Sense of Soul - Awakening in the Stillness
Episode Date: February 24, 2025Today on Sense of Soul we have Kristin Kirk, she is an international healer, spiritual teacher and writer who has been gifted extraordinary vision and healing capacities from her 2003 awakening. She a...ccesses our enlightened self and multidimensional true nature to dissolve our wounds, karma and conditioning into light and reveal our innate wholeness. Her transformative energy and powerful transmissions accelerate the awakening process and deep spiritual growth for many. Â Engaging with individuals and groups, Kristin supports rapid and radical spiritual alignment and transformation in the inner and outer reality. She shares her gifts all over the world to dissolve distortion into harmony and to accelerate healing, embodied awakening and self-realization. Â Online or in person, she offers transformational healing and teaching in her monthly live-streamed healing transmissions through the Soul Classroom, as well as in private sessions, retreats, workshops and speaking engagements. Â Kristin's gift of articulating the ineffable allows her to bring you with her as she describes the details of your soul, our inner collective landscape and beyond into our atomic, galactic and infinite true nature. Based in Hawaii and Massachusetts she loves exploring and living in the exquisite Oneness that nature so readily offers and enjoys the miraculousness of life.
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Hey Soulseekers, it's Shanna.
Journey with me to discover how people around the world awaken to their true sense of soul.
Now go grab your coffee and open your mind, heart and soul. Today on Sense of Soul, I have Kristen Kirk. It's time to awaken.
Today on Sense of Soul, I have Kristen Kirk.
She's an international healer, spiritual teacher and writer
who has been gifted extraordinary vision and healing capacities
from her 2003 awakening.
She accesses our enlightened self and multidimensional true nature to dissolve our wounds, karma and conditioning into light and reveal our innate wholeness. Her transformative energy
and powerful transmissions accelerate the awakening process and deep spiritual growth for many.
She teaches a monthly live stream through the Soul classroom as well as has private sessions, retreats, workshops, and speaking engagements, which
she's here today to engage you. And it's my honor to be her student today, so
please welcome Kristen. Nice to meet you. Totally lovely to meet you. Thank you so
much for having me. So where do you join me from? From Kauai, in Hawaii.
Cool. What time is it there?
Oh, good morning.
Good morning.
Thanks for joining me so early.
Happy to.
Yeah, I can't wait to hear more about you and how you got to where you are today.
Where I am today is very different than where I was in my initial
awakening. So how I got here has been a couple of decades of being present with the unfolding,
but the initial start was a very specific set of triggers all kind of came together.
So I had been having a shiatsu massage practice, a private practice that
I totally loved. And I had an inner calling that I needed to be doing a different kind of healing
work that was quite compelling. So I studied with African shaman, who is amazing, and a Mayan shaman, and who is also amazing. And then someone else who did
kind of a question and answer with the body doing muscle testing for very specific things.
And ultimately, I was already seeing behind the scenes. So in the rituals that were happening for healing,
I was seeing the spirits that were showing up
behind the scenes,
doing all the orchestration multi-dimensionally
behind the actual activities that people were doing.
So it didn't make sense to me to be doing these rituals
when I was directly seeing the guides
behind and saying, shouldn't we be talking with them as opposed to just doing these things
here? And then that with the muscle testing, it was also extraordinary, but they were yes
or no questions. And I'm not really getting the level of pain across that I experienced in all of this, but there
was this incredible inner angst that I was putting in all this time and effort.
And I was not actually following my soul's path and finding what this new healing was.
So I ended up flying back from another one of these trainings and this deep inner collapse of feeling like I had
failed my life's purpose, that there was this deep inner calling to do this, I couldn't find it. And
so I surrendered back on the inside in through my heart from which that call had come to do
call had come to do some unknown mysterious kind of healing work. And that surrendering was one of the key components because there was such an utter sense of failure. And I
had never actually looked at where life purpose originates from or where the deep desire with that originates from. And so in that failure, I tracked that
impulse, the purpose and the desire, I tracked it backwards in through me from whence it came,
in through my heart, into the back of my heart. And I surrendered my life's purpose, my capacity to do anything. It was just a total failure.
And in that movement, the words that went with that was, if you want me to do this,
you're going to have to do it because I tried and I can't. It was just this profound moment for me.
And that was coupled with two other things. One was that I realized I had always listened to
that quiet voice in the background, but that I was keeping it in the back seat and I was still
driving and deciding whether or not I would do what I heard. And because I trusted that voice
with my life, I realized I was actually being a hypocrite if I was still having it be in the back seat. So I invited it into the front seat.
And in that moment in doing that, I was suddenly overwhelmed by three fears.
One was that my life would completely change.
The other was that I would lose control over my life.
And then the third was that I would be irrevocably bad. So they didn't quite make sense
to me. But so I grappled with that for a few days and then decided that truth was the most important
thing to me because it was. So I just in an open hearted acceptance with that possibility that maybe those three fears could
be true. I let that small voice come and drive the car, drive my life. And nothing happened
for a few months. But with those three things converging, my awakening happened and I started seeing pictures coming out of people's bodies and
seeing all the players involved in the moment where a trauma got stored in the body and where
it was stored in the body and all the details and like that's the whole package, you know,
of everything that kind of came together to create that inner surrender of letting go with
trust and love and willingness and acceptance of anything. So, and I'll just share those three
fears, because oftentimes I find that fears have something true in them, but they also have a limited perspective. So they're not
actually 100% accurate. So the fear about my life changing, it was true, my life completely
changed and it is exponentially more satisfying than it was before. I lost control totally, which also leads into the
exponentially more satisfying. And then the bad part was that I had so many past lives where
there was still trauma and experiences that felt bad and would have been perceived as bad that needed to go through a purifying
process. So there was about a three year period after that, that I would hang out in bed every
morning for a few hours, meeting all the moments of past lives that hadn't resolved to meet
them and help them restore. It's like restoring that back into wholeness.
So that's a long, long story there for you,
but there were components to it.
But I think everyone can make sense of different,
those different aspects, you know,
and apply it in their own life in some way.
I love how you said truth, but it also reminded me of trust
because there's so much that you had to trust
yourself to say, well, I'm just going to let this little voice come through. I'm going
to put her in the driver's seat. I'm going to trust in this truth. Cause you know, it's
your truth where the fear comes from outside of you.
You know, I'd love to add another piece to this story
is that, and it was because you said her, right?
That voice in the background for me isn't male or female.
It to me felt like the voice of source,
the voice of the infinite
that had been guiding me my whole life. That is where the trust was.
My trust was in that. And the quality of it is that the inner I am, but that infiniteness felt
like something bigger than me. And when I invited it into the front seat to drive
and set my fears and my personal will aside,
that started this whole movement happening,
but there was another component to the awakening
that happened after that where I realized
that I was that small voice. So that the small I am and the big I am then became one.
And one of the things that has dramatically changed for me since my awakening is my experience of
nature, where I'm experiencing everything as conscious, communicate with the trees and the sun and the land
and the rocks and the ocean, and then the turtles
and the birds come and sing with me on the porch
and turtles come up to say hello out in the ocean.
And that in that awakeness, when we really drop
into the truth of who we are and we're open to the magnificence of life,
then we start to actually see and experience the miracle that's happening all the time.
And it's not something that is structured either. It's so free. You know what I mean?
Everything is free about it. And when you were talking about
how you were receiving your modality, I've been there before because I also was a massage.
I am a massage therapist. I still have clients and you know, you have these protocols that
you follow or even I teach Reiki. And that's like the first thing I always tell my students
is this is the foundation, but
please make it your own.
I don't want to put anybody back into a box because I mean, I spent most of my life trying
to get out of the box.
First I was like, wait a minute, I'm supposed to do ABCD and things kept pulling me out
of it that were very organic, but you have to trust that we're evolving.
Yeah. And I mean, my experience, the way things look to me is that we're evolving at a really,
there's the opportunity to evolve at a really rapid pace. There's an invitation there for
people to dive into that truth in themselves and get really curious
about what's available on the inside. And that part of my healing sessions that I'm
doing in groups is it's not just about supporting people awaken, but it's also supporting people
evolve the deep inner structures of their consciousness at a faster rate than we have been able to before. So it's both awakening, but it's also accelerated, accelerated evolution, accelerated embodiment of all that.
relate to this, what I realized is I could rub your stress all day long. That's what I do. Just rubbing your stress. Because we're multidimensional, you really have to love
every part of your being. Yeah. I mean, there are so many extraordinary things about the healing work that came,
but one of them is just that, that you're speaking about, that I would see people's traumas and
wounding and things from this life and other lives and all of it, all of it turned back into light and love and wholeness. And so each moment of pain or stress
when it was fully met,
then turned back into this wholeness that we're all seeking.
And so each moment is actually a gift.
So loving each moment, right?
Loving each experience that you have supports the unwrapping
of that gift to see what the gem is on the inside of that.
Yeah, reminds me of Shrek.
You know, you said I have layers like onions.
Uh-huh, right.
That's true.
And you know, through my journey,
I had found that there were things
that were in this life, there was ancestral things, you know, there were so many layers
of healing and it was like the more you healed or at least gave acknowledgement or a voice
to some of the things that were hidden deeply within you. The more that I knew more
about myself, the more I was like making space in this very dense body and becoming lighter
and lighter.
Mm hmm. Yeah, it's, it's amazing. I mean, that's, that's what happens, you know, in the meeting the wounds, the emotional stories, the conditioning
from this lifetime, other lifetimes from ancestries through DNA, all of that conditioning is moments
of experience that were identified with. And the identification with it creates that density.
And so meeting it through the body
or through these different layers of consciousness
is meeting that density and giving it what it needs
to remember the truth of itself.
And it's in that self-realization that the conditioning
and the density that was accumulated
falls away.
So the lightness is both lightness in weight and lightness in brightness.
So that lightness does come in because that's the fundamental truth of what we are. And it's identifying with those experiences and not
having them fully process or fully produce the gems that are available. So it's just
they're like time lapsed gem producers, revealers. So and it can make it easier to embrace your wounds, to relate to them differently, that
there's actually a gift in there.
And in loving it and embracing it fully, that allows it to start unwrapping itself for that
density to fall away and that deeper truth, that gem of some part of yourself that got tucked away
somewhere to actually come forward and be the brilliance that it actually is.
Getting rid of all of the labels, you know, all the expectations and truly knowing thyself
and becoming a master of yourself.
Yeah, I mean, for me, that's what we always have is ourself in any moment.
And when we recognize that the infinite universe is actually inside, then you have access to
anything and everything that you need in any moment. Yeah. I was just remembering the other day a conversation
I had where I was remembering an argument that I had, I didn't get into the argument,
but it started with a partner at the time, a number of years ago. And he was irritated
and judging me. And in the moment I recognize the pain was of not feeling compassion from him. And in
that nanosecond later I remembered, wait a minute, I'm the universe. There has to be compassion on the
inside. And the infinite compassion opened up on the inside. I had compassion for him, I had compassion for myself.
I didn't get into any argument
because I suddenly had what I needed, which was compassion.
And so I could have compassion for him
for not actually seeing the situation clearly.
And so it's like simple things like that,
where when we need support to go into the inside, in through your heart, into the
infinite universe and ask for support, ask for what do I need in this moment for whatever,
you know, whatever is needed. So we're always here, right? Our sense of presence, our I am, right? That inner sense of presence is actually
oneness's presence that is being experienced through your humanness. And so that small self
can just tap back into the truth of itself on the larger scale to support you in any circumstance.
the truth of itself on the larger scale to support you in any circumstance.
There's been a lot of people looking outside of themselves,
I think, over the past few months.
And you cannot rely on the outside world
to make you feel whole, accepted, validated.
It just really hit me over the past few months
seeing a lot of people I know really break down over some
of the things that are happening outside of them. And it just made me see how much we really need
healing because this entire world can fall outside of me. But I still have to know I am exactly what you just said. I am part of that source, part of that compassion, part of that love.
And I think that when you give your power away to everything outside of you, it's going
to make that little voice inside of you smaller and smaller because everything outside of
you becomes bigger.
It's happening. It's in the air. The time is now. smaller and smaller, because everything energy, a new reality.
Awaken with us.
Awaken with us.
Awaken with us.
New reality
For me, there's an opportunity in the same way in that small scale.
My partner at the time, almost starting an argument was actually what inspired the moment
for me to discover that I was infinite compassion. So my response to the external dissonance was
another level of inner awakening. And that the power that we have as an individual is enormous. It's utterly enormous. When we
continue to open in through the this truth. Let me just be quiet for just just for a second
here to just like how do I want to share share because the magnitude of the power is beyond extraordinary.
And it's not from the small self. It's not from the egoic part that thinks it's me and feels like
a small person. It's not that part that has that level of power. I mean, it ultimately does, but after it wakes up to what it actually is, right?
So it's like a deeper layer.
But when we're in that, we are creating our own reality.
And how I respond, so again,
if I bring it back to that simple incident,
I could have gotten angry back at my partner. And we could have then had an argument
and had a sucky rest of our day. But when I'm resting in that
wholeness on the inside, and seeing the opportunity to ask on
the inside, what do I need in this moment? What's what's real?
What's the truth? Then compassion came forward. And it
didn't just change my afternoon, it changed my life. It changed my life. And so then in any moment
where there's some stress, I know I have infinite compassion on the inside. That is, I mean, infinite, right? There's no size to that, right? It's infinite.
And so as each of us wake up to the truth of who we are, we all have our own gifts.
My experience is that we're all oneness, but each of us has kind of amplification of a unique set of qualities
of that oneness, where each the whole thing,
so I am love and creativity and joy and healing
and transformation, right?
And someone else might have more emphasis of love.
So when you hang out with them,
you just feel like you're always in like a love fest,
you know, and then in hanging out with me, because of the healing work that transformational aspect is what was one of the aspects that's amplified here.
uniqueness that is simultaneous with the oneness, you start to discover your own gifts, your own
superpowers of source, right, that are your unique flavor. And then as you live that and bring that into the world, your frequency is changing. And the frequency you admit out in through the world has an impact.
It's just like these crystals.
And so the more that you and your listeners that all of us come in to contact with the truth of who we are on the inside and really root ourself in that, then we become our own transmitter of those unique flavors
that we are of source consciousness. And it changes things. It changes things. And it
definitely changes things on the inside and has its own either subtle or not so subtle influence on the outside. So that place of power
is enormous, but it's not through the mind. It's not through the mind's idea or that smaller sense
of self, it's dropping into the infiniteness of who we are and becoming more of who you are
through surrendering the stories, surrendering the fears, surrendering the confusions,
to keep coming back into a deeper wholeness
and using that sense of curiosity to keep going in.
What's, what is this?
What's the truth?
I mean, that's how all those past lives cleared for me
because I met them with
curiosity and openness and love, knowing and trusting that they could heal. Oh, what do you
need? Oh, yeah, that looks pretty awful. What do you need? How can I help? Right? And meeting each
of those moments on the inside and the truth is right there. So just asking for help and inviting that healing
space allows wounds to come forward. And if we stay steady with them, they can come forward
and go through their own healing process. So it's an extraordinary thing. There's another
piece I'd love to share where when those earlier stages of my awakening,
I had this curiosity of what would happen if I allowed my mind and my heart to come into union
with each other. And when I did that, my whole system shifted. And I recognized that in the
separation of them, the mind was kind of protecting my emotions. You know,
the mind was strategizing in life. Oh, don't say this, do that, go there, set yourself
up here, all in this strategy way for survival to protect the emotional body from being hurt
again or hurt in a particular way. And in that union, I was resting in the present moment
and all these old wounds started to come forward
because they suddenly had what they needed to heal.
They just needed the present moment.
And then that's what triggered all these past lives
coming forward because the system recognized
that it had the love
and the acceptance, the willingness, the spaciousness
to actually come forward, be fully heard and seen and loved
and then processed.
And so lifetime after lifetime after lifetime
just kept coming forward.
And so whether people have access to past lives or not
doesn't matter because it's the present moment that is where the power is.
So in terms of navigating the seemingly external world, ultimately everything is one and is on the inside as well. that the power of love and truth and wholeness of what we are in this moment now, that's where
all the power and the healing and the love arises from.
Making that space and then what comes in. I used to always be afraid of that space because
I felt, I remember my first mindfulness class, I sucked so bad. I was like, this is a failure.
All I did was think the whole time about what I could be doing and how I sucked at this
and I can't even breathe.
But that also became the first time I heard how bad I talked to myself.
I was like, who is that shit talker?
And so it's important to even, you know, listen to that, you know,
in that moment. And I think that pausing, you know, in making that space, like you did
with your partner so you could find that compassion. You know, we're always just so trying to think
ahead of what we're going to say.
We're not even listening to the person.
We're just thinking about how I'm going to up them on the next thing I say in during
So I know for me that that pausing was so important to seriously just pause and become
fully present and listen to somebody in that space, you have a choice
to react. Yeah. And in that pause, I wasn't just seeing him. I mean, I was seeing his judgment and
his irritation, but I also was recognizing it as his, I wasn't actually letting it pour over onto me. I wasn't taking it personally.
And I also saw myself clearly and saw why am I feeling pain and saying,
oh, I'm emotionally feeling pain because I'm not feeling compassion from him.
Which that in itself is also that spaciousness is what allows that level of awareness. So I was listening to
him but I was listening to myself with a compassionate, although the compassion came afterwards,
but it was in that pause and that self care. One of the things that also changed in my
my awakening was that self talk, when I suddenly started calling myself girlfriend.
So the talk in my head changed of,
oh, what are you doing that for, girlfriend?
It's so amazing how much can happen in that space.
You know what I mean?
Sometimes it's just a few seconds to pause
and there are so many things that can happen.
Like you said,
for me, I oftentimes will pay attention to my body and see what's arising. You know, I'm like,
what is happening? You know, I can feel something coming up.
Yeah, I mean, time is a concept or a construct. And that in that moment of a pause, you're opening up to infinite timelessness.
And so an enormous amount of insight and wisdom can be accessed in a fraction of a second.
You know, I have been around a lot of alcoholics and I've been in Al-Anon and sometimes will find myself in an engagement almost with someone
who has been drinking and I have to pause immediately before I am triggered in any way.
I have to pause.
I have to get control over myself and take that pause and go inside. And for one, boundaries, boundaries
are for yourself. And I always have to know, I don't engage with someone who's been drinking.
I mean, for one, they'll never even remember what you're talking about anyways. But it
took me a long time. But that was like one of the most freeing things I ever did.
Yeah. And this relates back to that place of power
and creating your life.
In that for me, if I think of the word control,
control for me, I think we're talking about the same thing
and I'm just being more specific
about the way I use the language,
that I'm not wanting control over my life. It's stepping into that place of
creating, like, you know, the art supplies. So I have art
supplies of anger, I have art supplies of reaction, I have art
supplies of love, I have art supplies of curiosity. I have art supplies of spontaneity. And that
when I surrender into that deeper place inside myself where I realize I am the artist of
my life, then I can step into a place of creating. What do I want to create?
And so maybe there's someone that you thought you were interested in that you go out on a date with,
and then in that moment realize,
oh, this actually isn't what I wanna create.
You can love that person and say thank you and end the date,
and you move on to creating what you want. So it's a way of
continually saying yes, but yes to what you want to create. I remember studying improv at one point
and one of the rules was you never negate. You don't negate someone's action, you always add.
And it's a beautiful gift for moving forward in life.
Because when you're in that place of choosing, saying yes to
something means you are also saying no to something else. But
that place of creativity allows you to step into that, that God
consciousness on the inside with absolute love and compassion
on the inside with absolute love and compassion and wisdom.
And that pause allows you to access that truth inside yourself to create differently.
And in that spacious pause, there's infinite possibility.
Whereas the reactive place,
there's usually one go-to response, you know, or a few go-to
responses that come out of conditioned reaction or being triggered.
And that pause creates that openness to the timeless, infiniteness that we are to open
up to more of those art supplies on the inside to create the life that you want.
And it can be entirely different than what the person
that you're with in that moment is creating.
Like my partner at that time, he still stayed irritated.
He was irritated for the rest of the day.
I wasn't.
So in terms of the larger perspective
of what's happening in the world,
when we keep coming into the truth on the inside,
that's where we start to find the love and the power
to respond from an infinitely wise perspective
and change what our reality is.
You really are a great teacher.
And I feel like I have been in your soul classroom today. Yeah. Which I think that we all need to find that inner teachers well because yeah, she's in there he they are in there. When you work with somebody, what does that look like?
What does that look like? I used to work solely with individuals and I ended up being booked out for a year with
a year and a half long waiting list and I couldn't keep meeting the need.
So I had to start shifting to be able to really continue to support people.
So what I would do in an individual session is now happening on a larger
scale, working with groups of people. I still will do a few individual sessions, but it requires so
much energy for me to do them, to traverse through the different dimensions the way that I do. So I
only do a few and mostly I'm working with people in the larger groups. So what's happening is, through my
awakening, I continued to open through these deeper and deeper
layers of consciousness. So I started seeing past lives and
then seeing past lives all at the same time, and then seeing
patterns in the soul, and then seeing larger collective patterns, ancestral patterns
and galactic patterns. So it just kept getting bigger and bigger. So when I'm working with
people individually and in the soul classroom, where I'm seeing everyone's soul at the same time in the soul classroom. I'm seeing the conditioning, the DNA, the
karma, I'm seeing one's life's probabilities, where they are in that probability field,
and seeing what is the shortest path through for awakening and enlightenment and supporting people dissolve their conditioning and the traumas and
the densities that are there, these identified moments. I'm supporting the dissolving of that
for people to have greater access to their truth, the light of who they are, their soul,
their enlightened self, and supporting people through the embodiment process.
So it's not simply a gorgeous insight,
but actually helping that get embodied
and come down through all those different dimensions
into our humanness and our human experience.
We're so complicated, aren't we?
We're extraordinary.
Absolutely extraordinary.
I mean, the level of organization is mind boggling to me.
I'll see things as math and sound and geometry and physics
with the karma and the DNA and the evolution
and it's all one thing.
And the complexity is extraordinary,
but it's also profoundly simple at the same time.
It's just, it's mind boggling.
And it's what we are.
We get to open to all that on inside.
So everything that I'm seeing and working with
is actually what we all are.
We're all made of all that. You're made of atoms.
You know that. But do people usually experience themselves atomically? No. But in the soul
classroom, that's one of the things that's happening because we're working on such a refined
scale that we're helping to shift the atoms come into that frequency of enlightenment,
that we're helping to shift the atoms come into that frequency of enlightenment, as well as working with the larger corresponding dimensional bodies of yourself. So that it's like a its own level of embodiment in the atomic and
subatomic structures, the same way your body has cells and you're there's also molecules, right?
There's all this layering. So that complexity is dovetail with the simplicity and we get to work
with all of that. It's just completely extraordinary.
So where can everybody go to learn more
and be a part of this classroom?
I have a free link.
You can pop in your email address
and receive two free healing transmissions
You can also find my website, which is
And my name is spelled with the vowels are all I's like your third eye. So three I's
Nice. And you have a YouTube channel as well. Yep. There's YouTube and Instagram and Facebook. I
post little quotations and photographs and there are lots of snippets, lots of little
free video snippets on YouTube.
Awesome. Well, thank you so much for bringing this awareness to the world. Definitely for
myself, I always go back to it's the most important thing is just to be aware and finding
that space. There's so much, it's just such, it's so infinite in that space of what happens when you do pause.
Yeah, I mean, that's, it's extraordinary, right? Like literally the entirety of all existence is
available to you in that quiet still pause. Yeah. Thank you so much. It's been so nice to meet you.
Thank you so much. It's been so nice to meet you. Thank you so much. It's been a delight.
Sense of Soul
Thanks for listening to Sense of Soul podcast. And thanks to our special guest.
If you want more of Sense of Soul,
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It's time to awaken.