Scheananigans with Scheana Shay - Gagged by Gaga
Episode Date: March 14, 2025This week, Scheana is joined in NYC by Kiki & Gibson…and still in her glam from the night before. She dishes on her special moment with Lady Gaga and reveals what went down at the SNL A...fter After Party. They discuss their disdain for Daylight Savings Time, the tragic details around Gene Hackman’s death, notable snubs from this year’s In Memoriam at the Oscars, and Tom Sandoval’s “redemption arc.” Plus, what does Scheana say about people who don’t show up to face the music at the Reunion, and does she think Southern Hospitality is the new VPR? Tune in to find out! Follow us: @scheana @scheananigans Co-Hosts: @thetalkofshame @gibsonoma BUY MY BOOK!!!MY GOOD SIDE is available for Pre-Order now at The video version of this episode will be available on Scheana’s YouTube page on Friday, March 14th. Episode Sponsors:Let The Knot connect you to all of the people, places and tools you need to help bring your wedding to life. Get started at Bread is offering 10% off your order. Go to and use code GOODASGOLD at checkout.Produced by Dear MediaSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
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From Vanderpump rules to motherhood and everywhere in between.
Warm up the kettle, it's time to spill some tea. Let's get into some shenanigans with Sheena Shay.
Because we're good as gold.
Because we're good as gold.
Because we're good as gold.
Because we're good as gold.
Hello, how are we doing?
New York shenanigans. I? New York shenanigans.
I love New York shenanigans.
Oh, I'm not going to leave the glasses on.
All right. So.
Did not need the 6am vodka soda.
I'm going to blame daylight savings time.
That's true. You lose an hour. You know, I mean going to blame daylight savings time. That's true. You lose an hour.
You know, I mean, I lost four hours.
OK, it wasn't just one. Yeah.
I am on East Coast time.
Then at 159, we watch our phones turn to three.
I just got here.
What the hell? That's tough.
And then it's like, I mean, I definitely feel like it's still midnight, 11 p.m.
So the better question is how you were doing.
Yeah, good question.
You land on Saturday at what time?
I got in at 2 p.m.
And then I go straight to the hotel, Priscilla glam,
still holding up.
15 hours later.
You know, I mean,
I had a feeling when she was doing makeup, I go
a little extra setting spray because just in case it is a late night
and I have to roll straight into WTF, let's just keep the makeup on.
I never do that.
And just a little what is it like a PSA?
Is that what it's called?
Yeah. I'm brain dead right now.
Don't sleep with makeup on, you know, unless Priscilla does it,
then it's okay. But I never do this.
But it's very rare.
I only do SNL Gaga once.
Yeah, exactly.
Yeah, exactly.
And I honestly, when Emily Simpson from Orange County said that she does it,
because she's like, I shouldn't wait too much makeup to look this good.
I'm going to get as much use of it.
I feel bad doing it.
I was like, I'm going to wake up the next day
and use it the next day. Yeah.
Last time I did this, I was in London.
I had a late night with Snoop and I had a podcast
the next morning with GK Berry.
And that one I had to get in a car and drive an hour
and I wasn't driving, but I was like, I can do ten minutes
to WTF. Absolutely.
I get in bed.
I like literally and I sleep this way at home as well.
My sister is like, you look like a fucking vampire.
Oh, my God. Wow.
I want to hear about it.
So you're like, yes.
Where to begin, y'all?
I mean, thanks to being in the NBC family,
they not only had sent me the Vanity Fair video,
but once I found out she was on SNL, the fact that they offered me tickets.
Wow. I was like, I mean, yes, I would love to come.
My sister was already going to be here. Oh, amazing.
And why not?
Lightning in a bottle, perfect storm.
Like, you can't not.
No. You can't not.
It was absolutely iconic.
One for the books.
Like, I'll never forget it.
I get in at 2 p.m.,
go straight into Glam with Priscilla.
Well, first my sister went and I was like,
okay, I'm staying at Royalton Park Ave.
It is my go-to spot.
I'm telling you, if you've never had
the little chicken tacos there to die for.
I crave them all the way across the country.
So while she's getting her makeup done,
I was like, you go first.
I'm gonna go get chicken tacos upstairs.
I do that.
I have, they have this cucumber refresher gin drink.
Amazing. Go down, get my makeup done.
And we're just like, you know, I've never been to SNL.
I've toured before just going through like 30 Rock and whatnot.
And so much fun just to see the set.
But I've never been to the actual show.
It's cool.
Yeah, I did it one time, but I was waiting in line.
I did the whole midnight wait until the next morning.
Get the tickets. Oh, my gosh, you did that.
Yeah, I went to I went to a dress rehearsal month when Taylor Swift performed.
OK, but that but it was the it's I didn't go to the real show.
No, I went to the dress rehearsal.
Yeah, it's the same thing.
Which honestly, everyone said it's better. Yeah, I went to the dress rehearsal, too. It's the same thing. Yeah, which honestly, everyone said it's better. Yeah.
It's more to the dress rehearsal, too.
It's funny to see all the things and like, you know, it's cut.
Once you see the live show. Yeah.
I had no idea what to expect going to the dress rehearsal.
But I mean, it was two and a half hours. Yeah.
And it wraps it like, I don't know, 10, 20.
And I was like, wow, you guys are going to turn this around and then do our lives
in less than an hour.
Oh, did you guys watch last night?
I've seen how I watched half the episode.
She killed it. I mean, the double duty is really.
And when you go, you see that woman drag them like to get their
yeah, the changes in 45 seconds.
That's that's one of my favorite parts. No, it was insane.
I'm watching all of the moving parts.
We were in the front row of the balcony, which I honestly thought,
like when I got there, I'm like, I want to be on the floor.
But no, no, no.
It was the best seat in the house because we got to see all of the different skits.
Incredible. And just the cue cards, the watching them pull everyone.
Yeah. And then they're changing.
Like I'm watching Bowen.
He's literally stripping himself down as they're walking.
Gaga had, I don't know, 15 outfit changes, at least at the dress rehearsal.
So many that I'm like, how many wigs has she put on?
Like, wow.
And the fact that we got to see so many extra sketches
that then didn't make it in the show.
We're like, did you guys see red glasses?
I don't think so, but I did.
And aren't you always impressed by like
how tiny the stage is?
You're just like, wow.
The green screen, the musical number.
Then all of a sudden we just hear a shattering and everyone.
OK. We were like, that did not sound good.
No idea what broke.
I'll need to watch the actual show to see if there was a set or something that.
But and also like her performances on that episode were like full on performances.
I feel like sometimes they do double duty.
It's just they do like a more of an acoustic situation, like sitting on a stool. No, she was like delivering on performance. I feel like sometimes they do double duty. It's just they do like a more acoustic situation like sitting on a stool.
No, she was like delivering full pop. Yes.
Yeah. And in the monologue when she's like, Oh, you probably think I'm here
to promote my new album.
No, it's to remind you that I'm an actor and a fucking icon.
Yeah. And you're her fave.
I know. So like, yeah.
At what point do you and her get to like finally at the after party?
OK. Yeah. So at the actual show, right where I'm sitting, the last sketch,
this sleigh, like very like Gen Z sort of we can't say sleigh anymore.
Period. Oh, my God. It was hilarious.
So right before that, her and Bowen and him and I have followed each other
for years
and DM'd, but I didn't realize that we never met in person until last night.
Oh, wow. So I'm like, wait, I feel like I know you.
You feel like you know me crazy.
But when they're doing this sketch, they look up to the audience
and they're waving and I'm like, OK, now they're going to go to this section.
They'll see me like I'm right there in the front.
But then it started.
And so I was like, I'll just see him at the after party, I guess.
And I get to the after party.
And I still am trying to.
Wrap my head around that was real life last night.
Yeah. Well, like, when you get to the after party, it's like heavy security.
Is it like a whole list?
Like you got to go now.
It was actually. Yes, there was paparazzi outside.
But right when we get out of the car and the paparazzi sees me,
they were just like, oh, and they just let me right in.
I was like, you don't need to check my name.
They're just the paparazzi took my photo and they're like, she's fine.
That means I can take in your picture.
Yeah, you're allowed it.
I just saw the photo. I was like, that's pretty good.
I had no idea there was going to be paparazzi or anything there.
Paparazzi. Yeah.
That's not my girl.
So we walk in and not everyone was there yet.
I get another drink and then Chloe Feynman walks in.
A Bravo girl. And I was like, I she's one of my favorites.
And so we have a moment together and I'm like,
this was just so fucking iconic.
Like my friends from NBC, you were there.
I'm with some of the execs.
It was just such a chill night.
And then Gaga walks in, Bowen's there, so I'm hanging out.
And I was like, I mean, obviously I'm gonna go up
and say hi. And so she's like talking to Lauren Michaels and then she's talking to this person. I'm
like, I'm not trying to get into it, but like, you have to have the moment. You have to have
the moment. And so right when she's going from one table to the next, I'm walking to
the bathroom and I just go, hi. They'll look on her face.
I was like, you're excited to see me.
What the fuck?
It was insane.
I have photos that way.
Oh, my God.
Yes, they have not had the internet yet.
They have not had the internet yet.
I have no camera.
Nothing. I just wanted to go say hi.
But I have like five people behind me.
They're like, we need to air drop you these photos, these videos.
So they're not like no cameras, no, like when you're not at the after party.
OK, no. It's like act cool.
Probably. Yeah, yeah.
Right. So.
No, my God.
She's clashing.
She is like, yeah, she's pausing around you. Yes.
I I just there's no better photo I could have gotten.
So you said hi and she was just like, oh my God.
Yes. Then she proceeds to grab my hand and walk with you and take me to the bathroom.
Close to the bathroom. But to meet her.
She said fiance on the show. I thought they were married.
I think they're still engaged.
Yes. To meet Michael, her fiance.
OK. And she's like, honey, Sheena, what is life?
It's incredible. Yeah.
I met one of the writers of SNL, the Booker, like so many people.
And I mean, that's the thing I love about this NBC.
You Bravo family.
The fact that like there's so many people from different walks of life,
but so many talented people under this umbrella.
Yeah. And it just felt like family last night.
It was just amazing. That is so cool.
That's amazing.
And there's just like nothing that hits as a Bravo fan.
There's nothing that hits like a big celebrity who cares just as much about
the shows and the people as we do.
Yeah. I mean, like that it just we're all on our and the people as we do. Yeah. You know what I mean?
Like that it just we're all on our couches watching you guys on our TVs.
And like we know we feel like we know you or we do know you.
Gaga feels the same way as we do.
And that's pretty incredible.
It's insane. Yeah. Iconic. Yeah.
And then when I saw Bowen, like I'm just like, hey, friend, you know,
like I feel like I've known him for years and he's like,
I can't believe I'm finally meeting you.
I was like, is this our first time?
I feel like, wait, no, we haven't met before.
I'm like, Matt Rogers has done my podcast.
We've met in person.
But then I was like, I just feel like I know you guys because I see you online
all the time. We DM, we talk.
But no, that was the first.
So then I get invited to the after after.
Did not need the six a.m. vodka soda.
I'll tell you that. But I got it. But again, you had to go to dollars and all.
What are you going to do? Not go.
Yeah. Do most of the people go to the after after party
or is only a few of the people that go to the after after?
No, there were only a few at the after after.
I mean, because it is daylight savings.
It's now, you know, my body doesn't know what time it is.
It felt like I was going to a club at like one or two a.m.
No, it was close to six, I think.
Oh, my God. I honestly don't even know what time I got back to the hotel.
But I looked in the mirror and I was like, I've got about maybe three hours to sleep.
I think I'm just gonna vampire it.
Preserve the glam, preserve the brain cells.
I don't know that I preserved any brain cells.
I did jot some things down that I wanted to talk about,
but yeah.
Well, I'm so happy that you had the full circle moment.
Yeah, I mean. That's pretty special.
And that's like a once in a lifetime situation.
Truly. I mean, she said she hasn't done SNL, I think, since 2013.
Yeah. And I mean, I'm obsessed with her new album.
So what's your favorite song?
I'm into Garden of Eden right now. OK.
I love that one. Oh, I don't know songs.
I just know it sounds good.
Zombie Boy is really good.
That's really good.
Just the way it starts out, it's like very like, yes.
Cheer camp. It's very 80s.
It's very 80s. The album. It really is.
And I'm obsessed.
I saw someone on Twitter stitched and they're like, of course, it's an 80s album.
She is a Sheena fan.
And then it had a scene or a meme of me from, I think, season seven
or whenever we did like an 80s theme at Sir.
And it's like my interview by where I'm like,
and of course I love the 80s.
I mean, we're child, like I'm a child of the 80s.
Children of the 80s.
So yeah, right?
Are we all?
No, you're young.
I'm 92.
Yeah, I was gonna say, I am.
Kiki, we'll never know.
She's like the vampire who never ages.
Yeah, we have no idea.
Running joke on Shenanigans, but I'm just going to say we're 80s babies.
OK, and then there's the 90s.
And then now the fact that people born in the 2000s are legal to drink with us.
Chills down my spine.
Wild. I've got to tell you, I've had the Domingo song in my head
for two days.
First, I've had espresso in my head.
OK, since Masked Singer.
But then we're watching all of like the best sketches and whatnot.
And then we meet him last night and his sister is there.
And she's telling me that she has watched me since she was 12.
Wow. Yeah. Way to make me since she was 12. Wow.
Yeah, way to make me feel like I'm 100, okay?
And I'm like, and here you are, a child of the 2000s,
and we're having a drink together.
And we're getting wasted together, yeah.
And you're 24. What the fuck?
Right. Oh, my God, it's wild.
No, it was so wild.
And then my sister meets him and then you ask me,
you're like, wait, is she still with Justice?
Yeah, because I was like, Domingo was like linked to Paige from Summer House.
And then I was like, I saw him in the picture with your sister.
And I was like, is he like the new Pete Davidson?
Because like, I mean, I wasn't really feeling it,
but now I'm intrigued. I'm like, now is there something there?
I need to know.
He was at the after afters.
Okay. And was he with anyone or like... He was there? I think I need to know. He was at the after afters. OK.
And he was with anyone or like he was with a joint that he passed to me.
OK. Yeah.
I'm sad. But no, it was just there were so many people.
But that's like also it's like a big week for you.
I'm like these are two major events in five days that mass theater to come out.
Yeah. You know, the bat.
And was it cool to have that come out finally and have people see?
Yes, because I told no one about it.
Yeah. And I'm waiting to find out if people were upset with me
because I got so many messages.
They're like, you didn't tell me.
I'm like, that's the point of NDA.
And this show, there's so much anonymity behind it.
It's like you're not supposed to tell anyone.
But so far, no one said they're upset that I didn't say anything.
So I'm like, they got it. OK, good.
Yes. But that was insane.
And the fact that so many people last night were like, hey, bad.
I'm like, you saw what?
Because that's also like that show is fucking huge.
Oh, my God. It's a network competition show.
It was like a million news on Variety when you were revealed as the back.
We got a breaking news alert. No way.
That's crazy. It's so funny.
The competition show moment. I love it. Yeah.
But it also should prove to people like what a good secret
keeper you actually are. Right.
It's like I see you all the time.
I had no idea. Yeah.
No, I know. And the day that you showed up in the hoodie that you have,
I was like, what was the hoodie?
So don't talk to me like all the time.
And she shows up to my podcast in that.
And I was like, I don't want anyone to think like I gave her that.
Or I told her like, I swear, that was not me.
So funny.
But then you were here because I wanted to do a podcast with you
where I showed up in it and you were here.
So I was like, OK, we have to do a New York one.
And then Danny is like fucking grilling me.
I was like, Shenanigans hosted by Danny Pellegrino.
Literally got me in a little bit of trouble.
And I've had some messages where they're like, use.
I'm like, yeah, I guess we did not edit that all out.
But I'm like that episode, we had to turn it around same day
because I wanted to record after the show aired and have fresh content.
But we didn't have a lot of time to prep
and edit because we're out at midnight. Otherwise, we have to hold it.
Then we miss the East Coast press cycle and all of that.
So we're like, we got to turn it around.
Mark and I are just brain dead at this point.
I did probably at least 20 interviews that day.
Oh, wow. Back to back to back to back.
I mean, it was great prep for book tour. Right.
But I haven't done press like that. That's hardcore.
Yeah. Since March 1st, if we know what that day is.
Yeah. 2023. Wow.
That was my last.
That was like NYC classic press day. Yeah.
Yeah. And so I have this SMT, which I'm like, the fuck is SMT?
Satellite media tour.
Oh, never heard of it.
Glam at 5 a.m.
In the studio at seven a.m., because it's already 10 on the East Coast.
And it was just interview after interview after interview.
Every local news station across the entire country and possibly Canada.
I don't even know where the fuck I was talking to everyone from.
And then it was a little break.
Then I go and I do is the entertainment tonight with Bryce Sander.
And then I get in the car.
Then I go to Dear Media. They set it up.
I do so many more.
I end with Mario Lopez.
And then I'm like, oh, I still have to do an hour podcast right now.
I'm absolutely brain dead because the show was on the night before.
I had people over.
And then by the time I got to sleep, I had to be in glam at five a.m.
Yeah, I don't ever go to sleep before midnight.
And so I was brain dead.
And then I have my podcast.
I'm like, you know what? Fuck it.
I'm just going to kind of let Danny take the reins on this one.
But the interrogation at the beginning, I was like, stop talking about Jack.
Of course, I get messages from Jack.
I was just like, you just made up with an evergreen comment, getting messages from Jack.
You know, and I'm like, things were on the show.
It was nothing that was a secret.
But I was like, Jack, this was like my 21st interview of the show. It was nothing that was a secret. But I was like, Jax, this was like my 21st interview of the day.
I never say anything with ill intent.
And I think anyone who knows me knows that also sometimes
we get caught in situations where we're talking about things that maybe
we don't want to talk about.
And then we say something that's a little out of pocket or whatever.
But I'm like, you that was interview number 21 of the day.
My brain was dead.
I don't know how I got through that.
But yeah, for like a sensitive talk, a bit top of like that to come out at eight hour, eight of your day.
Like that you're not going to necessarily, you know, say what you would have said now.
No. And I've already been asked about it so many times.
And I have the answer that I wanted to say prepared.
Of course, like my priority is Brittany, Brittany and Cruz and blah, blah, blah, blah.
But then Danny, man, he gets me in trouble.
There's very few people.
Matt Rogers is another one.
Ryan Bailey at times.
But it's like when I'm in the room with them, I just I feel so comfortable
that I'm just chatty, chatty, chatty.
I feel like you guys could get me in trouble, too. But, you know, it just.
Yeah. Yeah.
That's what I'm going to take a little break.
Speaking of, I'm going to grab some water and we'll be right back.
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And we're back.
Yeah, so 25 hours in New York.
I mean, I've honestly done less before,
but when they said, hey, we have tickets,
and I was like, my sister's already gonna be there.
And I mean, not like it would have been a hard seat
to fill if she wasn't,
but it was such a fun experience to be able to do that with her.
And she's an avid watcher of SNL.
And I'm like, I've watched this show my entire life, literally.
I mean, it's 50 years old and I know you're over 50.
But yeah, totally.
Was there at the premiere.
But I mean, OK, so wait, what are you doing in New York?
So I came to New York. Well, one, I guess I can say it now.
I was on Watch What Happens Live, right?
And so that was fun.
And then I was also doing my show Reality Checked from here
and did it the whole week with Dorenda.
And that was really fun.
And then I ended up extending my stay because the planet Hollywood,
I got invited to the planet Hollywood party.
So I was like, oh, I'm definitely going to stay for that.
And so I don't know. I love being here.
I mean, I used to live here. Right.
Did you ever live in New York at any point?
No. So I think there's a part in my book where I talk about the moment.
I thought, you know what?
I'm just going to pack up and
move to New York. And I do. I actually I remember writing about this. But I always wanted to
have a New York moment. I wanted something to bring me here, whether it was a movie correspondence
on something or whatever. There was even a moment where I thought maybe I'm going to
move to Toronto and then that's close to New York.
But it was short lived because it was right before the pandemic
that I was having all of these thoughts and stuff.
And then I meet this fucking Kiwi Ozzy and he gets me knocked up
for in a pandemic.
And no, so I never had my New York moment. But
who's to say, you know, it doesn't happen sometime.
But I love New York.
I will fly here for less than 24 hours.
Yeah. Any better place at the Fast and Furious moment.
Yeah, you know, you're in and out like the city will help you do that.
Yes. But I did book a later flight today because I was like,
normally I take the first flight back. So I get home to my kid early. I was like, normally I take the first flight back
So I get home to my kid early. I'm like, I've only been gone since yesterday. She hasn't even missed me yet
She had Ocean's birthday party. My parents took her she's with Hartford and Cruz and all of her friends from school
So she was totally fine. I'm like I'll be back tonight to tuck you in and then
Back to life tomorrow. But like what what is Gaga grabbed my hand and it brought me to meet her fiance.
You haven't washed your hand, right?
Like you haven't washed your hand yet, right?
Like never. I just did you exchange numbers?
No. OK. No, it was just like, did she follow you?
A moment. I think she already follows you.
I don't think so. OK. It's OK. All right.
You had your moment, you know. Yeah.
You had your moment.
And I think Bowen said like, oh, no, she knows you're coming.
But also, like just running into her at the afterparty,
like she definitely wasn't expecting it.
And I didn't know.
I'm like, does everyone go to the after party?
Is it just, you know, the execs and the people behind the scenes?
The cast there? I don't know. I've never been.
But then, I mean, Chloe walked in and then just person after person.
And that's so much more organic than like somebody like dragging you back
to her dressing room. And now I'm like having like the weird awkward still to like,
right. Like, no, like you like were organically at a party with her.
And she gave me an interaction.
It just hi. Yeah. Hi. Yeah. Yeah. Oh.
Special. I love it. Yeah.
OK, so that's SNL.
Then we had the Traders finale and reunion.
Yeah. I had someone come up to me last night, ask if I'm watching whatever.
And they're like, I think this is Tom Sandoval's Redemption arc.
How do we feel about that? Yeah.'re like, I think this is Tom Sandoval's redemption arc. How do we feel about that?
Yeah, I mean, I think that this was like,
one of his best moments. Like, at the end of the day,
what it showed was Tom Sandoval is Tom Sandoval.
Like, there really isn't an act there.
Like, that is exactly who he is.
And him being able to be that without cast members
who, like, you know, know him already. And other people who are experiencing it
for the first time was kind of entertaining.
And honestly, I think we were at the end,
we were all kind of like, Trishel, leave him alone.
Like, Dolores, leave him alone.
Like, he's fine.
Like, he's just Tom.
And so, I mean, I enjoyed watching him.
It was like the most fun every week.
Yeah, I feel like the editing, everybody around him, like helped him
lean into like being even more self-deprecating and just like being.
He was. Is he self-deprecating?
No, he's like, I'm the biggest threat.
But like on Watch Up, there was some interview he did where he was like,
oh, people were like laughing.
People had fun laughing at me.
And like he at least was aware of that.
You know what I mean?
OK, so I think it was in his exit post.
Yeah, exactly. No, not in the moment.
OK, like it was all unintentional.
And that's he was I think he proved that he's good TV.
You know what I mean?
Like that's to me as a viewer, I was like, you know what?
Like we had some some comedic relief via Tom Sandoval on this show.
And like especially with so many of the housewives getting out so early,
like they were missing some of like the big personalities towards the end.
Yeah. And she was giving us those moments.
Yeah. Again, unintentionally.
For sure.
Last year, when everyone, I mean him mainly being like,
oh, everyone's capitalizing off scandal.
It's not like, bro, you've done three network shows posed to scandal.
You've done more than any of us.
So like, yeah, you're doing OK yourself.
And that was part of the narrative going into the show even like they
the editors were all picking up on that.
Chris Shell was picking up on that.
Like, yeah, we're still capitalizing on everybody.
And then I had someone message me the other night and they're like,
oh, following in Tom Sandoval's footsteps with Mass Singer.
I'm like, oh, please, that is one time I will gladly follow in Tom Sandoval's footsteps.
If it goes from Mass Singer right into Traders.
Yeah. Put me in coach.
Sign me up.
Not bad footsteps to follow in this direction.
Yeah, I agree with that.
Also, it's just sort of like all these mashup shows that pull from other places.
It's like everybody's doing it.
Like it's not like it's like one person's like the forebearer of it.
You know what I mean?
Like everyone's it's the thing that it's the era we're in right now.
Or there's like so many options for you guys.
And it's so fun. Like just do it. Lean in.
I know nobody says anything about the fact that Boston Robb has done every every show.
Imagine a live for like 100 times.
And he's still so hot. Yeah.
He really is. Like he's did you see the footage from his old days
that has been making the rounds?
I mean, I watched it.
No, me too.
We're 80s babies.
I watched season one. I watched Survivor season one.
But like, but you get reminded.
For sure.
Well, yeah, was it Gabby or...
I think she said it on the reunion.
I think, was it Gabby or Sierra?
Oh, no, Sierra. Sierra said that.
Yes. But I mean Sierra. Yes. Yeah.
But I mean, so true. Yeah.
Yeah, I remember watching him back then because I used to watch Survivor
every season back in the day.
And it's crazy. I'm like, wow, that show has been on for so long.
I remember being at a football game, cheering in high school
and asking my mom who won Big Brother.
It was the first season and I'm like,
these shows are still on.
It's so wild.
I know.
It's so good.
Yeah, yeah.
And you always have to know what's happening in the moment
because even when Traders,
I was at dinner during the Traders finale
and I was like, I can't get back online.
So I'm literally at the table with my phone.
Like, sorry, I just, I have to watch this right now.
I was at a live page six virtual reality event
and it was like Danny and Evan,
and they had Kyle, Carl, Joe Bradley, Dolores was there.
And she ended right at nine o'clock when the episode dropped
and she, nobody knew she won.
Wow. Nobody knew she won.
Wow. And so, you know, we all went home and watched.
But yeah, I loved that it ended in a kumbaya moment.
Yeah, that's how I would have ended the game.
You know, if I'm whenever I'm on traders,
they're not going to make me a trader. Right. Like,
not now. You never know.
I think it's this hard balance of like picking the people
who would make really good traders.
But like some of those people are kind of predictable choices like Boston Robb.
Like, of course, he was going to be a trader.
So like you kind of want to cast against type sometimes for that.
I think, too. You know, who knows?
But would you want to be a trader?
I don't know. I go back and forth with it.
I wouldn't want to lie to my friends.
That would be really hard for me.
Like, I don't do that. Bravo. And you were like, you had to lie to my friends. That would be really hard for me. Like, I don't do that.
Somebody else from Bravo.
And you were like you had to lie to them.
The thing is, every season I've had friends on it and not even just Bravo.
I know Derek very well from Big Brother.
We've been friends for 10 years.
Oh, interesting. Yeah.
And he told me that I talked about this on the podcast a few weeks ago.
He told me that Tom had put all the coins in his cage because he recognized him
and he was like, wait, how do I know you? And Derek goes through Sheena.
Amazing. They immediately bonded over me,
which was crazy because I was like, oh yeah,
we did an anti bullying event with Derek and his dad.
His dad had this company or charity, whatever.
And it was like 10 years ago. I remember it was the first time I ever flew first business class, whatever.
But Derek's dad flew out a bunch of the Vanderpump cast.
And I'm like, yeah, I'm pretty sure it was I know it was Peter for sure.
But I'm like, I think Tom and Ariana were there.
So they met forever ago, but it was through me.
And I was like, that's the thing with traitors is I would probably have friends,
whether it was Big Brother or Survivor, because my sister and I also do these murder mystery game nights with a bunch of the gamers.
Oh, fine. I've now there was a karaoke night that we did with them lip singing thing I judged.
And so I have friends in that world.
You have the connections. Yeah.
And that could be good for sure.
Like traders where people don't know about those low key.
Right. But then they make me a trader and I'm like, these are my friends.
Right. Right. Right.
Sounds like you're kind of low key a gamer.
So yeah, exactly.
Because some of the like Dolores came into the show,
like she had never watched a competition show in her life.
Oh, yeah.
And so like you would at least have some awareness
about how like alliances work.
Right. You know what I mean? Absolutely.
But I also feel like, you know, watching it from the outside,
when you know who the traitor is, you know, it's like, oh, if I were in this situation,
I would do that. But when you're actually in it, I don't I wouldn't be seen all side.
So I'm like, yeah, I I don't know.
Yeah, I know.
And people have been saying they're like, oh, like Delores, like an undeserving winner.
She because she was on the wrong side of the eight or 10 times.
And I'm like, I'm like, if you win, you win.
Like a win is a win.
I don't care how you got there.
If you float there, if you whatever.
Yeah. You know, it's like it was really nice moment because, you know, when Gabby said,
like, you know, anybody who casts a red, you know, smoke at this point is just trying to win more money.
Yeah, I thought it was really like nice because, you know, as exciting as it was,
CT and Trisha, I feel so bad with that.
And I still to this day, I know I felt so bad for MJ, but also I'm like,
what did you expect?
These are two gamers who have known each other for like 15, 20 years or whatever.
And this time no gamers won.
So that's why they had the kumbaya.
They weren't cutthroat at the end.
No, it was so good.
I don't know if I'm supposed to take another break, but if so, here it is.
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Okay, so let's do a little hot topics while we're here. I saw this crazy story, you guys. I don't know if it was
tick tock Instagram, wherever I saw it. But there's this woman who I don't know if it was like a 23 and me or whatever, but she found out that she is not the biological mother
of the children she birthed.
How is that possible?
OK, so it is called.
I don't know how to say it properly.
Chimerism, chimerism, C-H-I-M-E-R-S-I-M.
So apparently, when her mom was pregnant, she was pregnant with twins.
But then the twin didn't survive and somehow she absorbed the twins genes.
And like her whole biological DNA makeup is the twin.
And the children are the twins who doesn't exist.
Biological who doesn't exist,
never made it into this world.
That's creepy.
That is?
There's a whole like surrogate,
like that's what freaks me out.
Okay, not obviously absorbing a twin,
but the whole surrogacy thing.
I'm like, how do I know those are my frozen eggs
that we're putting in you?
How are we for sure that it's Brock's sperm?
I feel like if we do go this route,
I'm gonna have to just to know.
And I'm not carrying this baby, so I don't have that connection.
I got to know this kid is mine.
But for her to birth these children.
And I I'm trying to remember what it was that she found out.
Let me pull this Instagram up.
Because it sounds like she still like had them.
It just they weren't.
But like somehow a part of the twin was like still inside.
It just grew with. Yeah, that day.
So wild.
And it's the probably it's probably one of those things
where it's like your your whole life.
You probably do wonder about this twin that existed at some point.
Right. Yeah.
I sent this to Mark on Instagram and I was like, oh, my God, we need to talk about this on that existed at some point. Right. Yeah. I sent this to Mark on Instagram and I was like,
oh my God, we need to talk about this on the podcast.
... three children and was shocked when she learned she wasn't their biological mother.
Lydia Fairchild was pregnant with her third child when she split up with her boyfriend, Jamie.
Struggling to support herself and her children, she applied for public assistance.
As part of the application, both parents had to take a DNA test
to prove they were biologically related to the children.
But when the results came in, they were stunned.
The test showed that while Jamie was indeed the father,
there was no genetic evidence that Lydia was their mother.
Thinking there had to be a lab mistake,
they ran the test three more times.
But each result confirmed the same shocking conclusion.
Suspected of illegal surrogacy and welfare fraud,
Lydia was at risk of losing.
Could you imagine?
When she had her third child, the court sent an officer to watch the birth
and collected DNA samples.
They didn't try.
Once again, the results came back negative.
Lydia has chimerism.
She carries two different sets of DNA.
How that is crazy.
Honestly, though, like it's kind of
like it was a white woman with a black guy.
But I do wonder if it had been to like a black woman.
Like they would have even like let her go.
They would have been like, you're fraudulent, like you're committing fraud
and like arrested her. Right.
That's crazy, though, that like, hey, you have to even take a DNA test.
Right. Right. But what? OK. Wow. How insane.
Yeah. Huh. That's wild.
Yeah. I just had to. Huh? That's wild. Yeah.
I just had to share that story with you guys.
I don't know how it came up on my like for you, whatever page.
The IG like the their algorithm is very strange.
Now it's wild. Now we're talking about it.
And I'm like, OK, that's what like I want to start doing more of like the hot topics and stuff.
You know, it's like obviously recap our shows and whatnot.
But when I see shit like this, I'm like, we need to talk about it.
That's why. And that one's crazy.
But I think your fear is more founded because I do think a lot of these
like clinics, you just hear these horror stories about doctors
putting their own sperm in and they have like thousands of kids
and that sort of thing.
Well, this kind of it's kind of related is on Potomac that at the reunion
we were talking, Mia Thornton was talking about how like she wasn't sure.
She wasn't sure if she could have been already pregnant with the other guys baby.
And Ashley was like, well, you did IVF.
So they would have done a pregnancy test and they would have confirmed that it's
your husband's baby.
But like, I guess in her mind, maybe she had this like maybe there was like a cross.
Yeah, a big old liar. I think so, too.
But there's another show I'll tell you off the podcast.
Similar story. TBD, if we find out more.
But yeah. OK.
And I was like, huh? Who did daddy?
Makes you think in other news.
OK, I get all of my news, by the way, from Kiki.
Oh, I do not follow a single news account.
I don't watch the news.
I don't scroll on Twitter or anything like that.
I just go to Kiki's page and I'm like, OK, so what's happening today?
We have to talk.
Gene Hackman. Oh, my God.
I mean, how tragic.
But finding out more details.
I mean, how are there not caregivers, you know, like he's 95.
He has Alzheimer's.
While was she the caregiver?
She was the caregiver.
I mean, that's the thing.
But yeah, I know.
How is someone not checking in more?
More than once a week.
Honestly, and this is what I predicted.
I know people were thinking it was the other way that, you know, she saw him,
you know, and then she wanted to take him out.
But I was like, I really feel like she was the caregiver and that, you know,
he might have been wandering around.
And that's pretty much what happened.
She had hantavirus, which is like, don't you get that from like rats?
Yes. So like, were they hoarders?
Were the rats or mice in their house?
Where did this? Yeah.
Where did the you know, because it also got progress.
It got fatal really quickly, it seems.
And so I know.
And so she obviously I mean, obviously, when she fell, pills spilled.
People thought the dogs ate the dogs don't eat.
If you've ever had an animal, if you've ever spilled, they won't touch pills.
They really won't. Cats won't touch it.
So it's like I think they'll do a necropsy.
But like I think the dog just didn't get fed because Jean didn't know
what was going on.
It was so awful.
It's the saddest story ever.
Like ever.
Like you just here's this person that gave you so much in life.
Right. And like you just want them to have a peaceful death, like in their sleep and
like not like, oh, it's just awful.
It's so awful to think about.
Yeah. You know, you do wonder because because, like, I thought I read somewhere
that the kids supposedly were two hours
after they were found dead were in a Denny's.
They've got photos at a Denny's eating.
And I don't know. I didn't see these photos.
I just read that somewhere. And I'm like,
if I just found out that my father was found dead,
I don't even think I would have an appetite,
let alone be in a Denny's.
Or into a public...
Yeah. And so, and, and like one of the kids,
I think hadn't called him in a long time.
So I'm just like, all of that is just like another reason
where it's like, you could have these kids,
but they might not give a fuck about you
when you get old.
I'm just going to get a robot.
I'm like, I get it, she was the caregiver,
but like there should be someone caring for both of them
and checking in.
Or like some easy way for him to have alerted somebody or something like that.
Right. Just imagining him at that house without her for like a week.
Oh, no, it's so tragic.
And then like watching the Oscars, you know, they did the dedication and all that.
I knew they were going to end with him.
But two people they left out, Shannon Dordy and Michelle Trachtenberg and also Linda Lavin.
Oh, right. Yeah. Oh, my God. Like.
And it's also like Jean Hackman had died within the week of the show
and Michelle Trachtenberg.
That was so they were both very recent.
Yeah. I was shocked that they didn't put her in.
I mean, there's so many people who obviously no one knows who they are.
They work behind the scenes and stuff.
Absolutely should be honored. But then these two, three huge stars and
people who we know, they just skip them.
I feel like it's like it's because they do so much production up front.
And then if someone dies too soon and then maybe Michelle did make it in,
which is still weird. You can always slotted in.
Totally. It's a slideshow.
It passed away a long time ago.
Yeah. And Shannon.
Yeah. And Shannon too. Yeah. It's just like, it Yeah, it passed away a long time ago. And Shannon. Yeah, and Shannon too.
Yeah, it's just like, it doesn't make any sense.
And I feel like they, at least in this generation,
that's like watching the Oscars have a bigger impact.
Yeah, yeah.
I think there's a couple things the Oscars did.
It just feels like they're still like behind all the time.
I don't, yeah.
It's my favorite show to watch, honestly.
It's like, that's where I, like, I wanted Timmy to win
because I like Timmy and I like the performance,
but also because they have to crown the next generation of stars
and show that they believe in them.
And these little things put together, it's like, guys.
I know. You don't get it.
So are we thinking that part two of Wicked
is gonna get these girls an Oscar?
Probably, but it's probably gonna to be more deserving in one.
I don't know. I mean, we haven't seen part two yet.
I'll still watch it. It'll probably still be amazing.
But, you know, I think it will, you know, probably.
Yeah, it's also one of those things where it's like, I don't have wicked fatigue,
but I get to see other people getting wicked fatigue where it's like it was an onslaught
for months. And like, if it's the same treatment for part two,
I'm curious if there will be sort of like not a backlash,
but just sort of like a little bit of pushback against like,
all right, stop jamming this down our throats.
I hope not, because I love it.
No, it was so good.
And so last night I'm telling Bo and I was like,
I'm not lying, I've seen Wicked at least 25 times.
He's like, shut up. No, you haven't.
I'm like, no, no, we have.
My daughter is obsessed.
I told her that I was coming to New York.
I'm like, that's mommy's friend. I'm going to go see him in New York. So I'm like, we have to send, not like she. I'm like, no, no, we have. My daughter is obsessed. Amazing. I told her that I was coming to New York. I'm like, that's mommy's friend.
I'm going to go see him in New York.
So I'm like, we have to send not like she has a cell phone.
I'm like, we ought to send her a photo.
They sent it to my mom. And this morning it's summer.
She's the fucking cutest kid.
But she has this thing where she gets embarrassed very easily.
And if you tell her, she's like, I already know that.
And so if you don't hear something, like she gets very embarrassed.
Right. And so this morning when I called her, I guess I didn't hear that she said bonjour, mommy.
And I didn't hear it.
And so my mom, after she's like, she said bonjour, you didn't hear her.
She's like really upset.
So I call her back and I'm like, bonjour, Summer.
And then I was like, did Nani show you?
And I can't even remember his character's name in the movie right now.
But I'm like, and honestly, I don't even think she knows it,
but she knows who he is.
And so it's like, did Nani show you the voters?
Like, I already know that, mom.
You already told me.
I'm like, how are you already a teenager?
Oh, my God.
My mom sent me a photo yesterday.
She's sitting like this with her legs crossed.
She's not even four yet, you guys.
Cross legs? Oh, my gosh.
Old soul.
We might have to have another.
We might have to.
Oh, yeah. But if we have another girl I'm like, we might have to have another. We might have to. Oh, yeah.
But if we have another girl, could you imagine if she looks like summer?
That would freak me out.
There are two sets of brothers at summer school.
I can't tell them apart.
I know the name of which one she goes to school with.
Yeah. But when we're all together and like both brothers are there
and both brothers are there, I'm like, which which one are you?
Which one's the one in class with her?
Right. It's crazy.
They look the same.
I get this. The Kardashian kids.
I get them mixed up all the time.
Yeah, it used to be Kendall and Kylie.
When the show first started, I'm like, I can't tell them apart.
And now it's like Stormy, Chicago, True, Dream.
So yeah, wait, hold on.
Which which one is like when they're all together, I could not tell you.
Yeah, genetics. They're crazy., I could not tell you. Yeah. Genetics.
They're crazy.
And I could not imagine having another summer,
but I am starting to think about it a little more.
Are you having the baby fever?
I do not have baby fever.
I never have and I never will.
However, I would like to give her a sibling.
I know that for sure.
I was an only child for 12 years,
but now in moments like last night, the fact that I got to do that
with my sister and the fact that people ask, who's older?
And then we say we're 12 years apart and they go, but who's older?
Oh, my God. Yeah.
She's like, I do not.
I'm like, honey, of course, when you say you're 27, do the math, you know?
But the fact that we both last night, I'm like, I feel like we look the most related
we ever have because we had Priscilla glam.
And we did so many photos where I'm like, and also we have the same good side.
And my sister is such a fucking angel that she always gives me my good side.
Also, I'm the older sister, you know?
So you're demanding.
But I'm like, no, I need to get more comfortable taking photos on my good side. Also, I'm the older sister. You know, so you're demanding. But I'm like, no, I need to get more comfortable taking photos on my right side.
Also, if we're being honest, I have less wrinkles on the right side of my face
that this may become my new good side.
The smile lines on this side, I've always slept on my left.
And I no one ever fucking told me that you get wrinkles from sleeping.
I didn't know that until very recently.
Oh, really?
Do it for everyone out there.
Sleep like a vampire.
Yeah, sleep like a vampire.
Sleep like you're a persilla glam.
I get a silk pillowcase.
Yeah, all the things I just I sleep elevated now.
Yeah, but I'm like, wow, I do have deeper lines on this side of my face
than this side, but last night I was like, no, take your good side.
You know, like we can swap.
And also, whenever I meet a fan, I love when they're like,
Oh, do you want your good side?
I'm like, what's your good side?
It's your photo. And they're like, really?
I'm like, no, it's fine.
If you don't care, then I'll take my side.
But I've had people they're like, this is my good side.
I'm like, that's my good side.
I'm like, no, no, I'm like, it's your photo. Take it.
Like, I'm never going to be like, excuse me.
Give me my side.
But I also love when people know that.
And now I have a book called My Good Side, which you guys can order.
The Good Side
If you haven't preordered, go get it.
I'm so excited for Book Tour.
Oh, my gosh.
I have.
When does that start?
When does it start?
I don't know.
End of July, whenever the book's out.
It's not like dates.
None of that is planned yet.
But I did have a call with the publishing team and marketing and all of that PR
the other day where we're like, OK, should we do big live events?
Should we do this? Should we do that?
And it's going to be.
Is it the kind of thing where it's like, I'm sure there are things in the book
that you've never talked about or mentioned before, maybe.
And like, I don't know, do those do this get revealed, like an excerpt
that come out before the book is out or do you reveal those like part of the book tour?
You know what I mean?
Because like, I think it's going to be a little bit of both.
I think there's some stuff we're definitely going to save.
Yeah. But yeah, that's a fun.
That's a fun thing to think about.
People think like like they love a live reading. Right.
Yeah, totally. Sure.
Yeah, I want to save as much as I can for when it comes out.
Like, obviously, people are going to get advanced copies and all of that.
But everything isn't going to be out before it's out.
You know? Yeah, that's good. Yeah.
And also, I just worry about things leaking and, you know,
then it's on Reddit and whatnot.
And that's the thing when we're filming.
I don't know who the rat is.
There's some mole rats and fucking creatures who just like
feeds shit to Bravo and cocktails and feeds shit to wherever.
And I'm like, I always wonder about that.
Yeah. How do you know?
And then when it's spot on, I'm like, right.
Right. Well, that is like somebody who's really in.
Yeah. Right.
It's like you're like recapping a scene we filmed on the valley last night where I'm like, we just filmed that.
It's not aired. Nothing's even aired yet.
And the next day it's like on one of those gossip sites.
And I'm like, how do you know?
It's somebody trying to control the narrative,
we're ahead of it.
Yeah, like right now, like OK Magazine's like leaking
all this stuff about Housewives.
That feels very like in production.
I'm like, who is this person?
And it's like, but that's why Salt Lake City was so is so good
the past couple of seasons, because they just have a really tight.
Yeah. Yes.
They're not letting anything out.
Yeah. Yeah.
And that's like traitors, you know, and masked singer.
Yeah. Yeah.
Yeah. It makes it that much more impressive when things don't.
It's like, like you said, like it's more fun to have that one moment
when you're watching it and you're like, yes, like, yeah.
I also can't imagine working on a show and then like the big secret getting out.
And it's like, well, fuck us.
You know what I mean? Like we did all that just for like the air to be deflated.
You know, it's like, yeah, we saw a thing on Reddit a couple of months ago
and it said the title was Sheena on the Masked Singer.
And Mark sends it to me and I'm like, oh my God, oh my God, we're freaking out.
But no, they thought I was Bluebell of this past season.
And so it was just a thread of like, does anyone else think that this person's Sheena?
But I was like, oh my God, seeing that I, oh shit, I don't remember who it was.
I can't think right now.
But seeing that I was like, oh, my God, oh, my God.
And then when they were doing promo for this season, they have bat
and whoever the fuck Yorkie is, we still don't know because that's in Group C,
OK, which has not aired and isn't going to air for a few more weeks.
But they're fighting in the back of the Sir Alley.
And I'm like, oh, wait, could it be?
You're a Katie Maloney.
Who is it?
People Bluebell with Natalie and Brulia.
Oh, yes. That's what that's that's that's really Katie.
That is your go to karaoke song.
Love it. So funny.
But yeah, I'm like, who the fuck is Yorkie? Yeah.
And you think that people think that I know who everyone was or in my group?
No, no, no. I don't know one.
I'm in dress rehearsal and whatnot, hearing these amazing singers out there doing their rehearsal.
And I'm like, I would be the worst judge on this show.
I don't know who anyone is, the voices, this and that.
But I'm like, I still do not know.
I'm dying to find out who they have me fighting.
You heard them during when you heard them during the tapings.
And yes, I heard their singing voices. Huh?
And that's it.
I didn't hear any of their like after interviews, the things like that
where the voice is distorted, none of that, just their dress rehearsal singing.
And I'm like, oh, my God.
And how do you even get in and out of those rehearsals without like paparazzi?
Getting the full visor, the whole thing. Wow. Gloves.
My mom and sister and Mark were there and all of them same.
So when you're walking around the site, you don't even know if that's the talent,
if that's their mom, if that's crazy.
Like there I remember coming out of a vocal session and two people are walking up.
And I say to my producer, I go, oh, a duo.
And I was like, wait, no, my mom's waiting in the trailer.
That could just be someone bringing their mom or whatever.
So wow. So crazy. So. Wow.
So crazy.
What is life?
Full Taylor Swift, the umbrella is blocking you.
I know, right?
I know.
No, so crazy.
Okay, I did have so many other things
that I wanted to talk about,
but I think I'll just maybe save these hot topics
for some LA shenanigans,
because I feel like somehow we've just chatted
for about an hour.
Can I ask you something?
Southern Hospitality just ended this week,
season three, and it's such a great show.
So good.
But I'm curious what you think about when people are like,
this is the new Vanderpump rules.
When people are like, this one of mine scratches the same.
You agree with that?
I never watched a full season until this season.
I watched the very first episode, caught a little
bit. I was just like, I had summer was so little at the time. I was just like, I'm not
getting into a show about some 20 somethings. And then Brock's friend O'Sheen was on last
season, tried to watch it. I caught him watching a couple of episodes and I was like, I just
can't get into it. And the season I was like, you know what, I'm going to give it a shot
again. And then I got so sucked in. and I'm like, OK, this is us.
It really is. Yeah.
It's like the 2025 version of what the show would be. Yeah.
And you had said something, I think you said, like,
Emmy is kind of giving Sheena season six and so I don't.
I'm not scared.
I know you've been busy, so you probably haven't gotten a chance
to watch the finale of the reunion.
OK, so you saw that Will showed up to the reunion, but didn't go on set.
And that, you know, Emmy was just there for herself.
And like she was kind of acting like she's still protecting him.
I'm just curious, like the season six, sheena, like what advice
now would you give to Emmy? Get out, honey.
Get out. Like we got to save Emmy.
If he's not going to if he's If he's backstage watching the live taping,
there's a feedback there,
and he's not gonna come out to, dude.
Like, I can't imagine.
Like, if Brock had just, like, you know,
not wanted to confront any of the things
that had happened during his worst season
and just stayed backstage to let you, like,
answer for him, like, I don't even think
you would, like, be with him.
You'd be like, no.
When people don't show up to a reunion, Lisa Vanderpump,
you're not going to show up and be accountable.
Like, come on, it's the last chance.
And when you don't show up to a reunion, it's also it's also like Raquel showed up.
I know. Right. Listen.
And like you don't resolve it.
So it's if you if you want to come back to the show, if you're not going to the region,
that's open, open season for the next season.
You know what I mean? Like you're not avoiding it.
People are still bring it up to you. Yeah.
So it's like I think he's done with the show.
And also, yeah, that's what when Emmy said like, yeah, well, I'm not saying Will is quitting.
I'm thinking, no, I think Andy's letting you know he's quit
because he's not coming out.
Yeah. Dis's disrespectful.
And like.
And it pisses production off.
Just like face the music.
Be accountable for your actions.
I was so confused all the way to New York
from Charleston already.
What was the, they paid for your ticket?
They came to show the text to Maddie the night before.
It's so wrong.
So wrong. Come on.
That was crazy. That was cruel and mean.
And just like.
Oh, I felt so bad for her.
Me too. OK, so have you watched from the beginning?
Yes. So how do we feel about Maddie and Joe as a couple?
I think they seem great.
Like, they seem great together to me.
Like, he's clearly been so in love with her for so long.
And like, I feel like for her, she's been through these,
like, really tumultuous relationships in the past couple of years.
So like, he seems like a pretty steady presence for her.
And I think that she's, that's probably really welcome for her.
And like, they've been best friends for, I don't know.
Doesn't always work out with your best friend.
Right. And I believe that.
Season seven, Sheena.
Listen, but I don't know.
They seem happy together right now.
I loved the love actually moment.
That was really cute.
And then even when they broke from the song
and just like those moments, oh, it was so good. they broke from the song and just like, yeah, those moments.
Oh, it was like, oh shit.
Like, yeah.
Look, I know it supposedly works out better when the guy likes the girl more than,
you know, like he's a little more like in love.
But I just feel like I can.
I've said this a couple of times, like it's going to end up in a page
and Craig situation because the Maddie that he met is not the Maddie.
She's still growing.
She's still flourishing.
Her DJ career is taking off.
I think so too.
And I don't think he's prepared to embrace the new Maddie
or like Lava said, if he's gonna chase her around
like a puppy dog and then she's gonna get annoyed,
go do your own thing.
I want you to grow too.
Because I want also a strong guy.
So. Yeah.
How long has she been sober?
Was she always sober when the show started?
She's been sober for at least the entire show. Nice.
Yeah, I think it's been a pretty good amount of time.
Yeah. And then Emmy is a newly sober this season.
Yeah, she was not sober when the show started.
Gotcha. Yeah.
I do love that they're showing that more, you know, and it proves that like
on reality TV, you don't have to get fucked up to still make good TV to be relatable.
You know, we've got the law laws and the people.
I mean, season three of The Valley, if that happens, you know, Jax. Yeah.
Yeah. Yeah.
We'll be interesting to see.
Yeah. At the if you know, if the Valley has a reunion this year, I mean,
they better get a read.
They have to come on.
That show is the moment.
I know it's coming up a moment that's going to be coming up soon.
Uh huh. And on that note, we're going to wrap this up.
I have a flight to catch.
Please tell everyone where they can find you because my brain is dead.
Yes. My name is Gibson.
My podcast is called Gabby with Gibb.
You can find it wherever you get this great show.
And yeah, that's all I want to plug to me.
Hell, yeah. And you can find Kiki Monique at the Talk of Shame
on Instagram and TikTok.
And obviously on SiriusXM Radio,
Andy reality check every weekday.
Yes, I need to do that.
All right, well, thank you guys so much for watching,
We'll be back next week.
Getting into some more shenanigans.
No drama, no drama.
Thanks for listening to shenanigans with Sheena Shay.
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