Senses Working Overtime with David Cross - Liza Treyger
Episode Date: February 27, 2025Liza Treyger (Netflix) joins David to talk about true crime, politics, and more. Catch all new episodes every Thursday. Watch video episodes here.Guest: Liza TreygerSubscribe and Rate Se...nses Working Overtime on Apple Podcasts and Spotify and leave us a review to read on a future episode!Follow David on Instagram and Twitter.Follow the show:Instagram: @sensesworkingovertimepodTikTok: @swopodEditor: Kati SkeltonEngineer: Chris OsbornExecutive Producer: Emma FoleyAdvertise on Senses Working Overtime via Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
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This is a HeadGum Podcast.
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Let's break it down.
My favorite barbecue sauce, American cheese, crispy bacon, pickles, onions, and a sesame
seed bun, of course.
And don't forget the fries and a drink.
Sound good?
I participate in restaurants for a limited time. I'm so excited. I'm so excited. I'm so excited. I'm so excited.
I'm so excited.
I'm so excited.
I'm so excited.
I'm so excited.
I'm so excited.
I'm so excited.
I'm so excited.
I'm so excited.
I'm so excited.
I'm so excited.
I'm so excited.
I'm so excited.
I'm so excited.
I'm so excited.
I'm so excited.
I'm so excited.
I'm so excited.
I'm so excited.
I'm so excited.
I'm so excited. I'm so excited. I'm so excited. I'm so excited. I'm so excited.
What do you mean?
I'm pumped.
I was just here doing Caleb Herron's podcast.
I don't know who that is.
Oh, he's fun.
You guys would have some fun.
Who's Caleb Herron?
He's like a new young, I mean, he's 30, but he's just like a genius young comedian.
Oh, right on, cool.
Gay, fun, kind.
Yeah, good.
Those are the three good things.
Yeah, different kinds.
I mean one is sort of like whatever.
But, and so it's Lisa, but it's spelled.
So, have you ever thought of changing your name
to Lisa with an I, but it sounds like an E?
Isn't that what it is?
Yeah, but this way you would inform.
I'm sure you get Liza a lot.
I do.
So my full name is Yelizaveta.
So it's just like the shortened, like it's popped out.
It's just foreign.
And is that Eastern European?
Soviet Union.
Soviet Union, oh, going way back.
That's not Russia.
I was born pre-collapse.
So it's present day Ukraine, but we're Russian speaking.
Right, got it.
So no matter what I say to people,
sometimes in public they'll argue with me.
About what?
Why are you speaking Russian, you fucking bitch?
They would bomb me.
Who says that?
People hit me up.
Or I'll meet someone and be like, oh, I'm Russian.
I'll be like, I'm from Odessa.
And they're like, that's Ukraine.
And I'm like, oh, I see.
It's the nationalist tribal stuff coming in.
Got it.
So then I started saying from the former Soviet Union
to kind of like, yeah.
I get it, but it just begs more questions.
You're like, oh, what?
Like Estonia or what are you talking about?
I know.
But people just say fucked up shit.
So then I'm always trying to avoid some sort of situation.
And then after the war, it's just like kind of hard.
Yeah. Have you met and or talked with Eugene Merman?
I have a great story. So I'm in a group at Just For Laughs. And I'm a fan of his. I'm excited.
So I go up to him to be like, Oh, you know, I'm from what? Yeah. And he goes, Oh, we're not going
to do this right now. And I went, Okay, okay. And then that was it. Okay.
So that was my big interaction.
That's not a great story.
I would amend that adjective.
I admire people that are like upfront
if they don't want to participate.
So I was okay with it, like for me.
Good, when did you start?
2009, I was 21.
Yeah, same age, I don't know.
I'm 37.
15 years.
But also take away.
So you've been doing it for 15 years?
Okay. I just did the math on that. Where'd you start?
Oh, okay. Is that where you're from? Yeah, I'm from the suburbs. I'm from Skokie.
And I'm lucky. I'm lucky I got to start in a smaller scene.
I don't know how I would have panned out if I started here.
No, that is tougher. But you have more availability of more...
You could go up four or five times a night almost every single night of the calendar year.
Yeah, what I liked was camaraderie. It's against, because here you'd be running around and like buckets and there we'd put our name in and be at one bar for seven hours.
Yeah, yeah.
And so I am still friends with like a lot of the people I met in those bars and that feels nice.
Can I say that, you know what a shortened version
of camaraderie is, is comrade.
Oh my God, I thought you were gonna do
a Sabrina Carpenter joke.
And I couldn't believe it.
Wait, why is?
Because she has a song right now where she goes,
come on me, I mean camaraderie, something that like she does wordplay. That's a play on words about
Yeah, having somebody ejaculate on you. Yeah, but what I meant was being friends. Yeah
Yeah, yeah, I'm being you know, yeah
Yeah smoking weed in the car like in between things and like staying out late and all kind of things together. Are you still doing the song or is this?
No, no, no, this is me. This is life.
No, this is you in, what is it, Muskogee?
I was in Muskogee, but this is Chicago and like, yeah.
Oh, home of the famous, what is it, the KKK or the Neo-Nazis march?
That's exactly it, yeah, the KKK march when I was a kid.
And the ACLU, a Jewish representative, has said it's fought for their right to march.
Oh yeah, we talked about that in school a lot.
It was the KKK when I was a kid.
And then we also had like, there was a three-day racist killing spree that stopped in Skokie.
And they killed the Northwestern basketball coach near my house.
And what was the reason?
He was like, just this like kind of Nazi type figure who got in with this leader and he
was just like racist and mad at everyone.
So he started at Indiana University of Purdue, went to Rogers Park.
I think if you say racist, we can pretty much draw the line to mad at everyone. That's not white Christian nationalists.
It's sort of their, that's their thing.
Yeah. So he killed like some Asian people in Indiana, killed Orthodox Jews in Rogers Park,
killed the black basketball coach in my neighborhood, and then was going down to U of I.
So he got three, he picked three off the box. How long was his list? It was probably pretty long.
He was gonna go down and murder more, but they got him.
Yeah, wow, when was this?
The 90s.
Because I wasn't even in junior high.
But I remember we all had to stay inside
because he was like out and about.
He was like out there killing, but yeah.
But also we have a great library.
That's fantastic. We have a great PETA inn. We have like a- a great library. That's fantastic.
We have a great PETA in.
We have a great what?
PETA in.
It's like a full off full spot.
Oh, PETA, P-I-T-A, yeah.
I thought it was a PETA.
Yes, PETA.
But the guest I had on yesterday.
Rachel Kelly.
Oh, okay.
I was thinking, because I knew I got her last name wrong,
so I wanted to get it right this time.
So it was, Rachel Kelly has a very interesting story
regarding pedophilia.
Yeah, it's pretty crazy.
I don't know.
I just came right out of the gate with it.
I mean, I did pull it out of her, but it was a surprise. And that became a lot of what
we were talking about. Damn.
Yeah. I study a lot about pedophiles because of, I have a Law and Order SVU podcast.
You have a Law and Order SVU podcast. Yeah.
Huh. So we talk about the,
we recap the episode, then we do a deep dive on the true crime of
the podcast, and then we try to get an actor from the episode.
Oh, right, because they do the reenactment type things.
Yeah, I would say like 70 plus percent are real crimes.
Or like a mix of a few crimes and yeah.
What's been your favorite crime?
Not favorite.
Haunting, like the ones that have haunted me the most.
Yeah, I guess that's probably a better word than favorite.
Well, because favorite would be like,
if law enforcement really took over in a good way,
because usually they fail.
There's a cool prosecutor.
But I would say the ones that haunt me the most, that scare
me and have changed my being are like
Trapped in a basement. Sure. Like the Ohio case like yeah, I'm calling Stan and
upstate California like
Do you snatched tortured in a building? No one can find you somewhere. Would you prefer basement or attic?
Say there's no window.
Crawl space up, crawl space down, which would you prefer?
That's a, I guess at this point it would be basement then
so you could stand up straight
cause crawl space you might have to be hunched over
for longer.
And also if you were in tornado country,
you'd stand more chance of surviving
if you were in the basement.
Yeah, because I'm like, the more up, the more chances
someone can find you.
Right, so it's six of one, half a dozen of the other.
Yeah, it's tough.
And then it's like the Stockholm of it all.
And then also, there's cases.
The Stockholm syndrome. Wait, so you would fall in love with your cat? You have to
because they're like your only thing for survival. So then you kind of like get fucked. And then the
worst is there was a case in like, Syracuse area where he wasn't a murderer, just a torturer.
But then when the women went to the cops, no one believed them. They were like, you're a drunk whore,
get out of here. And so like, we just kept getting kidnapped because no But then when the women went to the cops, no one believed them. They were like, you're a drunk whore. Get out of here.
And so we just kept getting kidnapped
because no one was believing the women that were kidnapped.
So they'd get kidnapped, tortured, then
released by the guy.
Yeah, because they were all sex workers or drug addicts.
And so he just didn't, yeah.
But he didn't have murder in him.
Well, that's kind of a mitigating factor when you go up in front of the judge.
You know, it's been that there was an Alaska one where he would he would capture them
but then like release them into the woods and then hunt them for fun.
That does sound fun.
You know, I mean, it's not like Legoland.
The Baker, you know, the Baker of Alaska or something like that.
The Baker of Alaska was a baker.
So no one believed it.
Like a woman escaped, tied up, naked, ran,
and they were like, I don't know,
was it really this guy?
Like they didn't believe her.
So that seems to be a recurring theme to this,
is nobody is believing the women,
even if they appear bound, naked, and bruised,
they don't believe them.
Like you and you were up to something, some hanky panky,
and now you're covering.
Yeah, because we know this guy.
He wouldn't do that.
He bakes a mean tart.
Yeah, and they're like, and you're kind of a whore.
Why would he do that?
Or they're like, one time their friend was a suspect,
this was Ed Kemper, and they were supposed to search his home
and they were like-
Oh, which one's Ed Kemper?
I've heard of him.
He like killed his grandparents or parents and then went-
Oh, he's 70s.
He's old school, yeah.
As a teen, but then he's so smart that he was able
to like rehabilitate and then he kept murdering.
I remember his-
And he called him and was like, I did it,
and they were like, oh Ed, but he had heads in his closet
that they like didn't search.
Crazy, it's crazy.
So like yesterday I actually saw a car outside my apartment
and like the dudes were sitting there.
So when I went home, I didn't turn on any of my lights
so they couldn't see what apartment I was in.
So it's like- Because you thought it might be Ed Kemper.
He's in court, but I thought it was something.
Because I've been writing letters to Luigi in jail,
and so part of me thinks that someone's after me.
So I've just been kind of more suspicious
than not turning lights on when I get home and stuff.
That'll do it, not turning your light on.
Well, that's how they know which apartment you are.
Sure, they just sit and wait.
Yeah, they probably have that info already.
I'm going to guess. Oh yeah, because I wrote it on the envelope. Yeah, they're sit and wait and yeah, they probably have that info already. I'm going to guess.
Oh yeah, because I wrote it on the envelope.
Yeah, they're probably not that, they probably don't need, well, nobody turned on a light.
This is who I've become now, or like I had an Uber driver that I just didn't like the
vibe and he said, I'll see you later.
Didn't like that.
So I went to the bodega, I went, remember me, waved to the camera, I said, I go missing
and they go off. So this thing has truly affected your ability to,
sounds like you're more paranoid,
your ability to rationalize.
No, I caught my building super climbing
through my bedroom window when I lived in Hell's Kitchen.
And so like, and I got attacked outside of my apartment.
So I have been attacked out and about.
I think I know I'm like, but I'm more like.
But I'm guessing the attack was random.
No, it was my building super.
The same guy who was trying to get into your.
Oh no.
What is it with you and building supers?
You need to, what do you mean?
What do you mean what do I mean?
You just mentioned two terrible incidences
with different building supers.
One was crawling through your window.
The other attacked you.
Oh, attack was random, just outside that apartment.
That's what I just asked you.
Oh yeah, random.
It was my birthday.
It was like a random.
Please, listen up.
I just asked you that.
But I thought we were still talking
about the building super.
Yeah, the street attack was random.
So, so you're-
I do jokes about all this in my special.
What's the name of your special?
Let's plug it, right?
Night Owl. That's why you're here.
Night Owl.
Night Owl.
And what's it on?
Oh, fantastic.
How much do they pay you?
Got that brand name.
You know how it is, the license deals.
Oh, you don't, yeah, you probably.
No, I don't, they,
wait, Netflix gives you a lump sum and that's it, right?
No residuals, no.
But you pay for the production with that fee.
So I put all my money into my production.
I understand, I got you.
I got you, so they're giving you a lump sum,
how are you, yes, understood. Yeah, understand. I got you. I got you. So they're giving you a lump sum, how are you?
Yes, understood.
Yeah, so then I pay it like I hired everyone
I thought was that I really wanted to work with.
No wonder they're a fucking trillion dollar business.
I mean, that is the pay to play writ large if you macroed it.
I mean, that is really, sure, well, we'll put you on, here's X amount of money,
this can cover your production costs and, you know,
and I think you made the wise choice to put the money
into production on camera, but I'm sure there's some
who don't, you know, and then that's it.
Then they own it, they own it, right?
Or you own it.
They own it for two or three years,
and then they can either give you more money
to own it long-term or you get it back and you own it.
Oh, that's great.
And then you can put it on.
That's different than when I was,
when they were and I were starting out, you know,
as an entity, yeah.
Oh, that's good.
That's much better.
So there's like long-term ownership
and basically, you know, it's just the brand name
so like more people can see it.
Or when people out and about go,
where can I find you?
It feels cool to say the thing.
I'm one of 752,000 shows available on Netflix.
Yeah, but my friend has like a TV show out now
and like seeing us on the menu, you know,
it's like these little moments feel cool.
You have a, you're in a new movie that's on there.
It's not new, but it's new on Netflix.
Oh, new on Netflix.
What is it?
New on Netflix.
You Hurt My Feelings.
Oh yeah, yeah.
I was sick this weekend.
I actually watched two movies
you were in this weekend randomly.
Men in Black and You Hurt My Feelings.
And You Hurt My Feelings.
But I saw that in the movie theater.
I'm obsessed with Nicole.
Oh, she's great.
Yeah. Friends with Money is on Netflix now great. Yeah, she, I, I,
Friends with Money is on Netflix now too.
Her other movie that I love.
Which one is Friends with Money?
It's Jennifer Aniston, Joan Kusak,
Catherine Keener, and Frances McDormand.
And Jennifer Aniston's a maid.
I think I missed that one.
And her friends are rich.
I love it. Oh yes.
I know what you're talking about.
You know what I learned?
I shouldn't say learned.
You know what I learned? I shouldn't say learned. You know what I was told to me
yesterday That I had no idea about Chris is smiling because they know what I'm about to bring up
And I'm gonna say there's a there's a rumor that this person felt strongly about because she knew the source
it felt they were impeachable.
Yeah, we've all heard it.
I had not heard it.
Yeah, you're not gossiping.
I'm not gossiping.
You're not on about gossiping.
But Barack Obama and Jennifer Aniston?
Yeah, I mean, because of House of Cards, I get how all of that could work.
I'm sorry, it took you know, how all of that could work. But I mean-
I'm sorry, it took you House of Cards?
To know people cheat, no, I guess JFK, but-
Yeah, he's the only guy.
He's the only one.
No, in terms of like work, like,
that impuls, you have to keep it together,
but then you could do other stuff, I don't know.
I, my-
TV helps me understand things.
Yeah, I think it's given you a skewed version a lot of things
Mike my
Question or my
I'm just hoping Michelle's getting it in to with someone apparently her bodyguard
Oh cuz I heard a different rumor and it's a comedian and I was like, come on but
Is it No, I would as hot as Jennifer Aniston.
No, I would love if Eric Andre was fucking Michelle Obama.
That would be awesome.
Cause I bet he has good sex.
I would imagine.
Yeah, he's freaky.
So who, a comedian?
Yeah, but they're married.
I don't wanna, but yeah, this is crazy rumors.
So what was so surprising to me was how two people who are so famous,
so recognizable all over the world could do this and not not have somebody
and not have somebody take a picture or anything like that.
That's what's so shocking. Like the amount of people,
and the person who told me this is like,
yeah, they probably pay people off.
But the lie, I mean, from hotel, anybody at a hotel,
every single employee would have to be paid off.
Every single hotel, drivers, people on the street.
You know what I mean?
People at a restaurant.
Or is it like they get dropped off in the back of the hotel,
they go in through the kitchen, all of that.
Yeah, but then all the kitchen employees.
I mean, at some point.
Because I think about Taylor Swift,
because Taylor Swift says the most surprising,
in an interview she goes,
it's surprising because all my friends,
I tell them everything and nothing ever gets out.
So maybe when you're like that.
She probably has very good taste
and is pretty judicious in picking her friends.
But her stuff gets under wraps,
like when she makes videos or the surprise drops
or Beyonce when she did Lemonade.
There's ways to
Is it NDAs? Is it just NDAs?
But my point is just staff there would literally be but it's Secret Service Are you really gonna fuck with Obama like that? Well, it's not about fucking with him
It's about observing something noticing that was weird, but but we're all talking about it. So someone has been talking
Right, but it's to me. it's still unsubstantiated,
and that's why I don't.
I actually told you something yesterday.
I go, the way people are talking about this,
I don't know why people are not more nervous.
And I can't believe now I'm talking about it.
What would make you nervous?
I don't wanna be in their business, honestly.
I don't wanna fuck with the Obamas.
But you're not, you're just, all you're doing
is repeating something you.
Because it is like, who would they be fucking like it?
It makes sense to me. I mean maybe a younger Jennifer Aniston, but now no, thank you
You can do better Obama. I get the sentiment. I've never seen her in person, but I heard she is like
Breathtaking and I want to see her in person. I mean, she cleans up nice, yeah. Yeah, sure.
I'm excited.
I've worked with her for one day for 24 hours.
What thing?
On a thing called the 24 hour plays,
which is a fundraiser and it's really cool.
It's great, I've done it a bunch of times
and it basically, on a dark night at the,
I can't remember which theater,
it's the like American Airlines theater or something, I can't remember which theater, it's the American Airlines Theater or something,
I don't know what the other word is.
But a bunch of actors, writers, and directors
get together in this big space, huge space,
and the actors have to bring a
prop they have to bring an item of clothing and describe it you put in the
pile you say who you are and what you what and also something you've never
done on stage that you'd like to and and then you know it's that's a fairly long
process but it's fun and And then after all this happens,
oh, and it starts, I wanna say at like nine or eight o'clock
in the evening, I believe it'll be eight o'clock, 24 hours.
All right, so everybody gathers,
usually goes on for a couple hours.
And then the actors leave and the writers,
and I've done both, I've done the acting part
and the writing part both a number of times.
Then the writers get together and they kind of,
you barter in a sense for your cast, right?
And you're like, I wanna to get like, Chris Rock and
Cecily Strong and Rosie Pres, you know, whoever. And then you
find- Rosie Pres has been on SVU.
Okay. And, um, well, literally, hasn't every single fucking
human been on that show? Well, how long does the show run?
It's season 26 right now.
That's ridiculous.
It's good. It's still good.
And SVU stands for Special Victims Unit?
And what makes the, is it special victims,
meaning like Special Olympics special,
or what is the special part?
Yeah, more sensitive, especially heinous.
So it's like sex crimes, children, women.
God, why are people watching this?
There's a lot of theories.
Well, tell me one. Well, I have a bad habit of interrupting, but I'm still curious about the 24-hour play.
I interrupted myself.
I just love Ressie Press.
We'll get back to you in a second. So then, actors go home, writers pick their cast,
directors, you know who the director is assigned to that.
The writer stays there and writes a roughly
anywhere from like five to 10 minute play.
And you go down and you see the set
and you're like, here's what we're working with.
It's good, sometimes it's a period piece,
sometimes it's very stark, you know,
it depends on whatever show is in there at the time
You write your piece and
It's not always comedy
No, I think it's my observation and opinion is that
anybody and it's happened a couple times if you
Try to make it too
Poignant or dramatic. It does not work. It just doesn't work.
Especially if you're going up and so there's six plays.
If you go up and you follow two really funny things with,
and then you try and because you've had what?
Roughly nine hours to write a play because you turn it in in the morning,
and then the writers go home and sleep,
and then actors are in at,
I think it's like 7.30 in the morning,
eight in the morning, actors come in,
you get your scripts, you meet your director,
everybody gathers, and then you put that play up.
You just rehearse and rehearse and rehearse
and rehearse and rehearse and try to memorize do your best.
Shape the play and go in and and at eight o'clock.
You know the house opens at like seven eight o'clock everybody comes in and you do and it's a benefit.
And it's really always raises lots and lots of money. Then you put the show up and it's pretty crazy.
It's pretty thrilling in that actor creative way.
It's fun. It's really a fun thing.
You get to meet and hang out with really cool people.
You're like, holy shit, I'm working with this person, that person. It's fun.
Yeah. Well, I know you with, you know, this person, that person, and it's fun.
Yeah, well, I know you wanted to be done with this, but with a Jen Hanna Stinting, I'm a stoner and she's kind of a stoner hero. And so I like imagining her and Obama smoking weed,
having fun. So you're saying stoners, thexy stoner, she's a hero. Yeah, so stoners have like,
kinda, the bar for heroism
and being a hero is very, very low for stoners.
Yeah, just be like, hot.
So their heroes are celebrities that get high.
For me...
Not people who like, you know,
ran into a burning building and saved a bunch of...
It's a separate thing, but you don't want someone that's running into a burning building to be high. Unless, you know, ran into a burning building and saved a separate thing.
But you don't want someone that's running into a burning building to be high unless, you know, you're not not not.
What are you saying about high people? Not a professional. I wouldn't want a firefighter doing that.
But I think if he was good, but if I'm stoned, I've saved people before.
Okay, but if we get the tenses right, but if I'm stoned, meaning if you are presently stoned, you've saved lives.
I have, yes.
But if I'm stoned, I've saved lives.
No, but you said, but if I'm stoned, I've saved lives.
Yeah, my friends.
So I'm saying, now listen to me say it,
if I'm stoned, I've saved lives. Yeah, I My so I'm saying now listen to me said if I'm so I've saved lives
How does that sound?
Are you stoned right now? No, okay. I wish you can get high. No, I didn't bring any I've got to get rid of this cough
Chris do you have any you know weird?
Okay, no, I have some in my coat and purse always. All right.
But I gave the Heimlich to someone
that was choking while I was high,
and I saved their lives.
Okay, that's good.
Hence, if you're high, you've saved lives.
I just feel like being a stoner,
it's always like, I always have guilt,
or like I should be doing more,
and so when you see productive stoners,
like a Seth Rogen, that's like a hero type situation.
That I get.
A Snoop where it's like, oh, you're on set, you're working, you can be high, you can be
productive, like you don't have to choose.
I get that.
Well, I mean.
And she's working out like, you know.
Seth, Jennifer and Snoop all.
Snoop's out now.
But oh, it doesn't get high anymore?
No, once you're at the inauguration,
you're not part of my dream rotation.
Oh, wait, Snoop was at Trump's inauguration?
Yeah, and Nellie, Snoop and fucking Nellie.
Well Nellie doesn't surprise me, but Snoop.
But Janelle Monae called him out to his face
at a Grammy after party and there's a video of it.
It's just like, could she get any hotter?
She's one of the hottest human beings alive,
if you ask me.
Oh yeah.
Janelle Monáe, geez, I did, yeah, she's great.
But Snoop was in my dream blunt rotation, but no more.
Yeah, I didn't know that.
It was devastating.
He's like a true hero, I'm like-
But he's also a businessman, and he's a multi-
But how much more do you need?
Oh, I'm totally with that.
That's what I think when I see those Capital One credit card
I'm like, Jesus Christ, how much more money do you need?
I don't get it.
What's in your wallet?
Yeah, but that's like one day of work, like whatever.
But it doesn't affect them.
There was a comic who did the convention
and now there's other comics that are cool and successful
on posters with that guy.
And I'm like, for what?
Like, I don't know.
It's weird.
Yeah, I mean, it's gonna get weirder, certainly.
And as-
It's gonna be harder and harder to like speak up.
No, it's not. No, it's not. I hope not. I mean, I wanna be harder and harder to like speak up. No it's not.
No it's not.
I hope not.
I mean I wanna be punk rock.
You just speak up.
You just do it.
You do it.
You speak up.
And it's, I mean, the,
you're gonna face more anger
and people feeling emboldened by being really shitty
and potentially violent, but.
I don't like the normal, the chillness of it.
You're not embarrassed to be on a poster with this guy
who did that at the fucking convention.
I'm like, for what?
Well, I mean, but that tells you everything
about that person.
I know.
And now you know.
Now you know like, oh, you're not really worth my time.
You know?
If that's how you, if that's how you value and, you know, ethics and morality.
Well, because sometimes I'm like, if you're fucking broke as fuck, I get it.
I still don't get it.
I don't, but I could.
I still, yeah.
But to have so much and still not have any kind of ethics to do with that is weird to me.
But then sometimes I wonder how informed are these folks?
Like, are they, maybe they're not getting their...
Well, my big thing now is I'm not even that smart,
and how did I predict it all?
That's why I'm shocked.
I want to know how dumb everyone is.
Well, I...
Because I don't consider, I'm not really reading,
like I'm not out and about and I've, I fucking,
I saw all of it so I'm just like,
what's going on in our world?
Well, it's, I'll give you this little anecdote.
So when, you know, I've been touring,
touring, touring, touring, and I started this
last, current tour in early September.
My wife is politically active and active in the feminist world and women's rights and things like that. We live in Brooklyn, New
York and live in a little bubble. She went down to Canvas for Harris in Atlanta, which is also a
bubble. I grew up there and I know it's very progressive and there's still pockets of conservative right-wing Christian folks,
but mostly it's blue, but it's in a red state, a very red state. And she, with her experience in
Brooklyn and Atlanta shortly before the election was very positive and optimistic.
And I think it's going to work out. And she listens to the Daily Podcast and reads the Times
and stuff like that. I'm like, I'm telling you it's not. I'm out here. I'm driving between Kent,
Ohio and Columbus, Ohio. Driving through that whole area. I'm going to Spokane. I'm driving between Kent, Ohio and Columbus, Ohio,
driving through that whole area.
I'm going to Spokane,
I'm driving into Eastern Washington state.
I'm driving, it's not going to happen.
You're wrong.
I think that's-
No, I was with your wife.
My best friend booked a hotel for the inauguration
and then lost a lot of money, like pre-election.
Yeah. I mean, I knew, and I had the same thing, the first Trump election where my wife was feeling
really good. She was at the convention with Hillary. She's acquaintance of Hillary's.
And I told her about three or four days before the election, I was like, I don't think it's gonna happen, you know, and the stuff I'm reading is different than the stuff she's reading.
And I was like, I don't have a good feeling about it. So both times I was like, he's gonna be elected or he's going to be reelected. And the tenor of, you can't call it a conversation,
but when you go out and see what folks are thinking,
how they're acting, and I told her also,
it's not just that there are nine Trump
signs for every Harris sign when you're out there
and going through Western Tennessee or wherever you are.
It's the tenor of these signs.
The signs you have like Harris walls,
we're not going back or save democracy,
some bullshit stupid thing that doesn't resonate. And then the Trump signs, way over half of them, let's say two thirds of them are,
fuck Biden. Trump is and Trump drawn as like a superhero with like Rambo with the shirt off and,
and Trump ditched the ho and just like really angry vitriolic shit and big, big old signs. So a flag on a sign on another flag and like weighing people, 10 of them on somebody's
lawn and they're just like, fuck that that ho fuck Joe Biden, you know,
you know, try, you know, whatever. And it's just different. Like you're dealing with a different thing. And,
and they're all going to suffer. And that's the only silver lining I have.
Well, their lives will get worse, too.
I don't think I don't think that's a positive. No.
Because if you're, this is not to say and dismiss their suffering now, because it's
not like the Democrats, you know.
Excuse me, really help them.
My thing is, where are the crazy Democrats?
Why can't we get crazy?
Why aren't we at the Capitol?
I don't get-
Well, don't put me, I'm not a Democrat.
I mean, I vote Democrat every time, but I am not.
I think they're foolish, backwards, weak.
They're just, they're in the power.
They're out of touch.
But that's what's shocking to me.
They like hate Biden so much, right, this whole time.
And I'm like, he's barely done it.
You've gotten everything you've wanted.
Like, abortions, like he's barely done it. You've gotten everything you've wanted. Like, well, yeah,
abortions go like, he's done nothing we've ever wanted. So I
don't get why they're even that mad. He's like, I did a lot of
things. They're just not aware of them. And they're there.
Yeah, there is a you cannot discount how the the effect of constant bombardment, basically everything is if it's Fox News and
certain podcasts and that's all they're hearing, then they're either not hearing about the
positives because fucking Biden and the Democrats didn't do a good job of letting people know,
hey, we got this economy out, what we inherited
and where we are now, we have the strongest employment record
of all in history, we have lowered in place,
all these stuff that we inherited because of COVID,
et cetera, et cetera.
They did a terrible job getting that information out there
and trying to get past the fucking noise machine
of Fox News and Newsmax and OAN and the Washington Examiner
and Sinclair News Syndicates and Joe Rogan and whoever.
They can't combat that.
They did terrible job of that andan and whoever. They can't combat that. They did terrible job of that. And that's why.
So that's why I don't find any silver lining in, yes, they're going to suffer. And Republicans
have consistently for generations voted against their own self-interest. A lot of the reason is because of culture war shit. This time it was
trans and it works. Before that, it's gay people and it works. It fucking works. So if you know
that and I know that and I imagine a lot of my listeners know that, then the issue is the
Democrats don't and they are in the tiniest little dumb bubble.
Well, because they keep trying to play with them. Like, I don't get it.
I understand.
I don't get the like...
Well, the thing about it, I'm going to put out a press release and negate this clearly illegal...
I mean, there was a fucking coup.
And also Trump is just a figurehead.
He's president, but in name only.
It's fucking Musk that is doing, is calling all the shots.
I've never seen Don't Look Up,
and I watched it for the first time like last week.
And I just can't believe that movie
predicted it all so well too.
Well, it didn't predict anything.
It was- For me it is the rich guy,
like a rich guy being like,
hey, president, do what I want.
And then it's-
That's been happening.
Yeah, but no.
That didn't predict shit.
But not in such a like easy,
what is it, palatable way.
Like I just understood stuff.
It helped me understand stuff.
That's what I feel about VEEP, succession.
It just helps me understand stuff.
All of your education is through TV, podcasts, and movies.
Not podcasts, definitely movies, but yeah,
taking things that are confusing
and making them simple and funny, yeah, it helps me.
It helps me like, oh, yeah.
Okay. It helps me like, oh, yeah.
So you're much, you know, although on the other end of the spectrum, much like these
other folks, is you're getting your clarity, your education, your understanding of things
through the Jew run Hollywood liberal machine.
Okay. No, I would say everything I like learned, I learned majoring in sociology and then that's to the Jew run Hollywood liberal machine. Yes.
No, I would say everything I learned, I learned majoring in sociology and then that's kind
of kept me through in terms of my world view.
Where did you go to school?
I dropped out a lot.
I went to three different schools, but I ended up graduating from a small school in the city
in Chicago.
In Chicago, yeah.
I love Chicago.
Me too.
It's a great city.
Yeah, I don't know.
Yeah, movies helped me for sure. Me too. It's a great city. Yeah. Yeah, I don't know.
Yeah, movies helped me for sure.
Understand stuff.
But do you understand, I'm drawing a correlation between-
About the Jew media, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Well, that was a joke, but-
No, I know.
About your understanding of things is through a very similar, yet different idealistic is
through entertainment
and through things that you get.
Like that's your.
Yeah, because I mean, stories.
And that's what they're, and that's what it's a lot.
But that's what storytelling is, right?
Storytelling is like, well, not all of it.
Sometimes it's just for fun, but it's like.
I think a lot of times it's just for fun.
Because right now there's a whole thing on TikTok
where it's like reading fiction is stupid.
There's like a whole thing now on like book talk
and stuff where it's like,
whoa, your book's about dragons.
What did you even learn?
And it's like, well, no, that's the whole point.
It's like, you take real life things
and you put them in stories to like,
I don't know, explain stuff. So it's making people dumber.
All the things you're mentioning, TikTok.
I am not on TikTok.
I don't know.
And I'm, the more I hear about it, the more I'm kind of proud that I'm not on TikTok
and I don't want my kid on TikTok.
And it sounds like it's making people dumber.
It is.
And that's saying a lot because we're pretty dumb right now.
We're so dumb.
You know, when I look, this is not from TV and movies.
I was doing a show in Brooklyn, and these two girls came
to talk to me afterwards.
Oh, I know Brooklyn from Brooklyn 911, or Brooklyn,
what's the name of the TV show?
Brooklyn, Brooklyn 99.
Wait, Brooklyn from the Spike Queen movies.
I know Brooklyn, yeah.
I mean, I live there, and I have eyes and ears. But no, I know Brooklyn, yeah. I mean, I live there and I have eyes and ears,
but no, I know Brooklyn, yes.
Brooklyn Decker, the model.
Brooklyn from the kid of the soccer dude.
I didn't think you would know about Brooklyn Decker,
the model, that's kind of fun.
It really is fun.
That's a reference I didn't think you'd throw out there.
No, but a woman came up to me, she was from the South,
I forgot what's like a Virginia,
West Virginia, Carolina type area. And her job is. You've just mentioned a third of the South. I forgot what's like a Virginia, West Virginia, Carolina type area.
And her job is-
You've just mentioned a third of the South, yes.
But it's like the South, you know, it's like,
so that area, I don't remember what state-
West Virginia, Virginia, not the Southeast.
What is it?
It's like central, mid.
Mid-North, South.
So her job is remote, but she works for like Medicare
and Medicaid and people that like get the money.
She calls and just goes, hey, like, how are things?
How's it going?
And just checks in on all the people that are using Medicaid.
And she said she calls.
What purpose?
To help them.
So like, did you get to this doctor's point?
Are you taking your pill?
Like just kind of like helping them.
Checking in.
Checking in. Anding in. Yeah.
And she said she called one of her clients, patients, I don't know. And the woman goes,
so her husband has diabetes, he has like foot issues. And she goes, oh, yeah, you won't believe
it. We woke up this morning and there was a rat nibbling on his toe.
Oh. You didn't think it was going to go there.
Oh. And that's the way like some people are living.
Like there was a rat nibbling the toe.
That's not just the South, but yeah.
No it's not.
That's just where she was from.
They're about to, you know, Elon Musk put in six people, two of them just graduated
high school.
The teens, the broccoli-haired teens.
And they're going in, they've got access to everyone's,
and I mean everyone.
No, my heart is beating so fast right now.
Their medical history, and they now control these six people,
two of them teenagers, whether or not people are gonna get Medicaid
or Medicare or Social Security checks.
And they don't think that they should, I just-
You know, remember when we elected Elon Musk to do that.
You're reading the books, so let me ask you this.
The government used to do inside jobs and kill people,
right, what's going on?
Still do, still do.
But why aren't they killing this guy?
Who, Trump, Elon Musk?
No, like, is everyone, like the CIA, everyone is like, Why aren't they killing this guy? Who? Trump? Elon Musk?
No, like, is everyone, like the CIA, everyone is like, we're in, we want to do this too.
Like why is there not any sort of counter thing or things happening that I don't see?
Like, why are the teens not being thrown out and put in, like, it's just the, because he's
No, because Donald Trump, the first thing he did was got rid of the people that worked
at the Justice Department, and now they're his people.
That's how this whole thing starts.
That's how you turn into a different-
There's no one in the inside
that's gonna counter any of it.
It's all up to us to hit the streets.
With an assassination attempt?
I don't think so.
Also, they will benefit.
The whole thing, Trump got what he wanted wanted He's not gonna go to jail. He's got money and he's got he's gonna build shit in China
A lot of muscles getting what he wants. He has government
Sorry, he has contracts to build things in China
That is all been eased. He's going to, you know, and it's important for his-
So it's up to us to get rid of our comforts
and get in there.
Like there's no, that's it.
I mean, we're at the final straw.
We need to get pitchforks.
Like what do we do?
Look, that's a good question, valid.
I don't-
The movies haven't taken me this far.
You have to wait until Adam McKay writes a movie.
I know.
Wait, can we talk about a movie
that I do really like that you're in?
I hope you don't hate it. Sure.
It's a disaster.
Oh, I love that movie.
Okay, I watch it all the time.
Oh, it's great. I love it.
I really enjoyed that movie.
I, it was one of those things,
I've had a couple of these, two that I can think of.
One was Arrested Development, the other was It's a Disaster,
where I had, with Arrested, I had just moved to New York,
which I had been trying to do forever,
and I was like, I'm not going back to LA.
But the project was worthwhile enough to do that.
With It's a disaster.
I just I think I'd gotten off tour something.
It was like I'm not I'm taking.
I'm taking a month off.
I work really hard, you know,
and you know, when you're just the travel is just fucking kills you and.
And. I'm friends with America Ferrera, who's in the movie. And she's like,
hey, I've got this script and it's super low budget indie thing. I'm going to do it. I want
you to take a look. I was like, oh man, I don't. I just got off tour. I just want to hang out. I
don't. And the script was so good.
And you know, when you're starting from that place where the script is good,
and you know that kind of it's going to be ensemble and
you're going to be free to riff and stuff like that,
and you're working with really cool people.
I was like, all right. So I had to do it.
And I went to LA during a fucking record breaking heat wave.
You guys filmed in a heat wave?
Dude, so listen.
So the house we shot at, for those of you who haven't seen it,
all takes place in a house or in the garage,
or two scenes in a garage.
The rest of it is all in this house.
And we shot, again, zero budget.
We didn't have trailers, nothing,
right? So, when in the scene where the, I can't remember his name, it's the neighbor, Hank,
or whoever's the neighbor comes in. So, it's a disaster that's unfolding and it's unclear
what it is. We just know like dirty bombs or something went up. And everybody's stuck in this house and it's taking place during a brunch,
couples brunch where everyone's got a weird fucked up.
It would make a great play.
It would make a great play and there's just a lot of flip sons.
Yeah, yeah, but let me finish this.
So the scene where the neighbor who's in the
hazmat suit completely taped up and he's like, hey, and they have this weird interaction because
he wasn't invited to brunch and he thought they were friends. So, he shoots that scene, right?
And it's a pretty quick scene. He's at the door and he comes in then he leaves and refuses to give him some help because they were shitty to him. Wouldn't invite him to brunch and
it was so hot. Todd Berger is the name of the he was the writer director and he just played this
old cameo. He plays the guy. When he took off after shooting the scene I don't know you know
When he took off after shooting the scene, I don't know, you know, four or five times, a couple different angles, whatever, it was so crazy hot.
He took off his gloves and literally poured sweat, like a good cup of sweat from each
thing into this.
It was so disgusting.
And it's supposed to be fall.
So my character has a sweater on.
And it was just constantly dripping wet.
Because they didn't really have AC.
They had one of those portable unit things.
Well, and it's loud, so you can't really do AC, right?
When you film.
It was so fucking hot and awful.
And LA hot,
which is the worst. Yeah.
You know, it was it was.
But a really, really fun movie to make.
I'm still friends with everybody. And I made.
There was another movie that some of the same guys did,
and I did a cameo on that.
This is great.
I really enjoyed the movie.
It was fun to shoot and it holds up.
It's good.
It is good.
Because I don't love dystopia, but I like it when there's a sense of humor to it.
Well, that's the thing.
You never see any blood or guts.
It's all taking place outside the house.
You hear sirens and things like that occasionally, but it's.
And just the idea of like the final,
whatever is happening,
you're just with these weirdos in this brunch.
It's like, not frenemies, but it's not your closest friends.
It's also really smart about how they divided up.
So the couple that's having the brunch
is gonna get divorced. There's the
couple that has an open relationship. There's the couple that are clearly at odds from the very
beginning, not trying to cover it up. It's uncomfortable. They're sniping at each other.
Then there's the couple I'm in, which is I'm a first date of Julia Stiles.
And it turns out I'm a little,
something is revealed at the end that if you go back,
you can see the, oh, that's why he's like this.
But it was fun, yeah.
I did my first indie movies
that I've ever done this past year.
And it was the most fun ever.
And I hope I get to do more.
What'd you do?
What was it?
They were both comedy horrors.
One with like a million dollar budget.
Sounds like you're saying comedy horrors.
You're trying to say horror,
but you're refusing to shape the word with consonants.
And then the other was like a hundred thousand dollar budget. And so it was cool.
Yeah, both. What are they called?
Oh, one is Damned If You Do. And I think they're close to finishing that. And then the other one
is called, what was it called? I forgot. Okay.
And we'll see. Well, we'll look for that.
But it was all in a bar, but it was kind of rough,
like you're saying like, you know, no trailers,
and then we had to shoot at a bar from 4 a.m. to 4 p.m.
because it was a working bar.
And I just never.
The glitz and glamour.
But I like enjoyed it.
And then you had people that were acting a certain way
and I'm like, but they said everything in the contract.
I don't know why you're like, complaining now.
Like. No, it's a. Like, such a weird thing.
You knew that it was gonna be this kind of situation.
But I also felt like I learned more.
I got to like, ask about-
Again, you were on the set of a movie.
So that's where you do your learning.
Movies, TV.
Oh yeah.
Yeah, that's how I was raised.
I was like alone in a basement watching TV,
and then me and my parents went to the movies every Friday.
You like being trapped in a...
No, I do.
It's scary.
But yeah, we grew up, we don't really communicate
as a family, but we went to the movies every Friday,
we watched award shows.
Like yeah, movies and TV have kind of been...
Do you have brothers and sisters?
I have a sister, but she's 10 years older than me.
So she moved out of the house when I was like nine. So I have only kid energy for sure. And then she grew up mostly in the Soviet
Union. I'm like an American girl. And what does she do?
She was a teacher for a long time. She just quit her job at 15 years last year and is going through a like,
she got married young, kids really young.
So she's like 47, 48 right now
with a 21 year old 19 and 17.
Wait, she's 748?
Holy shit.
So she's from Genesis.
She's from Genesis, yeah.
The first chapter in the Old Testament, goodness.
Cause they lived to be like 940 and, you know, they lived a ripe old age, those initial
first earth populators, Adam and Eve and Abraham and Isaac and all that.
I do wish vampires or like something like that was real.
I would love to meet someone that's been around for a thousand years.
But you wouldn't really learn anything.
You'd have to maybe if they made a documentary, a biopic, and then you could watch that and
then learn about.
Yeah, that's like because I'm looking for love.
That's my big thing.
And I really want to meet someone that reads way more and knows way more.
And then they could tell me about everything.
You know?
Hopefully they can get something else from me.
That's the laziest path to knowledge.
It's not lazy, it's just how I know.
It is absolutely lazy.
It's not lazy.
I don't wanna read myself.
I'll do sexual favors.
I'd rather find a partner who reads,
I'll be watching TV and TikTok,
and then they can tell me.
They can give me a summation, a cliff's nose version of.
I should go to lectures, that's what I should be doing.
I should be going, I should be doing.
I should be using the resources of New York City
and going to these lectures and events at colleges.
That's a great idea.
That's what I should do.
That's a great idea.
And can I put this out there,
you might just meet the love of your life.
Yeah, that's what I should do.
I gotta go to some events.
There you go.
These colleges.
And then see, and you can start talking to people.
They're like, to be honest,
I'm only here to meet a partner who reads.
And you'd be like, oh wait,
this won't work out because then we'd both be,
yeah, okay, well, nice to meet you.
You go your separate ways.
Yeah. That's actually the fear.
They would probably want a reader as well.
But hopefully they can see the smarts that I
bring that are different. And what see the smarts that I bring that are different.
What are the smarts that you bring?
I'm just chatting.
That's not.
Chatting, fun, making restaurant reservations.
I would also get really good gifts for
their family when the holidays rolled around.
How can you walk me through
your gift of making a restaurant reservation?
Like, what do you do?
Starting from beginning to end, take me through leases.
Well, it depends.
Let's say this person that I'm with is like, hey, my friends are coming from out of town.
They have these situations.
We're going to the Broadway show at this time.
We're thinking this.
And I'll be like, all right, I got it.
And then it's the research, the reviews,
asking my few culinary friends.
And then I'm also really good at like,
if the reservation, if you have to wake up at Saturday
at seven to make the reservation, like I could do it.
That's it.
Or maybe ask a favor.
Use my cool connections in the culinary.
Oh, to get folks into a good restaurant.
Right. Pay for it. Oh, to get folks into a good restaurant. Yeah. Right.
Pay for it.
Well, that is a...
Make a phone call, put the card down
before anyone even gets there.
I like doing that.
You like doing that?
No, I don't dislike it, but I don't really...
It's not something I really pay that much attention to in the sense of like,
oh, people are coming in, they want to go to this restaurant,
which doesn't happen that often, but it happens.
And I'll go I'll go online, I guess, and then go.
Hey, is Tuesday at 730 good?
Do you think?
They'll yell to my wife or whoever.
Yeah. OK. And then I type in. Actually, I don't even have to type because I usually have the calendar. do you think?" I'll yell to my wife or whoever, yeah, okay.
And then I type in, actually I don't even have to type because I usually have the calendar
you go click and then click and then and then another click.
Are you diminishing my skills?
What I'm saying is, no, I'm not diminishing, I'm devaluing them from where you have placed
the value you place on that skill set.
I'm reading and making reservations.
I'm saying is not, there's less value than you think there is.
It depends.
I mean, unless you meet someone that can't do it, too stressed.
Oh, well, I don't buy into that shit.
Yeah. it. Too stressed. Oh, well, I don't buy into that shit. Yeah, I've hung out with plenty
people who are like, I can't I have too many emails. I'm so busy. That's me. Yeah, I don't
like that. I have no patience for it. I it's not. That's not too busy to do the thing that
you're supposed to. You don't suffer from being overwhelmed by small tasks.
I mean, I definitely feel the like annoyance of like, God damn it, I have so much shit to do.
And I say that to myself, I don't say that to other people
because it's not that true.
It's like, I do have things to do,
but I can certainly do this thing that you're asking me
to do in addition to, you know, whatever it is.
But I try to check the drama and the hyperbole
and exaggeration.
I'm not a fan of that stuff.
What if it's not hyperbole or exaggeration?
Well, it usually is and I've tried to check it in my,
I'm also, and this is annoying and I understand why it would be,
but I'm not a fan of, I'm starving.
I don't like that.
I don't hate, I'm not going to yell at you,
but I have a relationship with language that is probably unnecessarily,
has more rules to it. And I try not to be, I don't exaggerate. One thing that fucking drives me up
the wall is when people exaggerate in a tiny way,
and I know they are,
because I was with them with the thing,
like, oh my god, it sucked.
And the power was out for like eight hours
and we had to walk five miles.
I was like, that's not true.
The power is out for like two hours
and it's not even two miles.
Like, what is it that you think I'm not going to relate to?
Why are you exaggerating?
It doesn't make me anyway.
They're desperate for the attention.
But they've got your attention.
They've already got your attention.
They're saying this thing.
They're not trying to shout above people.
We're listening to you, tell the story,
and you are inflating the things in your story.
I know tons of people that do that, and I hate it.
And I will, I will say like,
wait, it wasn't five miles, it was like two miles and change.
It was like less than half of five miles.
And yes, it was definitely raining,
but it wasn't, you're making it sound
like there was a hurricane. It wasn't.
I don't like liars either.
No, that's a different thing, and I don't like liars.
I don't fuck with liars.
And I just was lied to by, I caught a friend lying.
In a fucked up way.
And their big thing was like, you're gonna take this
and have it color our whole
thing when I've done this and this and this and I do all this. And I go, that's how trust works,
babe. Yeah. Like, it doesn't matter if there's been years, all of that has actually crumbled and I
don't trust any of that either now. Like, it was trying to excuse this behavior and I was like,
that's just, that's not how it works. And what was the, was the lie like a-
You're a liar, you're a liar. It was the lie like, that's just, that's not how it works. And what was the, was the lie like a, it was the lie like something that you could,
was like, I was in this place,
but they weren't in that place,
or what was the nature of the lie?
And I ended up, and then it kept happening,
and then I caught them like doing even worse stuff,
and then it was like, oh, this is who you actually fully are.
But I'm asking what-
The first lie, the first lie was crazy.
The first lie, I'm a flake and so I forget.
So we were hanging out, me and this one friend,
and I was like, what are you doing tonight?
And then she told me,
I'm going to the movies with this person.
And I go, okay.
And then I forgot and I was like,
wait, what are you doing tonight?
And then she told me, she just,
she kept saying it cause I kept forgetting.
And then after a while I was like, fuck, okay,
you're going to the movies with this person.
I don't really have plans.
Oh, I'm gonna message this one couple I know.
Let's see if they're free tonight.
I text my friend and she goes,
oh, I'm going to the movie with my friend,
who I'm sitting with.
Oh, well that's so, that-
All of a sudden, she knows I'm texting the person
she's actually gonna be hanging out with,
still doesn't say a word.
Then I look at her and I go,
well, this friend just said that she's going to the movies with you and this other person
and this other person.
She goes, oh yeah, I mean, I forgot, blah, blah, blah,
and I let it go because I was like,
I couldn't be doing it.
So that seems like a lie that means there's no basis,
there's no reason for it.
Yes, which makes me think, what else am I fucking doing,
So I ended up hanging out with my friend's husband instead
that I ended up going to the movies with that group.
And the next day I came, I went to my friend, I'm like, do you want to talk about you lying to my face for no reason?
For no reason.
And she goes, I wasn't a lie.
I was just omitting information.
And I go, we're really going to do that.
Speaking of like language and what it means, we're not actually going to fucking do that.
I go, there was an insecure and she goes, well, I didn't want you to feel left out.
I go, but that's not even my vibe.
And we're adults, you're allowed to hang out
with who you want to, I'm like,
I'm allowed to hang out without you too.
I'm with you 100% on this.
And I couldn't believe it.
And then it's just like, for no reason you lied.
And then from that, I caught a few other things
and then I caught a lie and then I caught out.
Did you just take the, and then it,
and now the whole friendship is ruined.
And I'm like was that really worth it?
Now we don't have a friendship.
Because well good that you found out.
You couldn't tell me that you went to the movies.
You got enough friends you don't need somebody who's like fabricating weird shit for no reason
at all.
And I also or I would have loved honest like because we all do weird things, like humans are strange.
I had a friend do something and if she just went,
I was feeling insecure because of this and this.
You'd respect that more. Yes.
I felt in the moment I couldn't believe I was lying.
I couldn't even like go backwards to save it because I was too far in
and I was embarrassed.
I would go, thank you for at least diving
into your human emotions.
Like we all fuck up and do things that aren't right.
Yeah, sure.
But that bothered me too.
Just like the, like bending around to convince me
that it was okay bothered me.
Yeah, yeah.
I'm with you 100%.
Cause that's, yeah.
When you get...
All right, Lisa.
Is it time?
I feel like this has been...
The time has come.
No senses.
I thought you were gonna ask me
like my favorite smells and touches.
Oh, yeah.
And Seth, we just talked about how I don't read.
How I'm scared of the government.
Yeah, that was, that was-
And that there's nothing-
Initially, they asked me to come up with a hook,
which took me a little while, and then I did, and then.
I came up with such a good hook for Headgum,
and I had a podcast for a year,
but then they canceled it, no one listened to it.
But listen to how good the concept was.
It was called Enemies.
And I would have people on that don't like me,
or I don't like them.
And it was gonna be a conflict podcast.
Oh, I like that.
I like that idea.
Guess who doesn't wanna come on my podcast?
People that don't like me.
That's right, there's the catch 22.
People that I fight.
People that I have long standing dramas with
and so then it had to like move around
and like it was kinda tough.
I like that idea though.
Yeah, to actually like discuss the things
that people do wrong. Did you see the Louis episode
with Dane Cook? I've seen them see the Louis episode with Dane Cook?
The one with Dane Cook is just brilliant.
The itchy butt hole.
But it's like a brilliant thing that he did.
That it actually is legit.
Like Dane, he, I mean it was a real thing, but he became fictionalized, but also nonfiction. It's really so cool and clever and
unique. And that was an awesome episode. Yeah. There's a good show. There was so many
really great episodes. There's a great book that I know you don't read, but maybe you can get in that is fascinating about kind of in a tertiary way
about what we're talking about,
but it's called Anatomy of a Fact.
And they turned it into a play.
I don't think the play was successful,
but it is one of the most fascinating books.
And I read the article that is referenced so it's all
about the exchanges between a guy who wrote an article I can't remember what
it was for maybe Rolling Stone but it was about a suicide at the stratosphere
in Las Vegas. I've jumped off that. You're alive. Yeah.
You jumped off it, but you're alive.
I just can't believe I was there when, where this book is happening.
Well, the article. So I wrote an article.
And it's, it takes place in, it's, the article is great too.
And it's, it delves into like the people in the suburbs of Las Vegas and this mining thing
in midtown that, and this kid basically who committed suicide by jumping off the Strasbourg.
So this guy wrote the article, had to submit it for, go through the general process of
editing and stuff for whoever.
I say rolling stone, I'm not sure who it was.
Maybe it was New Yorker.
I don't know.
And the editor is doing fact checking, just doing his job.
And he's asking, and I've written articles, so I'm familiar with just making sure did
this happen, da, da, da, da, da, with like, just making sure that this happened,
da da da da da da, and just looking to substantiate because he's working for the, you know, people
who are publishing this article and they want to get their facts straight.
And he is writing back like, no, this didn't exactly happen.
I took poetic, you know, artistic license to say it was, you know, and initially it's like just
kind of, you know, this minutiae. Like the hallway wasn't three, you know, the room he was in wasn't
16 by 10. And the guy's like, who gives a shit, you know, whatever. And he's like, well, this is my job. And then it just escalates from there.
And the writer and the editor,
and at various times, you will flip your allegiance.
You'll be like, yeah, he's got a good point.
And then about the other guy, no, he's got a good point.
And then he just goes, and it's a quick read.
It's like, it's not very long.
It's maybe, I don't know, 120 pages.
But it's fucking fascinating.
It's so good.
And you really do at the end of it,
like, I don't know whose side I'm on, you know?
Oh, cool.
It's great, it's really great.
And yeah, anatomy of effect.
But also, like, as a writer,
you know that they have to fact check everything.
They can be sued.
No, it's like, what are we doing here?
I'm telling you, it's it.
You will...
I believe that you will go back and forth with like...
It's like, did you ever see The Staircase, the documentary?
Okay, it's great.
With the owl.
But there are things where you're like, oh, he did it.
No, he didn't do it.
Oh, he did do it.
No, he didn't do it, you know.
All right, Liza, I have to stop talking because I have to do a show in a matter of hours.
Here is my, I end.
Every podcast with a question from my seven-year-old daughter.
Cute. Who said the other day that, or not the other day, but over Thanksgiving, I can't remember
why she said this, but she said pumpkin pie is good for your voice.
I'm not sure that's correct.
I bet it's because it's smooth.
I'm with her.
Yeah, I'm not sure.
But, so here's the question, and this is a pretty simple one, and here we go.
Lisa Trager, am I pronouncing that correctly?
How do you fart?
How do I fart?
In the mornings?
How, H-O-W, how do you fart?
Not when do you fart.
Oh, how? How is different than when? How do you fart? Not when do you fart. How do you fart?
How is different than when?
I don't know.
Oh my God.
I can't believe I'm being stumped by your child.
And I don't know.
Is that how?
No, that's how much.
That's how.
Well, I mean, it could be. I don't I try not to chime in. Is that how? No, that's how much. That's how.
Well, I mean, it could be, I try not to chime in. I'm just, that's the question, you answer it.
And we'll let that be.
How am I farting?
By constantly eating things that I know make me upset.
So that's how I'm constantly farting.
Yeah, that's not the question.
Isn't that not it?
The question is, how do you fart? Let's put emphasis on
How do you fart? How about that? We'll put that emphasis on you. How do you fart?
Okay, is that answering it? I mean
In a sense, I mean you're I hate poop humor to like I'm actually so uncomfortable. I don't even know if it's funny to her
I think I don't like I do not I'm actually so uncomfortable right now. I don't even know if it's funny to her.
I think it's a legit question.
I'm not into poop stuff.
It's really hard.
I talk about cum a lot, piss.
I can talk about lots of fucked up murder shit.
For some reason, poop stuff makes me really uncomfortable.
That's because you're not German.
Oh, like sexually?
Do you want to hear a fucked up fact?
So there's this famous dominatrix and sex worker and she was on a podcast and she was saying when
she's in dominatrix and trigger warning people get upset when I tell them this,
for people listening, but she said- I don't think my audience is gonna-
So basically she said it's always better
when the client eats their shit
because then it doesn't smell.
The worst is when they leave it
because then you have to smell it the whole time.
I'm so sorry, I just came.
I just came in my pants.
I'm gonna have to call this so I can clean up,
run down to Old Navy. All right, Lisa Trager's special night owl. Thank you so much for having me. Netflix. I think we're done.
Oh, you are done. Sense is Working Over Time is a headgum podcast created and hosted by me,
David Cross. The show is edited by Katie Skelton and engineered by Nicole Lyons with supervising producer
Emma Foley.
Thanks to Demi Druchen for our show art and Mark Rivers for our theme song.
For more podcasts by Headgum, visit or wherever you listen to your favorite shows.
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