Sense of Soul - Embracing the Psychic Within

Episode Date: March 3, 2025

Today on Sense of Soul we have Julie Ryan, she is an inventor, entrepreneur, and author, who learned how to be a psychic and medical intuitive more than 25 years ago. After inventing a number of glo...bally used surgical devices and founding nine companies in five industries, Julie settled into her talents as a psychic and medical intuitive, going on to write her books Angelic Attendants: What Really Happens As We Transition From This Life Into The Next, the Angel Messages® series of four children’s books, and The Two-Minute Rule®. She is also the voice behind the Ask Julie Ryan show which has an extremely loyal following with an audience from all over the world. c Check out Sense of Soul on

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey Soul Seekers, it's Shanna. Journey with me to discover how people around the world awaken to their true sense of soul. Now go grab your coffee and open your mind, heart and soul. It's time to awaken. Hey, listeners, I wanted to tell you that you can now watch Sense of Soul on a new platform called New Reality TV, a platform of like-minded podcasts where we all desire to raise the consciousness of humanity. Go check it out, listen to one of my episodes, and don't forget to follow me, and share this with some of your friends or family or whoever you feel needs it. And today on Sense of Soul, I have Julie Ryan. She's a psychic medium, medical intuitive, and the host of the Ask Julie Ryan show, which I've been a guest on. She's the author of several
Starting point is 00:01:01 books and hold workshops in person, teaching people how to connect with the other side. And she's with us today to share her amazing wisdom. So please welcome Julie Ryan. Julie, thank you so much for being a guest today. I'm super excited to have you and talk about angels with you. Oh girl. I'm always thrilled to talk to you. What a delight to have the opportunity to be on your show. Thanks for the invitation. Well, it was an honor to be on your show as well.
Starting point is 00:01:31 So thank you for having me as a guest. That was so fun. And you know what? I would love to I'd love to start off just by learning how people got to where they are. Tell us a little bit about how you came into this. I mean, were you born this way? No, actually, I think we're all born this way, but most of us don't realize it. But I didn't have dead people chasing me as a child, let alone what I would have done with that had I had that
Starting point is 00:01:57 information. No, I'm a wife and a mom and a grandmother and just a regular, you know, just a regular gal. I'm also a business woman and an inventor. I have invented surgical devices sold throughout the world and have manufactured them. And I'm a serial entrepreneur who's founded nine companies in five industries. So I like to say I'm a business woman who learned how to do woo woo and I'm a buffet of psychicness. I love that so much. Yeah. Did you grow up with a spiritual, you know, upbringing?
Starting point is 00:02:30 I mean of religion. 12 years Catholic schools. That's right. Yeah, yeah, Catholic. And now I call myself a cafeteria Catholic. I go to church most weekends, but I keep the stuff that makes sense to me, the stuff that doesn't, I leave it there. And, you know, whoever wants to work with that can work with it. But I get to see in my mind's eye, amazing things happen in churches. And I was at a wedding a couple of
Starting point is 00:02:58 weekends ago, and it was an outdoor wedding. And it was beautiful. The day was beautiful. The bride was beautiful. The setting was beautiful. And the minister was quoting the Bible verse, today is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad. As soon as he said that, a train went by and blew his whistle twice. It was like the conductor was going, yeah, that's right.
Starting point is 00:03:23 Then the whole congregation, everybody there, it just cracked up and the minister said, see, God has a great sense of humor. And I have found that to be the case. So how I got started in all this is, about 30 years ago, I had a girlfriend give me a book called Anatomy of the Spirit by Carolyn Mase. I have that on here too.
Starting point is 00:03:45 Yeah. Good one. And so I read the book, and it was interesting. And she called herself a medical intuitive. And at that stage, I'd been in the medical supply industry, the hospital supply industry for, I don't know, 10 or 12 years or something. And I thought, medical intuitive?
Starting point is 00:04:02 What's that? Because I was helping doctors and surgeons help their patients heal by developing products and devices and early in my career, selling hundreds of thousands of medical products and devices, not drugs, but all the stuff that you see in a hospital from surgery to the laundry department, to the housekeeping department, to the whole nine yards. So I was interested in that. And back then we didn't have the internet yet. So I did the old fashioned thing and I went to a bookstore and I found a book called hands of light by Barbara Brennan. How that ran through? Yeah, and she's a former NASA physicist.
Starting point is 00:04:46 She's deceased now. And she parlayed very complex quantum physics principles into understandable English for the non-scientific mind. That would be me. And I thought, oh, this is fascinating. I want to know more. And so I called her school and I asked if they had anybody in my area that was teaching this stuff.
Starting point is 00:05:08 And they said, yeah, as a matter of fact, we do. We have somebody who's a graduate that's just opened a school. And I then called her and I worked with her for six years. She's still my mentor. I still talked to her about once a month. She's in her mid eighties now and she's amazing. And so I learned the thing that pulled me in first was the medical intuition and energy healing stuff.
Starting point is 00:05:33 And then what I learned was once we connect with spirit, we can do it all. And so I'm not sure why the woo-woo industry is segmented into silos like the medical industry. You know, you got the gynecologists and the dermatologists and the cardiologists and all of that. And in the woo woo space, you know this, you know, you got the psychics and the mediums and the pet psychics and the healers and the postulate people. Well, once you connect with spirit, you can do it all. And that's what I teach the buffet of psychicness.
Starting point is 00:06:06 Wow. That's amazing. Do you know those two books were definitely before I got all the books that I have behind here. You can't see them, but those were the first two. Yeah, they were the ones that introduced me to all of this. I don't know anything about it. And my family and friends, as I was studying this stuff for six years and spending the equivalent of a PhD or an MD in graduate school, by the way, I mean, it costs a fortune to learn all this stuff. Back then, 30 years ago, I would get questions from my family and friends and they'd say, well, why are you doing this?
Starting point is 00:06:45 And I was like, I don't know. And they'd say, well, what are you going to do with it? Once you learn it? I said, again, I don't know. So fast forward all these years later, and when I sold my surgical device manufacturing company, I'm not okay. Now what? And this is where I've been led and it's the most fun thing I've ever done. I don't have a business plan. It's the first time I've ever done that at any company I've ever started again. Nine. This is the ninth company I've started from scratch and I don't look at measurables very much and I don't it's just unfolded on its own. It's been really fun to watch it unfold and people will say to me, well, you know, what's your goal? What's your plan? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:07:33 Well, why are you doing this? I'm being led and it's fun. What does that lead look like? You said you're being led. Great question. I'll get an idea in my head or somebody will talk to me about something like, you know, have you thought about doing this? Have you thought about doing that? But what if you did a training on your buffet of psychicness? And I'm thinking,
Starting point is 00:07:58 I'm not a teacher. And then another sign will come in and another sign. And so I'll check in with my main spirit guide who's dead Pope called Clement the sixth. I have a fun story about that in a minute. And I'll say, am I supposed to teach people how to do this stuff? And he says, yeah, like, duh. And I said, well, I don't know what to teach. I don't know how to do this. You know, I'm coming up with all these reasons I can't do it. And he's saying, you do this, this and this. You charge this amount of money. You started on this date.
Starting point is 00:08:37 And I sit in it, which was 10 days out from when I'm talking to him. Hello. And I'm saying, no, no, no, no, no, I can't get it done that fast. I got to get a page up on my website. You know, I'm thinking operationally, how am I going to pull this off? He said, you do it 10 days. This is when you started. So she and I announced it on my show. This was like maybe a Tuesday, I'm having this conversation, announced it on my show on Thursday night, got my web guy to work on it on Friday and
Starting point is 00:09:03 Saturday, it was up on the website Sunday. We released it on Sunday by Tuesday. I had a bunch of people sign up from four countries and pay the price. That is a lot that we were asking. I argued with him about the price and he said, no, no, this is the price. You do it. And it's been that way through 22 classes. I've never changed the price. And so I thought, OK, OK, I get it. And now I just finished teaching the 22nd class in Atlanta. And we had people flying from a bunch of different countries
Starting point is 00:09:40 and from all over the US and spend the weekend. And it was so magical and so much fun. And the vibration, you know, we about blew the roof off the hotel. That's how being led works for me. I'll have an idea and I'll, if it feels good, then I'll take the next step and I'll explore that, explore that.
Starting point is 00:10:02 And it used to be, I don't question it anymore. Early on it would be, well, I don't know how to do a podcast. I don't know how to do this. I don't know how to do that. But in all my companies, I didn't know how to do most of the stuff I did, but I hired people that knew how to do that stuff.
Starting point is 00:10:21 And so I thought, Ryan, you know how to do this. You hire somebody that knows how to do this. You hire somebody that knows how to do this. And that's how it's all come to be. So just authentically led. I love that you just trusted. Yeah, you know, and I'm sure that you talk a lot about this in your workshop, that trust and also listening. There's discernment that you have to really focus in on, hone in on. Yeah. And I teach techniques of how to validate the information we get. Several years ago, like 10 plus years ago, I'm with my mentor.
Starting point is 00:10:57 I'm laying on a massage table face up. I got a pillow under my head, my blankies on, I'm all cozy and she's doing a healing on me. I mean, I do healings on people every day from all over the world. She's the only one that zaps on me. So when she's doing a healing on me, my deceased loved ones line both sides of the massage table and they participate in the healing.
Starting point is 00:11:22 Even my late dog, Katie girl, who was a quiche hound German shepherd of eggs and she had a she'll stand under her highlights with her little paws up on the side of the table. It is the cutest thing. So one day this, this dead Pope shows up, this Pope spirit and he's got its hat on his Pope hat and it's shepherd's rod and the whole nine yards. And I'm thinking, okay. So I said, who are you? And he said, I'm Clement.
Starting point is 00:11:51 And I said, I never heard of a Pope Clement. He said, well, I was number six. And Susan, my mentor, she could perceive him as well. And I said, well, how may I help you? And I'm thinking, why are you here? And he said, well, how may I help you? And I'm thinking, why are you here? I said, well, how may I help you? And he said, you're supposed to teach the world what happens when somebody dies because everybody's so afraid because it's been bastardized over the millennia and you know what happens. So you're supposed to teach everybody, you know, this is why you're here is to teach the world what
Starting point is 00:12:25 happens when somebody dies. I didn't even skim a beat. I just said, I'm not doing that. I'm a business woman and people think I'm nuts. It's so he laughed. He said, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Everything you've ever done in your life has prepared you for this. So just treats me like a Nike ad, just do it. So I'm like, yeah, thanks, but no thanks. Thanks for stopping by, see ya. No, I leave Susan's and I get in my car and I was led, again, I had a thought that came into my head to do an internet search on this guy.
Starting point is 00:13:04 And so I did, And I found out that Pope Clement the sixth was in office during the black plague when two thirds of Europe died. And he's best known for his prayers for the dying and his prayers for the dead. And I thought, okay, Ryan, you can't make that up. Right. I never heard of the guy. So fast forward a couple of years, you know, I'm busy, I'm selling my company, like not even thinking about it. And the meantime, he's around and I can hear, you know, you really need to do something with this,
Starting point is 00:13:38 but I'm like, yeah, yeah, yeah, later. So one day, one Sunday, I'm at church, I'm sitting between my son and my husband. And the priest from the pulpit says, when it be nice if somebody could tell us if angels and our deceased loved one spirits really greet us and lead us to heaven. I'm getting elbowed from my husband and my son. And I'm going, really, God, from the pulpit, you're giving me grief about this? And so that's when I finally said, all right, I surrender and I'll do it.
Starting point is 00:14:14 And then all of this has just come out of that. There you go. He always shows up with his pope hat on. And after all these years, I'll say, Really, you got to wear the hat. I mean, I know who you are after all this time. And he laughs and he goes, but it looks good. Don't you think? Okay. We're supposed to have fun when we're doing this stuff. Right. And, and that that's the comment that I kept getting this past weekend in Atlanta. Everybody kept saying you make this stuff so fun and so easy. I said, it is easy and it is fun. There's no reason to complicate it. It's all a natural ability we all have. You just got to develop and enhance it. Right. And I think that sometimes people think of woo as like, oh, oh yeah. Right. Okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:03 Then I think right now what is happening over the past few years, especially is that it's becoming more normalized. I agree. 100%. I think it's been very exclusive, kind of like religions. You know, if you wanted to communicate with God, you needed to go through the minister, the priest or the rabbi or whomever. And that's just control. You know, that's a control thing. You got to contribute through the minister or the priest or the rabbi or whomever. And that's just control. You know, that's a control thing. You got to contribute to our church or our synagogue in order to, you know, be able to reach the divine.
Starting point is 00:15:35 And I think that those generations are dying off, quite frankly. My parents and my grandparents, my grandparents were born at the turn of the 20th century. My parents were born in the 1920s. And they believed that you had to believe everything about Catholicism or you weren't a true Catholic. Well, no, that's not the case. And I believe that the younger generations, my generation, you know, I was born,
Starting point is 00:16:06 I was born at the end of the baby boom era. So we're going, yeah, religion's helpful, but we're more interested in the spirituality thing. And that's where I see our zeitgeist going from less from the organized religions into more of the spirituality that we all have the ability when we're born to communicate with spirit. We're doing it all day long. We just don't realize we're doing it. It's a question that I think I used to always ask when I was younger, especially I'm in high school. Cause I actually wanted to be like a pastor, even though I grew up Catholic, that wasn't an option there. So like, I thought maybe I could because I loved studying religion. And I loved I was curious, you know, I was a seeker at heart.
Starting point is 00:16:58 And I, I literally wondered, like, this book is full of mediumship. Did God just stop talking to us? And then I thought, how silly, why would he? And spirits, angels and burning bushes and, you know, and stuff like that. It's all throughout the Bible, the Kundalini symbol of the three fingers, you know, that Christ holds up, you'll see a lot of icons with great fingers up. That's Kundalini.
Starting point is 00:17:30 It way precedes Christ. And we know that a lot of the saints, I was in Ireland a few months ago and learned that St. Bridget, who along with St. Patrick is really so beloved by the Irish people. She never lived. She was a pagan goddess. And they knew, the church knew that they weren't going to be able to get the Irish people away from honoring her. So they made her a saint. Well, they did this with a bunch of them. Yeah, and one of the parameters that are necessary for somebody to be canonized is they have to perform miracles. They had to live a human life.
Starting point is 00:18:12 Well they just bypassed all that, made Saint Bridget a saint. I know I found out they did that with Saint Sophia, which has, you know, been largely my journey, but you know, it's like, if there was a culture that highly held, you know, somebody spiritually, they were like, make him a saint. Yeah. So it makes you know that, okay, there's way more to the occasion here. There's way more than meets the eye here going on. And it's all spirituality. Every composer, every author, every inventor, every artist, they're all channeling. The Bible was all channeled, just like Harry Potter. Right. It's like the most esoteric book ever.
Starting point is 00:19:03 right? It's like the most esoteric book ever. Exactly. Well, you know, you know, the Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John were all like JK Rowling. They were channeling all that stuff. And then it was edited over the millennia by people in positions of power to reflect what the church wanted it to say at that moment in time and reflect the patriarchal. We've talked about that. I know. And especially Paul. I mean, Paul didn't even know Jesus. And he wrote like 80% of the New Testament. So in, you know, I think that what's happening right now is truly amazing because you see this huge awakening in every in people in my generation, your generation, and these younger kids are coming in like, Oh my gosh, we're gonna learn so much from them. Right.
Starting point is 00:19:54 And every cultures had mediumship in it. So and so reading the tea leaves or reading the coffee grounds or using a pendulum or using some other way tarot cards certainly have been around for forever. And as we've become more well-educated and more proof-based, I think we've gotten away from that. But it's always been there underlying what's going on. Little children have always been able to see spirits and always be able to talk to spirits until somebody says to them, well, honey, that's just your imagination. That's not really real. And then they learn to shut it down. I know you've got a bunch of kids and have you encountered that with
Starting point is 00:20:42 any of your children? Oh yeah, all of them. And you know, because my kids are so spread out in age, from 27 to 12, it's like I wish I would have been more present with my older kids to pay attention, but my youngest, I mean, yeah, she has set me off on most of my journeys, has seen things before I do. And the other, actually, I think it was just last night,
Starting point is 00:21:08 my dog was just sitting there looking at nothing, but really studying something, you know? I mean, there was nothing there. And my daughter says, you know, he does that all the time. She was like, he's looking at something that we can't see. And I said, well, you know, it is true. He can hear things we can't hear. We can't hear the dog whistle, but he can. So, you know, yeah, I mean, he doesn't have the ego telling him, nah, that's imagination. That's not there. Right. Right. Exactly. And every once in a while,
Starting point is 00:21:44 it's not very often, but every once in a while, I'll have somebody say, well, you need to prove this stuff to me. And I'll say, well, actually, I really don't. I mean, I'm happy to talk to you about it and give you examples of validation if you'd like, or we can talk about football or the weather or whatever you want. I mean, it's up to you. And so, and they'll say, no, no, no, no, I'm interested. I want to know more. And it's usually somebody that's very ensconced in a religion kind of a person. And I'll say, do you pray? And they'll say,
Starting point is 00:22:19 of course I pray. Like, why would you ask me such a thing? And I'll say great to whom are you praying? And I'll say God or Jesus or Buddha or whoever. They're great. So let's say you're talking to Jesus. Are you on your couch in your family room and Jesus is sitting next to you on your couch having a conversation with you? And we'll say well no of course not. And I'll say, oh, you're talking to Jesus's spirit. And they'll say, you can just see their wheels on their heads, their brains start to turn. And they'll say, oh, I never thought about it that way. I said, that's all this is. Most people will tell you, I don't know what the percentage is, but my guess is it's in the mid 90% if they're really honest about it, that when they lose a loved one,
Starting point is 00:23:12 they're talking to that loved one's spirit in their head. And it's the same thing. We all do it. Yeah. I mean, it's the answering back. When I'll say something, I'll remember my dad, and all of a sudden I'll hear his voice in my head. You know what I mean? Who is the voice? Who is listening? There's all of these multifaceted energies we're talking about. It's not physical, it's not 3D. We can't see it, we can't feel it. We can't really hear it out loud. But you know, energies we're talking about. It's not physical. It's not 3D. We can't see it. We can't feel it. I can't really hear it out loud. But you know, sometimes I would say that, you know, with our gifts and I think the vibration, like you said, the vibration at your hotel was about
Starting point is 00:23:57 to blow up the ceiling. I do feel like in very high vibrational times in my life, I have had more physical experiences. Like actually seeing emeration or what are they called? Embrations or some sort of, sometimes shadows or something, lights or hear actually things. Did you guys hear that laugh or what was that? What do you think about that interdimensional? Well, I think you hit the nail in the head. It's about raising one's vibrational level to the level of spirit
Starting point is 00:24:36 because we're all spirits attached to a body having a human experience. And when we're attached to a body, we vibrate more slowly simply because the body has mass. So in order to communicate with spirit, we need to have a high vibrational level. It's like the difference between listening to an old time country music station where the songs are whiny in there, complaining about mama the truck and the dog versus tuning to a classical station where you're hearing a Gregorian chant or something or a classical piece of music. Spirit done communicate on the I feel crappy channels because the vibration's too low.
Starting point is 00:25:15 So it's a matter of raising our vibrational level. I have found that our heads are like big satellite dishes and they receive and transmit frequencies. Every spirit has a frequency they keep throughout all of their lifetimes, as do all animals, as do all trees and plants, and everything is all a vibrational level. So it's like you got your satellite radio deal in your car. You're going to turn it to a certain station,
Starting point is 00:25:43 and then you're going to be able to receive that programming. Similarly, your satellite TV, your cable TV, your regular TV, you know, and the big broadcast networks, you're turning it to a certain station, you're turning it to a frequency. When you're on the radio and you're listening to 102.5, that's the frequency 102.5 megahertz. And that's the frequency that your receiver in your car is picking up. Our bodies are the same thing and our heads are like satellite dishes. So it's the exact same concept. Maybe even technology has been modeled after this. Oh yeah, absolutely. Because even the fact that you and I are talking right now and we're using this device to do so.
Starting point is 00:26:30 But if this device goes away and doesn't work anymore and it dies, there's still a connection here. The connection doesn't go away. I can still get another device and hook it up to the connection and it'll be reborn. It's you. It's you. It's me. It's all of us. Together. A new time. A new day. A new energy.
Starting point is 00:27:08 A new energy. A new reality. Awaken with us. Awaken with us. Awaken with us. We can communicate telepathically with any spirit that's attached to a body or not. And what I teach is you focus on your attention,
Starting point is 00:27:27 where's your attention focused and what's your intention. You know, new definition of artificial intelligence. This is the root of all intelligence, is spirit communication. But that's how I teach it is it's AI, attention, intention. Who do you want to talk to? People will say to me every once in a while, and I got this question this weekend at my training. Well, some mediums can't communicate with the spirit. They say the spirit's just not available or they're not able to pull it in or whatever. And they said, what's happening there? And I said, the medium doesn't have their radar on at a high enough level because any spirit is available, attention intention.
Starting point is 00:28:14 Your attention is on that spirit. My grandma, Ryan, hey, grandma, Ryan, my attention, my intention is to connect with her and have a conversation with her. So that once I think of her that tunes my satellite dish head to her frequency, opens up something similar to a two-way radio communication. And I say something to her and she answers me and how we know that it's our loved one or Elvis or whoever we want to talk to. Answering us, it's that first thing that comes into our heads as fast as you can snap your fingers or even before your statement or your question is out because time doesn't exist in the spirit world. You know this time's a human
Starting point is 00:28:59 creation. So they've got our thought sometimes before we were even done thinking it and they're responding. So it's always that first thing. And the other thing to remember is spirits always going to give us the correct answer. How applicable it is will be predicated on how we ask a question if we're looking for advice. So that's important to remember. For example, if you say, hey mom,
Starting point is 00:29:27 and your mom's spirits inhabit, everybody goes to heaven by the way, but you say, hey mom, are we gonna enjoy the movie? And you hear a yes. And so you and your family are watching some movie tonight and it's awful. And you're saying, mom, this movie's atrocious. What's that all about?
Starting point is 00:29:46 Well, the way you asked the question could pertain to any movie you're going to watch throughout the rest of your life, it was very general. Versus if you said, hey, mom, are we going to enjoy watching Frozen 2 on Disney Plus tonight? See the way that question was posed. So spirit's always going to give us a correct answer. It's always gonna feel neutral or good.
Starting point is 00:30:07 They will never say anything derogatory or demeaning or degrading or abusive. If you're getting that, you're not in alignment with spirit, that's your brain. So get in alignment again, re-ask the question, make the statement, see what comes in. I appreciate you saying that. I believe that is true. And I've had on, I feel like some of the most respected mediums as yourself, and they have never said anything different. And when I
Starting point is 00:30:42 hear people telling me, I was told by the psychic, my husband's cheating on me. Now I'm leaving him. I'm thinking to myself, you should get a second opinion. If you do win for six, private investigator at least. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That's craziness. Spirits pure love. There are no evil spirits, don't exist. No drama. It's been used to control the masses with fear. We saw that in the pandemic. Everybody was consumed by fear. They did stupid stuff.
Starting point is 00:31:15 We believed we needed to stay six feet apart. There was no research done on that. And we all knew that when we were in a restaurant, we had a mask on and we walked to our table that was three feet from the door and then we could take our mask off because the air was different there. I mean, come on. People lose their clarity of their brain when they're in fear. So that's been used.
Starting point is 00:31:40 Fear's been used by civilizations and religions and countries and governments since the beginning of time to control the masses. And that's what I'm seeing change. The zeitgeist of just because the government tells me something doesn't mean I buy it or I believe it or I'm going to even follow it. Yeah. If it doesn't make sense to me. And you know, it's been coming up for the past month for me is that I have to hold space for fear and for love. And it just equals out the love just takes the fear when you hold the space for it. And it makes so much sense. I mean, in your own personal journey, if you have trauma, you can't just, you know, run away from it, pretend it's not there, you need to care for it needs love. And that's the only way it'll be healed. Yeah, look at it from a different perspective to negate the horror perhaps that somebody
Starting point is 00:32:47 went through from their childhood or other life experiences. And yet how is it benefiting me? What am I creating out of that? Am I remaining a victim or am I being a creator, which we all come in to create? You think about what you create in a day. Create what time you're gonna get up. You create if you're gonna eat breakfast, what you're gonna wear, how you're gonna get to work. We're creating all day long. And then when we die, what do we do?
Starting point is 00:33:17 We go to heaven and we create what we're gonna do in our next lifetime. We're always creating. And that's just the nature of our spirit. And so you're absolutely right. And, and the thing about fear, anything that feels bad is based in fear, anger, jealousy, boredom, grief, whatever. It's all based in fear.
Starting point is 00:33:40 And we need to have that fear in order to create what we do want. Because if everything was just fabulous all the time, we wouldn't have any incentive to create something different. When you were a kid, did you ever think, when I'm a grownup and I have my own kids, I'm going to do it differently? I know I certainly did. And I did when I became a mom. So we know what we don't want. That helps us create what we do want. Because otherwise, we wouldn't progress. Exactly. I know a lot of people have fear right now.
Starting point is 00:34:15 There's a lot of things that are fearful outside of this space. And sometimes I don't even know they exist until I peek my head around and I'm like, oh, yeah, no wonder. Yeah, no wonder why everyone's stressed. And whether I'm actually watching it, involved in it, I still can feel it, you know, because we are all one. And, you know, calling in your spirit guides and the love of source is, is a beautiful thing to do right now. We're not alone. I have a colleague who I heard say recently, all thoughts of future events are a lie. And I said, Oh my God, that's so profound. Because what are we doing? We're using our imagination
Starting point is 00:35:02 to envision things that may happen happen even though we don't want them to happen. And then we're suffering over them and there's a good chance they'll never happen. And certainly they want to unfold in the way that we think that they're going to unfold. So he said all future events are a lie. And that's why I came up with my two minute world technique. May I share that? Yes.
Starting point is 00:35:27 Oh, this works great. So when we have a thought that feels neutral or good, follow it. Act on it. Nothing happens until you take action anyways, when we have a thought that comes into our head. Now, if you have a thought that feels badly, it's always based in fear, as I mentioned, anger, jealousy, boredom, grief, actual fear, all that stuff, it's all based in fear. The key is, how do we
Starting point is 00:35:53 differentiate between what's a real fear and a fake fear? And the reason why that's important is because when we have a thought that is a fearful thought, we immediately go into fight or flight. It's an autonomic nervous system response that we all have. We're all going into fight or flight. We want to decide, okay, is this a real fear? Is this going to hurt me or kill me? Or is this a fake fear? The bodies, what happens?
Starting point is 00:36:20 Our stress hormones go up, our blood drains from our brain goes to our heart and our extremities so we can run away from whatever the fear is, and we lose clarity because we're so panicked to get away from whatever that perceived fear is. So here's the trick. It's a game. And the trick is you say, is this going to kill me in the next two minutes? It's a yes or no answer in this game. If I'm standing in the middle of the road and there's a truck headed towards me, is
Starting point is 00:36:54 that a rational fear? Yeah. Get out of the road, but for the truck ride, you ever. So if you ask us, is this going to kill me in the next two minutes? Yeah, it could, or it could seriously harm you. If you're running late for a doctor's appointment, then we're stressing out and in your head, it takes a nanosecond to do it. Is this going to kill me in the next two minutes if I'm late for this doctor's appointment? No. No, but dot, dot, dot is not an answer that works in this
Starting point is 00:37:19 game. It's either yes or no. If the answer is a no answer, no, if I'm late for this appointment, it's not going to kill me. What do you do? You stay out of fight or flight and you can think clearly and you think, okay, I'm going to call the office from the car and say, Hey, I'm running late. And you know, I'm on my way. See you soon. I mean, most of the time you got to wait in the waiting room for an hour anyways, before they even take you back. But if we don't have that technique, what do we do? Oh my God, I'm late for this doctor's appointment. I've waited nine months. If I don't get in, I'm not going to be able to get in for another nine months. What if there's something really wrong with me? Well, if it's really wrong with me then, and I'm not seeing, well, I may die and I may
Starting point is 00:38:05 lose all my money and I may be just homeless and starving and die on the street. Really? No, but that's where our brains go because we're out of clarity. So the beauty with the two minute rule is this is going to kill me in the next two minutes is it's useful in every situation. You can use it unlimited times a day. It's free and it's convenient because it works anywhere your brain is and your brain is usually with you wherever you are.
Starting point is 00:38:31 Yeah. Now for children I teach, is this gonna hurt me in the next two minutes? Little kids get this. Yeah. And they implement it. I have made the two minute rule when that came in from spirit
Starting point is 00:38:45 several years ago, I thought, Oh, this is a game changer. And when it came in, I started just using it. And now I don't even think about it. If I have a thought that feels bad, I'm immediately in the two minute rule. And I'm normally laughing and going, really, Ryan, you're being a drama queen here. You know, get over it. It helps us live a life of joy. It's amazing how well it works. So the two minute rule is this going to kill me in the next two minutes? Yes or no, keeps you out of fight or flight. The other thing from a medical standpoint and a body standpoint, what happens when we're in fight or flight? Our cortisol levels are raised, our norepinephrine, it causes inflammation, blood pressure goes up, insulin's released, causes you to store fat. That's a good reason to follow this right there.
Starting point is 00:39:39 I don't need any more fat. I don't know about you, or store any more And so what's the number one reason for chronic disease, chronic inflammation. So it helps from a physiology standpoint helps from a psychology standpoint helps from a spiritual standpoint. And then you can get guidance because your vibration remains high. It's really fabulous. I love the two minute role, because I did do for years,
Starting point is 00:40:07 because I have ADHD cognitive therapy, which is very similar, but that's a quick one. I mean, like you said. Wait a second, somebody's yelling at you. Nobody can control your thoughts, which means nobody can really control your behavior. But somebody, let's say somebody's just yelling at you, you know, you're in a car accident and the person who's involved
Starting point is 00:40:30 is just going off and yelling at you and in your head, you're thinking, is this going to kill me in the next two minutes? All right. So it helps you stay calm, helps you get guidance, helps you say, I know, I know this is awful. I promise, you know, everything's going to be okay. And you can help calm them down instead of reacting. And it's really helpful. That's huge because you're reclaiming your power really. Exactly. For all of the things, all the narratives that we tell ourselves, you know, that aren't true. And that don't exist in the future that are lies. Right? All future thoughts are lies. Isn't that a great all thoughts about the future are lies. I heard that I said I'm gonna poach that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:15 Well, Julie, you're so wise. You bring so much wisdom. And we were talking before that, you know, we've interviewed a lot of people too, you know, and've interviewed a lot of people too, you know, and, and they have shared wisdom on your Ask Julie Ryan show. Yeah. You've been doing it a while and you are a success, whether you intended to or not. Yeah. We, I think tonight OB's show like 570 something. So we released four shows a week. We're on all the podcast networks. We're, I guess you're rolling your eyes because you know what's involved with that. We are on YouTube as everything's that asked Julie Ryan. We've got an English channel, a Spanish channel, a Portuguese channel. We're releasing French this month and then we'll release German next month. So all the shows are being dubbed into these other languages. And it's it's pretty cool speaking
Starting point is 00:42:09 of AI because the AI matches my voice and matches my guest voice or my caller's voice. When you were a guest on my show, that show will be dubbed in all those different languages to go out to the world to get this information out. So it's really it's really been fun. We'll add other foreign language shows. We've got Ask Julie Ryan Espanol and all the podcast networks on the Spanish podcast networks as well. My eighth book is coming out here in the next couple of months. And so that'll be fun. And the show's great. Three of them a week are interviews.
Starting point is 00:42:48 And then one every Thursday night at 8 Eastern, we have asked Julie Ryan that's live. And people call in from all over the world, and they ask a question from the buffet of psychicness. So, you know, can I talk to my dead grandma? Can you scan my guinea pig? You know, I've got this medical condition going on. Can you help me with that? Do I have a past life with this career advice? How close to death is my loved one? And we'll see what phase of transition they're in.
Starting point is 00:43:21 That's what my book, Angelica Tendence is about. And may I show it to everybody? Anybody that's watching or listening, if you want a free copy of Angelica Tendence, What Happens As We Transition From This Life Into The Next, just go to and we'll send you our free digital and audio book version. And just as a thank you for listening to the show today.
Starting point is 00:43:48 So that's a blast. People join, we do the YouTube live on that and people join via YouTube and they'll put a question in the chat. And so we take questions both from the YouTube live and from people that call in that are on camera. And it's so much fun, Shanna, because he's a crapshoot. I never know who's going to call. I never know who my team is going to put on. I never know what their question is going to be. I never know what the spirit is going to say. Very fast paced, very, very interesting in that the questions, especially if it's a medical question, how it helps others because inevitably somebody will have some similar symptom happening and they'll receive a healing at the same time. I also tell all my listeners, whether they're current, real time, or whether they're listening in the future, that especially with the healings, picture what I'm describing, because then we're all putting our focus, attention, intention, onto my collar to help them heal.
Starting point is 00:45:08 And the stuff that happens is just remarkable on that show. And it's a blast. It is so much fun. Sounds amazing. I love it. Gosh, do you have energy? Like I can't even. So that's a lot.
Starting point is 00:45:24 And then I talk to private clients all day, every day. And then you're doing podcasts. I mean, amazing. I'm doing podcasts and interviews and books and- Are you human? Yep, I'm human. Yeah, yeah. And I cook dinner most nights and I do laundry
Starting point is 00:45:39 and I do like rugger stuff. But I think that's a really couple of important points. Number one, I turn my abilities on and off at will. I'll walk around scanning people. I don't think that's ethical. Well, I don't wanna know. Okay, I'm in a crowd of people. That one's got strep throat.
Starting point is 00:45:55 That one's got like GI issues. I mean, forget it. I don't care to see all their deceased loved ones, but I turn my abilities on in a nanosecond. Attention, intention. Soon as you get your attention, you know, in the grocery store on, okay, what's the best value for canned tomatoes? You don't have your radar on anymore. I don't. I turn it on and off that fast. So that's number one. And I think the other thing is, and off that fast. So that's number one. And I think the other thing is when we have a high vibration,
Starting point is 00:46:36 it's joyful. You know, we have that spirit, joyful, pure love circulating through our bodies. And that's how you can tell if a medium is legit or not. Because there are mediums and other people in the woo woo space that say, Oh my God, I'm so exhausted after talking to one person. That's they're not doing it right. Spirits coming in and it's flowing through you. Today, I'll talk to multiple clients. I'll do two interviews and my show tonight. And when it's over tonight, I'll have to really calm down because I'm so energized.
Starting point is 00:47:05 That's how I feel. Yeah, after a guest. Yeah. I mean, after the conversations, I'm like, oh my gosh, I feel so wonderful, you know? So because spirits, you know, working through us and with us for the work that we're doing. So yeah, it's such an honor and so much fun. And I get to meet amazing people like you from around the world. And it's such a blast.
Starting point is 00:47:29 Can you also talk about your angelic attendant training? I mean, you just had a workshop where you can have more training coming up. Yes, I will do one online in the spring because there are people that can't get in. You know, they can't well, they can't take time off work to travel, or they're far away, and it's just not convenient. So I do one online one in the spring, and then I'll do an in-person one next fall again. And they're in Atlanta.
Starting point is 00:48:00 Atlanta is the busiest airport in the world. Everybody can get to Atlanta. We're in a hotel that's adjacent to the airport with a free shuttle. And we take over the whole hotel. And it's like a Southern garden party. I mean, it's fabulous. It's so much fun.
Starting point is 00:48:19 The camaraderie is amazing. Then they're part of a global community of people. I think we've had people from 14 countries that have taken my training. And they take these skills into whatever their lives are, whether they're in the medical profession or they're a teacher or they're a plumber or they're a housewife or they're a teacher, or they're a plumber, or they're a housewife, or they're a retired mechanic or whatever. I have a spiritual accountant. There you go.
Starting point is 00:48:51 Yeah. Yeah. I do have a fun story though, if I may share it about the two minute rule and how this information spreads. Do we have time for me to share this? Yes, please. I have a graduate of my class who's a physician in London and she had a patient come in and she worked for the prime minister. And this was a few
Starting point is 00:49:13 years ago and she said, Oh my God, this is so stressful. I need some kind of anti-anxiety medicine. I just, I need help. And so my graduate said, the doctor said, well, let me teach you this two minute rule thing. And then you go try it. And in a couple of weeks, you come back and see me. Then if you still need medication, we'll talk about it. This guy leaves. She comes back two weeks later and she said, oh my God. She said, I went back to number 10 Downing Street.
Starting point is 00:49:41 I taught my staff the two minute rule. They in turn taught their friends who worked for members of parliament taught the member the two minute role. And now there are a bunch of people in parliament that are using the two minute role. And everybody loves it. I don't need drugs anymore. I got this. So that's an example of how somebody who attended my class from a different country took this information and everything else back to her life, had an impact on one of her patients
Starting point is 00:50:13 who in turn impacted not only their people in their circle, but a governing body of one of the most important governing bodies of any countries in the world. And so that's how they spread. This is how spirit works. And you know that the people that listen to your show and read your information, they take what they learn from you. They share it with their loved ones and colleagues and friends. And then those people share it with others. And that's how it all spreads. Look at the Bible, look at the New Testament. That's how it all spread.
Starting point is 00:50:52 It's all the telephone game. It's all word of mouth. Yeah, it's fun to watch. Gosh, thank you so much for following that lead, for just feeling into it. I think that we need to trust ourselves more and do that. Yeah. When you get that thought, if it feels neutral or good, take a stab. Doesn't mean that you're going to have it all figured out, but the people you need and the situations you need to show up will show up exactly right when you need them. Yeah. I just trust that because it
Starting point is 00:51:21 always happens. Well, thanks for reminding us of that. I appreciate you. Tell everybody where they could find you. Ask Everything's there, even on the homepage if you want a copy of the book, Angelic Attendance, What Happens, How We're Surrounded by Angels, and the Spirits of Deceased Loved Ones and Pets. It has illustrations in it of how the angels are positioned and all of that, which is really
Starting point is 00:51:48 fun and it's given as a gift to people who've lost a loved one. It's given as a gift to people who have a loved one at the end of their lives. Many churches and synagogues throughout the US give this to their people when they come into plan or funeral, or if they've got somebody that's really at the end of their lives. And it's used by an awful lot of hospice organizations as well. And it's comforting. It provides information and comfort because university-based research shows that 90% of people at the end of their lives see the spirits of deceased loved ones and pets as they're nearing death. 90%. So that's what I talk about in my book. And I love it when science catches up with Wu Wu because Wu Wu has been around a whole lot longer. BT. Yes, absolutely. Yeah. You know, it's funny,
Starting point is 00:52:46 you know, I think that I always just grew up knowing that, you know, so when my dad was getting ready to pass, I mean, I assured him they were right over on the other side, that it was absolutely okay and for him not to fear. And it wasn't until I really told him that, that he finally let go. It was fear that held him back from finding the ultimate peace and freedom. Because as my pastor said one time, Father John Fallon, he said, people are afraid to die because they don't know if they're going to fly or they're going to fry. He was right. I told him, I said, how about steal that one too? He goes, Oh my gosh. Is that not the truth though? Oh, my dad had, my dad had, um, you know,
Starting point is 00:53:34 he was Catholic. He wanted to confess and had this guy come in. He was in there with that priest forever. I was like, Lord, we're like, we're going to spend time with you. But just in case, that's how he felt. Well, that's what he was taught. Yeah. For generations, that's what they're taught. My dad was the same way. I don't think my dad thought he was going to go to hell, but he thought he was going to be in purgatory burden for a long time. Yes. Yes. He's saying, God, purgatory doesn't exist. And you say, well, how do you know? I said, I've never seen any angels drop somebody into a fiery pit, you know, when they're escorting somebody to heaven ever. And so yeah, it's just all a look at COVID. We all did stupid stuff. The other funny thing was
Starting point is 00:54:20 how many times did you see somebody with their mask on driving in the car with the windows up by themselves? Oh my gosh, it was, it's so ridiculous. It doesn't even make sense. You're so right when you said so, you know, when we're in that space, we lose all of our sense. Yeah. We lose clarity because we're in fear. The brain doesn't work right.
Starting point is 00:54:41 I mean, we all should have been asking, are we dying in two minutes? Well, in Australia, they wouldn't't I have clients that are in Melbourne. Melbourne was the worst. They wouldn't let people go out on their balconies. They wouldn't let people go outside on their balconies. That it was the great plague. They thought, okay, you're gonna, you know, your, your germs are going to get in the air and it's going to infect everybody else outside. I mean, it was just nuts. Wait, when did, when did Pope Clement come to you? About 11, 12 years ago. Okay. Just wondering if he'd come around more often during the pandemic or something.
Starting point is 00:55:19 Oh, I talk to him all the time. Whenever I think of him, he comes up, but that's what I was saying. You guys has his hat on. And I say, really the hat. I mean, I know who you are after all these years. And that's when he always says, yeah, but it looks good. Don't you think? I love that. And I love you, Julie. Thank you so much for coming on. Oh, my honor. Thanks. julieryong I bet that one's a free copy. You'll get it. It's a good one. Thank you. Thanks for listening to sense of soul podcast. And thanks to our special guest. If you want more of sense of soul, check out my website at

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