Sense of Soul - Galactic Healing Wisdom

Episode Date: March 10, 2025

In today's episode we have Jerry Sargeant, he is one of the most sought-after healing facilitators on the planet, he is the founder of Star Magic Healing, as well as a powerful motivational speaker an...d international bestselling author. Jerry is also the host of tar Magic Healing, on Youtube and all listening platforms. He is widely known as ‘The Facilitator’, is an acclaimed global Trainer for Healing Facilitators of all levels, author and a renowned Frequency Healer celebrated for his extraordinary abilities. Born in 1978 in Cheltenham, UK. Through the creation of Star Magic Healing, an unparalleled holistic approach that merges subtle energy, frequency, quantum physics, visualization and intention. Jerry has become a catalyst for transformation on physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual planes. His groundbreaking techniques have gained worldwide recognition and established Star Magic Healing as a leading modality since its inception in 2016. Jerry’s mission transcends borders and touches the lives of countless individuals. His profound healing techniques, straightforward guidance, and unyielding devotion to empowering others propel him on a journey to create a world where every individual embraces their inherent power and shapes their destiny. Websites: Facebook: Visit and watch Sense of Soul

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey Soulseekers, it's Shanna. Journey with me to discover how people around the world awaken to their true sense of soul. Now go grab your coffee, open your mind, heart and soul. Today on Sense of Soul, I have Jerry Sargent, also known as the Facilitator. He's a globally recognized frequency healer and transformational expert. He's the founder of Star Magic Healing, as well as a powerful motivational speaker and international bestselling author. He's the host of Star Magic Healing, and he's joining us today to tell us his amazing story and how to harmonize the power of your human energy field
Starting point is 00:00:52 to unlock its potential and recalibrate and restore balance on all levels. So please welcome Jerry. How are you, sister? I'm good, How are you? Awesome. So where do you join me from? I'm in Sedona at the moment.
Starting point is 00:01:11 Okay. Yeah, we've got a workshop this weekend, the group healing. So we're in Florida last weekend, got here Monday, and then just kind of chilling in the week until Saturday, Sunday. Where do you live originally? Originally from England. I'm sort of like bouncing between England and Romania as my home base at the moment. And as of like January,
Starting point is 00:01:34 I'll be kind of full-time in Romania, yeah. Okay, I'm really excited to talk to you. Tell us a little bit about, you know, how you came to be known as a facilitator and this healing modality. I would love to know where that came from, the history. Yeah. So it's kind of like a long story.
Starting point is 00:01:53 I'll try and keep it as short as possible. Yeah. I mean, we travel the world now sharing Star Magic with the world, which is a healing frequency. We've trained thousands of people in more than 70 plus countries. But my life was very different before that. You know, I used to be involved in lots of criminal stuff, drugs, high profile bank frauds, guns, different things. And as a child, I was good at sports. I was fostered, adopted as a kid, abused, only part of my life. And I was angry and like sports was like a way of me kind of like all of this stuff and getting it out. And I was really good at tennis. I was really good at rugby.
Starting point is 00:02:37 I got to a point where I was playing like county level in England for all three of them and I had to choose. I couldn't continue tennis because it was too expensive. My mom and dad couldn't afford the private lessons. So I had to choose between kind of football and rugby. So I chose rugby and I was playing rugby and I ended up getting bans from rugby for one year when I was about 14 years old for fighting on the pitch. I got sent off the pitch and I was fighting
Starting point is 00:03:03 on the sideline, it was a whole kind of crazy situation. But I turned to drinking and drugs at that age. And so my life kind of spiraled out of control. I moved out of home when I was about 15. And the rave scene was really rife in England. So I was like traveling the country, selling ecstasy tablets, speed, dancing all night with white gloves on
Starting point is 00:03:23 and blowing horns and whistles and stuff. And I love this part of my life. It was great. You know, like I thought this is just going to last forever. And then I ended up moving to Tenerife and the Canary Islands for, again, a whole kind of strange turn of events. And I ended up working for a high profile criminal organization that were into time sharing different things. And that's when I kind of got into that were into timeshare and different things. And that's when I kind of got into higher levels of drugs and different things. And I was in that scene for a number of years.
Starting point is 00:03:50 And to be honest with you, I thought it would just be my life because I was really happy. I was in loads of money. I didn't really care. Like I could buy anything I wanted really, you know, at a young age. So everything was kind of just flowing and cool.
Starting point is 00:04:03 And then a few things started happening. Our daughter, Alea, was born. And around this sort of time, there was a lot of gang warfare. And I just sort of got to get out of this, you know? So I ended up smuggling my ex-wife back into England. My ex-wife was from Romania. And when she left Romania,
Starting point is 00:04:21 she didn't have a passport, she kind of snuck out. So I had to smuggle her and a layer back into the UK. We got married. Then we went back to Romania and got her a passport. Then we went to the UK. I set up a property business. The property business was making millions and then it all went kind of tits up.
Starting point is 00:04:39 We just, we were young, we had so much money and it all went kind of south, and we ended up getting kicked out of our property, everything, and we were in debt to the bank, like loads of money. But this was one of the best things that ever happened to me, because we ended up moving into this rent of accommodation, and it kind of forced me on this spiritual journey.
Starting point is 00:05:00 So I was there one night watching TV, and my ex-wife comes downstairs and she looked really scared. And I said to her, you know, what's going on? She said, well, every time I close my eyes, I hear all these these kind of like voices and I see all these dark images. And she said, when I'm pushing the pushchair down the road in the morning, it feels like something's trying to make me push the pushchair into the into the road. And I was like, that sounds a bit weird. So I was like, what do you want to do about it? It sounded like kind of crazy to me, but, you know, I said, you're my wife. I love you. Like, what do you want to do?
Starting point is 00:05:32 She said, I want to call my friend and her friend was a priest. So this priest came around the house. She starts putting crosses up, dives in the house and all this energy. And I was sat there thinking, this is like something out of the poltergeist. This is nuts, you know? So anyway, she calms Laura down, Laura goes to bed. The next day I go to see my friend. And I said, listen, this weird thing happened
Starting point is 00:05:52 in our house last night, what do you make of it? And he goes, you need to speak to this lady. So he gave me the name and a telephone number of this lady. And I didn't know what she did, but he said, just call her. She'll be able to help you out. So I phoned her up and she lived actually near where I was born, but which was the whole other side of the UK.
Starting point is 00:06:10 So I phoned her up, she didn't answer and she called me back a little while after. And she said, what's going on? I said, well, you know, this happened last night. And she said, wait, where'd you live? And I said, 316 Richmond Road. And that was the only bit of the address I gave her. She said, hold on a minute.
Starting point is 00:06:27 And the phone went quiet and she said, hmm, have you been knocking some walls down in the house? And I said, no, we rent the property, but the previous owners have clearly built an extension. She goes, yeah, you've got an angry old man in the house. So I'm thinking an angry old man? This is a bit weird, you know? I said, okay, well, let's pretend there is an angry old man. This is a bit weird, you know? I said, okay, well let's pretend there is an angry old man.
Starting point is 00:06:47 What are we going to do about it? She goes, oh, I'll get rid of him for you. So I said, when can you come around? And she said, oh, I don't need to do that. I can do it from here. So I'm thinking this is getting stranger and stranger. So I go home and I speak to my missus and I said, listen, I know I didn't tell you I was going to do this,
Starting point is 00:07:01 but I spoke to this lady about what happened last night. And she reckons there's an angry old man in the house. And my wife turned around to me and said, I know I've seen him. I was like, what? She goes, yeah, I've seen him. So I thought, okay, this lady that we've never spoken to before and you were both telling me the same thing.
Starting point is 00:07:19 You've got no common friends. There must be some truth to it. So I phoned her up and I said, I need to come and see you. And I went out there, she owned a past life regression business. She worked for Scotland Yard in the psychic division, solving crimes. So anyway, I went into my first past life
Starting point is 00:07:36 and she kind of became my teacher for several years. She taught me how to remote view, how to bring my light out of my body and travel, how to communicate with the other side, all these different things. At the same time that all this was happening, I went to Romania with my ex-wife and kids and I was in a car crash.
Starting point is 00:07:51 We were asleep in a taxi. The taxi ran three ladies over. The first one came through the windscreen, smacked me in the face, got flipped over the car and died. Second one had her ankles cut clean off and the third one was physically okay. I didn't know any of this has happened because I was asleep. I just woke up, the taxi's swaying from side to side, there's glass, there's wind and I think to myself, boy we're in a bad accident. We're either going to hit the oncoming traffic or the car's going to
Starting point is 00:08:17 flip over. And then it just came to a grinding halt. There's a hole in the windscreen, there's blood dripping down my face but I'm not bleeding. So it's when I get out of the car, I see these two ladies. One's got her ankles cut clean off. They're both screaming. A bit further up the road, there's what looks like a dead body. I walked towards the dead body,
Starting point is 00:08:36 or what looks like a dead body. I get closer and closer, realize it's a dead body, get within about 10 meters, and I see the lady's soul hovering above her body. And I'm shaking my head like I want to see it and I don't want to see it because it was kind of kind of weird, you know, and I get closer and closer and the soul just fizzled off into the ether. By this time I'm looking down over this lady's body and she's completely mangled. And I remember looking up to the heavens and just saying thank you. It was like someone had taken an old car to the scrap heap.
Starting point is 00:09:05 Like whatever this thing was, this soul, this energy inside the body, it had no love anymore. It was just gone, boom, on its merry way. So I saw this connection between life and death and it kind of woke me up, you know? Once I'd met this lady and then things just started happening in my life. My ex-wife again, she had a headache.
Starting point is 00:09:24 And I thought to myself, I can take this out of your head. I don't know why I thought it, but I did. I walked over to her. She's lying on the bed. I see the headache. It's green. I pull it out of her head and she gets up off the bed like she never had a headache. Then we moved to New Zealand a little while later and had loads of wild, crazy, amazing experiences over there. But one of them, the most important one, I was meditating in a copper pyramid in my friend's garden and a little spaceship landed in the garden, a space pod, and there was a blue being inside of it. So I brought my light out of my body, went and got inside. We went through a portal, ended up on Alpha Centauri over water by a beach.
Starting point is 00:10:03 I get out, I walk up the beach, and there's about 200 blue beings. I'd never heard of Alpha Centauri over water by a beach. I get out, I walk up the beach, there's about 200 blue beings. I'd never heard of Alpha Centauri, but I knew we were there. And I knew these beings were lirens, but I'd never heard of lirens before. So I started downloading all this information and these lirens, they hugged me.
Starting point is 00:10:19 And I'd never felt love like it. Like it just broke me down into like, like mush, you know, but it was beautiful. And it was like I was going home and meeting my family. And then they took me through a jungle, some jungle to this building. It was like a pyramid made of light. And I went in, there was a really ancient blue lyre in there. I had to kneel down on the floor and had this big download of orange light and all this kind of fluid spiral geometrical code. This happens, they kind of two of them picked me up underneath my armpits and frog marched me back to the
Starting point is 00:10:52 space pod, stuck me in we flew back through the tunnel back into the garden. I get out of the craft and go and sit back down in my body. And then nothing else really happens for a couple of years. I'm waking up every day thinking what's next? What's next? I'm like really excited, but nothing's happening. And then one day I wake up and I know that we've got to move back to England. And everybody's like, you're crazy.
Starting point is 00:11:14 We've been here for a couple of years. We've set up a mixed martial arts gym out there, a strength and conditioning camp, and it was going really well. I said, I don't know why we've got to go back, but we have. And they were like, no, we're not going. But I just pestered them for a few weeks.
Starting point is 00:11:27 And then in the end, we moved back to England, put a manager in charge of the gym, and then things just started going into hyperdrive. I was out running one morning, I see these fairies around a tree. And I stop, and then an angel comes down and says, my name's Archangel Gabriel, you need to write a book. I said, what's it called?
Starting point is 00:11:45 And the angel goes, it's called Into the Light. It's about your life story. So I went home, I wrote the book in about four weeks and published it. Then I started seeing all this code in the empty space. And it was the same code that got downloaded on Apple Century. So I'm saying to my guides, what am I supposed to do?
Starting point is 00:12:01 They said, you're being lazy and you're not meditating enough. So I started getting up every morning with my son, going into meditation. And we were going into these ancient mystery schools underneath the pyramids. And there was a guy there that was showing us these scrolls. On the scrolls, it was the same codes
Starting point is 00:12:20 I was seeing in the space, the same codes from Alpha Centauri. And we went every day for nine months for two hours sat in these classrooms and we were being shown how to use these codes to heal people. Then people started coming into my life that needed healing. So I was trying it and it was working. I went to a mind body spirit festival and I took my book into the light. I went with my daughter, Aaliyah, and I gave a talk on the book and healing and all this sort of stuff. And I got people to put their names down on an Excel I took my book into the light, went with my daughter, Aleya, and I gave a talk on the book and healing
Starting point is 00:12:45 and all this sort of stuff. And I got people to put their names down on an Excel spreadsheet and said, listen, you know, I'm giving away three free healings at the end of the weekend. And about 70 or 80 people put their name down. I phoned them all on Monday morning and told them they'd won just so I could practice.
Starting point is 00:13:01 So I had like 70 or 80 people to practice on. I got some great results. I phoned them all back up and said, I need to come to your house and get testimonial. So I went to all the house with my video camera. And then I felt confident then that, you know, I could share this with people because I had some proof, you know?
Starting point is 00:13:16 So I started Star Magic. And then the same blue being, Derik Wye, that took me in the spacecraft to Alpha Centauri came to see me again, told me that I had to see me again, told me that I had to build healing centers and told me to write another book called Healing with Light Frequencies, the Transformative Power of Star Magic. So I wrote a training program, wrote the book, and then the following February 2017 we did our first training and it went amazing. And since then
Starting point is 00:13:39 we've trained thousands of people all over the world and we're in the process of building our first healing center. And this is how it all kinda came about. I just feel like I'm just like a soldier here on the planet, following these instructions from my galactic allies and just doing the work, you know? Yeah. Wow. You sit in, it's so casual how you tell the story.
Starting point is 00:14:03 That's amazing Yeah before star magic started I pulled my children at school when we came back to England It was like 2012 and my son was 10 and my daughter was 11 or 12 and I pulled them out of school and started homeschooling them and Then so by the time star magic started they were just traveling the world and just sharing this new kind of frequency with people. It was amazing. Wow. My children are a big part of my journey too, but not to begin with, you know,
Starting point is 00:14:38 my, I might say my oldest children got like the very conditioned version of Shanna. And so, you know, it's all part of the journey, right? Yeah, I mean, I was like that for the first, you know, 12 years of my daughter's life and the first 10 years of my son's life, you know, and so I pulled them out of school. I mean, I was on my spiritual journey.
Starting point is 00:15:00 I was learning things, you know, I was learning about healing. I was definitely shifting and changing, but I still wasn't the version of me that I am now. Like it took, it was a massive journey to kind of shift and transform. I mean, as a child, I was punished all the time. So I kind of grew up thinking I had to punish the kids. I mean, I never hit them, but I was always kind of caught quite strict, you know, you
Starting point is 00:15:24 need to do this, you need to do that. And yeah, as I kind of like became more aware of how we should really be in the world and operating from the heart and not the head. And I just started shifting massively. And my ex-wife, she went the other way. She wanted to be to become more strict. And then when we pulled them out of school, like for me, homeschooling the children was letting them be free and letting them do whatever they want and trying to figure it out for school. Like for me, homeschooling the children was letting them be free and letting them do whatever they want and trying to figure it out for themselves. And actually that was a really kind of tough thing
Starting point is 00:15:50 because both of them went off the rails for a couple of years because when they hit their teenage years, all their mates were like, oh, that's crazy. Oh, that's weird. Oh, that's strange. So they kind of shied away from star magic
Starting point is 00:16:01 for a couple of years. Went on a crazy kind of detour, but then they found their way back to their center again and the universe kind of, you know, conspired to help that happen. Every time I tried to get involved, they used to just say to me, dad, you always tell us that non-interference is the highest form of mastery, so leave us alone. And I was like, what can I say? Yeah, I had to leave them alone to find out for themselves, you know, and it was kind of like the hard way, but the best way, you know? Yeah, yeah, I faced that as well. This craft was in the garden. I mean, was it little? Is it big? I mean, because I was imagining this
Starting point is 00:16:38 as you were saying it. Yeah, well, the craft, I call it a space pod, because there literally was just enough room for me in this other being I Always refer to him as a he but he's actually androgynous He they were those like when I went to Lyra to have century these Lyrons They had no genitals had no clothes on they were just like they were taller than me maybe six and a half for seven for some a little bit taller some a little bit shorter and They had like no clothes. They all had like eight packs.
Starting point is 00:17:07 It was like, they all just went to the gym 24 hours a day. Like they were just like very lean, you know? A lot of them had no hair. Some of them did have hair. They were like in these kind of humanoid forms, but I've been to like Lyra and to Avion and been taken back from my galactic history quite a few times where I was on Lyra and to Avion and been taken back through my galactic history quite a few times where I was on Lyra, I was on Avion
Starting point is 00:17:30 before a lot of the wars, when they had the first Garden of Eden, when a lot of the Lyrons were in their kind of like feline humanoid Lyron form and also their feline form. They were much bigger then. Some of them were like 10 feet, 12 feet, 14 feet. They were massive. And they had like mains, like lions, you know,
Starting point is 00:17:48 and the lionesses, like, you know, they had fur on their faces and they were beautiful. And they were like blue and white with bits of gold. And some of them had bits of red. They could just think their way through reality and things would appear, things would disappear. They could just create their food like that. They were great gardeners and they were great architects.
Starting point is 00:18:11 They could just create things with their mind and they could just manifest them really quickly. And I remember going back to some of these temples on Avion and we were going through these experiences, okay, inside these like pyramid octahedron structures where they would have crystals, these like holographic crystals, they'd be in a big circle
Starting point is 00:18:35 and they'd have crystals at the top and the bottom and they would show me how they use these kind of holographic crystals to collapse waves of light into the middle of a space and create like a portal. So you could walk through that portal and just go to a different dimensional space or a different planet, wherever it was.
Starting point is 00:18:50 You could literally walk through a doorway and appear somewhere else in the body that you're in. They are also phasing out of one reality field and phasing into another reality field without any kind of like portal mechanics. So these are the kinds of things that they've shown me all about the mathematics of earth, the mathematics of Lyra,
Starting point is 00:19:11 the same being that taught me in the mystery schools was the same being that was Derikwai that took me in the spacecraft. When I look into the eyes, you could see the same being. Also, there's a lion king called Asra, who resides from Lyra, massive, massive lion. And the eyes of Asra are the same as Derikwai and the same as Thoth, who was in the mystery schools.
Starting point is 00:19:35 And also when I was in the garden in New Zealand, a couple of weeks before the spacecraft landed, the space pod, Jesus came down and he was like very dark and my feet turned to balls of fire and he took me into the last supper and had this kind of experience and they showed me these spacecrafts out the window and when I looked into his eyes, his eyes were the same as Derikwai, the same as Asra, the same as Thoth and I realized that what I was being taught in the mystery schools was the same as what they've been using on Alpha Centauri, the same codes and frequencies and technologies they've been using
Starting point is 00:20:11 on Lyra and Avion all the way back through our galactic history. So this frequency that we're bringing to Earth is like a deep ancient Lyran, Avion, galactic, avian, like feline frequency that's come all the way from billions of years ago. LW So is this why there's always in ancient artifacts, you often see the lion depicted with say like Ashura or some of the Anunnaki, or sometimes you see them standing on top of the lion, and sometimes you see this lion next to them. I always wondered if there was a connection. There's also mentioned in the Bible
Starting point is 00:20:54 when they describe like the angels, they have different faces and one of them's a lion. There's always this lion in ancient history. You know what? I mean, if you go back through our galactic history, I mean, before the Anunnaki, way back before any of that stuff, any of those beings, because if you look at the Anunnaki,
Starting point is 00:21:15 the reason the Anunnaki came into existence is because the Galactic Federation of Worlds, which was made up of multiple different races, some of them were Lyrons, Archerians, P Palladians that are grouped together after the Draconians had taken over lots of different planetary environments. They'd got together formed the Galactic Federation of Worlds to go to war against the Draconians and also other Palladians and Andromedans and Grays and different beings that are joined with the Draconians. But what the Anunnaki came about when the Lyrons actually mated with the Draconians, they tried to create some kind of
Starting point is 00:21:51 like sort of superior race, I suppose, but also create peace and harmony in the galaxy. And it worked for a long time, but then it kind of fell apart and the Anunnaki ended up coming to earth and doing other things here with genetic modification and creating another kind of slave race. But with the lions, the lions are on Sirius, the lions are on Lyra, the lions have been through multiple different planetary environments. But if you go all the way back, you know, I think Avion, Lyra is where they first came about. And I'm not even sure really what was Lyra or Avion when they sort of first came about because when I've been back to Lyra, it was more avian Lyran beings. And then when I've been to Avion, that is when the kind of the feline species was much more prominent. So whether there was felines on Lyra, I've never seen any, but there could have been.
Starting point is 00:22:43 But they definitely were there on Avion. I also think it's interesting. You wonder if the Gnostics knew this, like the Pistis, Sophia, the story being the mother of the Demiurge creates this being with that her consort, which was Christ, and she creates the Aldabeyoth, which is half lion, half serpent. And I always just wonder if some of these stories, you know, that are talking about actual animals just may also be like I'm French and Italian, Czech, Slovakian, you know, our ancestors. I mean, even now on underground bases on planet Earth, there are extraterrestrials being spliced with animals, being spliced with humans.
Starting point is 00:23:26 The gene code has been played around with a lot. I've remote viewed a number of different bases underneath the deserts and different places around Earth. And there's some horrific stuff that goes on. I've worked with a lot of people that have been involved in satanic ritual abuse, and they have been in kind of ritual ceremonial military programs where animals have been brought into a lot of these situations. If you go back through our galactic history,
Starting point is 00:23:53 animals like lions, dogs, birds, peacocks, all different types of animals came from the stars. Like all these animals that we have here now on planet Earth didn't just originate here, they came from our galactic history. There are multiple planets with insects, insectoid beings, aquatic beings, there are humanoid aquatic beings, there are underwater planets. So everything that is here is not from here. There might be other offshoots and subsets and subspecies that have been created out from the gene codes that have been spliced and cloned, but ultimately these other beings
Starting point is 00:24:32 have come from the stars, you know, other planets. I mean, there's trillions and trillions of planets out there, but trillions and trillions of species. It's happening. It's in the air. The time is now. We're all waking up. We're is now. We're all waking up. We're waking up. We're all waking up. It's all shifting. New vibrations. It's you. It's you. It's me.
Starting point is 00:24:54 It's all of us. Together. A new time. A my journey. I'm a big voice for that. We've So where my focus is, it used to be on ancestral healing, and now it's moved to a deeper healing. You know, we're multidimensional. And I feel like for myself personally, and also some of the people that I'm working with, it's going beyond the ancestry healing. Like we've healed that, which I had a lot to heal. And now it's more on a soul level. I think first and foremost, what's really important is that our focus needs to be on empowering people
Starting point is 00:25:54 and helping everyone realize that they are supersonic, super humans in the consciousness in these avatar human bodies. We're like biological computers and we're uploading and downloading cold frequency mathematical equations all the time. And just by anchoring the present moment and being in a heart, things can transmute, because there's only pain and problems
Starting point is 00:26:16 and all of these things in the future and the past. When you're 100% present, you can literally dissolve anything really quickly. Now, at the same time, there is multiple kind of like reality fields at play. So there is ancestral trauma, there is ancestral conditioning, a hundred percent is stored in our riblo nucleic acid in our RNA. So multiple generations, we kind of bring it into this reality field, into this human incarnation with us. We've also got our galactic history. You know, we're multi-dimensional beings
Starting point is 00:26:48 that have had multiple experiences and are having multiple experiences right now in the quantum fields. There is no past, there is no future once you get into the field. They're all just incarnations that are playing out in the same space at the same time. If you look at it in linear time,
Starting point is 00:27:04 then you could say that this was way back when and this is in the future, but it doesn't really matter once you get into the field. What we have to do is to bring any of these pieces of our soul or fragments of our being into this now space and bring them home into healing. And that's done for a variety of different methods and ways, you know, depending on kind of how you facilitate the healing of yourself or you facilitate the healing of another human being. Cause ultimately we can't really heal anyone else.
Starting point is 00:27:31 We can only create an environment so the other human being can self heal. But there are fractals of each of us out in the field. And if we bring them home, the healing is rapid. There's also like childhood stuff to take into consideration, teenage stuff, human reality stuff. I mean, how many times have we incarnated on planet earth? Thousands of times, some of us millions of times.
Starting point is 00:27:56 You know, some of the new children, they're coming here for the very first time. Some of the children that are incarnated are completely old souls, ancient souls. They've just not incarnated for a while and they come into earth for this whole ascension process. So there's multiple layers to this whole human game. And I think what we have to do is to realize that healing, the only way to make it rapid and the only way to really make healing work
Starting point is 00:28:27 and for healing to last is to go straight to the blueprint level. So if I'm gonna work on a human being, they have like a subatomic, a multi-dimensional, a sole blueprint. There's so many elements, different blueprints that are very deep level. And we have to go directly to those blueprints and recalibrate them,
Starting point is 00:28:47 rearrange the mathematical code and then what happens is the human being on the front end heals physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually. So like coming back to we being biological computers, like if someone's got like you know liver cancer then I know that they've got anger, got like, you know, liver cancer, then I know that they've got anger, guilt stored in their liver. And I know that somewhere in the field, they've had experiences where anger and guilt become programs on a deep, deep level. So if I find that reality, whether it's a trillion years ago, a million years ago, a hundred years ago, again, it doesn't matter when you get into the field about future and past, but it's just a point in space time. So I find that point in space time, see what happened to that human being or that soul or that galactic being. And I changed the code. I changed the code
Starting point is 00:29:37 to the original blueprint. And as soon as that happens, everything manifests on the front end, because our physical reality is supported by the multi-dimensional playing field. So you've got to go into the multi-dimensional playing fields to hear the physical. If you go straight to the physical, you're never really going to be able to do anything. You know, you might create a little bit of ease, you might ease a little bit of suffering, but ultimately, you're never going to really be able to facilitate the healing of that human being. So it's not important then to know all of your individual lives or you know your existence. Yeah and go through all the things. Yeah that's just pure logic. I mean I when I first started
Starting point is 00:30:20 this journey I had this this teacher that was into past life progression. I've been into hundreds of my past lives. I went to see this person two or three times a week for many years. So you can imagine how many lives I went into. And you know, I was bringing these pieces of me back home and each time I do it, I felt better, but I'd never really advanced. I was still kind of locked. What we're able to do with Star Magic is go right to the deepest root point in space time, right to that blueprint level and change things. And everything's quick. I mean, we get people standing up from wheelchairs
Starting point is 00:30:55 that have been in wheelchairs for 10 years. We did a workshop, a healing in Orlando last week, a lady who had no thyroid, okay? Within two seconds, her thyroid had come back going through the sealing experience, physically, boom, just came back online. We have people take the hearing aids out, people's eyesight coming back, brain tumors the size of oranges disappear, people are alive eight years, 10 years later, and the people, the doctors have said you'll be dead in eight weeks. You know, when you go to that blueprint level,
Starting point is 00:31:31 then there's no limitations. We're all fractals of God's source intelligence. The last time I connected with this deep source frequency, there were no limitations. And if we're fractals of God, why would there be limitations in us too? The only limitations that we have are the ones that we create or the conditioning or the manipulation that's taking place from childhood to whatever we are now. But we can go back and override that and bypass all of that logic by working at a very, very deep super conscious level. And how do you access the blueprint? Is it through the modality that you receive through the Lyron experience? It's really easy.
Starting point is 00:32:07 It just takes a little bit of practice. So it's about slowing your heart rate down, getting your brainwaves down, and just bringing yourself into that kind of conscious state where you can access the field. So we take people through a set of protocols and then they just start tapping the field. And then once you start tapping the field regularly
Starting point is 00:32:26 and collecting the information, you don't even have to go through the process anymore because you realize you in the field, there is no separation. So to start with, it becomes a little bit of a process to access the data. But then once you start accessing the data regularly, there is no process
Starting point is 00:32:42 because you and the process are the same. So it's like, you know, you drink plant medicine, okay? You drink plant medicine and you go on a journey and you drink plant medicine again, you go on a journey after drinking plant medicine so many times, you don't need to drink it again because you and the journey are the same. You know, you are the medicine. We don't need to drink plant medicine to activate the DMT inside of our body. We can just do that through breath work, through certain meditations. I was wondering that because I was watching some of the healing that you have on your
Starting point is 00:33:11 YouTube and I was like, are these guys like on ayahuasca or what? Or it looked like exorcist or something. Like things are coming out of people. They're physically releasing and there's a physical aspect to these people as they are healing. Yeah, I mean, if you look at a lot of the videos, people are bending, shaking, having violent experiences and you look at it, what the heck is going on here?
Starting point is 00:33:39 Yeah, like they're possessed maybe with some sort of, you know, bad energy coming out. Yeah, all it is, they're having a biological upgrade. You know, we're literally a computer system, like, you know, computers have viruses, human beings have viruses. All we're doing is we're running frequency through their biological computer,
Starting point is 00:33:56 all the old programming dissolves, a new light and frequency comes into the body. And as it works through their central nervous system, their nervous system, their nervous system, their DNA, you know, it moves out the old toxic debris and new light comes through and the body has to shake or whatever it does to kind of allow the frequency to move through. And it's beautiful, you know, it's a beautiful, beautiful experience. A lot of people think, are they unconscious? Do they know what's going on? Are they hypnotized?
Starting point is 00:34:25 No, people are completely, 100% fully aware of everything. It's just that their body is going through a process like a metamorphosis. You can't control it. You've just got to kind of kick back and allow the process just to unfold. A lot of people describe it as becoming at one with the universe.
Starting point is 00:34:42 So we download these frequencies into people and they kind of go into this kind of beautiful kind of self-aware state of consciousness where they sort of blend with the field and they feel like they're floating through the universe. And that's what people say. It was like I was floating through the universe and 20 minutes later they come around
Starting point is 00:35:01 and they're like, what just happened? They know that they remember everything but it's like they're there and they're not there at the same time and what happens is their brain gets taken out of the way, the mind gets taken out of the way and so all of the logic, all of the human part of them it kind of disappears and they just become frequency, they become consciousness, they move into wholeness, into creation, into a state of alignment and equilibrium. And that's where the magic happens when we get our humanness out of the way. You seem like you do this oftentimes in groups.
Starting point is 00:35:33 Is there a reason why you do it in groups? We do group healings all over the planet. We're doing another one this weekend in Sedona. We did one in London a few weeks ago. Doing it in a group is amazing because you've got 90 or 300 or however many people are in the group healing, depending on the, we normally do 55, 90 or 333 people.
Starting point is 00:35:56 Okay, we love numbers and it's all about the numbers. So they're the kind of size of the group healings that we do. And the more people you have in the group, the more energy you've got to play with, you know? So you can make, it's amazing. A lot of people think, well, there's more people, it must be more difficult. No, when there's more people, there's more energy and you can create massive waves of frequency. And you know, the, the, what you kind of co-create together in that space is there's no human words for it. Wow. Have you received this for yourself?
Starting point is 00:36:28 What do you mean? I mean, have you experienced what they're experiencing? For your- Oh yeah, absolutely. I mean, we train people in this stuff. We've got a level one training, level two, level three, and our Jedi training. And I remember when we did our very, very first level two training. So we have this kind of thing we call God's mouth.
Starting point is 00:36:47 So at the back of the neck, there's a portal. So we put our hand over the back of the neck. We put our left hand over the forehead and we run these frequencies and codes through. That's how we administer these biological upgrades. Now, when we did our very, very first level two training, we've got like an upgraded version of God's mouth and no one had ever, we'd never done it on anyone so I had to be the guinea pig. We had a classroom of people in England and I said listen guys this is what we're gonna do, you know you did God's mouth on level one training well this is an
Starting point is 00:37:17 upgraded version of it, there's three sets of codes and I want one of you to be the volunteer and put them into me, let's see what happens. So anyway, this big guy comes up to the front of the classroom and I explained to him what to do. He had to get this silver geometry, put it in through the back of my neck. As soon as he put it in through the back of my neck, it was like Mike Tyson giving me a right hook.
Starting point is 00:37:41 I span around and face planted on the floor and I was just out. I was gone. I was in heaven. I was in bliss. It was amazing. And I had a little bit of a sore face afterwards because I planted on like a hard floor. It was so powerful. What happens with these downloads is amazing. So as you train these people, are they also receiving different parts of Are they also receiving different parts of this modality to expand it? What do you mean? I mean like, like is this, you're the only one that's holding all this information or as you are training people to also have this, I feel like a lot of things evolve with new, you know, energy coming in.
Starting point is 00:38:21 Yeah. So when you come to the training, we show you how to do exactly what I can do. And then, so we've got thousands of people that we've trained from China to America, everywhere in between, like so many countries. I think it's like 73 countries now that we've trained people in.
Starting point is 00:38:39 It's a lot of countries and people from eight years old to 98 years old, from all different walks of life, everybody can do it. But like you just said, like everything's always expanding and changing and shifting. So every time I do a level one training, I learn and remember more myself because the frequency is always shifting. And so we have regular facility meetups.
Starting point is 00:39:02 We have regular practice sessions, you know, every couple of weeks. So we're bringing everybody back together. So people are always getting the upgraded codes, the upgraded frequencies. So we can always keep people at the frontline, you know, ready and able, upgrading the frequency, upgrading the code, upgrading their consciousness
Starting point is 00:39:22 and keeping them, you know, finely tuned. So if someone comes to our level one training, upgrading the code, upgrading their consciousness and keeping them, you know, finely tuned. So if someone comes to our level one training, the next time we do a level one training, there's a whole set of upgrades and downloads and meditations. So each time we do them, the frequency gets elevated. So we then give those to all the people that have done the previous training so they can go and listen to them again and get the upgraded version of the frequency. So they're always primed and ready and totally elevated and expanded and yeah, up to par with where it's at right now
Starting point is 00:39:54 because it's constantly shifting. Has this ever been here on earth before? And are you just remembering and bringing this back and they're giving it back to us as humans? Do you feel like this was here before, this healing or this knowledge? It was here before. It was here before a long time ago.
Starting point is 00:40:15 When the beings that were on the planet kind of messed it up and kind of went, they used these technologies for the wrong reasons, okay? And then what happened is these civilizations disappeared because they tipped out of balance. Now, what's happening is we're remembering through clues that we left for ourselves in other lifetimes, thousands and millions of years ago,
Starting point is 00:40:43 in the pyramids, in other sacred temple spaces, caves all over the planet. We're also getting visited by some of our galactic brothers and sisters. Like I was taken up to Alpha Centauri and then spent time in the ancient mystery schools. Like when I was in the mystery schools and I was being shown how to use these codes,
Starting point is 00:41:02 I remembered being there before. And I was like, this isn't something new. This is something that I've experienced before. And I'm just going back through this remembering process. Like whenever I train people, I never say I'm here to teach you anything. I'm here to help you remember what you've just forgotten. And it's just that I've been fortunate enough
Starting point is 00:41:20 to have been, have remembered this stuff because I've been shown and now I wanna show you and help you remember, you know, everything you know, I know, you might've just remembered some things that I've forgotten and I might've remembered some things that you've forgotten and together we piece this whole, you know, gigantic jigsaw puzzle together, you know,
Starting point is 00:41:40 no one's above or below anyone else. We're all just here on this planet to be mirrors and triggers and help each other remember the truth and step into our superhuman potential. This is how I perceive it anyway. Me too. It's amazing that you are connecting
Starting point is 00:41:54 with so many people around the world. Super powerful. Thank you for sharing and for not just keeping it for yourself and for your hidden, you know, secret society. I think that's something that I made a video earlier today, actually came online about three hours ago to meet you and then I realized that I got the wrong time. So I thought, what am I gonna do?
Starting point is 00:42:16 So I made a few videos and I made a video about this, sort of touched upon this kind of topic because this kind of community, spiritual community, whatever you want to call it, people don't share as much as they should share and people hide a lot of the things and a lot of the podcasts out there at the moment, they're only letting people on there to share certain bits of information, people with real truth and real tools and real skills that can actually help other people, they're not really letting them on the podcast
Starting point is 00:42:47 and share this information. A lot of the stuff that is being shared is channeled information, which no one really knows exactly where it comes from. I mean, there are some good channelers, but there are some channelers that are sharing a lot of BS stuff that is infiltrate, where they've been infiltrated by interdimensional beings
Starting point is 00:43:04 and they're sharing information that isn't true. that is infiltrate where they've been infiltrated by interdimensional beings and they're sharing information that isn't true. It is false information that is help with it is making people think that they're gonna be saved. That is making people think that some ET is gonna come down and rescue them or Jesus is coming back or some deity
Starting point is 00:43:18 or ascended master is gonna come and save them. And it's all bullshit. No one is coming to save us. What we have to do is share tools and frequencies like Star Magic so other human beings can step into their superhuman potential, take control of their human reality, rearrange and bring back online their original mathematical blueprint and go through this ascension process. You know, return back to the heart frequency to love and to unify as sisters and brothers, but there's just so much separation still.
Starting point is 00:43:52 And that's why I'm, you know, being on here with you, it's amazing. Like we're talking about just the truth, you know, instead of trying to, you know, sugarcoat stuff or, you know, just trying to share it in a way that doesn't really help people. You know, we have to give people the tools and point people in the right direction and make them realize that they are the ones they've been waiting for. I can't save them, you can't save them, no one can save them.
Starting point is 00:44:18 They've got to take a deep dive into their own heart where all the answers to all their questions lie. All of the alchemy or all the alchemical ingredients, their magic wands, their spinal column, everything is inside of them. So take that beautiful deep dive and take the journey of the heart and it will unlock all of that ancient wisdom.
Starting point is 00:44:37 Yeah. And I can feel that you really do just want to see that happen for everybody here on earth. A hundred percent. You know, I think if people just learn to breathe properly, yeah, and just center themselves and just still their minds. Ate good foods, intermittent fasting, meditation, you know, all of these things that don't cost any money and that can help people become free, you know,
Starting point is 00:45:06 even just the simple thing. If you look up into your own mind and look for your thoughts, all your thoughts disappear. It's the easiest and quickest way to enter the present moment. Just a little trick that everyone can do right now because most people get drained of energy because 80,000 to 90,000 thoughts are ticking around in the head every
Starting point is 00:45:25 day and they just can't control them. But just look up right now. Anyone can practice that look up into your head. Your thoughts just disappear straight away. So, you know, we give people these little tricks and these little tips, then boom, they can enter the present moment, take control of their consciousness. And from there, they've got a beautiful foundation to grow from. And then we can all start living more consciously from our higher self. And wow, can you imagine we might be manifesting like the Lyrons just like they do? Yeah, I think what's important, I mean, like this higher self is cool, right?
Starting point is 00:45:58 But I think we need to connect directly to God, to Source. And like in every cell in our body, we have this diamond spark, this divine spark, this God spark, which is your link to the God worlds. If you go into your chest, into your heart, which is like a star gate, you can go into your heart, go through your heart, out into the whole universe. And in that gateway, you've got this little diamond spark
Starting point is 00:46:23 that you can connect to. You can talk to it. It will talk back to you. You listen to it. And it will literally be like your own personal trainer, your own life coach that will lead you in the direction of your dreams. But it's very, very subtle.
Starting point is 00:46:38 And because most people are thinking all the time, they can't hear this subtle communication. But if we breathe and we become still and we connect to our diamond spark, then we've literally got God in our ear all the time saying, go this way, go and do that. And if you just listen, everything works. It only doesn't work when we don't listen, you know, because we think we know best as humans. But actually, we are humans, but we're also fractals of God that are working through these human avatars. So if we allow that God-sourced intelligence
Starting point is 00:47:08 to move through us, everything will flow, easily, fluidly, and effortlessly. Well, and that's the magic, isn't it? Yeah. You know, the sun's been a huge part of my journey over the past few years as it moves into maximum. And this morning I was outside doing a little bit of my journey over the past few years as it moves into maximum. And this morning, I was outside doing a little bit of sun gazing and I had this strange knowing to my left.
Starting point is 00:47:33 And then I heard something in the leaves. And as I looked down, I could actually see like scalar waves or some kind of waves. It reminds me of your moment and when you were describing your garden earlier, I put myself back to that moment, but we're always so busy. So it was like, oh, I gotta hurry back in. Sometimes I wonder if we would stay just a little bit longer, the magic that we might see.
Starting point is 00:48:05 Yeah, it's like the seed being planted in the earth, isn't it? You know, it grows and grows in the darkness, and it never knows when it's going to break through and hit the sunlight. You know, we never really know when we're going to break through and hit the sunlight, when we're going to get that next level of frequency burst through to that next dimensional space, that next frequency band. And sometimes just sitting in meditation, that extra two minutes, five minutes, it can be the difference between nothing really happening and a huge major download. And so I think if we were like,
Starting point is 00:48:37 for me, if I'm in a meditation, I'm always going to ask, should I sit in this a bit longer? Yes, I'm just going to sit in it. Thank longer? Yes, I'm just gonna sit in it. Thank you for that, I love that. Yeah, I think it's all about asking good questions. If you ask good questions, you're gonna get good answers. A lot of people, they see things in the space, like in the quads and field, and they might look at another being,
Starting point is 00:48:58 or they might see a shape or a piece of code. And instead of actually interacting with it and asking good questions, they just stare at it and don't interact with it. Like, you know, people might see, I don't know, some kind of interdimensional entity. It could be a good one. It might be a negative one and communicate with it. You're never really going to know. And a lot of people, and I say to people, why don't you ask this being how are you? And they're like, well, I can ask it how it is.
Starting point is 00:49:25 Of course you can. Like if you met me in a coffee shop, you're gonna say, Jerry, how are you? Would you fancy a cup of tea? Why don't we speak to these beings in the same? Why would we wanna, just because they're on a different frequency and they're not so solid, why would we treat them any differently?
Starting point is 00:49:39 Open the dialogue and just see where it goes, you know? Good thing to remind us, you know, just to ask questions, of course. I mean, if you know, you're gonna be curious. Yeah, it's also important to use discernment as well, like for anyone that's listening. So if you do see something in the space, don't just trust it.
Starting point is 00:49:57 Yeah. Even if it looks beautiful, even if it feels wonderful, because anything can make itself feel however it wants you to perceive it. It can look and kind of blend into the field and present itself to you in a way that you're gonna want to trust it. But these lower vibrational beings
Starting point is 00:50:20 can masquerade as anything, whether it's your dead gran, your dead uncle, archetypal figure that you resonate with, and they'll just shift into that frequency and you trust it and boom, you know, they've planned its way into your system. So you have to use discernment and you know, question and don't just like trust automatically. I find that Archangel Gabriel comes in a lot to people for their first experience. He, I mean, I've heard this over and over and over. Well, he is, that's what he's known for, right?
Starting point is 00:50:51 As a messenger angel that comes to humans. I mean, over time. Yeah, I've had like Archangel Gabriel and Hope as twin flame, like the interactions I've had with them have been amazing over the years. Again, like with some of these archangels, like it's very easy for lower vibrational beings to present themselves as angels. I mean, years ago, we used to work with a lot of angels in meditations. We don't do that anymore because a lot of the angelic frequencies have been corrupted.
Starting point is 00:51:22 And if people don't really understand and know how to use discernment, they can get easily corrupted themselves. So in meditation, in some of our transmissions, we just work with the code and the frequency and the original blueprints of whatever it is that we're kind of transmitting and not like go with some kind of archetypal figure which could be representing some kind of blueprint, like energetic
Starting point is 00:51:46 frequency, you know, support, I think, to go right to the core of whatever it is that you want to transmit or share with people. So there's no kind of buffer and opportunity for infiltration in the middle. That's so interesting, Jerry. I have experienced that over the past two years. I used to always call in angels and all that. Of course, my religion is deeply rooted Catholic, but I haven't seen anything because I was really just being led by myself, my higher self. So it's always amazing in this journey when you do share how cool it is when other people, you know, can validate their experience with yours. Yeah, vulnerability is the foundation for everything. Like if so many people try and put on a mask and then, but the thing is, if you put on
Starting point is 00:52:37 a mask, the cracks are going to come through at some point. So you just lay in your yourself bare. You know, I remember when I had to do my first public presentation years ago, and it was before Star Magic and all that sort of stuff. And I got invited to speak at this event. And I was so scared. Like I was sweating, like I was dripping under my arms. And like, I was like, fuck this, I can't go on stage.
Starting point is 00:53:01 I was like, should I go home? Should I just go? Should I run? I thought, you know what? Come on, Jerry, you can do this. And, and cause rejection has always been the biggest thing for me. Like it's been my biggest kind of trauma. So anyway, I went out on stage and I just said to everyone, you know what guys, I am shitting myself. And that's the first thing I said to everybody. And everybody kind of laughed because I told everybody the truth, there was nothing else for me to,
Starting point is 00:53:26 I didn't have to hide. Everyone knew that I was scared. So then I could just be me and everyone knew where I was at. So like, it was a real good icebreaker. And so from there, I've always sort of like gone down that road of wearing my heart on my sleeve
Starting point is 00:53:39 and just telling people whatever's in my mind, whatever's in my heart, and just you take it as you want to take it. If you don't like it, you don't like it. If you do, you do. It's just not going to change the way I'm going to behave. That's awesome. Well, good for you.
Starting point is 00:53:51 Thanks so much for doing what you do. I really appreciate you coming on Sense of Soul and sharing all of this. It's really beautiful. If someone did want to catch one of your workshops that you're going around doing or your training, where do they find you? The best place to go is the website,
Starting point is 00:54:09 From there, you're gonna get our events section, Infinity, which is our meditation and light language and yoga and all of our Ascension tools. You can get access to Instagram, Facebook, all of our social handles. So yeah, just go to Everything is on there. Yeah. And if you go over there, you can get seven days free access to all of our Ascension tools and see what you think of
Starting point is 00:54:34 it. So I know that you do a lot of this stuff in person. You know, you said you're in, you know, across the world last week and you're in Sedona. Um, what do you think about the, you know, distance healing and do you ever do anything, you know, via zoom or online? All of our, all of our healing is done at distance. I mean, we're, we're in Sedona. Uh, we're in stone with this weekend in Orlando last weekend. We're in London a couple of weeks before that.
Starting point is 00:55:01 We're in Holland after Sedona doing a plant medicine retreat. Then we're back to Orlando for a psychic cruise. We're doing a lot of in-person stuff all the rest of this year, but every single one of our healing sessions is done at distance. So like we've got different facilitators on the website, myself included. You can go and book a healing session. It will be done at distance. We train people at distance. We do online training programs as well as train people in person.
Starting point is 00:55:29 Like the thing is, there is no time, distance and measurement in the field. So if you're in America, I'm in Australia or wherever you are. I can bring up your hologram right here. And whatever I do to this hologram is going to happen to you in real time. The multidimensional playing fields are real. The beings that are in the space with their kind of multidimensional scalpulse, you know, like it's real.
Starting point is 00:55:51 You know, when you know how to access this stuff, magic and miracles happen, and they're not really magic and miracles. It's just understanding the mathematical equation of the quantum field and knowing how to play with it and get into that root cause and diving into the original blueprint and working at a kind of a baseline level,
Starting point is 00:56:09 which is deep in the esoteric fields. And from there, the physical body heals. Thank you so much. I really appreciate it. I'm gonna go check it out myself. Very curious. Yeah. How long does the training take?
Starting point is 00:56:23 Level one is five days plus two bonus days. Level one is five days plus two bonus days level two is five days plus two bonus days and level three is a Straight seven day training. All right. Well, I'm nice to meet you Jerry Thank you for having me sister. It's been a pleasure. Yeah massive love massive respect Thanks for watching!

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