Secret Mum Club with Sophiena - The Nighttime Nugget
Episode Date: March 11, 2025Emma’s got a helping hand around the house this week, and Soph opens up in her secret of the week. As always the ladies are on hand to help with your secrets too, as one mum battles with putting her... little one in a pram whilst another mum is traumatised by their toddler's choice of cuddly toy. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Like parties? Ever thought what your perfect party would involve? To theme or not to theme?
Are kids banned or are they only allowed to come if they dress like tiny butlers? Are you serving food or do you hate your guests?
Then join me, Catherine Beauxhart, as I sit down with some very special guests to discuss
their dream do in brand new podcast, It's My Party, all to celebrate Comic Relief's
40th birthday.
No need to RSVP, it's an open invite. Just look for It's My Party on Amazon Music, Apple Podcasts or wherever you choose to listen.
Hello, this is the Secret Momma Club. I'm Safina.
And I'm Emma.
I am Safina.
And I am Emma.
I am the, I'm not the only Safina.
Safina official.
We can't even say that no more. I'm not the Safina.
No, because of baby Safina in America. Baby Safina. I hope she's doing good. But you are. We're the only Safina. Safina official. We can't even say that anymore. I'm not the Safina. No, because of baby Safina in America.
Baby Safina.
But you are.
I hope she's doing good.
You're the only Safina underscore official.
I think of her a lot.
Do you?
Yeah, I do.
This podcast is a safe space for moms everywhere.
A safe space to share our secrets.
Because we all have secrets, don't we?
And as we know, sharing is caring.
You don't even have to tell us who you are.
You give that to yourself, you can be anonymous.
And all those secrets can be serious or silly. All secrets are welcome in the Secret Bum Club.
Perfect. Honestly, if we don't get a hit record, I think we could bring out a Christmas tune.
If we don't get a record deal. Christmas jingle. Do you think? Yeah.
I think it would be fabulous.
Speaking of record deals, have you seen the Boyzone documentary?
No, my friend though, big up Jen, because Jen does listen to this.
Jen has a, dare I say, a weird obsession.
With Boyzone?
With Boyzone.
Not just Boyzone, just one man.
You knew. Do you know Jen? She's Jen with two N's. No. Ronan. No. Shane. Yes.
You knew.
Do you know Jen?
She's Jen with two N's.
We love little Jen.
Listen, if you've got a, I'm here for the obsession of people, but I've never actually
met someone with the love that Jen has for Shane.
And still, even when Boyz II weren't going, she still loves him.
I'm talking Monday at football. That's where we're here.
We're here today at this point.
In the here and now.
She loves Shane Lynch.
She will leave her husband.
She will leave her husband for him.
She adores the man.
She bought even more, she bought a t-shirt
just because he had the t-shirt.
She wanted to match him.
I love her for it though.
Has she ever met him?
Written to him?
Yeah, yeah.
He messages her back.
He messages her back on her comments on his Instagram.
Yeah, she's-
They might go somewhere.
Which she's married, we don't want to forget about her husband.
She would be sister-in-law's with the bewitched girls.
Sailor V!
Cause they're all siblings, aren't they?
I went with the wrong tune then, didn't I?
No, they're not.
They are.
Shane Lynch's sisters are in Bewitched.
Two of them.
I bet Jen knows that.
Adele and Kevey, if I'm not mistaken.
Stop it. Roller coaster, come bet, I bet Jen knows that. Adele and Kevy if I'm not mistaken.
Stop it. Yep. Rollercoaster come on, don't wanna wake up. Obviously we love those girls.
We're actually close personal friends with them. They follow us on Instagram after we
did the rollercoaster video. Stop it. I actually fangirl. I fangirl that. I haven't actually
told Jen, Jen, if you're listening to this, I'm friends with the bewitched girls. I could
get in. The fifth and sixth members.
Then I might be baby sister-in-law. Sorry, Chrissy. Double denim. You're in your double
denim. I was in my double denim. Was it double denim yesterday? No, it was the other week.
Yes, it went for a cream jeans. Sorry. Yes. Cream jeans. It was double denim. You're right.
But a cream jeans. Anyway, yes. Boys and bewitched tangent. I actually haven't watched it, but
I did actually find a clip on social media
that was incredibly sad.
Was it a bit about Stephen Gateley?
It was about Stephen Gateley.
I didn't understand.
I loved him when I was younger.
He was my one out of the group that I fancied.
So your thoughts on that then,
so when you watch Louis' reaction,
like it was his sister, wasn't it,
that would react to the article.
Because I haven't watched the documentary.
So all I've seen in the clip is Ronan very choked up
about the article coming out.
Yes, Ronan gets very upset.
And then Shane's, sorry.
Louis. Louis.
No, it was his sister.
Oh, his sister, Stephen's sister.
Stephen's sister.
Gets really upset.
And then Louis laughing.
Well, the insinuation is that somebody,
the insinuation is that Louis Walsh leaked to the press
that Stephen Gaately was gay.
Louis Walsh says, no, I didn't do that,
but somebody leaked it to the press
and then it all came out in the Sun.
But Stephen Gately like lived in fear
that he was gonna be outed as gay
because it was a different time back then.
I think he thought if people knew he was gay,
it was gonna like ruin his career.
And he didn't wanna come out,
but he was forced to do this like big thing
in the Sun newspaper,
because this is something we talk about.
Someone was gonna out him.
We talk about a lot, don't we?
I can't fathom in my head,
who really gives a fuck who somebody loves?
Like, it doesn't matter now who we're loving in this world,
if we're not doing any harm to anybody,
who gives a flying fucking shit?
Like it really bothers me even, even back then, like even years ago, like I don't understand,
I can't, I can't grasp in my head the hatred that people have for somebody else living their life,
like somebody else loving somebody that's another woman or another man. Like it really bothers me.
And I would, do you know what I would have fucking hate
to be now like us now back then.
Oh, I know.
Yeah, yeah.
This was like in the mid nineties,
like people weren't,
although he actually said when he did come out,
like it was an amazing reaction.
Like the fans were really supportive and stuff,
but yeah, he was like.
And what makes me sad is people living in,
not living their full life, like living.
Living a lie.
Yeah, living a lie.
That really bothers me.
That makes me really, really sad.
And I find it really upsetting that people
don't live their life the way that they would like to do
because they are scared.
That really frightens me.
And I know, you know, I know there's people out there
that are not as accepting, sorry, of this situation. And I get that because
we're all entitled to our own opinions, but never should we be hurting anybody or making
any horrible allegations, name calling, nothing. This shouldn't be happening in this world,
should it?
You like to think it's better now.
But it's not.
But how crazy is this?
When he was coming out in like the mid 90s,
being gay had only just become legal in Ireland.
So before, a few years before that, it was illegal.
That's why he was so scared about coming out.
Which is wild.
It's crazy.
I can't, and again, I can't fathom it in my head.
Why is it illegal?
What harm are they doing?
We're all human, we all bleed exactly the same. It's unbelievable, isn't it? I just can't fathom it in my head. Why is it illegal? What harm are they doing? We're all human.
We all bleed exactly the same.
And that's what I can't.
I just can't fathom.
I don't think I'll ever fathom it in my head
that I will ever understand.
I will never understand anything.
I will never understand discrimination to another human
if it's not your life.
You can't have an opinion on somebody else's life
when it's not yours.
Have your own opinion on your own life, but you can't make judgment on other people.
I know.
It's really sad.
I felt really sorry for you.
Oh, the clips were, the clips were emotional to watch.
I won't lie.
Yeah, really sad.
Anyway, I digress.
I haven't got around to watching the docu-, you've watched it.
I've watched it. It's something I've actually watched.
I think Jen's watched it three times.
I signed up to Now TV just to watch it.
Stop it.
I know.
Is it on Now TV? I thought it was.
It's on Sky, I think, but I haven't got Sky.
Oh, I don't have Sky.
Oh, what should I do?
But I would recommend.
I'll go to Jen's.
That's what I've been doing this week.
I've actually had time to do some stuff for myself
because Stefan's parents have been down
helping us look after the kids.
So that's been really nice.
Which has been so lovely.
If you had some time to chill, relax.
Well, I don't really have time to chill ever
when the kids are there, but-
Chilling out, maxing, relaxing. They've been there doing all my washing. It's really good. His mum does all my washing and
his dad does all the cooking. So that's really... But you do moan at his dad for the way he cooks
in your kitchen. He's messy. He's messy AF. But... Does he listen to the podcast? No. So I think we
should be all right as long as this doesn't become a social clip. Because you probably will see it on
Instagram. Put it in compliance. You can air it, but don't put that clip in there.
No, we're grateful for him though.
He's great. He's really great.
Like I got back from a long day at work.
I was freezing cold and he's like, made me a lovely chicken casserole,
gives me a glass of wine.
He's like, you know, it's wine and a dynamite, takes all his clothes off.
Spent Valentine's with him, didn't you?
You take all my clothes.
No, I'm joking.
He baths me, scrubs my back.
Puts me to bed, gives me a little back tickle.
It's a lovely arrangement, you know?
Every Valentine's Day, I hope this tradition never ends.
I know, it's going to have to continue for the rest of our days.
It'd be weird now if I don't see him on Valentine's Day.
I might be having a romantic dinner with Stefan, but I'd be like, where's your dad?
Where's your dad?
He really does bathe me so good. Can you wash me like your dad washes me?
He's such a good cook though and Stefan shits.
Is he? I don't think you've ever told me this.
He doesn't cook really. He doesn't really do anything.
Doesn't take the fucking bins out, leaves his washing around the house.
He doesn't fuck around.
Listen, why have you kept Stefan?
I don't know why I need...
This should come with a manual before...
I don't need a man.
I don't need a man. this should come with a manual before. I don't need a man.
You should.
It should come with a warning.
He doesn't.
Honestly, I married him thinking maybe he'll be like his dad.
No, but did you know his dad first?
He is following in the footsteps of his dad's got a very full head of hair.
So I know that Stefan's always going to have great hair.
So that's good.
That's the priority.
He doesn't take the bins out.
He can't fucking could,
but my lord, he's got on a full head of hair.
Great head of hair at the age of what, 65?
I mean, I've got that to look forward to.
That's exciting for you.
But you can't cook me dinner.
I think I would take a bald head for a good casserole.
Would you?
Yeah, good roasty dinner.
Yeah, I'm a good roasty.
No, they've been really helpful and it's been nice.
They've actually been like helping in the night.
You are a lucky little devil at the moment
because you've got, not only have you had them up this week,
you're going to see mom.
I'm going back to see my mom.
I know.
I was thinking, I've sent you, wasn't I?
Does this sound really lame to the nursery teacher?
I was like, kids won't be in next week
because Stefan's away for a week,
so I'm moving back in my parents
to get some support with the kids.
She's probably like, what?
You're a 36 year old woman, look after your own fucking...
I still need my parents.
She went, what, the whole week?
I went, yes.
Yeah, yes.
I'm bringing in enforcement.
Is it enforcement?
Yeah, enforcement.
Royal, Royal, Royal, what?
I need backup.
Oh my God, I've got the hiccups now.
Royal enforcement.
Royal enforcement?
Royal in the forcement. What? Anywho, we're getting back up. We need back up. Sister needs back up. Yeah, so that's
what I'm doing. But she probably thought pathetic. She would probably thought just leave them in the
nursery for a week. Yeah. Well, she's still getting paid, so it's no harm done. No harm done. She's
still got to pay when they're not there. And you go, do you? Yeah. You're joking.
No, because I mean, it's not like her fault.
Like they're booked in and I've just chosen to take them out for a week.
So it's a bit of a sort of a hit on the old finances, but I can't do a week on my own.
I didn't know that.
I generally didn't know that.
And often when the nursery takes holiday, you still have to pay.
I think it's, I think it's been so long since I've put them into, well, I did preschool.
That's free though, isn't it?
Yeah, from three, but I'd put Dottie in early.
Oh, I didn't know you could do that.
Yeah, but I paid.
I paid for her place to go into preschool.
Some schools have something attached,
like where you can pay to send them.
But also it's the September after they turn three.
So I can't do preschool for Joseph until September,
even though he's three already,
because it's like the next term.
So actually by then I'm like-
Which I think was Colby, wasn't he?
Cause he was August.
Well, he would have gone straight in at like three,
two, yeah, a month later.
A month later.
So yeah, so that's been, that's been my week.
Mine has been well.
We were in London.
You've been in London town, haven't you?
We're still in London now, aren't we?
Cause we're here recording in London. 10 London. But yeah, we London town, haven't you? We're still in London now, aren't we? Yeah. Because we're here recording in London.
10. But yeah, we went to...
We've had a fun week. Yeah.
We went to Babylon. Yes.
I feel like it was the highlight of the week. Babylon.
Babylon. I did walk down a really scary road, though, won't lie.
Fascinated by the road.
The children were fascinated by the man that said, help a punk get drunk.
To be fair, he was having the time of his life.
Well, he was collecting money to get drunk. He was L.I.V. Yeah, I think so. I mean, be honest. Don't say that you're doing it for
anything else. To be fair, the atmosphere was great.
Electric. It was popping.
Yeah. It was slightly scary at points.
What time of day were you walking down there? We walked down there at about four and I think
we left at eight. Wow, it took you four hours to get down the
whole road. Well, no, because we went down and then we went into Babylon
and then we walked around like a little cutesy,
patootsy little boutique shoppies that were under like-
In Camden.
Camden Market.
And found food stalls.
Yeah, yeah.
Oh, it was really beautiful.
So we did that really late at night.
But we were fascinated by all the shops had like,
there was one with a converse out of it.
There was one with like a boo out of it. Oh they've got like cool shop fronts.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Right above the shops.
And I wanted to film them.
It's quite famous for shopping that at Camden.
I wanted to film them, but it was too late at night. It was so dark.
And then because we were so heads down trying to get through the busy street when we were walking down.
It's hectic there, isn't it?
It was too dark when we come back out.
But you had a good time.
We had a roller coaster inside.
Renner's went on his first ride.
Renner's went on his first ride.
Honestly, he had the time of his life.
The man looked at me and he went, can I just take a moment to just say how incredibly friendly,
they were so incredibly friendly in there and so helpful and so sweet.
I don't think you get that back at home.
I don't know what was going on there.
People always say people in London are extremely rude. so helpful and so sweet. I don't think you get that back at home. I don't know what was going on there.
People always say people in London are extremely rude.
No, the man on the roller coaster was just utterly the sweetest man. There was a man
on the, there was like a little, is it a carousel? I don't know what it was, like a little one
going round. And he was chuckling at me because I didn't understand that I had to tap it twice.
And he was just like, it was so loud and then he was like, tap it twice. And he was just like, it was so loud. And then he was like, tap it twice.
And I was like, yeah, they go around twice.
And he was like, no, tap it.
I was like, I'm so sorry.
But it was just really lovely in there.
Then when we took Renny's on the car,
the guy-
Was he tall enough to go on it?
Was there no like minimum height?
No, and it was the only one that didn't say,
cause I did read the signs and I said to the guy,
look, if he's not allowed, please,
I don't want to get you in trouble for like your job or anything like that, but don't let him on
if he's not allowed. But there was no sign, the sign said four and above, like on most of the
little rides and it didn't have a sign on it. And he was like, can he sit on his own? I was like,
yeah, yeah, he can sit on his own. But he said on the ride, no adults. So I said, can his sister
go in with him? Because there was two bikes that you had to sit on the bike or there was a little
car. So he was like, oh yeah, that's fine. Like if she's going to sit with him because there was two bikes that you had to sit on the bike or there was a little car so he was like oh yeah that's fine like if she's gonna sit with him so bless the man
buckled up rent his little seatbelt I was dying I couldn't go he was having the time of his life
when he was trying to reach the wheel he was like riding off this bitch I'm taking this car he was
rolling the wheel honestly he had the time of his life. We went on the indoor roller coaster. Dottie had a field day. That looks so good. Let me tell you
that it's a lot faster than it looks. That went so hella fast. Dottie was like, oh yeah like this.
Colby didn't go on it. Colby didn't go on it. No. Do you know what? Is he not a fan of rides? No,
no he's not really a fan of the roller coasters. At one point, Doddy was like, look at Dan Colby.
They look like little rats.
I was like, cut that out of the video.
That's a bit cruel.
I think she just meant because they were so little.
Tiny, yes.
But no, it was really good.
It was really good fun.
So we've done a lot.
We've done work.
We've seen the sights of London.
We've been to Babylon.
We have visited the office. We've seen everybody at the office, we've been to Babylon, we have visited the office,
we've seen everybody at the office.
So no, it's been a,
we've got, I've got to see the accountant after this today.
So that's not so fun.
But it's always a joy to see the accountant
because he's a wonderful, wonderful man.
So I'm definitely mixed business with pleasure this week.
Yes, you've packed loads in.
We've crammed in a lot.
We have crammed in a lot.
Terrible sleep though, we're both knackered, aren't we? We're shattered. I'm not going to lie. First night was great, second
night not so, not so great. I think it was because we missed the window. We missed the
sleeping window. Did he have a late night? He did have a late night. Went down like a
dream. So funny though when you put them down late. I will say something mental that I've
noticed about the third baby is fuck, I can't calm him down. Once he cries, right, he does not stop crying.
Even with a dummy?
Oh God, he just says, ah, ah, ah.
An hour and I was like, right, do you know what?
I'm going to go and make his milk because I can't do this anymore.
Stood in the little kitchenette in the hotel, filling up the kettle because we're old. Something news for you.
We're on the we went we peaked early. I'm on the cows milk. You're gone. Oh, yeah. I'm
wondering when I can pull the trigger. I pulled the trigger. We did do 11 months in a week.
I pulled the trigger and I did it. And you know what? He's taking it like a dream. I
don't think he'd even take formula now. So there's no lactose problems. No, well, I don't
know. We're still not having a solid stool. We've not got back. But I think it'd even take formula now. So there's no lactose problems. No, well, I don't know. We're still not having a solid stool.
We've not got back, but I think it's the teeth.
We're in the midst of teething.
The boy's throwing in teeth, but there's no tomorrow.
And I think we've had solid poos.
We have had solid poos.
So at the moment we're on the soft stalls.
We've been there for a while.
I don't see the solid coming back anytime soon.
Cause he doesn't really have a high fiber diet.
We're going for a balanced diet.
We truck in a happy meal every now and again, you know? Sure. You know, keep it real,
real balanced. Yeah. But he just doesn't stop crying. Do you know what? I think that's what I
was trying to- Oh, that's where I was going with that. Got up, made a milk, stood in there for a
good 11 minutes, boiling the kettle, sat there with it in the hot water for it to go, to go a
little bit warm. Come back in these two snuggling up, snoring their heads off.
Colleen and Dottie.
No, Chris and Brenna's.
So I was like, what the fuck,
I even made Chris a cup of tea.
And just delivered it and just stood there like,
you mother fucker.
Two sleeping babies.
Got a very cutesy picture of them.
Oh, God.
It's divine.
You've always got to.
Oh God, I can't handle it.
Whenever I send it to my sister and I'm like,
just ignore Chris in this photo.
Brenna's looks really cute. Is he naked?
No, he's not naked, but I just think it's weird that I've sent a picture of my brother-in-law
to her while he sleeps.
Here's your sleeping brother-in-law.
Although I'd welcome a sleeping picture of my brother-in-law.
Would you?
Yeah, I love James.
I think that's why I'm scared to give up the boob in all honesty, you know, just because
I know it can keep Sadie so quiet.
I don't think even a boob in his face would have helped him at this point.
Well, probably not Renly. Chris maybe.'t think even a boob in his face would have helped him at this point. Well, probably not Renly.
No, Chris maybe.
If I put,
he'll take your boob in his face.
If I put my boobs in Renly's mouth,
he might be like, what?
But for Sadie,
Chris will be like, what?
He's like,
he's like,
Get those tears out of my face.
I hardly know you, but I'll take it.
No, Sadie obviously, she loves it.
She loves it.
She loves it still.
She loves them boobs. I need to shut her up sometimes quick, sharp.
So I'm just like, do you know what?
We've been co-sleeping a lot to be honest.
Oh, do you know what?
We're not making any-
You're on the cusp of a year old like this.
What if you don't have another one?
I know.
It's gonna happen.
But you know, it might not.
We're not making any headway on the like
sleeping on our own.
Through the, sleeping on our own
through the night in the car.
No, I mean, obviously not because I'm in bed
with my baby all night long and I actually kind of love it.
You know, Stefan's not invited.
She does in the kitchen while she's cooking the Spagpale.
I'm not cooking.
No, Stefan's dad is in the kitchen with Emma.
She's pregnant.
Exactly. Oh Christ.
That'd be a bit much, wouldn't it? Surprise. Oh Christ imagine it.
I'm so tired.
I'm actually delirious.
I think I say that on every episode.
I'll take your chicken casserole rich and nothing else.
I'll take your casserole dick, but I won't take your dick.
Isn't dick short for Richard?
It is. Yeah. He doesn't go by dick though.
No, I don't. Is there any people that do go by dick?
Dick Van Dyke.
What a wonderful man.
Worst Cockney accent ever.
Listen, don't say that about dick. Fucking hell, yours is shit.
I know.
I love you all the time, Sadie.
You're not even gonna keep loving all the time, Sadie.
Big up, Sadie, you cheeky girl.
So yeah, that's where we're at. All right. If you've managed to get through this episode this far,
please put a comment in the comment section.
Drop a heart in the comments.
Can you comment on the comment?
I don't even know who I am anymore.
Are you okay?
No, I'm not okay.
I'm Delulu.
I've dropped my chair a little bit and I feel like I'm eating muff.
I used to tell people when I was a child I was a muff diver.
What did you think it meant?
I was dolphin, swimming with dolphins.
I thought it was a breed of dolphin.
I say I was out, I've told the world, I don't think I've ever told Chris that.
People I used to snorkel in a pool all the time.
When I used to go on holiday when I was a child, I spent my life in the pool.
You asked my mum, she used to say I was a dolphin or a mermaid because all killer
whale because sometimes just squirt all the water out of the pool. I used to say to children
in the pool, they used to go, what are you doing? I'm like, I'm a muff diver. And I used
to go in with my snorkel.
Anywho, Emma and I really want to hear from you.
Yeah, we want you to join us in the Secret Mum Club.
You're all welcome.
You can share your secrets with us, respond to what we've been talking about or just say,
You can find us on TikTok and Instagram.
Just search for Secret Mum Pod or you can email us at hello.
I see you think you know my lines.
I don't.
Sorry, I didn't look.
I didn't look.
Fuck it up.
Hello at
Correct. Thank you. I got there.
Took me a bit of time. like tiny butlers. Are you serving food or do you hate your guests? Then join me, Catherine
Beauxhart, as I sit down with some very special guests to discuss their dream do in brand
new podcast, It's My Party, all to celebrate Comic Relief's 40th birthday. No need to RSVP,
it's an open invite. Just look for It's My Party on Amazon Music, Apple Podcasts or wherever
you choose to listen.
Right. Are you ready for another?
Correspondence corner.
We were well off then, weren't we?
It's exhaustion.
We're tired.
Take it away, my gal.
All right.
This one says, hi ladies.
It's Eden from the Poonami cruise secret.
Oh yeah.
Remember the Swedish cruise? Yes. Storm's dad did manage to buy some children's Eden from the Poonami cruise secret. Oh yeah, remember the Swedish cruise?
Storm's dad did manage to buy some children's clothes
on the cruise.
Stop it.
It felt like it took an eternity,
but when he arrived back to the bathroom
with a Moomin outfit, I nearly cried with relief.
I will never leave the house without spare clothes again,
even if it's just a quick pop to the shops.
Lots of love Eden and Storm.
Oh, I love that.
I was expecting a P&O Cruises.
Is it P&O?
It was some fancy cruise.
Welcome to the 70s.
Also, they love a Moomin because Moomin.
What is Moomin?
Moomin's the TV show.
Used to be on when we were little.
I think it's like,
ooh, ooh.
It's like Swedish or Finnish or something.
I'm thinking of Macapacca.
Why have I got him in my head?
You sounded like the Clangers then.
Oh, it's Clangers.
Ooh, ooh. Oh, him. You know. the Clangers then. Oh, with Clangers. Woo woo.
Oh, him.
You know.
I know him. The Moomin.
I never watched that though.
No, but I know that they're like Scandinavian
because we got Joseph a Moomin toy
from the airport in Helsinki.
I think they're-
My mom loves the Clangers.
Yeah, it's still on.
Do you know it's still on?
Yeah, it's on CBeebies.
It's on CBeebies, yeah.
Yeah, it's on CBeebies.
It's in that nice stretch of evening run of programs on CBeebies. It's in that nice stretch of evening run of programs
on CBeebies.
It's time to say goodnight.
It's the end of a lovely day.
That song came on when I was with Sadie the other day.
CBeebies, will you have us for a night time read?
I nearly cried.
Only if Tom's there.
I nearly cried at that song.
Did you?
Goodbye, son.
Now that the day is done, it's gonna be nighttime soon.
Because I watched that evening schedule of See Bebe's
all the time with Joseph when he was little,
like every night and we used to wind down to bed,
we'd watch Moon and Me, we'd watch In the Night Garden
and then the nighttime song would come on
and then we'd go to bed.
But I'd never really watched it with Sadie
because we'd been watching older programs
because of Joseph or we've just been playing.
Or we put Netflix on.
Or not, yeah, or we've not had the telly on or whatever.
But the other day I was at home with her on my own.
I was like, I'm gonna put the CBB schedule on again.
I haven't watched it since like Joseph was little.
Oh gosh.
Watched all the evening programs
and then the nighttime song came on
that I used to sing with Joseph when he was really little.
And I was like, and now I'm singing it to Sadie
and I probably haven't done it for like two years
and it made me really sad and I was like, oh no. I singing it to Sadie and I probably haven't done it for like two years and it made me really sad and I started to joke.
I have no joke.
That is so sad.
I know.
Oh my gosh.
It was like nice but also I was like.
Do they still have 64, 64, 64, so you're late?
Oh, that's a long difference.
That's really aged you, isn't it?
With your eight year old child.
There's some with a hump and some with a lump.
No. And some that are quite a little bit plump.
64, 64, 64, zero leg.
Love that one.
That was my favorite one.
I haven't heard of that one.
She's come out of her little window at night time
because she'd wait for everyone to go to bed
and then she'd go, because she lived in the zoo.
I think she lived in the zoo.
But she'd go down the giraffe's neck.
Aw. Yeah.
Love that.
So nostalgic. So nostalgic.
So nostalgic.
Thank you to Eden and Storm.
Thank you Eden for messaging in and I'm glad you didn't have a naked baby on the cruise.
And she was, I mean, chilly on them.
Chilla willies.
So you can get in touch with us on anything at all.
Yeah, it can be serious or silly and you can be totally anonymous.
Because between us, we've probably heard it all before and remember.
We're all in this together and we know that we are, we're all stars and we see that.
Pop it like it, poke a dot in.
He's okay.
He's the louder you are, the better.
He sleeps on the tube.
Oh, fine.
That's wild.
Isn't it?
Are you ready?
Here is my secret of the week.
Come on.
Do you know what, right?
This is gonna be an honesty hour.
Honesty hour secret, I don't really know.
We are a year on for Mr. Renly.
Over a year now.
This has been recorded before his first birthday.
We're pre-recording.
But I think by now he'll be one.
But by the time you listen,
it would have fully been his birthday.
Do you know what?
I don't feel myself. You don know what, I don't feel myself.
You don't still?
I still don't feel myself.
In what way?
Do you know what, right, I sat there the other day
and I thought, because obviously people are so incredibly
kind to say, you look like you're doing really well,
you seem really confident.
And although I am, I'm very confident
is who I am as a person,
but I just don't feel,
I feel like there's just something
that is just not come back.
Like I find myself very lonely, even though I'm not alone.
And I-
Because you're always surrounded by people.
Yeah, always surrounded by people.
And I just don't know, I can't put my finger on it
as to how this time I've really struggled to go back.
And I don't know whether that's because
I feel so torn between everybody. Like I feel torn between Colby and Dottie obviously, because
they're both at school and they need a lot of my time. And obviously I feel guilty when I have to
help Renly because he needs my help because he's a baby and then having enough time to
because he needs my help because he's a baby and then having enough time to be there for Chris and be a partner and be there for him as well as my nieces and my nephew. Like I
love being so active in their lives and being around for them. Also being around for my
sister and my mum and my dad and my brother-in-law. And I think, I just feel like I'm really,
really torn and because I feel
so torn, because everybody wants so much time with Renly, like he's the baby of the family,
he's the baby of seven. And I'm making sure that he has time with Colby and Dottie. And
then he's having time with his cousins because they want to see him. And my sister wants
to see him because he's her baby too. He's everybody's baby, you know? And I'm just feeling like
I'm so lost in all of this that I don't feel like I've thought about myself. And I sat
there the other day and I was just like, I don't think I've ever, I don't think it's
so long I've actually thought about myself and I feel like I've just not got myself back.
Does that make sense? Like some days I go through the whole day and I don't actually remember the day.
Is it because you haven't got like time for yourself to like do stuff for yourself?
Yeah, I don't know whether it's because I've worked the whole-
This time.
This has been different to Colby and Dottie, hasn't it?
Yeah, because I didn't start doing social media until Dottie was 18 months, nearly two,
and Colby was three, nearly four.
I think because I didn't do social media and I didn't work,
I just get divided, they had my undivided attention.
I think with Renly, because I've worked through
the whole of the pregnancy and then worked
literally from the get-go, because I'm trying to do,
maybe because I'm trying to do a lot.
Trying to do too much, you think?
Trying to have a lot.
No, I don't know if it's too much because I don't feel,
it's like you're caught between a rock and a hard place.
And I think you would agree with me in the sense of,
this is right now the opportunity that we have
is like life-changing, like to be able to do this,
to be able to work.
And I know there's a lot of people who say,
this isn't a normal job or my,
maybe my job as not an influencer, a social media.
Person that creates videos.
Not a personal, I don't think that's a good one.
Yeah, I just like creating and sharing my life with people.
Maybe because I have this incredible opportunity,
which I'm so incredibly grateful for.
I think because I've thrown myself into it
and that it's not gonna be forever.
Like this isn't my forever job.
Obviously the podcast.
You just don't wanna leave alive.
There's no get rid of that.
Because I want to take as many opportunities as possible
and also give Chris an opportunity
to be at home with the children
and he's a stay at home dad.
We're very much opposite worlds, you know?
Normally dad goes to work and mom stays home.
I had that with Colby and Dottie.
Obviously I'm still at home as well.
And I don't know whether it's because of that,
because I don't feel like I'm,
I guess my content has maybe taken a dip
because I will very much throw myself into being mum
and living in the moment.
But it's just some days I just get through the day
and I'm just like, I didn't eat today.
Or some days I don't shower.
Like I can go like to-
Do you think it's that you're not looking
after yourself enough?
Yeah, maybe, maybe enough.
But I don't know, it's not that I feel sad
because I don't, well, I do cry a lot,
but then that's, that's normal for you.
That's very normal for me.
I do cry a lot anyway.
I just don't know what it is.
I can't put my finger on it.
I just sat there the other day and I was just like,
I haven't eaten much in the last couple of days.
I haven't washed my hair for like three weeks.
And people say, why do you wear a hat?
Why are you wearing a hat?
Because I can't be bothered to wash my hair.
I'll bathe my body, but I'm not.
Yeah, and I don't know, I don't know why.
It's hard, it's hard to fit it all in.
And it's hard to like.
This is definitely the one I've struggled the most with.
And I would say, Renlee is slotted in the easiest
and been the easiest baby.
Maybe this is just what it's like being a mom of three.
Being a working mom of three.
There's just not a lot of time to do other stuff.
But I guess it's normal, isn't it? Like this is, well, being a working mom of three. There's just not a lot of time to do other stuff.
But I guess it's normal, isn't it?
Like this is, well, I'm hoping it's normal for everybody.
I think so, yeah, I think so.
Like I feel the same way.
I feel more lost.
Maybe that's the word I'm looking for.
I feel more-
Do you think you feel like sad, sadder
that this is your last baby as well?
Yeah, I think with the approach of the first baby,
first birthday, being that he's our last baby,
being that I want to absorb so much.
And I think I'm really sad as to how fast it's gone.
And I, looking back on the last year,
actually frightens me as how fast that has actually gone.
It makes me feel really, really sick.
And I feel like I'm constantly in a battle with myself. It's
like, I didn't do enough. We haven't done enough. I haven't been here enough. I haven't
seen enough. I didn't take enough videos. I didn't take enough photos. I'm so very
much living in the moment of life that I don't take photos. And like, when I go out with
my sister, my sister takes so many videos and so many photos and I get home and I'm
like, I haven't taken anything. And I know it's all here.
And I know it's all in the baby's minds,
but I beat myself up so much about it because I'm like,
haven't documented this.
Like I'm never gonna be able to look back at this moment.
And I feel like the whole year I've looked,
I can't look back and say, gosh,
I've got all of these photos and all of this stuff
because it's all in my mind.
Do you know what I mean?
At least you have the memories though.
And I think you do probably document more
than you think you do.
You share like videos of Renly walking or,
you know, you've got all the milestones.
Like even looking back at like photos of like
when we were saying in the NICU unit and things now,
like even looking back like a couple of weeks ago,
I looked back and I'm like,
don't ever recognize that person.
Like I don't look at a photo and just see myself.
Do you know what I mean?
And it's not even like anything visually about myself.
It's more just-
But like physically you've been taking care of yourself,
haven't you?
Yeah, I try my best to do as much as I can.
Doing exercise and stuff.
But am I really bothered?
No, I'm not really bothered about what I look like.
This is the thing, I just can't put my finger on what it is.
Because you'd look at you and be like, you look really healthy.
You're smashing it.
And that's what I hate about social media is I think it gives such a false impression.
Yeah. And even though I, when I'm on my social media, I'm always really, really honest. But
being that I can't get onto my social media right now and do my morning stories and have my morning hour in the morning just to myself because the children are...
Whoa, that was your tummy.
Because I can't get on and do my morning hour in the morning and my routine is very different
to what it was before having Renly.
I wouldn't change it for the world, but I don't know that I'm having my time.
Maybe it's not that I'm not having my time,
but the moment he wakes up,
someone is he wakes at two, three, four, five,
some days he's waking up at eight o'clock, you know,
because every day is so unpredictable
and I can't, the children will always come first.
I will never pick up my phone
and put my phone over my children.
And that's something I'll always vouch for myself for
is that I just won't do that if I have the time.
Like I feel at the moment, the content that people get
is that that's all I can put out right now
because some days are great,
some days are harder than other days.
And I think because maybe the routines changed,
maybe it's that, or maybe every day is,
I think with Colby and Dottie, every day was pretty.
Pretty much the same.
Yeah, cause they go to school,
you get them ready in the morning,
they have breakfast, they go off to school.
You pick them up. That's probably what it is.
It's like the unpredictability of it.
Like you wake up and you're like, I don't know.
But I don't want it to ever be like a false sense
of illusion that I look like I've got my shit together
because as much as I, yeah,
I feel like I've got my shit together
and I'm doing the best that I can,
I don't want it to ever portray that
I have got my shit together.
Yeah, because it doesn't,
I feel like it doesn't matter how many babies you have.
Each baby is so individual.
Each process and each journey with each child
is so different.
And I just think that I, I don't know,
I don't want anyone to watch me and ever feel,
oh, she's got her shit together, how am I not coping?
You know?
But also, you are doing quite a lot, you know?
Don't, you know.
Oh, I'm not, I'm definitely not beating myself up.
I just wanna be honest and say that it's,
I just don't, I just don't maybe know who I am.
Maybe just, maybe that I don't feel like I've,
I've come back as quickly as maybe I would have expected.
Yeah. Yeah.
It's hard. You've got a lot going on.
And I'm not sad.
I just, I'm just very lost in all my emotions.
Yeah. You get back there.
Is that sad?
No. I don't think so.
I don't really know what I'm trying to say.
I think it's, I think a lot of people will relate to it.
And I think a lot, I think a big part of it is like,
when we speak about how fast it's gone
with the babies this first year,
it's like time slipping away from you
and almost like when this baby bit is gone,
which you can see going by so fast,
you're like, what then?
Who am I after that?
And I think that's a massive factor.
It's like, who am I next?
Especially when you know this is gonna be your last baby,
probably gonna be my last baby.
You think like-
I feel like I've always been a different version of myself.
Like, I feel like maybe that's a good way to word it.
Like after Colby, I was a very different person
before I had him, like before having Colby.
And then I very much was a different parent to Dottie
than I was with Colby. And then I very much was a different parent to Dottie than I was with Colby. And
I can massively, massively see how much of a different parent I am to all three of them.
But now that I'm Renly's mom, and I think because the process of me being a different
version of mom, like I feel like maybe it's the process of getting to the new version
of me or maybe accepting the new version of me or learning to live with the new version of me is taking a little bit longer to get to that.
Yeah, you'll get there. I know. You're smashing it.
I'm very proud of who I am and I'm very proud of where I am and what we're achieving and
what we're able to do. I'm proud of my little family. I'm proud of Chris. Like I'm so incredibly grateful for everything that we have,
but sometimes I'm just in my own little head.
You know?
Any thoughts, yeah.
But there we go.
That's my secret of this week because Sharon is.
And I hope that if there is anybody listening
that can make fathom anything from that.
I think people will relate. But also I hope that there is somebody out there that can make fathom anything from that. I think people will relate.
But also I hope that there is somebody out there that can relate to that.
Right, we've got three secrets we're going to be discussing this week. So Emma, take it away with
number one. Hope they're a little bit more upbeat than mine. I'm so incredibly sorry.
Let's see. Hello, Safina and Emma.
Please tell me I'm not alone in this.
My little one is impossible to strap into the pushchair.
Oh my God, this has literally happened to us this week.
Been there.
It's a full on wrestling match every time.
And the second I think they're in,
they somehow wiggle free and make a run for it.
The worst was last week.
I thought I'd finally won the battle
and got her in the pushchair
only to turn my back for two seconds. She was out. And find her sprinting down the
high street in just a nappy. What the fuck? Where did her clothes go? I had to
abandon the pram and chase after her like a lunatic. Please do you have any
tips before I just start carrying duct tape everywhere? Did she fully slip out?
She might have just slipped out of all her clothes. Hold on, where is she? Where is she in the world?
Love Polly, a very exhausted parent. Don't know where she is.
Polly, we need to know where you are
and that maybe she's in a little summer dress
and she just slipped out of the dress.
It might be hot there.
It's this, it's this, isn't it?
Oh, the thrusting forward of the hips.
Do you know what's the worst?
It's the snow suit against the fabric when they do this.
They just slide down.
And you're like trying to get the strap.
Yeah, the strap's too low.
You're like move up, get out.
And then you're trying to hold, aren't you? Like, ah! Yeah. You you feel so bad because you think if anybody's watching this, I'm going to be reported.
I know. Sometimes I think the physical exertion that I've used on the children in public, I think I'm going to have the authorities knocking at my door.
Sometimes they get like a...
Sometimes with the nappy, putting a nappy on Joseph. Sage is not really in the wriggling phase yet,
but she has started kicking back up the bed
so that every time I put her nappy on,
she kind of gets too high up for it
because she's like heading off the bed.
But with Joseph-
Really just spins over and off he goes.
Yeah, sometimes with Joseph, I've literally had to,
like wrestling, pin down his legs.
I sit on his legs so that I can put a nappy on.
And I'm like, I don't know if this is a reasonable amount of course, but.
Is this okay?
I need to put him down.
My advice to get them to do anything, depending on how old your child is, get them to do anything
you want them to do, biscuit.
I give Joseph a biscuit now.
I'm like, if you get in the car seat nicely.
I'll give you a biscuit.
You can have biscuit.
We do, we sing, big dirty stinking baby, dirty stinking baby. And he just instantly dances.
And then you can make him do anything.
Anything, anything we want.
And I'm like, let's lie down, do the nappy.
And then we do the big dirty,
and he thrust his bum in the air like big dirty stinking baby.
I'm like, go on, boy, you get that beat.
Singing is a good distraction.
Sing for everything that you're doing.
Like, now we're gonna strap you in the car.
We're gonna strap you in.
Now we're gonna take a pool and go and wipe your butt.
We're getting in the buggy and a one, two, three, four. You know, make it fun. We're all with you in the car. We're gonna strap you in. Now we're gonna take a poo and we're gonna whack your butt. We're getting in the buggy and a one, two, three, four.
You know, make it fun.
We're all with you, Polly.
Yeah, I think it happens to everyone.
It happens to everyone, my girl.
But just bribery, good old bribery, I think.
Sing along, sing along.
Down the high street in the nappy.
God bless her. Oh, God.
If you don't laugh, Polly, you will cry.
You will cry.
I've been in that situation sometimes
where Joseph's playing up and will run away from me.
But in the buggy, I've got Sadie and I'm like, do I chase after one child or leave the other?
Do I run along with the buggy? Like sometimes I've gone to see Joseph and I've been like, shit, my other baby's over there.
Sorry, could you just bring that one back?
Sorry, forgot about you, Sades.
I'm coming back right now.
Go on, Sadie Gill.
Yes, it's hard.
It is hard. It is hard.
But we're all exhausted together. We literally are all in this together. We're all in this together. We. Come on, baby girl. Yes, it's hard. It's hard. It is hard.
It is hard.
But we're all exhausted together.
We literally are all in this together.
We're all in this together.
We're with you, Polly.
We are with you.
Okay, let's have number two.
All right, this one says, hello girls.
My mom and dad have looked after my son, Ollie, overnight a few times and I've never been
worried, but my partner's mom would love to have him for a few hours during the day soon
and it's really worrying me.
Not because of her, but because Ollie often looks to me for comfort. I also don't want my partner to think I'm worried because of his mum. I just
don't think he fully understands. Have you experienced this before? Any advice to help calm
my nerves as a natural warrior? Many thanks in advance. Lots of love, Anonymous." I think this
is really really common. Yeah, this is really common. We obviously, it's been spoken about
before and I know that Chris won't mind me saying,
but we unfortunately don't have any contact with Chris.
We don't see Chris's family,
but I am 100% on this feeling,
and it's nothing, would be nothing against them,
but I just, I'm a natural warrior.
And sometimes I even worry,
not that it's anything called my mom and my sister,
and I know they'd be great with him,
and I know he'd be happy.
I will just stress, I will just stress,
even if I just leave him with my sister,
and I'll be like, is he okay?
You've not left friendly with them, with anyone?
Chris, the only one I've met.
Yeah, no one outside of your family.
No, I don't think so.
There might've been one with my mom.
We had to, my mom watched him for a couple of hours,
but mom was at our house.
And again, I don't know whether it was just a short amount
of time and it was okay, but in my head, I just worry.
I just really, really, really worry.
And I just think it's because he,
Renly again is a massive mummies boy.
And I just think it's that thing of,
how are you gonna comfort him?
Because he won't go to Christmas,
even when we're in the house
and he's having a full-blown mount down, he wants me not Chris. And I just think, oh,
just give me the baby back.
I do think it's good to like break the pattern with that sometimes.
I hope that you have a wonderful relationship with her.
Yeah, because also like if there's nothing to worry about and she's like, she's physically
okay to look after children.
And if that might be better to do it during the day, so that if the option then needs to arise
that she can have him overnight,
it might then make you feel a little bit better.
I think doing a couple of hours during the day,
the stakes are quite low.
You could be there, you could come back if you needed to.
But I think what's a bit awkward is that
the baby's gone to her parents, but not to the in-laws.
And then you get into a thing where there's like favoritism
and they're like, well, you're gonna let your parents
have them, but not let, and they're a grandparent too.
So that's quite a hard situation to be in.
She's very aware that she doesn't wanna upset her partner,
but I would generally have a really,
really honest conversation with him,
because I don't think a son understands the relationship
of a mother-daughter
than when you have a baby.
And I think honesty is the best policy.
And I think it's definitely worth giving a try
because you, I don't want it,
that sounds like a B and a R,
but you don't want to look at it from her perspective,
your partner's mom, and she says,
oh, you left him with your mom.
Yeah, and it's my grandchild
and I'd like to see them as well.
But it does normally seem to be
that the maternal grandparents are closer
to the mom's parents.
And it tends to be that the women will go to the mom.
Because I don't know, it seems to be more of a-
Yeah, it's quite a common thing.
But I think if you have a good relationship with her,
definitely speak to your partner,
have a really honest conversation with him about that.
And then I would also speak to him
and try it during the day.
Cause then it will make you feel better,
even if it's just one day a month or something like that,
however long it may be.
But even if it's just only for an hour,
one, it will make her feel really, really good
that she gets to see him.
And it might be nice for you to have a bit of a break
and expand your childcare options.
Because if it goes well,
then you've got someone else that can help you.
But this is a really, I completely,
I think this is really common.
Really common and I resonate wholeheartedly to her.
I feel very lucky that I have my in-laws are very, very lovely.
But not, yeah, obviously not everyone's in that situation.
I was gonna say as well.
Oh, we're not even saying that hers are.
No, no, no, but if you don't feel comfortable to leave them.
By being the preferred parent,
so like Joseph and Sadie would probably normally come to me
over Stefan, but I think it's really important
to like break that habit and make,
and let him do stuff as well,
because I don't just wanna be the only one that can like do bedtime.
It's too much on on you.
Otherwise too much on one person.
I'm very lucky because Chris will just go, no, let him cry out.
I'll take him.
You go take that poo that you've been waiting three weeks for.
It's when I go all day for a wee and Chris goes to me, how have you held that in?
I went the other day.
I said to him, we did the school run, come back.
And I said, oh, I need a wee,
but don't worry, I'll go in town.
We went all the way in town all the day,
then come home and I said, oh, I need to have a wee.
And then we did something else.
I potted around for another couple of hours.
And I said, Jesus, I need to go and take that wee.
And he was like, you've been hours needing that wee.
And I was like, you know.
That's me, you just don't get around to it sometimes, do you?
No, it's the last job.
Last job. Sometimes mum needs a break.
Sometimes mum needs a break, but we appreciate you.
Thank you so much.
Yeah, thanks Anonymous.
Right, last secret.
Hello, Safina and Emma.
The other night my partner and I were relaxing after putting our toddler to bed when we both
got a whiff of something off.
A definite poo smell.
We checked the baby's nappy, clean.
We sniffed around the living
room nothing. We even accused each other at one point, but no matter where we went, the
smell followed us. After what felt like forever, we finally went to check on our toddler and
there he was, fast asleep, clutching what can only be described as a homemade nugget
in his little hand. We have no idea how long he'd been holding onto it but I can tell
you nothing prepares you for the horror of realising your child has been treating their
own poo like a comfort toy. Save to say it was straight into the bath and we're now in
therapy. Kidding sort of. Love Isla.
Oh I wonder if he'd been holding it and then he touched their arms because he put them down for a nap. Had he been holding it? How long had he been holding
it for? Maybe he'd been holding it but where he what if he's transferring it between hands
and he's wiped his hands on you or on the sofa. It could have been anywhere. It could have been
anywhere. So that's why they got the whiff of poo. Everywhere though. How long has he been holding
onto his own poo? That's like the girl Bonnie isn't't it? With sporky, forky in Toy Story.
That's him with his little poo.
Put a little, you could have put a little pipe cleaner
through that.
Hang it on the corner of his car.
Oh God, love it.
He loved it.
That's adorable, that is.
You don't even want to think of it as poo.
Put some eyeballs on it.
Is it adorable?
Oh, I think so.
Is it adorable?
Yeah, cause he's falling asleep with his little nugget.
He's clutching it.
He's thinking, I've created this.
I pooed that out myself.
That's a really good one.
I want to keep that.
I've stuck some eyes on it.
Goggly eyes.
Yeah, put it in the oven.
Dry it out.
Oh, God.
No, that makes me feel a bit sick.
I'm not put off by poo.
Are you not?
Oh, God.
It's just when you get like, it's happened to me before when I've changed a nappy and
a bit accidentally got on my jumper and all day I'll be like, it smelled shit.
What the hell is that?
Really with that dog poo, I tell you, that makes me feel sick.
And it never gets out your nostrils.
Never ever.
It burns.
Burn a bit.
Burn a bit.
Oh gosh.
What I like, we hope you do recover.
I feel like that's a lovely one to tell though.
That's a lovely memory.
Oh God bless.
Good story for when he's older.
So thank you for sharing your secrets this week.
Everyone is welcome in the Secret Mom Club.
If you'd like to share your secrets with us, you can.
The email is hello at or with Secret Mom Pod on TikTok and Instagram.
What's the smelliest comfort tour you've seen?
Or do you have tips for keeping your toddler in the push chair?
Let us know. There really is nothing too outrageous. Keep an eye out for our
Thursday episode, it's a special one this week. And we'll see you next time on the
Secret Mom Club!
Like parties? Ever thought what your perfect party would involve? To theme or not to theme?
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down with some very special guests to discuss their dream do in brand new podcast, It's
My Party, all to celebrate Comic Relief's 40th birthday.
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