Secret Mum Club with Sophiena - The First Birthday Party!

Episode Date: March 13, 2025

It’s a full-on family affair as we celebrate Renley and Sadie turning one! With cake, chatter, and plenty of chaos, the whole gang is in the studio to mark the milestone and talk about the future. H...osted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Like parties? Ever thought what your perfect party would involve? To theme or not to theme? Are kids banned or are they only allowed to come if they dress like tiny butlers? Are you serving food or do you hate your guests? Then join me, Catherine Boehart, as I sit down with some very special guests to discuss their dream do in brand new podcast, It's My Party, all to celebrate Comic Relief's 40th birthday. No need to RSVP, it's an open invite. Just look for It's My Party on Amazon Music, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you choose to listen. Hello, this is The Secret Mom Club.
Starting point is 00:00:38 I'm Safina. And I'm Emma. And this is the family. And everyone is here because we're having a... Birthday Party! And this is the family. And everyone is here because we're having a... BIRTHDAY PARTY! Whee! Although we only have one party celebrator here. Yes.
Starting point is 00:00:54 Sadie is at home. Sadie could not make it. But we're celebrating Sadie and Renly's first birthday! Woo! Happy birthday! Happy birthday! Woo! Happy birthday! Happy birthday! Happy birthday to our little Sades as well.
Starting point is 00:01:12 God bless her. So the whole gang have come in today. Anyone want to say hello? Hello team! We got Colby, Dotcy. Obviously this is coming out when we're probably back at school so the date currently is the 19th of February. So we are officially in the school hollybobs. Yes. My child isn't here because she's at nursery. Apologies
Starting point is 00:01:37 for the absence. I've got a question for the group. Are you ready? Yes. Yes. Everyone focusing? Yes. All right. What has been your favourite moment with Renly this year? Do you want to take it in turns? Oh, my favourite moment is just that we are a family of five. Yeah. And do you know what I love the most is watching not only Renly grow, but the babies grow with him.'s really lovely and their relationship with him is so so special it's been lovely like I've got a whole new version of Dottie and Colby because Renly yeah yeah Colby probably when we went to the Babylon Park oh recently yesterday yesterday you love that did you yeah I think you love him now because he's not love him now,
Starting point is 00:02:28 but you've loved him the whole time. You play fight, don't you? Yeah. You're a manly. Or literally, they literally roll around. Colby's interaction, Colby loves to play. Well, they both love to play with him, but they've got a lovely little relationship, haven't you?
Starting point is 00:02:42 Now that he's bigger and he can do stuff and he can move around and interact with you. Yeah, they're a really fun little relationship, haven't you? Now that he's bigger and he can do stuff and he can move around and interact with you. Yeah, they're a really fun age now, aren't they? They are, they are. Chris? Um, I was surprised they were brought home, I reckon. Would you? Yeah, Sam fell off so long, didn't he, so yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:57 I think that one. And yours, Dottie Doodle? Um. What's your favorite moment when was- The first time he spoke. The first time he spoke? What is first word? Dad. Yes. It's always dad first, isn't it? Did he say dad first or yes first? Yes.
Starting point is 00:03:13 Oh yes. Yeah, yeah. Yes, yes, yes. And then dada. But he says dot now, doesn't he? We say, call Dottie, where is she? Dodd. Dodd! Dord! It's as angry as when he says mum. Mum! Mum! It's not mummering. Mum! It's not mummering, is it?
Starting point is 00:03:31 It's just mum! Mum! He's shaking his head as well. Yeah, he does your favourite dance. He does the big dirty dance. I'm going to sing his dance. Shall we do it? Yeah, let's do it.
Starting point is 00:03:41 Ready? Three, two, one. Big dirty stinking baby. Dirty stinking baby. Big dirty stinking baby. Dirty stinking baby. Big dirty stinking baby. Go on, Rene. Big dirty stinking baby. Big dirty stinking baby.
Starting point is 00:03:51 Dirty stinking baby. Big dirty stinking baby. I mean, it's like a nightclub. Woo, we are LRBIA. It's the way he gets up on one knee for as well, so that he can properly twerk. He needs to get in the right position. It's just one knee and it's one knee and it's the hands.
Starting point is 00:04:08 The hands as well. Like to feel that beat, I've got to feel that bass. Put your hands in the air like you just did. It's every time, ready? Big dirty stinking baby. Dirty stinking baby. Big dirty stinking baby. Yeah!
Starting point is 00:04:21 Dirty dirty stinking baby. Yeah! How did you teach them to do that? I didn, dirty, stinky, stinky, baby. Yay! How did you teach him to do that? I didn't. I just, we sing it. We sing it a lot. When he's having a bum change, I need him to stop still. I'm like, come on, big, dirty, stinky, stinky, baby.
Starting point is 00:04:36 Honestly, it's hours of fun. Oh my gosh. Honestly, I can tell. It's hours of fun in our house. I can see. How many times a day do you think you do that? Probably about 45,000. He's so advanced.
Starting point is 00:04:44 I just, I've recorded it now. It's? Probably about 45,000. He's so advanced. I've recorded it now. It's his white noise in his bed. He's in bed like a raven in this cot. Honestly, he does so much compared to Sadie. I actually can't get over it. Yeah, but then you're pinning down to the older two siblings, aren't you?
Starting point is 00:04:58 I do think it's because of the bigger two. I really, really do. I really do. So seeing as we have the whole family here, we're gonna do some games. Play some games. Any games? Got any games on your phones? No. Yes, I have. Okay. It's called Guess Their Future. We've got a bunch of questions. We're going to predict what we think Renly and Sadie are going to be like when they're older. Oh, okay. Are you ready? Ready.
Starting point is 00:05:25 Here we go. Shall I go first? Yeah. What job do you think Sadie and Renly will have when they are older? Renly an electrician. Oh, no. Don't need anymore electrician.
Starting point is 00:05:34 He loves cables and wires. Sadie's gonna be a doctor. A doctor? I love that for her. Holy moly. Can't he be a plumber? Because he loves the bath. Can't he be a plumber?
Starting point is 00:05:43 Plumber, we could do with a plumber. Or he could be an electrician because he loves the cables. We could do with a plumber. Or he could be an electrician because he loves the cables. He loves cables. He's chewed up. He's chewed my watch charger and Chris's charger. He loves. He chews my charger. He just chews everything, doesn't he?
Starting point is 00:05:56 Like a beaver. I think he's going to be a dancer. He's a beaver. He's a beaver. Yeah, or a dancer. He might be a dancer. I think he might be a dancer. Get him into our team.
Starting point is 00:06:04 Look at him. I know. A dancing beaver. Yeah, or for a dancer. He might be a dancer. I think he might be a dancer. Look at him. I know. A dancing beaver. Honestly. An electrician beaver. I actually think Sadie's gonna be like a gymnast or something, because she is so active. Stop picking your nose.
Starting point is 00:06:16 On camera. We see you, we see you. I think Sadie's gonna be a gymnast or something like that. Something really physical, because she's literally all over the place. She's strong. She's stretchy. She's live. Live? Is that a word? I don't know. I thought it was live. We are coming to you live. Do you want to do the next question? L-I-T-H-E. I think that's a word. Live. Live. I love how you asked me. Small. Nimble. Nimble like... I love how you ask things. Small.
Starting point is 00:06:45 She's small. I'll get nimble. Nimble, yeah. She's like very like... Like a... What's them ones that get into a little box? Yeah, contortionist. She could be, I reckon.
Starting point is 00:06:53 I nearly said a taxidermist. That's fucked me. I mean, take whatever party you want, say it. It's a little bit different. All right, what reality TV show do you think they would be on? Oh, do you know what a reality TV show is? Like, I'm a Celebr, get me out of here. Strictly.
Starting point is 00:07:06 Dancing on Ice. X Factor. Primarch. Renner's movie. Renner's will be in a Ninja Turtle movie. Ninja Turtle movie. Okay, dokey. Love that.
Starting point is 00:07:20 I don't know actually. He's crazy. I would like him to be on Dancing on Ice. Oh, yeah. Maybe you could be couples. You could couple with Renas on Dancing on Ice. Yeah. If he follows in their footsteps he might be. Yeah, maybe. She'll be like 65 when he's 35 though. She won't be 65 when he's 35. She's only six years older than him. She'll be 41 when he's 35. Holy moly. Right write the poor girl off. Jeez. Right, what show are you saying? Dad's Crime Watch?
Starting point is 00:07:49 A Ninja Taz. You're doing a Ninja Taz. So he's going to be in a film, you're saying, in bed. You could do that Bear Grylls one, where they've got to run away from you. Yeah, three Bear Grylls. Yeah. I think he'd be good in a survival show because he's very resourceful. He can do like a lot already. He can basically look after himself. I'm a celebrity, get me out of here. I think she'll be on a singing show because she's from a musical family.
Starting point is 00:08:09 I was going to say, well yeah, what do we think Sadie's going to do? I think she's going to be- A stint show probably. Yeah, yeah. X Factor. She can dance and sing. Whatever the name X Factor is.
Starting point is 00:08:17 The Vox trap's all rolled into one. I could be an ice skater. You want one like you? That's nice. I'd love her to wear those leotards you wear. They're stunning. They're stunning, aren't they? Stunning.
Starting point is 00:08:27 I feel like activities for girls though is so cutesy-patootsy, like gymnastics, the leotards. I actually, I would love to get her into like some typical like boy activities because like Stefan loves golf. I think it'd be so cool if he could go and play golf with Sadie. That would be cool. What if Jojo loves golf? Jojo might love golf. He might love dancing on arms.
Starting point is 00:08:44 He's not showing any hand-eye coordination skills at the moment. I mean, there's still time. He's only three. If they become famous, what do you think it will be for? Let's go with Sadie first. Ooh. She could, I like her face. Renly could be a comedian.
Starting point is 00:09:00 Oh, OK. And she'll be for his funniness. What we thinking of Sadie? Did you say she'll be famous for jumping out of her aeroplane in a sparkly dress? Yeah. That'd be a cool thing to be famous for. And high heels. And high heels. Wow.
Starting point is 00:09:11 She'll be a stunt woman, you're saying. Oh, wow. Yeah, she could be a stunt lady. What about you, Dad? On Bake Off. Oh, actually, yeah. Yeah, because you can bake some mean cookies. I might make that happen because I would love to know someone on Bake Off so I could eat all the cakes.
Starting point is 00:09:28 Yes. Yeah, I'm going to manifest that. You say in Bake Off for her famous... I'm going to say Bake Off or Singer because she is from the one of the Von Trapp family. She is one of the Von Trapp family. And she is related to them. So she might be an amazing musical talent.
Starting point is 00:09:40 She may be. I hope so. Or in the West End. Oh, how adorable. That would be amazing to see her in a musical. She might take after her auntie. She might. She might. She might be a dancer in the West End. Actually terrible unsociable hours though so I don't wish that for her. Did you know Emma's sister was in Wicked? She was. Emma's sister was in Wicked, dancing. She was a green bearded man. Do you remember them? She was one of the green bearded men on Stilts. That was Hayley. It's true, true story. Not even vivid. Deadly serious.
Starting point is 00:10:10 You think Renly's going to be a comedian maybe? Yeah, very funny. He's funny. He might invent something. He might invent something. He might be the next... Albert Einstein. I was thinking Sherlock Holmes. Glad you butted in there. I asked the other day who was alive. Christopher Columbus. be the next? Albert Einstein. Yeah I was thinking Sherlock Holmes glad you but I didn't then.
Starting point is 00:10:25 I asked the other day who was alive Christopher Columbus I don't know who he was. He'll be near Armstrong. I asked somebody if he was alive and they looked at me like. Might be me. No not for a very long time. Not for a while. Right. Oh if they were a character in a film what kind of role would they play? I think he'd be Winnie the Pooh and just eat all the honey. No, this would... guess the animal. Er... a dog? Yes. Wearing up a lamppost.
Starting point is 00:10:53 Yes! Got it. You look like Buddy the Elf today. Buddy the Elf, what's your favourite colour? Right, so you think he's going to be famous in a movie for being a dog wearing up a lamppost? Or not famous, but you think he's going to be a dog in a movie wearing up a lamppost? Or a ninja tatter? I think he'll be in a SpongeBob movie, I don't know. SpongeBob?
Starting point is 00:11:16 What about Sadie Dutty? What do you think? Wicked. Wicked number three. What are we going for? The Castle Lady and the Tramp? Should it be an elephant? Dumbo?
Starting point is 00:11:24 Oh, that is cute. Yeah. Yeah. Dumbo. Number three. What are we going for the castle lady and the tramp? Should be an elephant. Dumbo. Oh, cute. Oh, that is cute. Yeah, nice. Dumbo and Timmy. Timothy. Timothy.
Starting point is 00:11:35 Dumbo and the little owl. Oh, I love that. Colby. Cute, cute. Sorry, just get a muff in my face. Teenage mutant, ninja turtles, turtles in a half shell. I thought it was heroes. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
Starting point is 00:11:51 Teenage Mutant Ninja Heroes? We're not in our turtles area. I think probably also Dumbo maybe. Do you? And Sadie? Yeah, no, I mean Sadie Dumbo. Sorry, sorry. What do you think? She's going to be in a film. Something cheeky.
Starting point is 00:12:10 Angelina Ballerina. Minions. They could both be Minions. Yeah, she's quite mischievous. We call him Dennis the Menace. Dirty stinking baby. Big dirty stinking baby. Dirty dirty stinking baby. Big dirty stinking baby. Dirty dirty stinking, big dirty stinking baby.
Starting point is 00:12:26 Dirty stinking baby, big dirty stinking baby. Dirty dirty stinking. Honestly, are you sick of it yet? I reckon you go home and try it with Sadie. But that time when I did that trend and I held Riley up and his legs kicked and Sadie was just like this. That's exactly what happened. You'll go home and go, big dirty stinking baby. She'll be like, she'll just look at me like,
Starting point is 00:12:46 yeah, no, she's got resting bitch face like me. So she'll just look at me like, mom, what are you talking about? Yeah. Shut the fuck up. Yeah. Right. If you've made it through this whole episode, again, you deserve an award because I don't know what we're
Starting point is 00:12:58 going to salvage from this. You should go into archives and never see the light of day. But it's not. So you're welcome. But before's not, so you're welcome. But before we go, it'll be rude not to. We've got to sing Happy Birthday. And we've got to have some cake. Ready?
Starting point is 00:13:12 Let's do it! Happy birthday to you and Sadie. Happy birthday to you and Sadie. Happy birthday to Renly and Sadie. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Yay! Should I try and get Renny's?
Starting point is 00:13:34 Hold on then. Ready Renny's? 3, 2, 1, go! Go! Yay! So thank you everyone for coming to celebrate our babies turning one! What a year it's been and as always we'd love to hear from you so if you have any secrets, correspondence or just want to say hello you can drop us a message the email is hello at
Starting point is 00:13:58 or we're Secret Mum Pod on TikTok and Instagram. And we'll see you next time when my muff is back on the Secret Mum Pod on TikTok and Instagram. And we'll see you next time, when my muff is back, on the... Secret Mum Club! We made it! We made it! Wow! What a fucking nightmare. do in brand new podcast It's My Party, all to celebrate Comic Relief's 40th birthday.
Starting point is 00:14:45 No need to RSVP, it's an open invite. Just look for It's My Party on Amazon Music, Apple Podcasts or wherever you choose to listen.

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