Serialously with Annie Elise - 7: Heather McDonald Joins To Discuss Latest Jaw-Dropping Cases!

Episode Date: April 24, 2023

Buckle up, true crime besties! Today, we're dissecting the latest headline-grabbing cases with the hilarious Heather McDonald! Heather is a world-famous comedian and host of the hit podcast "Juicy Sco...op." We'll be delving into the nitty-gritty of these cases, from the clues to the possible motives. So sit back, relax, and get ready for a gripping conversation with Heather McDonald on this week's episode of our true crime podcast. Follow Annie: Watch the full episode on YouTube: Today's sponsors: Hello Fresh Go to and use code ae50 for 50% off, plus your first box ships free! Miracle Made Upgrade your sleep with Miracle Made! Go to and use the code AE to claim your FREE 3 PIECE TOWEL SET and SAVE over 40% OFF.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 buckle up and crank up that volume this is serialously with annie elise hey everybody welcome back happy monday we have got a new episode of serialously today and i'm so excited because i have a very special guest here with me today heather mcdonald hit juicy scoop podcast comedian extraordinaire i don know. Can you introduce yourself and tell everyone? Well, I'm best known for probably Juicy Scoop now, which is going, it'll be eight years in July. And it's every Tuesday and Thursday, and it's mostly comedy and pop culture, but I do touch on crime. And I have now a special segment of my Patreon called Juicy Crimes that might become a bigger thing.
Starting point is 00:00:45 But oftentimes I have my sister on who's a criminal defense attorney. So I'm obsessed with – the show is called Juicy Scoop. So it's anything juicy. So the crimes that I'm attracted to are not necessarily serial killers, but they're passion-related, relationship-related, mother-related, stuff that I can relate to in my own life that's what i always was attracted to with like date lines and stuff like if there was a date line about like kind of a wealthy couple that like were married for 20 years and then she like threw it all away to like fuck the dentist i am like oh my god one mistake you know and now yeah someone kills somebody and your whole life is ruined. So
Starting point is 00:01:25 like, that is the kind of juicy stuff that I love. And, and then I'm also a stand up comedian. And I'm, and I'm a headlining comedian. I've had a couple specials and I go on tour and I sometimes do live juicy scoops with other regular comedians that are regulars on my show. And then sometimes we'll just do stand up. Sometimes it's a combo. So perfect. That's the whole deal. And I'm a mother and I'm married and you know, that's it. Well, and I have to tell you guys too, I am a juicy scooper. I listen with my sister here, who's here today. We listen twice a week. We are like loyal to the bone. It is so good. So I'm so excited. So wait, I love this because you guys are sisters and you work together and I'm very close to my sister and this is the husband, right?
Starting point is 00:02:08 That's the husband. Yeah. And, and my husband also, we have our company together as well. Yes. I've heard on a few of your episodes when he's in studio with you. Yeah. Yeah. And yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:19 And so he is all the tech stuff, everything I hate. Like from the moment I met him, I'm like, oh my God, I'm going to, I'm going to marry him because he likes to do everything i hate like from the moment i met him i'm like oh my god i'm gonna i'm gonna marry him because he likes to do everything i hate taxes returning shit um reading directions anything technical you know like seriously he when we were dating this is so long ago because i'm married so long I didn't have an email like it was just becoming a thing and one day I go over to his house and he's like oh hey I got you this I got you an email account and the name and it's Heather Tobias which is his name at and I'm like well I guess now I have to marry you we weren't even engaged but I'm like I don't know how to get a new email account so that's like now you have some extreme grooming okay that now I cannot get
Starting point is 00:03:10 out of hotmail is not a good look though either you know what I still have it if you'd like to send me an email I have a hotmail account too I have you O'Brien listen I have gmails okay I have the real Heather McDonnell Heather McDonnell management those are all gmail that hotmail is never going away never and that's where you get like all the junk mail all the time. It's just, yeah, it's a lifer. But still, if someone's trying to find me from 12 years ago, you can find me. Perfect. Well, so I'm so excited because like you said, you have Juicy Crimes on your Patreon.
Starting point is 00:03:35 Yes. So, and there's a few on your Juicy Scoop podcast. I've heard like the Dirty Jane one. Oh, yes. I was like glued to it. I was like, oh my God, what's happening? So we're going to run through some of the headlines right now. I i'm gonna talk to you about a case that just came out a couple weeks ago too i'd love to get your thoughts on it and we're just gonna kind of roast the dummies in it
Starting point is 00:03:51 and talk about it great okay cool and so um first let's kind of start and just talk through what cases if any are you following right now because there are a lot of trials going on like valo i don't know if you know much about leticia stout but um definitely valo and i'm just i'm just reading some that's happening right now and and how shocking some of the stuff is that was not we were not privy to even with the several documentaries the 48 hours everything i've read um you know how the bodies were found and things like that. Really just shocking. And what a psychopath she is. Literally. That she's just sitting there and like smiling because a psychopath doesn't think they did anything wrong.
Starting point is 00:04:33 No. And the conversation, I heard the tape between she and what's the dude's name? Chad. Chad. Where he's like, yeah, they're like, she's talking to him while he's in prison or whatever and he's like yeah they're on the property and she's like okay like he's clearly trying to say
Starting point is 00:04:50 like they're going to find them yeah um so yes what's the other one Leticia with that one Stelk she killed her stepson 11 years old and she's like that shit crazy I kind of remember that one can you just refresh me yeah so Gannon Stelk is the stepson. He was 11 years old at the time. She stabbed him a bunch of times, 18 times. He didn't die, then shot him in the face. And like her lies after that were really- Where did she, did she say he went missing or ran away?
Starting point is 00:05:17 She said he went to a friend's house and never returned. And was she and the husband the custodial parents or was the bio mom involved? The bio mom was involved a little bit, but he lived with her and his father. And her daughter was there too. She like had texted her daughter, go get me baking soda, cleaning supplies. Not, and the daughter was 17 at the time, didn't understand what was happening.
Starting point is 00:05:38 Did the daughter know then afterwards that? She found out later and then the mom was arrested and now she's on trial. And she has pled guilty, but by insanity. So they're trying to paint that. And was there any reason why they thought that she would be so angry to do such a thing i think it was just that she didn't like being a parent she didn't like the responsibility of kids that were not her own like completely biologically hers and it it was awful it's like yeah and so i mean first of all i'm a stepmother to my oldest child and you know, we have the worst reputation starting with Disney.
Starting point is 00:06:07 You know, I mean, every stepmother is just seen as like. The monster. Yeah. You know, yeah. I mean, you know, Snow White is pretty good. I don't even know what Snow White's. Was the queen Snow White's stepmother too? But I mean, she was a bitch who was jealous of a younger version of herself.
Starting point is 00:06:22 And then also there was Cinderella. Cinderella. That mom was horrific. And Sleeping Beauty was like the godmother was weird yeah it's always just like the you're right the worst the worst the worst and so it's like as stepmothers we're constantly like trying to prove to everybody like we're not evil like we're not trying to take your mom's spot we We just want to be a great person. We just, sorry that we love your dad. Like, fuck, sorry. Like, it is just, and then to have this bitch fucking set us back 2,000 years. Like, this is awful. It's really bad.
Starting point is 00:06:55 Horrific. And her daughter, Harley, is now 20 because it's been three years since the arrest. And she took the stand yesterday. I was listening to, on the drive over up to LA because we stayed in LA last night. I was listening to it and I was just crying. It so sad because she's like I had no idea she was saying her biological dad died I think when she was 15 and she was told her mom told her somebody had come into the house robbed him and then killed him she's like I found out last week as she's testifying that he died of an overdose my mom had lied to me the whole time it's just I thought she
Starting point is 00:07:23 was gonna say which who knows maybe she was feeding him the drugs i mean who knows that she killed him i know i obviously nothing is off limits right even when she was arrested there's a video going around too she was in the back of the cop car she gets out of her handcuffs takes a full unopened monster can and hits the police officer who's in the back seat with her in the face with it and then tries to escape i'm like this bitch is crazy like so how crazy was she playing the role that he like the kid ran off or something it went on for i think it was just a few weeks but they caught on to her quick she like had contacted this company called fake where she sends them the list of questions and how the answer should come through like if she passed or not so then i guess they have something in their system where if you ask
Starting point is 00:08:09 certain questions, it flags it. So when she didn't get the results emailed back to her, she called that audio came into the courtroom and they're like, no, ma'am, like we can't give you this. You know, it's we had to raise it up to our manager. She's just insane and tried to cover her ass a ton. I mean, my favorite is just when people Google stuff. She and she was like that, too. Yeah. Like how what to do with a body? What if you know what to do with a five to female body if you need to cut it into four spots? Like literally there's been guys that are that stupid. Brian Walsh recently did that. Yes. Unbelievable. Yeah, I know. I know. So going quickly to laurie bellow what do you think about that whole case besides the fact that she is a psychopath well just absolutely fascinating
Starting point is 00:08:50 on so many levels fascinating that she is got pretty privileged yeah so she's a pretty blonde girl been married for i think four times um and you know and that she was in like a Mrs. contest. Oh, yeah. I forget what this table was. It's one thing to be in pageants, but then when you're like already married and a mother and you're like, I still need to be the center of attention. Maybe Raquel can do that. I know.
Starting point is 00:09:17 Raquel. Oh, my God. I just saw a video going to Vanderpump. We're going to be hopping around, obviously. Yeah, that's the bigger crime here, Scandival. I feel like your audiences can keep coming. But I just saw her talent in the pageant. What was it?
Starting point is 00:09:32 She jumps on a surfboard and pretends to surf. Is it on a cylinder or anything for balance? No, I don't even think. She's on the floor. Yeah. She's a real idiot. I can't. And, I mean, speaking of defending her, okay, so now people are starting to feel sorry for her.
Starting point is 00:09:49 Who? I don't mean to brag, but I have a Pilates instructor, and we got into it today. Wait, okay. Why does she feel bad for her? And I love the brag. It's not a brag. We love that here. My husband's a boxing instructor.
Starting point is 00:10:02 We love fitness. Anyway, I did convince her though so i could be an attorney too okay so convince the audience okay so she just was like i mean but i mean she is like i don't listen she's 28 years old and i know she comes off as lala would say a bambi died bitch because i don't know what to say it's end of all that's having a party and I'm going. Okay. So she is like that, but she's 28 years old. And five years ago, she went, because she was a fan of Vanderpump.
Starting point is 00:10:35 She went, met, went and followed, started to hang out with James, went to like two more locations to try to seduce him. Became the girlfriend. Got on the show. Once they broke up, she was smart enough to know, just like a real housewife, even if you hate that bitch, you better still film with Teresa Giudice, okay? Because otherwise, you're fucking out, okay? You can't just be like, I hate you.
Starting point is 00:11:00 And that's why when I do hate women in my life, I'm like, hey, Bravo's not paying me. I never see that cunt again. Like, you know, but like if Bravo's paying you, you better be like, can we move past it now? Because I'd like my 500,000. So anyway, so she, so I'm like, she, then now she's single and she's smart enough to know that I got to date somebody within the group. She goes for Peter. She goes for Oliver, Garcelle's son, who's married with a kid. And she goes for Schwartz. When Schwartz doesn't want her,
Starting point is 00:11:31 she's already, she's so hungry for attention. You know, cheaters are all about ego. It's not because their girlfriend isn't pretty enough that they're cheating on. And then Scannable liked her and she probably liked having sex with him and liked the attention. But then she goes on to deceive everyone along with him for seven months in the plan was that
Starting point is 00:11:50 we will get through the season we will he'll go we'll get through the reunion and then during the respite the hiatus if we want to date i mean i know this if we want to date then we'll um then it'll be like oh i you know we just ran into yeah into each other at erwan or you're on and then like and we really connected and now i get to stay on the show now because otherwise you're a single girl why aren't you on hinge or whatever yeah is that a site i think amy is that a site whatever or the one that for the famous people that starts with an r what's that raya raya yeah why don't you go on raya yeah and like because if but if you went on raya and met some cute guy or
Starting point is 00:12:29 if you went on hinge and met an accountant who doesn't want to be on the show that's not going to help you stay on the show yeah she literally pursued four people in the cast she ran the train so yeah so i'm just saying that is not a cotton candy dum-dum no you know You know? Well, and I'm sure you've heard, of course, by now, the conversation that she and Ariana apparently had in the finale episode. Right, right. Where Ariana basically confides to her, you know, I think that Tom is cheating on me. She's like, well, if that comes to be true, like, I'll be there for you.
Starting point is 00:12:57 What a complete psychopath. Well, before it all, everything was coming out. And I'm good friends with Lala. So I'm talking to Lala, like, I'm dying. And I'm like, you know, this has happened to my friends whose husbands have cheated with women they know. And it's, this is why I say it's diabolical because the, there's times where the, the cheating woman, the mistress is consoling the friend. They're like at their kid's sports game. And she's like, I don't know, like, we're just not getting along. He's so distant. And then
Starting point is 00:13:30 the friend keeps asking her like, well, what's going on? Are you having more sex? No, we're really not. Oh, cause she's having sex. She wants to make sure her boyfriend isn't cheating on her with his wife, you know, like, like and she's thinking this is my good friend and so it's like a triple deception it's just so that's and the friends were all deceived yeah the cast was all bad it's so bad but so the laurie vallow yeah so you know she's that kind of a woman also then the religious aspect is really weird. Yes. So weird. Then the podcast aspect. The whole thing is weird. So she starts doing podcasts.
Starting point is 00:14:09 And the fact that she fell for this guy, I can't. Anything about like, anything about, hey, I like, and then she's telling, like, I remember this in one of the specials or documentaries where the girl that was like, she was originally Mormon and then was going to a more extreme thing. And she calls her friend who thought who was sort of religious, too. And she's like, hey, like, I got you on the list. You're one of the 111,000 that can like go to heaven. Like, if you want to hang out.
Starting point is 00:14:35 And she's the girl's finally like, no, but like, where are your kids? And then they go to Hawaii and she's loving the cameras and not caring about. And then the fact that the poor husband gets killed by the brother then the brother mysteriously dies the day after chad's wife's body is exhumed he died the day after i'm like there is there's so much shadiness definitely the brother killed everybody yeah brother killed everybody and also there's foul play with the brother dying i definitely think i agree. And because he knew too much. And for a while in one of those shows, her mom and sister were still like, you know,
Starting point is 00:15:16 sort of protecting her. Well, now no one's there. Nobody. No one's in the trial. No, no. And she also has a son from like the first or second marriage. So he testified today. Oh, okay. And she apparently, people were texting like the first or second marriage. So he testified today. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:15:25 And she apparently, people were texting me because I have a friend who's in the courtroom and she's like, he's testifying and he's pissed off. And she's just smiling at him the whole time, like grinning. I'm like, what? A complete psychopath. I just don't get it. And she tried to get excused out of the courtroom last week when they were showing the photos of the children's bodies because it was extremely graphic. Yeah. judge was like hell no you have to sit through this you can't
Starting point is 00:15:48 like run away now and cry when you haven't been cooperating and all these things and like and let's treat her like a male serial killer because she's a serial killer yeah and you know let's not give her any special thing at all and if anything she's the worst kind of killer because she killed her own yeah and i feel so badly also for the the grandparents of the little boy because they entrusted now i can't remember why why did she and the husband who then also got shot by the brother why did they get custody of of jj who was actually his nephew so because so larry and k had custody the grandparents but then they wanted to kind of put him in a lifestyle where the parents were younger more fit he could have friends his age so it just made sense and so the grandparents were like
Starting point is 00:16:36 here's this loving wholesome family they're lds mormons they're this and that like he'll have a great life so sad is the sister was so good to him she loved being a big sister yeah everybody and colby loved him too it's horrible just being like oh they're demons yeah they're zombies we have to kill them what what are you talking about what are you even talking about that i thought really her defense and we're going to hear her defense but i think the only defense if you if you want to be a defense attorney have any hope is to say she was a victim of a cult leader. Yeah. Brainwash. She was brainwashed.
Starting point is 00:17:09 She was groomed. She was, you know, she was told this. She, once she was told that they were gone, she was really believed they were in a better place. And, you know, and, and that might be able to, well, she's not up for the death penalty. Is she? I think they removed that because there was something with the evidence. But what's interesting is I was asking my good friend, Mike King, who's a former FBI
Starting point is 00:17:30 profiler about this because he's been following it closely too. And I said, originally, Lori and Chad's trials were supposed to be together. Then they severed them. So I'm like, if Lori, whether she gets convicted or not here, how is that going to impact his? Because say if she is exonerated and found not guilty, he's kind of a shoo-in for being guilty no matter what, because they're going to have to have a fall guy. Oh yeah, definitely.
Starting point is 00:17:50 But if she's guilty, then can he bring with his defense, it was all Lori. I had nothing to do with it. Right, I was pussy whipped into murdering her kids so we could spend more time in Hawaii. I know. She told me this. Yeah, I mean, that would be the only defense.
Starting point is 00:18:05 That's the only defense you can do is point the finger at each other. Yeah. But I think they were, you know, my sister, the criminal defense attorney, Shannon McDongold, she's like, sometimes the worst thing is when two psychos get together, whether they meet in prison, whether they meet on the streets, whether they're in a romance. I there's there's a history and i'm sure you've like studied of like romantic couples that kill together or bring in bring in somebody for the guy to like rape but then they kill them together one carla uh the canadian the canadians are the most famous and they killed the girl's sister yep and then they brought in and killed the sister yeah yeah because he was like attracted to her he wanted to take her virginity and she's
Starting point is 00:18:44 like yeah go ahead we'll drug my sister at christmas Yeah. Because he was like attracted to her. He wanted to take her virginity. And she's like, yeah, go ahead. We'll drug my sister at Christmas Eve or whatever it was. And there were two little girls, the Slender Man girls. Oh, yeah. That were like that found that were both mentally ill, both bipolar. They found and there was another one where two girls killed a third of the silver party. And said we'll go on three. Yes.
Starting point is 00:19:04 Yeah. And it truly is that had they not, like the way it worked is like, honestly, had they not been in the same classroom and become friends, they probably wouldn't have come to a place of murder. It's literally that the two, like two horrible people met up. It's unbelievable. Yeah. Okay. So I want to get into this catfish case because I really want to get your case. Okay. So we're going to take a quick little break and then we're going to jump right in. So this is a case that just happened recently and it's a catfishing case, but it's not about like catfishing for love. It's catfishing for murder. So I'm going to read you some of the headlines and we'll just kind of talk through it. So Alaska woman pleads
Starting point is 00:19:42 guilty to killing her friend in a catfishing scheme involving $9 million. Okay. So it says, according to an article from the New York Post, a 22 year old woman named Delani Brenner thought she was in an online relationship with a millionaire named Tyler. But Tyler was really a 21 year old kid named Darren. So have you heard this? I kind of do, but keep with all the explaining. Okay. So back in 2019, in June, Darren, who's from Indiana, offered Denali $9 million to allegedly rape and murder somebody from Alaska and send him videos and photos of her doing it. So this girl thinks she's in this online relationship with this millionaire. And he's like, I really want you to like go rape and kill someone. And then I'll give you $9 million. Go do it. And this girl
Starting point is 00:20:28 doesn't. And she recruits her friends. So she recruited two juveniles to partake in the killing and said that she would pay them out like pieces, parcel the money out. So let me get to this part now. It says, so Denali, a 16- 16 year old named caden and others conspired to kill 19 year old cynthia hoffman who this is really sad who reportedly thought of denali as her best friend and even worse cynthia was reportedly developmentally disabled so they lure their disabled friend in who thinks that this is her best friend and she's plotting and conspiring to kill her and rape her so that she can get this payout from her catfish millionaire boyfriend so they do kill her they
Starting point is 00:21:10 do kill her and then what happened and so apparently they were all like all the kids were driving around smoking weed in anchorage falls thinking what they're going to do with their nine million yeah and like with cynthia and cynthia has no idea what's going on they're all smoking together before she gets before she gets killed. Before she gets killed. Then they park. They all agree to duct tape each other and take photos. Even Cynthia agrees to that for whatever reason, just maybe going along with it. Who knows?
Starting point is 00:21:33 And then they tied up her hands and wrists and covered her mouth with duct tape. So when they removed that, she said she was going to call the police. But then that's apparently when they shot her in the back of the head so that she couldn't call. And then they pushed her body into the river. And then they send the photos to the supposed billionaire or whatever.
Starting point is 00:21:51 Yeah, saying, give me my money. And hi, joke's on you. He's really a 21-year-old kid from Indiana. That was just fucking around. That was just fucking around online. Is that not unbelievable? And so now are they all on trial? They all, yeah, they ended up going um
Starting point is 00:22:06 in the so february of 2023 denali pleaded guilty at the end to fatally shooting her friend and then dumping her body so i think she's the only one because she pulled the trigger that got time nobody else did or they had like reduced sentence yeah so i need to i don't think they've all gone through it yet but it's crazy because i've heard a lot of crazy cases. But like catfishing for love, sure. I've heard of that, which like you're a moron if you're like still getting catfished in 2023, in my opinion. Like there's FaceTime, there's a million things to do. But like for murder with somebody you've never met,
Starting point is 00:22:37 like not that it's okay to murder somebody for somebody you have met. There's so many elements of it. There's the catfish, there's the dating, there's the recruiting people to get them to do something and then there's so and then there's the saddest part is thinking that somebody's your friend yeah and then add that she and then add that she's development developmentally delayed i always remember like what like something that just stuck with me was like the saddest made for TV movie. And I was like a little, first of all, I had no like supervision as far as TV. I remember hearing that.
Starting point is 00:23:08 So I could watch anything. And there was like some really bad made for TV movies when I was young. And I forgot the name of the actor, but he was the star of like Roots. And anyway, there was a movie where he was developmentally delayed. And I think it was also hard of hearing. And he was like in prison and the guys are like hey we want to be your friend and he's like yeah and then they like take him in a room and they raped him i was like saw this at eight anyway it was so sad this is like abc prime time
Starting point is 00:23:38 but it was so sad because i was like his face of thinking that these are his friends and it reminded me of the awful case of the beautiful girl in in Mexico I don't know if it's Cabo where she went with her friends and she and Quella and then they're like oh she drank too much she died and then they're like oh we got an autopsy she has a broken spinal cord and her neck was broken and there's video of a girl beating her up and the guys that they're with filming it and i'm like i think this was a case of i totally think this was premeditated absolutely and i think if people investigate i bet this pretty girl was either seeing the girl who killed her boyfriend or she thought she was or or the boyfriend thought you could could have even said that she was hot and the girl who killed her boyfriend or she thought she was or or the boyfriend thought you
Starting point is 00:24:25 could could have even said that she was hot and the girl didn't even know and she was like oh i'm gonna get this fucking bitch back probably didn't mean to kill her but was hitting her for it and then realized she went too far and she died but here this girl thought these i just don't think there's anything worse than thinking that people are your friends and they're not i agree it's really sad there's a lot of cases too like the gannon stout case that i was talking about at the beginning where it's like not only the friend element but the family imagine being there as a child seeing the person who you love who's protecting you trying to kill you and suffocating you that's like your last moment and your last memory it's like you'd be scared the betrayal you would feel it's horrible
Starting point is 00:25:05 that people take advantage of that and like people's emotions to lure them and to just be I don't know awful to them it's yeah it's so sad and I mean yeah awful so um okay so this girl where are we on this one she's in on trial yeah she's now been convicted for how long life i think she got life yeah i would think so i know but awful um okay so now i know you've heard we talked a little bit before we started recording about this case the only fans case yes courtney clunney slash taylor the only fans model who stabbed her boyfriend and he died and it's been like a huge controversy because right so many people she claims self-defense and she claims grooming, exploitation, all these things.
Starting point is 00:25:47 But then everybody's like, no, they're actually with all the footage and the elevator footage, it shows that you were the one who was like. She was the aggressor. Yeah, absolutely. It was just like, get the hell away from me, you crazy drunk bitch. Yeah. Yeah. And she had said that when she threw the knife, it was from 10 feet away.
Starting point is 00:26:03 And that because he was stabbed in like an artery in his shoulder or like in the chest slash shoulder area. And she originally had said, I threw the knife at him from 10 feet away. And it just happened to stick. And I'm like, OK, I've been to axe throwing places. I know. So with like a kitchen knife with the flimsy blade. I don't think so.
Starting point is 00:26:21 I don't think so. Because there was more than there was. So what was there only one? I think there't think so. Because there was more than – Was there only one stab? I think there was only one. Maybe there was two. He wasn't repeatedly stabbed, but it was just where it got him. But she was trying to say that she threw it, and it stuck in deep enough just in the right place.
Starting point is 00:26:37 I'm like, you're not a professional knife thrower, first of all. That's definitely not. And they proved that's not. I don't know. I think that is going to be – They got to prove beyond a reasonable doubt. Mm-hmm. And I think this is going to be a hard one.
Starting point is 00:26:51 I think that defense has a chance. You do. I do. Even with all the footage that they're bringing, because they have now the elevator footage from like the day before leading up to it and showing her punching him, hitting him, like always being the aggressor. But then on the other hand, this could be like, because I think she's the pretty white blonde girl and he's the black guy too. I think that they don't want to side with her. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:17 Because they want to be like, come on, let's not do another cliche where we don't, know believe the black guy you know i mean i think there could be that element even if it's not discussed among the jurors in their mind of being like no i really want to do what's right but i don't know like i well we haven't heard her defense yet no so once her defense comes if they have some evidence that really there was a toxic relationship or domestic violence on both side or physical stuff or i mean when people are like this hot and this young and your job is only fans i'm sure every fight was you were looking at that girl let me see your phone oh you were cheating or da da da da and it erupts well that's what happened so he went out to and this isn't funny obviously but he went out to get them subway and it was like i think 4 30 in the
Starting point is 00:28:13 afternoon or something like that but he didn't come back till two hours later so she was basically saying like where the hell have you been where you go to fuck some girl and then it just spiraled into you know him being killed right horrible but um yeah so she's claiming that their self-defense she said that he had she also claiming she was very hungry probably hey sometimes i want to do it i would do a lot of things for a foot long i love it i'm a real fucking bitch also what my husband does is he'll take out the app and he'll be like okay what do you want from whatever uber eats and i'll be like, okay, what do you want from whatever Uber eats? And I'll be like, okay, I want the sizzling shrimp bowl, whatever.
Starting point is 00:28:50 And I say it, I'm very specific. And he's like, okay. And then like a chicken burrito comes. I'm like, why did you ask me? Yeah, that seems like an epic fail. Why don't even ask me? They're going to be all excited for what I thought. I'm going to eat it.
Starting point is 00:29:03 But like. I'm still going to eat it. But I want the shrimp bowl god damn it anyway I mean I thank god I'm not a good knife thrower no I've never even gone to one of those axing things are those still a thing I've seen them in every reality show I know I've been once in my life I think it was like four years ago which like it felt like probably the butchiest thing I've ever done in my life like and I wasn't like that and it's like wait and then there's also theiest thing I've ever done in my life. And I wasn't like that. And it's like, wait. And then there's also the other thing I've never done is the mystery room
Starting point is 00:29:30 or get out the escape room. Yeah. I don't think I've done that either. That's got to be turning over. Yeah. Those guys like that real estate's got to be available. Like people are like every I've gone to every escape room. Like every kid's had the 12th birthday. They're like, what else is there? Hey, my husband did make me go to laser tag not too long ago. We used to do laser tag. Is that – yeah, well, yeah. We used to have to go with our sons. Yeah, laser tag.
Starting point is 00:29:53 But not your adult husband. Yeah. Yeah. I still like the Busters. What's it called? Game and Busters. Yeah. Hey, you know what?
Starting point is 00:30:04 I think that's a perfect thing for everybody. You can bring your adult husband. You can just drink and play Mario Kart all day. Yeah, you can have some drinks. I will say I enjoyed the laser tag. Not to roast on too much. And I was number one out of the whole, everybody. Remember paintballing?
Starting point is 00:30:21 What happened with that? I've never been paintballing either. That was a thing. But that was a thing. Yeah. I wonder if that's still around. I don't either. That was a thing. But that was a thing. Yeah. I wonder if that's still around. I don't know how we got onto this. Oh, the ax throwing.
Starting point is 00:30:29 OK. OK. Let me move along. OK. So now we're going to talk about Megan Boswell. OK. And let me fill you in on this case. She's being referred to as the Casey Anthony 2.0, which after that, I want to get your
Starting point is 00:30:40 thoughts on the peacock special that Casey did. Oh, I saw that too. Yeah. Because it's like, I have a lot of opinions of that but um let me go through Megan Boswell so it's been about three years now and it was her 15 month old daughter Evelyn and an amber alert was issued and she was missing the grandfather had contacted police saying I haven't seen my granddaughter Evelyn since Thanksgiving it's now February um her mom my daughter is lying like I can't figure out what the truth is because Megan was saying she's with a nanny.
Starting point is 00:31:06 She's with my mom. She's with all these people. And nothing was obviously true in any of this. Zanny the nanny. Zanny the nanny. Exactly. So and Megan's a teenager herself. So that's obviously a red flag.
Starting point is 00:31:17 So how old was she when she had her? Like only 15, I think. Must have been 15 or 16. Yeah, very young. And so Evelyn's like the cutest little girl in the world i wish i had a picture but 15 months old so she did all of these bizarre interviews where she was doing you know kind of the telltale things pleading like she loved baby shark she did this talking in past tense a lot but being like i just want her home then the next interview she's
Starting point is 00:31:41 like well i know who took her and i can't say who, but I'm going to have to tell the police to come do their job. Like if they can't figure out like very weird, like cryptic, kind of like Casey did when she's like, yeah, she's with Zanny. Then she with all these things. But then and this is where it gets bad. They ended up, of course, finding Evelyn's body. It was tightly wound in a blanket with aluminum foil around it and stuffed into a trash can inside a playhouse on the family property. That was a playhouse that was built for Megan as a child. Once they did the autopsy, Evelyn was stuffed in there still alive. And when they pulled her out, her head was a bit bent, had been shoved in so tight.
Starting point is 00:32:20 Her head was bent back so far that the back of her head was touching her spine. I know. It makes me sick thinking about about it so how long was she gone for um they didn't find her for i want to say it was since the since the grandpa said it oh so but she had been missing from like oh so for all those months it wasn't the police weren't looking for her when she was in the play thing not until they started to do like a real investigation and realize like and then they shortly found her after on the property yeah i know and now megan's in jail obviously facing all these charges but her trial keeps getting pushed back so now she's not even going to trial until february 2025 uh and what so but she's behind the bars yeah she's behind bars and her mom was arrested too not for participating in any of it but her mom was like a criminal as well was like robbing her mother's house and with her boyfriend.
Starting point is 00:33:09 Probably like a drug addict. Yeah, all these just all bad, all bad. And Megan had been trying to blame the biological father where he was actually stationed away the entire time, which that didn't make sense, but just lie after lie. So everybody's calling her, of course, Casey Anthony 2.0 because of that, just because of the lying. So that brings me to the Peacock documentary. Yes. What did you think about the documentary and about her saying that her dad killed Kaylee and that he was like sexually abusive
Starting point is 00:33:35 and all of these things when she was a child? Do you believe it? And I know we don't want to like shame anybody or like say we don't believe you. I remember that was the surprise defense at the end that it was him and that she was molested and that uh the drowning happened but in watching it i thought it was crazy because i saw like rosie o'donnell afterwards that was like i believe her and i'm like and you know you watch these documentaries and I'm like, I mean, I single handedly think like Netflix docs has like ruined like religion for everybody.
Starting point is 00:34:10 Like you see now and you're like, I don't even think like, how could I go to church anymore? Like, it's just like you watch these things and you're just kind of like, so obviously they were going to do a narrative to keep you interested. If the narrative was everything we've already seen, that she clearly is guilty, then it wouldn't be interesting. So she tells her story, but there's all these holes. And I think the biggest hole was when she said, and then I woke up from the nap and my daughter wasn't next to me. And I look for her and my dad's holding her and she had fallen into into the water and he's like,
Starting point is 00:34:48 don't worry, I'll fix her. And I'm like, well, then what were you, you, you never asked your dad, like, how's the Pinocchio doctor doing? Like, did you literally like, where did she go? Like you didn't, you know, oh, well I'm taking her to the special doctor and I was so dumb. And I mean, there was no explanation of why you would believe your dad there was no part where he said now remember if you tell anybody about the I mean even if she would have like if this was the lie I would have needed to hear after that he was like listen she's gone but like play along or I'm gonna fucking kill you there wasn't any so it's like do I think he was a cheater weird dad yes i do were the parents kind of odd did they so weird did they obviously cherish their granddaughter more than their daughter
Starting point is 00:35:33 because it was their second chance to have like a perfect little angel yes like all of that makes sense and is the guy that she's currently working for the investigator who believes her yeah because if he if he chose not to believe now, he chose to believe her and that's that. He believes her. And like, sometimes you just don't want to know. Like, you know, if you, and so I, no, I 100% think, and I've always thought this, and I think that she didn't have a sitter for the night. And I think she used to use Benadryl or something like that to get her daughter down. And I think she overdosed her.
Starting point is 00:36:14 And then I think in hiding the body, she tried to sort of make it look like possibly somebody else did it. But she was so dumb and it was all stuff from the house. And then what about like her lying saying where she worked at Disney World and then the nanny like just covering her tracks? Well, that is such an interesting thing because people that are pathological liars, whether they're your daughter or they're your boyfriend and they're cheating, they'll like lie about stuff unnecessarily. They'll be like, oh, I had pizza for lunch.
Starting point is 00:36:46 And, but they really had a Subway sandwich. And you're like, but why? There was no reason. There was no point. It's like, they just lie. They just lie. And they're, they're so comfortable lying. And yeah. And I mean, you know, I, lying about having a place to go and a job that made her sound successful. And I work at Universal and this and that. And then what did you think about the tattoo? Oh, God. I mean, there's no- The living life. Yeah, the good life and dancing on tables. There's no way you're worried about your daughter and hoping that your father's like fixing her and getting your party you're waiting that she was gone and then because she's a psychopath in order to compartmentalize and get her through it she was like she's in a better place and i'm gonna live my life and i don't know when i'm gonna have to answer to this but in the meantime I want to go you know
Starting point is 00:37:46 dance on tables and and have this tattoo and but also at that time she was stealing from people I was just gonna say and write bad checks she was writing bad checks so it's very entitled that she could steal from her grandmother she could steal from her roommate and the fact that they said that she was a really good mom and really into the kid i believe that too i believe that she did love the kid i don't believe she meant to kill her but once she did with these type of psychopaths they never will take her responsibility so then they just try to like make the best of it and they're going to blame somebody they're going to blame my mom who said she couldn't babysit my dad who whatever and um and i don't i i don't i do not believe that she was molested i don't believe she was molested by the brother or the dad and i truly
Starting point is 00:38:34 think it came to her being with probably so many sexual abuse victims in prison and because that happens too i remember like years ago um you know there was a there was a time when like every in the 80s where everybody thought they were abused because you'd go to therapy or you and then you like watch all these movies about like kids being abused then you would go to bed and have a dream and you might dream that you were abused that's because you saw it on tv like it doesn't mean that it happened and so i think like she might have dreamt it being that she's like in this horrible prison situation and then convinced herself of this story and then her defense team was like this is the only hope for this chick but the defense attorney she then later on went on to say that the defense attorney and her fucked
Starting point is 00:39:25 did you know that i didn't know she ever confirmed it jose it was her that was her story that got out that that's why he wants nothing to do with her that's why he wasn't part of the doc in my understanding allegedly this is what i recall reading is that's why he wasn't part of the doc because he was like and you know yeah he used that as a defense because that was the only defense yeah um but i i don't think that they were dating after you know or whatever but i also think and tell me what you think i could have been a coping mechanism the way she like kind of shut off and kept partying doing all that but what i found really interesting is not only
Starting point is 00:40:05 that she was trying to blame the father but there were parts of that doc where she would immediately show emotion like when she parked out front of the apartments and she would almost be angry about the lie she told but like not angry with herself she'd be like and that's the apartment where i said that zanny lived and you know how that went like or like it to where i'm like you're the one that told the lie yeah what are you even talking about right now and part of me which it's probably an unpopular opinion guys but I think part of the reason I think she went so hard with that narrative in this documentary too is because of the climate we've been in the last few years with so many people you believe first you ask questions later which I understand to an extent maybe sure but like I think she was
Starting point is 00:40:44 like I need to paint myself as the victim. I need to use this as a crutch because it's now the me too time. And I can get- Well, definitely any, even if you're just like a celebrity that's fallen on some unpopular times, like just all of a sudden people kind of like
Starting point is 00:40:58 lost interest in you, became a little less relevant. People thought you were a bitch or whatever. And then you go, okay, what's the thing that can get people to oh wait this is the worst thing that happened in my childhood um i'm going to talk about this time a relative died or whatever and then and then you redeem yourself and then everyone feels sorry for you and everyone relates to that and then it's like and then you can move on from that so it's even like with the recovery thing comes back to sandoval sandoval raquel but it was like when this was all starting i'm
Starting point is 00:41:29 like she's gonna either say she was i if they don't stay stay together she's either going to take the thing of like i was groomed i was convinced by this 40 year old man and da da da if that isn't the case she's gonna go leave me alone i'm going to a mental facility and what she went to miraval which is not a mental facility no it's where housewives go to burn some sage yeah it like is not that and and then he did you see what he just did his post he's mad because miraval posted like their bar yeah and it was and they took a line from the theme song and um he was like how dare you let people know that i've been here probably they shouldn't have done that but it was already out that they were both going but now i'm confused do they are they
Starting point is 00:42:18 both there are they not there or is he screwing billy lee did you see that my god billy lee i fucking can't i mean when you when you get to a place where billy lee did you see that my god billy lee i fucking can't i mean when you when you get to a place where billy lee emerges like the thirstiest scannable's only friend i don't even i don't even think she slept there's pictures of her supposedly wearing the same outfit leaving his house in valley village because ariana was still away or whatever coachella i wouldn't put it past billy lee to call the paparazzi he's like hey Sandoval let's hang out and he's like okay and they hang out and then I
Starting point is 00:42:50 could see her literally going home and then like coming back around and going through like a back alley in Valley Village and then acting like she slept over because I do not believe Sandoval wants to screw Billy Lee no and she's now doing
Starting point is 00:43:05 interviews with entertainment tonight like giving her so excited you know what she's what she's doing right now though what trying to be a stand-up you're lying you're like can i have one fucking thing in this world okay we're gonna take a quick break i don't know if you've noticed this but what i feel like i've noticed too is that a lot of the gen z-ers who maybe weren't around when the trial first was big and are just here saying they're the ones who do believe her and have something very similar to the menendez brothers i don't know if you've seen that i know all about the wherever but now like that whole generation is basically and i don't know what the truth really was but they're all saying they were abused they're innocent this and that i 100 believe they were fully abused you did by the dad yes wow and
Starting point is 00:43:47 they also were like fuck these this asshole we're gonna fucking kill him and we're gonna get our money yeah and we hate our complicit mom but i totally believe they were molested for a number of reasons oh my god that's awful one of the things that isn't really well known is there was this group called Menudo. Oh, yeah. I know. The boy band. The boy band.
Starting point is 00:44:08 And they would replace them as they got older. What? They were all supposed to be like 15, 16. So the minute that they aged out, they're out. And it was this Mexican-like Backstreet Boys. The Menudo's dad was like, he was in the music industry and he was connected to that. And it's now come out that those boys were totally molested by management and stuff the the menudo boys and menudo boys wow oh god and also there were stuff with the relatives and stuff that certain relatives that said like
Starting point is 00:44:40 this you know there's certain families and machismo and stuff where and certain cultures where molesting the boys. It's like, I don't know. It's it's it's, you know, generational and it's accepted. It was a really sick thing. And the fact that so I mean, I believe, I think two things can be true. I think they were molested. I think it really fucked them up. I think the dad was really awful and mean and powerful.
Starting point is 00:45:18 And then I think they also were entitled rich brats from Beverly Hills who like stole from houses, didn't want to study when they got to college. And together again, two people coming together being like let's do this together yeah probably just fueling each other through the stories and like hyping each other up to do it and like you know i don't believe they thought they were going to be killed that night absolutely not they had a plan to kill them but the reason for killing them is because they fucking had it and they also were like we're gonna have a fun life once this asshole is killed well didn't they start like spending right away weren't they buying like rolexes and wait what it was a new hot spot at the time right there it's still in beverly hills did they really go to cheesecake factory
Starting point is 00:46:01 it was a cheesecake factory a lot but they they also got Rolexes and they, yeah, all that kind of stuff is true. And they were, you know, and they bought it at the Big Five and you know, they got the guns there. I mean, yeah, I'm not, I mean, 100%, I don't believe that they thought it was going to be us or them. That was their defense.
Starting point is 00:46:20 And, you know, the famous, at the time, the defense attorney was a woman and she put them in sweaters to make them look younger even at this time oh here's a juicy story okay okay just remembering so i am like whatever in my 20s and i'm in the theater growling theater and my friend is this gay guy and he like manages the chateau marmont and he's like what are you doing tonight do you want to come to the suite and i had the suite for the night and it's the like houdini suite where he like lived whatever so we go there i'm like fun and there's this really cute
Starting point is 00:46:55 guy and he's like a sitcom regular on jenny mccarthy sitcom okay okay so we're getting drunk and whatever and he starts to tell me they came out here you know from chicago with his girlfriend who was like like a secretary or whatever and they're out here and he's pursuing acting and every day he came home and she'd be watching the menendez trial and all of a sudden the phone rings and it's like will you accept a call from wherever some prison and it was like i can't remember if it was eric or lyle her name was anna you look it up there's an anna menendez or something like it's something with an an and and there and he's like what and then it was
Starting point is 00:47:38 she wrote one of them pursued him fell in love with him while he's trying to be an actor. Oh, my God. So she ends up leaving the boyfriend who's supporting her and burying one of the Menendez brothers. Oh, my God. And then she finds out he's cheating on her. How? Well, they couldn't even fuck they didn't even yeah i was gonna say conjugal visits with a guy but no no other people other chicks love prison
Starting point is 00:48:13 i love there are a lot of people who are so obsessed with women who are who want to date prisoners and you know why because we're so fucked up they're like you know what this guy has all day to write me letters and tell me how great i am my other boyfriend has to work all day you know i know where this fucker is i have a date every sunday and he's thrilled to see me that's what you get you know when you date a prisoner there's i agree that's a great that's a perk yes the time and the attention and the attentiveness but there are a lot of women who are like oddly obsessed with chris watts which i don't like sickly obsessed with him so then so he um so anyway she finds out that some other girl is coming and writing to him and stuff so then she is like i'm out and then like i saw her interviewed once and she was like
Starting point is 00:49:06 i mean he deceived our friends just like sandoval he deceived our friends i'm like what friends were you having a dinner party with like the phone in the middle yeah i'm like oh we have a couple's dinner tonight like what you're you're doing life you're never they're never ever going to get out how would even meet the friend that makes no sense the only thing i thought was cruel unusual punishment as a mother of two boys is that they couldn't be put in the same prison together that is where i thought they were fucked that at least let them be together i see that but at the same time i feel like if they were together wouldn't they conspire to escape or do something like couldn't they be more toxic i don't know i don't know i just thought it was mean it is mean
Starting point is 00:49:43 it is mean but i mean i'm sure they were like yeah then they had to like play chess that it would take like a year to like play the game because i'd have to like do it through the mail and i was just like i mean even if listen even if it's a hard knock even if my two boys could like conspire and kill me you'd want them to be in prison together yeah and at least that's a good mom i did something together when you have two two of the same kind you hope that they're best friends. Like you guys are. Well, no. I die whenever you're on your podcast and you talk about your son is the spare. It kills me. You're like, I got my spare.
Starting point is 00:50:12 Yes. Oh, my God. You're a good mom. The spare and the spare. Yeah, the spare. Okay, the Chris Watts thing. Yes. Do you think that the girl who, the girlfriend, whatever her name was. Nicole.
Starting point is 00:50:23 Nicole, who went into witness protection. Do you think she was part of it? Have you seen those YouTube conspiracies where you see part of her ponytail? The ponytail in the driveway and all that? I do. I don't know that she was involved in the murders or the disposal necessarily. Maybe, like, I don't know if she was planning, if they planned it together or had a hand in it.
Starting point is 00:50:43 But I think she definitely knows more than she was saying yeah i think she was there that night or into the early morning hours because remember her phone was pinging at like the tower that was right by the house not by her work then she mysteriously didn't clock in that day and said she just like there was so much so many red flags throughout her version of the truth that didn't make sense i actually thought that um raquel should go into witness protection she probably should for the same reasons that that nicole girl should i like and i think that was smart but i think i think she was involved how involved we don't know i think she gave everybody enough info that they're like we got the guy i mean he did admit it he admit it. They got the dad to come in and make him admit it.
Starting point is 00:51:27 The thing that I saw most interesting about him is where this guy said he's a beta male, which I never really understood. Whenever people talk about alpha males and beta males, I really didn't understand what it is. I don't either. So an alpha male is like a guy that's like, I'm the man. I'm the head of the household. This is me. And that's like, I'm the man. I'm the head of the household. This is me. And that's how I've lived my whole life.
Starting point is 00:51:49 And that's been my role the whole life. And then there's guys that are beta males. It doesn't mean that they're a bad man. But they're more accepting of their partner like being the leader. Like, and they said. Are you an alpha or a beta? It's a beta. It doesn't necessarily mean like my husband is definitely an alpha yeah and everyone thinks i'm like this badass bitch i'm
Starting point is 00:52:12 like are you not no i don't know i heard the story you told about when they were on the ski trip and you had to call your son to verify that they were allowed to eat the donuts because you didn't believe peter or something when the VRBO people. I called Drake because I said, I think that you pissed off the people when you ate the donuts. What happened was they went and got a VRBO on a trip I didn't go to because otherwise I'm like, I'm finally put down my foot. Oh my God, Peter, my husband is inherently cheap. And he called me, he went to some Vegas thing. It was some Vegas thing for like audio equipment cameras i don't know he went he kind of went a little bit sick and he called me and he goes oh my god do you know how much water is now in vegas i go what are you talking about
Starting point is 00:52:56 i go you mean in the hotel room and he goes yeah and i go well if it's in the fridge and you barely touch it you're gonna be charged but then sometimes they have a bottle of water and they're like free or it's like eight dollars and he goes well i mean i was just you know i have this cold i was just so thirsty i was so thirsty and i just didn't know you know and he's like and i thought about he thought about leaving his hotel he's deathly sick and going to cbs he finally just and i'm like why do we work so hard like just get the water but it's a real hard thing when you've been like cheap your whole life and it's rubbed off on me like it's very hard for me to be like girl you know get that appetizer you're gonna be okay and you don't have to finish it you fat fuck like you could just have a couple bites but it's taking a long time to get there so he he it was like guess how much i'm like 12 dollars
Starting point is 00:53:47 he's like 25 what the bellagio now it must have been a big one like a boss or something but like it might have been glass i don't know probably it was 25 dollars that is outrageous he left vegas early his whole trip is ruined fuck the convention i'm out here okay but he's an alpha that was the point he's an alpha anyway so the beta thing was this guy was saying i think chris watts was a beta and he kind of got and i do think i think a big part of it is that she got sucked into that mlm i was obsessed with the fact sadly shauna or shana the victim shenan shenan that she was part of like a fucking mlm with these patches the thrive patches the vegetable and it's like come on girl and how much they harass you i'm interviewing this girl in may that wrote a book about it oh about mlm in general and it's called good going to be good. You know, hey, hon. Like, you know how they tell, like.
Starting point is 00:54:45 Be a boss, babe. Yeah, the boss, babe. The whole thing and the pressure. And then they say, now make sure you, like, fake it till you make it. You make sure that everything on Facebook. So they were living way beyond their means. Even though he was making a nice living for what he was doing in that town, because she was putting so and then
Starting point is 00:55:06 she gets pregnant again while he's already having an affair with someone else so he's not happy and yeah and i also and that was like the like like it was just a weird interesting dynamic of like analyzing him but i mean i just felt I mean it's just so horrible when you think about and he has like dropped a ton of weight so I think he got like really confident then he had this like girl who was she was like offering him anal like it was the whole thing yeah Nicole was yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah anal couldn't get you kill your wife yeah kill your wife get in that house kill your wife and there was always like a detail about that case it bothered me i know is um their unborn child they named him nico nico i didn't like that there was something weird and maybe it's me just being
Starting point is 00:55:59 super pessimistic no you know what that reminded me of remember the maroon five oh yeah that scandal that he was screwing this girl named sumner and then he dm'd her and was like hey we're expecting our third baby thinking about the name sumner is that weird or whatever yeah yeah it's weird i used to work for automovie actually really yeah i did him and biotti's clothing line. So. I just love that he was just like went to like the most expensive school in Brentwood, private Brentwood school
Starting point is 00:56:30 and then he's like, California! You guys are all like badass. Like you are not in a gang in Brentwood. You fucking loser. But he is, I do like his songs. But whatever.
Starting point is 00:56:40 I don't think I like him. Didn't somebody say it's like all elevator music now? I like it. Remember how we get so, why why are people so mean about Nickelback? So mean about Nickelback. That became like, like, like a solid joke for so long. And I'm like, I don't change the channel when it comes on. So what does that make me? Hey, Nickelback has some good tunes. I'm not mad at it yeah um okay so now I have some rapid fire true crime questions for you this is a new thing that I do on all the segments whenever we have a
Starting point is 00:57:14 guest so it's just something fun not to take it too seriously just go okay all right how long you have to explain okay who do you think killed John Bonet? I do still think it is the brother. And why do you think that? Brother, do not sue me. This is my alleged thought. Because he went after all those people that did... I think it comes down to the, you know, you took my fucking pineapple. I think that he didn't mean to.
Starting point is 00:57:40 And I think he hit her. And then they saw it. And they panicked because they were like, we're not going to like lose our son too. And I don't even think he knows. What about the like mystery DNA that didn't match him that they found? Because that's something that everybody's like caught up on. But I still think Brooke too.
Starting point is 00:57:58 Okay, you know what? Maybe it isn't the brother. I hope it's not the brother. I hope it's not the brother too. I think it absolutely could be a weirdo just like the um Elizabeth Elizabeth Smart yeah like I totally believe that I never thought it was the parents I did think for a while maybe the parents were covering up for the boy yeah um but I don't think it's the parents I don't think so either but the fact that like the ransom note was written on the
Starting point is 00:58:22 kitchen notepad and like and there it seems but i do think you could have grabbed a notepad and it could have been someone that worked there could have been i don't know like that's one of the questions i'll ask jesus what i mean because i would like to know okay what's a recent case that has bothered you or like that you didn't appreciate the verdict on or that you were like what kind of moron would say that person's not guilty can't be casey anthony obviously a recent one that bothered me or that you like couldn't believe i don't really i can't think of one sorry that's all right that part out i just i can't think of one that like where i was like absolutely no i mean i think they got the murder on murders right yeah and do you think that and i think that the you know i think and the amber
Starting point is 00:59:05 heard case the amber heard case was a little bit where people thought i was a sympathizer to amber heard i wasn't i was more like about the defamation and i kind of really felt like the fact that she wrote the article and the other people published it and then you know how far it got into it and then it was and they made the jurisdiction not california if it was in california she would have had a better case but um you know i do think she's shit in the bed i think she's shit in the bed too yeah that case was such a shit show no pun intended um okay so if you had to move a body yes who would you call oh my god probably my son drake oh he's the biggest strongest and i definitely think he
Starting point is 00:59:53 would help me out providing it's not his dad okay all right fair enough uh do you think brian laundry's parents knew that he killed gabby yes yeah especially with the note I mean a hundred percent and I don't know what to say about that I don't know what it's like to have to be a mother of someone who is either you know mass shooter kills his girlfriend you know I know a family where um the guy the girlfriend and he broke up and he went and like killed the girlfriend oh my gosh and they would all visit him in prison and they were like very religious and it's just a horrible thing to be it doesn't mean that you were a bad parent i mean you know what i mean so it's like so if i i just i don't i don't know i mean I feel badly that they didn't like let the parents know sooner instead of having them search but I also just feel like I do think it's weird that they're trying to
Starting point is 01:00:53 sue the city for saying because they're like well if she actually hit him why didn't you arrest her and I'm like okay come on these cops are 25 years old like I just don't believe that it was their fault right because at the same time he did say go go away and call your parents and she didn't call the parents and I understand why she didn't because that's what it is when it's domestic violence and stuff but I knew the minute I mean I knew the minute I heard that they were engaged but then they broke off the engagement that they still stayed together I'm like that makes no sense that makes no sense because why wouldn't you just say we're staying engaged we're just not gonna get married for like three years yeah but why would you say we're no longer engaged that tells me like you like you're done with him but he's begging you to go on this trip yep and um but i
Starting point is 01:01:39 you know we still don't know who killed the lesbians no they did find the guy oh who was who was that? Who was it? It was like some random, but it wasn't connected. No, I didn't think it was him. Yeah, it was some random. But yeah, so I feel like, yeah, I think they knew and they just didn't know how to deal with it.
Starting point is 01:01:56 And, you know, but there was no evidence that they were trying to like get him to like run away to Mexico. Like, no, like get out. Oh, I know the one Lacey Peterson. Oh, okay. I can talk about Lacey Peterson. Why? What bothers you about that?
Starting point is 01:02:14 And Betty Broderick for the rest of my life. Betty Broderick. So good. Wait. So what bothers you about Lacey Peterson? I still am not 100% convinced it was Scott Peterson. a lot of people think that yeah yeah a lot of people think that because there were like a string of robberies in the neighborhood right and like there was and i do think there's people who don't kill their wife and when she goes missing or is dead could be a little happy about it and was like well this is a nice this is a nice coinketing
Starting point is 01:02:47 people are going to be in your comments they're going to talk about the boat and the concrete and all that but there is a lot that makes me wonder it wasn't a nice area there were other women missing there were women the latino women non-white women that just didn't get any press that were pregnant and missing oh i didn't even know that yes oh maybe we need to just so i do think there is something to it and i don't also blame him for trying to go to mexico yeah your life's over you're like yeah at that point you're over you can go to mexico or you can kill yourself or unalive yourself why can't we say that i honestly i know youtube is even worse you can kill yourself or unalive yourself. Why can't we say that? I honestly, I know YouTube is even worse. You can't say there's so much you can't say. But like that word, it's so stupid. But it is a vocabulary word. I know. It's been used forever. I know. It's,
Starting point is 01:03:35 we were talking about that earlier today. Take it out. I don't know. No, it's fine. But like, to say unalive, like as if that makes it any better i don't know i know it's really stupid i agree well speaking of like fleeing and going to mexico what do you think raquel should do what's your next move be um i honestly don't think she'll be asked back you don't i think that he will doesn't care enough about her at all they're not even committed right now but they will not get rid of him he has his connection to the two bars with tom schwartz and he will try to redeem himself i know all of them hate him and really don't want to fuck with him at all but they will keep him around and but i there's no way they can keep
Starting point is 01:04:27 both of them unless they were actually dating yeah there's no story the only way they could stay together and people to forgive them is if she got pregnant with this baby that's the only way because then people would be like you know what there's an innocent child even though it started out of deception it was meant to be. And then people could forgive it and like embrace that she's a mother. So if she wants to stay on the show, she has got to get knocked, get off the pill, trap and screw her and then put her legs up for 45 minutes. Perfect. Beautiful. You know what? And that's a great place to wrap this up. So while her legs are up in the air for 45 minutes,
Starting point is 01:05:05 can you let everybody know all things Juicy Scoop, where to find you, what the deal is? The show is Juicy Scoop. It's also on YouTube. Please subscribe to my channel. Yes. And so you can watch it as well every Tuesday and Thursday. I also have an incredible Patreon,
Starting point is 01:05:20 which is every Friday. And then there's another tier that is just a couple dollars more. And that's two juicy crimes every month with different people from defense attorneys to Matt Murphy I've had on my show and Dr. Drew and whatnot. And then, and then it get me behind Gates level,
Starting point is 01:05:37 which is like my most personal, like juicy, like celebrity stuff. So that's all there. And then my live show is also, just go to to join the patreon to see the youtube and then all my shows and i've got vegas may 27th which will be a live juicy scoop with spencer pratt we're gonna do hollywood conspiracy theories and illuminati
Starting point is 01:05:57 and shit like that which he knows about and we've got uh with chris pandrella and justin who are two great comedians i have a humphries by the Bay in San Diego, which is my biggest venue. So I need people to come. That's in June. Get your tickets, go ahead. That's in June. Napa in July. Irvine Improv, which you guys will come to in August.
Starting point is 01:06:19 And then a bunch of theaters on the East Coast in August too. Great. So everything's at Oh, and San Francisco and Sacramento. I can't believe I remembered them all, but whatever. Good job. I love that. Who cares? We love it. All right, guys. So you just heard it from Heather herself, where to follow her, where to find her, everything she has coming up. So do me a favor and go quickly give her a follow on Instagram and subscribe to her YouTube page for Juicy Scoop, where you can see all of her podcast episodes in video format and make sure you
Starting point is 01:06:45 let her know in the comments that you came from this channel and that you are a tend to lifer or you are a serialist listener and give her some love because we absolutely love heather and we want to support her as a group thank you so much for coming and thank you everybody for listening to another episode of serialist lee and i will see you next Monday. All right, bye.

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