Sense of Soul - Chakra Psychology

Episode Date: March 17, 2025

Today Shai Tubali returned as a guest on Sense of Soul, he is a leading authority in the field of self-development and self-empowerment. In his writings and teachings, he skillfully combines psycholog...y, philosophy, Yogic traditions and Eastern thought and practices, into powerful processes of inner transformation. Shai has written 23 books, which have appeared internationally for the past two decades in five languages and have been published by major publishers. His most prominent writings have been awarded in the United States and in Israel and others have become best-sellers, inspiring many thousands on their inner journeys of mental, emotional and spiritual transformation. A trained Yogi, with 20 years of studies in the field of Eastern thought and Yogic traditions, Shai Tubali has become one of Europe’s experts in the field of subtle bodies and, more specifically, the ancient chakra system. Based on his own direct and ongoing revelation of cosmic consciousness since the age of 23, he has guided thousands in Israel and Europe towards deeper experiences of the hidden potentials of their hearts and minds. With time, Shai has created a significant list of methods that mix meditation, therapy, and self-empowerment into highly effective, integral processes. His most established methods – the “Expansion Method”, “Power Psychology”, and “Chakra Psychology” – have been applied by psychologists and psychotherapists throughout Europe. Since 2012, Shai Tubali lives in Berlin where he runs the Human Greatness Center. At his center, he leads yearly schools and holds seminars, training, and talks, all broadcast online drawing participants from all over the world. Born in Israel in 1976, Shai became very early in his life an active journalist and columnist in Israel’s major newspapers and one of its leading radio stations. His writing career started at the age of 19, where he became nationally recognized as a novelist. Currently, he is conducting his PHD in philosophy in the field of mysticism, self-transformation, and Western philosophy at the University of Leeds, UK. His newest book is Your Chakra Personality: Discover Your Soul Design through Primary & Secondary Chakras. Through Shai Tubali's Soul Design system demonstrates how these chakras each serve a clear role within you. • Primary Chakra Type: Identity & Fulfillment • Secondary Chakra Type: Purpose & Calling • Supportive Chakra Type: Resources Featuring a detailed quiz and plenty of hands-on exercises, this book helps you figure out who you are, what you're meant to do in life, and how to best use your gifts. Deciphering your chakra type not only fosters better self-understanding, but also better decision-making, problem-solving, and acceptance of yourself and others.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey Soulseekers, it's Shanna. Journey with me to discover how people around the world awaken to their true sense of soul. Now go grab your coffee and open your mind, heart and soul. It's time to awaken. Today back with me is one of my favorite guests that I've ever had on Sense of Soul, Shai Tabali. He is a leading authority in the field of self-development and self-empowerment. In his writings and teachings, he skillfully combines psychology, philosophy,
Starting point is 00:00:43 yogic traditions, and Eastern thought practices. He is an international bustling author and has written 23 books. His book, The Seven Chakra Personality Types, is one of my favorite chakra books to help you discover the energetic forces that shape your life, your relationships, and your place in the world. He's joining us today in this episode to tell us about his newest book called Your Chakra Personality, Discover Your Soul Design Through Primary
Starting point is 00:01:14 and Secondary Chakras, where he shares deciphering your chakra type not only fosters better self-understanding, but also can help you make better decisions, problem solve, and acceptance of yourself and others. He's here today to share how your chakras can serve a clear role within you. And I'm very excited to have him back on with us.
Starting point is 00:01:36 Please welcome Shai Tabali. I'm very excited. It was so kind of you to invite me again. You are still one of my favorite episodes I ever had. Oh, thank you. Thank you. And I know how many you've had. So that's greatly appreciated. Did you get the book by any chance? I did. I have it right here. Yep. And I have my other one, which I feel like I really learned about the chakras through this book.
Starting point is 00:02:11 And what I've learned is that when you learn about yourself, this is how you learn about the world. This is how you learn about others. Yes, exactly. Because there's only one psyche, basically. So if you understand yourself, you understand the psyche. Yes. Yeah. Isn't that something? You know, I've come a long way since I've talked to you. I've, you know, done more healing within myself. I've been on all of these different journeys, you know.
Starting point is 00:02:41 Oh my gosh. I've been on Gnostic gospel journey for like the past three, four years. That's been fun. Yeah. Are you familiar with them? No, actually, no, no, not enough. The Gnostic gospels are still Christian, but they were Jesus's secret teaching. Oh, wait, wait, wait, actually. No, I'm sorry. I got completely confused because I know a lot about them. I actually teach them for years. What? Yes, yes, yes. I've actually given so many teachings about these gospels.
Starting point is 00:03:12 Yes, yes. Wow. Okay. I've researched them too. They're very good. There's a lot of wisdom. Oh, yes, yes, yes. I primarily taught the Gospel of Thomas.
Starting point is 00:03:25 Yeah. But I've also delved into the other ones. The Kingdom is inside of you and outside of you. When you come to know yourself, then you will be known, like we just said. That's actually the earliest Gospel. I believe it. Yeah, it was the closest to Jesus death. So that means that it's actually even more authentic than the other gospels are. So I think that's incredible. There's a lot of feminine energy in there as well, which when I think about the chakras,
Starting point is 00:03:56 and I think about even your books, it's the balance that we want, right? We don't want to ever just be, you know, a patriarchal society or a feminine society, you know what I mean? It's about bringing the balance of energies, is it not? Yes, yes, yes, it is completely. So have you learned them in what way? Like reading them or learning them in some kind of educational context? Actually writing a book myself on this because it happened so divinely. So I learned them through lots of synchronicity. I was like led through a series of synchronicities to learn them. I mean, through the most ridiculous things too.
Starting point is 00:04:49 And as I picked up one of the first ones, Pista Sophia. So this one is older, wasn't found in the Nagamati, but there's also the Sophia of Christ that was. So I wanted to know what Sophia was, wisdom, right? And a feminine aspect of God. But I didn't want anyone to tell me what it meant. I've already been down that road for generations. My family has been told this is what this story means. What was interesting, I've had so many scholars on since, and they're like telling me their, you know, ideas of what it means. And we meet kind of and I find it awesome.
Starting point is 00:05:32 But yeah, I really truly wanted to receive it for myself without anybody telling me what it means. Probably for about two years, very isolated through this journey. I see. Probably for about two years, very isolated through this journey. I see. Wow, that's very courageous and a very profound approach. You know, I feel like it wasn't even an approach. It was more of, like I said, it was being led. And I just kept leaning into it and leaning into it.
Starting point is 00:06:02 And it was too divine to ignore. And I believe that Jesus, he was like a Zen master, you know, he spoke an allegorical story. He understood that we were an energetic body, that we, you know, are multi-dimensional and had a very good sense of his energy centers. and had a very good sense of his energy centers. Hmm, extremely good sense, yes. Yes, yes. Enough to preserve his subtle body after death, because that requires enormous mastery. Yeah, the chakras are something that I feel like they should teach in school.
Starting point is 00:06:53 Yes, yes, I wish that that would have been the case, right? Because chakras are really, for me, the way I define them is the school of life. So, and this school of life has seven different classes. And if you graduate from all these seven classes, you have actually graduated from the School of Life. And you can say you have realized your full human experience. It's fullest potential, it's fullest essence, it's fullest lessons. You've really understood the lessons of life.
Starting point is 00:07:23 So the seven lessons of life are embedded in the Chakras. Now for me, it actually, it all started very directly and experientially because I found myself, you used before this kind of term of being guided towards some truth or teaching, right? So I was guided in the very same way to meet a certain American yogi and he initiated me for seven years into a tradition, a yogic tradition, a Hindu tradition called the Nithyananda tradition. So that was a seven-year initiation and it was all this tradition is entirely based on
Starting point is 00:08:16 a subtle body knowledge, on Kundalini knowledge and chakra knowledge. So it was all very experiential and it was through energy transmission. And I actually learned about the chakras intellectually very little. So it was directly listening to them and to their kind of direct blossoming, experiential blossoming. And then after seven years, my teacher told me, now you've completed your learning, now you can become a teacher of your own, and so on and so forth. I didn't understand what he was talking about, because for me me I was just eager to learn more. And then I started realizing as a result of my own experience that chakras were, they held the keys to understanding not only our spiritual evolution but also our psychological evolution. I understood that there was somehow a way to navigate the psychological map or our psychological evolution.
Starting point is 00:09:35 So that led me to a different phase. And that was again experiential, because I think what is really fascinating about this story is that I refused to learn from books. I simply refused to read chakra books. So what I did was simply listening to my own chakra system. And in my one-on-one sessions, because I was a very active psychotherapist at that time, I would sit in front of people and they would describe their emotional themes and their challenges, their current challenges or their traumas. And then I would ask always, where do you feel that in the body?
Starting point is 00:10:22 And then I would, like a scientist, secretly write this down in my notebook, where this emotion corresponds to this region in the body. And slowly I began to gather all this massive information into what I call a chakra psychology. So that was the foundation. It was experiential. Then I agreed to read books just a little bit, but there was no need anymore
Starting point is 00:10:51 because chakras are so direct, such an unmediated communication with ourselves that if you truly listen to your own chakras, you have read the book of chakras. You see, oh my gosh, I feel so fortunate that I really learned from you this because I think that if I just would have learned by picking up a book that just told the descriptions of a chakra, I wouldn't have understood what you're saying, but I completely understand what you're saying because I picked up your book first. And so I learned about me first and my own body before I really understood, you know, how they correlated with all the other wonderful things about chakras. And I can't even have a conversation with people without thinking,
Starting point is 00:11:48 hmm, I wonder where that's coming from. You know, that's really in the root chakra. Or, you know, I think like this naturally now. And I really do like, I owe that to you because this is how I learned. Yes, I think, I think chakras, first of all, we need to always remember the way chakras came into being. The very concept was the result of the seers of India, the sages of India about 2,500 years ago
Starting point is 00:12:20 and perhaps even 3,000 years ago. That's only the documented encounter with the chakras. So the seers of India they just sat, meditated and listened to the subtle flow within their bodies and began to map this inner world, the innermost world. So chakras can only be understood as a combination of intellectual knowledge. It's good to have some theoretical orientation because that helps you to lean on something, to have some reference point when you are contemplating your own reality. But the thing is chakras are a living, dynamic, vibrant reality. So you can never say
Starting point is 00:13:22 just intellectually, well, this originates from my heart chakra, because that is not always so. Sometimes you have a certain emotional theme, but it originates from your sacred chakra or from your root chakra. So unless you listen to the chakras very closely and to the way they lead you to the source of conflict, confusion, challenge or whatever, you will not be able to get in touch with what they have to tell you. This is what I call being a chakra whisperer. It's beginning to listen to your chakras on a daily basis and whenever one has a challenge, one can simply listen to that challenge and then begin to see where that challenge resonates the most in one's body. And then if we have some kind of intellectual knowledge, theoretical knowledge,
Starting point is 00:14:20 we are able to slowly trace back this challenge all the way to its original root cause chakra. The way I teach Reiki, I also teach the chakras through the developmental stages, from zero to seven every seven years all the way up to the crown at 49, which I'm 49. I'm almost 40. Yeah, I'm, yeah. Can you hear me? You know, I'm also reaching that very soon, yes. So we completed our seven chakra cycle.
Starting point is 00:14:55 Right, but it's not over. Now we get to do it with wisdom, right? We get to do it more consciously. Because that's what I always say to people. So they're like, so what happens? You know, you get to the end of it and you're done. I'm like, no, you just started. Now you get to do it with an awakened view of the world. The age of 49. This is usually in the in the ancient ashram system, the system of renunciation in Hinduism. it's exactly when usually you get to renounce the world and devote
Starting point is 00:15:28 yourself to the divine. So that means that you have in a way accomplished, you've completed your commitment to the world and now you can actually take a step further in your relationship with the higher reality? I find it interesting when I first did my seven chakra personality type. It's kind of like your sun sign. Like I'm a Taurus, but most of my life I was in my head. Most of my life I was not grounded, but it was always something that I needed to connect with. When I originally did this, I was far away from the root. And I was just like, I am far away from my astrological sign. So I was like, this is interesting, but it's always something I need.
Starting point is 00:16:19 So it's not something that's like ever out of my scope, because I'm always trying to ground myself. I start every single morning outside with nature every morning because I know I need it. You know, I need that grounding. So it's still a huge part of my energy, my practice, but it's not my home. That's a wonderful point. You know, of course, you made me very curious to know about your primary charco type, how you identify yourself presently. I'm such a giver. And I'm, you know, I dealt a lot with codependency and I'm a mother, I'm a mother, mother.
Starting point is 00:17:03 And I always really, really worshiped that. Let's explore this because I think that's a way to learn about it. First of all, there is a distinction that we need to make between the primary charcot type and the secondary charcot type. Now the primary charcot type is responsible for our essence. It is our most intimate, deepest soul essence, which means it's our deepest passion. What makes us the happiest in life?
Starting point is 00:17:38 What makes us feel at home within ourselves? What makes us feel the most alive. But then that kind of essence radically depends on it's the way we express ourselves in the world. So let me give you an example. My primary chakra type is the third eye, which means that my greatest joy in life is learning, researching, going very deeply into things.
Starting point is 00:18:11 It's all about depth, observation, understanding, the ecstasy of insights, the wisdom. But my expression is the throat chakra type. Just as you just said, But my expression is the throat chakra type. Just as you just said, it's all about educating, influencing, manifesting all sorts of educational systems and writing and teaching. Now the thing is that if I sit in front of people and teach, I am fulfilled, but I'm not in my happiest state.
Starting point is 00:18:44 You see? So there is a very delicate tension because my greatest joy is sitting in the room and writing or researching. My greatest expression lies in education, influence and teaching. So this creates a certain tension between the primary and the secondary chakra type. And very often they there is a certain war between war for dominance between the primary and the secondary type. And this is the thing that perhaps you find reflected in you, that there is a certain tension between what we can call happiness and fulfillment. Because fulfillment is the way we extend our being to the world, the way we manifest who we are, our gifts, and whereas essence is what makes us feel like we're really getting closer, moving closer to our
Starting point is 00:20:09 soul design, to the way we're built, to the way we see the world. So what would it be in light of this kind of reflection? My third eye and my throat were almost equal, by the way. So I was really like, this is, that's a really close one for me. But I know, but like it was my heart, like, that was like, without a doubt, there was no maybe or not, but I feel like I'm in my voice right now. And so that's what's interesting is, but my voice, I never had a voice before. So it's definitely not my first.
Starting point is 00:20:45 You're finding your manifestation, you're finding your expression, you're finally pursuing your highest capacity as a manifesto. If I may guess, and that would be a wild guess, so sorry for even doing that, but just for the fun of it. My guess is that it's the heart chakra type as the primary. The secondary is the fifth, the throat chakra type. And the supportive is the third eye, which means that it's where you derive your power, your strength. It's the supportive is actually a very beautiful chakra because it's where we return to when we need nourishment, when we need soul nourishment,
Starting point is 00:21:35 when we need to find empowerment and inspiration, this is where we go. So that's our empowering or nourishing chakra. And we need that because each one of us has this kind of, you know, it's a great life mission, we need, we feel that we need our resources, our source of empowerment. And then we have our supportive chakrotype. It's what that which gives us the fuel to keep going. You're so right.
Starting point is 00:22:20 That's so right. And it's interesting, I can think about the challenges I've had with all three, right? I can think about the challenges of like not having self love, right? And only, you know, loving outside of me and not ever filling up that cup for myself. And that was one of the most painful things. I think I went through my life, you know, only giving, giving, giving. And I often find myself back into that space, remembering that I need to, you know, take
Starting point is 00:22:53 care of myself first. So that's always a struggle. Of course, with the voice, I mean, like I said, I felt like I never had a voice. And when I finally found it, it was like, oh, I felt like I never had a voice. And when I finally found it, it was like, I found it. And I've also struggled with, I have ADHD, right? I mean, it's a struggle for me to, to get things finished or to stay on task or to not, not just read one book, I'll be reading five books at one time. You know, that's how I am. So it's interesting, you know, how that's where the main energy is for me, though. That's where it's always focused all, you know, I mean, I would love to be the medium and, you know, talking to the other side all the time and getting answers.
Starting point is 00:23:46 But it's not all my world isn't always like that. Also, I would I need to be grounded more, right? Because I am always in my head. So yes, no, that's that's a very beautiful and then conscious analysis. It's this is exactly how we how we're getting closer to ourselves. First of all, we understand that there is the foundation of self-love, which is... I think that very often we are told to love ourselves, but we don't always know what it is that we're supposed to love. We don't have a clear understanding of our true self, the self that we're supposed to love, with its gifts and limitations.
Starting point is 00:24:33 So first there is a whole process of getting to know that which we're supposed to love. You see? Because only when I know myself can I finally say I love this self. Otherwise, what we're trying to love is very often buried deep beneath all kinds of self-images and social adaptation that has become our personality. This is not who we are. So to feel at home within myself is first of all, to know myself. That's how it starts.
Starting point is 00:25:11 And this is how the chakra personality type system is there to help us do that. And what I like about what you just said is also when you mentioned grounding, because when you look at your system, suppose it is right and this is the trio, which is the heart chakra, the throat chakra and the third eye, then one of the keys in this system
Starting point is 00:25:38 is also to notice what is not there. Not only focus on what is there, but wait, where is the first? Where is the second? So that means that in a sense, there is a, the absence is actually an indication that if we want to balance our excesses, if we want to reach wholeness, we also need to somehow coach ourselves, make ourselves aware of all those missing chakras and enhancing them. We don't need to enhance them greatly, but to at least take care of them, nurture them. Otherwise, we are going to become just our own personality type overflowing and becoming inevitably unbalanced. For myself, I'll be like a balloon. Exactly. That's indeed a very airy constellation. It's like it's very airy and gentle and also really beautiful, by the way, because it means that there is a
Starting point is 00:26:49 lot of a great delicate energy and tenderness and emotionality and inspiration and being in a state of constant vision almost and depth of emotions. But it needs a time- Come down here. Yes. Come down. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:10 You know that sometimes we can derive that kind of coming down by making sure that there are enough people around us who naturally embody these qualities. So they compensate for our lack. And so we don't always need to have it ourselves fully. So my partner is a builder. He is. Right. So completely and I was shocked because I was like, because I am nothing like that,
Starting point is 00:27:42 you know, and so I was like, gosh, I really get but when you're nothing like that, I need that right. And I know that I examine this a lot in myself, I need more drive, I need more groundedness, I need more connection with that space, that darkness of the womb. And I say darkness because I'm such a visual person. So it's the only way I can explain, but all those spaces that I'm not close with, I'm always working on. So I am close with them
Starting point is 00:28:17 because I've had to work on them the most. Yes, yes. It's genius that you're with the builder. I know, thank God. Because did you know that builder and caretaker, the heart chakra type, this is the best combination in terms of partnership in the entire chakra type system. That means because both of these types, they have this inclination toward peace and harmony, wanting to appreciate and greatly this kind of creation of harmonious systems, harmonious units. So that is a very good, they are like the greatest peacemakers in the whole system.
Starting point is 00:29:07 I'm actually making a video right now. I've been studying Mother Mary. Mother Mary in the apocryphal text, the Gnostic text, and also in the Quran, tell her story as a child, you know, and, you know, I'm making a video on it. And, you know, I think of Joseph, who is the carpenter. He's the builder. And actually, he's away a lot and on business, well, supposedly. But, and then you have Mary, like this mother figure. So you have both of these two archetypes, which kind of described just what you said, most commonly that we do end up finding a partner that is more balancing for us. Yes, it is very perceptive to say that,
Starting point is 00:29:55 but it's also a bit complex. So let's explore that because yes, one, we are looking for intuitively for those who have embodied naturally those kinds of gifts. Sometimes we resent their gifts. And this is when we are, we are, we that, that implies that we unconsciously are with them, needing their gifts, but also resenting their gifts because they are unlike our own personality design. So we need, when we begin to appreciate that person in front of us, next to us, thinking,
Starting point is 00:30:37 oh, so I've chosen this person to be with because they actually have something to teach me. So I need to have this kind of humility, this kind of humbleness and gratitude. Thank you for embodying what is missing inside me instead of reproaching them, saying, well, you should have the same set of values like I do. So that is a first major insight. The second insight is that often we find a partner also sharing not only balancing us, but also sharing our shadow work.
Starting point is 00:31:22 So that is a very interesting point when we grow conscious of our chakra type. And the other chakra type, we begin to realize, oh, we have a certain shared challenge, and that's also why we picked each other. You see, it's because we had this kind of intuition. Let's work together on our shadow. Let's empower each other, not to deepen our shadow, not to escape it, but to become conscious of it together and to support each other in liberating ourselves from it. And you know, cause now when I also did this and I had to on last, I had my best friend Mandy with me.
Starting point is 00:32:09 And Mandy and I had very similar types, right? So her and I, and I always feel like, I mean, she could read my mind, you know, like she doesn't have to speak like I know, yeah. And so, and I love that about her and we can mirror each other as we understand each other cause we are so close in our personality types where the opposite of me, right? My partner sometimes I'm like, let's talk, let's talk. Let's work this out.
Starting point is 00:32:41 Let's, you know, let's talk about our emotions and let's think about what we can do about this." And he's like, yeah, no, just leave me alone. I want my space. I'm good. Right? And I'm not good because I have unfinished business. I want to make sure you're okay. Right? So it's interesting to know each other's types because it can really help your relationship. Oh yes, yes, exactly. Because then we understand that sometimes we, for instance, a heart chakra type
Starting point is 00:33:15 would never understand other people who are not in touch with their emotions naturally, who don't find the significance and also the immense beauty of sitting together and attaining this kind of intimacy, of acknowledging each other's emotions and also resolving conflicts consciously, because that's where a heart chakra type is a triumph. It's not just resolving a problem. It's also moving to a next level of communication, moving to a next level of, in a way, emotional insight and depth. So for a hard chakra type, that's simply incomprehensible.
Starting point is 00:33:57 They look at the other chakra types completely bewildered. And then a third eye chakra type who is completely used to well analyzing their emotions, observing them from afar and as if they were scientists exploring something in the lab. So they would look at the heart chakra type and they would think, what are these hypersensitive, awkward people? So this is exactly when I begin to understand and hopefully together as a couple or as friends, why we amplify each other's conflicts or why one would prefer to avoid a certain thing and that why avoidance is not always,
Starting point is 00:34:57 it doesn't always mean that one resists emotional depths but that one simplyists emotional depths, but that one simply doesn't have that kind of depth. You see? It's simply, and one does not, is not supposed to have that kind of depth. So that I think gives us, especially for the heart chakrotype, it's a training in opening their hearts even more.
Starting point is 00:35:24 You see, because opening the heart It's a training in opening their hearts even more. You see, because opening the heart is not only about teaching others to love and to be open-hearted, but also to be able to include others, other people's journeys, their needs and their makeup. I love that. You know, like I said at the beginning, when I learned, and I think this is whether you learn about your energy body or not, whatever part of yourself that when you learn to know yourself, you do understand the world differently. But I feel like the
Starting point is 00:35:59 most important thing that I've learned, especially like with my children, like I chose their religion before they were born. I mean, to think that is so crazy now. I chose what sports they would like. They weren't even born. You know what I mean? And now seeing them, now that I've learned that I am unique and I have my own individual journey and allowing them to do that and allowing them to lead me and tell me what they like is, you know, is so different and as it should be. But, you know, a lot of us say, you know, oh, my kid, you know, when I have a kid, they're going to go to this college. I want them to be a doctor or a lawyer. You know, you've already chosen their personality. I learned through that allowing other people to be who they are and meeting them. Right.
Starting point is 00:37:00 We all are so unique. We all have such special gifts. And of course, we all have different personalities. And we have different archetypes that live within us. Yes, yes, yes, yes. Wow, that's incredibly beautiful what you're saying now. And the fact that you are learning that, first of all, they are fortunate to have this kind of mother. Well. And no, they are fortunate because you are that conscious enough to embrace the first
Starting point is 00:37:34 lesson of love. Because I think what we don't understand about love is that actually the first step toward love is not union. Sometimes we have this kind of fantasy of being one with the other, and that is love, this kind of creating wholeness or creating one unit, composed of two. But this is not the first step. The first step is respect. And respect is actually the greatest value that most people don't learn, because that requires emotional maturation.
Starting point is 00:38:11 Respect means that I see you as a fully embodied, independent journey, soul journey. And that kind of journey is not my own journey. And I train myself to begin to see the whole of you outside of me, you see? So you're not my projection, you are not my image, you're not something for me to mold. You are a completely separate being. Now, if I have this kind of separateness then I have I cultivate respect and on the basis of that we can move to the next level which is love and love is the ability also to diffuse these two separate journeys into one without damaging the separateness. You see, it's retaining that kind of glorious, God-given or cosmic-given kind of independence, autonomy.
Starting point is 00:39:17 So, and I think that this is what the personality type system helps us to do is to begin to see, oh, this person has a completely different set of values, a completely different way of experiencing life. They even perceive life differently. They interpret things differently and that's a design. It's not a mistake. It's not something that, well, right now they are in this condition, but one day I will change them. One day I will show them the light. One day I will show them how they're really supposed to see reality, which is, I think, what we harbor deep inside when we look at our partners, children, parents.
Starting point is 00:40:05 So it's best to know your personality types before. And then now how that can help you along your path. Because the first book, The Seven Chaco Personality Types, was a comprehensive journey helping us to identify our primary chaco type. personality types was a comprehensive journey, helping us to identify our primary chakrotype. Now that's the most important thing, because if I know my chakrotype, this is the key to understanding what my deepest soul essence is,
Starting point is 00:40:41 my deepest passion, my deepest happiness. But there are other, the two other chakras that are a part of the interplay of our personality. And without understanding this kind of three type system, their interplay, how to balance them, how to make them communicate with each other, how to use these three numbers, because for me these are three holy numbers. You see for you, supposedly it these three innocent numbers is actually a way to delve into a whole, an indescribably profound inner world and enabling me to answer so many questions about my or your life's greatest dilemmas, to know what to do on certain important junctions, to know really how I should navigate the most important moments of my life. And also even to create my own coaching process
Starting point is 00:42:12 and what to do when I identify that there is a certain inner quarrel within me, how to know which voice to follow. So without this knowledge of the three chakra type system, I don't have the understanding of my nuanced personality and also how to navigate its greatest challenges. So that's why I had to create that other book. Yeah, it's more intense. And you talk about like, it's so beautiful. You say the chakra flowering. And that's kind of like what I imagined when I am able to truly connect with a chakra. It is like a flowering, right? It's like you're opening up this energy
Starting point is 00:43:02 within you that is eternal, each one. And going deep into that to connect with it and just really fully understand, you know, how it is existing in this lifetime. Yes, yes, exactly. That's really lovely, yes. Because for me also flowering is the closest way, the way that is the closest, the closest metaphor to what a balanced and awakened chakra is unbalanced, it is actually like a closed flower. It is deep within our central channel and it is hidden, it is withdrawn.
Starting point is 00:43:51 It is as if our energy collapses into ourselves. Now when a chakra begins to bloom, that means that it always blooms facing the world. As it blooms, that implies its willingness to embrace or our willingness to embrace specific challenges, specific situations in the world that are related to that specific chakra. You see, so when the chakra is withdrawn, it is as if we say, no, I'm not going to participate in this conscious resolution of my
Starting point is 00:44:32 challenge. I'm not going to face it. I don't want to contain it to handle it. So that is why chakra needs flowering. And we can actually, by the way, do it ourselves through visualization, simply when you feel that your chakra is closed, that it is resistant, that it is withdrawn, simply visualize a flower budding from the depth of that chakra. Let it blossom all the way and when that flower is fully open, that means that you say, yes, yes, I'm here, yes, I'm available, I'm going to face that challenge even if that challenge is difficult. Because the greatest difficulty is the resistance to the challenge, not the challenge itself.
Starting point is 00:45:28 That's beautiful. You went in a lot of detail about each chakra in this book. More I would say about the interrelationship and how each chakra functions either as a primary type or a supportive or a secondary type, and even as a supportive type. Because now it is time for me in this book to help people understand how these chakras work with each other. Because managing this kind of interplay means that we have a certain wonderful symphony within ourselves, where the primary is truly the primary. The primary governs my happiness, my essence, my passion,
Starting point is 00:46:16 but also, by the way, interestingly, my greatest fiction with the world. So that is also my most important life theme, the one that is my master for life. The one that is going to show me, it's like the root cause of all my conflicts, major conflicts with life. And the root cause of my shadow work. And that is why I need to work
Starting point is 00:46:43 with the primary chakra type also for this. That is so true because like I was telling you about that self-love thing and that codependency that I have. But also there is this place where when I did find that self-love, I was like, oh, I'm choosing me. I'm choosing me. And there became an added balance from that because then I was feeling this war. You mentioned war of me wanting to help everybody and wanting to say yes all the time. And he's saying no, because I was, you know, going to be this new Shannon who had self-love and I learned to say no. I know I shouldn't always say yes, but I can't always say no.
Starting point is 00:47:33 Yes, I can. Of course, I actually can sympathize with this kind of life lesson. When you choose you of chakra development, that means that you choose also independence. Because independence means that you choose autonomy, you choose yourself as a source, you also choose yourself in the sense that you are responsible for your happiness. So there is a lot that this kind of choice of oneself entails, you see. And when I start working with my secondary, right? It was like, oh, oh yes, this is good, this no, right?
Starting point is 00:48:14 But then my heart was like, but yes. Yes, exactly. So it's so interesting how for me, this makes perfect sense with my primary and my secondary. And my third is always a big part. So to nourish this, right? To continue to, because, you know, first of all, we talked about flowers and, and thank God I've come a long way.
Starting point is 00:48:42 I used to be a mass murderer when it came to keeping plants alive. And now I'm doing really well. To keep that balance and not overwatering, right? And balance. How can we work with our energy to bring ourselves to this place where we are for not just our greater good, but also for that purpose that we have. I mean, there's a reason, like you said, it's not an accident that we are designed this way. Yes. Well, first of all, it's very important to understand our secondary chakras type, to identify it. And it's not always a quick process. And it's actually,
Starting point is 00:49:27 we need to enjoy this kind of process of self-discovery. It's not like astrology or nomology, where you just insert your numbers and you get an immediate, already accomplished the reflection of yourself. It's a process of self-discovery because purpose is something actually very delicate and we need to gradually distinguish it from self-image from what we think we're supposed to do or supposed to be simply because we've adapted and shaped our personality around other people's expectations. And even our own expectations. So first of all, we need to be able to do that. And for that,
Starting point is 00:50:16 this is the process of the discovery of the chakras types. And that also includes And that also includes being able to identify our life theme, our major friction with the world, why we have certain traumas that have remained so unforgettable and unerasable within our system, you see, because these kinds of imprints, they are also the result of primary chakras. So there is a whole process of beginning to learn what our purpose is, how to peel away all those layers that they hinder that. And that requires a process of self-awareness. But I think it's joyful. You know, the heart, that's my home.
Starting point is 00:51:15 But the second and third were, I mean, because you can add up your numbers and you can actually find it. And mine were exactly the same. I was so for my throat and my third eye. I sat with which one I was more in at the time I was more in my throat at the time. But I just was moving into my third eye in that journey for like the last few years. And that's where I feel like I've been more. But then there's still this relationship
Starting point is 00:51:47 with what I feel everything I've learned, I wanna share like what you said. I mean, that's what this podcast is about, right? Perfect sense actually, yes. Because they balance each other, empower each other. That's I think the genius of our constellation because, and that is one of the reasons that I wrote this book. It's not enough to know your primary chakra type because you also need to see how the universe so geniusly created you through three major forces in a way that also softens some of the themes of your primary chakra type,
Starting point is 00:52:32 in a way that empowers some things that you're missing in your primary chakra type. So when you learn to also make use of these advantages of empowerment and softening, then you are able to work consciously with your system. Yeah. Yes. Okay. So you kind of mentioned a little bit of yours because you said you like to learn and then you like to teach.
Starting point is 00:52:59 What's your third? Well, I'm a troublemaker. My supportive type is actually the solar plexus chakra type. So that means that it's a very energetic kind of constellation because my source of nourishment lies in ambition and achievement and, and, and, and, and endless movement forward. So that that creates, let's say, an overactive kind of system. I need to be more that I could care less about achievements. Because usually for people,
Starting point is 00:53:43 their supportive type is the is the part part where they're being nourished. You see, when they have, they can rest. But in the solar plexus chakra type, there is no rest. It's simply more ignition. It's further enhancement. So this is my system and that means of course that I need to look at my missing chakras for balance. Fortunately, I surround myself with people who have these missing chakras. Yes, that's awesome. So how do you work with that solar plexus energy? Is it the drive and the passion for you
Starting point is 00:54:27 to learn more and teach more? Is that where that goes together? Yes, that means that my supportive chakra acts as a constant amplifier of the other two. So that means that I would feel that there is no end to learning, there is no end to curiosity, to research, that of course I would be compelled to write as many books as possible and I've already written over 20 books, and that's just the beginning for me. So there is like, it's like a ceaseless fire. But the way I think one of
Starting point is 00:55:07 for me the major way in which I balance it is by cultivating a very, very relaxed lifestyle. So that kind of in Hinduism, it is called Satvik, Satva Sattva is this kind of lifestyle that sustains an over-stimulated nervous system and that maintains a kind of calm that promotes inner peace and that I think is my foundation. So each one finds and I also live in, so that also relaxes my nerves. Yeah. So this is how we learn to, because for this kind of constellation, living in the midst of a city, that would be truly damaging. So this is how we learn through our constellation to ensure that we live a healthy way of life.
Starting point is 00:56:07 And when I mean we could we can definitely find this and realize this through your book, but then we can look upon our lives and going, yeah, that's why I'm uncomfortable living in the city or something like that. Like I have to live a little outside of that bubble. You know, and I've heard people talk about, even when they go into the city, like their whole body is just, you know, reacting. So it's so interesting because you can really learn yourself. You can really truly, you've, this system, you can really learn to know yourself. It's really amazing.
Starting point is 00:56:42 I'm so glad that you are in your sixth chakra. So that you can help all of us figure it out. So just to go through, there is the seven personality types. It begins with the builder and goes to the yogi. Do you just want to go over them real quick, just briefly? Yes, of course, gladly. Well, there is the root chakra type, the builder, and the builder is a very peaceful, diligent kind of type that likes harmony, that likes a long term building and planning.
Starting point is 00:57:30 building and planning and that is, yes, responsible, reliable and relaxed and they're usually quite optimistic and without a complex psychology. And then there is the sacred chakra, which is the poetic, artistic, wild, ever turbulent soul, always seeking excitement and peak experiences, wanting to feel life deeply, experiencing this pendulum of depression and bliss, and living in the moment, living in the moment not understanding even what future is all about. Yes, yes, and living in the moment, living in the moment, not understanding even what future is all about. Yes, yes, yes.
Starting point is 00:58:10 And then there is the solar plexus chakra type. They are exploding with energy. They just don't know what to do with themselves. So they always set another mountain top to conquer. They have this kind of workaholic tendency. They always have ambition and they always want to be number one, comparing themselves to other people more successful. And there, but they are also, they also have a great ability to master themselves and overcome challenges and difficulties. They actually love challenges.
Starting point is 00:58:45 Right. The achievers. And then exactly the achievers. And then there are the caretakers, the heart chakra type. And they are the most harmonious, intimacy pursuing personalities, hoping always to experience this kind of wholeness with others, this kind of union, this kind of emotional depth, and they have incredible emotional depth, but they also feel usually that they are like a one half seeking another half, and therefore they often experience this kind of emotional dependency,
Starting point is 00:59:23 or tending to overself sacrifice themselves over serving others and their greatest lesson is well to to develop this kind of independence and wholeness emotional wholeness. Well then there is the throat chakras type. They are like the speakers and they are the greatest inspirational beings. They always look to inspire others, to influence others, to educate others. They are all about finding the best ideas about how people can change, how people can transform, how people can live the best life and then they disseminate this kind of teaching in many ways, not only words, in many ways of communication and they are like the guides, the guides of transformation and the
Starting point is 01:00:25 the guides of transformation and the educators, but they're also very controlling because they want everyone to follow their agenda and their vision. This is definitely my best friend, Mandy. She's definitely, this was her, I guarantee this is hers. She just, you know, she tells her story, she's vulnerable. And this is her connection to the world, you know? she tells her story. She's vulnerable. And this is her connection to the world. You know, I love that.
Starting point is 01:00:48 Yeah. Yes, yes, yes. So they're always living in the dream, in the great vision. And they often don't like going through the smaller steps, because that doesn't make sense. It already happened in their heads. So why would they need to to to bother going through this entire tedious process
Starting point is 01:01:13 of manifestation? And then there is the third eye chakras type, the thinkers, they are the observers of the world. They are the greatest scientists. they are natural-born researchers. They analyze everything, including their own experience. They have this kind of distant approach to life because their third eye is so developed. They are usually brilliant, original thinkers, but they also have a great difficulty to engage with the world and with actual life experience. So they always find themselves hovering over the world, unable
Starting point is 01:01:57 to truly enter their body. Oh, wow. That's exciting. That's me. So you know what? Maybe it's not that I have ADHD. Maybe I'm just a very strong second thinker, second personality type thinker. And the combination where yes, that is very airy, you see, very ethereal. That's the point. Yes. Very, very transparent kind of mind. So that makes sense. Yes. And I love Carl Jung, like, seriously, we think the same, him and I. So philosophy, where would that fall though? Is that under, would that be under the thinker or would it be the yogi? Okay. Definitely. No, the greatest philosophers in history have always been thinkers. Yes, because thinkers, they just want to find that one theory that explains everything, and often they live on that theory, thinking that this theory has a replaced experience for them, you see. Okay, well, I definitely feel like my first and second
Starting point is 01:03:09 are heart and thinker. And I must say, philo-Sophia is the lover of wisdom. So we have love and wisdom in that word. Yes, exactly, exactly. Philosophy is actually composed of these heart chakra type and third eye chakra type. Exactly, this combination. Yes.
Starting point is 01:03:33 Well, not so much in the academic world. Let me tell you as an academic philosopher, there is no heart chakra involved in today's philosophy, but in the original sense of philosophy. And then the last one is the crown chakra type, the yogis. And they are the meditators of the world. They have this kind of completely ethereal personality. It's like on the verge of non-existence,
Starting point is 01:04:03 they are so light and so careless about possessions and about ambitions, all they want to do is pursue the spiritual journey all the way and they always feel that their true home is up there or deep within the spirit and that it's not in the world. So they have this kind of renunciate spirit. Thich Nhat Hanh, would he have been? Thich Nhat Hanh, I think he also had a great heart chakra and an enormous- He's a teacher. Yes. Voice. also had a great heart chakra and an enormous... He's a teacher.
Starting point is 01:04:46 Yes, so it's a little more complex than that because usually those yogis, they don't find themselves in the midst of the world functioning as this kind of immensely popular spiritual guide. They usually find themselves hidden in ashrams in caves in monasteries, and teaching the few rather than the masses. That makes so much sense.
Starting point is 01:05:13 Brilliant, brilliant, which I loved to take knock on. I love to knock on bless his soul. Yes, yes, it was one of the purest beings. But he's a teacher, so he would be more of voice and heart. Yeah. Would you say that about Tikna Khan? The heart is the voice. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:33 Yes, I think the heart was enormous in him. But we also find, I think I need to learn more about him. Because there's a lot. Yes. He was a protester. Yeah, he got kicked out of his country for that. I mean, he came to America, he got a Nobel Peace Prize. It helps to be able to sometimes see other people because you can't see yourself. Yes, yes. Also, the good thing about famous figures
Starting point is 01:06:02 is that these figures have become known because they've been so total in their embodiment. So that means that their personality type is explicit, is complete, is unified. It's not like in us that it's sometimes a hesitant kind of expression. With them, it's explosive. It's the heart chakra in its fully manifested form so it's very easy to notice it and to learn from it. Like Mother Teresa right for the heart chakra right or anyone who dedicated their life to helping um yeah she's amazing too. But yeah, that's it. That's very amazing. Well, I really appreciate you coming out with this new book. I feel like, yes, perfect together. Learn your type, which is so fun to do. I mean, your book is so fun. We had a book club on
Starting point is 01:06:58 your book because we loved it so much. Maybe we'll have to do another one. That would be cool. I bet people would love that. Thank you so much. It's been so great to have you again. I really appreciate you coming on. Yeah, it's always so extraordinary to have a dialogue with you truly, truly because it involves the heart chakra, the throat chakra and the third eye. So it feels like it.
Starting point is 01:07:27 It does it? Is that interesting? Yes, yes, yes. It feels. Yeah. When you know what you are and you can see others where they are and you know, it just, you see the world so differently, don't you? Exactly.
Starting point is 01:07:43 Exactly. Yes. Yes. Great time to bring this out because we need to see the world in the best light that we can. Yes. Tell everybody where they can buy your book, your website. The book itself, well, it's available everywhere. It's with Llewellyn worldwide. So it appears on Amazon and of course everywhere else. And there is my official website, which is
Starting point is 01:08:17 That also includes, by the way, a current annual course titled a current annual course titled Chakra-Informed Therapy and Coaching. So that's a professional training for those interested in being informed by the Chakra wisdom to become better therapists and coaches. And my last invitation is my YouTube channel under my name, which includes over 800 videos with so many explanations about how to live spirituality on a daily basis, how to incorporate the Chakra personality type into your life and the guided meditation. So I think that's a very useful resource. Yes. Yes. I love your YouTube and your meditations. Thank you so much. You take care. And if you come out with any more books since you're, you know,
Starting point is 01:09:18 third chakra, I keep fishing out more books. So let me know. I would love to have you back. So thank you. Of course. Of course. Thank you so much. Thanks for listening to Sense of Soul podcast. And thanks to our special guest. If you want more of Sense of Soul, check out my website at It's time to awaken.

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