl on the TB12 training method. And I thought this isn't a missed opportunity because the thing is Tom Brady uses training method. And I thought, this isn't a missed opportunity
Starting point is 00:03:06 because the thing is Tom Brady uses this method, the TB 12, the Tom Brady 12, that's his number, TB 12, there you go. Got it. No, how training method. Tom Brady uses this method to be so good at football. And maybe if we uncover it, break it down and share it with the world, maybe he can be stopped. Maybe if everyone uncover it break it down and share it with the world
Starting point is 00:03:25 Maybe he can be stopped maybe if everyone has maybe you're saying if everyone has his football secrets Maybe next year he won't win again He'll stop drinking his Touchdown potion. I don't know. I mean I'm fine I I am not Suggestion in any in any way that he be worse at football or stop anything. I'm saying that everybody else has to raise their game so that we can defeat him at football. Get on his level with the T12.
Starting point is 00:03:54 Yes. I'm actually not going to suggest that anybody do this, but at least now we'll understand it. Yeah. So, do you know anything? Did you know anything? Did you know he had a secret training method because before our wonderful listeners were so kind as to inform me, I had no idea. I, sweetheart, know I didn't. I don't go into training regimens for individual players. My fandom, if you will, of the NFL begins and ends with the Super Bowl.
Starting point is 00:04:27 And honestly, kind of hovers out of existence during the parts that are not commercials. So Tom Brady is, I think we can all agree that let's just start. He is good at football. Whatever we think of him personally, he is good at the sport that he plays. And he's using a training method that seems to be working for him. Yes. Before I get a bunch of emails that are like, well, but this seems to work for him. Yes, I acknowledge. Yes. He has played for a very long time. Seems very happy. He is for the NFL standards. He's an older player, not for like humanity, but for professional football.
Starting point is 00:05:11 He's considered an older player. And he has played like every, he hasn't missed a game since like 2009 or something. I mean, you know, he, he's fit. He's fit. Well, he's a football captain. And captain of football, I would hope he would be a good physical condition. And he had, he a book came out a couple years ago to kind of detail how he's achieved
Starting point is 00:05:35 this. And I think there have been some stories leading up to that about what he had done. But I think this really kind of opened the door so that people could see what he was doing. And it was called the TB 12 method, how to achieve a lifetime of sustained peak performance. And he put together this book. Well, one he put to get. He had to go straighter.
Starting point is 00:05:58 I'm starting with that. He had to braid. He sat down in a typewriter. No, chapter one. Water. Boy, howdy. You got a pump. A lot of water boy, howdy, you got a pump a lot in water. No, actually, that's a big part of it.
Starting point is 00:06:09 Water is a huge part of it. Okay. Well, look, me and Tom drink a lot of water. No, he did have a ghost writer, Peter Smith, who he puts together his book with, but the method, the plan is actually developed by Tom Brady and then probably more so by his body coach Alex Guerrero. And that's who we need to talk about a little bit first because Alex Guerrero, who like I said, he's listed as his body coach is a lot more than his body coach. Okay. He is. Uh, this is this is the romance on the
Starting point is 00:06:45 horizon, Sydney. No, no, no. Oh, no, no, you understand why the way you said that made me think that maybe romance is on the horizon. No, this is from one interview. Uh, while Guerrero is known as Brady's body coach, you keep saying it. He is, he is so much more than that. He is his spiritual guide, his counselor, his pal, his nutrition advisor, his trainer, his massage therapist and family member. He is the Godfather of Brady's younger son, Ben. He comes to, he comes to every game pretty much. He stands on the sidelines.
Starting point is 00:07:23 Pretty much was a way I didn't think you were gonna end that sentence. Well, I don't make it for me. Specifically says almost every game. Okay, what if he's gonna, what if he needs a life? Like he has a life too, I guess. Sounds like his life is taking care of Mr. Brady's every one.
Starting point is 00:07:39 He works with his personal chef. So every single bite of food that Tom Brady eats is approved by Mr. Guerrero. His training schedule is set out not just, I found like days and advance weeks and advance months and advance, he has a plan for his life. Like he has a training plan, a health plan for Tom Brady's entire life. And of course, in regards to football specifically, he works with him at least twice a day, every day,
Starting point is 00:08:14 on his football. So here, here you can see around 2040, we've opened up Brady's burgers. So your schedule is gonna have to change drastically to get in there and start making the burgers at 6 am. So you're going to have to do your curls at 530. Listen, as we're going to get into his dietary plan for Tom Brady and the other athletes he works with, he would not recommend burgers. Well, don't. No, sir. A good keep cranking there, so. Okay. So Mr. Guerrero, first of all, let's find out a little bit about his background.
Starting point is 00:08:46 He received a master's degree in traditional Chinese medicine from a university that no longer exists. It was not a good summer university in LA. It was closed in 2010 because the the board that provided its accreditation was closed in 2007. And it turned out a lot of walls were made of styrofoam and the doors were just painted on a lot of them. Now, here's what's wild.
Starting point is 00:09:15 After you get that background and then you get into like his early career, this is going to sound very familiar to you, Justin. If we reach back into the annals of medical history, this is not going to sound strange. He took the title of doctor after he finished school, just started calling himself doctor, and he wrote a book in balance for life, understanding and maximizing your body's pH factor. So we did a whole episode on alkaline water. Like just a little bit ago. Yeah, and like this was the same idea. So his his revolutionary diet ideas, not necessarily revolutionary. A lot of people who were already saying this,
Starting point is 00:09:55 that you should eat alkaline foods and not acidic foods. And he had a whole list of them. And anyway, so it was not it was not the newest idea in the world, but he sold this book, and he got a little bit of notoriety among some athletes, specifically that was kind of who he was targeting. Like there were some people who were interested in improving their athletic performance and they got kind of interested in it. He started from this diet, he developed a supplement
Starting point is 00:10:24 called Supreme Greens. Supreme Greens. Supreme Greens. It was a nutritional supplement and essentially he said, you know, based on my diet that I have written about in my book, you need to eat a lot of alkaline things and the alkaline things are largely vegetables and so I have taken the equivalent of two pounds of fresh vegetables and then put all those nutrients in of two pounds of fresh vegetables and then put all those nutrients in these pills.
Starting point is 00:10:47 Vegetable pills. They're vegetable pills. Got it. And his argument is that food today is deficient of nutrients because plants get 67 vitamins and minerals from soil but we only put three into soil now. So I guess from that sentence, we can assume that all of our plants only have three nutrients now.
Starting point is 00:11:11 What are you talking about? None of these words are meant to be like that. I'm angry at you. I said, my extension. What are you talking about? He made these vegetable pills to put the nutrients back in them. And. So touch down Tom, here Tom hears this and he's like, yeah, give me some of what this cat selling.
Starting point is 00:11:30 So how many vegetables? I mean, find them at the soil. Good. There's supposed to be 67, but we only put three in, but he put them all in. Hey, I know from a lifetime of football, 67 is more than three. Several touchdowns versus one field goal. Come on. Even touchdown Tom can figure that one out.
Starting point is 00:11:49 You're on my team now. You're my new, you're my body dad. I don't think it calls him as body dad. So it's got, the pills have like vegetables and grasses and herbs. They've got, I mean, it's largely just herbal stuff. It's not necessarily dangerous in and of itself, the pills. And it says that it will balance your body's pH level.
Starting point is 00:12:11 Now, if that is all he had said, here's a supplement with a lot of veggies. It's good for your pH. He probably could have gotten away with selling. I mean, he did sell it. He made like million dollars. You can give him anything, by the way. He actually didn't make millions of dollars.
Starting point is 00:12:28 He did info commercials and the companies that did the info commercials made millions of dollars. He did not make as much off of that as you would have thought. You want me to feel bad for this job? No, I just, I'm just clarifying. I'm just clarifying. It will be fruitless. So he had to go past that.
Starting point is 00:12:43 That was not enough. He wanted to sell a lot of this, a lot of this supplement. So he did him from infomercials on both spike and women's entertainment TV. And he claimed to be a doctor in everybody. I guess you got them all. He said, I need, I need the, the men and the women. That's all there are. And that this is all they watch.
Starting point is 00:13:00 And this is all they want. This is why would you not watch a channel just for you? Uh huh. And he claimed to be a doctor and he went on to cite studies that he had done on this supplement in 200 terminally ill patients. And he claimed that of these 200 terminally ill patients with various problems, various medical issues, that only in the, after eight years of taking his supplement, only eight of them had actually passed away
Starting point is 00:13:26 And the rest of them were still alive Despite the fact that they were terminal eight years ago because of his Pills and he claimed that his leaf pill could cure Cancer aids MS heart disease diabetes arthritis and Parkinson's disease Oh, and Parkinson's disease. Oh, and if that wasn't enough, it could also help you lose up to 80 pounds in eight months. Oh, what a steal, what a bargain.
Starting point is 00:13:52 Yeah, and it's just like a veggie pill. Now, you can't say that on TV. Come on. You can't get away with that, Alex. You can't say that on television. No. Somebody eventually will call you out on it if you pedal fake cancer cures.
Starting point is 00:14:07 Eventually. Eventually not as quickly as you would hope. No, but eventually somebody will call you out on it. That someone, in this case, was the FTC who said, you can't call yourself a doctor if you're not a doctor, sir. You can't tell people that your veggie pills cure cancer, or AIDS, or MS, or anything else, that if they don't, and they don't do that.
Starting point is 00:14:32 And that study that he cited, the 200 patients, totally fabricated. This wasn't even, this was a whole new level. A lot of the stuff we talk about, it's like... Contorting. Yeah, like they did have patients who did take it, and like somebody got better, and somebody did, and then they're just, it's like. Contorting. Yeah, like they did, they did have patients who did take it and like somebody got better and somebody did and then they're just, it's bad science.
Starting point is 00:14:49 A lot of this stuff was just made up. So he got in trouble because of this. And again, I don't think the Supreme Greens. Just for that. Yeah. The Supreme Greens pill probably is not dangerous in any way. It's just a bunch of herbal stuff that I don't Yeah, I looked at the ingredients. There's nothing that struck me as dangerous, but it is dangerous to
Starting point is 00:15:10 Tell people I can cure your cancer and scare them away from actual medicine that could help them in you know in favor of your veggie pills So he had to pay like a $65,000 fine or that given the option he could hand over the title to his 2004 Cadillac Escalade. And he was not allowed after that to present himself as a doctor, market supreme greens or anything like it for the treatment of disease from then on for life. The end. Well folks, thanks so much for. No, that wasn't enough. Okay. Because as I said, Mr. Guerrero had not made his fortune. And he's still, I would say, and I'm going to probably insist on this through our episode. I think he's a true believer.
Starting point is 00:15:54 He believes in the stuff he says. He's convinced himself. And he wants to convince you too. And he convinced himself that he was on to something with his various nutritional ideas. And so he came up with a new company called Six Degree Nutrition, which marketed a bunch of different supplements, but the big one was something called Neurosafe. And Neurosafe was specifically targeted at athletes, because you've probably heard a lot about the traumatic brain injury that can occur, the multiple concussions that people get
Starting point is 00:16:25 during while they're playing sports, specifically contact sports like football. Yeah, and you're holding the ball for the guy and he's about to kick it. He misses, he drills in the head. I don't think that's a ball injury. I don't think that's the most common way. There's many common football injuries
Starting point is 00:16:41 that I've seen in my time on the good iron. But basically, he said that if you take this, it will protect your brain. He described it as like a seat belt for your brain. Us, us, a seat belt for your brain. A seat belt for your brain. Yes. And that if you do this ahead of time, you can prevent all of the damage that can occur for multiple concussions.
Starting point is 00:17:01 And he got a lot of people on board with this and including me. No. Hi, everybody. I'm Justin McHory for Brain Belt. No, including like Wes Welker went on record saying like, yes, I know that this will protect me when my helmet can't. And like Tom Brady said, Neurosave makes him feel good. And basically he got big name athletes coming out and saying, like, yes, this will prevent this horrible injury that,
Starting point is 00:17:29 you know, at this time was being more well understood and was making a lot of headlines on its own. And so he came out with this product and he got in trouble again in 2012. And that's the end of his story, man. No, good right. It continues, but before I tell you what happened next, let's go to the building department.
Starting point is 00:17:53 Let's go. The medicines, the medicines that I skilled at my car before the mound. Not all heroes wear capes. Some heroes watch war movies and then review them. Friendly Fire is a war movie podcast for people who don't necessarily like war movies, although it does not exclude people who love war movies. I'll have you know that I am wearing a cape, my cape is just made of sound deadening material from an audio recording studio. It's a really great show.
Starting point is 00:18:25 John's daughter doesn't like it because we sometimes say swear words on it, but almost everybody else that has ever listened to it has enjoyed the program. Download and subscribe to Friendly Fire, wherever you get your podcasts. To the Victor, go to Spoiler Alerts. So Sydney. So it continues. Yes. So as I said, the FTC stepped in again because they were concerned that some of the claims he was making about neuro safe kind of violated that like lifetime ban they had put on him. Slightly. About making false claims. Yeah. About lifetime ban on lying. He wasn't claiming to be a doctor this time,
Starting point is 00:19:07 but they basically said you have no evidence for any of these claims. There's no science behind it. And you're going to tell people they can, I think it was like a drink that you could drink. And you can drink this thing and it will protect your brain. And maybe then people are going to go get hurt and think they're okay and not seek proper treatment and that kind of thing.
Starting point is 00:19:32 But despite all this, they actually didn't really, they told him he couldn't market it this way. But they didn't sanction him really. Like they didn't do much to him. They didn't punish him really like they didn't do much to him. They didn't punish him so to speak because he had sold so little of it and As soon as they started writing him letters, he just stopped marketing it and he actually even agreed to refund all of the money All right fair fair fair game. He got me so so there was a violation, but it like if you look at like what did the
Starting point is 00:20:06 FTC do to him? It doesn't look, I mean, I didn't do much because he kind of went, okay, you caught me. I'm, I'll stop. I'll stop. Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry about that. Yeah, I got carried away. So, the question though at this point is we have this, we have this person who kind of fits into like our typical solbona's model of a little bit of a snake oil salesman. Like, I feel a lot of bit, but a lot like he made false claims, he sold the fake cancer cure, he got in trouble for it. How did he end up as Tom Brady's guy as his buddy? How did that? How did they meet? That's because by the time we get to this neuro-safe product that he's marketing, Tom Brady's
Starting point is 00:20:49 endorsing it. And that's a big deal. So how did this happen? Well, as I mentioned, his book about alkalinity and eating had made some waves among some athletes. So there was a certain level of like, specifically I think track athletes where we're reading and kind of passing the book around
Starting point is 00:21:10 and talking about like I think this might be helpful while I buy into this. This is a good idea. And from there he got the attention of Willie McGuinest, who also plays for, he is a football player for the Patriots. I'm telling you because I didn't, you look like you didn't know who I was. Ah!
Starting point is 00:21:28 All right, Sid. I guess I didn't know who was a Willie McGinnis. McGinnis, yes. Okay, got it. Anyway, so he started working with him first because he, he like, I don't know, they made contact somehow and he was like, hey, I like this plan. What other ideas you got? So they started working together on like some training regimens
Starting point is 00:21:49 and it wasn't like officially part of the Patriots training team or anything. He was just helping out players. He was freelancing for players from other teams too. There were other, there were other, like I think Ladinian Tomlinson worked with him for a while. So there were players from other teams that were also working with Guerrero on his training regimen, but it was from this that Brady started to get wind of him and other members of the Patriots as well, that this program is really successful and the players who are using it are really liking it and they're thinking this guy might really successful and the players who are using it are really liking it and they're thinking this guy might really be on
Starting point is 00:22:27 to something secret, something special, that all of our other sports trainers aren't doing. Because this was, his methods were not the same as any of the sports medicine trained or physical therapy trained or physiology trained. Any of these specialists, they were totally different. So at this point, Bill Belichet gets wind of this.
Starting point is 00:22:51 And he says, well, Patriots coach, Bill Belichet. Yes, very good. No big deal. If this is an advantage, I want it. Whether it's part of the rules or in an absolute violation of the rules, I want this advantage I can claim. So he makes an exclusive deal with him essentially that, no, you're ours. Whatever your training secrets are, that my boy TB 12 like so much. We're keeping him for the Patriots only. And so he became exclusively linked with the
Starting point is 00:23:26 Patriots around like 2008. And especially that was when if you're a big sports fan, you may remember Tom Brady had an ACL injury that took him out. It was like the first game of the season that took him out for like the whole season. And, uh, and that's a huge deal. An ACL injury is huge deal for a football player. And he nourished him through that injury, and of course Tom Brady came back and was still great and all that. And that really solidified that relationship. So that's how he got in there.
Starting point is 00:23:56 And that was why, by 2012, Brady would be endorsing his product, NeuroSafe. What goes beyond that, because if we get into the TB-12 method, the book and the website and the training center and everything that has come from that, is not just supplements. It's a whole, I mean, really, like if you get down to a lifestyle, would be the right word to use. It's not just a diet, it's not just exercises, it's to use. It's not just a diet, it's not just exercises. It's everything. First and foremost, is the alkaline diet. Sure. So important. You have to eat 80, 20 alkaline acidic, 80% alkaline, 20% acidic at all times. And just to kind of review an alkaline diet, like it's largely a vegan diet, it's largely a plant-based vegan diet.
Starting point is 00:24:45 So I'm not gonna critique the diet too much in terms of what you actually eat. Obviously, we've done a whole show. I'm really talking for him, obviously. Well, we've done a whole show on this whole idea of alkalinity and acidity is probably all, well, no, it's fake science. It's fake science, it's not probably it is.
Starting point is 00:25:02 That doesn't matter, but I'm not going to quibble with eating a plant-based vegan diet. That's fine. He avoids meat and dairy. There are certain foods like peppers and tomatoes, mushrooms, eggplants, which are specifically really bad, which I would say are probably fine, but whatever, that's, I'm not going to quibble with the diet.
Starting point is 00:25:22 The physical regimen, like the actual training regimen, is kind of strange. As I try to find descriptions of what they do, it sounds like really intense massage therapy, but they talk about how they're going to work with the muscles to pre-hab them. This isn't rehab. Pre-hab. Pre-hab the muscles. And the argument that Greeromakes is that a lot of what athletes do, or just people who work out in general do, is strength training, lifting weights and such, that will make your muscles to firm, like too hard. Uh-huh. And so when you like do sports,
Starting point is 00:26:06 then they don't stretch well. They're not, you know. Hey, the good news here. Bendy enough. The good news. I'm ahead of the curve. Sounds like. Sounds like maybe I'm in top football shape.
Starting point is 00:26:22 You don't want your muscles too tough and sinewy because then when you do stuff with them They tear So he says that his program will keep you strong while keeping your muscles soft and pliable That's the big thing pli ability is the big word that's different from a lot of what you would see in other sports medicine training programs where they talk about strength, they talk about flexibility, but this is different from flexibility. Flexibility is a real thing that's important, you know, range of motion and all that. If you're going to like throw balls in it, pliable ability is a whole other thing where you have to keep your muscles soft.
Starting point is 00:27:07 And as far as I can tell, there's no studies on this. I couldn't find any other exercise physiology people or sports medicine people or physical therapists who were advocating this. And it's not those things because like he even got in trouble once for doing something that was sort of like physical therapy because he's not a physical therapist, so we can't do that. It's some sort of massage and then also a lot with resistance bands. And there was some sort of like anti-gravity treadmill that somebody was on in one of them. I believe that things I read.
Starting point is 00:27:38 And they mentioned like... Man, a lot of that sounds funny. They mentioned like, it was in this like men's magazine. He was talking about doing like an anti-gravity treadmill they were working with them and he was like, and then I passed Giselle doing like, sit-ups until she passed out. So sit-ups apparently are part of it.
Starting point is 00:27:55 But when I tried to look into like, does anybody buy into this or their studies on it, I couldn't find anything. Tom Brady describes it as when he sees like a line, a line been charging him. My brain is thinking only lengthen and soften and disperse. So that's how his muscles handle all those hard hits. They lengthen, they soften and disperse. This is not a thing. His brain is probably up. His brain is also thinking like, I should try to do it touch down here. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:28:27 If you think his brain also thinks that, like, it seems a lot of his brain is like, just thinking about like, I'm about to get hit by that guy. I shouldn't think about anything else. He's probably also thinking about touchdowns. Touch down the line. And I didn't get into all of this part of the regiment.
Starting point is 00:28:43 It very much is though like a spiritual mental thing. Like it's more than like there's the training center where he does physical activity that it's the exercises and massage and all that stuff he does. There's the diet, but there's more. What of the soul, you know? Right, there's a whole, no, but I mean, that's part of the whole training program.
Starting point is 00:29:02 What of his touchdown soul? I found in a New York no, but I mean, that's part of the whole training program. What about his touchdown soul? I found in a New York Times article, they interviewed a professor at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, who's an expert in muscle physiology, a guy named Stuart Phillips. And this was my favorite. They asked him about like muscles, pliability, softness, all this stuff. What do you think of this? His response was just it's boulder dash, which man, I guess you have to be a muscle physiologist to pull off, be able just to look at somebody
Starting point is 00:29:30 and say it's boulder dash, it's boulder dash. But whatever he's doing, a lot of members of the team bought into it. So for a while, he was a fixture in the locker room on the team plane, on the sidelines. He was there working with he was a fixture in the locker room on the team playing on the sidelines. He was there working with a lot of members of the team as voluntary. It wasn't like Belichock wasn't forcing them to work with him, but also Tom Brady's doing it. So there probably was some pressure like, well, yeah with TB 12. Hey, are you sure you need that 12 mushrooms? Because Tom says mushrooms are bad. Tom says mushrooms are bad and also tomatoes.
Starting point is 00:30:12 A very boring pizza. Tom enjoys no cheese, no tomatoes, no mushrooms, no sauce. I don't even know how much bread he'd eat. Okay, so TB 12, not a big pizza bar. No, I don't think Tom Brady eats a he'd eat. Okay. So TB 12, not a big pizza bar. No, I don't think Tom Brady eats a lot of pizza. It would be my guess. You just want the Super Bowl way you do my guess. What are you going to do now?
Starting point is 00:30:31 Well, not me to pizza. I can't eat pizza anymore. He went to Disney World. That's all a picture. He went to Disney World. It looked like with another player. I can't. That's what they mean, right?
Starting point is 00:30:43 Or just your family. Maybe it's like a team trip. Sort of like when I went to show choir. Like with show choir to Disney World. That's what they mean, right? You're family? Maybe it's like a team trip. Sort of like when I went to show choir. Like was show choir to Disney? He was there quick too. I would want a day to just kick it. I don't feel like walking around Disney World. I just did a Super Bowl.
Starting point is 00:30:55 Have you been paying attention? He doesn't need to just kick it. It's true. It's probably going to ease off the chart. Yeah. Anyway, so he was really intrinsically linked with the Patriots for a while, but there were conflicts with the actual training staff with probably all the like Physical therapists and sports medicine people and trainers and people who've like went to school and did training in this and studied and
Starting point is 00:31:17 Know how to do this and we're all there saying like this is this stuff. We Some of it isn't harmful some of it's fine, but some of it doesn't make sense to us. And it's not what we're doing. And so there was some conflict. So he was actually like, remove from his access for a while. There was like a big story a year or so ago where he was like, remove from the team playing and it was a big deal.
Starting point is 00:31:42 But it sounds like now he has access. But he's only at some of the games. That makes me why. But it sounds like he has reclaimed that access, probably largely due to the fact that him and Brady are still totally tight. On the white. Yeah, still complete buds. And I would say that if Tom Brady wants it, he probably gets it.
Starting point is 00:32:00 If you ask Tom Brady in an interview about it though, he ends the interview pretty quick I found some like transcripts of interviews where people will ask like so as a deal with Guerrero And he pretty much says I'm not gonna talk about that and I gotta go now. Bye Like I'm not answering questions and I'm done with you. Thanks. So He's back in good graces for the most part There were some rumors right before this Super Bowl that there were people on the team, maybe some staff members, like
Starting point is 00:32:29 the trainers, who were blaming Guerrero's training program for some of the injuries that Grunkowski had during the season. Another player on the team who had multiple injuries. That they were, I believe, yes, that they were blaming Guerrero for how many injuries he'd had and saying that if he had just stuck with the regular training program that the rest of the players were doing that he would have been okay, but these are just rumors. I don't know. It at least speaks to the fact that there's still discord there.
Starting point is 00:32:57 There's still issues. Um, that I like I said, there's a website you can buy supplements through their website. They're largely just like protein shakes and like, you know, electrolyte replacement stuff, like nothing, nothing that we've talked about. None of these other things that I've talked about. You can buy workout gear, you can buy their book. It's all very expensive, I would say.
Starting point is 00:33:18 But then I don't know. If you're buying like elite athletic, training, equipment, or supplements, I think they're all very expensive. So it's probably as expensive as all that other stuff. It's very expensive, it doesn't work. You know, then I would say that's very expensive. That's extremely expensive.
Starting point is 00:33:35 But I don't know, it works for Tom Brady. It doesn't. It doesn't work for Tom Brady. Well, something works for Tom Brady. Tom Brady is very good at football. Yeah, Tom Brady is paid to keep himself in great physical shape and to only eat football food. Like, yeah, it's not working for that.
Starting point is 00:33:50 Like, okay, okay. So you're telling me. It doesn't work for this dumb alkaline diet and the dumb stuff doesn't work for Tom Brady. It's like, we call anecdotal evidence, right? Let's fair, who's this all anecdotal? This is completely anecdotal. So it's not proof that it's working for Tom Brady.
Starting point is 00:34:07 You could argue that like Tom Brady's football family that birthed him to do touchdowns is probably working for Tom very, absolutely. Well, I mean, there's the argument to be made that Tom Brady was good at football before he met Alex Guerrero. I'll make that argument. I'll actually, I'm over here saying, yeah, yeah, that seems right. He didn't like rescue him from like a downed spaceship
Starting point is 00:34:31 and wrap him in a blanket and say, I'm gonna make you good at football by not letting you have tomatoes. And I think the big problem with this is that once you've been linked with somebody like Tom Brady who is not just, we keep saying good at football, but his ability to keep coming back and playing and not miss games and not get injured and recover from injuries is it's pretty remarkable. And I don't think
Starting point is 00:34:53 it speaks to necessarily anything other than he works really hard and he trains a lot and he eats really healthy and he takes very good care of himself and all those things and probably also genetic factors. And there is incentivized with lots of money to do so. But I think that once you're linked to somebody like that, it's gonna give you a lot of legitimacy. And it's important to remember that this guy came from selling fake cancer pills.
Starting point is 00:35:24 Yeah, like fake cancer pills. Which is really bad. And usually you don't get to continue to ascend to fame after that. After that, that's usually the end. That's usually the last thing on the Wikipedia article. Not the first. Which is, that's where this guy comes from.
Starting point is 00:35:43 So as far as the TB 12 training method, there's no science behind it. There's no. Is that like Tom braze endorsing the stream method? Oh, go to the TB 12 website. I would rather not. The Tom braze or the book, like the book that he wrote. I mean, then we'll eat him right, you know, he helped with it. It's like, it's just it's his face. Like, yes, he endorses this completely. Now,
Starting point is 00:36:05 there's a lot of the, like, language you have to use to get around the FTC, like, for me, this works, or I have found, in my opinion, in my experience, there's a lot of that stuff that, like, blunts it so that you don't get in trouble. And what they're claiming now are not cancer cures or anything like that. It's just like, do this stuff and you'll be better at sports, which is regulated a little differently, you know. But there's no evidence really for it. There's just anecdotal. I'm not going to say that the diet's unhealthy.
Starting point is 00:36:37 The alkaline acid thing is nothing. But if you want to eat a plant-based vegan diet and you don't like mushrooms, I'm not going to tell you that's bad. And I'd say that the training is probably, I mean, there's no evidence so far that it's dangerous other than these rumors about Grunkowski, but there's just rumors, I don't know. So I'm not gonna say it's dangerous,
Starting point is 00:36:55 but is it the best training? Well, no one else would agree that it is who knows these things. I am not a sports medicine specialist, but it sounds like all the sports medicine specialists would say no. This has been a sports medicine specialist, but it sounds like all the sports medicine specialists would say no. This is a, this has been a truly shocking morning. So I can't believe that I have reason to dislike Tom Brady.
Starting point is 00:37:11 Thank you so much for listening to our program. Now you know, Tom Brady's secrets. That's Tom Brady's football secrets. Now go throw your tomatoes in the trash and be good at football. Thanks for listening to our show. We hope you enjoyed it. We sure enjoyed having you at the show. This virtual show that we have. Thanks to the taxpayers for the use of our medicines as the intro and outro of our program. We really appreciate it and that is going to do it for us. So until next week, my name is Justa McElroy. I'm Sydney McElroy. And as always, don't draw a hole in your head. Alright!

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