Sense of Soul - Navigating the Path to Spiritual Awakening

Episode Date: January 31, 2025

Today on Sense of Soul, we have the pleasure of welcoming Jennifer Spor. She is the CEO and Founder of her namesake company, co-author of two bestselling books, and the host of the Path of the Awakene...d Heart podcast. Jennifer is a renowned Spiritual Mentor, Channel, and Multidimensional Healer in the Akashic Records, with extensive experience as an entrepreneur and corporate operations executive. Despite achieving traditional markers of success in her corporate retail career, Jennifer felt unfulfilled and knew she was destined for more. Her own dark night of the soul and spiritual awakening became the catalyst for aligning with her higher purpose. Now, it is Jennifer’s mission to empower others to live authentically, align with their purpose, and realize their highest vision for sharing their gifts and serving the world. Connect with Jennifer: Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey soul seekers, it's Shanna. Journey with me to discover how people around the world awaken to their true sense of soul. Now go grab your coffee and open your mind, heart, and soul. It's time to awaken. Today on Sense of Soul, I have Jennifer Spohr. She is the CEO and founder of her namesake company, co-author of two best-selling books, and the host of the Path of the Awakened Heart podcast. She is a spiritual mentor, a channel, and a multidimensional healer in the Akashic Records. Jennifer answered her call to make a bigger difference in the world. It was through her own Dark Night of the Soul and Awakening that served as a catalyst to align her with a higher destiny. And she's joining us today
Starting point is 00:00:57 to share this mission to empower others to live in their most authentic self to align with their purpose and their own mission. So please welcome Jennifer Spohr. Hello. Hi. How are you? I'm doing well. How are you? I'm good. Nice to meet you, Jennifer.
Starting point is 00:01:17 It's nice to meet you, too. I'm excited to talk to you. I know. Me, too. I see that we have a lot of the same guest on. Yeah, I noticed that me too. I see that we have a lot of the same guest on. Yeah, I noticed that too. I was looking through some of your episodes and I love the diverse range of topics
Starting point is 00:01:36 that you cover in your show. It's good. There's definitely a place for that. You know what I mean? Especially in the times that we're living in right now, like, I don't know about you, but I've been consciously focused on my spiritual path for probably like 15 or so years. But like, when I was, especially earlier on in that journey, there was a time I went through, it's just like, I wanted to absorb, like, learn, learn, learn, you know what I mean? Like all the information. And I think your show
Starting point is 00:02:04 is great. I mean, it's great that you cover so many different topics, because it's like somebody could go there and just basically scroll through your episode list. Oh, okay. You know, like what topic do I want to focus on? Here it is. Yeah, it's not a one size fits all journey. That's for sure. Yeah, for sure. I'm super excited to hear about how you came into this though, and your podcast and how you decided to share your journey and, and to learn more. I mean, someone asked me the other day and, and I, and I don't know if you feel the same way, but I'm sure you get offered sometimes like take my course and stuff like this, right? And I'm like, yeah, I could. But like I interview two, three times a week, getting fed
Starting point is 00:02:51 knowledge all the time. Like I think my fricking head might pop off my body if I ended up doing a course at this point. Yeah. I feel like I relate to what you're saying. I feel like that journey is unique for each of us, right? Because although as a collective, you know, the 8 billion or so of us on the planet, we do share a lot of things in common, but our personal ascension journey is really unique. And each of us receives that learning, right? We experience our evolution in a different way. And one thing I will say is that as our journey goes on, we experience several evolutions on our path. And I know that for me, earlier on in my journey, I went through this phase of, okay, I'm just a sponge. And I want to absorb all this information. But over time, I've become much more tuned into my sense of self, I'm very clear on, like, there's a specific thing I'm looking for, or that I'm feeling drawn to. And I know, I know what that feeling feels like, in my body. I'm actually in school right now to become a genealogist, because that was such a yes for me,
Starting point is 00:04:20 because it's my passion, right? So it's not like I'm not still learning because I feel like I'm a student all the time. But yeah, it's like wherever your journey is and wherever your interest is, you're kind of leaning towards that. And for me, it's funny because my listeners know that I've been going through this Sophia journey and the Gnostic Gospels and I talk about them. And I have had episodes about it, but not as much as I study it. Right. So I'm in this study. I don't know if you can relate. Yeah. Yeah. And again, that's, you know, different for each of us. And I feel like that's, especially in the times that we're living in right now. I'm really excited about the times that we're living in right now.
Starting point is 00:05:11 I mean, yes, there's a lot of like really horrific things happening. And there's a lot of upheaval that's happening is that it's like we're experiencing this collective version of a dark night of the soul, right? And my whole point without, because I could go down lots of rabbit holes. The whole point is that we're living in a time where a lot of these societal constructs that were they ever really working well to begin with, you know, are crumbling right now foundations, and new foundations are being created. And those new, higher consciousness, more sustainable
Starting point is 00:05:46 foundations in terms of how we're living and how we're showing up in the world are all based upon our ability to step forward in our truth, to live in our truth. So it's all about stepping beyond those constructs. It's all about summoning the courage to let your flag fly, right? Like show the world who you are. And that creates a ripple effect. Every opportunity for us to do that is truly a blessing in so many ways. And I love what you said, how collectively, there is this, what I see is like, there's this healing that needs to be done. There is like in our own personal journeys, what I see is like, there's this healing that needs to be done. There is like in our own personal journeys, what we had to go through seems like, like the world is going through right now. We are living in interesting times and it is so funny how it mirrors your own personal
Starting point is 00:06:39 journey, what is happening in the world. Yeah, absolutely. It does mirror a lot of our own journey. I believe everyone is experiencing to different extents, their own version of crumbling of foundations and rebuilding in terms of, you know, what that means for them and their journey. We've been experiencing rapid identity shifts. And even if you can't exactly name it, you can definitely feel it. Right. And, you know, none of us are excluded from that. Right. No matter what we do or how advanced or enlightened we earlier, we are eternal students. There's always a different level of opportunity for growth, right? For each of us to experience. And we're all experiencing some version of that right now. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:36 I mean, it does really remind you of like a video game. I think of like Mario Brothers getting past that one level, the next one gets better and there's more tricks you could do and you get more speed or whatever, you become a little bit more enlightened. Everything around you, like your environment that you're in seems to also level up as well. Oh, absolutely. And you will feel it if you're trying to hold on to something, trying to control something that wants to be released. Amen to that, because I for sure, I realized over the last few years, especially that, you know, I'm not really good with change. I'm not good with transition. You know, it's something that I resist. It's definitely
Starting point is 00:08:25 unconscious too. And then when I become conscious to it and realize, wow, I hold on so tightly to my loved ones and practicing that impermanence is sometimes just impossible for me, but it's something that I'm always trying to work on. I mean, I love the seasons when they change. You know, we are a soul having a human experience. Our human selves are an aspect of us. It's not all of who we are. It's one aspect of who we are. We are created at a soul level for change, for expansion. That's literally how we're wired. Yet each of us has been living in a society, right, that programs us that teaches us to believe that conformity, and that lack of change is the answer to living a fulfilling life. And it's literally the direct opposite of that. So that being said, you know, it's like, okay, well, how do I
Starting point is 00:09:27 more confidently navigate change and make decisions as to whether or not I'm making a change. And the number one way to do that is to get really tuned into what truth feels like in your body. Okay. And being connected to your intuition is a part of that. But each of us has had at least one moment in our lives, no matter where we're at on our path, and what's happening in our life. We've all had a moment where something happened, or we just knew something. Okay, we don't know how we knew it but we just did we knew that something was going to come to pass or we had a feeling we needed to avoid something and we did that and so what I often advise people to do that are in that space of of you know really beginning to get anchored
Starting point is 00:10:17 into that truth for themselves is to think back on a memory on a time like that, right? That you remember something like that. And close your eyes and just, you know, feel your body and your breath and tune into what that memory actually felt like for you. And then you can use that as the basis moving forward to make your decisions, right? It's like, oh, well, should I travel to this place? Or I'm feeling like I might should I travel to this place? Or I'm feeling like I might want to move to this place, or I'm feeling like I might want to pursue this career path. Well, tune into that truth, right? Anchor yourself into that. And if it's not a full body,
Starting point is 00:11:00 yes, then there's your answer, right? And if it's a yes, right away, you're like, yeah, I feel that, then then you know that you're good to go to move forward. A really easy way as well, right? I talked about tuning into your intuition is, you know, the easiest way to discern between the fear based ego mind like aspect of you that questions and fears versus your soul's voice, your intuitive voice is to know that your soul's guidance is never going to be fear based. Okay, so you could have an instance where you feel that truth in your body of Yeah, this is for me. And then your mind, your human mind steps in and is like, Oh, but how are you gonna live, have the income that you want? Like, how is everything gonna fall together, and you can still make a conscious
Starting point is 00:11:51 decision to move forward anyway, like, because you know, that it's still for you, despite these fears that are coming up, being fearless isn't about being without fear. It's about making a conscious decision to summon the courage to move through it because you know, in your heart, something's right for you. You know, in your body, it's aligned for you. And you know that you're having your fears and you're conscious to that and you're making a decision to move forward anyways. That's so beautiful. And it also aligns with how I feel. I feel like it's okay to be a rooted tree and to not move and to just be. And how I got to exactly what I just said was through a lot of sitting with my body. And you know, it might be because most of my life I felt in my head. So once I got grounded, and once I, you know, connected with nature,
Starting point is 00:12:53 it's like, that's all I needed. I didn't need all the other things. Yeah, that's really key what you're saying, because we are half divine, half heaven and half earth. We are part of the earth. We are an aspect of nature. And a lot of times that is all that we might need on a given day is just to go outside. If you don't mind, I'd love to share a really great story around that that I experienced recently. As I said, you know, we're all moving through these rapid identity shifts, and I'm included in that too. And, and I live in northern Idaho in a resort
Starting point is 00:13:31 town, and my house is only a mile from the lake. And one day, the sun was shining outside, and I was just feeling a lot. And I was just feeling like, wow, I just need to release this and let this go. I took the rest of the afternoon off. I was already free that afternoon because that's how the universe works, right? And I went downtown. I drove my car downtown by the lake and I parked by my favorite ice cream shop. I stopped at the ice cream shop and got an ice cream cone, and then walked to the lake and sat in the grass in the sunshine, right by my favorite spot in the lake. And I sat
Starting point is 00:14:13 there in the sunshine and enjoyed my ice cream cone and put my hands on the ground and set an intention to just give it all to her. I just said, I'm just giving it all to you. And then after I was finished doing that and finished with my ice cream cone, then I was guided to do some grid work to give back because I also work with the earth a lot and do a lot of grid work as well. So that's just a good example of we're allowing ourselves to flow in the moment with how we're feeling, we're following that guidance. We're also honoring all aspects of ourself, right? Especially I want to highlight the inner child because this journey can be such a serious one. And it can feel overwhelming with all the noise, right? Like everything that's going on in the world, especially if you're a sensitive being, it
Starting point is 00:15:07 can be overwhelming. And so just really honoring our guidance and acknowledging the importance of having play and joy. And yes, you know, it's just like I wasn't worrying about was having the ice cream the healthiest decision. No, it was just like, I was just honoring everything I wanted in that moment. Because I was feeling so heavy that day, right? So I did all of that, went to sleep early that night and woke up the next morning. And I felt
Starting point is 00:15:38 like this weight had lifted. You know, that was all I needed was just to be, was to have a nice cream cone, sit in the sunshine by the lake and go to bed early. Yeah. Ooh, I love all that. Yeah. This morning I went outside and I was just letting this, I was just sitting with the sun and I closed my eyes and there was like this strobe light happening with the sun. Like that's how intense it was right now. And I know there's the solar storms and there's all this stuff, but it was crazy. Like I sit with the sun all the time. I don't always see like this.
Starting point is 00:16:17 I mean, it was like boom, boom, boom, like in my eyes. It was crazy. I even opened them at one point thinking is something like blocking the sun like making this you know like flash almost I'm not even kidding it was so crazy it was just like an hour or so ago and then there was like all of this metallic light that was happening with my eyes I mean not like my mind's eye I mean this is like physical I sat there forever like playing with it like moving it out bringing it in like I could almost manipulate it it was very interesting and then but I realized I was I probably sat out there doing that for like 15
Starting point is 00:17:01 minutes you know I mean I I even thought like oh god I gotta go get ready you know to meet with you but yeah sometimes it's just kind of losing yourself you know from the world for a minute just yeah we really need that space uh to to be with ourselves, to feel fortified in our foundation, you know, and clear on who we are. That's another very deeply embedded societal program is that, you know, if we are busy all the time or doing something, doing something, right, then we're moving forward. And it's actually the other way around. There's an old like time management rule, right, then we're moving forward. And it's actually the other way around. There's an old like time management rule, right? I value efficiency anyways, but in my prior career, you know, I oversaw operations for a lot of retail stores. So it's just like that 80-20 rule, right? It's actually 80%, maybe even almost 90%, right? Just really being tuned into yourself and the rest of it, the remaining time is the
Starting point is 00:18:08 strategy because you can actually get a lot more done and feel so much more productive when you're fortified in yourself, when you feel good, right? When you're clear in your vision. Well, hopefully it didn't affect my vision. Well, it feels like you have some other connection, right? To what's going on with the sun. Like there's a gift that you have. It took a while because over the past few years, I mean, I was not liking it at first and I was fearing it. So I've been trying to connect with and align with it more. Yeah. Use it to my benefit rather than fear it. Yeah. I mean, I think it had partly to do with that masculine energy.
Starting point is 00:18:52 I was fearful of it. I'm a moon girl. Yeah. I mean, it does feel like the sun is working through you in some way. Yeah. You know, it's funny that you say that because for the longest time I was, I was brought to my attention. My last name is Vavra and the Vav is in like Yod-Heh-Vah-Heh, right? In the name of God. It's also the sixth letter of the Hebrew alphabet. And then there's that Ra part. And I just was never connecting with it. I never connected with it. I was so connected and focused on that Vav part. I mean, I wonder if maybe this is that connection with raw. Interesting. Yeah, it is definitely. When I'm hearing you speak about it, when you were talking about it a little bit earlier, it does feel like you're channeling
Starting point is 00:19:46 some kind of codes, like the sun is working through you as an element as a conduit. I've had a lot of experiences with the moon. And now it's just the focus is around the sun big time for me. Do you mind if I share something else that's coming forward? Are you probably right? I channel a lot. Yeah, tell me. Yeah, the prominence of the sun coming forward for you to what was coming forward for you just now is an integration of the masculine and feminine. And so there's like a recalibration, like a rebalancing that's happening in all of your bodies, right? So your energetic, spiritual, emotional, mental, physical, everything's recalibrating. And different experiences or phases, right, or seasons, however you view them, or whatever
Starting point is 00:20:38 you call them, that you're moving through is just that, you know, we're cooking in the kitchen, right? We're creating this recipe. Yeah, that's what I say. And it's all coming together. That's what's happening for you. I think so, too. I mean, this has been hugely coming through for me. I feel like it's almost a remembering of part of me. Yeah, absolutely. It absolutely is. Yes. Yeah. That's part of all of us, right? Though, I mean, the sun is life, right? I mean, but for me, I think that I did have a lot of rejection when it came to masculine energy. So this is a really big one for me.
Starting point is 00:21:20 Yeah, it's all connected to everything that you've been sharing in our conversation today about the hesitancy to make changes and questioning all that, because there's the integration of the divine feminine and the sacred masculine, right? So the feminine is the intuitive side, she's intuitively channeling, creating, bringing forward the ideas, okay, and where we're being guided. And then the sacred masculine, right? I say sacred masculine, because we've been operating in a society of an inverted masculine. Yeah, right. The sacred masculine acts without question in devotion to the feminine. You know what? I saw that you had Carrie Hummingbird on. I've had her on a few times. And one time she had said something that never left me ever. She said, you know, the moon,
Starting point is 00:22:12 she dances in the sky. You never know where she's going to be. She's unpredictable. And, you know, and I love that energy. However, the sun is a guarantee totally predictable rises you know and falls for me in Colorado right behind the mountains you know every single night rises in the east and that's so funny when you talk about change and how I was just saying how it's all that yeah it's all about that yeah and the sun's going through its own cycle right now I think you're right isn't it funny how sometimes like our brains are so behind well our brains serve a lot of purposes right what happens is that we allow them because of conditioning environmental conditioning trauma various other things that we experience in this lifetime, and others, because and sometimes it's ancestral. There's a lot of different reasons why we can,
Starting point is 00:23:18 why our brain is influenced to do something. But it its purpose is really to to be more of like an operating system, right? Not to run the show as far as how we're navigating our path here. That's our soul's job. That's our responsibility is to be tuned into that voice and to make a conscious decision to follow its guidance. The brain really is serving more as meant to serve more as the masculine right counterpart. It's like, this is, you know, taking the physical action to anchor that in. It really feels like if you're choosing more and more to embrace the energies of the sun and the cycles and integrating both, right? Integrating both the lunar and the sun,
Starting point is 00:24:01 these gifts that want to come forward for you. It's just like, it's this door to like a different portal that is that is going to open if you allow it to. Because that's the thing is, is like, we all do have our highest destiny here, our purpose and mission, whatever that looks like. For some people, it's more about their personal journey. For others, it's about that and for leading the way, you know, illuminating the way forward for other people too. But we can use our own free will, despite all of that, to make different choices. That's part of being human.
Starting point is 00:24:39 And so the more that we can be in tune with the earth and the surrounding elements and all of the energies, the easier it is for us to surrender to divine will. And that's another thing is that, you know, another example of inversion is that if you look up the meaning of surrender in a dictionary online, it tells you it implies defeat. And that's another inversion because surrender, the divine aspect of surrender is actually to align, it means to align. That is a lot of what causes us to feel like we're stuck and causes us to feel like we're being held back on our path. I work beyond the Akashic records, but the Akashic records are a component that I not only use with clients, but that I also teach the records as well,
Starting point is 00:25:33 which for those who aren't familiar with the Akashic records, those are the records of your soul, yourself at a soul level, right? So all the lifetimes and experiences that you've had, including your oversoul, just to say that since the dawn of your existence of the true essence of who you are, you have records to all of that, and you have access to that. So sometimes people will refer to it as a modality, but it's beyond that, because everybody has the records, they're part of who you are, it's just a matter of accessing them. My point of bringing that up is that, again, another societal program is that our healing journey has to be really challenging and really scary. And there are those moments. However, we still get to choose how we want to show up. And the records tapping into them can literally quantum leap you into a different timeline, because it's just like you're passing all of the detours and the turn offs to connect with yourself directly at a soul level to bring forward the truth of whatever it is that you're inquiring about, or the root cause of why you're fearing something. You know, we just have each of us has so much untapped potential and so much untapped
Starting point is 00:26:54 power, we have no idea how powerful we are, right. And it's so awesome to be living in a time where as a collective, we are waking up to that. It's exciting to see the younger generations come in here with less work to do as well. Yeah, I do have hope for the future. I really do. I want to know when you say I work beyond the Akashic Records, where are you going, girl? Wow, that's a big question, too. I mean, so the Akashic records are one of the most direct paths to ascension that I've experienced. They're not the only path. I mean, there is a whole universe, multiple universes, in fact, I mean, beyond that's, you know, what's beyond the Akashic
Starting point is 00:27:47 records, the Akashic records are one aspect of creation. So beyond the records, I work with a lot of really high frequency angelic energies, galactic energies, ascended master energies. Like I said, I work with the earth a lot that I that I mentioned earlier. And part of my longer term greater vision is moving beyond channeling in terms of working with clients. I'm working on my first book right now channeling directly from a higher consciousness, like a collective consciousness. So if you've probably heard of Abraham Hicks, it's like that. It's a collective consciousness I'm working with. And what it is, is they're centered around the aspect of mastering creation from being in a human body.
Starting point is 00:28:38 We're so silly to think that we are the only. There are a billion different species of beings, billions. And similar to Earth, right? You know, there is the light and the dark. There's energies that are lower frequency and energies that are higher frequency. This is a really important discernment to make because I am noticing that talk about channeling and learning how to channel is becoming more streamlined. It's still not, you know, way out there, but it's it's becoming out there more and more. And it's really important to only ever set the intention with your free will to work with the
Starting point is 00:29:18 highest frequencies of truth and love only, because you get to decide what you allow into your field. So when I'm working with myself, when I'm working with clients, whether it's in their records or not, I'm always setting that intention to work with the highest frequencies of truth and love and to work with the highest frequencies of golden Christ said light, which gold is the light of creation. So sometimes deep diving into those rabbit holes can lead you into the dark. Yep, it absolutely can. Again, that's being discerning about what you're choosing to take in, right? So being informed, like we're informing people by having this conversation right now. Yes, if you are impacted by something that can cause you to be more susceptible to falling into those darker
Starting point is 00:30:16 rabbit holes, it can happen. For example, if you're someone who is focused on your spiritual path, but let's say, you know, you're still experiencing some repressed memories or something as a result of unhealed trauma, it's even more important to be discerning about who you're choosing to even follow online, right? Who you're choosing to speak with what groups you're surrounding yourself with, because, I mean, you can be susceptible to those energies in any context. So also having a solid daily practice in place to keep your energy field clear, and to shield yourself to set an intention to be shielded from that is really important too. That's something I also do for myself every day
Starting point is 00:31:05 is invoke a shield of protection for myself to repel any of those energies. Me too. Me too. Okay. So I have had an issue sometimes discerning what is good and bad having to step even outside of that and seeing things from a different perspective where you know what I see is good you may see as bad is there a collective rule that it is one or the other and yeah go ahead sorry yeah you know I mean you know a lot of what we believe is good is only because of our own experiences or, you know, we are conditioned just to this is good and reality is subjective. It is subjective to how conscious we are, how awake we are, and our own experiences form our human perception of reality here. So absolutely. I mean, you're probably walking down the street next to someone who has a completely different perception of reality than you do. We can live, we're literally all living in a paradox,
Starting point is 00:32:28 we can live simultaneously in different levels of consciousness as we're coexisting on the same planet right now. So there's that there is a universal rule, however, right, which is anything that is fear based, is not going to lead you on the higher path. So I would say that would be the easiest high level universal rule. Some examples of some red flags might be, this has happened a lot in the coaching industry specifically, or in the healing industry as well. If someone who you're working with is giving you fear based information, focusing on giving you fear based information, if there is a relationship dynamic with this person, in terms of like, they're the guru, and you're not, or there's some kind of element of superiority right yeah that's not healthy yep that's not a healthy relationship dynamic well and i think that jennifer that's part of what i
Starting point is 00:33:34 was going to say is that when you awaken you really awaken to see that many of the things that you thought in your life were good and good for you were actually fear-based and it leaves you in a place of I often say like I had to grieve my religion which was and it was generational very deeply rooted in me so that's why I think someone like you and our podcast and other communities are so very helpful for people who are going through that because that's, it's a tough one. That's a hard one. Yeah. Yeah. Religion is, is another big one. Yes. And navigating our existing relationships is another really big one, you know, as we're on this journey, because you realize relationships where you want not serving, like they were, you know, aren't anymore. And it's
Starting point is 00:34:33 because you're starting to see things about yourself, and the other person, right. And the thing is, too, is that each one of us is on our own journey and we each emit our own unique frequency, right? And so each one of us has free will and is traveling on our own individual path and our involvement in relationships with others. So it's understanding that each person is also responsible for their own journey. So like you could be waking up, you could be beginning to see these other things and your person, your spouse, your partner, your child, whoever might not be seeing the same. And so even just having that awareness is a huge game changer in terms of our ability to be able to navigate this journey of awakening with a little more ease and grace. A lot of people ask me about that. That's like probably I'd say my number one biggest question listeners reaching out like I'm awakening, but now my husband thinks I'm crazy or vice versa,
Starting point is 00:35:39 right? Or my family does. That's a big one. You mentioned something earlier that you work with the grid. Can you talk about that? And what's going on right now in the world when it comes to the grid work? Yeah, you know, similar to what we've talked about in terms of our journeys being unique, how each of us is being called to work with the planet is different as well. For me, a lot of what I'm generally called to with the earth is centered around detoxing or cleansing, and also opening portals, because we have galactic energies and other things that are trying to come in the sun, right sun codes to support the planet. So sometimes I'm called to do that. And also at other times, as part of healing the land, I'm called to aid souls energies that feel stuck here to transition into their higher frequency
Starting point is 00:36:41 as well. So some of it is physical, I've done it physically in physical locations, some of it is done remote. So that's generally how I'm called to, there are a lot of different ways that someone can be called to work with the planet, right to work specifically with ley lines, you know, the planet is also, you know, there's a lot of talk about climate change and, you know, we're destroying the planet. And I'm going to say, yes, it's important for us to have reverence for all of life. Right. But we need her more than she needs us. She's very powerful. She's already operating at a higher level of consciousness, right? We're here for each other, us being like, she's here for us. We're here for her to have this experience. It's very unique, I would say, for someone because more and more people are feeling called to be with the earth to be with nature in different ways, no matter how illogical your mind might tell you that that urge is, just follow that. Just follow it. Just allow
Starting point is 00:37:53 yourself to do whatever you're being guided to do. Like I'll be called to go to a location and I'll go there. Or for me, what often happens, cause I'm connected like all the time at this point. So I meditate every day too. I will be in meditation and a specific location will come forward often. Like I'll literally be told the city or the location of where to go or what to tune into. So just understanding it's more about us recalibrating ourselves to really believe and to embody the limitlessness of everything, that there is nothing off limits, there is nothing that's right or wrong, there just is our experience. There's only dark and light. There's only fear and love and knowing where we're operating from, right? In terms of that space.
Starting point is 00:38:51 You said that well, you have me totally connected to the oneness that we should. Yeah, that's what it is. We're all interconnected. interconnected it's so beautiful because years ago I had this vision and I picture it in my mind in my third eye and almost every day is that all of us like the eight billion of us we are this quilt this enormous quilt with all of these threads that are all interwoven and that are all different colors oh I love that all together yeah actually I made a I made a quote one time like that it's very interesting that you said that yeah it was for a friend who she had just come out to her family and she wanted to represent this in a quilt and so
Starting point is 00:39:40 I did this very colorful yeah like all the colors of the rainbow quilt. It was really amazing. And all the stitching too. I tried to be, well, it was kind of hard to do that, but changing it out all the time, it took forever. That's really beautiful. It was really actually cool. I have this amazing tree in my front yard.
Starting point is 00:40:01 She's super gnarled, right? And she's the only tree like this in the neighborhood. People are like, you got to cut that. I'm like, no, we're not touching my tree. I have a relationship with her, right? Actually, my daughter, my youngest daughter does as well. So the tree has twists and turns and gnarles, but you can tell like there's energy that's made it this way. You know, I'm very, very connected to my space too. Very, you know, every tree, every animal that lives on every bird. Yeah. I'm outside more than I am inside.
Starting point is 00:40:35 And also the ley lines. I've paid attention to these things, you know, because the energy, you know, I mean, I know that we do have quite a few vortexes here in Colorado. You know, there's a lot of high energy. I mean, I've been to places where I think there's unknown vortexes where we've had weird experiences, you know, where you feel like one night we were in Crescent Butte and the entire we had our retreat there. You could see the Milky Way, like eye level. And the sky had so many stars like you've never seen. It was like Star Wars or something.
Starting point is 00:41:11 And the very next night, there was not one star in the sky. It was completely black. And there was no clouds either. It was so freaky. But when you talk about portals and ley lines and stuff like that, is it stuff like this that I'm talking about that you could almost assume that you're on some path to a bigger vortex somewhere? So here's the thing. This is about being tuned in.
Starting point is 00:41:38 The more tuned in you are to yourself and the energies, the more confidence that you build around it. Anything that's coming forward as an awareness to you is right. Right. Yeah. Only our minds are human. Yeah. That would be like because it's not how it's been conditioned. So a lot of this journey, this ascension journey as well, it's also creating new neural pathways. Like there is value in what people see out there in the personal development industry in terms of, you know, it takes 21 days to create a new habit or whatever. it's important that you have something every day that reinforces how you're seeking to live and
Starting point is 00:42:26 show up in the world, because that helps you with your mind as well to support it in creating new, new neural pathways. But circling back to that, right, the most important thing is to understand when you have an awareness come forward, there's reason why and trusting that well that's what I was wondering is that you know because I believe there is a reason why right but yet I don't think I ever connected to what that would be like you know why I live in this place with this tree and what do I do with it you can get the answers to all of that. You can ask those questions. You can call that information forward. This is where I advocate for, you know, the Akashic records as well, because like all of the stuff we're talking about,
Starting point is 00:43:18 all of the questions that you're bringing forward are all questions that you can ask yourself in your Akashic records, right? And you can ask yourself questions outside of your records and call that information forward. The records are in a higher frequency container and a deeper container where you're accessing your subconscious, which is one of the many reasons why I advocate for learning how to access information for yourself in that way. So you can have someone read your records for you. It's like, I never plan on having people work with me all that long. Like some people work with me longer term than others based upon whatever their personal
Starting point is 00:44:00 journey is. But the whole idea is that you're reaching new levels of mastery and ascension, you're expanding and growing and becoming more and more empowered, because you're remembering more and more of the truth of who you really are. But yes, you can ask yourself all those questions, anyone who's looking to experiment with that from listening to this episode, I would say, go back to what we talked about earlier, which is that if you don't work in your records or you don't know how, right, is just making sure that you're only calling forward the highest frequency energies of truth and love, right?
Starting point is 00:44:40 And your highest frequency self. Right. And if there's any fear, then get out of there. Right. Exactly. Exactly. Thank you so much, Jennifer. Tell everybody where they could find you if they want to work with you and your podcast, where they can find you. Yes. So the easiest way to find all things me, to connect with me is to go to my website at So for those people listening, that's And when you go there, you'll see there's different ways to work with me, you'll see where you can connect with my podcast, listen to my podcast path of
Starting point is 00:45:21 the awakened heart. And there's lots of juicy stuff that we share and cover on that show as well. And there's also specifically I want to mention there's a free resource column on my website, where you can access a couple of different free meditations that I have. And one in particular, called highest destiny, which is a guided meditative journey into the temple of your higher self channeled through the Akashic records. It has a very strong, like Hathor, Sophia kind of energy. I mentioned that one because so many of us are being called to like that next evolution of ourselves right now. And that's a really good journey to take to do that. And I had a lot of positive feedback, people will message me about that meditative journey. I'm gonna do that. Yeah,
Starting point is 00:46:13 yeah. They're like, I've listened to it multiple times. And each time I have a new insight. And so yeah, so that's something really powerful to experience. And thank you for the honor of being on your show and having this wonderful conversation with you. So, so blessed to be here. I'm super excited too, because I feel like I never get to get into the juicy stuff. So thanks for coming on. Yeah, you're welcome. Thanks for listening to Sense of Soul Podcast and thanks to our special guest. If you want more of Sense of Soul, check out my website at
Starting point is 00:46:58 It's time to awaken.

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