Senses Working Overtime with David Cross - Andy Richter

Episode Date: May 23, 2024

Andy Richter (The Tonight Show) joins David to discuss Trump, plastic grapes, and more. Catch all new episodes every Thursday. Watch video episodes here.Guest: Andy RichterSubscribe and ...Rate Senses Working Overtime on Apple Podcasts and Spotify and leave us a review to read on a future episode!Follow David on Instagram and Twitter.Follow the show:Instagram: @sensesworkingovertimepodTikTok: @swopodEditor: Kati SkeltonEngineer: Nicole LyonsExecutive Producer: Emma FoleyAdvertise on Senses Working Overtime via Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is a HeadGum Podcast. It's a very busy day and I dropped my daughter off and then I'm a four-year-old. You do? Holy shit. I got remarried to somebody that... Oh my goodness. Yeah, all of a sudden it's like she's got a daughter. I guess I'll sit here. Well, do you want me to? Oh, that's fine. All of a sudden it's like she's got a daughter. I guess I'll sit here. Do you want me to?
Starting point is 00:00:47 Oh, no. That's fine. No. If the camera's already set up there. I always give the guest the option to sit in the chair or sit in the thing. Oh, okay. Well, I'm sorry. And I just know from your time on Conan that you rarely got to sit in the grown up chair.
Starting point is 00:01:05 Actually, those do look better. They look less. This is just so flattering. Do you want me to sit there? I don't. I truly, it's up to you. So it's where you want to sit. Doesn't matter to me.
Starting point is 00:01:23 Okay. Nice baked grapes, by the way. Kudos, everybody. So it's where you want to sit. It doesn't matter to me. Okay. Nice fake grapes, by the way. Kudos, everybody. How about that? Did you? Nope. What?
Starting point is 00:01:31 He didn't talk to you about that ahead of time? About the fake grapes? No, no. We're both assholes. Okay. So that could, yeah, that could be very well. Oh, it's not a joke. It was an observation.
Starting point is 00:01:41 I didn't make any jokes. So, is this my third time here, fourth time here in the LA studios? And after a while, I felt compelled. I could not say anything about the, not just the clearly fake rapes, but the fact that they're obscured. They're not where you would, nor where one would put them if you went to the trouble and the expense of getting fake grapes.
Starting point is 00:02:15 Why would you hide them? Is it shame? Is it? Well, it's insecurity. It's insecurity. It's being torn between the urge to get a bowl of fake grapes for the set Because you gotta put something here. Yeah, none of this means anything Sorry that was that was given to the studio by Putin and
Starting point is 00:02:40 Yeah, and Dennis Leary, I don't know why but Dennis Leary and for you Barbie radio No, so you got to put some stuff out so there was an urge to put fake grapes in the back Fake grapes really should I yeah, you know what? Yeah, let's do fake grapes probably felt real sassy Leaving the store the fake grape store got here and the insecurity set in. Right, kind of like. It's one of those things, it's, when you, and this happens with a lot of fake food products,
Starting point is 00:03:17 but you purchase them and you're at the store and you're like, you know what, this fake sushi platter is pretty cool. But then when you take it out of that context, when you take the fake food, plastic food away from where you originally saw it, all of a sudden the fakeness is more apparent. Yes, yes. And a source of, you know, eternal shame and discomfort and- I don't, and I honestly, there's something I find endearing about the fake grapes.
Starting point is 00:03:52 Thank you. Yeah, I do. I do, there's something, it's kind of, because I mean, I had family members that had fake grapes. Yeah. And so it's comforting. It shows an attempt to at least harken back to an age plenty. Sure. A cornucopia spilling forth with bounty, except this, it's plastic. Yeah. I think that's what is distressing to me is that there are real grapes within a couple blocks from here.
Starting point is 00:04:32 Right, right. Um, but there's a 99 cent store on the corner. So much upkeep though. And, uh. You gotta watch the grapes. These grapes, set and forget. No, I understand the choice, the trade-off one is making. I just don't appreciate it.
Starting point is 00:04:47 I think it's lazy. I think it's irresponsible. I think it's wrong. I think it's slightly condescending. Well, I was actually, I was parked outside finishing up a therapy session because that's how packed my day is. I appreciate you coming down here. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:06 But I saw you walking up. I didn't see a bag of grapes in your hand. No, I'm aware of these grapes. No, but I mean, if you were really that offended by them, you could have purchased real grapes. I never said I was offended. That's you putting words in my mouth. I never said I was offended. Whatever that whole little screed against it was like that it was a problem.
Starting point is 00:05:25 These grapes are a problem for you. You're amplifying whatever. There's grapes nearby. Why didn't someone get grapes nearby? I say to you, David, why didn't David get grapes nearby? It's a fair question. I'm a temporary resident of this place. I don't come here. And LA is a place that, you know,
Starting point is 00:05:46 I try to not get here as often as possible. Right. But these folks, I think if I... I see what you're saying because now I'm acting as a host, even though temporarily. Right. But I am though temporarily. Right. But I am the host. Right.
Starting point is 00:06:06 So- The buck stops with you. Yeah. Yeah. I see your point. But I only say that, once again, to be kind of an asshole, because I don't really, I don't need there to be real grapes. Nor do I. It was just that you were saying that there's grapes nearby. And so I say, well, you know.
Starting point is 00:06:26 If you are going to put grapes in an obscured way around the, like hide them almost. Right. They're not even on camera right now. Yeah, they're not even on camera. You're gonna get a cutaway, right? You gotta get a cutaway. Well, yeah, I'll get a cutaway.
Starting point is 00:06:40 Get an insert shot later. Yeah, yeah. When we're long gone. When we're just gorging ourselves on real grapes. You know, also tables, bowls of grapes on tables has a problematic role in California history because in Ronald Reagan's inauguration dinner, he made a point to put bowls of grapes on every table as a slap in the face to the farm workers union who he had made a lot of – Is it true? Yeah. He had made a lot of hay about like, I'm not going to bend to their desires for unionization
Starting point is 00:07:17 of grape pickers. Right. So he was saying – I didn't know. One of my – I think the America's downfall started with the joy and the gleefulness of the act when Reagan was sworn in. Yeah. You may not know this, but prior to, Jimmy Carter had put solar panels on the roof of the White House. Right, I do remember this. And Reagan and his ilk tore them down,
Starting point is 00:07:54 like almost in a roll of coal. Ripped them out, yeah, yeah. Kind of way like, fuck you. Yeah, yeah. And I think Melania Trump did that with the Obama's vegetable garden. Yeah, yeah. There's something,
Starting point is 00:08:12 there's something about- A mouse. Yeah, but it's, and everybody loved it. Like, ha ha, fuck you. Ha ha, take care of the earth. Yeah, it was- Stewardship, fuck you. And they loved it.
Starting point is 00:08:25 The people loved it, thought it was great. And much in the same way that the grapes on the table represented fuck you to workers. Yeah, like people picking grapes. Yeah. Yeah, fuck those people. Yeah. The people picking grapes.
Starting point is 00:08:40 Do you know where Reagan or his cabinet stood on the plastic grape industry? They got to be pro because that is pure petroleum, baby. He could melt that down. Yeah, yeah. You could run your scooter on that. The Hanukkah story of the miracle of eight days of oil. Right. We burnt those grapes for nine days.
Starting point is 00:09:08 Now, one thing I remembered, we've known each other for a long, long time. And one thing I remembered, we were sharing stories about, I had worked at a jewelry company that manufactured earrings. And I had to do collections occasionally. And I would have to call, and there were lots of funny names of stores.
Starting point is 00:09:33 The ones that I remember was, was the two that I remember. One was Things, things, things. It's a cry for help. Things, things, things. And then the other one, which is absolutely my, it was my all time favorite until you told me yours, but it was just earrings and more. Just, just earrings and more. Just, just earrings and more.
Starting point is 00:10:08 It sounds like somebody took on a business partner at some point where just earrings is like, we gotta, it's not working out and somebody came in and was like, look, I'll buy half the business, but we gotta have more. But people are gonna be confused because they know this business is just earrings. Well, that's on them. They got to figure it out. We also have lawnmowers.
Starting point is 00:10:32 Do you remember what you told me was your favorite? Was it the shoes? Yes. Yeah. It was a store that I believe was in Elmhurst, Illinois, called A Touch of Shoes. A Touch of Shoes. A Touch of Shoes. I want something to cover my feet,
Starting point is 00:10:55 but I don't wanna be too obvious about it. Oh, God. Just a touch of shoes. And you would think they would only sell flip-flops. Right? Or just like a little piece of leather that went over your toes. Hi. I was walking by your store and this may be fortuitous, but I am looking for something to put on my feet.
Starting point is 00:11:23 As you can see, I am barefoot. And I don't want to do a whole shoe. Yeah. That, nobody has time for that. It seems trying so hard to put on a whole shoe. What do you think the thought process was? I don't know. It probably just sounded classy.
Starting point is 00:11:40 Well, that's it, a touch of class is. Yeah, yeah. And then there was also, this isn't really this kind of the same thing, but as far as trying to shoehorn a idea into something there, when I lived here back in the 80s, mid 80s, I was here for a little bit. And there was, I lived in Westwood and there there was a taco place, and the Terminator had come out. It was a very popular movie at the time.
Starting point is 00:12:13 And they had a taco called the Tacomanator. And I'm like, come on, man. That's not, you can't do that. Come on, yeah, the taco-minator. It was like, what are you doing? Right, taco-nator would be better. Taco-minator. Yeah, it was.
Starting point is 00:12:34 And also, like, what does that even mean, that it's a taco that destroys other tacos? Well, it is from the future. Okay. Because it's not made yet. So once they make it, it has come from the future. Okay. Because it's not made yet. Right. So once they make it, it has come from the future. No tortilla folded circuit board. Yeah, Tacominator.
Starting point is 00:12:52 That's one of my all time favorite. Sorry, that doesn't. That's okay. That's all right. How are you enjoying podcasting? I like it. I didn't think I'd not enjoy it, but I didn't expect to enjoy it this much. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:09 And, you know, part of the, or probably the whole reason for that is, you know, I'm just shooting the shit with funny, cool, interesting people that I have some sort of relationship with. So that's been great. Yeah. And, and, oh, how many of these have I done now at this point, like somewhere, I don't know, maybe like 30. Scrambling. That's okay. That's okay. But yeah, there's, it makes me realize and the realization makes me happy that I know and have good relationships with so many funny cool smart people.
Starting point is 00:13:49 That's great. So it has just been people so far that you know? Like that you have a history with? Yes, that I, you know, some people I know very very well. Yeah. I go way back. You, Bob, John Benjamin. Yeah. You know, people going back to the 90s, or 80s in some cases. But that'll, I'm going to run out at some point. Yeah, yeah. in doing a podcast, I, like I really, when people ask me about it, I say like, I really, I don't talk to anyone I don't want to talk to. Yeah. Which is not the case. Like on, you know, the Conan show.
Starting point is 00:14:39 Of course, yes. You got to talk to people that you don't really want to talk to. And it's a forced conversation because they're there to promote something. Right. Well, everybody's, even in the podcast world, a lot of it is promotion. You know, like people come on. Not in this one. Yeah, yeah. This one is much more sort of just organic. Although I will be definitely selling my brand of chicken chili later today.
Starting point is 00:15:05 Do you make chicken chili? I make chili. I do like chicken. Although I married a vegetarian, so I don't really. Why? Were you forced to? It's a tax thing. It's like, oh, I save so much money.
Starting point is 00:15:19 OK. Specifically if they're vegetarian? Yeah. It's legume subsidy. Big legume got behind it. So who thought it was a good idea to marry you? A lady. A real lady. Do I know her?
Starting point is 00:15:38 I don't think so. I don't think so. Her name is Jen Herrera Richter. Jennifer Herrera Richter now. Oh, well, that's convenient. She doesn't have to change her. It was so easy. Oh my gosh. Really made swiping right an easy thing.
Starting point is 00:15:54 No, she works in the music industry. She reps directors for music videos. So she's like an agent for directors, but for music videos and also commercials, but she does nothing crazy about commercials. Commercials are boring. Whereas she really likes working in music videos because everyone's insane and it's fun.
Starting point is 00:16:20 She must have some diva stories. She's got some great stories. But she's hugely- Can you tell me one without saying a name or- Oh, I can tell you a really great Morrissey one. Oh, that fucking guy. Jesus. A really great Morrissey one that she was friends with somebody that worked for Morris. And there was, they did one in, he did a concert in Manchester, his hometown.
Starting point is 00:16:46 And there was a pro like, there was an after party and there was even like it's very special, specific Morrissey VIP room beyond the VIP room. And she got to go in cause Jen got to go in with her friend and she just was kind of sitting there, but she had seen Morrissey. She kind of Morrissey like had, she'd had repeated exposures to him from being with her friend. And she said it took like 10 times before Morrissey was like, Oh, hello you.
Starting point is 00:17:17 Like, you know, like the first 10 times she didn't exist, but then, and so she, um, they're in this room and there's like guys from Manchester United, the football team there. And she said like one of the guys, and she said there were a number of them that had Morrissey tattoos. Wow. And that they were locals and that, you know, and one of the guys. They were part of the, of Man U. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:42 Okay. They were players. Okay, got it. But that, and that were also local boys. And Morrissey meant so much to them. And this one guy got up, he had Morrissey tattoos. And he got up sort of impromptu. Got up and just was like, I want to toast Morrissey. I want to say how much you've meant to me.
Starting point is 00:18:00 You know, you're just, you're my hero. I love you so much. And you meet, you know, you do Manchester proud and tonight was a wonderful night, blah, blah, blah, blah, so here's to you, Morrissey, and he drinks. And then afterwards, Morrissey goes, thank you. Now you go. And made somebody else do it.
Starting point is 00:18:21 And when they were done, he went, your turn. And he went around the room, making everyone stand up. That's kind of funny. And say how much Morrissey meant to them. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. I saw him, I've seen him a couple of times, and he's absolutely amazing.
Starting point is 00:18:39 But you do have to get past the pompous narcissism. The personality. Yeah, I mean, it's tough. But he's an amazing performer. you do have to get past the pompous narcissist. Yeah, I mean, it's tough. And, but he's an amazing performer, but I also, you know, I'm friendly with Johnny Maher and the late Andy Rourke. And those are two of the nicest guys, sweetest, nicest human beings.
Starting point is 00:19:02 I mean, Andy passed, unfortunately, but. And I just, He's probably still nice. It's, I just, like, what was that like? I've never asked, I'd never asked either of them, but like, how do you, how did they, Yeah, yeah. deal with such a fucking pain in the ass?
Starting point is 00:19:24 And also another Morrissey story via somebody else, but you know the directors, Jonathan Dayton, Valerie Farris, husband and wife, directors, so they're great. They're amazing, two of my favorite people. English? No, American. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:19:41 But they, I remember telling this story and they were like, oh, we shot that, we did that. And it was a long, long, long time ago, Smith said, you know, just started popping and Morsi did an interview on MTV. I've never forgotten this because it was so annoying. He had, he wouldn't have anybody ask him questions. He had them written on a like little index cards.
Starting point is 00:20:10 Yeah. Yeah. And then he would look at the index card, show it to the camera and then give his answer. Like, why? What is the point? What are you doing? You don't want somebody to ask you. These are questions that
Starting point is 00:20:26 they were gonna ask, but- Right, that a human being would have asked. Yes, in the conversation and doing their job. And then he had them write them down and they give them to him. And then he, oh, it's just, what is the- Well, I don't want to loathe some person there, you know? Yeah. Yeah, no. Yeah. Yeah, no. He's, I mean, he is an amazing talent, although I've seen him in concert a number of times
Starting point is 00:20:51 and I have grown tired. Yeah, I can like- In later years. I saw him on a double bill with Tom Jones and Tom Jones went first and I've seen Tom Jones in concert a number of times. Yeah, that guy brings it. Fucking amazing, one of the best. The white James Brown.
Starting point is 00:21:07 Well, I don't know about that. But what I love about him too is that. Do you think James Brown is the black Tom Jones? We should figure this out. Gosh. And who's the Asian Neil Diamond? I think more James Brown. I think more James Brown is the black Vicente Fernandez. Uh, Uh, guys, uh, Google,
Starting point is 00:21:32 Google Asian Neil Diamond, uh, uh, question mark, exclamation mark? No, I did, but I saw Tom Jones and, uh, Jones in a double bill and Morrissey headlined. And within three songs we left. Because just in comparison to Tom Jones, it was just like, no, no, thank you. I saw a secret show at the Bowery ballroom, you know, which is nice and kind of intimate and and It was one of those things like, you know got to call it like eight o'clock like shit dude Morrissey's doing a secret show. No, no, I mean and Amber and I ran down there and the
Starting point is 00:22:20 the there were like a lot of mini Morrissey's in the crowd, you know, and one guy had a... What is the flower? It's like a whole... He had a bouquet of flowers that are the... Oh, orchid. I think it's an orchid with a... I'm not going to be able to describe it, but a very fancy...
Starting point is 00:22:39 Really thick stems? Yeah, and like a tall... Is it a white flower that looks like a bell with a yellow tongue coming out? No, no, no. Okay. Anyway, they were fancy. Because you said it and I pictured dahlias. You know, like the Frida Kahlo flower? No. Okay. Anyway. And yet you guys criticize the decor in here.
Starting point is 00:23:07 What, just because we can't- What, because we can't- We can't know a fucking flower? Yeah, we can't know a flower, yeah. Jesus. That's a lot different than buying purple grapes. And hiding them. And hiding them in a lucite table.
Starting point is 00:23:19 Yeah. It can't be hidden if it's lucite. It's clear. It's obstructed. Yeah. And it's purposefully put in there andite. It's clear. It's obstructed. Yeah. And it's purposefully put in there and not on top because I know that from, because I talked about, I mentioned them, and then when I came back, the grapes were up on top of
Starting point is 00:23:36 the table. Oh. People have to put their drinks up there. I think we found who's responsible for the plastic grapes. You sure did. You could take them home. Just take them home. Look at this.
Starting point is 00:23:50 That's all plastic. Put them in your house. That's nice. Here's the thing. Yeah, make a hat out of them. Carmen Miranda it up. That sounds nice. You're already fighting an uphill battle with all the people who trot out that cliche trite
Starting point is 00:24:04 thing of like, everything's plastic in Hollywood, everything's phony, and literally this cactus. We can't have a real cactus in here. Why? There's no light. There's a plant behind you too that's fake. That's fake.
Starting point is 00:24:17 Yeah, fake. I don't mind. You got to have something. That's behind you, that's fake. My first TV writing job was in Chicago. There was a DJ, a morning DJ named Jonathan Brandmeier, who was a huge like, you know, Howard, but he was more goofy, like he did parody songs. You know, like there was a guy that was caught
Starting point is 00:24:44 fucking a cow at the Lincoln Park Zoo. Well, caught. Yeah. You know, I mean. He was caught fucking a cow. And so he wrote a song, Moo Moo, I Love You, that was a huge, yeah, ha ha ha, best thing in the world.
Starting point is 00:24:58 But he got a TV show deal, like a syndicated, during the like, Arsenio into, I think maybe Joan Rivers into Arsenio, there was, and he got a deal for a syndicated talk show and a group of guys I did improv with, we got hired to be researchers. And it was at the PBS studios. Is that how they got away with paying you less money? Oh, absolutely. Absolutely. And we knew it.
Starting point is 00:25:27 We knew it. And what the fuck were we going to do? Yeah, yeah. It's a, yeah. There were two writers and then there were like six researchers. Yeah, that's what Reagan did. Who were much funnier than the writers. But there was a, it was in the PBS studios, there was a current affairs show with this
Starting point is 00:25:44 guy, John Moyers, I want to say maybe, what was his name? Bill Moyers? No, it wasn't Bill Moyers. I can't remember the guy's name, but he was on, it was five nights a week for an hour, kind of a Charlie Rose public, you know, very serious show. And there was book shelves, like it had bookshelves. And one time we were walking by there and I was eating a sandwich and I took a piece of ham out of the sandwich and tucked it between two of the books so that it was hanging out. And like for three nights I tuned in to see it's right behind his head. That's awesome.
Starting point is 00:26:19 A piece of ham hanging out right behind his head. But it took like three days. Because at once I did it, I was like, oh, I got to go check and see if the ham's still there. Oh, it's still there, you know. But it was so exciting. And I'm sure there's some, what the fuck? A fucking piece of ham in there. Get that fucking ham out of there. With Father's Day right around the corner, what do you give to the man who has everything? Easy! You give him an experience he'll never forget. You give him Omaha Steaks. A world-class dad deserves a world-class steak.
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Starting point is 00:27:36 That's 24 unforgettable entrees for just 89.99 when you use promo code SENSES at checkout. If there's one thing we know, it's that dad's one steak. Oh, don't wait till the last minute. Go to and use code senses and get the deluxe Father's Day gift today. Plus four free burgers. When we won the Emmy for Ben Stiller Show, we were all, that next morning,
Starting point is 00:28:13 and a bunch of us hadn't really slept, we're doing like Good Day LA or one of those morning things. Oh, yeah. Those studios are always such bummers. Well, it was funny because, you know, it's all a lot of chuckly laughing harder than, you know, it's almost like the table read at a sitcom when you go do that, which is if, for those of you who don't know, the Monday, and this applies to literally
Starting point is 00:28:42 every experience I've ever had on any sitcom. You come in to read the script on Monday, and the writers and creators and people laugh so fucking fake and hard every single time. Everything. It's ridiculous. But anyway, it's like that. When I came out here and started working on a sitcom that had my name in the title, after being there a while, somebody said, like, you're a really tough laugh. No, I'm not. No, I'm actually. I laugh at things that are funny.
Starting point is 00:29:17 Yeah, yeah. And that isn't to say that I'm above fake laughter. I sat on a talk show set. I mean, you can't not. I'm a human being, you know, and I mean, there's a lot of like- He wants to work. Yeah, and there's, and well, and also it's just, it's the lubrication of the show, you know, because I do feel like there were times when I didn't laugh enough at certain things, because I think there were,
Starting point is 00:29:43 there were like some people that after being on the show for years were like, I could just tell they thought like, you don't like me, do you? You mean guests? Yeah, guests that were just, that I just didn't find particularly funny. And I saw polite laughter, but you know,
Starting point is 00:29:58 it's like, you're not my thing, you know? Get all uptight about it. But so anyway, you know. And that you're talking about Benjamin Bratt. Exactly. Okay. How did you know? Well, it's.
Starting point is 00:30:12 Him and Yafet Koto. I really. Yafet Koto. Nice pull. Yeah, thank you. That's a good one. He was on the show a few times. You know what I found out?
Starting point is 00:30:23 I got a, we have digressed in a million different things from the original. I don't even remember what got us on fake laughing. The talk, the Emmy thing. I'll get back to that in a second. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, but the table reads. Yeah, it was that kind of fake laugh. You know, you go on those morning shows
Starting point is 00:30:39 and everybody's chuckling at stuff that isn't that funny. And so we all went down there. I was in a robe. I had literally maybe two minutes before the limo pulled up, because we were approached that night and we were all drinking and celebrating. Were you at home or was there a hotel or something? No. The car would come to get various people. I was living in Los Feliz at the time and I just ejaculated into my girlfriend and the car pulled up and I just.
Starting point is 00:31:19 Sounds so nice. Well, I mean, I'm a lover, not a fighter. And I just- Luckily you had a robe on while you were fucking. No, it was right. It was just on my ass. And I had an ass robe. You know, I have a little robe for my ass. It's not a big- Well, you're in a big plush comfort room, you know?
Starting point is 00:31:40 So anyway, we, all of us, and Dino, I think, you know, was hammered and Dino Stampatopoulos and everybody was in varying degrees of debauchery, right? So we went down there. So we went and we're doing the interview, Olivia Newton John. If you're in a bathrobe. I'm in a bathrobe. Anything underneath the bathrobe? I'm sure I had underwear.
Starting point is 00:32:04 I'm sure I threw some underwear on, I would imagine. And I know Dino was acting like the neighbor because there was like a weird set with a window and so we just took over the whole wouldn't let him and Olivia Newton-John was there and was another guest. So the reason I'm bringing this up it much like your ham story is, so we did the segment, right? And so once they roll over into the next hour, the nine o'clock hour,
Starting point is 00:32:33 they start with the news and it becomes serious again. So it's like a two hour show or whatever it is, or an hour with a, we did our half hour segment and then people tune in fresh for a nine o'clock for that next segment, the next hour of the show. And who haven't seen the prior segment. So the guys, the anchors were doing real serious news and they had like a fake fax machine,
Starting point is 00:33:06 copy fax machine thing behind them. In my robe, I just walked behind them with a cup of coffee. In my robe, I took the thing from the fax machine, looked at it for a second, like shook my head and walked off. I think Rob Cohen has that on video. Yeah, I think he's somebody somewhere there's a video of it. Somebody taped it.
Starting point is 00:33:31 And it's just inexplicable to anybody who tuned in at night. Is there any, did they notice you were back there? Oh, yeah, yeah. And do they say like, well. Yeah, they just made some, you know, laugh it off type of thing. It would just be so confusing for anybody. That's great.
Starting point is 00:33:52 All right, well, that seems to be the end of the- That's it. Welcome to, I mean, thank you for tuning in to Fake Grapes. What are you out here for? Oh, you don't have to talk. Oh. But what if I want to? Oh, yeah, that's fine.
Starting point is 00:34:12 What are you out here for? I'm doing two live tapings of the podcast for the Netflix is a Joke Festival. Oh, nice. And anytime I come out here, I, you know, always try to get a couple of these. Right, right. So, I guess. With locals? Local yokels is what I say in my head.
Starting point is 00:34:33 I don't really say it out loud. Did you get to go to the Ted Sarandos party? Because I heard there was a big Ted Sarandos party for Netflix. No, I'm not. I seem to have fallen out of favor with Netflix. Is there a particular reason? No, I don't think so. I just-
Starting point is 00:34:47 You just don't rate? I guess so, yeah. I feel ya, I feel ya. You know, I don't take it personally. I mean, it's a little bit of me does, but not really, because it's a business. But you know, I did a number of things for them. And then, yeah, I can't, I think the last four or five
Starting point is 00:35:12 projects, six maybe, I brought to them, whether it was just me or Bob and I or different various people, they've just passed on and didn't even want to hear the pitch. Like one of, I'm going to say, in fact, the latest thing that Bob and I are doing, we're going to go at the end of this month, go climb Machu Picchu and we're going to shoot it. And, but they didn't even want to hear the pitch. They wouldn't even take the, just the fake diplomatic politeness to send an underling on a zoom. Yeah, on zoom, dude, that's true. It is just zoom now.
Starting point is 00:35:54 The last three specials are like, no thanks. So yeah, I don't know. Maybe I'm too old or whatever. I do think it's the old thing at social media and I'm like, hey, that's a thing, that thing right there that everybody's having fun doing, that'd be a thing I would have been doing five years ago. What happened? You know? Well, you married a vegetarian. I guess.
Starting point is 00:36:36 Yeah, yeah. That puts a stink on you for sure. I just want to be clear. These aren't sour grape, fake sour grapes that I'm... This is just... These are real sour grape, fake sour grapes that I'm, this is just, it's just one of those. These are real sour grapes. It's just a thing. It's a strike. It is something that it's, you know, it's like gray hair, you know?
Starting point is 00:36:56 Oh look, a gray hair. And then all of a sudden, a bunch of gray hair. And it's not, I'm not, you know. But like you're right, 10 years ago or wherever or whenever I would have been at the Ted Sarandos party. But now you're like, did you go to his party? Like, huh? I didn't know he had a party. Nobody told me. It's a lot of times, shit like that.
Starting point is 00:37:15 But I also live in New York. So I came in last night to, you know, and you're the first guest to today, to tomorrow, then do the shows and then I'm back home. Right. You know, back home. I do. So it's live versions of this podcast. Yeah. Yeah, nice.
Starting point is 00:37:35 For the, and it, you know, make a little money too, which is nice. Where are they at? The Masonic Lodge at the Hollywood Forever Cemetery, which is a great room. That's a beautiful room. Yeah, it's really great. I've done a show there, a couple shows.
Starting point is 00:37:52 My wife's done a show there. I saw a concert there a million years ago. My wife did a reading of her, what was then her latest book that had come out, a poetry book, with Yola Tango playing live behind her. And it was amazing. And it was when I saw it, and I told her this too,
Starting point is 00:38:13 I was like, when I saw her doing that, we'd been married for a few years at that point, and I was like, I want to have a child with this person. Yeah. You know? And, you know, be careful what you wish for. It's like a monkey's paw type of thing. And now, cause you have-
Starting point is 00:38:35 I have a seven year old, yeah. Yeah. And you've got a four year old. I got a four year old, I got an 18 year old, I got a 23 year old. And I know your kids, how are they with the doing? My son lives with us. My son- Oh, I didn't know that.
Starting point is 00:38:53 Yeah, yeah, my son has graduated from USC, although he went to art school during COVID. So it was all fucked up and weird. It feels so bad for those kids. Yeah, it was kinda, I mean, it's okay. We're a very adaptable kind of ape, we humans, but it's okay, but yeah, there was- I know a lot of friends,
Starting point is 00:39:18 I have a lot of friends who have kids that are, were in high school during COVID. And it was just awful for them. I mean, we got kind of lucky that we, I guess Marla would have been three and four during COVID. So that was- It's kind of easy to hunker down. It's easy and it's easier for her.
Starting point is 00:39:42 You just wear a mask, that's what you do. And you don't go to the thing because you can't. It's just, it's her world. But the kids, like, I mean, I knew a bunch of them that were like 14, 15, 16, 17 years old, and it fucked them up, man. It was just, I felt terrible for them. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:03 You know? Yeah, it's, I mean, they, cause my daughter, my daughter's graduating high school and, and you know, so I think like her freshman sophomore year were very, you know, Zoom classy kind of shitty. It's weird. And there will be, there will be lots and
Starting point is 00:40:24 lots of like theses is wrote up. Sure. The children of COVID or whatever, you know, because I've, it's gotta have, I mean, it's cause like for my son, like I just read articles about like how hard it is to be a 20th and specifically like a 23 year old male, you know, like a 20, early 20s male.
Starting point is 00:40:47 It's a very particularly difficult time of life. And then also now it just, there's all kinds of reasons that it's, it's even more difficult. Yeah. Um, but he's, uh, he's graduated, he's, he's actually graduating from USC tomorrow. Uh, they are having, they. They canceled the big graduation. Why? I think they might have some, I think it's all this protest-y kind of stuff. Protest-y? Yeah, protest-y stuff. With the embizont.
Starting point is 00:41:19 You sound like such an old Midwestern man. Oh, I know. Well, yes. Well, guess what? Get off my lawn. Guess what? These guys up in arms about arms. Well, I mean, I don't know specifically. I'm assuming it's because of safety and whatever. But I imagine that because there's so many of them
Starting point is 00:41:40 that have been canceled. They know that they will, the governor or the president of the university or college will call in police to potentially shoot some of the kids and they don't want that to happen. Yeah, I mean, who does though, really? Well, they do. I don't want, I don't know. No, all the people, all the Republicans and conservatives that were bitching about free speech, and they're canceling people who just have an opinion and they won't, you know, the campus,
Starting point is 00:42:12 this is, you know, it should be a bastion of free speech and now all of a sudden that there is free speech. It is shocking that they're hypocritical, I'll tell you that much. It's like the thing with when, I can't remember, there was just like something that happened. Oh, it was when Trump said something about it'll be a bloodbath. He was talking about like the car industry and said it'll be a bloodbath. And everyone's like, of course, they're running with like, Trump is promising a blood bath if he's not elected.
Starting point is 00:42:47 And then he did. Yeah, he did. That's what he said. But he, you know, but they're saying, well, he was using it metaphorically in economic terms. But my point is like, oh, boo hoo, something was taken out of context and then run with? That never happens. Yeah. You guys never do that.
Starting point is 00:43:10 This year, I have just not... I mean, I've been fairly politically present on social media. I just can't even anymore. It's just too fucking- I got all, I mean, I still have social media accounts. For promotional reasons, yeah, yeah. Yeah, but I haven't looked on Twitter or Instagram in, I've gotta be close to a year. Yeah, yeah. I just stopped because- I don't do Twitter.
Starting point is 00:43:41 And I don't really, I mean, I miss, there were some really funny, sharp people on there, I mean, I miss, there were some really funny, sharp people on there that I followed, but I don't really miss it. And it just made me upset. And I got a kid. Yeah, I got off of Twitter. I am enjoying blue sky. Blue sky seems to be most,
Starting point is 00:43:58 where most of the funny weirdos went to. And I still do enjoy, because nobody calls me for anything. So I got to have some interaction. Did you not go to Tetzel Rando's party? I'm not part of the Netflix. I'm not part of the Netflix is a joke. Netflix is not a joke to me.
Starting point is 00:44:18 Andy Richter. It's a cool trick. This festival. Of American comedic talent. Of being funny. No, I was not invited, but no, I haven't been paying attention at all. It's just, it's too depressing. It's too depressing that like, that, that, that it's still a close race.
Starting point is 00:44:48 It's still a close race. That is just like, I want to move. I'll move to fucking Antarctica. This place is fucked up. It's amazing. It's a close race, folks. Neck and neck. The rapist.
Starting point is 00:45:13 Between the kindly old man, who's too old, and the fucking vicious fascist prick that's too old. It's a neck and neck race. Yeah, so we're, you know, I am hesitant to make that dramatic claim that people, you know, like if Trump's elected, I'm out of here, cause I, it's not the case, but I, it's a possibility. And it's just about my daughter. It's not, it's not the case, but I, it's a possibility. And it's just about my daughter. It's not, I'll be fine.
Starting point is 00:45:49 I live in New York, I got money. You know, we live in a progressive cosmopolitan awesome place in Brooklyn and it's, our life is good there. It's just about her life. If things get, you know, by degrees. And here's the other thing, and it really is true. If Trump is elected, him and his ilk will be in the White House for decades. They're not leaving. And they've already set it up so they don't have to. And, you know, the America that we knew is kind of gone.
Starting point is 00:46:33 It's not gonna be overnight and it's not gonna be dramatic at first, but it will be, it'll be minority rule, which it already is. And, but that'll be further cemented. it just isn't going to go back in, you know, for generations and generations. I mean, my feeling about it would be like, like yes, I would want to safeguard my daughter's future. I mean, both my older kids are adults, so I can't force their hand
Starting point is 00:47:06 into doing whatever, they're going to do whatever they want. But it also for me would just be like, no, if he gets elected, I want out because no, fuck this. I don't want to be a part of this anymore. If this is what we're going to do, it's like, you know, it'd be, it's like leaving Twitter. Like, yeah, you could stick around and still crack your jokes with your friends and, you know, but it's like, no, I'm out of here because if this is what you guys want and, and if this is what, cause there is like, cause
Starting point is 00:47:40 there's all kinds of, you know, well, it's the electoral college. If we wanted to stop the electoral college, if we as a country wanted the electoral college to be abolished, it would be abolished. Yeah. It comes up every year. We obviously don't. It comes up every year. Yeah. And if that's what we want, that's not what I want. And I'm, and yeah, the UK is no, is no paradise, but it's at least a new shitty place. Like, you know, like I will be done with this
Starting point is 00:48:12 shitty place that, that, and also that doesn't, that purports to be all this, all of these things that yeah, yeah, yeah, they're not that thing. But now it's like, no, really, they're not even pretending anymore to be all these beautiful, wonderful, democratic, open-minded, loving Christian things. No, they're not even pretending. They're not. No, they stop because they don't have to. Yeah, because it's like, we'll show you. Whitey will rule. And how many, how many, and this goes back to since I was a kid growing up in Georgia, but how many, you know, family values, whether these are politicians or preachers or,
Starting point is 00:48:58 you know, whoever they're connected, family values, the moral majority guys are caught, you know, fucking women while their wife is in the hospital with cancer. Their second wife, because they cheated on the- Right, right, right. They cheat. She was a cheat. Yeah. Or just being straight up pedophiles.
Starting point is 00:49:22 That's the other thing. Or pederasts, if you're a, you know, semantic fan of semantics. Yeah, no, it's, yeah, it's just, it's, it's just, it's a mean, stupid place. Yeah. I know. Stupid. I know. It's always been, but it's, but at least we pretended, you know, like the notion, like There's been a lot of talk lately about the Access Hollywood tape, the grab them by the pussy tape, and just how quaint it was that at the time he had to issue an apology because he really felt like, and well, the reason it's been mentioned so much is because that's why he had put so much effort into squelching the Stormy Daniels stuff because he knew that that would be a one-two punch that
Starting point is 00:50:14 would keep him from being elected. But the Access Hollywood tape was, I mean, because the Stormy Daniels stuff was spotty. He probably wants his money back. I wouldn't be surprised. I can't believe I blew $130,000 silencing this woman in the story when I didn't even have to. I didn't even have to. Nobody gave a shit. The Access Hollywood tape wasn't enough. The Access Hollywood tape wasn't enough. There was, all it took was, there's still questions about Hillary Clinton's emails. That was enough.
Starting point is 00:50:47 Yeah. Questions about emails. Well, they had done such a good job of, and by they, I mean kind of anything involved, you know, from centrist right to extreme right. I remember I was back home in Atlanta, and this is when Hillary and Obama were still running in the primaries. There was a big billboard with Sean Hannity, just on whatever, Cheshire Bridge Road or something. It's like, stop Hillary now. it's like, stop Hillary now.
Starting point is 00:51:28 Like Sean Hannity, who's on the face of Fox News, although they'll argue that it's not news, it's opinion or whatever, with a stop Hillary now. So the groundwork was laid so long ago and piece by piece and writing the AM radio and all that shit. Yeah. And so there's enough people have been gaslit to the point of their brains are jelly and they're confused.
Starting point is 00:51:58 Is a plane about to take off? No. Shh, shh, what is it? Shh, shh, it's my phone. What does it want? It's probably an emergency call. Someone's probably ill. Is there an Amber Alert?
Starting point is 00:52:09 It's probably a family emergency. Okay, do you want to? No, no, it's fine. Listen. What? A dying relative doesn't get no- Shh. I don't want your phone to hear.
Starting point is 00:52:17 Oh. It's all right. It's under my big fat leg. We'll put it under your tiny skinny leg. There you go. I'm going to put it under your tiny skinny leg. I'm going to put it under your tiny skinny leg. I'm going to put it under your tiny skinny leg. I'm going to put it under your tiny skinny leg. I'm going to put it under your tiny skinny leg. I'm going to put it under your tiny skinny leg. I'm going to put it want your phone to hear. Oh, it's all right. It's under my big fat leg.
Starting point is 00:52:26 Well, put it under your tiny skinny leg. There you go. No, just the thing is that at one time, the Access Hollywood tape would have been enough to stop someone. And now just like, nah, no that? Oh, that won't stop me. And that's where I just am like, oh, no, that, no, that, oh, that won't stop me. And that's where I just, I'm like, oh, it's just, it's, it's just too gross.
Starting point is 00:52:48 It's just too. It's probably, it's my sister. Probably Trump. It's my sister. Stop bagging on me. Put it on airline mode. I'll also put it on, do not disturb. There, I should have done that in the first place. I like how you refer to airplane mode as airline mode. I'll also put it on do not disturb. There, I should have done that in the first
Starting point is 00:53:06 place. I like how you've referred to airplane mode as airline mode. Did I say that? Yeah. Very old man kind of. Again, David. Put the phone on airline mode, god damn it. And then it'll stop. If you put it on... One of my mother, one of the things that makes my skin crawl about my mother is things like airline mode. And I catch myself fucking doing them. And you have become the thing you loathe the most.
Starting point is 00:53:33 Isn't that the way it is though, folks? Isn't that the, I don't know what's my camera. I'll tell you what. Isn't that the way it is? I have more than ever before in the past, I have been on stage doing a set and I will say something like, and I turn on the internet and like turn on the internet. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:00 A couple of like, that's happened like a good four or five times, I'll be on tour and I'll do a set and just a thing like that. Like, just comes out and I always catch it. But at some point I'm not gonna catch it. My kids make fun of me for saying stuff about like, oh, it's on a, it's like, what's it on? It's on some cable channel. What's a cable channel? Like, you know, like TNT, like, oh, you mean a TV station? Like, TV channel, like, yeah, but cable, like, there's no cable. I mean, even as a young man, I was not technically proficient.
Starting point is 00:54:37 Yeah, yeah. And I'm certainly even less so today, and my wife will have to, you know, like, my computer's all fucked up. It's not, it's frozen or whatever. And she's like, oh, you gotta go. And she'll get on there in five minutes. You gotta, yeah, you have to get this update and empty your trash and then turn off your Adobe
Starting point is 00:54:56 or whatever the thing is. And I just, I already feel so bad for my daughter who's gonna, and I've seen Amber with her folks. At least your dad did you that favor. You don't have to help him with his computer. My mother-in-law- I think that these children will be embarrassed by me and my lack of technical proficiency. I'd better leave now. Is that a Leeds accent? What happened with that?
Starting point is 00:55:23 I don't know. it's just English. I don't know what you did, it sounds like. Leeds is up, it's sing song. I haven't talked to him in a long time. Oh, Leeds is up and down, up and down it is. Oh, these children. I'm going to be such a burden to them when I can't find out how to get emails. He's not Irish, Scott's Irish.
Starting point is 00:55:42 He's not a leprechaun. Abandonment sounds good to me. Right now, I think I'll... He's not an old witch either. I don't know where you're going with any of this. I'm going to take it on the lam. Fuck these children. Yeah, I feel... Because I've watched my wife have to deal with her mom and dad who are old and older. And my mother-in-law cannot handle the idea. And I've watched it. I've watched the meltdowns happen. The idea of not having a hard copy of her plane ticket. The idea of putting it on her phone
Starting point is 00:56:26 is just makes her worried, anxious, nervous, and just will break down. It just, as a person, like catatonic in the corner, weeping, like she has to have a hard copy of the ticket in her hand, printed out. And you're like, you know, and my wife would be like, mom, it's fine. You just put it on here. Here, I'm going to take a screenshot. It's going to go right here. No, Amber. No, I just, please print it out for me. And I know that my daughter is going to have to deal with us. With us, yes. The version of that. The louder version of that, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:06 Do you, when you're on stage, do you ever use your phone as notes? Like if you jotted something down? Yeah, not, I mean, not really. I always have a, I tape every set, even when I'm on tour and I have a either Zoom recorder or a flash drive. Right. But I mean like in notes about like, you know, like the, like what else is there? Oh no, I have pieces of paper.
Starting point is 00:57:27 Yeah. See, I see people and I don't know why it makes me crazy, but when I see young people get up to do stand up and their notes are on their phone, or I've seen people like giving speeches or even once like saw somebody doing a eulogy and using their phone. And there's something that is so offensive to me about that. And there's no difference between- In a practical sense, it's, it's more work. I would just have the piece of paper that I read. I know, you don't have to open up anything.
Starting point is 00:57:58 You don't have to worry about it turning off while you're doing it. Yeah, I don't. But there's no, I don't know why it offends me so much. And I have, I've asked myself, why is that so offensive to me? And that's exactly it. Yeah, I don't. I don't know why it offends me so much. And I have asked myself, why is that so offensive to me? Because you're old. And that's exactly it. It's because I'm old. Yeah. It's like, I also too, the other thing I like to do and that nobody in my family understands is I like to, I now pay for live television through Hulu. And when my go-to of like, let's turn on the TV is
Starting point is 00:58:27 turning on the TV and flipping through the channels of what's on current broadcast television. Right. And like to my kids, they're like, why the, what are you doing? I'm like, I'm browsing and they're like, you just passing through a bunch of shit. Why don't you just figure out what you want to
Starting point is 00:58:43 watch, you know? Like, I am kind of, you know. I'm on your side on this. I know. But it's like, I still like the notion that I'm watching something that's existing. What is their problem with it? Their problem is, is that I am interfacing with a
Starting point is 00:58:59 broadcast concern that is like putting things out live now. I don't think that's how they word it, by the way. Well, no, I know, but I'm just saying. But it's like the same thing, like why there, it's the, it's the philosophically the same as why would you turn on the radio when you can just turn on your phone and go to your own music and listen to your own music. I see.
Starting point is 00:59:23 And so they're like, why don't you just play your stuff? And which would be like, go to. Is that your phone now? Yep. Oh, is it a disappointment? Yeah. Well, three things came in at once. So that means I don't think it was, uh, let's see,
Starting point is 00:59:45 Machu packing list and training tips. Hi Bob and David, I hope all is well. Are you worried about that? No. About the, like do you do physical exercise? Do you do cardio? I started to. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:58 I started- Is that in because of Machu Picchu or just wanting to live longer? No, I don't wanna live longer. Oh, I know that's the thing. I'd rather just sit on the couch. For me, the whole thing with exercise is, oh, I get more of this?
Starting point is 01:00:10 Oh, yeah, no thanks. No, there's a really great, best gym I've ever even been in and seen. The Lord's Gym. What? The Lord's Gym? The Lord's Gym. His pain, your gain? Yep. It's just an hour of self-flagellation. Have you ever seen the t-shirt, The Lord's Gym?
Starting point is 01:00:36 Yeah. You know what I'm talking about? No, I haven't. It's a fucking ripped Jesus on the cross going like, ah, and it just says the Lord's gym. And on the back, there's a hand with a nail through it and blood running through it. And it says, his pain, your gain. Which I just love, cause that's what Jesus was about. Really getting focused on getting jacked. Like ripped.
Starting point is 01:01:05 Just going into a gym and just working on yourself until your muscles are really big. And why didn't he just rip out the nails and climb off the, oh, you know why? Because he would have, the hands would have come out but the feet were still stuck in there and he would have like spun around. Or just face planted at the bottom of the cross,
Starting point is 01:01:27 depending how long it was. Oh, that would have hurt. And in front of the Romans. Yeah. Oh, this guy's gonna be mean. Probably smarter just to die. Yeah, yeah, just die. He's done fine, by the way.
Starting point is 01:01:39 After that whole, Jesus has done fine. Oh, he had a momentary physical pain. Yeah, yeah. But he's in fucking heaven. He's in heaven. He's lording over heaven. Whatever. I had an early, early bit about,
Starting point is 01:01:57 come on guys, let's go. Come on, less time here, more time there. Here, what do you mean you only got three nails? I'll do my feet like this. Let's go!" Pete Hickman Hit me with the spear again! Jared Sussman That's an old – yeah, why, of course. What was the big deal? He's going to heaven. He's going to see his daddy. Pete Hickman And the Holy Ghost, who's not scary at all.
Starting point is 01:02:18 Jared Sussman It's friendly. Pete Hickman Yeah, the three of them together. They're a riot. Jared Suss. Unstoppable. God, there's so many other things I wanted to get to within the conversation we keep. I know. No, no, it's good because that means you'll come back and we'll do this again. I will come back. Yeah, this is fun. Yeah. And I like you. I'm one of like seven people remaining. That like me. Yeah. That can put up with me. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:47 We have meetings. Oh, do you? And they get smaller each time? They do get smaller. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. What happened to Gary? I don't think he's had enough. David's dad, where are you going? I'm out of here. Shuren but Gora. That's not what he sounded like. I don't know English dialects, you know, the regionals. I do think about this and I have thought about this, you know, pretty much since he left, but I, because I know him enough that I imagined him having kind of a,
Starting point is 01:03:35 not an epiphany, but an understanding, like being at a bar and going like, yeah, you know, I mean, I really did think that I would like being married and having a family, but it's not me. It's, I'm not that into it. It's not my thing. So I'm going to take off and I don't, let's say I'll see you all later, but don't count on it. Yeah, yeah, probably not.
Starting point is 01:04:04 I got, I got, I thought I'd be into it. I just, I don't like kids. He didn't get married or have kids beyond that? No, no. Where is he, do you know? He's in New York. In New York City? Yeah, and there have been a couple times, you know,
Starting point is 01:04:18 I'll be on my bike or just do, you know, whatever for, you know, for work or something. I'll be up around where he lives. Yeah. And I don't know exactly where he lives, know, for work or something. I'll be up around where he lives. And I don't know exactly where he lives, but I know the general area. And I'll just forget for a year that he lives in New York. And then it'll be like, oh yeah, oh, my dad.
Starting point is 01:04:37 My daughter's grandfather is in one of these buildings somewhere. Yeah, he's, and he's also, he's very, very similar to Trump in many different ways where like nothing was ever his fault, you know? Literally, he never, there's no reason to apologize because it wasn't his fault. He was one of those like, you know,
Starting point is 01:05:03 you can't fire me, I quit guys. You're like, no, you're fired. It doesn't matter, you can't fire me, I quit, guys. They're like, no, you're fired. It doesn't matter. You can't quit retroactively. We just fired you. Well, you can't fire me because I quit. I mean, sure. The end result is you're fired. You're not working here anymore. But yeah, nothing was ever his fault. And but yeah, nothing was ever his fault. And it's- I'm estranged from my dad too. And it's like, it's, and what the saddest thing is that like he had a, like he was estranged from his dad.
Starting point is 01:05:39 And I, you know, I don't like the notion of like carrying it, but you know, what are you gonna do? You can't, if the relationship just becomes I don't like the notion of like carrying it, but you know, what are you gonna do? Yeah. You can't do, if the relationship just becomes poisonous, you know, like what do you... Yeah, it's unfortunate. Yeah, it's gotta move forward and be as healthy as you can.
Starting point is 01:05:59 And it's, you know, I know for a fact that he, cause I've been in touch with people that he's, you know, family know for a fact that he, because I've been in touch with people that he's, you know, family members that he's close with, not our family, but like his, you know, his nieces and yeah, exactly. And he has put it, he has, he's so fucked up that he truly believes that we were the reason for the relationship to
Starting point is 01:06:28 dissolve. A 10-year-old, an eight-year-old, and a five-year-old. We're the ones who- Threw him out? Threw him out. You rejected him? Yeah. In his world, we're the reason.
Starting point is 01:06:46 He really does, I mean, he's fucked up. He's, you know, like, as I said, he's very Trumpian kind of like. He's never done anything wrong. He's the good guy. And, you know, to the point where I think other people kind of believe him. He reached out, he made an attempt,
Starting point is 01:07:08 which has never been the case. Oh, you say it's as if he did, but he never really did. It's, I think that's what he tells some people, like, you know, they, that we- I tried. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, yeah, yeah. He's a piece of shit.
Starting point is 01:07:23 No, the victim thing, it's not my fault. You know, like they just go from one thing to another where just stuff has been done to them, you know? Yeah. It's really common. Really, really common with like people that you just got to distance yourself from. Oh yeah. I mean, you know.
Starting point is 01:07:48 Okay, well. Well, um. I'll turn it. It's not great, but um. Welcome to the bright side. So Andy, I end every show with a question from my daughter to the guest. And. What's your daughter's name?
Starting point is 01:08:06 Marlo. Marlo. Yeah. Nice. Yeah. Um. Marlo Cross, Private Eye. Love it.
Starting point is 01:08:17 What? Uh, I mean, that's her name, right? Um, the, not it Marlowe Private Eye Cross. You had it in Britain. I'm sorry, I should have known. That is a very kind of Brooklyn name. Yeah, yeah, yeah. There's some fucking names in Brooklyn.
Starting point is 01:08:34 Oh my God, the names of children. Oh boy. Go get me started. My daughter, there's two atlases at my daughter's school. Atlas? Atlas. Wow, you know who lives? Two atlases. I mean, Atlas is actually a mild one, but just the fact that there's two of them, Atlas. Atlas. Wow. You know who, uh. To Atlas.
Starting point is 01:08:45 I mean, Atlas is actually a mild one, but just the fact that there's two of them. Like, cause, and I just think about, and I hope they're not listening. And if you are, please, I'm a dick. You should know that off the bat. But, but to be like, let's name them Atlas. Yeah, cool. How unique and special are we? Hey everybody, first day of kindergarten.
Starting point is 01:09:09 Hi Atlas, meet Atlas. Yep. You know. There's a two doors down from us is a girl named Calliope, which is a Shakespearean name. And it's sweet. It's sweet, but it's also. A circus noise maker.
Starting point is 01:09:29 Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. All right, here is the question for you, Andy Richter, from my daughter. Andy, why do you laugh when somebody tickles you? Hmm. Gosh. Um, repressed trauma?
Starting point is 01:09:54 Uh, no, I don't know. Um, I, you know, that I, that I'm sure that there's like a, a web MD answer to that, but I don't know what it is. Well, she's not on web MD. a WebMD answer to that, but I don't know what it is. Well, she's not on WebMD. She's, she's. I mean, I don't, I think it's just, it's a good answer because, but I mean, but laughter in and of itself
Starting point is 01:10:12 is an interesting sort of reaction to, to stuff. You know, like we're like, like, I guess, you know, like there, there doesn't seem to be, I guess there's videos online of like dogs approximating laughter, but like I don't even – and I guess chimps kind of laugh. But it's such a weird reaction, such a very specific reaction. Boy, what a murky, useless answer this is. I know, I know. Well, she's not here to, are you gonna play this for her?
Starting point is 01:10:45 Yeah, of course. Really, you make her watch your podcast or listen to it? Yeah, I make her buy anything I've been advertising. You want it? So she has a diet meal plan. She has a- Time for your better help appointment. She has erection pills she has to take.
Starting point is 01:11:08 Daddy, I don't want to drink this coffee. You will drink, you will drink this coffee. Um, no, I guess, I guess what I would say to her is like, probably because it makes us nervous and that laughter is often a reaction to when you feel nervous. It can make you laugh in a way that is sort of involuntary. You don't even really know why you're doing it. Okay. Will you guys go on WebMD and find out the real answer? Thank you. Andy Richter, thank you so much. Hey Siri, why do we laugh when we're tickled? To do that you'll need to turn off airplane mode.
Starting point is 01:11:56 It's airline mode, Siri. I said it's airline mode. I said it's airline mode. That fucker's useless. I had to change Siri's voice to a man, a male voice, cause I didn't like calling my phone a cunt. Well, you could still do it in like the British way where it's just going, idiot. Yeah, I know.
Starting point is 01:12:25 That's such a, so much more fun. Yeah. Because it is such a good word. But yeah. You know the Derek and Clive bit? No. This bloke comes up to me. Uh-uh.
Starting point is 01:12:35 Oh, dude. I'll look it up. It's one of the funniest, top five sketches ever. Yeah, yeah. Just Google it and listen to it. Yeah, yeah. Bloke comes up to me. Derek and Clive, which is Peter Cook and Dudley Moore. I'm just laughing. It sounds familiar. I think I've heard- It's really just great. Classic.
Starting point is 01:12:57 Yeah. No, but anyway, so yeah. I can call- If you're at home or listening to this podcast or watching it, do yourself a favor, check out this bloke comes up to me or bloke comes up to me, Derek and Clive bit, radio bit. Right. Thank you. Thank you. Sense is Working Over Time is a HeadGum podcast created and hosted by me, David Cross. The show is edited by Katie Skelton and engineered
Starting point is 01:13:26 by Nicole Lyons with supervising producer Emma Foley. Thanks to Demi Druchin for our show art and Mark Rivers for our theme song. For more podcasts by Headgum, visit or wherever you listen to your favorite shows. Leave us a review on Apple Podcasts and maybe we'll read it on a future episode. I'm not gonna do that. Thanks for listening. That was a hate gum podcast. Hey guys, just announced a big show in Central Park on the summer stage, part of the summer stage series called David Cross and Super Pals.
Starting point is 01:14:03 That's gonna be August 8th. It's gonna be amazing. I've got all kinds of really cool special guests. I know we got Bob Odenkirk, Sarah Silverman, Sean Patton, Fred Armisen, many, many, many more. Go to That'll have all the information for that. And the pre-sale, it just went out and the pre-sale code is fun fun.
Starting point is 01:14:26 I believe it's all caps, fun fun. David Cross and SuperPals, August 8th, Central Park. Come down.

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