Screaming in the Cloud - Being Present in the Moment Through Balcony-Hopping with Mai-Lan Tomsen Bukovec
Episode Date: February 21, 2023Mai-Lan Tomsen Bukovec, Vice President of Foundational Data Services at AWS, joins Corey on Screaming in the Cloud to discuss her technique for spending time intentionally and prioritizing wo...rk-life balance called balcony-hopping. Mai-Lan explains how she created the concept of balcony-hopping and how it has helped her to be a better leader, mother, wife, and boxer. Corey and Mai-Lan discuss how in today’s age, attention is a form of currency and why it’s so important to be intentional with how and where you spend your attention. Mai-Lan also offers practical insights to anyone seeking to feel more productive, present, and balanced. About Mai-LanMai-Lan Tomsen Bukovec is Vice President, Foundational Data Services (FDS) at Amazon Web Services (AWS) and leads a number of high-scale AWS cloud services that provide storage and streaming of petabytes or exabytes of data and essential building blocks for modern application architecture like queuing and notifications, monitoring, alarming, logging and reliability validation. Mai-Lan’s teams include some of AWS’ first and largest-scale services like Amazon S3 and Simple Queue Service (SQS) to more recent and fast-growing services like managed open source streaming (Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka).Prior to joining Amazon, Mai-Lan spent almost 15 years in engineering and product leadership roles at technology companies including Microsoft and early stage startups. She began her technology career after serving in the U.S. Peace Corps in the Mopti region of Africa as a Forestry volunteer after earning her degree from University of California, San Diego.At Amazon, Mai-Lan is an advisor to Asians@Amazon, creator and sponsor of internal leadership development programs for Amazon employees, and is passionate about AWS initiatives and cloud services that maximize human potential everywhere.Mai-Lan has three children and lives in Seattle with her family. When she is not working on Amazon cloud services and spending time with her husband and kids, Mai-Lan trains primarily in boxing with additional practice in the martial art Savate.Links Referenced:LinkedIn post “Live Your Best Life Through Balcony Hopping”:
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Hello, and welcome to Screaming in the Cloud with your host, Chief Cloud Economist at the
Duckbill Group, Corey Quinn.
This weekly show features conversations with people doing interesting work in the world
of cloud, thoughtful commentary on the state of the technical world, and ridiculous titles
for which Corey refuses to apologize.
This is Screaming in the Cloud.
Welcome to Screaming in the Cloud.
I'm Corey Quinn.
My guest today returns for a third time.
And of course, new job titles seem to be something of a recurring theme here.
Mailan Thompson-Bukovac is Vice President of Foundational
Data Services over at AWS. Mylon, it's great to talk to you again. Thank you for returning to
Suffer Slings and Arrows over here. Hi, Corey. It's great to be here. Thanks for having me.
There's a countless number of topics we could talk about on the technical side, but what's more
interesting to me is an article that you put out. I'll call
it an article. It was a LinkedIn post. I'm not really familiar with the variety of different
publication terms these days, but it really sent me down something of a rabbit hole. And I was
hoping you could talk to us a little bit more about it. I'll link it in the show notes, but
it talked about a concept that was new to me, specifically balcony hopping.
Where did that come from? What is the overall thesis of what you wrote?
And I guess if you tell the story about what you wrote, maybe I'll be in a better position to explain why it threw me for something of a loop.
Yeah, absolutely. So when I think about the journey that we're all on, we are people and we have different home lives and we have different work lives.
But we're the same person, whether we're at home and we're at work.
And over the journey of our careers, we have to think about how we, in the Amazonian terms, operate both at home and at work. And
Corey, you have kids. My kids are much older than yours. I have a 20-year-old, I have an 18-year-old,
and I have a 16-year-old. Do they get less cute at that age? No, they're just different. They're
just sort of very big forms of the smaller life form that they started off at. But, you know, once upon a time,
I was a working mom with three very young kids. I came to this, like, realization that all the
tactics that I had used in the past around time management, just try to be as smart as I possibly
could and eke out every last minute out of every day that I could because you
know when you're a working parent your brain is in a perpetual state of fog depending on your sleep
pattern of the night before and I realized I had to do something different because I was feeling
inadequate I was feeling inadequate because I was getting what was probably a fair amount of work done,
but it wasn't enough for what I wanted to get done, both at home and at work.
And I realized that rather than stretching out as many minutes as I could in the day
or using that hackneyed phrase, you know, I wish I could find more time in a day,
I needed to be better about the minutes that I did have.
And not only the minutes that I did have, I needed to be better about the minutes that I did have. And not only the minutes that I did have,
I needed to be better in the daylight hours.
And that's where I came up with balcony hopping as a concept.
And if you're at work,
the minutes of your day are sometimes grouped by meetings or by work blocks.
And so that is an easy way to visualize it.
If you're in a meeting to do a
review on a product or pricing, your balcony is the name of that meeting or the name of the role
that you're playing in that meeting, like a decision maker. You know, I do boxing and martial
arts. I'll stand on a balcony of boxing. I'll stand on a balcony of being a wife and for each ones of those balconies each one of them
i'm going to stand on it with two feet i'm going to be 100 present in the moment of that balcony
and the balcony concept matters because i'll give you an example where let's just imagine that
you're a parent of young kids.
That's an easy thing for me to imagine.
People listening, their mileage may vary.
So you can take this even if you don't have kids.
Imagine you're standing on the balcony where you're going out and you're doing something with a friend or your sibling, your sister, your brother.
And it's so easy in those moments where you're theoretically standing on this like one balcony
where you look at your phone we're in the world of smartphones and our our work is often on our
phones and you look at your phone real quick because you have that one one email you're
going to take a quick look at and you think to yourself my kid won't notice my friend won't
notice my mom won't notice i'm just going to take a quick
look at this. It's never a quick look, Corey. Never is. Because the world is a complicated place.
That work email is going to take more than a minute. You're going to have to separate from
your moment, process the email. You might start typing. And before you know it, minutes have gone
by. And if you're a parent and you quickly glance over to make sure your kid
who's on the playground
or whatever notices
and they're not looking at you
at that moment,
you're like, oh, they're fine.
They didn't even see me do that.
And I got away with it.
Today's kids are way smarter than that.
They know when you looked at your phone
and they knew that in that moment
where you were standing
on the balcony with them,
you weren't.
You were straddling two balconies work balcony and that balcony and they know that they are not the
most important thing in that moment and that's not okay not in today's very distracted world
and so one of the things that I always do when I talk about balcony hopping is I say how important it is to stand with both feet
100% focused on a single balcony at the time. And that means that you're intentionally spending
your best minute at your best self in a given moment like that.
It feels to me that for a bunch of folks, it is easier to maintain balcony separation than it is for some others.
I mean, to give a very droll example, my wife's a corporate attorney and has a work phone with work stuff on it and a personal phone with personal stuff on it.
So it's now family time.
The work phone goes away.
Well, what I do for fun on the Internet and what i do for work on the internet the boundaries
aren't anywhere near clear enough it's oh i'm going to go be obnoxious to amazon on the internet
for something is that work is that fun time a little column a little a column b and i find that
the more i look at it every line gets blurrier and blurrier the deeper you go until suddenly
i've been staring at my phone for 45 minutes and my kid is slowly starving to death. Well, I highly doubt that they're starving to death knowing you, Corey.
No, but from the sounds of it and the whining, oh, absolutely. At this point,
no kid has ever been so poorly treated, but she has a point.
So, Corey, this is what's interesting. In today's world where your device is often two things,
right, or more, that is actually a hard thing to do. And
that's why balcony hopping is kind of a lifestyle. It's a behavior change. You know, if I'm out with
my kids, my phone is actually not visible or really present in that moment. I won't at home
know where my phone is a lot of the times because it'll be in
a different room or it'll be face down or it'll be under five papers or something like that.
I've worked at Amazon since 2010 and we run some services that are pretty big.
Slightly on the critical path for a company or two out there.
Slightly. And they're 24-7. And at AWS, we take
our operational profile and our responsibilities to our customers very seriously. And so my team
knows that if they need me, they page me. And if the phone is in my purse, if the phone is in my
backpack, if the phone is in some corner of the room and I get paged, I will hear it. And I will go spend time on that operational
balcony 100% when I need to. I think it's by physically making changes like that, by behaviorally
making changes like that, you can actually change your life and how you operate in a moment. But
it's hard and it takes practice and it takes consistency and it makes your brain hurt sometimes. But in my mind,
it is all worth it to be the best person that you can be in a given moment.
I think it's easy to think about this in the context of the clear dividing lines. For example,
recording this podcast is a component of my job. Talking to you is clearly the number one priority that I have going on in my work life at this moment in time. But if the phone rings and it is my child care provider or my daughter's school or my wife, I will put you on pause to go and validate that the kid is alive because they don't call me willy nilly. And I don't think that anyone is going to argue that I should not be doing that. You just mentioned, for example, when you get paged in
the middle of the night due to some exigent circumstance involving work. Yeah, that is a
clear, ooh, something is on fire. We should probably make sure that it's contained and
doesn't spread further. Where I find it tends to get sticky is not those clear moments where there's a, there's an emerging crisis,
but with the way the subtle day to day,
maybe with a bit more of an imperative aspect to it starts to bleed over.
And let's be clear.
We're not talking about personal life bleeding over into work.
That doesn't seem to be the problem that most folks I talk to have.
It's the other direction where you're out trying to spend a day with your child
on the weekend and a work email thread catches fire and you feel that you need to be diving into
that and not being present on the balcony as a parent in those moments. It's the pernicious piece.
It is. But if you look at your duration of time as the daylight hours of a day,
and you ask yourself, what percentage of time am I spending on what balcony during that period of
time? And you calculated that over a spread of maybe two to three weeks. And you just start
collecting some data. This is a journaling exercise that I actually do with folks. The
first thing I do is I actually go to a whiteboard and I draw out a terrible artist okay and so these little stick figures on on balconies
and and I give the pen to the person I'm working with and I'm saying write down what your balconies
are just start off by documenting your balconies and I'll tell you Corey the first thing that
happens is there are always more balconies than people think and before they know it the whole
whiteboard is filled with these little stick figures and many balconies. And, you know, your goal is not to hit some
magical percentage or count of hours in a given week. And that's five hours off the clock, kid,
and pull up my phone. Now go away, kid. You bother me. Yeah, that's not generally how the
parenting model should work out in my mind. It isn't. But I'll tell you, Corey, if my kid ever asks time
to spend with me, I will say yes. Your kids need to know you're available to them. And they'll ask
when they're younger. And if you say not now, dear, or maybe, and then you don't follow through
when they're younger, they won't ask when they're older. Because as they get older,
they're the ones who aren't going to have time for you. And so knowing that
you're available for them on their balcony when they're younger and then keeping that over time
really matters for your adult relationships with your kids. They have to know they're the most
important thing. And so the data will be able to tell you over time and then you don't have to keep
your spreadsheet anymore. At this point, I've been doing this for a really long time.
And in my head, I'm always keeping a general shape of how much time I'm spending on a given balcony.
And it gets easier.
But you have to practice at it.
You have to make sure you use data so you're not fooling yourself on how much time you're actually spending on a balcony.
I've always struggled with transiting from, I guess, work mode to family mode and vice versa. So when I find that, oh, something has arisen,
I need to transit from one to the other, it's very difficult, if it's even possible, for me to
transition back in a reasonable period of time. My approach to this has tried to be to, I guess,
expand the balcony so that I can effectively wear the two hats simultaneously at all times.
And that doesn't work. I asked my
daughter last month, just as an experiment, because she's five, what does mommy do for a
living? She's a lawyer. That's right. What do I do for a living? And she looks at me dead in my face,
five years old, and says, you are a prolific shit poster. And she's not entirely wrong,
but I'm realizing I'm bringing way too much of that snark and sarcasm home with me.
And that doesn't work in, I guess, to my mental model of the person I aspire to be, the parent I aspire to be.
When you do martial arts or boxing, it's all about balance.
And in fact, if you actually watch a boxing match, you'll have two equally skilled people in the ring. And the one that has better balance will often have the advantage because of their ability
to move around and create angles and do different things.
So if you have two different balconies and you have one foot on one balcony and you have
another foot on another balcony, there's no way that you have balance at that moment.
And if you don't have balance, you can't do what you're best at in that moment.
And whether that's being an awesome dad, because I have no doubt that you are, or looking at a
situation in the cloud or in a technology from a different angle, which is something that you're
good at too, you can't be good at either one of those things when you're trying to adjust,
right? You're off balance. Get your footing. One of the things that really stuck with me about your post was, it's one of those things that you sort of mull over in the idle moments.
I saw something recently about the science of why people come up with some interesting ideas in the shower.
Well, yeah, because it's the one time of the day where you're not surrounded by distraction constantly.
We've learned as a society to never tolerate being bored at any moment. Pull out, you're waiting in line for something, pull out your phone and stare
at it. And I feel like on some level, we have internalized a lot of this as focusing on screen
time. Well, how much time are you spending staring at your screen? It has nothing to do with the
physical mechanics of staring at a screen and everything to do with the fact that you're a
million miles away craving another dopamine hit or focusing on something that probably doesn't need to be addressed right then and there.
And as a result, I'm starting to look around and wonder just how much of our lives are passing us
by. Yeah, the currency of today's world is your attention. And you can tell because when you're
looking at your phone, you get all these reminders and notifications and things like that. Ding, ding,
ding. Everything is trying to get your attention. That is the currency of today's world. And so if you think about that and you're like, okay, if I think about my attention as currency,
if I think about it as something that's as good as gold, as good as money, how am I spending it?
Am I spending it foolishly? Am I spending it without
attention? Or am I being super intentional about where I put my attention? And if you are being
intentional, you're using your time, you're using your minutes and those daylight hours in the way
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That's slash screaming in the cloud. I can't shake the feeling on some level that there's not as much awareness
as what you just highlighted, that the currency of today is attention. And I felt that since the
very beginning when I was starting this business out and writing a newsletter and I talked, people
asked me, well, who do I find my competitors to be? And I mentioned a whole bunch of things and
like, oh, that's not a competitor in the least. Well, what do you mean? There's only so many hours in the day people are
going to read their email or listen to podcasts or go on Twitter, et cetera, et cetera. On some
level, we are increasingly competing for a vanishingly rare commodity. You have to, on some
level, present novelty, deliver value at the same time, and ideally be entertaining and engaging enough
to cause people to prioritize this more highly than other things. But even just focusing on
what AWS puts out is a more than full-time job at this point of the cycle, where there's so much
that is all coming at once, no one can focus on everything. And it leads to inherent points of
blind spots. It leads to areas where we wind up getting stuck
almost in our own bubble
just based upon what has been able to force its way
to the top of our attention stack.
It's one of those nefarious things
that when you start thinking about this,
you start to wonder, oh God,
how much of this is happening everywhere
and we just don't see it.
I see this manifest a lot in a technical sense as well,
where one of the most dangerous things
that can happen to someone who works with technology is having learned something. Because
once you know something, it's unlikely you're going to go back to confirm that what you learned
is still accurate, especially when it comes to AWS. Some things that are not possible today
will be possible tomorrow because these services don't
get less capable with time. One of the more fascinating things that I've noticed from the
customer side of the world is the lies that they tell, not just to me, but to themselves, because
a thing that they knew to be true at one point, the common example I give is that a majority of
their cost drivers has been their development environment was true
at one point. And then they succeeded. They found product market fit and now it's 90% production.
Well, yeah, your knowledge is outdated, but you haven't gone back to reconfirm that and figure
out whether your assumptions around the way things work that were once true still hold.
And I feel like we do that even more so and more perniciously when it comes to areas about
ourselves and how much time we spend on things. Oh, I'm a great parent. I spend plenty of time
with my kids. Why? Just six months ago, I did this nice dinner out with just my child. Well,
yeah, six months is an eternity when you're growing up. What have you done lately?
It's a great point. It's a great point. The data will always tell you that. That's where that whole exercise of just understanding where do you spend your attention on what balcony during the daylight hours, it'll tell you that. career, either in terms of actual hierarchy at a company or in influence that you wield
through a variety of different means, I've gotten that one sincerely wrong from time to time,
where I forget the weight that words can carry. And just giving feedback as if I were talking
internally to a peer can wind up setting some people back months as far as trying to understand
the impact of what I said. No, I was just letting my jaw flap in the breeze.
It gets increasingly dangerous to do that as we progress professionally and on some level
personally. Now, some folks don't seem to have a problem with that. I don't enjoy working with
folks in that scenario most of the time. Everybody has their own interior journey,
Corey. And you look across the room and every single person in that room has their own interior journey going on.
To be the best person you can be on that balcony is to take into account the interior journey of the individuals.
From your perspective, if someone is taking a look at where they are and realizing they're not being fully present in the way that they want to be, what's an actionable thing that they can do?
What is the next step? A lot of us often need help to get moving in a particular direction of
where do I put my foot first? And then inertia starts to take over.
Well, as I said, Corey, a lot of what I'm talking about with balcony hopping, it's a lifestyle.
It's a way of thinking. It's a way of living at work and at home.
And if you want to try to adopt this as a way to be fully present and intentional about how
you spend your daylight hours, the first step is that cataloging of what balconies you have in
your life. And do the exercise. you can do it visually you can write
down in words whatever works best for you of all the different roles that you play and you know
decision maker mentor mom sister brother child of your parent friend if you're an athlete, write down what you do as an athlete and ask yourself, in these balconies,
where am I spending the most time and where am I spending some time but maybe not enough and where
am I spending no time at all? And that makes me sad. And then once you have that list, go to that
second step of cataloging through data where you're spending your time today and
be ruthless with yourself to understand if you are or you aren't and don't try to fudge it don't
try to count the minutes where you're straddling balconies if you're straddling balconies and you
know it you're not on either one of them That's a big fat zero for both of them.
And then look at your data and say, where do I want to make a change? And then you just have to practice it. And a lot of people will just practice one balcony first, Corey. And for folks
that I've talked to about this concept, the one that many parents do is putting their cell phone
down when they're with their kids
because it's a very concrete thing. You can just put it face down, spend your 30 to 45 minutes alone
with your kid, and then check in with yourself. How did that go? And then persist that behavior over
time. So pick one thing, practice at it, get better at it, you know, assess what the impact was, and then just see how you can
generalize it. And whether you generalize it across all your balconies or you just generalize
it to the ones that matter the most, you'll be really focusing on the minutes of your day
in the daylight hours and making sure you have the impact that you want.
I really want to thank you for being so generous with your time as well as your insight.
If people want to learn more, where's the best place for them to follow you?
If you're interested in this particular topic or other ones, I think the best place to go is to
check it out on LinkedIn. That's where I'll continue to write an article or two about topics like this and also share some thoughts on services
in the area that I own, which is streaming and messaging, storage, monitoring, and other areas.
Thank you so much for your time. I appreciate it.
Thanks, Corey. It's good to see you and have a great day.
Mylon Thompson-Bukovc, Vice President of Foundational Data
Services at AWS. I'm
Cloud Economist Corey Quinn, and this
is Screaming in the Cloud. If you've enjoyed
this podcast, please leave a five-star
review on your podcast platform of choice.
Whereas if you've hated this podcast, please
leave a five-star review on your podcast platform
of choice, along with an angry
comment telling me that you absolutely
can stand on two
balconies at the same time, and then hit send right before you plummet three stories down.
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