Sense of Soul - Sovereign Wisdom

Episode Date: January 17, 2025

Today on Sense of Soul Podcast we have Mónica Esgueva, she is a renowned figure whose journey and expertise in mindfulness, personal transformation, and spirituality are transforming lives globally. ...She is an advocate for Inner Peace and Consciousness, she is a renowned self-development teacher and spiritual guide known for bridging the gap between Eastern and Western philosophies. With a profound understanding of the mind, human consciousness, and spirituality, she has been helping the transformation of individuals for more than 16 years. Her journey is unique: from a successful career as an economist for Prada in London and INSEAD in Paris to becoming a semi-professional tennis player and national medalist in athletics, to later transitioning into deep spiritual exploration. Her decade-long study in India and Nepal under the tutelage of Tibetan lamas, including the Dalai Lama, has equipped her with a blend of practical and profound insights.  She is the author of "The 7 Levels of Wisdom," is a testament to her life’s work and dedication. It promises to provide the keys to navigating life's challenges with greater awareness and purpose. 

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Today on Sense of Soul, we have Monica Escova. She is a renowned figure whose journey and expertise in mindfulness, personal transformation, and spirituality are transforming lives globally. She is an advocate for inner peace and consciousness and a renowned self-development teacher and spiritual guide known for bridging the gap between Eastern and Western philosophies. She is the author of the book, The Seven Levels of Wisdom, a testament to her life's work and dedication. It promises to provide the keys to navigating life's challenges and greater awareness and purpose. And it's my honor to have Monica with us today to talk about wisdom. So where do you join me from? I am currently in Madrid in Spain.
Starting point is 00:01:12 Nice. Is that where you're from? Yes, I am from Madrid. Nice. Well, I'm all the way in Colorado in the States. Well, this is the magic of having technology. You know, we can connect all over the world i had an interview this morning with australia uh yeah oh wow usually usually i have to see i have to do those at night well i'm excited to hear about your book and so i'll be your student and you can teach me about the seven levels. All I can do is sharing what I know. And I have worked on all my life and several different lives.
Starting point is 00:01:55 All I can do is sharing. Well, to begin, Monica, will you just tell everybody, you know, where you came from and how did you land on this path? Sure. I guess it all started when I was very young. I was born spiritual. And I used to ask my father, my mother, what do I come from? What is the meaning of life? And that's quite unusual for a small child. And they were not able to answer in a good way that will comfort me. So I will look at the stars and I'll think, okay, my home is there. And I have a good childhood and I have wonderful parents. So it was not like I didn't feel welcome in my home here on earth. It's just that I knew that I was not coming from here. And one day I asked my father,
Starting point is 00:02:49 I was probably five, six years old, like very young. I said, what do I come from? And his answer was really funny. He said, well, we took you from under a bridge. You were living with some gypsies and we brought you home. And I was like crying because I felt so misunderstood. It was like, this is not what I meant. So I guess I tried to find, I wasn't on a spiritual quest from early, very early on. And it started with the Catholic church that that was available at the time very easily.
Starting point is 00:03:26 But after a while, I found out that what the church and the religion was preaching was not really aligned with what Jesus wanted to share, was not really aligned with his message. So I quit that and I kept on searching. When I was 14, 15, I tried to find everything and I read every single book I could find on spirituality, on transcendence, on the nature of the mind. And I continued my studies on my own but in a way I tried to fit in and I remember even when I was at school like maybe I was 17 or something like that we were at the class and the teacher asked all of us what do you want to do when you become an adult when you grow up and we said people would say things like okay I want to build a big house. I want to have a family.
Starting point is 00:04:28 I want to find the perfect partner. I want to become successful. And when it was my turn, I said, I want to become a wise person with a big heart. And of course, everybody was like really puzzled. And it's like, what is she talking about? So that was in me, within me for forever. But I tried to fit in, as I said. I went to college.
Starting point is 00:04:55 I studied economics. I had a master's degree. I went to London to work for Prada for a while. And then I moved to Paris and I worked for an international business school. I married early and we have a good material life. We have a good social life, good holidays. We were living in one of the best neighborhoods in Paris. But I was not fulfilled.
Starting point is 00:05:19 I felt really, really not fulfilled. So at some point I decided to go to Dharamsala, which is a little town at the feet of the Himalayas in India, because I wanted to do some research on Tibetans in exile. And I wanted to know more about their problems and the problems of being invaded in Tibet by the Chinese and so on. So I was meant to go for three weeks. And then in an unexpected turn of events, I missed my flight home. And I ended up staying for three months.
Starting point is 00:05:57 I studied with Tibetan lamas and I received teachings from the Dalai Lama. And I realized that they had answers. They had some of the answers I had been looking for all my life. And they really had a very good map of the mind on how to dissolve the ego and how to get into a very special state of mind, which is enlightenment. And that was really my goal. So I was thrilled. And at the same time, it meant that I had to make very big changes. So after those three months, I came back home, which was in Paris at the time. And within the span of six months, I left my husband, I left my home, I left my job, I left my plans. I left my money. I left everything.
Starting point is 00:06:45 I just put everything that I could fit in my car. And I went to my parents' home. And I decided I didn't know how I was going to earn a living. All I knew is how I did not want to waste my life. And I knew that I wanted to create a better world. But I didn't know how. So what I did is I went to get some good training, basically, mostly in the US. I went to study mindfulness in UCLA.
Starting point is 00:07:15 I took some courses in MIT on neuroscience and psychology. I studied hypnosis in New York. I studied neurolinguistic programming with John Grinder, the creator of NLP. I got the best training I could get. And at the same time, during a decade, I would go back to Nepal and India. And I would stay there for two or three months every year to keep studying with the Tibetan lamas. So I guess I'm a little bit a bridge between the East and the West. And that's how all started. Wow, that's a journey.
Starting point is 00:07:55 You know, my friend Raja Srimah, who also is an author, she also went to India and got stuck there during COVID or whatever it was. It's just like that synchronicity or like the universe's planning that, you know, we've kind of knew that we're on this journey, but didn't know which way to go. And then it just kind of pushes you right, right to where you need to be? Absolutely. I think there's a perfect infinite plan for each one of us. It's just that we, I think the universe whispers to us and it tells us where to go, what to do, what the next step is. It's just that sometimes we are very stubborn and we don't want to listen.
Starting point is 00:08:44 We're so conditioned. It's almost like we we are very stubborn and we don't want to listen. We're so conditioned. It's almost like we're going against the grain when we are not doing all the things that you tried to do. Yes. Well, we are very much programmed since we are born in this society. to think in a certain way, act in a certain way, dress in a certain way, believe certain things, follow the crowd, don't ever leave the herd because you are going to be penalized and you're going to be belittled and really looked down on and rejected. So we are very much afraid of leaving the herd and follow your own path, being your own person and discover what you came to do in this life. So it takes a lot of courage and it takes a lot of hard work, inner work. But we have to remember that although we are programmed, we are not determined by what society says.
Starting point is 00:09:56 And even if our environment is really hard and it goes in one direction, which is rewarding people that are materially successful and it pushes you to become an achiever. It doesn't mean that we all have to follow that path. There are many other options. We just have to gather the courage to follow and discover and explore what is there for us, you know, because we all have a different path to follow. And it's up to us to go and discover it. I love that you said courage, because I think it does take courage to step outside of that box. And especially for a woman, this is really the time that women are successfully using our voices and choosing our own paths. Muria and Atlantis, women have very important roles. And the feminine was not hidden or persecuted as it happened afterwards. And I think because the earth is shifting into a different stage and different era, the feminine has to rise.
Starting point is 00:11:01 And that we are lucky enough to be born at this time again, to be able to blossom and being able to be in our own person, you know, which was not possible before. I keep hearing often, especially this past week, it's an interesting time to be alive. It is.
Starting point is 00:11:22 It's a challenging one too. But I think it's very promising very promising yeah there's this hilarity where it's exciting that there's so many people awakening to this awakening to just their consciousness i mean a lot of people don't even stop to listen to this inner voice that's more connected to our path, our purpose, the meaning of life, our past lives, future lives, the collective unity. And then there's this loud voice that says, you're not good enough, you're small, you need to go back and be in line like you were supposed to be. And to be able to quiet that voice and allow your soul to kind of sing and take the center stage takes a lot of courage, doesn't it? It does. It does. And I think it's part of the test.
Starting point is 00:12:20 You know, if things were easy, we will not be able to become great creators you know i think the way is it is we come here we choose to come into this reality to to embark on this journey and on 3d earth knowing that the rules are going to be very strict very difficult very harsh but we are like cold and then under big pressure we can bring our diamond our divine nature outside you know you will just we can bring it out but we have to do it through that pressure if it is too easy then we don't develop. We become very complacent and lazy, you know, and we just want the same thing over and over because it's secure, it's comfortable and you know it. And even if it is uncomfortable, you know it. So, you know, I don't know what is going to be on the other side of the door. So I may as well stay here, put forever.
Starting point is 00:13:22 That's the easy way. You know, that's the path of least resistance but at the same time is the path of least fulfillment as well you were mentioning that when you were little and they asked you what you wanted to be i loved your answer which is so cute you know when my little girl was in kindergarten my youngest they had the most funniest answers to that because it's like they were graduating. And as they got their little diploma, what do you want to be when you grow up? Everyone had different answers and they were so cute, but most of them had the same answers. I want to be a doctor, a police officer, a veterinarian, right? All the things. Then a lot
Starting point is 00:14:02 of them said YouTuber, which I thought was hilarious. hilarious and like this is the world we live in but one thing i wanted to show you behind me the planet i love that quote peacemakers healers restorers storytellers and lovers of all kind i love that quote salilama it doesn't say the planet needs more politicians and all the regular boxes that you get to check. This is the kind of stuff that's been missing and is important, but these are also very old, like the Native Americans and the indigenous people, those who were in community and they knew the importance of this. And of course, there were skill traits, right? That were important, but it wasn't for everyone. Yeah. Just having this space to be able to like,
Starting point is 00:14:52 give to you to share your story is so powerful. That's so powerful. Well, we don't know what the ripple is effect of our actions is going to be. We don't know, you know, all we can know is and be certain of is what kind of seeds we are planting. And if they come from the right motivation, if they come from the motivation of benefiting others, then you know that at some point someone, at least one person will be touched by it in a positive way and then maybe this person will have some influence in in her or his environment and this
Starting point is 00:15:35 is like the chain effect so we have to do our part and not worry too much about how is this going to be perceived by others or whether it's going to help a lot of people or a few people, whether it's going to get a lot of likes or followers or not. And we are right now in a society that is obsessed with results and driven by results and fame and recognition and money and status. We have lost track of our inner nature. You know, we just are very disconnected with who we really are. And this is the path back home. There's no other way.
Starting point is 00:16:14 We just need to go back to the principles that, as you said, some other cultures know or knew at the time. So we have to all go back to our divine nature. The inner guidance is always there. We just need to stop to listen. But there's so much chatter in our minds and so many distractions and inputs outside that we cannot listen to that voice. It doesn't mean it's not there. It's just we are just blind to it and deaf to it. You know what? Someone asked me the other day, it's one of my listeners who's become a friend,
Starting point is 00:16:51 and he asked me, what would you say the opposite of fear was? And I was busy at the time. I was at the grocery store when I first read it, came home, sat down, and he's like, you should know this one, you know, because you speak about it all the time. And so I said wisdom. And the reason why I said wisdom is because wisdom is everything. I mean, and it goes beyond knowledge, right? It is a sacred knowledge. It comes from within. It is a knowledge that is already there. It's not something you have to learn. It's there. It's just tapping into that wisdom. That's my belief.
Starting point is 00:17:35 And in doing that, you're tapping into what I see is the greatest source that each of us have. And so that source is connected directly to your creator, which is love. And without that, you have fear. So to me, that is the opposite. When you don't understand something, a lot of times it's just because there's fear involved. I think it's a very good answer. Very good answer. Just wondering, because your book is the seven levels of wisdom so how did you come to the seven levels like you know for myself seeking was at the beginning of my journey but yet you don't stay in that space because that can then lead you down rabbit holes and you might never ever get out, which I've been there too. I think that is the spark that initiates the whole journey.
Starting point is 00:18:32 It's always the seeking. Always the seeking. If you are not seeking anything, you're not going to find anything either. So you have to seek something. You have to look for something. You have to understand and connect with the unsatisfactory nature of this life, which is samsara. You know, Buddhism is called samsara. Hinduism is called maya. I call it the matrix, you know, to put it in more modern terms. So if you are hooked into the matrix and you think this is all there is, you're not going to seek anything else. So you are going to stay for a very long time
Starting point is 00:19:16 hooked on that kind of fairy's will that goes over and over and over and you go up and down, up and down, and you don't go anywhere so without the seeking you don't have the key or you are not going to look for the key that will open the door to leave the matrix right so everything begins with the seeking is is how the quest starts and then you will have to go step by step. Because this is one of the things that I learned. And I see working with people for more than 15 years, I have been coaching in transformation,
Starting point is 00:19:56 in transformational coaching, I have been working a long time with many many clients so what i have seen is most people think that to be able to to make a change in their lives they need to know every single step ahead of them and they need to have the security of where this is going to take them they they they would like to have like a contract that will say okay you're going to find this and that and then at the very end this is where you will end up and it doesn't work that way yeah you're right it takes a leap of faith because otherwise you are not tested you need to be tested you need to go to the initiations you need to go to the initiations. You need to go to the exams. And if you knew the answers, where your own wisdom, as you were saying, in knowing that you are being guided and supported and the universe has your back. And then once you take that first step, then the second one will show up and then the third one.
Starting point is 00:21:24 But only when you take the next one, then the following one will show up. And then the third one. But only when you take the next one, then the following one will appear. And that's how it goes. And we need to accept that. Sometimes we grow impatient and it's like, okay, I want to know and I want to have the security. I don't want to worry. I don't want to have fear.
Starting point is 00:21:41 Well, you know, these are things that you need to work inside of yourself. This is not going to be given to you from the outside world. So true. So I love Thich Nhat Hanh. I mean, he is one of my greatest teachers, one of my first teachers along my journey. And I was listening to a talk of his, and he was talking about how, like what you're talking about. It's the seeds right
Starting point is 00:22:07 maybe the seeds of curiosity or something that's been seeded and you're like hmm maybe there's something bigger right but with the seed then comes the rain and to allow the rain to penetrate through the seed. You don't have to do anything. It just is a natural thing. The rain will penetrate this seed and it'll grow from there. And so there's this craziness that goes on your head, says, I want to make this happen really fast. I want to have the end result.
Starting point is 00:22:44 But there's this period of just allowing, almost surrendering to what may come. And it's so beautiful. But you have to be present and you have to just allow that space to happen because you can't force it. It's just something that happens. I think there are a few things here. And I think this is very interesting. it's just something that happens i think there are a few things here and i think there's this is very interesting the seeds i see that that there are two aspects to it
Starting point is 00:23:11 yes there's the seed of curiosity and i think it's also the seed all so many times in my experience comes from a crisis so many people are not willing to plant the seed until they hit rock bottom. And only when they hit rock bottom and they cannot rely on the old paradigm, they cannot rely on the old way of doing things, they are willing to plant a new seed. Otherwise, they will just keep going and they will go through the motions and they will do it in a very automatic manner. So the seed sometimes is the seed of looking for something else. And it comes from suffering.
Starting point is 00:23:52 So many times it comes that way. That's why the suffering has its role in our lives. There are very few people that are willing to plant the seed out of willingness, out of eagerness, out of wanting to develop themselves without a crisis. So I just wanted to mention this because it's important for people to understand how it all starts. You are right that there is a big role that we need to understand and it's not i don't think it's understood enough which is the role of surrendering and this is surrendering to the universe timing surrendering to the to the perfect plan that is going to unfold for you. And it takes a lot of humility because the ego thinks that he knows it all. And the ego is always trying to have everything under control.
Starting point is 00:24:56 And the ego is always pushing things to be. Sounds like a teenager. It's exactly the same personality, you know, and he's always looking for immediate results and immediate pleasure, regardless of medium and long term consequences. So it takes a lot of inner work. And that part, I would say the rain that you were describing, that is the surrendering part to the universe timing and steps. But then there is one part that you need to take care of that seed. And it's like, you just have to make sure it has the right soil and the mulch, and you need to put the plant in the sun and you need to take care of that plant. Otherwise you are not going to get any harvest.
Starting point is 00:25:55 And that part for me is training the mind and changing all the negative emotions and transforming them into positive ones. So I'm talking about envy. I'm talking about jealousy. I'm talking about anger. I'm like hostility, hostility hostility shame guilt you know you need to transform all of them because otherwise the seed will not never grow never sprout and if it does sprout it's going to be a very small plant it's not going to give any fruit So our inner self is similar to a garden. It's a garden where we need to take care of all those plants, all those seeds.
Starting point is 00:26:33 Otherwise, we will not get the results we're looking for. I don't know if this makes sense. Oh, it makes 100% sense. And you know, my journey started in the same. It was with mindfulness, and then leading into that self love, and was something that I had never seen in my life. So this was not something natural in my DNA. In fact, you know, is more I came from more of the martyr, right. And I thought that that was a beautiful thing to be very selfless, but it
Starting point is 00:27:06 wasn't working out for me either because I was very stressed. You know, I was on medication to be able to raise my children. You know what I mean? I was not in a good place. It catches up with you, which is why I think that oftentimes it happens around that Saturn return that people talk about because you spend the beginning of your life trying to do for everybody else to be the best, to have the best. And then all of a sudden, you find out that that's really not satisfying your soul. It seems very basic, but it is absent in so many lives because we, especially for women and also for men that are sensitive and very empathetic, we have this impulse to be of help to others,
Starting point is 00:27:55 to be people pleasers, to be complacent, to try to give our best. But we forget that this compassion that we naturally have for others needs also to be self-compassion because the self-compassion is for everyone and everyone you know in that oneness we are included and so many times so often or more often than not we forget that we are included very important to to be very aware of it and work on self-compassion as much as on compassion for others. I think both are compatible and both are necessary.
Starting point is 00:28:33 Otherwise, you are negating part of humanity, which is you. And then it's not authentic. And I think it comes also from, I would say, Christian religion that you need to you are guilty, you are born guilty so you need to spend
Starting point is 00:28:50 the whole life trying to compensate for that guilt and of course it never goes away because once you are guilty it doesn't really matter what you do, you will be guilty all your life so I think it's in Buddhism and I'm not a Buddhist, but I have learned a lot
Starting point is 00:29:08 of things with them. And this sense of guilt does not exist. They always tell you within you is the Buddha nature. So it means that all the light, the happiness, the beauty, the joy is within you. You are born with that we just you just need to rediscover it and it's only because of your ignorance our ignorance that we don't see it but it doesn't mean that it's not there and i think it's a beautiful way to look at it you know and many things even in the systems we're always looking outside of ourselves for wisdom or forgiveness for all the things. Both of them, wisdom and forgiveness.
Starting point is 00:29:48 And the problem with religion is thinking that someone else will have the keys and the clues about what is best for you. And will tell you what to believe and not to believe and will be an intermediate person for you to connect with God. Why do I not connect with God directly? You know, why do I need someone to meddle? You know, it's not very logical. Thank God that the mysticals understood that. Probably they were the only ones within religions that could understand that the connection with God nature is within and is direct. And it's through experience,
Starting point is 00:30:26 through personal experience and through personal exploration. And once you know that, then, of course, you may have connection with a master, with a teacher, someone that will guide you. But that person does not have the answers for you. It will only give you a map, which is very useful, but then you have to walk your path. You know, I was telling you that I was studying the Gnostic Gospels, which the word gnosis means knowledge. And in the book of Thomas, Jesus said,
Starting point is 00:31:00 the kingdom is inside of you and it's outside of you. And when you come to know yourself, then you will be known. Why these things were left out? It's almost like it was a conspiracy against humans to keep them small so they wouldn't know thyself. Well, you have to remember something that is religion is a power structure. So all power institutions and power structures are only looking for themselves. They only want to keep the power at all costs. They don't really care for the people. It doesn't really matter how they wrap it. But it's not real. No power structure is interested in benefiting people in general. They just want to keep their power as much as they can for as long as they can and with as much power as they can gather. So they will tell you whatever you need to hear for them to take
Starting point is 00:32:02 over your power. They're really grasping to hold on. And I feel like we're at a time where there's this tug of war for people's souls to either keep them suppressed or all of us that are trying to reach everybody so that they know that they have this power within. You just are completely right. We are in the middle of a war for consciousness. But because this is not visible, people think that we are free. We are all tied to a, you know, we are dogs on a leash.
Starting point is 00:32:39 You know, our job here is to become sovereign beings. And you can only do that if you have the awareness that you are being programmed, that you are being manipulated, that you are being controlled. okay, you know, I don't belong to anyone. I don't need to follow orders. I don't need to comply to some authority or some so-called expert because I am the best expert in myself. Who is going to know what I need, you know, and what I want? No one better than myself. So we need to be sovereign.
Starting point is 00:33:20 Do we need to become sovereign beings? Because only by becoming sovereign, we can make choices for our own lives and the lives of our families. And this is going to set us apart and it's going to prepare us for the new earth because we are in the middle of a shift. And that shift will take people, whoever wants to be there to a higher vibration and some other people would like to continue living in fear and be part of the herd and be manipulated and controlled and they want to comply gladly and that's fine it's a choice it's nothing wrong with it it's just that we are on a different stage of our journeys back home back to on oneness, because we will all end up home and home is one with God. The only difference is you choose your pace. Do you want to go back? Do you
Starting point is 00:34:14 want to return quickly or do you want to take your time? It's up to you. And all is fine. We have to respect everybody's choices. I mean, I would have been glad to have done this 20 years ago, 30 years ago. I used to say 20 years ago as I get older, 20 years is not long when my kids are almost 30. But I chose their religion before they were born. You know, these are new times. You know, I have kids from two different generations. I look at my youngest and I've given her the freedom to be who she wants to be. And she won't have to undo so many things. And so we're creating a conscious future.
Starting point is 00:34:54 We're in the in-between. We're in the chaos. But it is a very important time. But what would you say to people who are awakening? What are those beginning things that you recommend? Well, there are many, many things I could recommend. And as you know, I mentioned some of them in my book, but I will just mention one that I don't think people take too seriously. And I think at least in my life, it pivotal you know it was volunteering I mean at the very beginning when I made that huge change and that's biggest step that I took in my life
Starting point is 00:35:33 I went to Africa and I spent six months volunteering in Tanzania and helping in teaching at the school and helping at an orphanage. And that was so life changing because I could see that so many things I will take for granted. Many people will never, ever see them in their whole lives. Then I tried to become one of them. And instead of having my private driver, I would take the bus. I was the only white person in the buses. And we were all squeezing like sardines and everybody was looking at me.
Starting point is 00:36:17 But I wanted to have a real feeling what it was to be one of them. You know, I didn't want a special treatment. and those children being born in Africa and then being abandoned at the stairs in the hospital or even in a field having to be in an orphanage I don't think it's as hard as it gets on earth and then those children
Starting point is 00:36:41 were my masters in joy they were always joyful they were joy. They were always joyful. They were always smiling. They were always playful. So it teaches a lot of things that we take for granted. We forget that we are really blessed. And we are just so focused on the things that we want and we don't have yet. Thinking that, you know, I'm so unfortunate.
Starting point is 00:37:04 Life is so unfair and I don't have everything, thinking that, you know, I'm so unfortunate, life is so unfair, and I don't have everything I want. Look around you. And it's also a good way to change your focus from yourself, your own needs, your own wants, your own desires, to what can I do for others? And that sets the ball rolling. Because it means that you will be planting seeds that will come back to you at some point. Why? Because you do it because you don't expect anything and you do it out of love. I think it's very rewarding and very enriching for you as a person. I can safely say that all the volunteering I have been doing in this world has helped me to feel the oneness with humanity, to feel a brotherhood, to feel a kinship and see that
Starting point is 00:37:53 it doesn't really matter where those humans live. They are part of my human family. I care for them. And I think that's a good step to have the experience of oneness, you know? Service work is a very good way to to bring you back into right in the kinder tradition is consider one of the four ways the four paths that we all need to follow as some people are more attracted to one of them and some others are to others so so one of them is meditation. Another one is service in the world and action in the world.
Starting point is 00:38:27 Another one is love and devotion. Another one is the intellect. Those four jhanas, those four yogas are very important in our path because those go directly to oneness. And I think we have to go through all of them but of course we are more attracted to one or the other it depends on our nature and it's fine you know there are people that are more outwardly oriented so they want to work with people and they work to work through
Starting point is 00:38:59 relationships and that's one path some other people are more quiet and more introverted so they mainly want to do it through meditation or through the intellect so you can choose but at some point you will have to at least take a little bit of the other paths to be able to understand that all of them are complementary and they all go as they say all the worlds go to rome yes so take whatever whatever you choose and and they will take you there and yeah and i think it's it's good to know i had on someone who was a doctor a woman who was a doctor in syria and, during the war, she was in an underground cave during chemical warfare and through the worst in their area to their children. And when I was younger anyways, I mean, you'd have to read that kind of thing in a newspaper, right? You weren't able to see it.
Starting point is 00:39:59 And I mean, my kids can see this in two seconds. And so I think it is creating a sense of empathy that we haven't been able to really connect with. It's a double-edged sword because it can also be very toxic. But to not know and to stay in that ignorance and you just stay spoiled in your pretty little life and not know that they're suffering outside of you. In many ways, being able to see what's happening around the world is making us more human. I think we have to be very careful because another thing I have seen is people are so exposed to dramas and catastrophes around the world that they become insensitive. So and I have seen children that have watched so much violence in movies and series and on YouTube and everything that they repeat those behavior, those aggressive and violent behaviors.
Starting point is 00:41:01 So you have to be very, very careful. And also we have to be careful because the news will portray only what is going wrong in the world. And that is not a faithful picture of what is really going on. And what they want is just to create a lot of fear and a lot of despair because it's like,
Starting point is 00:41:23 oh, so many things are wrong in this world and this is not true some things are wrong and we have to make something exactly but and and it's very important that we focus on what we can change because if we watch that everything is going wrong and then it's not under my control then people become so hopeless and that's not the right message you know you need to focus on what you can change but if you become depressed and fearful what are you going to do you don't want to do anything so if you suffer because what you are watching that's the emanation that you are putting into the world and does it help in any way no no no it's it's just you know you're suffering as well you are within this collective consciousness there is so much in fear and in negativity and and
Starting point is 00:42:15 and in competition and comparison so many things that are just not good and and you are getting programmed because all the energies are touching you whether you want it or not start constructing that bridge towards the new earth you know and going more towards nature and and create a different life because this society is very very sick so sick with books like yours and and you know all the people that are listening to this right now, they're going to have a better chance of obtaining that freedom by just having wisdom. So tell everybody where they can find you and find your book. Well, the book is everywhere right now. I mean, if you are in the U.S., you can find it in Amazon, Barnes & Nobles and, you know, the typical places.
Starting point is 00:43:03 And if you are not in the U.S., Amazon is the source. And they can find me. I have a website, which is my name, I'm sure you will put that down. And also I have two YouTube channels, one in Spanish and one in English. And I put content for free so people can keep on learning if they want. And I will continue my mission of helping people go to a higher ground. That's what I came for.
Starting point is 00:43:34 And I plan to continue that until I desynchronize. Well, thank you so much for coming on and sharing this with us and sharing it with the world. Well, I think we are here also to become role models. And if people see that we can make it, then it's a good way to show everyone else can make it. It's just a matter of choice. So let's keep that hope for humanity. I think a lot of people are waking up and we are just more and more of us in this wave of ascension. So let's keep focusing on the positive. It will happen. Thanks so much. It was so good to meet you. Thank you so much, Shannon.
Starting point is 00:44:20 All right. Thank you. Bye bye. Thanks for listening to sense of soul podcast. And thanks to our special guest. If you want more of sense of soul, check out my website at It's time to awaken.

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