Scamfluencers - Do You Even Grift, Bro?

Episode Date: May 29, 2023

Brian Johnson, who will later become known as Liver King, grows up a scrawny kid who often gets picked on. He decides to start bulking up so that he won’t get picked on anymore. As an adult..., he takes his fitness journey a step further and forces his family to go on an extreme diet: eating mostly raw meat. He thinks this caveman-style meal plan is marketable and turns to selling supplements so that others can follow in his footsteps. But after he starts posting viral videos as Liver King and building a massive following, incriminating emails surface that completely undermine his carefully crafted persona.Please support us by supporting our sponsors.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, prime members, you can listen to ScanFlancer's ad-free on Amazon music. Download the app today. This episode deals with body image issues, mental health, and large quantities of raw meat. Listen with care. Sachi, I know you go to the gym, but I'm wondering if you've ever gotten into one of those fat workouts slash diets in your time as a gym rat. A terrible truth about my Florida mental health nightmare is that I have done every diet. I have done every fat workout, every fat diet.
Starting point is 00:00:38 I've tried them all. That's how I know they don't work. Well, I haven't because I'm too scared and too lazy to really be consistent with anything, but as you know, it could be a really easy thing to fall into. And I'm about to tell you a story of a truly crazy fitness and lifestyle influencer who inspired a ton of dudes to go back to their ancestral roots, and that meant eating a ton of raw meat. Okay, Sachi, I'm gonna start by showing you an Instagram video from November 2022. In the video, there's a guy sitting on a stool
Starting point is 00:01:15 in the Mongolian forest. He's got piercing blue eyes and a super burly beard. Snow falls all around him, and yet he's wearing a t-shirt. But what's most shocking is what the man's holding. You gotta check this out. Okay, so he is a big beef cake. He's sitting in what looks like quite cold weather, wearing a t-shirt and like really bad army fatigues, and he is housing a piece of liver, the size of a toddler.
Starting point is 00:01:46 Yeah, it is very much caveman energy and this guy actually goes by the name, liver king. But behind the blood and the beard is a man with an entire social media team. He doesn't actually live in this wilderness. At some point after finishing this video, he'll fly back to Texas, possibly on a private jet, where he lives in a sprawling 8,000 square foot mansion
Starting point is 00:02:11 with a souped up pickup truck in the driveway and a personal chef cooking in the kitchen. He even has a steam sauna and a hyper-baric chamber. He's built an empire by showing his fans how to live by his code inspired by ancient hunter gatherers, one TikTok at a time. When it comes to living like a caveman, liver king knows all. But what he doesn't know is that at this exact moment, his enemies are planning a siege.
Starting point is 00:02:38 It's not a threat from an invading army or an attack by land or sea. It's the most modern threat of all. A YouTube video. From Wondery, I'm Sarah Haggy, and I'm Sachi Cole. And this is Scamful Inswers. I'm gonna have the moon, I'll see you tomorrow. I'll speak to you, I'll have it. I'll feel like a legend." Lever King wanted his followers to believe his extreme diet and lifestyle were leading to
Starting point is 00:03:11 some serious gains. And those gains weren't just physical, Lever King wanted to call attention to how many men struggle with their mental health. But behind all the raw meat and cold plunges, liver king was succumbing to the same pressures he was trying to fight. Pressures that forced him to start living a lie. This you even grift, bro? Hi, I'm Lindsey Graham, the host of One Reast Podcast American Scandal.
Starting point is 00:03:40 Our newest series looks at the story of OxyContin, a popular painkiller that helps spur an epidemic of addiction and drug abuse, in which prompted a broad campaign to hold the pharmaceutical industry accountable. Listen to American scandal on Amazon Music or wherever you get your podcasts. Wondery's new podcast, Disantel, wades into the glorious mess of celebrity beef. Each episode explores a different iconic celebrity feud, and asks, what does our obsession with these feuds say about us? Follow Dis Antel, wherever you get your podcasts.
Starting point is 00:04:12 You can listen ad-free on the Amazon Music or Wondery app. In 1987, Ryan Johnson is skateboarding to the movie theater. He's 10 years old and still decades away from becoming liver king. He's with his older brother in a suburb of San Antonio, Texas. Brian's dad died when he was around three years old, so it's just been him, his mom, and his older brother. The boys have spent all summer outside, tackling each other for football or skating to the movies,
Starting point is 00:04:44 and Brian loves it. But then, middle school starts, and things go downhill fast. Brian's friends move away, and his brother starts hanging out with older kids. Plus, it seems like everyone else has a growth spurt overnight. But not Brian. He's still short and shrumpy, which makes him a prime target for bullies. He later says that on his first day of school, he gets beat up, and it's so bad that he doesn't want to go back.
Starting point is 00:05:12 This is sad. It's tough to be a skinny little boy if you are sort of surrounded by big kids and large men. Yeah, especially at that age when it seems like everyone's getting bigger except for you. And Brian also has no one left to talk to about how lonely, scared, and sad he is. When he talks about it years later on the podcast, Diary of a CEO, you can still hear the pain in his voice.
Starting point is 00:05:36 And I'll look in the mirror, I'll look at the clothes that I had, I had absolutely no concept of self-worth. I was totally embarrassed, I was humiliated of this kid that had become. That's when Brian decides he will be different. He walks into his garage where his mom's boyfriend left an old weightlifting bench, and he gets to work. He's going to get strong no matter what. Five years later, Brian is 15 years old, and he's really gotten into weightlifting. That scrawny kid who got beat up in middle school, he's nowhere to be found.
Starting point is 00:06:12 Instead, Brian has a completely new look. Satji, check out this photo of him. All right, well, it's Brian in some tasteful swim trunks in front of a pool, and he looks like if you cut a 15-year-old's head off and put it on the body of an adult man who spends a lot of time at the gym, he's quite buff. Yeah, he is super ripped. And even though he looks like an extra on Baywatch, Ryan thinks of himself more as a lover than a fighter. That is, until one day, when a kid at school decides he has a problem with him and picks a fight. A group of kids surround them in this schoolyard, yelling and shoving their way to the front.
Starting point is 00:06:55 Ryan doesn't want to fight. He begs the other boy not to hit him. He's worked so hard to fit in and he's still getting picked on. He later says in an interview that he blurtes out, you don't want to fight me, I'm a pussy. Then he trips and falls. The crowd laughs and booze. Brian lies on the ground full of shame.
Starting point is 00:07:17 He later says on diary of a CEO that his choice to back down that day changes him forever. Stand up for yourself. I'd rather you look stupid, I'd rather you look like an asshole, than look like a pussy. You know, you've got to stand up for yourself. I just would like to say,
Starting point is 00:07:33 if there are any young men for some reason, let's think of this show, this overwhelmingly female dominated show, I just want you to know, there are so many things that are worse than seeming like a pussy. I can't recommend being a pussy enough if the options are pussy versus asshole.
Starting point is 00:07:52 Well, Brian's obviously picked being an asshole, and it's then he decides it's not enough to be strong. You have to be willing to punch back. And from now on, he's never going to back down from a fight again. Ryan has been living by his code ever since that fateful day in high school. He doesn't let anyone push him around, and it's worked out pretty well for him. It got him through college and into a good job at a pharmaceutical company. It's a job that allows him to have downtime and take vacations. Like the snowboarding trip he takes in 2004 at the age of 27.
Starting point is 00:08:29 He's sitting on a chairlift in Park City, Utah when he spots a woman clipping into her snowboard. And as she takes off down the mountain, he feels something inside him, a primal instinct. He later described it on the Sivan podcast. This is what an evolutionary hunter fucking does. You leave the comfort of the came. I tell my best friend, I'm like, I see a girl, you figure out what you're doing next. I know what I'm doing next. In his words, he hunted her down. He finds out that her name is Barbara. She's short and tan with bright blue eyes and killer arms, but Brian Johnson can't see those beneath her snowboarding gear. What must stand out to him is her perfect smile. She's actually a dentist. From the moment they start chatting, Brian knows she's
Starting point is 00:09:17 the one. Their courtship is like a hit workout, fast and intense. A few months later, they get married. They're just so alike, it's scary, like scary scary. Years later, Brian proudly says that after their wedding, they prick their fingertips and let their two bloodstreams become one on a piece of paper. A couple years later, Brian and Barbara settle down in Houston and Barbara gives birth to their first son, Striker, with a Y.
Starting point is 00:09:48 They open up their own dental practice in 2008, and it takes off pretty quickly. Then, about a year later, they have another son, Brad. Yeah, not Brad. Brad. Brian finally seems to have everything he's ever wanted. Love, respect, and control over his life. But then as Brian later tells it, striker and rad start getting sick, really sick.
Starting point is 00:10:14 Here's how he later describes it on the iced coffee hour podcast. My kids couldn't breathe. What a horrific feeling this is, right? When your kids stop breathing, they're turning blue. You give them an epiphen. It starts to help a little bit, but you don't even know how it happened or how it's gonna come back. This is my mind, the world.
Starting point is 00:10:30 It was my fault. It was what I was feeding them. They seem to be allergic to everything. Brian says they're constantly in and out of the hospital and it's breaking his heart. It probably makes him think of the little powerless kid he once was. But now, as an adult, Ryan is ready to fight back.
Starting point is 00:10:50 He reads everything he can on different diets and lifestyles and he eventually comes across a book that embraces the health benefits of the ancestral way of living. Sachee, if you were to guess, what do you think that would entail? I would assume it means like foraging for nuts and berries and eating grubs that you find under rocks and carving meaningful etchings into the walls of several caves. I mean, you would think that would be the ancestral way of living, but actually a huge component of this includes eating animal organ meat, which is the most nutrient dense part of an animal.
Starting point is 00:11:32 Health experts seem to agree that organ meat is good for us in moderation, but moderation is not Brian's thing. He throws everything out and replaces all the processed foods with bone broth and raw liver. Barbara and the kids hate this. Now, we weren't able to corroborate the story, and it does raise a lot of questions, but it's the origin story Brian shares again and again. He says his family eats nothing for three days, I guess, in protest of him throwing out everything in the fridge and cupboards. And after those three days, Brian says Barbara, Rad, and Striker start eating the liver. And it turns out they feel great. They have energy
Starting point is 00:12:16 and can breathe again. Brian says those allergies just disappear. He believes he saved his family. And he starts to think, maybe he can save the rest of the world too. It's 2014, about six years since Brian and his family have changed their diet. On the surface, things are going great. Brian and Barbara's dental practice has grown, but that means it's taking up all of their time. Barbara is exhausted and overwhelmed. She can't live like this. One day, while driving home from work, she puts on her blinker and pulls into the parking lot
Starting point is 00:12:52 of a local park and cries. This is a story Brian later tells on the H3 podcast. He says that when Barbara finally makes it home, she tells them there has to be a better way for them to live. That's when he tells Barbara about an idea he's been thinking about. He wants to tell everyone about the diet that saved their kids, one inspired by cavemen
Starting point is 00:13:16 and heavy on animal-based food like eggs, organs, and of course, lots and lots of meat. But Brian doesn't want to just write some recipe book. If just eating primitively can produce so many benefits, what could fully living primitively do? Brian believes in killing your own food, sleeping on a hard surface, and not using sunscreen. He thinks that the modern world and all its comforts are destroying people's self-worth. That if people were willing to be uncomfortable,
Starting point is 00:13:47 they would learn what they could handle. The idea is a little kooky, but Barbara decides to embrace it. The two of them sell off their dental practice and begin to develop a brand based on Brian's way of life. According to his philosophy, our ancestors spent all their time physically touching aka connecting with the Earth. And we should do the same.
Starting point is 00:14:09 So no more shoes or mattresses. He also thinks we should shield ourselves from excessive Wi-Fi and take contrast showers, which alternate between hot and cold every 30 seconds. Okay, well, I mean, he's entitled to being uncomfortable, if that's how he wants to live his life, but I guess my question is like, how does any of this make a business? How does this make money?
Starting point is 00:14:34 Thank you for asking. So they make money because Brian and Barbara start pushing a very specific type of diet online. It encourages people to eat every part of an animal. He also publishes something he calls the ancestral tenets, which promote eating nose to tail. So in addition to eating steak and pork chops, Brian also wants people to eat eyeballs,
Starting point is 00:14:58 hearts, kidneys, and testicles. But Brian knows most of us can't grab the stuff at Trader Joe's, so in 2015, he decides to sell his own brand of supplements that he says contain organ meat. First, he sells a supplements through Amazon, and then eventually builds a website called Brian and Barbara are on to something. They're actually early to what turns out to be an emerging market for Oregon meat supplements. And by all accounts, the supplements start selling fast.
Starting point is 00:15:31 It just seems like good timing and good marketing. Yeah, it definitely hit at the right time. Ryan spends hours replying to customers, emails, and connecting with them. He's changing people's lives, and it changes his own. After a few years of selling supplements, he and his family move into a mansion near Houston. Brian and Barbara finally have the free time to spend with their kids.
Starting point is 00:15:54 They're all feeling great and living well, but it's not enough. He's still hungry for more. So he decides to do something drastic. He launches a new website and makes himself the name and face of the business. From this point on, he completely sheds his former identity. Brian was a scrawny little boy who got pushed around.
Starting point is 00:16:16 The father who let his kids get sick. But Brian is no more. This is the moment he fully becomes the liver king. It's a sunny morning in September 2021. Liver King stands on his mansion's driveway, shirtless and sunburned. He's 44 and wears a pair of short shorts, a backwards baseball cap, and hiking boots. He's got a full social media team now, and he's ready to make some content. He puts on 20 pounds of ankle weights and a 70 pound backpack, which is dragging another 70 pounds in weights.
Starting point is 00:17:04 Oh, and he's also carrying a huge kettlebell in each hand. Liver King calls his workout the barbarian. Check out the video that winds up on TikTok. Okay, so in this video, it appears that the Liver King has turned schlepping into an exercise. turned schlepping into an exercise. His skin looks like a baked potato, and so it looks like a very large chiseled baked potato is lugging several weights up a driveway in Houston, I guess. But it's weird because it's juxtaposed against the mansion he lives in, so it's interesting work. It's also functionally useless, in my opinion. The man we once knew as Brian has totally transformed
Starting point is 00:17:52 ever since rebranding himself as the liver king. He's got huge biceps and pecs. Even his beard is bigger than before he started calling himself liver king. And just so you can really gauge a size difference, I actually have some before and after photos for comparison. The first pick is what Liverpool King looked like in 2018, a couple of years into selling ancestral supplements. And the second image is what he looks like now.
Starting point is 00:18:18 Okay, so before he started really doing this to himself, he looked like a relatively normal beef guy, like just a beefy man. Yeah. In the second image, he looks like if you gave Yukon Cornelius every drug ever made. Yeah, he's aging like a president during a war. But you know what, Sachi?
Starting point is 00:18:38 With his new ripped physique and catchy name, Leverking steadily amasses followers, gaining 60,000 of them in less than two months. And he learns what works and what doesn't vary early on. He finds that he connects with his audience the most when he pushes himself to the limit. Posting that workout video to TikTok gains liver king so many views and comments. It doesn't really matter if they're good or bad, because all that engagement pushes more people to liver king's video.
Starting point is 00:19:07 The rebrand is so effective, liver king starts doing more crazy physical stunts. He also starts eating mountains of raw meat and animal parts on camera, and through it all, his message is clear. Live like me and you will look like me and you can't live like me unless you eat like me. Here he is on TikTok. Liver is king and if you want to be an alpha organism dominating life, this is where you start. Liver King's star is rising and he uses this newfound celebrity in a kind of surprising
Starting point is 00:19:40 way to talk about mental health. He doesn't want men to struggle with their body image the way he did, and people really connect with that message. Eating organ meat as if it's going to cure your self-esteem problems is not the solution, but it's so clear that the liver king is also feeding into this kind of ideology a lot of men have about how their diets and exercises should work, which is that they have to be like extreme. Yes, but also it's working because as Liverpool King grows, so does his brand and his bank account. Liverpool King says it isn't about that. He believes that by spreading the ancestral message, he can save men from mental illnesses that are caused by our modern world.
Starting point is 00:20:24 message he can save men from mental illnesses that are caused by our modern world. But Liverpool is hiding a big secret, and when it comes out, it will threaten to abend his supplement empire. Pretty soon, Liverpool's content catches the attention of a guy named Vigoris Steve. Vigoris Steve is a YouTuber and coach who uses his platform to dispel work out myths and show dudes how to get results at the gym. He's also been open about helping people to use steroids more safely. For that reason, he's a little cagey about his real identity. His website says that his name is Stefan, but Steve is a little more anonymous and easier to pronounce. He's got an Eastern European accent and he now lives in Thailand. He's been bodybuilding for more than 15 years and he is totally ripped.
Starting point is 00:21:15 He looks like who the gods broke Channing Tatum off of. Here's a picture of him, Sachi. Can you describe? This looks like a poster for the world's strongest man at the circus? Yeah, he's got a huge back. And when Steve comes across a video for Liverpool King, he's reminded that he's actually been in touch with him before. He later claims in a YouTube video that Liverpool initially contacted him
Starting point is 00:21:39 about hiring him as a remote bodybuilding coach. Screenshots of emails Steve later shares online appear to show Brian Johnson as a sender with an email address ending in That's Liver King's company. In the email shared online, the sender writes, as it relates to my goals, I'm the face of several brands. I'm pouring ridiculous resources into making this happen. I have to stay in great fucking shape year round. several brands. I'm pouring ridiculous resources into making this happen.
Starting point is 00:22:05 I have to stay in great fucking shape year round. And then he goes on to say, I've been working out for 35 years. But as I've reached my mid 40s, it's getting harder and the back fat fucking kills me. I should mention, we reached out to Liverpool King for comment and he did not immediately get back to us. We also reached out to Steve,
Starting point is 00:22:25 but he didn't want to get into specifics. He wrote to us in part, honestly, it's a dead topic at this point, and have no real interest to revisit it any further. And then, the person in these emails confesses something huge. He writes, quote, to support these exhaustive efforts,
Starting point is 00:22:43 I've recently started taking Omnitrope. Omnitrope Sachi is a human growth hormone. It works by boosting testosterone and increasing muscle mass. And it was definitely not around during the time of cavemen. So if liver king actually wrote these emails, it means that his brand is based on a lie. It would mean that, wouldn't it? Yeah, I mean, who could have guessed? And in a YouTube video, Steve later claims
Starting point is 00:23:10 that he agrees to take liver king on as a client, but that things go south pretty quickly. Steve says he wanted to take a holistic approach to liver king's health and fitness, but when asked to do a health screening, liver king wasn't having it. Steve saw it as a red flag. He claims in the YouTube video
Starting point is 00:23:27 that he dropped him as a client and refunded his money. And I never heard from him again, not looking back on it. What he wanted me to do is be his drug guy secretly. Thus, I would have been complicit in this lie all along.
Starting point is 00:23:44 As Steve watches Lever King's videos about ancestral living and his ads for supplements, his stomach probably drops. He's convinced it's all one big lie, and now he knows the truth. All the while, Liver King continues to get more and more popular. He gets covered by meme pages and appears on podcasts like Carnivore MD. When he gets asked specifically about whether he uses performance enhancing drugs, he says, I don't touch the stuff. Isn't it just fucked up that a muscular lean man has to justify his level of fitness,
Starting point is 00:24:19 what a fat lazy metabolically deranged or a skinny, fragile, osteopathically deranged, they don't have to justify their lack of fitness. Vigorous Steve is watching liver king unabashedly spread fitness misinformation. It goes against everything he believes in. But the coach-client relationship is also sacred. Exposing liver king could endanger Steve's own place and honor in the man world. Steve is torn, and as he wrestles with the stillema, he's going to have to watch as Liverpool becomes more famous than ever. At March 2022, Liverpool King is creating content in Tanzania with the Messiah tribe.
Starting point is 00:25:02 He's getting back to his quote, unquote, primal roots. We need to watch this clip from Liverpool King's YouTube together because Sachi, it is so extra. The night is always good and the day is always better. Oh, you got blood in that thing. This is our second African sunrise breakfast, but this time, it's the best breakfast because we're here with the Messiah, leveraging out.
Starting point is 00:25:26 I have so many thoughts about this. Sachi, lay it on me. I mean, this is it. It's just such a strange community to bring up in this context because the Messiah are not eating animal proteins in order to lift weights and become... swole. It's just not a priority for the Messiah.
Starting point is 00:25:47 So why are they even implicated in this? I don't understand. I mean, it is so gross to see him kind of exploit this tribe because you can have a really beautiful and authentic experience visiting these places, but it shows me that he's definitely not interested in that. No, probably not. I mean, we could do a whole episode about this specific TikTok.
Starting point is 00:26:10 In it, liverking chugs what appears to be a tall glass of blood. And off to the side, his wife Barbara is sipping her own glass, and rat and striker aren't too far away. The boys are now preteens, tall and lanky with their blonde hair tied up in Nordic-looking braids. Buzzfeed calls Liver King the biggest bro influencer we have ever seen, and he's under a lot of pressure to keep creating outrageous content that keeps growing his audience. But as Liver King becomes more famous, the disconnect between his ideals and his lifestyle become harder to ignore. Taking a private jet isn't exactly connecting with the Earth.
Starting point is 00:26:51 Back at home, he works out and sits by the pool with his pack of doggarments, axe and mace, who have their own room in his mansion. And of course, he makes videos about what he eats. For dinner, he claims to eat 16 ounces of full fat cooked red meat, raw sweetbreads, raw heart or raw bowl testicles, and finally, an avocado with sea salt and olive oil. His brand quickly becomes a nightmare marriage of masculinity and conspicuous consumption. He's not just walking in the woods and talking to a camera anymore. His videos now feature his massive truck and his luxury ranch. He also shows himself flying on a private jet emblazoned with the words, liverking on
Starting point is 00:27:35 the tail. And yes, there are plates of bone marrow on the private jet. Commenters drool over liverking's lifestyle, desperate to achieve it jet. Commenters drool over Liverpool's lifestyle, desperate to achieve it themselves. Liverpool points his followers who he calls primals to the tenants. And in videos like this one from Instagram, he also shows off his products. If you want to be a top king, if you want unlimited access to cars, money, and if you want to find your queen, then you have to fuel your efforts with the ancestral supplements. It's just nonsense.
Starting point is 00:28:08 It's just bullshit. I don't know why I feel this way, but all of this feels like Joe Rogan's fault. And I don't even mean Spotify Joe Rogan or UFC Joe Rogan. I'm talking about fear factor Joe Rogan when everybody was like eating spiders and he was laughing. Well, it is funny you should mention Joe Rogan because he's actually about to get wind of liver king. And when he does, it'll unleash a scandal that will rock the manosphere to its core.
Starting point is 00:28:40 In April 2022, Joe Rogan makes fun of liver king's whole deal on his podcast, the Joe Rogan experience. And he makes a bold claim. If you think that bloke that eats the, just the raw, that's again, make that guy. It just looks ridiculous. He's got a plight of hearts and he's just looks, well, he's got an ass fill with steroids is what he's got.
Starting point is 00:29:02 You might think Joe Rogan calling liver King out for his biggest secret would worry Liver King, but it seems like he loves it. Rogan's podcast subscribers are in the millions, so Liver King uses a controversy to book more media appearances. He gets flown out to LA and appears on shows like Logan Paul's. Knowing his under fire, Liver King decides to show his softer side. He starts sharing stories from his childhood and self-image struggles.
Starting point is 00:29:31 And he gets a lot of these big tough guys to open up about their own issues. And many of these interviews, Liver King denies a steroid rumors. He goes on a YouTube show called Mark Bell's Power Project and says, I'm just going to head it, you know, face it head on, I don't touch this stuff, I've never done this stuff, I'm not going to do this stuff. What's this, what's stuff? The, the, the ass full of steroids that he talks about.
Starting point is 00:29:54 You've never taken steroids. Never taken steroids, I've never done PEDs other than prioritize, execute, and dominate in life. PED Sachi actually stands for Performance Enhancing Drug. Liverking tells reporters he's working on building his own podcast studio and even has a TV deal in the works. But that none of this is about the money or about becoming famous. In May, GQ runs a big story on Liverking. When the reporter asks him about the steroid rumors, Liverpool King tells her,
Starting point is 00:30:26 I don't touch the stuff. He also says he's grateful to Joe Rogan for bringing him into his ecosystem and that he'd love to be on the podcast someday. One of the best parts of this GQ story, by the way, are the photos. I am sorry to show you these, but you have to take a look. I'm sorry to show you these, but you have to take a look. All right, well, the first photo is of the liver king laying in his usual state of undress, which is shirtless, with four dobermans. The next photo is deeply disturbing. It is him and his two sons, and they are also shirtless, and they're sitting around the dinner table eating heads.
Starting point is 00:31:06 And then the last photo is him with his wife, who he shared blood with, good for her, and they're sitting in a pool filled with very large cubes of ice. It's about what you would expect. It's a modern American family. This is a Norman Rockwell painting for our age. Even with all this, Liverpool always keeps the steroid rumors at the forefront, knowing from those early videos
Starting point is 00:31:30 that even hate watchers boost his place in the algorithm and lead to more views. The more his haters comment, the more famous he gets. And the more famous he gets, the more Liverpool branded products he can promote. But soon, the Roy DeBate will stir more than just comments and conspiracies. Liver King is about to finally lose control of his own narrative. And I feel like a... Like a...
Starting point is 00:32:05 By late 2022, Liverking has fully blown up. He's in magazines, on podcasts, and all over the internet. Plenty of people are starting to take notice, but not everyone buys into his whole living natural thing. There's Joe Rogan, obviously, and then there's a vlogger named Derek. He goes by the YouTube handle more plates, more dates. He's nowhere near as famous as Joe Rogan, but he's got a pretty healthy following,
Starting point is 00:32:36 nearly two million subscribers on YouTube. He looks like a millennial and he's got light brown hair and stubble. Oh, and he is extremely swollen. He's known for making vlogs about fitness, biohacking, and trying to figure out which celebrities are on steroids. And lately, he's zeroed in on liver king. Here's what he has to say about him in one of his earlier YouTube videos. I think he likely is extremely high this guy is enhanced and I do not think this is representative of ancestral living.
Starting point is 00:33:07 By the way, we reached out to Derek via his YouTube admin page several times and didn't hear back, but he makes his opinions very clear in his YouTube videos. He doesn't necessarily disagree with Liver King's core message. He's all about working out and he actually has no problem with raw liver. But what he doesn't like is that liver king is presenting himself as Mr. Back to Nature while flying around on private jets and profiting from a supplement's brand. Derek thinks something fishy is going on, but he doesn't have proof. Then Derek gets a hot tip, and now that he has a receipts, it's show time. In late November, Derek mics himself up
Starting point is 00:33:46 and sits down in a wood paneled room facing his camera. He's wearing a tight white t-shirt. He hits record and starts recounting everything he's learned about liver king. Here's a clip from the video he uploaded to YouTube. At the start of the video, I mentioned how there was some information that came across my desk that was shocking, to say the least. This set of redacted emails shows what appears to be liver king corresponding with a body
Starting point is 00:34:12 building coach. Derek's video breaks down the accusations against liver king and the way he's flirted with the steroid controversy. Then he describes the long history and harm caused by lying about steroids, especially in the health and fitness community. Derek also pushes back against liver king's claims that he is not profiting off his virality. Well, many may believe that those who understand the impact, extremely viral social media
Starting point is 00:34:39 content can have on site traffic, conversion potential, etc. know how absolutely absurd of a statement to say. And then, finally, Derek unveils what appears to be screenshots of emails that Liver King sent to a bodybuilding coach. Vigorist Steve later says in a YouTube video that he was a body coach who received the emails. In Derek's YouTube expose, he lays out all the allegations
Starting point is 00:35:04 of Liver King's steroid use and accuses him of taking advantage of his fans for money. The video is more than an hour long and racks up more than four and a half million views. Some of Derek's fans call it a masterpiece. Others say he deserves an Emmy or an Oscar. It makes a big impact. And when Liverpool catches wind of it, he'll do something completely unexpected. Liverpool has recently returned from yak hunting in the Mongolian wilderness. He had his phone off all day, but when he powers it on, he's flooded with text from his media team. They're panicking. They've seen Derek's video and the evidence is damning.
Starting point is 00:35:49 Liverking's secret is out. Liverking watches a video and takes it all in. Where does he go from here? What does he say? Well, he later says that he immediately calls Derek to thank him. He says the video set him free. He knows it's time to come clean. A few days later, he sits in a dark room on a throne.
Starting point is 00:36:13 He stare straight into the camera and makes a confession. Here's what he says in the YouTube video. Yes, I don't steroids. And yes, I'm on steroids." And then he goes right back out on the podcast circuit. He talks about his hardships and about wanting to be honest with his fans, and all these videos of course get him even more attention, liverking pledges to go natural and invites people to follow him on that journey.
Starting point is 00:36:42 His latest videos are still garnering hundreds of thousands, even millions of views, and he's still selling supplements. It seems like the liver king just cannot be dethroned. But he can be sued. On December 28, 2022, Christopher Altomar, a former fan from New York, files 25 million dollar class action lawsuit against liver king and his companies. The suit alleges he made false promises and told outright lies to his customers, and that he intentionally misrepresented that his physique was a result of his health program. The plaintiffs are attempting to use his podcasts and video appearances as evidence that he lied. Some even say that diet he advertised made them sick.
Starting point is 00:37:30 That is not surprising. I don't think you can go from eating anything in the way of what a normal diet would be, and then start eating raw liver and expect to not feel terrible. Well, it takes a few attempts, but at 9 a.m. on January 12, 2023, court papers were finally served at Liver King's luxurious home. Just two months later in March, the plaintiffs decide to voluntarily withdraw the lawsuit. But critics like Vigoris Steve are still skeptical. When we reached out to Steve for comment, he said this in an email. I'm surprised people still believe him now that he claims natural.
Starting point is 00:38:11 There's been zero proof that he actually is. He continued, At this point, the people who still support him kind of deserve to be lied to and forfeit their earnings to support a charlatan. Some people just need to believe in a dream no matter how fake that dream really is. Satchee, now that we've talked a lot about eating raw meat, what do you need for dinner tonight? You know, some eyelashes, some follicles, some thoughts and prayers.
Starting point is 00:38:42 I guess I'm wondering how many of his followers do you think were like really eating the testicles and the liver and all of those things? I'm sure there were lots of men who bought some of his product and tried it once, realized it was a probably not very good. He wasn't really gonna change their bodies that much but still liked what the liver king was saying, yeah, and what he was bringing to the table,
Starting point is 00:39:09 and they kept engaging with it, and that made him very rich. I also think that most of this whole scam has to do with the fact that like, he was never really able to get over his own insecurities and face himself, like he thought the solution to his problems of being a guy who's a bit short and lost to fight or whatever was to become full on masculine, again,
Starting point is 00:39:32 like eating this and doing that shit. And it's kind of like the message he's trying to push of being happy with yourself should have like nothing to do with any of that. I know it's like so obvious, but I feel like he was able to really hone in on a very specific type of insecurity that men have. That is like almost too shameful to even talk about
Starting point is 00:39:52 their insecurities or like looking a certain way. And I feel like he was really able to get into this influencer sphere of like, look like me, you won't have these problems anymore and never actually have to deal with the reality of your own life. I mean, you might even say that the real scam is masculinity. I feel more offended by the simplicity of the scam.
Starting point is 00:40:14 It's not new or inventive to tell men to just eat like the innards of a horse. It feels almost tedious. I wanna be scammed into eating something new. I want someone to scam me into eating a person. That would be revolutionary. That would really change my life. Yeah, I guess it's pretty easy to come up with like a crazy diet of like, yeah,
Starting point is 00:40:38 like more animal fat, more animal protein. Oh, I came up with a good one the other day. Oh, what is it? Forget microplastics. It's time to start consuming macroplastics. Just cut to the chase. You know what, that's good. That's the kind of scam that I'm looking for,
Starting point is 00:40:53 the kind of diet scam I'm looking for at this point. But I will say, I think the lesson here is, just don't pretend you're reinventing the wheel here, you know? Yeah, just eat your liver and enjoy it and don't try and make a lot of money by selling supplements of raw organs, which is a whole other thing I don't even understand, you know? Here's a tip for our male listeners,
Starting point is 00:41:18 all three of you out there. Just eat stuff you like and eat it normally and don't talk to people about it and don't make your diet a linchpin element of your personality. Get a hobby. You know what? Men need hobbies. That's why this happens. The lesson today is if you are a man, you need a hobby. Go fly a kite. Learn to crochet. Call your mother. Or don't. Hey, Prime members. You can listen to ScanFluencers, add free on Amazon Music.
Starting point is 00:41:51 Download the Amazon Music app today. Or you can listen ad free with Wondery Plus and Apple podcasts. Before you go, tell us about yourself by completing a short survey at slash survey. short survey at slash survey. This is, do you even grift, bro? I'm Sarah Haggi, and I'm Sachi Cole. If you have a tip for us on a story that you think we should cover,
Starting point is 00:42:15 please email us at scamflensers at We use many sources in our research. A few that were particularly helpful were the GQ article in the Court of the Liverking by Madeline Aguilar, the YouTube video The Liverking Lie by Moore Plates More Dates, and the diary of a CEO's interview with Liverking. Colleen Scriven wrote this episode, Additional Writing by Us, Sasha Cole and Sarah Haggy.
Starting point is 00:42:40 Our Senior Producer is Jen Swan. Our Producer is John Reed. Our associate producers are Charlotte Miller and Lexi Peary. Our story editor and producer is Sarah Enne. Our story editors are Eric Thurham and Allison Weintraub. Sound Design is by James Morgan. Back checking by Gabrielle Lajrole. Additional audio assistance provided by Adrian Tapia. Our music supervisor is Scott Velasquez for FreeSonSync. Our managing producer is Matt Gantt and our senior managing producer is Tonja Thicpen.
Starting point is 00:43:12 Our coordinating producer is Desi Blaylock. Kate Young and Olivia Rashard are our series producers. Our senior story editor is Rachel B. Doyle. Our senior producer is Ginny Bloom. Our executive producers are Janine Cornelow, Stephanie Gens, Jenny Lauer Beckman, and Marshall Lui for Wundery. you

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